How to use OpenXM/Risa/Asir
(a distributed system for computational mathematics)?


  1. tar xzvf openxm-head.tar.gz
  2. (cd OpenXM/src ; make configure ; make install)
  3. (cd OpenXM/misc ; make )
  4. Copy the shell file OpenXM/misc/asir to any place in your command search path. For example, execute the command
    cp OpenXM/misc/asir /usr/local/bin as the root.

How to use OpenXM/Risa/Asir?

  1. Type in asir , then you can start OpenXM/Risa/Asir.
  2. Manuals can be found in OpenXM/doc or at (documents) or you can find the manual by inputting fctr asir in the search field of google

$OpenXM: OpenXM/misc/packages/Windows/Readme-CD/readme-unix-en.html,v 1.1 2002/08/10 07:05:48 takayama Exp $