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Annotation of OpenXM/doc/OpenXM-specs/html.sty, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! takayama    1: % LaTeX2HTML Version 95.1 : html.sty
        !             2: %
        !             3: %  WARNING:  This file requires LaTeX2e.  A LaTeX 2.09 version
        !             4: %      is also provided, but with restricted functionality.
        !             5: %
        !             6: % This file contains definitions of LaTeX commands which are
        !             7: % processed in a special way by the translator.
        !             8: % For example, there are commands for embedding external hypertext links,
        !             9: % for cross-references between documents or for including
        !            10: % raw HTML.
        !            11: % This file includes the comments.sty file v2.0 by Victor Eijkhout
        !            12: % In most cases these commands do nothing when processed by LaTeX.
        !            13:
        !            14: % Modifications:
        !            15: %
        !            16: %  nd = Nikos Drakos <nikos@cbl.leeds.ac.uk>
        !            17: %  jz = Jelle van Zeijl <jvzeijl@isou17.estec.esa.nl>
        !            18: %  hs = Herb Swan <dprhws@edp.Arco.com>
        !            19:
        !            20: % hs 31-JAN-96 - Added support for document segmentation
        !            21: % hs 10-OCT-95 - Added \htmlrule command
        !            22: % jz 22-APR-94 - Added support for htmlref
        !            23: % nd  - Created
        !            24: %%%%MG added
        !            25: \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
        !            26: \ProvidesPackage{html}
        !            27:           [1996/02/01 v1.0 hypertext commands for latex2html (nd, hs)]
        !            28: %%%%MG
        !            29: % Exit if the style file is already loaded
        !            30: % (suggested by Lee Shombert <las@potomac.wash.inmet.com>
        !            31: \ifx \htmlstyloaded\relax \endinput\else\let\htmlstyloaded\relax\fi
        !            32:
        !            33: %%% LINKS TO EXTERNAL DOCUMENTS
        !            34: %
        !            35: % This can be used to provide links to arbitrary documents.
        !            36: % The first argumment should be the text that is going to be
        !            37: % highlighted and the second argument a URL.
        !            38: % The hyperlink will appear as a hyperlink in the HTML
        !            39: % document and as a footnote in the dvi or ps files.
        !            40: %
        !            41: \newcommand{\htmladdnormallinkfoot}[2]{#1\footnote{#2}}
        !            42:
        !            43: % This is an alternative definition of the command above which
        !            44: % will ignore the URL in the dvi or ps files.
        !            45: \newcommand{\htmladdnormallink}[2]{#1}
        !            46:
        !            47: % This command takes as argument a URL pointing to an image.
        !            48: % The image will be embedded in the HTML document but will
        !            49: % be ignored in the dvi and ps files.
        !            50: %
        !            51: \newcommand{\htmladdimg}[1]{}
        !            52:
        !            54: %
        !            55: % This can be used to refer to symbolic labels in other Latex
        !            56: % documents that have already been processed by the translator.
        !            57: % The arguments should be:
        !            58: % #1 : the URL to the directory containing the external document
        !            59: % #2 : the path to the labels.pl file of the external document.
        !            60: % If the external document lives on a remote machine then labels.pl
        !            61: % must be copied on the local machine.
        !            62: %
        !            63: %e.g. \externallabels{http://cbl.leeds.ac.uk/nikos/WWW/doc/tex2html/latex2html}
        !            64: %                    {/usr/cblelca/nikos/tmp/labels.pl}
        !            65: % The arguments are ignored in the dvi and ps files.
        !            66: %
        !            67: \newcommand{\externallabels}[2]{}
        !            68:
        !            69: %
        !            70: % This complements the \externallabels command above. The argument
        !            71: % should be a label defined in another latex document and will be
        !            72: % ignored in the dvi and ps files.
        !            73: %
        !            74: \newcommand{\externalref}[1]{}
        !            75:
        !            76: % This command adds a horizontal rule and is valid even within
        !            77: % a figure caption.
        !            78: %
        !            79: \newcommand{\htmlrule}{}
        !            80:
        !            81: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
        !            82: %
        !            83: % The following commands pertain to document segmentation, and
        !            84: % were added by Herbert Swan <dprhws@edp.Arco.com> (with help from
        !            85: % Michel Goossens <goossens@cern.ch>):
        !            86: %
        !            87: %
        !            88: % This command inputs internal latex2html tables so that large
        !            89: % documents can to partitioned into smaller (more manageable)
        !            90: % segments.
        !            91: %
        !            92: \newcommand{\internal}[2][internals]{}
        !            93:
        !            94: %
        !            95: %  Define a dummy stub \htmlhead{}.  This command causes latex2html
        !            96: %  to define the title of the start of a new segment.  It is not
        !            97: %  normally placed in the user's document.  Rather, it is passed to
        !            98: %  latex2html via a .ptr file written by \segment.
        !            99: %
        !           100: \newcommand{\htmlhead}[2]{}
        !           101:
        !           102: %
        !           103: %  The dummy command \endpreamble is needed by latex2html to
        !           104: %  mark the end of the preamble in document segments that do
        !           105: %  not contain a \begin{document}
        !           106: %
        !           107: \newcommand{\startdocument}{}
        !           108:
        !           109: %
        !           110: %  Allocate a new set of section counters, which will get incremented
        !           111: %  for "*" forms of sectioning commands, and for a few miscellaneous
        !           112: %  commands.
        !           113: %
        !           114:
        !           115: \newcounter{lpart}
        !           116: \newcounter{lchapter}[part]
        !           117: \ifx\chapter\undefined\newcounter{lsection}[part]\else\newcounter{lsection}[chapter]\fi
        !           118: \newcounter{lsubsection}[section]
        !           119: \newcounter{lsubsubsection}[subsection]
        !           120: \newcounter{lparagraph}[subsubsection]
        !           121: \newcounter{lsubparagraph}[paragraph]
        !           122: \newcounter{lsubsubparagraph}[subparagraph]
        !           123: \newcounter{lequation}
        !           124: %
        !           125: %  Redefine "*" forms of sectioning commands to increment their
        !           126: %  respective counters.
        !           127: %
        !           128: \let\Hpart=\part
        !           129: \let\Hchapter=\chapter
        !           130: \let\Hsection=\section
        !           131: \let\Hsubsection=\subsection
        !           132: \let\Hsubsubsection=\subsubsection
        !           133: \let\Hparagraph=\paragraph
        !           134: \let\Hsubparagraph=\subparagraph
        !           135: \let\Hsubsubparagraph=\subsubparagraph
        !           136:
        !           137: %
        !           138: %  The following definitions are specific to LaTeX2e:
        !           139: %  (They must be commented out for LaTeX 2.09)
        !           140: %
        !           141: \def\part{\@ifstar{\stepcounter{lpart}\Hpart*}{\Hpart}}
        !           142: \def\chapter{\@ifstar{\stepcounter{lchapter}\Hchapter*}{\Hchapter}}
        !           143: \def\section{\@ifstar{\stepcounter{lsection}\Hsection*}{\Hsection}}
        !           144: \def\subsection{\@ifstar{\stepcounter{lsubsection}\Hsubsection*}{\Hsubsection}}
        !           145: \def\subsubsection{\@ifstar{\stepcounter{lsubsubsection}\Hsubsubsection*}{\Hsubsubsection}}
        !           146: \def\paragraph{\@ifstar{\stepcounter{lparagraph}\Hparagraph*}{\Hparagraph}}
        !           147: \def\subparagraph{\@ifstar{\stepcounter{lsubparagraph}\Hsubparagraph*}{\Hsubparagraph}}
        !           148: \def\subsubparagraph{\@ifstar{\stepcounter{lsubsubparagraph}\Hsubsubparagraph*}{\Hsubsubparagraph}}
        !           149: %
        !           150: %  Define a helper macro to dump a single \secounter command to a file.
        !           151: %
        !           152: \newcommand{\DumpPtr}[2]{%
        !           153: \count255=\arabic{#1} \advance\count255 by \arabic{#2}
        !           154: \immediate\write\ptrfile{%
        !           155: \noexpand\setcounter{#1}{\number\count255}}}
        !           156:
        !           157: %
        !           158: %  Define a helper macro to dump all counters to the file.
        !           159: %  The value for each counter will be the sum of the l-counter
        !           160: %      actual LaTeX section counter.
        !           161: %  Also dump an \htmlhead{section-command}{section title} command
        !           162: %      to the file.
        !           163: %
        !           164:
        !           165: \def\DumpCounters#1#2#3{\newwrite\ptrfile
        !           166: \immediate\openout\ptrfile = #1.ptr
        !           167: \DumpPtr{part}{lpart}
        !           168: \ifx\Hchapter\undefined\relax\else\DumpPtr{chapter}{lchapter}\fi
        !           169: \DumpPtr{section}{lsection}
        !           170: \DumpPtr{subsection}{lsubsection}
        !           171: \DumpPtr{subsubsection}{lsubsubsection}
        !           172: \DumpPtr{paragraph}{lparagraph}
        !           173: \DumpPtr{subparagraph}{lsubparagraph}
        !           174: \DumpPtr{equation}{lequation}
        !           175: \immediate\write\ptrfile{\noexpand\htmlhead{#2}{#3}}
        !           176: \immediate\closeout\ptrfile}
        !           177:
        !           178: %
        !           179: %  Define the \segment{file}{section-command}{section-title} command,
        !           180: %  and its helper macros.  This command does four things:
        !           181: %      1)  Begins a new LaTeX section;
        !           182: %      2)  Writes a list of section counters to file.ptr, each
        !           183: %          of which represents the sum of the LaTeX section
        !           184: %          counters, and the l-counters, defined above;
        !           185: %      3)  Write an \htmlhead{section-title} command to file.ptr;
        !           186: %      4)  Inputs file.tex.
        !           187: %
        !           188:
        !           189: %%%%MG changed
        !           190: \def\segment{\@ifstar{\@@htmls}{\@@html}}
        !           191: \def\@@htmls#1#2#3{\csname #2\endcsname* {#3}%
        !           192:                    \DumpCounters{#1}{#2*}{#3}\input{#1}}
        !           193: \def\@@html#1#2#3{\csname #2\endcsname {#3}%
        !           194:                    \DumpCounters{#1}{#2}{#3}\input{#1}}
        !           195: %%%%MG
        !           196:
        !           197: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
        !           198: % Comment.sty   version 2.0, 19 June 1992
        !           199: % selectively in/exclude pieces of text: the user can define new
        !           200: % comment versions, and each is controlled separately.
        !           201: % This style can be used with plain TeX or LaTeX, and probably
        !           202: % most other packages too.
        !           203: %
        !           204: % Examples of use in LaTeX and TeX follow \endinput
        !           205: %
        !           206: % Author
        !           207: %    Victor Eijkhout
        !           208: %    Department of Computer Science
        !           209: %    University Tennessee at Knoxville
        !           210: %    104 Ayres Hall
        !           211: %    Knoxville, TN 37996
        !           212: %    USA
        !           213: %
        !           214: %    eijkhout@cs.utk.edu
        !           215: %
        !           216: % Usage: all text included in between
        !           217: %    \comment ... \endcomment
        !           218: % or \begin{comment} ... \end{comment}
        !           219: % is discarded. The closing command should appear on a line
        !           220: % of its own. No starting spaces, nothing after it.
        !           221: % This environment should work with arbitrary amounts
        !           222: % of comment.
        !           223: %
        !           224: % Other 'comment' environments are defined by
        !           225: % and are selected/deselected with
        !           226: % \includecomment{versiona}
        !           227: % \excludecoment{versionb}
        !           228: %
        !           229: % These environments are used as
        !           230: % \versiona ... \endversiona
        !           231: % or \begin{versiona} ... \end{versiona}
        !           232: % with the closing command again on a line of its own.
        !           233: %
        !           234: % Basic approach:
        !           235: % to comment something out, scoop up  every line in verbatim mode
        !           236: % as macro argument, then throw it away.
        !           237: % For inclusions, both the opening and closing comands
        !           238: % are defined as noop
        !           239: %
        !           240: % Changed \next to \html@next to prevent clashes with other sty files
        !           241: % (mike@emn.fr)
        !           242: % Changed \html@next to \htmlnext so the \makeatletter and
        !           243: % \makeatother commands could be removed (they were causing other
        !           244: % style files - changebar.sty - to crash) (nikos@cbl.leeds.ac.uk)
        !           245: % Changed \htmlnext back to \html@next...
        !           246:
        !           247: \makeatletter
        !           248: \def\makeinnocent#1{\catcode`#1=12 }
        !           249: \def\csarg#1#2{\expandafter#1\csname#2\endcsname}
        !           250:
        !           251: \def\ThrowAwayComment#1{\begingroup
        !           252:     \def\CurrentComment{#1}%
        !           253:     \let\do\makeinnocent \dospecials
        !           254:     \makeinnocent\^^L% and whatever other special cases
        !           255:     \endlinechar`\^^M \catcode`\^^M=12 \xComment}
        !           256: {\catcode`\^^M=12 \endlinechar=-1 %
        !           257:  \gdef\xComment#1^^M{\def\test{#1}
        !           258:       \csarg\ifx{PlainEnd\CurrentComment Test}\test
        !           259:           \let\html@next\endgroup
        !           260:       \else \csarg\ifx{LaLaEnd\CurrentComment Test}\test
        !           261:             \edef\html@next{\endgroup\noexpand\end{\CurrentComment}}
        !           262:       \else \let\html@next\xComment
        !           263:       \fi \fi \html@next}
        !           264: }
        !           265: \makeatother
        !           266:
        !           267: \def\includecomment
        !           268:  #1{\expandafter\def\csname#1\endcsname{}%
        !           269:     \expandafter\def\csname end#1\endcsname{}}
        !           270: \def\excludecomment
        !           271:  #1{\expandafter\def\csname#1\endcsname{\ThrowAwayComment{#1}}%
        !           272:     {\escapechar=-1\relax
        !           273:      \csarg\xdef{PlainEnd#1Test}{\string\\end#1}%
        !           274:      \csarg\xdef{LaLaEnd#1Test}{\string\\end\string\{#1\string\}}%
        !           275:     }}
        !           276:
        !           277: \excludecomment{comment}
        !           278: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
        !           279:
        !           280: %%% RAW HTML
        !           281: %
        !           282: % Enclose raw HTML between a \begin{rawhtml} and \end{rawhtml}.
        !           283: % The html environment ignores its body
        !           284: %
        !           285: \excludecomment{rawhtml}
        !           286:
        !           287: %%% HTML ONLY
        !           288: %
        !           289: % Enclose LaTeX constructs which will only appear in the
        !           290: % HTML output and will be ignored by LaTeX with
        !           291: % \begin{htmlonly} and \end{htmlonly}
        !           292: %
        !           293: \excludecomment{htmlonly}
        !           294: % Shorter version
        !           295: \newcommand{\html}[1]{}
        !           296:
        !           297:
        !           298: %%% LaTeX ONLY
        !           299: % Enclose LaTeX constructs which will only appear in the
        !           300: % DVI output and will be ignored by latex2html with
        !           301: %\begin{latexonly} and \end{latexonly}
        !           302: %
        !           303: \newenvironment{latexonly}{}{}
        !           304: % Shorter version
        !           305: \newcommand{\latex}[1]{#1}
        !           306:
        !           307: %%% HYPERREF
        !           308: % Suggested by Eric M. Carol <eric@ca.utoronto.utcc.enfm>
        !           309: % Similar to \ref but accepts conditional text.
        !           310: % The first argument is HTML text which will become ``hyperized''
        !           311: % (underlined).
        !           312: % The second and third arguments are text which will appear only in the paper
        !           313: % version (DVI file), enclosing the fourth argument which is a reference to a label.
        !           314: %
        !           315: %e.g. \hyperref{using the tracer}{using the tracer (see Section}{)}{trace}
        !           316: % where there is a corresponding \label{trace}
        !           317: %
        !           318: \newcommand{\hyperref}[4]{#2\ref{#4}#3}
        !           319:
        !           320: %%% HTMLREF
        !           321: % Reference in HTML version only.
        !           322: % Mix between \htmladdnormallink and \hyperref.
        !           323: % First arg is text for in both versions, second is label for use in HTML
        !           324: % version.
        !           325: \newcommand{\htmlref}[2]{#1}
        !           326:
        !           327: %%% HTMLIMAGE
        !           328: % This command can be used inside any environment that is converted
        !           329: % into an inlined image (eg a "figure" environment) in order to change
        !           330: % the way the image will be translated. The argument of \htmlimage
        !           331: % is really a string of options separated by commas ie
        !           332: % [scale=<scale factor>],[external],[thumbnail=<reduction factor>
        !           333: % The scale option allows control over the size of the final image.
        !           334: % The ``external'' option will cause the image not to be inlined
        !           335: % (images are inlined by default). External images will be accessible
        !           336: % via a hypertext link.
        !           337: % The ``thumbnail'' option will cause a small inlined image to be
        !           338: % placed in the caption. The size of the thumbnail depends on the
        !           339: % reduction factor. The use of the ``thumbnail'' option implies
        !           340: % the ``external'' option.
        !           341: %
        !           342: % Example:
        !           343: % \htmlimage{scale=1.5,external,thumbnail=0.2}
        !           344: % will cause a small thumbnail image 1/5th of the original size to be
        !           345: % placed in the final document, pointing to an external image 1.5
        !           346: % times bigger than the original.
        !           347: %
        !           348: \newcommand{\htmlimage}[1]{}
        !           349:
        !           350: %%% HTMLADDTONAVIGATION
        !           351: % This command appends its argument to the buttons in the navigation
        !           352: % panel. It is ignored by LaTeX.
        !           353: %
        !           354: % Example:
        !           355: % \htmladdtonavigation{\htmladdnormallink
        !           356: %              {\htmladdimg{http://server/path/to/gif}}
        !           357: %              {http://server/path}}
        !           358: \newcommand{\htmladdtonavigation}[1]{}
        !           359:
        !           360: \endinput

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