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Annotation of OpenXM/doc/calc2000p/calc2000.tex, Revision

1.1       noro        1: %$OpenXM$
                      2: %% You need acmconf.cls and flushend.sty to compile this file.
                      3: %% They may be obtained from
                      4: %%  http://riksun.riken.go.jp/archives/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/acmconf/
                      5: \documentclass[notitlepage]{book}
                      6: \usepackage{behringer1}
                      7: %\documentclass{article}
                      8: %% \CopyrightText{\copyright 2000, }
                      9: \IfFileExists{graphicx.sty}{\usepackage{graphicx}}{}
                     10: \IfFileExists{epsfig.sty}{\usepackage{epsfig}}{}
                     11: %\ConferenceName{ISSAC 2000, St. Andrews, UK, 2000}
                     12: %\ConferenceShortName{ISSAC2000}
                     13: \def\OpenXM{{\rm OpenXM\ }}
                     15: \begin{document}
                     16: %\date{January 16, 2000}
                     17: \date{}
                     18: \title{OpenXM
                     19:       --- an Open System \\ to Integrate Mathematical Software}
                     20: \author{
                     21: {\hfil}
                     22: \and
                     23: {Masahide Maekawa \quad Yukio Okutani}\\
                     24: {Nobuki Takayama \quad Yasushi Tamura}\\
                     25: Kobe University
                     26: \and
                     27: {\hfil}
                     28: \and
                     29: {Masayuki Noro}\\
                     30: {Fujitsu Labs}
                     31: \and
                     32: {Katsuyoshi Ohara}\\
                     33: {Kanazawa University}
                     34: }
                     35: \maketitle
                     37: \input{design-outline}
                     38: \end{document}

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