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Annotation of OpenXM/doc/calc2000/bib.tex, Revision

1.1       noro        1: %$OpenXM: OpenXM/doc/issac2000/bib.tex,v 1.10 2000/01/17 08:06:15 noro Exp $
                      3: \begin{thebibliography}{X}
                      4: \bibitem{OpenMath}
                      5: The OpenMath Esprit Consortium
                      6: (Caprotti, O. and Cohen, A.M. Editors),
                      7: The OpenMath Standard. D1.3.2a (Public) \\
                      8: {\footnotesize \tt http://www.nag.co.uk/projects/OpenMath},
                      9: February, 1999.
                     10: \bibitem{CLO}
                     11: Cox, D., Little, J.,  O'Shea,
                     12: {\it Using Algebraic Geometry}, Springer, 1998.
                     13: \bibitem{GKW}
                     14: Gray, S., Kajler, N. and Wang, P. S.,
                     15: Design and Implementation of MP, a Protocol for Efficient
                     16:   Exchange of Mathematical Expressions,
                     17: {\sl Journal of Symbolic Computation}, 1996.
                     18: \bibitem{Singular}
                     19: Greuel, G.-M. et al., SINGULAR : a computer algebra system for polynomial
                     20: computations, \\
                     21: {\tt http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/\~\,zca/Singular/}.
                     22: \bibitem{gap}
                     23: Linton, S. and Solomon, A.,
                     24: OpenMath, IAMC and {\tt GAP},
                     25: preprint, 1999.
                     26: \bibitem{MPI} Message Passing Interface,
                     27: {\tt http://www.mpi-forum.org}
                     28: \bibitem{netsolve}
                     29: NetSolve, {\tt http://www.cs.utk.edu/netsolve}
                     30: \bibitem{asir}
                     31: Noro, M. et al.,
                     32: A Computer Algebra System {\tt Risa/Asir},  1993, 1995, 2000\\
                     33: {\tt ftp://archives.cs.ehime-u.ac.jp/pub/asir2000/}
                     34: \bibitem{noro-mckay}
                     35: Noro, M. and McKay, J.,
                     36: Computation of replicable functions on Risa/Asir.
                     37: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on
                     38: Symbolic Computation PASCO'97, ACM Press, 130-138 (1997).
                     39: \bibitem{noro-takayama}
                     40: Noro, M and Takayama, N., Design and Implementation
                     41: of OpenXM, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000.
                     42: \bibitem{oaku-advance}
                     43: Oaku, T.,
                     44: Algorithms for $b$-functions, restrictions, and algebraic local cohomology
                     45: groups of $D$-modules.
                     46: Advances in Applied Mathematics, {\bf 61}, 61--105, 1997.
                     47: \bibitem{openxm-web}
                     48: {\footnotesize {\tt http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM}}
                     49: \bibitem{sst-book}
                     50: Saito, M., Sturmfels, B. and Takayama, N.,
                     51: {\it Gr\"obner Deformations of Hypergeometric Differential Equations}.
                     52: Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics {\bf 6}. Springer, 1999.
                     53: \bibitem{schefstrom}
                     54: Schefstr\"om, D.,
                     55: Building a highly integrated development environment using
                     56: preexisting parts.
                     57: In IFIP 11th World Computer Congress, San Francisco, USA.
                     58: \bibitem{Shoup}
                     59: Shoup, V.,
                     60: A new polynomial factorization algorithm and
                     61: its implementation,
                     62: {\sl Journal of Symbolic Computation}, 20, 364-397, 1996.
                     63: \bibitem{kan}
                     64:        Takayama, N.,
                     65:        {\em Kan: A system for computation in
                     66:        algebraic analysis,} 1991 version 1,
                     67:         1994 version 2, the latest version is 2.991106.
                     68:        {\tt \small ftp.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/pub/kan}
                     69: \bibitem{phc}
                     70: Verschelde, J.,
                     71: PHCpack: A general-purpose solver for polynomial systems by
                     72: homotopy continuation.  ACM Transaction on Mathematical Software, 25(2)
                     73: 251-276, 1999.
                     74: \bibitem{iamc}
                     75: Wang, P.,
                     76: Design and Protocol for Internet Accessible Mathematical Computation.
                     77: Technical Report ICM-199901-001, ICM/Kent State University, 1999.
                     78: \bibitem{mathlink}
                     79: Wolfram, S.,
                     80: {\it The Mathematica Book, Fourth Edition}.
                     81: 1999, Cambridge University Press.
                     82: \end{thebibliography}

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