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Annotation of OpenXM/doc/OpenXM-specs/OX-RFC-103.oxw, Revision 1.3

1.3     ! takayama    1: % $OpenXM: OpenXM/doc/OpenXM-specs/OX-RFC-103.oxw,v 1.2 2003/12/10 08:57:25 takayama Exp $
1.1       takayama    2: %% OXWEAVE=${OpenXM_HOME}/bin/oxweave --recursive --plain
                      3: %% ${OXWEAVE} C ja <oxshell.oxw >>oxshell-ja.tex
                      4: //&ja \documentclass{jarticle}
                      5: //&en \documentclass{article}
                      7: //&ja \title{OpenXM RFC 103 draft (RFC 100 $BDI2C(B)}
                      8: //&en \title{OpenXM RFC 103 draft (RFC 100 supplement}
                      9: //&C \author{OpenXM Committers}
                     10: //&C \date{December 9, 2004}
                     11: //&C \newtheorem{example}{Example}
                     12: \usepackage{html}
                     14: \begin{document}
                     15: \maketitle
                     17: /*&ja
                     18:  $B$3$N(B RFC $B$O(B OpenXM RFC 100 ($B$*$h$S(B 101) $B$N<BAu$K$h$jL@$i$+$K$J$C$?<o!9$NLdBjE@$r$b$H$K(B
                     19:  RFC 100 $B%W%m%H%3%k$X$N4v$D$+$NDI2C$rDs0F$9$k(B.
                     20: */
1.3     ! takayama   22: //&ja \section{$BCfCG$*$h$SJQ?t$NEAGE(B}
        !            23: //&en \section{Propagation of an interruption and a value of a variable}
        !            24:
        !            25: //&ja \subsection{$BCfCG(B}
        !            26: //&en \subsection{Interruption}
1.1       takayama   27:
1.2       takayama   28: /*&ja
                     29: OX RFC 103 $B$G$O(B,
                     30: $B%(%s%8%s$O(B OX RFC 100 $B$KDj5A$5$l$?CfCG=hM}$r40N;$7$?$N$A(B,
                     31: $B$5$i$K<!$N=hM}$r$*$3$J$o$J$$$H$$$1$J$$(B. \\
                     32: $B>e0U2<C#$NCfCG=hM}(B:
                     33: \begin{enumerate}
                     34: \item $B<+J,$N;R6!%W%m%;%9$r$9$Y$F%j%9%H$9$k(B
                     35:   ($B$?$H$($P(B asir $B$N>l9g$O(B {\tt ox\_get\_serverinfo() }).
                     36: \item $B;R6!%W%m%;%9$K=gHV$K(B OpenXM-RFC 100 $B$NCfCG%a%C%;!<%8$rAw$k(B.
                     37: \end{enumerate}
                     38: */
                     40: /*&en
                     41: Engines complient to OX RFC 103 must execute the following
                     42: procedures after finishing the interruption exception
                     43: defined by OX RFC 100.
                     44: \begin{enumerate}
                     45: \item List all the child processes.
                     46:   (For example, use the function {\tt ox\_get\_serverinfo() } in case of asir).
                     47: \item Send all the child processes the interruption message defined
                     48:    OX RFC 100.
                     49: \end{enumerate}
                     50: */
1.1       takayama   51:
1.3     ! takayama   52: //&ja \subsection{$B%5!<%PLZ$NBg0hJQ?t(B}
        !            53: //&en \subsection{Global variable of the tree of the servers}
        !            54:
        !            55: //&ja OX RFC 103 $BBP1~$N%(%s%8%s$O%(%s%8%s4X?t(B
        !            56: /*&en
        !            57: The engines complient to OX RFC 103 implement the engine function
        !            58: */
        !            59: /*&C
        !            60: \begin{center}
        !            61: {\tt ox103\_set\_shared\_variable(} CMO string {\tt Name}, CMO object {\tt
        !            62: value}{\tt )}
        !            63: \end{center}
        !            64: */
        !            65: /*&ja
        !            66: $B$r<BAu$7$F$$$k(B.
        !            67: $B$3$N4X?t$,8F$P$l$k$H(B, $B%(%s%8%s%9%?%C%/%^%7%s$NJQ?t(B {\tt Name} $B$KCM(B
        !            68: {\tt value} $B$,@_Dj$5$l(B,
        !            69: $B$5$i$K;R$I$b$N%W%m%;%9$9$Y$F$N%(%s%8%s4X?t(B
        !            70:  {\tt ox103\_set\_shared\_variable}
        !            71: $B$r$h$V(B.
        !            72: */
        !            73: /*&en
        !            74: When this function is called,
        !            75: the value {\tt value} is assigned to
        !            76: the variable {\tt Name} of the engine stackmachine
        !            77: and the engine calls the function
        !            78:  {\tt ox103\_set\_shared\_variable}
        !            79: of all the child processes with the same arguments.
        !            80: */
        !            81:
        !            82: /*&ja
        !            83: $B$?$H$($P(B,
        !            84: $B$3$N5!G=$O(B asir-contrib $B$K$*$$$FJQ?t(B {\tt Xm\_noX} (ox server $BMQ$N(B debug
        !            85: window $B$rI=<($9$k$+$7$J$$$+$N%U%i%0(B) $B$NCM$rF1Js$9$k$N$KMQ$$$F$$$k(B.
        !            86: */
        !            87: /*&en
        !            88: For example,
        !            89: this protocol is used in the asir-contrib
        !            90: to broad cast the value of the variable {\tt Xm\_noX},
        !            91: which is the flag of hiding the debug window of an ox server.
        !            92: */
        !            93:
        !            94:
1.1       takayama   95: //&ja \section{$B?7$7$$(B CMO}
                     96: //&en \section{New CMO}
                     98: //&ja \section{$B%U%!%$%k$X$NFI$_=q$-(B}
                     99: //&en \section{File IO}
                    101: //&ja \section{$B%(%s%8%sG'>Z<jB3$-(B}
                    102: //&en \section{Engine authentication}
1.2       takayama  104: /*&ja
                    105: $B%P%$%H%*!<%@!<$r7h$a$k$?$a$N>pJs8r49(B (OX-RFC 100 $B;2>H(B) $B$NA0$K(B
                    106: $B%(%s%8%sG'>Z<jB3$-$r$*$3$J$&(B.
                    107: $BG'>Z%W%m%H%3%k$K$D$$$F$OJLESDj$a$k(B.
                    108: */
1.1       takayama  110: //&ja \section{$B9W8%<T(B}
                    111: //&en \section{Contributors}
1.2       takayama  112:
                    113: /*&ja
1.3     ! takayama  114: $BCfCG$*$h$SJQ?t$NEAGE$K$D$$$F$O9b;3$,@_7W(B, asir $B$*$h$S(B kan/sm1 $B$X$N<BAu(B, $BI>2A$r$*$3$J$C$?(B.
1.2       takayama  115: ({\tt OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/src/oxrfc103.rr},
                    116:  {\tt OpenXM/src/kan96xx/Doc/oxrfc103.sm1}
                    117:  $B$r$_$h(B).
1.3     ! takayama  118: */
        !           119:
        !           120: /*&ja
        !           121: $B9TNs(B, $B%Y%/%H%k$N(B CMO $B$O(B NTL $B$N%5!<%P2=$r%F%9%H%1!<%9$H$7$F(B
        !           122: $B4d:,$,@_7W(B, $B<BAu(B, $BI>2A$r9T$C$?(B.
1.2       takayama  123: */
1.1       takayama  124:
                    125: \end{document}

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