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File: [local] / OpenXM / doc / Papers / rims-2003-12-16-ja-ohp.tex (download)

Revision 1.2, Thu Dec 11 06:00:41 2003 UTC (20 years, 9 months ago) by takayama
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +3 -3 lines

Fixed an error in an example.

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\def\nnn{ {\color{red} $\bullet$}\ }    %% $B;v<B(B
\def\eee{ {\color{magenta} Example}:\ } %% $BNc(B
\def\ttt{ {\color{red} $\bullet$}\ }   %% $BDjM}(B

\def\pagetitle#1{ \fbox{{\color{magenta} #1 }}}

  \hbox to \linewidth\bgroup
  \advance\linewidth by -30pt

{\color{magenta} OpenXM $B$N?7%5!<%P(B, $B?7%W%m%H%3%k(B}
%% 2003, 12/16 (Tue), 
{\color{SlateGray} OpenXM $B3+H/%0%k!<%W(B (committers):  http://www.openxm.org }
\item $B?7$7$$%5!<%P(B ntl
\item $B?7$7$$%5!<%P(B polymake $B$H(B oxshell.
\item OX-RFC 103 ( 100, 101 $BJd0d(B)
\item OX-RFC 102 --- $BK\3JE*$J%5!<%P4VDL?.(B

\noindent  \quad \\
\nnn $B?t3X$G$NJBNs7W;;(B,  \\
\nnn $B?t3X%=%U%H%&%(%"$NE}9g2=(B $B$^$?$O(B Conglomerate $B2=(B (A.Solomon) \\
\nnn $B?t3XE*CN<1$N%^%M!<%8%a%s%H(B (Mathematical Knowledge Management) \\
\nnn $B<B:]$K?t3X$N8&5f$d?t3X$N1~MQ$K;H$($k%Q%C%1!<%8$N3+H/(B 

\noindent  \quad \\
\nnn OpenXM 1.1.1 (January 24, 2000): $B:G=i$N<B83HG(B. \\
\nnn OpenXM 1.1.2 (March 20, 2000): $B$H$j$"$($:;H$($kHG(B. \\
\nnn OpenXM 1.1.3 (September 26, 2000): 1.1 $B7O$N:G=*HG(B. OpenXM RFC 100 $B7A<0(B
   $B$N%W%m%;%9LZ(B. 1077 $B8D$N?t3X4X?t$rDs6!(B. 
   $BDs6!$7$F$$$k%5!<%P$O(B {\tt ox\_asir}, {\tt ox\_sm1},
   {\tt ox\_phc}, {\tt ox\_gnuplot}, {\tt ox\_m2}, {\tt ox\_tigers},
   {\tt ox\_math}(ematica), {\tt OMproxy}. \\
\nnn OpenXM 1.2.1 (March 2, 2002): Cygwin (Windows) $B$X$NBP1~3+;O(B. 
       $B%^%K%e%"%k<+F0@8@.(B(gentexi)$B$J$I(B. \\
\nnn OpenXM 1.2.2 (May 13, 2003):  RFC 103 ($BItJ,E*(B), autoconf\\ 
(\nnn) Digital formula book, OpenMath, tfb, CD (hypergeo*, weylalgebra*, intpath*),


\pagetitle{ 1. {\color{blue} $B?7$7$$%5!<%P(B ntl}}
NTL is a high-performance, portable C++ library providing data structures and algorithms for manipulating signed, arbitrary length integers, and for vectors,
matrices, and polynomials over the integers and over finite fields. 

{\color{blue} ox\_toolkit $+$ NTL $B%i%$%V%i%j(B}
$\Rightarrow$ {\color{red} ox\_ntl}
[1145]= ox_launch_nox(0,"/home/taka/OX4/OpenXM/bin/ox_ntl");
[1028] F=ntl.ex_data(4)$
[1029] F = F * subst(F, x, x + 1)$
[1030] ntl.factor(PID, F);  /* NTL $B$N(B knapsac factorizer */

$B<BAu$K$h$jL@$i$+$K$J$C$?$3$H(B: \\
ox\_toolkit $B$NLdBjE@$N2~A1(B, LLL $B$r$h$V$?$a$K(B CMO array $B$bI,MW(B.

\rightline{$B3+H/(B: $B4d:,(B ($B>.86(B)}

\pagetitle{2. {\color{blue} $B?7$7$$%5!<%P(B polymake $B$H(B oxshell}}

{\color{red} Polymake } : $BB?LLBNMQ%=%U%H%&%(%"(B. \\
{\tt http://www.math.tu-berlin.de/polymake},
by Ewgenji Gawrilow, Michael Joswig. \\
% polemake logo
Facets, Convex hull, Triangulation, $B9=@.(B, polytope data,
Visualization by JavaView and Povray.

$BE@(B $(1,0,0)$, $(1,1,0)$, $(1,0,1)$, $(1,1,1)$ $B>e$N(B cone $B$N(B facet $B$r5a$a$h(B. \\
{\tt polymake} $B$G$O$D$.$h$&$JF~NO%U%!%$%k(B {\tt square.poly} $B$r$^$::n@.$9$k(B.

{\footnotesize \color{blue} \begin{verbatim}
1 0 0
1 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 1
\end{verbatim} }

{\color{red} \verb@ polymake square.poly FACETS @ } \\
{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 -1
1 -1 0
\end{verbatim} }


\pagetitle{ Polymake $B$N(B OX 100, 101 $B%5!<%P2=$G2?$,LdBj$G$"$C$?$+(B?}
%todo OX 100 $B$N35N,$,I,MW$+(B?

$B?7$7$$(B OX RFC 100 $B=`5r$N%5!<%P$r:n$k>l9g$K$O(B
$B%?!<%2%C%H$H$9$k?t3X%=%U%H%&%(%"%7%9%F%`$N%=!<%9%3!<%I$K(B OX RFC 100 $BBP1~ItJ,(B
C++ $B$G=q$+$l$?(B polymake $B$N%=!<%9$O@hC<E*$J(B C++ $B$N5!G=$r(B

Polymake $B$O$"$i$+$8$a%U%!%$%k$K%3%^%s%I$d%G!<%?$r=q$-=P$7$F$*$/$3$H$K$h$j(B
unix $B$N(B shell ($B$d(B Windows $B$N%3%^%s%I%W%m%s%W%H(B) 
$B$+$iMxMQ2DG=$J$h$&$K:n$i$l$F$$$k(B: {\color{red} $B%P%C%A=hM}BP1~%"%W%j%1!<%7%g%s(B}.
Polymake $B$OBPOCE*MxMQ$OA[Dj$7$F$*$i$:%5!<%P$N7W;;$rCfCG$7$F(B, $B:FEY3+;O$9$k$J$I$NI,MW$,$J$$(B.
$\Rightarrow$ {\tt system} $B$N6/2=HG(B {\color{blue} oxshell}

\pagetitle{ Oxshell $B$H$O(B }
Oxshell $B$O>e5-$N$h$&$J%P%C%A=hM}BP1~%"%W%j%1!<%7%g%s$r%=!<%9%3!<%I$N2~JQ$J$/(B 
OX RFC 100 $B=`5r$K$9$k$?$a$N$$$o$f$k%i%C%Q!<7?$N(B OX $B%5!<%P$r=q$/$?$a$NJd=u5!G=$r(B
$BDs6!$9$k(B sm1 $B$X$NAH$_9~$_4X?t$G$"$k(B.

Oxshell $B$rMQ$$$F(B OX $B%5!<%P$r<B8=$9$k$N$,E,@Z$J?t3X%=%U%H%&%(%"$O0J2<$N$h$&$JFCD'$r$b$D$b$N$G$"$m$&(B. \\
\nnn $B%P%C%A=hM}BP1~%"%W%j%1!<%7%g%s$G$"$k(B. \\
\nnn $B%=!<%9%3!<%I$NJQ99$,$G$-$J$$$+:$Fq(B. \\
\nnn $B%5!<%P$H$NDL?.$,IQHK$K$*$-$J$$(B. \\
\nnn $B%5!<%P$N7W;;$rCfCG$7$F(B, $B:FEY3+;O$9$k$J$I$NI,MW$,$J$$(B. \\
\nnn Windows $B$G$b(B unix $B$G$bF0$+$7$?$$(B.  \\

\pagetitle{ OX RFC 100 $B$NI|=,(B}

$B%5!<%P$O(B stackmachine. 
(1) $B%9%?%C%/%^%7%s$X$N%a%C%;!<%8$rAw$k$3$H$K$h$j7W;;$,?J9T$9$k(B.
(2) $B7W;;$NCfCG$J$I$N%a%C%;!<%8$b$"$k(B.
(3) $B%5!<%P$O%(%s%8%s$H%3%s%H%m!<%k%W%m%;%9$h$j$J$k(B.


\noindent OX RFC 100 $B$K$O(B\underline{$B%U%!%$%k$N35G0$,$J$$(B}. $B$7$?$,$C$F(B, \\
\verb@ polymake $B%U%!%$%kL>(B $BF0:n(B @ \\
$B$_$?$$$J%W%m%0%i%`$O(B OX $B%9%?%C%/%^%7%s$N>e$N%G!<%?$r%U%!%$%k$K=q$-=P$7$F$+$i(B
$B<B9T$7$F(B, $B$=$l$+$i$^$?%9%?%C%/%^%7%s$N>e$N%G!<%?$KJQ49$7$J$$$H$$$1$J$$(B.
($BC1=c;E;v(B, $B$7$+$7(B,  ZPG $B$N6KCW(B; unix $B$H(B windows $B0c$$(B,
/bin/sh $B$NB8:_(B, $B%W%m%0%i%`$,BgJQFI$_$K$/$/J]<i$b$7$K$/$$(B)

{\tt oxshell} $B$G$O$3$N;E;v$O<!$N(B 1 $B9T$G=q$/(B. \\
{\color{red} \verb@[(polymake) (stringInOut://$B%9%?%C%/%^%7%sJQ?tL>(B.poly) $BF0:n(B] oxshell@}\\

$B$3$N$h$&$J9M$(J}$O(B, $B$J$K$b?7$7$$$b$N$G$O$J$$(B. \\
$BNc(B: Java $B$N(B io.StringReader ( io.InputStreamReader $B$NBe$o$j(B). \\
$BNc(B: $B%9%/%j%W%H8@8l$G$"$k(B Python
  \verb@ x=os.popen("abc","r").read(); @

{\color{blue} $B?7$7$$ItJ,(B}:
$B$3$l$,(B oxshell $B%3%^%s%I$NF3F~$K$h$C$F2r7h$5$l$kE@$N0l$D$G$"$k(B.
$B9M$(J}$,@0M}$5$l%W%m%0%i%`$NJ]<i@-$,BgJQ$h$/$J$j(B, $B$^$??7$7$$%P%C%A7?%"%W%j%1!<%7%g%s$N(BOX $B%5!<%P2=$,3Z$K$J$C$?(B.


$BJ8;zNs(B {\tt S} $B$K3JG<$5$l$?C18l(B dog, cat, lion $B$r(B unix $B$N%D!<%k(B sort $B$G(B
$BF~NO$O(B oxshell $B$r<B9T$7$F$$$k%9%?%C%/%^%7%s$NJQ?t(B {\tt S} $B$K3JG<$5$l$F$$$k(B.

[1163]:= S="dog\ncat\nlion\n";
[1164]:= oxshell.set_value("S",S);
[1165]:= T=oxshell.oxshell(["sort","stringIn://S"]);

\pagetitle{ oxshell.facets() $B$N<BAu(B, $B?t3X4X?t$N<BAuNc(B }

\nnn $B%G!<%?JQ49$K$O(B tfb/2 ($BEDB<(B)format $B$rMxMQ(B, OpenMath $B%"!<%-%F%/%A%c$rMxMQ(B.
{\color{blue}$B@.2L(B}: $B$=$NM-8z@-$r<B>Z$G$-$?(B.)
%% $B$3$l$b?7$7$$E@$G$"$m$&(B.
{\footnotesize \begin{verbatim}
[ $polymake.data(polymake.POINTS([[1,0,0],[1,1,0],[1,0,1],[1,1,1]]),
  CMO tree expression of the data above
  Outputs to stdout and stderr ]
\end{verbatim} }

{\color{red} taka\_ahg.b(A,Idx)}(OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/src/taka\_ahg.rr)
oxshell $B$K$h$k(B polymake $B8F$S=P$75!G=$rMQ$$$??t3X4X?t(B.
$B$3$N4X?t$O(B $B9TNs(B {\tt A} $B$KIU?o$7$?(B $BJ}8~(B {\tt Idx} $B$N$"$k(B $b$ $B4X?t$r7W;;$9$k(B.
$B$3$l$O(B {\tt A} $B$NDj5A$9$k(B cone $B$N%U%!%;%C%H$r$"$i$o$90l<!<0$N@Q$GI=8=$5$l$k$3$H$,(B,
(Saito, Mutsumi; Sturmfels, Bernd; Takayama, Nobuki; Hypergeometric polynomials and integer programming. Compositio Math. 115 (1999), no. 2, 185--204
Saito, Mutsumi; Parameter shift in normal generalized hypergeometric systems. Tohoku Math. J. (2) 44 (1992), no. 4, 523--534


[1163]:= load("oxshell.rr");
[1164]:= load("taka_ahg.rr");
[1165]:=  A=[[1,0,0],[1,1,0],[1,0,1],[1,1,1],[1,2,0]];
[1166]:= fctr(taka_ahg.b(A,0,[s1,s2,s3]));

def b(A,Idx,V) {
  F = oxshell.facets(A);    /* Computing all the facets by polymake server.*/
  F = F[1];                 /* F is the set of the facets */
  P = A[Idx];
  Nfacets = length(F);
  F = toPrimitive2(P,F);   /* Translate into primitive supporting function */
  Bf = 1;
  for (I=0; I<Nfacets; I++) {
    H = matrix_inner_product(P,F[I]);
    if (H != 0) {
      B = matrix_inner_product(P,V);
      for (J=0; J<H; J++) {
        Bf = Bf*(B-J);  /* See the papers above. */

\rightline{$B3+H/(B: $B9b;3(B}

\pagetitle{3. {\color{blue} OX-RFC 103 ( 100, 101 $BJd0d(B)}}

$B$3$N(B RFC $B$O(B OpenXM RFC 100 ($B$*$h$S(B 101) $B$N<BAu$K$h$jL@$i$+$K$J$C$?<o!9$NLdBjE@$r$b$H$K(B
RFC 100 $B%W%m%H%3%k$X$N4v$D$+$NDI2C$rDs0F$9$k(B.

\nnn $B%U%!%$%k$X$NFI$_=q$-(B \\
\nnn $B?7$7$$(B CMO \\
\nnn  $B%(%s%8%sG'>Z<jB3$-(B \\
\nnn $BCfCG$*$h$SJQ?t$NEAGE(B \\
1. $B<+J,$N;R6!%W%m%;%9$r$9$Y$F%j%9%H$9$k(B
  (asir$B$N>l9g(B:{\tt ox\_get\_serverinfo()}) \\
2. $B;R6!%W%m%;%9$K=gHV$K(B OpenXM-RFC 100 $B$NCfCG%a%C%;!<%8$rAw$k(B.

{\color{red} ox103\_set\_shared\_variable(} CMO string {\tt Name}, CMO object {\tt
value}{\tt )}
$B%(%s%8%s%9%?%C%/%^%7%s$NJQ?t(B {\tt Name} $B$KCM(B
{\tt value} $B$,@_Dj(B,
 {\tt ox103\_set\_shared\_variable}

\rightline{$B3+H/(B: $B9b;3(B}

\pagetitle{4. {\color{blue} OX-RFC 102 --- $BK\3JE*$J%5!<%P4VDL?.$rMQ$$$?J,;67W;;(B}}

\rightline{$B3+H/(B: $BLnO$(B}


%%$Id: rims-2003-12-16-ja-ohp.tex,v 1.4 2003/12/11 05:40:59 taka Exp $ at misc-2003/12/RIMS