package body Generic_Complex_Numbers is TWO : constant number := one+one; -- CREATORS : function Create ( i : integer ) return Complex_Number is res : Complex_Number; begin if i = 0 then := +zero; elsif i = 1 then := +one; else := Create(i); end if; := +zero; return res; end Create; function Create ( f : number ) return Complex_Number is res : Complex_Number; begin := +f; := +zero; return res; end Create; function Create ( re,im : number ) return Complex_Number is res : Complex_Number; begin res.RE := +re; res.IM := +im; return res; end Create; function Conjugate ( c : Complex_Number ) return Complex_Number is res : Complex_Number; begin res.RE := +c.RE; res.IM := -c.IM; return res; end Conjugate; -- COMPARISON and COPYING : function Equal ( x,y : Complex_Number ) return boolean is begin return (Equal(x.RE,y.RE) and Equal(x.IM,y.IM)); end Equal; procedure Copy ( x : in Complex_Number; y : in out Complex_Number ) is begin Copy(x.RE,y.RE); Copy(x.IM,y.IM); end Copy; function "<" ( x,y : Complex_Number ) return boolean is avx : number := AbsVal(x); avy : number := AbsVal(y); res : boolean := (avx < avy); begin Clear(avx); Clear(avy); return res; end "<"; function ">" ( x,y : Complex_Number ) return boolean is avx : number := AbsVal(x); avy : number := AbsVal(y); res : boolean := (avx > avy); begin Clear(avx); Clear(avy); return res; end ">"; -- SELECTORS : function REAL_PART ( x : Complex_Number ) return number is begin return +x.RE; end REAL_PART; function IMAG_PART ( x : Complex_Number ) return number is begin return +x.IM; end IMAG_PART; function AbsVal ( x : Complex_Number ) return number is res : number := AbsVal(x.RE); acc : number := AbsVal(x.IM); begin Add(res,acc); Clear(acc); return res; end AbsVal; function AbsVal ( x : Complex_Number ) return Complex_Number is abx : number := AbsVal(x); res : Complex_Number := Create(abx); begin Clear(abx); return res; end AbsVal; -- ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS AS FUNCTIONS : function "+" ( x : Complex_Number; y : number ) return Complex_Number is begin return (x.RE+y,+x.IM); end "+"; function "-" ( x : Complex_Number; y : number ) return Complex_Number is begin return (x.RE-y,+x.IM); end "-"; function "*" ( x : Complex_Number; y : number ) return Complex_Number is begin return (x.RE*y,x.IM*y); end "*"; function "/" ( x : Complex_Number; y : number ) return Complex_Number is begin return (x.RE/y,x.IM/y); end "/"; function "+" ( x : number; y : Complex_Number ) return Complex_Number is begin return (x+y.RE,+y.IM); end "+"; function "-" ( x : number; y : Complex_Number ) return Complex_Number is begin return (x-y.RE,-y.IM); end "-"; function "*" ( x : number; y : Complex_Number ) return Complex_Number is begin return (x*y.RE,x*y.IM); end "*"; function "/" ( x : number; y : Complex_Number ) return Complex_Number is res : Complex_Number; acc,avyim,avyre : Number; begin if Equal(y.IM,zero) then res.RE := x/y.RE; res.IM := +zero; elsif Equal(y.RE,zero) then res.RE := +zero; res.IM := x/y.IM; Min(res.IM); else avyim := AbsVal(y.IM); avyre := AbsVal(y.RE); if avyim < avyre then acc := y.IM/y.RE; res.RE := x*acc; Mul(acc,y.IM); Add(acc,y.RE); Div(res.RE,acc); res.IM := x/acc; Min(res.IM); Clear(acc); elsif avyim > avyre then acc := y.RE/y.IM; res.IM := x*acc; Min(res.IM); Mul(acc,y.RE); Add(acc,y.IM); res.RE := x/acc; Clear(acc); elsif Equal(y.IM,y.RE) then acc := TWO*y.IM; res.RE := x/acc; res.IM := -res.RE; Clear(acc); else -- y.IM = -y.RE then acc := TWO*y.IM; res.RE := x/acc; Min(res.RE); res.IM := x/acc; Min(res.IM); Clear(acc); end if; Clear(avyim); Clear(avyre); end if; return res; end "/"; function "+" ( x : Complex_Number ) return Complex_Number is begin return (+x.RE,+x.IM); end "+"; function "-" ( x : Complex_Number ) return Complex_Number is begin return (-x.RE,-x.IM); end "-"; function "+" ( x,y : Complex_Number ) return Complex_Number is begin return (x.RE+y.RE,x.IM+y.IM); end "+"; function "-" ( x,y : Complex_Number ) return Complex_Number is begin return (x.RE-y.RE,x.IM-y.IM); end "-"; function "*" ( x,y : Complex_Number ) return Complex_Number is res : Complex_Number; acc,avyim,avyre : number; begin if Equal(y.IM,zero) then res.RE := x.RE*y.RE; res.IM := x.IM*y.RE; elsif Equal(y.RE,zero) then res.RE := x.IM*y.IM; Min(res.RE); res.IM := x.RE*y.IM; else avyre := AbsVal(y.RE); avyim := AbsVal(y.IM); if avyre < avyim then acc := y.RE/y.IM; res.RE := x.RE*acc; Sub(res.RE,x.IM); Mul(res.RE,y.IM); res.IM := x.IM*acc; Add(res.IM,x.RE); Mul(res.IM,y.IM); Clear(acc); elsif avyre > avyim then acc := y.IM/y.RE; res.RE := x.IM*acc; Sub(res.RE,x.RE); Min(res.RE); Mul(res.RE,y.RE); res.IM := x.RE*acc; Add(res.IM,x.IM); Mul(res.IM,y.RE); Clear(acc); elsif Equal(y.RE,y.IM) then res.RE := x.RE - x.IM; Mul(res.RE,y.RE); res.IM := x.IM + x.RE; Mul(res.IM,y.RE); else -- y.RE = -y.IM then res.RE := x.RE + x.IM; Mul(res.RE,y.RE); res.IM := x.IM - x.RE; Mul(res.IM,y.RE); end if; Clear(avyre); Clear(avyim); end if; return res; end "*"; function "/" ( x,y : Complex_Number ) return Complex_Number is res : Complex_Number; acc,avyre,avyim : number; begin if Equal(y.IM,zero) then res.RE := x.RE/y.RE; res.IM := x.IM/y.RE; elsif Equal(y.RE,zero) then res.RE := x.IM/y.IM; res.IM := x.RE/y.IM; Min(res.IM); else avyre := AbsVal(y.RE); avyim := AbsVal(y.IM); if avyre < avyim then acc := y.RE/y.IM; res.RE := x.RE*acc; Add(res.RE,x.IM); res.IM := x.IM*acc; Sub(res.IM,x.RE); Mul(acc,y.RE); Add(acc,y.IM); Div(res.RE,acc); Div(res.IM,acc); Clear(acc); elsif avyre > avyim then acc := y.IM/y.RE; res.RE := x.IM*acc; Add(res.RE,x.RE); res.IM := x.RE*acc; Sub(res.IM,x.IM); Min(res.IM); Mul(acc,y.IM); Add(acc,y.RE); Div(res.RE,acc); Div(res.IM,acc); Clear(acc); elsif Equal(y.RE,y.IM) then acc := TWO*y.RE; res.RE := x.RE + x.IM; Div(res.RE,acc); res.IM := x.IM - x.RE; Div(res.IM,acc); Clear(acc); else -- y.RE = -y.IM then acc := TWO*y.RE; res.RE := x.RE - x.IM; Div(res.RE,acc); res.IM := x.IM + x.RE; Div(res.IM,acc); Clear(acc); end if; Clear(avyre); Clear(avyim); end if; return res; end "/"; function "**" ( x : Complex_Number; m : integer ) return Complex_Number is res : Complex_Number; begin if m = 0 then res := Create(1); elsif m > 0 then res := +x; --Copy(x,res); <- Copy CAUSED BUS ERROR!! for j in 2..m loop Mul(res,x); end loop; else res := Create(1); for j in 1..(-m) loop Div(res,x); end loop; end if; return res; end "**"; -- ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS AS PROCEDURES : procedure Add ( x : in out Complex_Number; y : in number ) is begin Add(x.RE,y); end Add; procedure Sub ( x : in out Complex_Number; y : in number ) is begin Sub(x.RE,y); end Sub; procedure Mul ( x : in out Complex_Number; y : in number ) is begin Mul(x.RE,y); Mul(x.IM,y); end Mul; procedure Div ( x : in out Complex_Number; y : in number ) is begin Div(x.RE,y); Div(x.IM,y); end Div; procedure Add ( x : in out Complex_Number; y : in Complex_Number ) is begin Add(x.RE,y.RE); Add(x.IM,y.IM); end Add; procedure Sub ( x : in out Complex_Number; y : in Complex_Number ) is begin Sub(x.RE,y.RE); Sub(x.IM,y.IM); end Sub; procedure Min ( x : in out Complex_Number ) is begin Min(x.RE); Min(x.IM); end Min; procedure Mul ( x : in out Complex_Number; y : in Complex_Number ) is res : Complex_Number; acc,avyim,avyre : number; begin if Equal(y.IM,zero) then Mul(x.RE,y.RE); Mul(x.IM,y.RE); elsif Equal(y.RE,zero) then res.RE := x.IM*y.IM; Min(res.RE); res.IM := x.RE*y.IM; Clear(x); x := res; else avyre := AbsVal(y.RE); avyim := AbsVal(y.IM); if avyre < avyim then acc := y.RE/y.IM; res.RE := x.RE*acc; Sub(res.RE,x.IM); Mul(res.RE,y.IM); res.IM := x.IM*acc; Add(res.IM,x.RE); Mul(res.IM,y.IM); Clear(acc); elsif avyre > avyim then acc := y.IM/y.RE; res.RE := x.IM*acc; Sub(res.RE,x.RE); Min(res.RE); Mul(res.RE,y.RE); res.IM := x.RE*acc; Add(res.IM,x.IM); Mul(res.IM,y.RE); Clear(acc); elsif Equal(y.RE,y.IM) then res.RE := x.RE - x.IM; Mul(res.RE,y.RE); res.IM := x.IM + x.RE; Mul(res.IM,y.RE); else -- y.RE = -y.IM then res.RE := x.RE + x.IM; Mul(res.RE,y.RE); res.IM := x.IM - x.RE; Mul(res.IM,y.RE); end if; Clear(avyre); Clear(avyim); Clear(x); x := res; end if; end Mul; procedure Div ( x : in out Complex_Number; y : in Complex_Number ) is res : Complex_Number; acc,avyre,avyim : number; begin if Equal(y.IM,zero) then Div(x.RE,y.RE); Div(x.IM,y.RE); elsif Equal(y.IM,zero) then res.RE := x.IM/y.IM; res.IM := x.RE/y.IM; Min(res.IM); Clear(x); x := res; else avyre := AbsVal(y.RE); avyim := AbsVal(y.IM); if avyre < avyim then acc := y.RE/y.IM; res.RE := x.RE*acc; Add(res.RE,x.IM); res.IM := x.IM*acc; Sub(res.IM,x.RE); Mul(acc,y.RE); Add(acc,y.IM); Div(res.RE,acc); Div(res.IM,acc); Clear(acc); elsif avyre > avyim then acc := y.IM/y.RE; res.RE := x.IM*acc; Add(res.RE,x.RE); res.IM := x.RE*acc; Sub(res.IM,x.IM); Min(res.IM); Mul(acc,y.IM); Add(acc,y.RE); Div(res.RE,acc); Div(res.IM,acc); Clear(acc); elsif Equal(y.RE,y.IM) then acc := TWO*y.RE; res.RE := x.RE + x.IM; Div(res.RE,acc); res.IM := x.IM - x.RE; Div(res.IM,acc); Clear(acc); else -- y.RE = -y.IM then acc := TWO*y.RE; res.RE := x.RE - x.IM; Div(res.RE,acc); res.IM := x.IM + x.RE; Div(res.IM,acc); Clear(acc); end if; Clear(avyre); Clear(avyim); Clear(x); x := res; end if; end Div; -- DESTRUCTOR : procedure Clear ( x : in out Complex_Number ) is begin Clear(x.RE); Clear(x.IM); end Clear; end Generic_Complex_Numbers;