/* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir-port/cgi/webasir2.c,v 1.5 2014/09/01 02:41:48 takayama Exp $ */ /* -(httpd-asir2.sm1) run webasir2 >log 2>&1 - Todo, timer(limit, command, message) implement in sm1. - Example. webasir2 --asir 'oxMessageBody=1%2B3%3B' - Example. webasir2 --asir '3-2' - Error handling is not completed. Run src/kan96xx/Doc/httpd-asir2-kill.sh by cron. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SIZE 0x10000 #define MKEY "oxMessageBody=" char *byteArrayToUrlEncoding(char *s,int size); static int cgiHex(int p); char *urlEncodedStringToString(char *s); int Debug=1; int SetTimer=0; int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int dataPort; struct hostent *servhost; struct sockaddr_in dServer; FILE *fp; char s[1]; char fname[SIZE]; int i,j,c; char key[SIZE]; char comm[SIZE]; char asircomm[SIZE]; int quit; char workf[SIZE]; quit = 0; asircomm[0] = 0; for (i=1; i SIZE-3) { fprintf(stderr,"error, too big input.\n"); return(-1); } } } else { usage(); return(0); } } sprintf(workf,"/tmp/tmp-webasir-%d.txt",(int) getpid()); sprintf(comm,"ls /tmp/webasir*.txt >%s",workf); system(comm); fp = fopen(workf,"r"); if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed ls\n"); return(-1); } fgets(fname,SIZE-2,fp); for (i=strlen(fname)-1; i>=0; i--) { if (fname[i] <= ' ') fname[i]=0; else break; } fclose(fp); if (strlen(fname)==0) { if (Debug) fprintf(stderr,"No webasir2 pid file.\n"); if (Debug) {fprintf(stderr,"No webasir2 is running. Start server.\n");} startServer(); sleep(5); system(comm); fp = fopen(workf,"r"); if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to start the server.\n"); return(-1); } fgets(fname,SIZE-2,fp); for (i=strlen(fname)-1; i>=0; i--) { if (fname[i] <= ' ') fname[i]=0; else break; } if (strlen(fname) == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to start the server. No webasir2 pid file.\n"); return(-1); } fclose(fp); } fp = fopen(fname,"r"); if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"Open error of %s\n",fname); return(-1); } mylock(fname); fgets(key,SIZE-2,fp); sscanf(key,"%d",&dataPort); if (Debug) printf("dataPort=%d\n",dataPort); fgets(key,SIZE-2,fp); for (i=strlen(key)-1; i>=0; i--) { if (key[i] <= ' ') key[i]=0; else break; } if (Debug) printf("key=%s\n",key); fclose(fp); sprintf(comm,"rm -f %s",workf); system(comm); if ((servhost = gethostbyname("localhost")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"bad server name.\n"); return(-1); } /* Connecting to the data port */ bzero((char *)&dServer,sizeof(dServer)); dServer.sin_family = AF_INET; dServer.sin_port = htons(dataPort); bcopy(servhost->h_addr, (char *)&dServer.sin_addr,servhost->h_length); if ((dataPort = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0)) <0) { fprintf(stderr,"socket allocation is failed.\n"); } if (Debug) fprintf(stderr,"Trying to connect port %d ",ntohs(dServer.sin_port)); if (connect(dataPort,(struct sockaddr *)&dServer,sizeof(dServer)) == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"error: cannot connect\n"); }else{ if (Debug) fprintf(stderr,"Connected\n"); } if ((strlen(asircomm)==0) && (!quit)) {myunlock(fname); outputTop(); return(0); } /* If the input is MKEY=..., extract ... */ if (strncmp(asircomm,MKEY,strlen(MKEY))==0) { strcpy(comm,&(asircomm[strlen(MKEY)])); strcpy(asircomm,comm); strcpy(asircomm,urlEncodedStringToString(asircomm)); if (Debug) fprintf(stderr,"oxMessageBody, asircomm=%s\n",asircomm); } if (SetTimer) { strcpy(comm,asircomm); for (i=strlen(comm)-1; i>=0; i--) { if ((comm[i] == ';') || (comm[i] <= ' ')) comm[i] = 0; else break; } sprintf(asircomm,"timer(%d,%s,\"error(timeout %d sec)\");", SetTimer,comm,SetTimer); } if (quit) { sprintf(comm,"GET /?msg=httpdAsirMeta+quit HTTP/1.1\n\n"); write(dataPort,comm,strlen(comm)); fflush(NULL); }else{ sprintf(comm,"GET /?%s=%s;\n\n",key,byteArrayToUrlEncoding(asircomm,strlen(asircomm))); write(dataPort,comm,strlen(comm)); fflush(NULL); } /* get result */ for (i=0; i0; i--) { if (comm[i] < ' ') comm[i] = 0; else break; } myunlock(fname); outputResult(comm); } /* from kan96xx/plugin/oxcgi.c */ /* . - _ A-Z a-z 0-9 space --> + */ static int isUrlEncoding3(char s) { if ((s == '.') || (s == '-') || (s == '_')) return(0); if ((s >= 'A') && (s <= 'Z')) return(0); if ((s >= 'a') && (s <= 'z')) return(0); if ((s >= '0') && (s <= '9')) return(0); if (s == ' ') return(0); return(1); } char *byteArrayToUrlEncoding(char *s,int size) { int n,i,j; char *r; n = 0; /* get Size */ for (i=0; i= '0' && p <= '9') return (p-'0'); if (p >= 'A' && p <= 'F') return (p-'A'+10); if (p >= 'a' && p <= 'f') return (p-'a'+10); if (Debug) fprintf(stderr,"%s\n","Invalid argument to cgiHex."); } outputTop() { printf("Content-Type: text/html\n\n"); printf("\nInput
without semicolon.

\n"); printf("
\n"); printf("\n
\n"); printf("\n"); } outputResult(char *s) { printf("Content-Type: text/plain\n\n"); printf("%s\n",s); } startServer() { char comm[SIZE]; char *r; r = getenv("CGI_ASIR_ALLOW"); if (r == NULL) { setenv("CGI_ASIR_ALLOW","[(quit) (fctr)]",1); } sprintf(comm,"%s/src/kan96xx/Doc/httpd-asir2.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 &",getenv("OpenXM_HOME")); /* sprintf(comm,"echo $CGI_ASIR_ALLOW\n"); security check. */ system(comm); } mylock(char *fname) { char comm[SIZE]; sprintf(comm,"mv %s /tmp/lock-webasir-%d.txt",fname,getpid()); system(comm); } myunlock(char *fname) { char comm[SIZE]; sprintf(comm,"mv /tmp/lock-webasir-%d.txt %s",getpid(),fname); system(comm); } usage() { fprintf(stderr,"webasir2 [--quit] [--asir command_string]\n"); fprintf(stderr," [--debug level]\n"); fprintf(stderr," [--settimer seconds]\n"); fprintf(stderr,"webasir2 --stdin ; command is obtained from the stdin.\n"); }