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Annotation of OpenXM/misc/packages/Linux/Debian/openxm-knoppix-math-en.html, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! takayama    1: <html>
        !             2: <!--  -->
        !             3: <title>
        !             4:  OpenXM/Risa/Asir, etc
        !             5: </title>
        !             6: <body bgcolor=#ffffff text=#000000>
        !             7: <h1> OpenXM
        !             8:                <img src="file:///usr/share/pixmaps/logo-openxm2-color.xpm" />
        !             9:   Package of Mathematical Software Systems </h1>
        !            10:
        !            11:
        !            12: <p>
        !            13: <a href="http://www.openxm.org">The OpenXM project  </a>
        !            14: provides a package of mathematical software systems,
        !            15: which are integrated by
        !            16: the OpenXM protocol.
        !            17: OpenXM is an abbreviation of Open message eXchange for Mathematics.
        !            18:
        !            19: The computer algebra system
        !            20: <a href="http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/Asir/index.html">
        !            21: Risa/Asir</a>
        !            22: <img src="file:///usr/share/pixmaps/hopo_std_color.xpm"/>,
        !            23: which is made in Japan,
        !            24: is a main client of the package and
        !            25: all software systems in the package can be used from Risa/Asir.
        !            26: </p>
        !            27:
        !            28: <h2> <font color="red"> How to start Risa/Asir </font> </h2>
        !            29: From the KDE menu, choose <br>
        !            30: <font color="green"> Application </font>
        !            31: -->
        !            32: <font color="green"> Mathematics </font>
        !            33: -->
        !            34: <font color="green"> Asir(OpenXM) <img src="file:///usr/share/pixmaps/hopo_std_color.xpm"/>
        !            35: </font>
        !            36: <br>
        !            37: In order to use Asir(OpenXM),
        !            38: your computer must be connected to the internet, because
        !            39: a part of Risa/Asir is downloaded from ftp.math.kobe-u.ac.jp. <br>
        !            40: <font color="cyan">
        !            41: NOTE:
        !            42: A part of Asir cannot be included in the CD because of a restriction
        !            43: of the Risa/Asir license and the part is downloaded from the internet
        !            44: after you agree with the license.
        !            45: The size of the part is less than 2 Mega bytes.
        !            46: The part is saved under your home directory
        !            47: with the names .asir-tmp, .TeXmacs, .asirrc.
        !            48: If you have a USB memory, you can save the files of your home directory
        !            49: to the USB memory.
        !            50: Choose the KDE menu <br>
        !            51: knoppix --> configure --> create persistent home directory <br>
        !            52: As to details, see a knoppix manual.
        !            53: </font>
        !            54: <br>
        !            55: Once you downloaded, you can use Asir(OpenMX) from the TeXmacs, too.
        !            56: In the TeXmacs menu, choose<br>
        !            57: <font color="gree"> Text  </font>
        !            58: -->
        !            59: <font color="gree"> session </font>
        !            60: -->
        !            61: <font color="gree"> OpenXM[asir,sm1] </font> <br>
        !            62: The screeen will look like
        !            63: <a href="http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/Asir/texmacs-oxasir-1.png">
        !            64: this</a>.
        !            65:
        !            66:
        !            67: <h2> <font color="red"> What kind of computation can I do by Risa/Asir? </font> </h2>
        !            68: Here are some examples
        !            69: <ol>
        !            70: <li>  <font color="blue"> fctr(x^100-1);   </font>
        !            71:    Factorization of x <sup> 100 </sup> - 1
        !            72: <li>  <font color="blue">
        !            73:      ifplot(x^3-y^2);
        !            74:     </font>
        !            75:   Drawing the zero set of x <sup> 3 </sup> - y <sup> 2 </sup> = 0.
        !            76: <li>  <font color="blue">
        !            77:      gnuplot.heat(0.0001,100);
        !            78:     </font>
        !            79:     Solving the heat equation by using the forward difference scheme.
        !            80:     The time step is 0.0001.
        !            81: <li>  <font color="blue">
        !            82:    dp_gr_main([x^2+y^2-4,x*y-1] | v=[x,y], order=[[x,1]]);
        !            83:      </font>
        !            84:    <br>
        !            85:    Computation of the Grobner basis of
        !            86:    x <sup> 2 </sup> +y <sup> 2 </sup> -4, x y -1
        !            87:    with the weight 1 for the variable x and the weight 0
        !            88:    for the variable y.
        !            89: <li> <font color="blue">
        !            90:  F=[x^2+y^2-4,x*y-1]; V=[x,y];
        !            91:  dp_gr_main(map(dp_ptod,F,V) | v=V, order=[[x,1]]);
        !            92: </font>
        !            93: The same computation, but the answer is given by DP (distributed polynomial).
        !            94: <li> Others:
        !            95: A faster Grobner basis computation (nd_gr_main),
        !            96: primary ideal decomposition (primadec), factorization in algebraic
        !            97: extensions of Q (afctr), computation in the ring of differential operators
        !            98: (*weyl*), number theoretic functions in pari, ...
        !            99: </ol>
        !           100:
        !           101:
        !           102: <h2> <font color="red"> What are references of Asir? </font> </h2>
        !           103: <ol>
        !           104: <li> <a href="file:///usr/local/OpenXM/doc/asir2000/html-eg/man_toc.html">
        !           105:      Asir Manual (HTML) </a>
        !           106: <li> <a href="file:///usr/local/OpenXM/doc/asir-contrib/cman-en.dvi">
        !           107:      Asir-contrib Manual (dvi) </a>,
        !           108:      <a href="http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM/Current/doc/asir-contrib/html-en/cman-en_toc.html"> HTML </a>
        !           109: </ol>
        !           110:
        !           111: <h2> What OX servers can I call from  Asir? </h2>
        !           112: <ol>
        !           113: <li> kan/sm1 : A system for algebraic analysis and the ring of differential
        !           114: operators.  The standalone version is started by typing in "openxm sm1"
        !           115: in the terminal (unix shell).
        !           116: <a href="file:///usr/local/OpenXM/doc/kan96xx/ttt/ttt.html">
        !           117: Introductory manual </a>,
        !           118: <a href="file:///usr/local/OpenXM/doc/kan96xx/onlinehelp/onlinehelp.html">
        !           119: manual  </a>.
        !           120: <li> phc :  Solving systems of algebraic equations by the homotopy method.
        !           121: The standalone version is started by typing in "openxm phc"
        !           122: <li> gnuplot : The famous plotting software.
        !           123: <li> And others.
        !           124: </ol>
        !           125: As to details, see
        !           126: <a href="http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM/Current/doc/asir-contrib/html-en/cman-en_toc.html">
        !           127: OpenXM/asir-contrib manual</a>.
        !           128:
        !           129:
        !           130: <h2>  OpenXM CVS Repositry  (for developpers).
        !           131: </h2>
        !           132: <a href="http://www.math.sci.kobe-u.ac.jp/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/">cvsweb </a>
        !           133:  (Risa/Asir is under OpenXM_contrib2/asir2000.
        !           134:   sm1 is under OpenXM/src.)
        !           135:
        !           136: <br>
        !           137: <br>
        !           138:
        !           139: $OpenXM$
        !           140: </body>
        !           141: </html>

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