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File: [local] / OpenXM / doc / issac2000 / katsura7.ps (download)

Revision 1.1, Sat Jan 15 06:11:17 2000 UTC (24 years, 8 months ago) by takayama
Branch: MAIN

A new example of asir+ox_gnuplot+ox_phc is added.

%%Title: hoge.ep
%%Creator: gnuplot 3.7 patchlevel 0
%%CreationDate: Sat Jan 15 14:55:09 2000
%%DocumentFonts: (atend)
%%BoundingBox: 50 50 554 770
%%Orientation: Landscape
%%Pages: (atend)
% $OpenXM: OpenXM/doc/issac2000/katsura7.ps,v 1.1 2000/01/15 06:11:17 takayama Exp $
/gnudict 256 dict def
gnudict begin
/Color false def
/Solid false def
/gnulinewidth 5.000 def
/userlinewidth gnulinewidth def
/vshift -46 def
/dl {10 mul} def
/hpt_ 31.5 def
/vpt_ 31.5 def
/hpt hpt_ def
/vpt vpt_ def
/M {moveto} bind def
/L {lineto} bind def
/R {rmoveto} bind def
/V {rlineto} bind def
/vpt2 vpt 2 mul def
/hpt2 hpt 2 mul def
/Lshow { currentpoint stroke M
  0 vshift R show } def
/Rshow { currentpoint stroke M
  dup stringwidth pop neg vshift R show } def
/Cshow { currentpoint stroke M
  dup stringwidth pop -2 div vshift R show } def
/UP { dup vpt_ mul /vpt exch def hpt_ mul /hpt exch def
  /hpt2 hpt 2 mul def /vpt2 vpt 2 mul def } def
/DL { Color {setrgbcolor Solid {pop []} if 0 setdash }
 {pop pop pop Solid {pop []} if 0 setdash} ifelse } def
/BL { stroke gnulinewidth 2 mul setlinewidth } def
/AL { stroke gnulinewidth 2 div setlinewidth } def
/UL { gnulinewidth mul /userlinewidth exch def } def
/PL { stroke userlinewidth setlinewidth } def
/LTb { BL [] 0 0 0 DL } def
/LTa { AL [1 dl 2 dl] 0 setdash 0 0 0 setrgbcolor } def
/LT0 { PL [] 1 0 0 DL } def
/LT1 { PL [4 dl 2 dl] 0 1 0 DL } def
/LT2 { PL [2 dl 3 dl] 0 0 1 DL } def
/LT3 { PL [1 dl 1.5 dl] 1 0 1 DL } def
/LT4 { PL [5 dl 2 dl 1 dl 2 dl] 0 1 1 DL } def
/LT5 { PL [4 dl 3 dl 1 dl 3 dl] 1 1 0 DL } def
/LT6 { PL [2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 4 dl] 0 0 0 DL } def
/LT7 { PL [2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 4 dl] 1 0.3 0 DL } def
/LT8 { PL [2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 2 dl 4 dl] 0.5 0.5 0.5 DL } def
/Pnt { stroke [] 0 setdash
   gsave 1 setlinecap M 0 0 V stroke grestore } def
/Dia { stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt add M
  hpt neg vpt neg V hpt vpt neg V
  hpt vpt V hpt neg vpt V closepath stroke
  Pnt } def
/Pls { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt sub M 0 vpt2 V
  currentpoint stroke M
  hpt neg vpt neg R hpt2 0 V stroke
  } def
/Box { stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
  0 vpt2 neg V hpt2 0 V 0 vpt2 V
  hpt2 neg 0 V closepath stroke
  Pnt } def
/Crs { stroke [] 0 setdash exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
  hpt2 vpt2 neg V currentpoint stroke M
  hpt2 neg 0 R hpt2 vpt2 V stroke } def
/TriU { stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt 1.12 mul add M
  hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V
  hpt 2 mul 0 V
  hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V closepath stroke
  Pnt  } def
/Star { 2 copy Pls Crs } def
/BoxF { stroke [] 0 setdash exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
  0 vpt2 neg V  hpt2 0 V  0 vpt2 V
  hpt2 neg 0 V  closepath fill } def
/TriUF { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul add M
  hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V
  hpt 2 mul 0 V
  hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V closepath fill } def
/TriD { stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt 1.12 mul sub M
  hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V
  hpt 2 mul 0 V
  hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V closepath stroke
  Pnt  } def
/TriDF { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul sub M
  hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V
  hpt 2 mul 0 V
  hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V closepath fill} def
/DiaF { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt add M
  hpt neg vpt neg V hpt vpt neg V
  hpt vpt V hpt neg vpt V closepath fill } def
/Pent { stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy gsave
  translate 0 hpt M 4 {72 rotate 0 hpt L} repeat
  closepath stroke grestore Pnt } def
/PentF { stroke [] 0 setdash gsave
  translate 0 hpt M 4 {72 rotate 0 hpt L} repeat
  closepath fill grestore } def
/Circle { stroke [] 0 setdash 2 copy
  hpt 0 360 arc stroke Pnt } def
/CircleF { stroke [] 0 setdash hpt 0 360 arc fill } def
/C0 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto vpt 90 450  arc } bind def
/C1 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy        moveto
       2 copy  vpt 0 90 arc closepath fill
               vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C2 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
       2 copy  vpt 90 180 arc closepath fill
               vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C3 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
       2 copy  vpt 0 180 arc closepath fill
               vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C4 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
       2 copy  vpt 180 270 arc closepath fill
               vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C5 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
       2 copy  vpt 0 90 arc
       2 copy moveto
       2 copy  vpt 180 270 arc closepath fill
               vpt 0 360 arc } bind def
/C6 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
      2 copy  vpt 90 270 arc closepath fill
              vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C7 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
      2 copy  vpt 0 270 arc closepath fill
              vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C8 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
      2 copy vpt 270 360 arc closepath fill
              vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C9 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
      2 copy  vpt 270 450 arc closepath fill
              vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C10 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy 2 copy moveto vpt 270 360 arc closepath fill
       2 copy moveto
       2 copy vpt 90 180 arc closepath fill
               vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C11 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
       2 copy  vpt 0 180 arc closepath fill
       2 copy moveto
       2 copy  vpt 270 360 arc closepath fill
               vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C12 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
       2 copy  vpt 180 360 arc closepath fill
               vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C13 { BL [] 0 setdash  2 copy moveto
       2 copy  vpt 0 90 arc closepath fill
       2 copy moveto
       2 copy  vpt 180 360 arc closepath fill
               vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/C14 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto
       2 copy  vpt 90 360 arc closepath fill
               vpt 0 360 arc } bind def
/C15 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt 0 360 arc closepath fill
               vpt 0 360 arc closepath } bind def
/Rec   { newpath 4 2 roll moveto 1 index 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto
       neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def
/Square { dup Rec } bind def
/Bsquare { vpt sub exch vpt sub exch vpt2 Square } bind def
/S0 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy moveto 0 vpt rlineto BL Bsquare } bind def
/S1 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
/S2 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
/S3 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt2 vpt Rec fill Bsquare } bind def
/S4 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
/S5 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy 2 copy vpt Square fill
       exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
/S6 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt vpt2 Rec fill Bsquare } bind def
/S7 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt vpt2 Rec fill
       2 copy vpt Square fill
       Bsquare } bind def
/S8 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt sub vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
/S9 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt sub vpt vpt2 Rec fill Bsquare } bind def
/S10 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt sub vpt Square fill 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt Square fill
       Bsquare } bind def
/S11 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy vpt sub vpt Square fill 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt2 vpt Rec fill
       Bsquare } bind def
/S12 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt2 vpt Rec fill Bsquare } bind def
/S13 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt2 vpt Rec fill
       2 copy vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
/S14 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt sub vpt2 vpt Rec fill
       2 copy exch vpt sub exch vpt Square fill Bsquare } bind def
/S15 { BL [] 0 setdash 2 copy Bsquare fill Bsquare } bind def
/D0 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S0 stroke grestore } bind def
/D1 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S1 stroke grestore } bind def
/D2 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S2 stroke grestore } bind def
/D3 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S3 stroke grestore } bind def
/D4 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S4 stroke grestore } bind def
/D5 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S5 stroke grestore } bind def
/D6 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S6 stroke grestore } bind def
/D7 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S7 stroke grestore } bind def
/D8 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S8 stroke grestore } bind def
/D9 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S9 stroke grestore } bind def
/D10 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S10 stroke grestore } bind def
/D11 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S11 stroke grestore } bind def
/D12 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S12 stroke grestore } bind def
/D13 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S13 stroke grestore } bind def
/D14 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S14 stroke grestore } bind def
/D15 { gsave translate 45 rotate 0 0 S15 stroke grestore } bind def
/DiaE { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt add M
  hpt neg vpt neg V hpt vpt neg V
  hpt vpt V hpt neg vpt V closepath stroke } def
/BoxE { stroke [] 0 setdash exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
  0 vpt2 neg V hpt2 0 V 0 vpt2 V
  hpt2 neg 0 V closepath stroke } def
/TriUE { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul add M
  hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V
  hpt 2 mul 0 V
  hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V closepath stroke } def
/TriDE { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul sub M
  hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V
  hpt 2 mul 0 V
  hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V closepath stroke } def
/PentE { stroke [] 0 setdash gsave
  translate 0 hpt M 4 {72 rotate 0 hpt L} repeat
  closepath stroke grestore } def
/CircE { stroke [] 0 setdash 
  hpt 0 360 arc stroke } def
/Opaque { gsave closepath 1 setgray fill grestore 0 setgray closepath } def
/DiaW { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt add M
  hpt neg vpt neg V hpt vpt neg V
  hpt vpt V hpt neg vpt V Opaque stroke } def
/BoxW { stroke [] 0 setdash exch hpt sub exch vpt add M
  0 vpt2 neg V hpt2 0 V 0 vpt2 V
  hpt2 neg 0 V Opaque stroke } def
/TriUW { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul add M
  hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V
  hpt 2 mul 0 V
  hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V Opaque stroke } def
/TriDW { stroke [] 0 setdash vpt 1.12 mul sub M
  hpt neg vpt 1.62 mul V
  hpt 2 mul 0 V
  hpt neg vpt -1.62 mul V Opaque stroke } def
/PentW { stroke [] 0 setdash gsave
  translate 0 hpt M 4 {72 rotate 0 hpt L} repeat
  Opaque stroke grestore } def
/CircW { stroke [] 0 setdash 
  hpt 0 360 arc Opaque stroke } def
/BoxFill { gsave Rec 1 setgray fill grestore } def
%%Page: 1 1
gnudict begin
50 50 translate
0.100 0.100 scale
90 rotate
0 -5040 translate
0 setgray
(Helvetica) findfont 140 scalefont setfont
1.000 UL
658 280 M
63 0 V
6241 0 R
-63 0 V
574 280 M
(-0.15) Rshow
658 1045 M
63 0 V
6241 0 R
-63 0 V
-6325 0 R
(-0.1) Rshow
658 1811 M
63 0 V
6241 0 R
-63 0 V
-6325 0 R
(-0.05) Rshow
658 2576 M
63 0 V
6241 0 R
-63 0 V
-6325 0 R
(0) Rshow
658 3341 M
63 0 V
6241 0 R
-63 0 V
-6325 0 R
(0.05) Rshow
658 4107 M
63 0 V
6241 0 R
-63 0 V
-6325 0 R
(0.1) Rshow
658 4872 M
63 0 V
6241 0 R
-63 0 V
-6325 0 R
(0.15) Rshow
658 280 M
0 63 V
0 4529 R
0 -63 V
658 140 M
(0.1) Cshow
1446 280 M
0 63 V
0 4529 R
0 -63 V
0 -4669 R
(0.2) Cshow
2234 280 M
0 63 V
0 4529 R
0 -63 V
0 -4669 R
(0.3) Cshow
3022 280 M
0 63 V
0 4529 R
0 -63 V
0 -4669 R
(0.4) Cshow
3810 280 M
0 63 V
0 4529 R
0 -63 V
0 -4669 R
(0.5) Cshow
4598 280 M
0 63 V
0 4529 R
0 -63 V
0 -4669 R
(0.6) Cshow
5386 280 M
0 63 V
0 4529 R
0 -63 V
0 -4669 R
(0.7) Cshow
6174 280 M
0 63 V
0 4529 R
0 -63 V
0 -4669 R
(0.8) Cshow
6962 280 M
0 63 V
0 4529 R
0 -63 V
0 -4669 R
(0.9) Cshow
1.000 UL
658 280 M
6304 0 V
0 4592 V
-6304 0 V
658 280 L
1.000 UP
1.000 UL
6311 4739 M
('/tmp/gnuplot-data-tmp.9711.t') Rshow
3917 2183 Pls
3826 2576 Pls
2671 2553 Pls
2934 2831 Pls
4410 2595 Pls
4628 2432 Pls
5844 2576 Pls
2858 2543 Pls
1502 2576 Pls
3927 2576 Pls
2382 2689 Pls
2996 2576 Pls
3229 2214 Pls
2147 3273 Pls
2015 2576 Pls
4038 2702 Pls
4039 2576 Pls
2616 3244 Pls
4691 2635 Pls
6130 2576 Pls
6869 2576 Pls
3145 2454 Pls
2671 2599 Pls
3142 2526 Pls
6074 2963 Pls
5217 2697 Pls
4620 2576 Pls
4642 2576 Pls
3768 2729 Pls
4442 857 Pls
3308 3868 Pls
2500 2576 Pls
3762 1343 Pls
3667 2576 Pls
5399 3975 Pls
3142 2626 Pls
4689 2576 Pls
987 2576 Pls
2625 2436 Pls
3567 2576 Pls
3917 2969 Pls
2616 1908 Pls
2382 2463 Pls
2858 2609 Pls
5217 2455 Pls
3145 2698 Pls
3091 1933 Pls
2291 2558 Pls
2147 1879 Pls
4625 2576 Pls
3757 1420 Pls
3835 2682 Pls
4294 2487 Pls
2521 2576 Pls
4294 2665 Pls
2291 2594 Pls
2061 2576 Pls
3604 2576 Pls
4372 3153 Pls
4264 1615 Pls
4021 2578 Pls
5045 2576 Pls
2646 3247 Pls
4465 2576 Pls
4169 2576 Pls
3114 2888 Pls
4486 2480 Pls
4442 4295 Pls
5785 2576 Pls
3114 2264 Pls
3596 2576 Pls
4160 2291 Pls
4850 2576 Pls
6343 1709 Pls
1503 2576 Pls
4410 2557 Pls
5389 2576 Pls
3429 2576 Pls
4021 2574 Pls
4372 1999 Pls
5399 1177 Pls
4705 1674 Pls
4476 1556 Pls
4038 2450 Pls
5625 2576 Pls
2022 2576 Pls
5238 2611 Pls
6018 2407 Pls
2934 2321 Pls
2625 2716 Pls
3091 3219 Pls
2646 1905 Pls
1515 2576 Pls
3241 1321 Pls
3835 2470 Pls
6079 2576 Pls
5238 2541 Pls
2012 2576 Pls
3762 3809 Pls
4264 3537 Pls
3757 3732 Pls
4403 2576 Pls
4761 2888 Pls
4904 2576 Pls
4691 2517 Pls
4476 3596 Pls
3229 2938 Pls
3241 3831 Pls
5917 2576 Pls
6343 3443 Pls
3015 2576 Pls
4696 3017 Pls
4241 2576 Pls
4696 2135 Pls
6074 2189 Pls
3308 1284 Pls
4628 2720 Pls
4486 2672 Pls
6226 2576 Pls
2575 2576 Pls
4160 2861 Pls
1524 2576 Pls
3768 2423 Pls
6018 2745 Pls
4705 3478 Pls
4761 2264 Pls
3917 2183 Pls
3826 2576 Pls
2671 2553 Pls
2934 2831 Pls
4410 2595 Pls
4628 2432 Pls
5844 2576 Pls
2858 2543 Pls
1502 2576 Pls
3927 2576 Pls
2382 2689 Pls
2996 2576 Pls
3229 2214 Pls
2147 3273 Pls
2015 2576 Pls
4038 2702 Pls
4039 2576 Pls
2616 3244 Pls
4691 2635 Pls
6130 2576 Pls
6869 2576 Pls
3145 2454 Pls
2671 2599 Pls
3142 2526 Pls
6074 2963 Pls
5217 2697 Pls
4620 2576 Pls
4642 2576 Pls
3768 2729 Pls
4442 857 Pls
3308 3868 Pls
2500 2576 Pls
3762 1343 Pls
3667 2576 Pls
5399 3975 Pls
3142 2626 Pls
4689 2576 Pls
987 2576 Pls
2625 2436 Pls
3567 2576 Pls
3917 2969 Pls
2616 1908 Pls
2382 2463 Pls
2858 2609 Pls
5217 2455 Pls
3145 2698 Pls
3091 1933 Pls
2291 2558 Pls
2147 1879 Pls
4625 2576 Pls
3757 1420 Pls
3835 2682 Pls
4294 2487 Pls
2521 2576 Pls
4294 2665 Pls
2291 2594 Pls
2061 2576 Pls
3604 2576 Pls
4372 3153 Pls
4264 1615 Pls
4021 2578 Pls
5045 2576 Pls
2646 3247 Pls
4465 2576 Pls
4169 2576 Pls
3114 2888 Pls
4486 2480 Pls
4442 4295 Pls
5785 2576 Pls
3114 2264 Pls
3596 2576 Pls
4160 2291 Pls
4850 2576 Pls
6343 1709 Pls
1503 2576 Pls
4410 2557 Pls
5389 2576 Pls
3429 2576 Pls
4021 2574 Pls
4372 1999 Pls
5399 1177 Pls
4705 1674 Pls
4476 1556 Pls
4038 2450 Pls
5625 2576 Pls
2022 2576 Pls
5238 2611 Pls
6018 2407 Pls
2934 2321 Pls
2625 2716 Pls
3091 3219 Pls
2646 1905 Pls
1515 2576 Pls
3241 1321 Pls
3835 2470 Pls
6079 2576 Pls
5238 2541 Pls
2012 2576 Pls
3762 3809 Pls
4264 3537 Pls
3757 3732 Pls
4403 2576 Pls
4761 2888 Pls
4904 2576 Pls
4691 2517 Pls
4476 3596 Pls
3229 2938 Pls
3241 3831 Pls
5917 2576 Pls
6343 3443 Pls
3015 2576 Pls
4696 3017 Pls
4241 2576 Pls
4696 2135 Pls
6074 2189 Pls
3308 1284 Pls
4628 2720 Pls
4486 2672 Pls
6226 2576 Pls
2575 2576 Pls
4160 2861 Pls
1524 2576 Pls
3768 2423 Pls
6018 2745 Pls
4705 3478 Pls
4761 2264 Pls
6594 4739 Pls
%%DocumentFonts: Helvetica
%%Pages: 1