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Annotation of OpenXM/doc/OpenXM-web/index-spec.html, Revision 1.4

1.1       takayama    1: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">
                      2: <HTML>
                      3: <!--
1.4     ! takayama    4: $OpenXM: OpenXM/doc/OpenXM-web/index-spec.html,v 1.3 2005/06/22 21:27:59 takayama Exp $
1.1       takayama    5: -->
                      6: <HEAD>
1.3       takayama    7: <LINK REV=MADE HREF="mailto:openxm2005@math(ematics).sci.kobe-u.ac.jp">
1.1       takayama    8: <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii">
                      9: <TITLE>OpenXM (Open message eXchange for Mathematics)</TITLE>
                     10: </HEAD>
                     11: <BODY bgcolor=#ffffff text=#000000>
                     13: [<a href="index-spec-ja.html"> in Japanese </a>] <br>
                     14: <a href="doc/index-doc.html"> Documents </a>,
                     15: <a href="index.html"> Download </a>,
                     16: <a href="index-spec.html"> Specifications </a>,
                     17: <a href="doc/index-license.html"> License </a>,
1.4     ! takayama   18: <a href="http://c1.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/">cvsweb</a>,
1.2       takayama   19: <a href="http://www.math.sci.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM/index.html"> Top </a>,
1.1       takayama   20:
                     21: <H2>Specifications</H2>
                     23: <OL>
                     25: <LI> <A  NAME="SPEC" HREF="OpenXM-RFC.html">
                     26:         OpenXM RFC's (OpenXM Request for Comments)
                     27:      </A>
                     29: <LI>OX tags
                     30: [<A HREF="oxMessageTag.h">OX tags</A>].
                     31: <LI>CMO tags
                     32: [<A HREF="cmotag.h">CMO tags</A>].
                     33: <LI>SM commands
                     34: [<A HREF="smCommand.h">SM commands</A>].
                     35: </OL>
                     37: Please send your comments and suggestions to
1.3       takayama   38: <A HREF="mailto:openxm2005@math.kobe-u.ac.jp">takayama@math.kobe-u.ac.jp</A>
1.1       takayama   39:
                     40: </BODY>
                     41: </HTML>

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