Annotation of OpenXM/doc/compalg/ex.tex, Revision
1.1 noro 1: \chapter{$B%?%$%_%s%0%G!<%?$*$h$SNc(B}
3: \section{$B%?%$%_%s%0%G!<%?(B : $BJ}Dx<0(B}
4: \begin{tabbing}
5: $MMM\;\;$ \= \kill
6: $C(n)$ \> The cyclic n-roots system of n variables. (Faugere {\it et al.},1993).\\
7: \> $\{f_1,\cdots,f_n\}$ where
8: $f_k=
9: \displaystyle{\sum_{i=1}^n\prod_{j=i}^{k+j-1}c_{j \bmod n}-\delta_{k,n}}$.
10: ($\delta$ is the Kronecker symbol.) \\
11: \> The variables and ordering : $c_n \succ c_{n-1} \succ \cdots \succ c_1$\\
12: $K(n)$ \> The Katsura system of n+1 variables. \\
13: \> $\{u_l - \sum_{i=-n}^n u_i u_{l-i} (l = 0,\cdots, n-1),
14: \sum_{l=-n}^n u_l - 1\}$\\
15: \> The variables and ordering : $u_0 \succ u_1 \succ \cdots \succ u_n$.\\
16: \> Conditions : $u_{-l} = u_l$ and $u_l = 0 (|l| > n)$. \\
17: $R(n)$ \> {\tt e7} in Rouillier (1996). \\
18: \> $\{-1/2+\sum_{i=1}^n(-1)^{i+1}x_i^k (k=2, \cdots, n+1) \}$\\
19: \> The variables and ordering : $x_n \succ x_{n-1} \succ \cdots \succ x_1$.\\
20: $D(3)$ \> {\tt e8} in Rouillier (1996). \\
21: \> $\{f_0,f_1,f_2,\cdots,f_7\}$\\
22: \> {\scriptsize $f_0=-420y^2-280zy-168uy-140vy-120sy-210ty-105ay+12600y-13440$}\\
23: \> {\scriptsize $f_1=-840zy-630z^2-420uz-360vz-315sz-504tz-280az+18900z-20160$}\\
24: \> {\scriptsize $f_2=-630ty-504tz-360tu-315tv-280ts-420t^2-252at+12600t-13440$}\\
25: \> {\scriptsize $f_3=-5544uy-4620uz-3465u^2-3080vu-2772su-3960tu-2520au+103950u-110880$}\\
26: \> {\scriptsize $f_4=-4620vy-3960vz-3080vu-2772v^2-2520sv-3465tv-2310av+83160v-88704$}\\
27: \> {\scriptsize $f_5=-51480sy-45045sz-36036su-32760sv-30030s^2-40040ts-27720as+900900s-960960$}\\
28: \> {\scriptsize $f_6=-45045ay-40040az-32760au-30030av-27720as-36036at-25740a^2+772200a-823680$}\\
29: \> {\scriptsize $f_7=-40040by-36036bz-30030bu-27720bv-25740bs-32760bt-24024ba+675675b-720720$}\\
30: \normalsize
31: \> The variables and ordering : $b \succ a \succ s \succ v \succ u \succ t \succ z \succ y$.\\
32: $Rose$ \> The Rose system.\\
33: % \> $\{u_4^4-20/7a_{46}^2, a_{46}^2u_3^4+7/10a_{46}u_3^4+7/48u_3^4-50/27a_{46}^2-35/27a_{46}-49/216,$\\
34: % \> $a_{46}^5u_4^3+7/5a_{46}^4u_4^3+609/1000a_{46}^3u_4^3+49/1250a_{46}^2u_4^3$\\
35: % \> $-27391/800000a_{46}u_4^3-1029/160000u_4^3+3/7a_{46}^5u_3u_4^2+3/5a_{46}^6u_3u_4^2$\\
36: % \> $+63/200a_{46}^3u_3u_4^2+147/2000a_{46}^2u_3u_4^2+4137/800000a_{46}u_3u_4^2$\\
37: % \> $-7/20a_{46}^4u_3^2u_4-77/125a_{46}^3u_3^2u_4-23863/60000a_{46}^2u_3^2u_4$\\
38: % \> $-1078/9375a_{46}u_3^2u_4-24353/1920000u_3^2u_4-3/20a_{46}^4u_3^3-21/100a_{46}^3u_3^3$\\
39: % \> $-91/800a_{46}^2u_3^3-5887/200000a_{46}u_3^3-343/128000u_3^3 \}$\\
40: \> $O_1$ : $u_3 \succ u_4 \succ a_{46}$, $O_2$ : $u_3 \succ a_{46} \succ u_4$.\\
41: $Liu$ \> The Liu system.\\
42: \> $\{y(z-t)-x+a, z(t-x)-y+a, t(x-y)-z+a, x(y-z)-t+a\}$\\
43: \> The variables and ordering : $x \succ y \succ z \succ t \succ a$.\\
44: $Fate$ \> The Fateman system, appeared on NetNews. \\
45: \> $\{s^3+2r^3+2q^3+2p^3$, $s^5+2r^5+2q^5+2p^5$,\\
46: \> $-s^5+(r+q+p)s^4+(r^2+(2q+2p)r+q^2+2pq+p^2)s^3+(r^3+q^3+p^3)s^2$\\
47: \> $+(3r^4+(2q+2p)r^3+(4q^3+4p^3)r+3q^4+2pq^3+4p^3q+3p^4)s+(4q+4p)r^4$\\
48: \> $+(2q^2+4pq+2p^2)r^3+(4q^3+4p^3)r^2+(6q^4+4pq^3+8p^3q+6p^4)r$\\
49: \> $+4pq^4+2p^2q^3+4p^3q^2+6p^4q\}$\\
50: \> The variables and ordering : $p \succ q \succ r \succ s$.\\
51: $hC(6)$ \> A homogenization of C(6). \\
52: \> $(C_6\backslash \{c_1c_2c_3c_4c_5c_6-1\})\cup \{c_1c_2c_3c_4c_5c_6-t^6\}$\\
53: \> The variables and ordering :
54: $c_1 \succ c_2 \succ c_3 \succ c_4 \succ c_5 \succ c_6 \succ t$.\\
55: \end{tabbing}
58: \section{$B%?%$%_%s%0%G!<%?(B : change of ordering}
59: $B$3$3$G$O(B, $B$5$^$6$^$J(B change of ordering $B%"%k%4%j%:%`$N%?%$%_%s%0%G!<%?(B
60: $B$r<($9(B. $B7WB,$O(B, PC (FreeBSD, 300MHz Pentium II, 512MB of memory) $B$G9T$C$?(B.
61: $BC10L$OIC(B. garbage collection $B;~4V$O=|$$$F$"$k(B.
63: $BM=$a7W;;$7$F$"$k(B DRL \gr $B4pDl$+$i=PH/$7$F(B, LEX \gr $B4pDl7W;;$9$k(B.
64: $BMQ$$$k%"%k%4%j%:%`$O(B,
65: TL ({\it tl\_guess$()$}),
66: HTL ($B@F<!2=(B+{\it tl\_guess$()$}+$BHs@F2=(B),
67: LA ({\it candidate\_by\_linear\_algebra$()$}; 0 $B<!85%7%9%F%`$N$_(B)
68: $B$G$"$k(B.
69: $BI=(B \ref{mcotype} $B$O(B DRL $B$+$i(B LEX $B$X$NJQ49$K$+$+$k;~4V$r$7$a$9(B.
70: {\it DRL} $B$O(B, DRL $B$N7W;;;~4V$r<($9(B. $B%0%l%V%J4pDl%A%'%C%/$N8z2L$r(B
71: $B<($9$?$a$K(B, {\it tl\_check$()$} $B$N;~4V$b<($9(B.
73: \begin{table}[hbtp]
74: \caption{Modular change of ordering}
75: \label{mcotype}
76: \begin{center}
77: \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
78: & $K(5)$ & $K(6)$ & $K(7)$ & $C(6)$ & $C(7)$ & $R(5)$ & $R(6)$ \\ \hline
79: {\it DRL}&0.84 &8.4 &74 &3.1 &1616 &11 &1775 \\ \hline
80: {\it TL}&$\infty$ &$\infty$ &$\infty$ &$\infty$ &$\infty$ &$\infty$ &$\infty$ \\ \hline
81: {\it HTL} &16 &1402 &$1.6\times 10^5$ &5.6 &$2\times 10^4$ &383 &$2.1\times 10^5$ \\ \hline
82: {\it LA} &4.7 &158 &6813 &4 &435 &9.5 &258 \\ \hline
83: {\it tl\_check} &2.3 &177 &$1.3\times 10^4$ &1.1 &2172 &3 &40 \\ \hline
84: \end{tabular}
86: \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c||c|c|c|} \hline
87: & $D(3)$ & $RoseO_1$ & $RoseO_2$ & $Liu$ & $Fate$ & $hC(6)$ \\ \hline
88: {\it DRL} &30 &0.19 &0.15 &0.06 &0.5 &7.2 \\ \hline
89: {\it TL} & $\infty$ &1.7 &354 &$\infty$ &4 &25 \\ \hline
90: {\it HTL} &$4.1\times 10^4$ &1.7 &36 &18 &4 &25 \\ \hline
91: {\it LA} &585 &3.3 &12 & --- & --- & --- \\ \hline
92: {\it tl\_check} &575 &0.6 &13 &17 &26 &24 \\ \hline
93: \end{tabular}
94: \end{center}
95: \end{table}
97: $B@0?t78?tB?9`<0$KBP$7(B, $B$=$N(B {\bf maginitude} $B$r(B, $B78?t$N%S%C%HD9$NOB$GDj5A$9$k(B.
98: {\it TL} $B$H(B {\it HTL} $B$N:9$r8+$k$?$a$K(B,
99: $BI=(B \ref{magnitude} $B$G(B, $B7W;;ESCf$K$*$1$k:GBg(B magnitude $B$r<($9(B.
101: \begin{table}[hbtp]
102: \caption{Maximal magnitude}
103: \label{magnitude}
104: \begin{center}
105: \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
106: & $C(6)$ & $K(5)$ & $K(6)$ & $RoseO_1$ & $RoseO_2$ & Liu \\ \hline
107: {\it TL}& $>$ 735380 & $> 2407737 $ & $>$ 57368231 & 69764 & 947321 & $>$ 327330 \\ \hline
108: {\it HTL}& 1992 & 44187 & 422732 & 37220 & 70018 & 21095 \\ \hline
109: \end{tabular}
110: \end{center}
111: \end{table}
113: $BI=$h$jL@$i$+$K(B, {\it TL} $B$OHs@F<!B?9`<0$KBP$9$k%0%l%V%J4pDl7W;;$KIT8~$-(B
114: $B$G$"$k$3$H$,$o$+$k(B. $B$5$i$K(B, $BI=(B \ref{mcotype} $B$O(B {\it HTL} $B$KBP$9$k(B
115: {\it LA} $B$NM%0L@-$r<($7$F$$$k(B. $B$3$l$O(B, Buchberger $B%"%k%4%j%:%`$,(B
116: Euclid $B$N8_=|K!$KBP1~$7$F$$$F(B, $BCf4V78?tKDD%$G8zN($,:81&$5$l$k$N(B
117: $B$KBP$7(B, modular $B%"%k%4%j%:%`$N8zN($O7k2L$NBg$-$5$N$_$K0MB8$9$k(B
118: $B$3$H$K$h$k(B.
120: \section{$B%?%$%_%s%0%G!<%?(B : RUR}
122: RUR $B$N(B modular $B7W;;$N%?%$%_%s%0%G!<%?$r<($9(B. $B7W;;4D6-$OA0@a$HF1MM$G$"(B
123: $B$k(B. $B$3$3$G$O(B, $BM=$a(B modular $B7W;;$K$h$j(B separating element$B$r5a$a$F$"(B
124: $B$k(B. $B$3$l$i$rMQ$$$F(B, $B$=$l$>$l<!$N$h$&$JB?9`<0$rE:2C$7$?%$%G%"%k$KBP$7(B,
125: $w$ $B$K4X$9$k(B RUR $B7W;;$r9T$&(B. $BI=$G(B, Quick Test $B$O(B modular $B7W;;$G(B $w$
126: $B$,(B separating element $B$H$J$k$3$H$r%A%'%C%/$9$k;~4V(B, Normal Form $B$O(B,
127: $B@~7AJ}Dx<0$r@8@.$9$k$?$a$N(B, monomial $B$N@55,7A$N7W;;(B, Linear Equation $B$O(B,
128: $B@~7AJ}Dx<05a2r$N;~4V$G$"$k(B. $BI=(B \ref{maxblen} $B$G$O(B, LEX $B4pDl$H(B RUR $B$G(B
129: $B78?t$NBg$-$5$,$I$N$/$i$$0c$&$+$r<($7$F$$$k(B.
131: \begin{tabbing}
132: $MMM\;\;$ \= \kill
133: $C(6)$ \> $w-(c_1+3c_2+9c_3+27c_4+81c_5+243c_6)$\\
134: $C(7)$ \> $w-(c_1+3c_2+9c_3+27c_4+81c_5+243c_6+729c_7)$\\
135: $K(n)$ \> $w-u_n$\\
136: $R(5)$ \> $w-(x_1-3x_2-2x_3+3x_4+2x_5)$\\
137: $R(6)$ \> $w-(x_1-3x_2-2x_3+3x_4+2x_5-4x_6)$\\
138: $D(3)$ \> $w-y$
139: \end{tabbing}
141: \begin{table}[h]
142: \caption{$BF~NO%$%G%"%k$K4X$9$k%G!<%?(B}
143: \begin{center}
144: \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|c||c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
145: & $K(5)$ & $K(6)$ & $K(7)$ & $K(8)$ & $C(6)$& $C(7)$ & $R(5)$ & $R(6)$ & $D(3)$ \\ \hline
146: $\dim_{\Q} R/I$ & 32 & 64 & 128 & 256 & 156 & 924 &144 &576 & 128 \\ \hline
147: DRL GB& 0.8 & 7.2 & 68 & 798 & 3.1 & 1616 & 11 & 1775 & 30 \\ \hline
148: \end{tabular}
149: \end{center}
150: \end{table}
152: \begin{table}[h]
153: \caption{$B7W;;;~4V(B ($BIC(B)}
154: \begin{center}
155: \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c||c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
156: & $K(6)$& $K(7)$& $K(8)$& $C(6)$& $C(7)$& $R(5)$ & $R(6)$ & $D(3)$ \\ \hline
157: Total & 7.4 & 69 & 1209 & 4.6 & 1643 & 52 & 8768 & 67 \\ \hline
158: Quick test& 0.4 & 3.2 & 26 & 0.5 & 57 & 6.5 & 384 & 3.1 \\ \hline
159: Normal form& 1.1 & 12 & 308 & 1.4 & 762 & 15 & 2861 & 7.3 \\ \hline
160: Linear equation& 4.1 & 43 & 775 & 1.4 & 641 & 22 & 3841 & 45 \\ \hline
161: Garbage collection& 1.7 & 10 & 100 & 1.2 & 181 & 7.8 & 1681 & 11 \\ \hline
162: \end{tabular}
163: \end{center}
164: \end{table}
166: \begin{table}[h]
167: \label{maxblen}
168: \caption{Maximal bit length of coefficients in LEX basis and the RUR}
169: \begin{center}
170: \begin{tabular}{|c||c|c|c|c|c|} \hline
171: & $K(5)$ & $K(6)$ & $K(7)$ & $K(8)$ & $D(3)$ \\ \hline
172: LEX & 1421 & 6704 & 36181 & --- & 6589 \\ \hline
173: RUR & 120 & 249 & 592 & 1258 & 821 \\ \hline
174: \end{tabular}
175: \end{center}
176: \end{table}
178: \section{$BNc(B : $B=`AGJ,2r(B}
180: $B<!$NNc$O(B, symplectic integrator $B$H8F$P$l$k0BDj$J@QJ,%9%-!<%`$N(B
181: $B?tCM7W;;K!$K4X$7$F8=$l$?J}Dx<07O$G$"$k(B \cite{SYMP}.
183: \vskip\baselineskip
184: {\small
185: $\left\{
186: \parbox[c]{6in}{
187: $d_1+d_2+d_3+d_4=1, c_1+c_2+c_3+c_4=1,$\\
188: $(6d_1c_2+(6d_1+6d_2)c_3+(6d_1+6d_2+6d_3)c_4)c_1
189: +(6d_2c_3+(6d_2+6d_3)c_4)c_2+6d_3c_4c_3=1,$\\
190: $(3d_1^2+(6d_2+6d_3+6d_4)d_1+3d_2^2+(6d_3+6d_4)d_2+3d_3^2+6d_4d_3+3d_4^2)c_1$\\
191: $+(3d_2^2+(6d_3+6d_4)d_2+3d_3^2+6d_4d_3+3d_4^2)c_2+(3d_3^2+6d_4d_3+3d_4^2)c_3+3d_4^2c_4=1,$\\
192: $(3d_1+3d_2+3d_3+3d_4)c_1^2+((6d_2+6d_3+6d_4)c_2+(6d_3+6d_4)c_3+6d_4c_4)c_1$\\
193: $+(3d_2+3d_3+3d_4)c_2^2+((6d_3+6d_4)c_3+6d_4c_4)c_2+(3d_3+3d_4)c_3^2+6d_4c_4c_3+3d_4c_4^2=1,$\\
194: $(24d_2d_1c_3+(24d_2+24d_3)d_1c_4)c_2+(24d_3d_1+24d_3d_2)c_4c_3=1,$\\
195: $(12d_2^2+(24d_3+24d_4)d_2+12d_3^2+24d_4d_3+12d_4^2)d_1c_2
196: +((12d_3^2+24d_4d_3+12d_4^2)d_1$\\
197: $+(12d_3^2+24d_4d_3+12d_4^2)d_2)c_3
198: +(12d_4^2d_1+12d_4^2d_2+12d_4^2d_3)c_4=1,$\\
199: $4d_1c_2^3+(12d_1c_3+12d_1c_4)c_2^2+(12d_1c_3^2+24d_1c_4c_3
200: +12d_1c_4^2)c_2+(4d_1+4d_2)c_3^3$\\
201: $+(12d_1+12d_2)c_4c_3^2+(12d_1+12d_2)c_4^2c_3+(4d_1+4d_2+4d_3)c_4^3=1$
202: }
203: \right.$}
205: \vskip\baselineskip
206: \noindent
207: $B$3$l$r=`AGJ,2r$K$+$1$k$H(B, $B<!$NJ,2r$,F@$i$l$k(B.
209: \vskip\baselineskip
210: $\left\{
211: \parbox[c]{8in}{
212: $24c_4^2-6c_4+1=0$\\
213: $c_1=-c_4+{1\over 4}$,
214: $c_2=-c_4+{1\over 2}$,
215: $c_3=c_4+{1\over 4}$
216: $d_1=-2c_4+{1\over 2}$,
217: $d_2={1\over 2}$,
218: $d_3=2c_4$,
219: $d_4=0$}
220: \right.$
222: $\left\{
223: \parbox[c]{8in}{
224: $6c_4^3-12c_4^2+6c_4-1=0$\\
225: $c_1=0$,
226: $c_2=c_4$,
227: $c_3=-2c_4+1$
228: $d_1={1\over 2}c_4$,
229: $d_2=-{1\over 2}c_4+{1\over 2}$,
230: $d_3=-{1\over 2}c_4+{1\over 2}$,
231: $d_4={1\over 2}c_4$}
232: \right.$
234: $\left\{
235: \parbox[c]{8in}{
236: $48c_4^3-48c_4^2+12c_4-1=0$\\
237: $c_1=c_4$,
238: $c_2=-c_4+{1\over 2}$,
239: $c_3=-c_4+{1\over 2}$
240: $d_1=2c_4$,
241: $d_2=-4c_4+1$,
242: $d_3=2c_4$,
243: $d_4=0$}
244: \right.$
246: $\left\{
247: \parbox[c]{8in}{
248: $6c_4^2-3c_4+1=0$\\
249: $c_1=0$,
250: $c_2=-c_4+{1\over 2}$,
251: $c_3={1\over 2}$
252: $d_1=-{1\over 2}c_4+{1\over 4}$,
253: $d_2=-{1\over 2}c_4+{1\over 2}$,
254: $d_3={1\over 2}c_4+{1\over 4}$,
255: $d_4={1\over 2}c_4$}
256: \right.$
258: \section{$BNc(B : $BAPBP6J@~$N7W;;(B}
259: $f(x_1,x_2) \in \Q[x_1,x_2]$ $B$H$7(B, $F$ $B$N(B total degree $B$r(B $d$ $B$H$9$l$P(B,
260: $F(x_0,x_1,x_2)=x_0^df(x_1/x_0,x_2/x_0)$
261: $B$O(B $d$ $B<!F1<!B?9`<0$G(B, $F$ $B$NDj5A$9$kBe?t6J@~$NAPBP6J@~$O(B,
262: $$\left\{
263: \parbox[c]{8in}{
264: $u_i={{\partial F}\over {\partial x_i}} (x_0,x_1,x_2)$ $(i=0,1,2)$\\
265: $F(x_0,x_1,x_2)=0$
266: }
267: \right.$$
268: $B$+$i(B $x_0, x_1, x_2$ $B$r>C5n$7$FF@$i$l$k(B. $B>C5nK!$N0l$D$H$7$F%0%l%V%J4pDl(B
269: $B$K$h$k>C5n$,2DG=$G$"$k(B.
270: $$I = Id(
271: u_0-{{\partial F}\over {\partial x_0}},
272: u_1-{{\partial F}\over {\partial x_1}},
273: u_2-{{\partial F}\over {\partial x_2}},
274: F)$$
275: $B$H$9$k;~(B, $\{x_0, x_1, x_2\}$ $\succ$ $\{u_0, u_1, u_2\}$ $B$J$kG$0U$N>C(B
276: $B5n=g=x$K$h$j(B $I$ $B$N%0%l%V%J4pDl(B $GB(I)$ $B$r7W;;$9$l$P(B,
277: $$I \cap \Q[u_0,u_1,u_2] = Id(GB(I) \cap Q[u_0,u_1,u_2]).$$
278: $B0J2<$NNc$G(B, $V(g_i)$ $B$O(B $V(f_i)$ $B$NAPBP6J@~$G$"$k(B.
280: \vskip\baselineskip
281: $\left\{
282: \parbox[c]{6in}{
283: $f_1=x^5-x^3+y^2$\\
284: $g_1=108x^7-108x^5+1017y^2x^4-16y^4x^3-4250y^2x^2+1800y^4x-108y^6+3125y^2$
285: }
286: \right.$
288: \vskip\baselineskip
289: $\left\{
290: \parbox[c]{6in}{
291: $f_2=x^6+3y^2x^4+(3y^4-4y^2)x^2+y^6$\\
292: $g_2=-256x^6+(64y^4-192y^2+864)x^4+(-192y^4+1620y^2-729)x^2-256y^6+864y^4-729y^2$
293: }
294: \right.$
296: \vskip\baselineskip
297: $\left\{
298: \parbox[c]{6in}{
299: $f_3=2x^4-3yx^2+y^4-2y^3+y^2$\\
300: $g_3=-12x^6+(-y^2+178y-37)x^4+(12y^3-768y^2+2208y+4608)x^2-32y^4+1024y^3-7680y^2-8192y-2048$
301: }
302: \right.$
304: \vskip\baselineskip
305: \begin{figure}[hbtp]
306: \begin{tabular}{cc}
307: \begin{minipage}{.5\hsize}
308: \begin{center}
309: \epsfxsize=7cm
310: \epsffile{ps/}
311: \end{center}
312: \caption{$f_1=0$}
313: \label{f2}
314: \end{minipage} &
316: \begin{minipage}{.5\hsize}
317: \begin{center}
318: \epsfxsize=7cm
319: \epsffile{ps/}
320: \end{center}
321: \caption{$g_1=0$}
322: \label{g2}
323: \end{minipage}
324: \end{tabular}
325: \end{figure}
328: \begin{figure}[hbtp]
329: \begin{tabular}{cc}
330: \begin{minipage}{.5\hsize}
331: \begin{center}
332: \epsfxsize=7cm
333: \epsffile{ps/}
334: \end{center}
335: \caption{$f_2=0$}
336: \label{f3}
337: \end{minipage} &
339: \begin{minipage}{.5\hsize}
340: \begin{center}
341: \epsfxsize=7cm
342: \epsffile{ps/}
343: \end{center}
344: \caption{$g_2=0$}
345: \label{g3}
346: \end{minipage}
347: \end{tabular}
348: \end{figure}
350: \begin{figure}[hbtp]
351: \begin{tabular}{cc}
352: \begin{minipage}{.5\hsize}
353: \begin{center}
354: \epsfxsize=7cm
355: \epsffile{ps/}
356: \end{center}
357: \caption{$f_3=0$}
358: \label{f5}
359: \end{minipage} &
361: \begin{minipage}{.5\hsize}
362: \begin{center}
363: \epsfxsize=7cm
364: \epsffile{ps/}
365: \end{center}
366: \caption{$g_3=0$}
367: \label{g5}
368: \end{minipage}
369: \end{tabular}
370: \end{figure}
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