Annotation of OpenXM/doc/OpenXM-specs/OX-RFC-103.oxw, Revision 1.1
1.1 ! takayama 1: % $OpenXM$
! 2: %% OXWEAVE=${OpenXM_HOME}/bin/oxweave --recursive --plain
! 3: %% ${OXWEAVE} C ja <oxshell.oxw >>oxshell-ja.tex
! 4: //&ja \documentclass{jarticle}
! 5: //&en \documentclass{article}
! 6:
! 7: //&ja \title{OpenXM RFC 103 draft (RFC 100 $BDI2C(B)}
! 8: //&en \title{OpenXM RFC 103 draft (RFC 100 supplement}
! 9: //&C \author{OpenXM Committers}
! 10: //&C \date{December 9, 2004}
! 11: //&C \newtheorem{example}{Example}
! 12: \usepackage{html}
! 13:
! 14: \begin{document}
! 15: \maketitle
! 16:
! 17: /*&ja
! 18: $B$3$N(B RFC $B$O(B OpenXM RFC 100 ($B$*$h$S(B 101) $B$N<BAu$K$h$jL@$i$+$K$J$C$?<o!9$NLdBjE@$r$b$H$K(B
! 19: RFC 100 $B%W%m%H%3%k$X$N4v$D$+$NDI2C$rDs0F$9$k(B.
! 20: */
! 21:
! 22: //&ja \section{$BCfCG$NEAGE(B}
! 23: //&en \section{Propagation of an interruption}
! 24:
! 25:
! 26: //&ja \section{$B?7$7$$(B CMO}
! 27: //&en \section{New CMO}
! 28:
! 29: //&ja \section{$B%U%!%$%k$X$NFI$_=q$-(B}
! 30: //&en \section{File IO}
! 31:
! 32: //&ja \section{$B%(%s%8%sG'>Z<jB3$-(B}
! 33: //&en \section{Engine authentication}
! 34:
! 35: //&ja \section{$B9W8%<T(B}
! 36: //&en \section{Contributors}
! 37:
! 38: \end{document}
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