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Annotation of OpenXM/doc/OpenXM-web/index.html, Revision 1.51

1.7       ohara       1: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">
1.1       takayama    2: <HTML>
1.7       ohara       3: <!--
1.51    ! takayama    4: $OpenXM: OpenXM/doc/OpenXM-web/index.html,v 1.50 2002/08/12 06:00:56 takayama Exp $
1.1       takayama    5: -->
1.7       ohara       6: <HEAD>
                      7: <LINK REV=MADE HREF="mailto:takayama@math.sci.kobe-u.ac.jp">
                      8: <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii">
1.49      takayama    9: <TITLE>OpenXM (Open message eXchange for Mathematics)</TITLE>
1.7       ohara      10: </HEAD>
                     11: <BODY>
1.49      takayama   12: <H1>OpenXM (Open message eXchange for Mathematics):
1.25      takayama   13:   http://www.openxm.org </H1>
1.1       takayama   14:
                     15: <P>
1.50      takayama   16: <font color="red"> NEW! RELEASE 1.2.2 </font>
1.49      takayama   17: </P>
                     19: <P>
1.7       ohara      20: Welcome to the home page of OpenXM.
1.49      takayama   21: Last update is March 2, 2002, JST.
                     22: <A HREF="http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/~kobashi/OpenXM/index-ja.html">Japanese Page (experimental, for 1.1.3)</A>,
1.1       takayama   23: </P>
1.19      takayama   24:
1.1       takayama   25: <P>
1.25      takayama   26: What is OpenXM?  It is an infrastructure for mathematical
1.37      takayama   27: communication.
1.43      takayama   28: We propose standards for mathematical computation
1.51    ! takayama   29: (OpenXM-RFC's). We will also support <a href="http://www.openmath.org"> OpenMath </a>.
1.37      takayama   30: The project is also making experiments to connect mathematical
                     31: software systems each other on the infrastructure.
1.30      takayama   32: We are providing packages of mathematical software systems
1.32      takayama   33: supporting the OpenXM protocol. Here is a quick tour of the OpenXM package:
1.50      takayama   34: <A HREF="1.2.2/html/OpenXM-poster/func1/index.html">functions 1</A>,
                     35: <A HREF="1.2.2/html/OpenXM-poster/func2/index.html">functions 2</A>,
                     36: <A HREF="1.2.2/html/OpenXM-poster/efficient/index.html">Efficient computation</A>.
1.1       takayama   37: </P>
1.6       takayama   39:
1.50      takayama   40: <H2>Specifications  (for 1.2.2)</H2>
1.31      takayama   41:
                     42: <OL>
1.42      takayama   44: <LI> <A  NAME="SPEC" HREF="OpenXM-RFC.html">
                     45:         OpenXM RFC's (OpenXM Request for Comments)
                     46:      </A>
1.30      takayama   47:
1.31      takayama   48: <LI>OX tags
1.50      takayama   49: [<A HREF="1.2.2/oxMessageTag.h">OX tags</A>].
1.31      takayama   50: <LI>CMO tags
1.50      takayama   51: [<A HREF="1.2.2/cmotag.h">CMO tags</A>].
1.31      takayama   52: <LI>SM commands
1.50      takayama   53: [<A HREF="1.2.2/smCommand.h">SM commands</A>].
1.30      takayama   54:
1.50      takayama   55: <LI><A HREF="1.2.2/doc/index.html">Documents</A> (Asir user's manual, Asir contrib user's manual, sm1 reference manual,
1.36      takayama   56: OpenXM technical report series, etc)
1.30      takayama   57:
1.40      takayama   58: <LI>If you want to add a new OpenXM RFC, please mail to
1.48      takayama   59: <A HREF="mailto:takayama@math.kobe-u.ac.jp">takayama@math.kobe-u.ac.jp</A>
1.7       ohara      60: See <A HREF="index.html#SPEC">the specification</A>
1.40      takayama   61: how to describe OpenXM RFC's.
1.7       ohara      62: </OL>
1.1       takayama   63:
1.50      takayama   64: <H2>Source Distributions (RELEASE_1_2_2)</H2>
1.1       takayama   65:
                     66: <OL>
1.50      takayama   67: <LI> Version of 1.2.2 is available from
1.38      maekawa    68: our ftp site:
1.50      takayama   69: [<A HREF="ftp://ftp.math.sci.kobe-u.ac.jp/pub/OpenXM/1.2.2/openxm-1.2.1.tar.gz">Source (Shift+Click)</A>].
1.48      takayama   70: <LI> Semi-HEAD branch is available from
1.41      takayama   71: our ftp site:
                     72: [<A HREF="ftp://ftp.math.sci.kobe-u.ac.jp/pub/OpenXM/Head/openxm-head.tar.gz">Source (Shift+Click)</A>].
1.7       ohara      73: </OL>
1.1       takayama   74:
1.48      takayama   75: <H2>
                     76: <a href="anonymous.html">
                     77: Getting the latest version (HEAD branch) from anonymous CVS server </a> </H2>
1.50      takayama   79: <H2>Binary Distribution by tar+gzip (RELEASE_1_2_2)
                     80: <A HREF="1.2.2/index-binary.html">Binary</A>.
1.19      takayama   81: </H2>
1.1       takayama   82:
1.50      takayama   83: <H2>Binary Distribution by Packages (RELEASE_1_2_2)
                     84: <A HREF="1.2.2/index-packages.html">Packages</A>. <BR>
1.19      takayama   85: </H2>
1.15      takayama   86:
1.6       takayama   87:
1.7       ohara      88: <P>
1.50      takayama   89: ERRATA RELEASE_1_2_2
                     90: <A HREF="1.2.2/ERRATA.html">ERRATA</A>.
1.23      takayama   91: <BR>
1.50      takayama   92: Questions and Answers (in Enshlish) <A HREF="1.2.2/OpenXM-FAQ-en.txt">FAQ</A>.
1.35      takayama   93: <BR>
1.50      takayama   94: Questions and Answers (in Japanese) <A HREF="1.2.2/OpenXM-FAQ-ja.txt">FAQ</A>.
1.6       takayama   95: </P>
1.1       takayama   96:
1.7       ohara      97: <H2>Papers and Tutorials</H2>
1.1       takayama   98: <OL>
1.44      takayama   99: <LI>The Design and Implementation of OpenXM-RFC 100 and 101
                    100: [<A HREF="ascm2001/ascm2001/index.html">Survey</A>].
1.7       ohara     101: </OL>
1.1       takayama  102:
1.28      maekawa   104: <H2>The WWW interface for OpenXM CVS Repositry
                    105: [<A HREF="http://www.math.sci.kobe-u.ac.jp/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/">cvsweb</A>]
1.7       ohara     106: </H2>
1.1       takayama  107:
1.7       ohara     108: <H2>References</H2>
1.4       takayama  109:
                    110: <OL>
1.38      maekawa   111: <LI>The primary distribution site of asir [<A HREF="ftp://archives.cs.ehime-u.ac.jp/pub/asir2000">Asir</A>].
1.47      takayama  112: <LI> Risa/Asir download page in English (for unix, windows)
                    113:  [<A HREF="http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/Asir/asir.html">
                    114:    Asir download</A>].
1.18      takayama  115: <LI>An introductory book on a computer algebra system Risa/Asir (in Japanese)
                    116:   [<A HREF="asir.jpeg"> Cover Page, ISBN4-87243-076-X </A>].
1.4       takayama  117: </OL>
1.19      takayama  118:
                    119: <H2>Archive</H2>
                    120: <OL>
                    121: <LI>OpenXM 1.1.1 (20000124) [<A HREF="http://www.math.sci.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM/20000124/index.html"> 1.1.1 (January 24, 2000) Experimental </A>].
1.33      takayama  122: <LI>OpenXM 1.1.2 [<A HREF="http://www.math.sci.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM/1.1.2/index.html"> 1.1.2 (March 20, 2000) Stable</A>].
1.49      takayama  123: <LI>OpenXM 1.1.3 [<A HREF="http://www.math.sci.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM/1.1.3/index.html"> 1.1.3 (September 26, 2000) </A>].
1.50      takayama  124: <LI>OpenXM 1.2.1 [<A HREF="http://www.math.sci.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM/1.2.1/index.html"> 1.2.1 (March 2, 2002)</A>].
1.19      takayama  125: </OL>
1.30      takayama  126:
1.43      takayama  127:
                    128: <H2><A HREF="people.html"> People </A> </H2>
                    129: <OL>
1.31      takayama  131: </OL>
1.42      takayama  132:
1.1       takayama  133:
                    134: <ADDRESS>
                    135: takayama@math.sci.kobe-u.ac.jp
                    136: </ADDRESS>
1.7       ohara     138: </BODY>
1.8       takayama  139: </HTML>

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