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Diff for /OpenXM/misc/packages/Linux/Debian2/note-ja.txt between version 1.5 and 1.33

version 1.5, 2006/02/12 11:04:43 version 1.33, 2020/02/19 00:56:08
Line 1 
Line 1 
   Debian etch (32bit, legacy, orange)  $B$G@8@.$9$k;~$O(B, debian/control $B$+$i(B java $B4XO"$N(B
   build depend $B$r0l;~:o=|$9$k(B.
   fe:MathLibre-i386 $B$X(B copy $B$5$l$k(B.  OpenXM/bin/use-asir-mode.sh $B$b$"$j(B.
 Todo: Makefile-fix,  cf. misc-2005/A2/knoppix-2006/Makefile-asir,  .TeXmacs $B4XO"(B.  Todo: Makefile-fix,  cf. misc-2005/A2/knoppix-2006/Makefile-asir,  .TeXmacs $B4XO"(B.
   $BCm0U(B: debian/openxm.postrm $B$G$O(B, $B$b$H$b$H$N(B openxm*.deb $B$G%$%s%9%H!<%k$5$l$?0J30$N$b$N$r>C$9(B. OpenXM/bin $B$,99?7$5$l$?$iCm0U(B.
        (bin/oxfetch.sh $B0J30(B)  cf. /var/lib/dpkg/info/openxm.*
 Q. $B%Q%C%1!<%8$r?7$7$/$7$?$$(B.  Q. $B%Q%C%1!<%8$r?7$7$/$7$?$$(B.
 A.  A.  orange (32bit, etch),  orange3m (64bit) $B$G:n6H(B. (orange3c $B$G$O(B asir $B$N(B shared library $B$^$o$j$GJQ$K$J$k(B. ldd $B$NCM$,JQ(B. 2016.02.12)
       $B8E$$(B version $B$G:n@.$7$?J}$,$h$j$*$*$$%^%7%s$G;H$($k(B.
      0.  [MathLibre $B$G$O(B java-package java-common, openjdk-11-jdk 2016.02.12->2020.02.19
           (apt-get install sun-java5-jdk (unstable) $B$r$7$F$*$/(B --> jessie $B$K$O$J$$(B. )
           dpkg-dev, debhelper, fakeroot, texi2html, freeglut3-dev $B$bI,MW(B.
           dpkg  --list | grep freeglut3 $BEy$GD4$Y$k(B.
           nkf, texinfo $BEy$O(B knoppix/math $B$J$i(BOK $B$@$,G0$N$?$a3NG'(B.
                  dpkg --list | grep texinfo
           dvipdfmx $B$,$&$^$/$&$4$/$3$H(B. xpdf-japanese (xpdf-reader) --> evince $B$X(B.
          [OpenXM/rc/webasir $B$r;H$&$J$i(B pstoimg $B$,I,MW(B.
           apt-get install latex2html (non-free). latex2html $B$,2u$l$F$$$?$i(B, $BL>A0$rJQ$($F$7$^$&(B. jarticle-->article $B$GF0$/$O$:(B ]
          [knoppix/math: gpg --key-gen $B$G(B .gnupg $B$K(B changelog $B$KBP1~$9$k(B
                         e-mail address $B$N80$r:n@.$7$F$*$/(B.
            ~/.gnupg $B$r(B orange2 $BEy$+$i%3%T!<$7$F$*$/(B.
          << Etch: waiting for lock on .... random_seed ==> dpkg-buildpackage -uc -us (add option of no signature)
          $BKt$O(B export GNUPGHOME=nfs $B$G$J$$(B directory $B$N(B .gnupg $B$7$F(B,
          debian@math.kobe-u.ac.jp $B$G%5%$%s(B. -uc -us $B$O$H$k(B.>>
    1. $B$9$Y$F$N:n6H$O(B     1. $B$9$Y$F$N:n6H$O(B
        source dot.bashrc         source ./dot.bashrc      (./$B$rIU$1$k$N$r$o$9$l$J$$$3$H(B)
       $B$r$7$F$+$i(B. ($B0lIt9b;3MQ(B)        $B$r$7$F$+$i(B. ($B0lIt9b;3MQ(B)
         [ 2016.02.12  /usr/lib $B$b(B LD_LIBRARY_PATH $B$X2C$($F$*$+$J$$$H$&$^$/9T$+$J$$(B.
            ldd asir ($BM}M3$OITL@(B). dot.bashrc $BJQ99:Q(B. ]
         export GNUPGHOME=/private/taka/.gnupg $BEy$bK:$l$:$K(B.
    2. debian/changelog $B$r=$@5(B.  date $B$O(B rfc822 format $B$r<i$k;v(B.     2. debian/changelog $B$r=$@5(B.  date $B$O(B rfc822 format $B$r<i$k;v(B.
         ( dpkg-parsechangelog  $B$G(B check.          ( dpkg-parsechangelog  $B$G(B check.
           $B=pL>$9$k$K$O(B, mail address $B$r(B pgp $B$N$b$N$HF10l$K(B.)            $B=pL>$9$k$K$O(B, mail address $B$r(B gnupg $B$N$b$N$HF10l$K(B.  cvs-passwd/gpg-debian.txt.asc )
    3. Makefile $B$N(B VERSION $B$rJQ99(B. $B%3%a%s%H$K$"$kB>$N%U%!%$%k$N(B VERSION $B$bJQ99(B.     3. Makefile $B$N(B VERSION $B$rJQ99(B. $B%3%a%s%H$K$"$kB>$N%U%!%$%k$N(B VERSION $B$bJQ99(B.
            make update-version $B$r;H$&$H$$$$$+$b(B.
         major version up $B$G$O(B debian/control $B$b(B.
    4. make clean     4. make clean
    5. make     5. make
        [knoppix/math:  make USER=taka ]
        << tar: file changed as we read it. 1.17 $B$h$j%(%i!<%3!<%I$rLa$9(B. dpkg-deb
           make $B$r$b$&0lEY$d$k$H(B, $B$3$N%(%i!<$,$G$J$/$J$k(B. $B2<$N(BR$B;2>H(B. >>
       (orange $B$G$O(B openjdk-7-jdk --> sun-java5-jdk, libtinfo-dev $B$J$N$G(B
        debian/control $B$r=q$-D>$7$F(B, commit $B$;$:(B, build $B$,=*$o$C$?$i(B rcvs update $B$G85$XLa$9(B)
    6. make copy-tar-ball-and-asir     6. make copy-tar-ball-and-asir
    (7. orange2 $B$G(B /root/bin/mirror.ftp)       [knoppix/math:  make USER=taka copy-tar-ball-and-asir]
      (7. orange2 $B$G(B /root/bin/mirror-pub
          http://fe.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/KnoppixMath $B$N8E$$(B deb $B$r(B Attic $B$X(B.
          KnoppixMath $B$G(B Update-apt.sh (http://fe.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/KnoppixMath)
   R. make $B$N:G8e$G(B,  Debian2 $B$,JQ99$5$l$?$H$+$$$C$F%(%i!<$,$G$?$i(B, $B$b$&0lEY(B
      make $B$9$l$PNI$$(B.
      (or  ./deb package  ../deb package $B$r(B rm $B$7$F:FEY(B make.)
      FTBFS package $B$K$J$k$h(B. $B$O$H$j$"$($:L5;k(B. 2016.02.12
      (Fails to Build From Source)
 Q. $B3F%9%F%C%W$G$O2?$r$d$C$F$$$^$9$+(B? $BCm0U;v9`$O(B?  Q. $B3F%9%F%C%W$G$O2?$r$d$C$F$$$^$9$+(B? $BCm0U;v9`$O(B?
 A.  A.
    1. source dot.bashrc     1. source dot.bashrc
Line 70  A. make build-deb
Line 119  A. make build-deb
 Q. $B%Q%C%1!<%8$N%F%9%H(B.  Q. $B%Q%C%1!<%8$N%F%9%H(B.
   ($B3+H/<T$N4D6-$G$O(B iyokan-6. source dot.bashrc $B$7$F$+$i(B export OpenXM_HOME= )    ($B3+H/<T$N4D6-$G$O(B orange. source dot.bashrc $B$7$F$+$i(B export OpenXM_HOME= )
 A.  A.
   $B%$%s%9%H!<%k(B.    $B%$%s%9%H!<%k(B.
    ln -s $B=q$-9~$a$k>l=j(B  /home/knoppix/.asir-tmp     ln -s $B=q$-9~$a$k>l=j(B  /home/knoppix/.asir-tmp
Line 118  A. 
Line 167  A. 
  (*) OpenXM/download/version.txt $B$O(B work/OpenXM/src/asir-port $B$N(B Makefile $B$G@8@.$5$l$k(B.   (*) OpenXM/download/version.txt $B$O(B work/OpenXM/src/asir-port $B$N(B Makefile $B$G@8@.$5$l$k(B.
 Q. deb file $B$KF~$C$F$k$b$N$r$H$j$@$7$?$$(B.  Q. deb file $B$KF~$C$F$k$b$N$r$H$j$@$7$?$$(B.  deb $B2rE`(B
 A.  A.
    dpkg-deb --extract xxxyyy.deb  tmp-any     dpkg-deb --extract xxxyyy.deb  tmp-any
    dpkg-deb --control xxxyyy.deb     dpkg-deb --control xxxyyy.deb
Line 146  A. rm .build*done .make*done
Line 195  A. rm .build*done .make*done
   #(cd work/OpenXM/src/asir-port ; make uninstall-for-knoppix)    #(cd work/OpenXM/src/asir-port ; make uninstall-for-knoppix)
   #(cd work/OpenXM/rc ; make ; source dot.bashrc ; openxm asir $B$J$I(B)    #(cd work/OpenXM/rc ; make ; source dot.bashrc ; openxm asir $B$J$I(B)
 $OpenXM: OpenXM/misc/packages/Linux/Debian2/note-ja.txt,v 1.4 2006/02/11 02:51:39 takayama Exp $  Q. openxm asir-port.sh  --> $B%U%!%$%k$,$J$$$H$$$o$l$^$9(B.
   A. /usr/local/bin/openxm $B$,@5$7$/@8@.$5$l$F$$$J$$$+$i$G$"$m$&(B.
     (cd work/OpenXM/rc ; make clean) $B$7$F$+$i(B, tar ball $B$r@8@.(B.
     [ Makefile $B$b$=$N$h$&$K99?7$7$?(B.
       rm .make*tar*done  ; make ; make copy-tar-ball-and-asir ]
   Q. asir $B$N%=!<%9%3!<%I$KJQ99$,$"$C$?(B.
   A. rm -f work/OpenXM/src/asir2000/.make_done
      (cd work; rcvs update OpenXM_contrib2/asir2000)
      rm -f .build*done  .make-tar*
      make copy-tar-ball-and-asir
   Q. openxm $B$N:o=|(B, $B99?7$,$&$^$/$$$-$^$;$s(B.
   A. license $B4XO"$GFC<l$J9=B$$N$?$a(B, apt-get upgrade $B$O$G$-$^$;$s(B.
      $B$^$:(B openxm package $B$r:o=|$7$^$9(B.
      (a) sudo dpkg --remove openxm ($B$^$?$O(B sudo dpkg --purge openxm)
      (b) sudo rm -rf ~/OpenXM_tmp  ~/.asir-tmp
      apt-get install openxm
      dpkg --install  openxm*deb
      To update package, please do as follows.
      (a) sudo dpkg --purge openxm
      (b) (sudo)  rm -rf ~/OpenXM_tmp  ~/.asir-tmp
      (c) sudo apt-get update
      (d) sudo apt-get install openxm
      "apt-get update openxm" will not work, because of a special structure
      of the package due to a license restriction.
   Q. tar $B$,(B file changed as we read it. $B$H$$$&%(%i!<$r=PNO$7$F;_$^$j$^$9(B.
   A. $B$b$&0lEY(B make $B$7$F2<$5$$(B. ($BESCf$+$i$b$&0lEY;O$a$k$H$&$^$/$$$-$^$9(B.)
   Q. emacs $B$NCf$G(B make $B$9$k$H$&$^$/$$$-$^$;$s(B.
   A. make fetch $B$N$_(B, $BIaDL$N(B shell $B$G$d$C$F2<$5$$(B.
   Q. Debian file $B$N2rE`(B.
   A. mkdir tmp
      dpkg-deb -x  xxx.deb  tmp
   Q. Cache $B$N>C5n(B. Cache $B$N>uBVI=<((B
   A. rm /var/cache/apt/archives/xxx.deb
      apt-cache show openxm
      apt-cache showpg openxm
   Q. *.deb $B$N@8@.$N(B debug  2019.02.19
   A. $B:#2s$O(B *.deb $B$KA4It$N%U%!%$%k$,4^$^$l$J$$%H%i%V%k$,(B.  fakeroot make -f Makefile-alien binary-arch $B$rMQ$$$F2r7h:v$rC5$7$?(B.
      $B7k6I(B cp $B$G(B debian/tmp/usr $B$r6/0z$K(B debian/openxm $B$X%3%T!<(B.
      fakeroot make -f debian/rules binary-arch
      dpkg -c ../*.deb  $B$GCf?H$,$"$k$+3NG'(B.
      gnupg $B$N(B $BHkL)80$O(B, $B$I$&$d$i0lHVL\$N$b$N$r7h$aBG$A$G;H$&$N$G(B, /private/taka/.gnupg $B$K$O(B
   $OpenXM: OpenXM/misc/packages/Linux/Debian2/note-ja.txt,v 1.32 2019/02/19 00:41:12 takayama Exp $

Removed from v.1.5  
changed lines
  Added in v.1.33

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