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Annotation of OpenXM/doc/OpenXM-web/note-ja.txt, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! takayama    1: 2010.02.13
        !             2: Document $B$r99?7$7$?>l9g(B (top level $B$N(B html $B%U%!%$%k$J$I(B)
        !             3:
        !             4: make $B$G(B
        !             5:
        !             6: (cd ../. ; rsync -Cavz asir2000 asir-contrib kan96xx ox_math /home/web/OpenXM/Current/doc)
        !             7:
        !             8: $B$,<B9T$9$k(B.
        !             9:
        !            10: -----------------
        !            11: [1]  asir-doc $B$d(B asir-contrib $B$N(B document $B$r99?7$7$?;~$O(B,
        !            12: cd ~/OpenXM/src
        !            13: cd asir-doc ; rm .*_done ; ./make-configure ; make install
        !            14: cd asir-contrib/packages/doc ; rm .*done ; ./make-configure ; make clean ; make install
        !            15:
        !            16: $B$r$d$C$F$+$i(B doc/OpenXM-web $B$G(B make $B$9$k(B.
        !            17: ;;

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