Annotation of OpenXM/misc/packages/README, Revision 1.8
1.8 ! takayama 1: $OpenXM: OpenXM/misc/packages/README,v 1.7 2000/04/17 04:30:58 takayama Exp $
1.1 takayama 2:
3: /*&japanese
5: $B$3$N(B Makefile $B$O(B, $B?@8M$K$*$$$F(B binary package $B$r@=:n$7(B,
6: ftp cite $B$X$*$/$?$a$N<+F02=%9%/%j%W%H$,$O$$$C$F$$$^$9(B.
7: $B$?$@$7(B, $B0J2<$N$h$&$J=`Hw$r$*$3$J$($P(B, committer $B$O$I$3$G$b(B binary package
8: $B$N(B make $B$r$*$3$J$($^$9(B. $B$b$C$H(B portable $B$J(B, binary package builder
9: $B$K$D$$$F$O(B, $B<!$N(B version $B$K$J$k$G$7$g$&(B.
11: $B4pK\E*$J9M$($+$?(B:
12: $B$?$H$($P(B,
13: Generic/openxm/Makefile
14: $B$O(B, cvs server (
15: $B$h$j%=!<%9$r$H$j$@$7(B work $B0J2<$KE83+$7$F(B, make $B$r$*$3$J$$(B
16: TAR_WORK $B$K(B tar file $B$r$*$-$^$9(B.
1.4 takayama 18: [1] $B@_Dj$,I,MW$+$b$7$l$J$$(B Makefile $B$N%Q%i%a!<%?(B ([2] $B$N>u67$G$OJQ99I,MW$J$7(B):
1.1 takayama 19: TAG cvs server $B$h$j(B $B%=!<%9$r$H$j$@$9$H$-$N%?%0(B. $B8=:_CM(B HEAD
20: TAR_WORK $B$G$-$"$,$C$?(B, tar file $B$r$*$/>l=j(B. $B8=:_CM(B $(HOME)/tmp
21: VERSION OpenXM $B$N(B Version $B8=:_CM(B 1.1.2
1.4 takayama 22: TAR_WORK_EXPLICIT TAR_WORK $B$rE83+$7$?CM(B.
23: $B%?!<%2%C%H(B build-on-pear (root) $B$GMxMQ(B
1.1 takayama 24: FTP_AREA ftp $BMQ$N(B tar $B$r$*$/>l=j(B. mkdir $B$7$F$*$/$3$H(B.
1.4 takayama 25: $B%?!<%2%C%H(B copy-to-ftp-area $B$N$_$G;HMQ(B.
1.1 takayama 26:
1.4 takayama 28: [2] $BMQ0U$7$F$*$/%U%!%$%k(B, directory
1.1 takayama 29: # OpenXM, OpenXM_contrib, OpenXM_contrib2 $B$O(B $(HOME) $BD>2<$K$"$k$H2>Dj(B.
30: # RPM $B$O(B /var/tmp/openxm* $B$K(B, binary $B$r0l;~E*$K(B install $B$7$^$9(B. 50 M $BDxEY$N(B
31: $BNN0h$,I,MW$G$7$g$&(B. $BJQ99$K$O(B, Linux/RPM/Makefile, * $B$rJT=8(B.
1.4 takayama 32: # mkdir ${TAR_WORK} $B$D$^$j(B mkdir ~/tmp
1.7 takayama 33: # $(HOME)/.rpmrc or .rpmmacros
34: rpm 3.0 $B0J>e$N>l9g(B ($BIaDL$O$3$A$i(B .rpmmacros $B$K=q$/(B. )
1.6 takayama 35: $BFbMF(B: %_topdir /home/taka/OpenXM/misc/packages/Linux/RPM/work
1.7 takayama 36: rpm 3.0 $BL$K~$N>l9g(B (FreeBSD 3.3 : .rpmrc $B$K=q$/(B.)
1.1 takayama 37: $BFbMF(B: TopDir: /home/taka/OpenXM/misc/packages/Linux/RPM/work
1.6 takayama 38:
1.1 takayama 39: /home/taka $B$O(B $(HOME) $B$NCM(B
40: rpm $B$O(B $B$3$N(B direcotry $B0J2<$G:n6H$r9T$&(B.
1.4 takayama 41: # $B%5!<%A%Q%9$K<B9T2DG=$J%9%/%j%W%H(B cvs-OpenXM
42: (cvs $B%5!<%P$K%"%/%;%9$7$F%U%!%$%k$r(B rcvs export $B$9$k$?$a(B)
1.1 takayama 43: $B;29M(B: ($B;d$N(B cvs-OpenXM)
44: orange% cat bin/cvs-OpenXM
45: #!/bin/sh
46: CVS_RSH=ssh-takayama
47: export CVS_RSH
48: cvs $*
49: orange% cat bin/ssh-takayama
50: #!/bin/sh
51: ssh1 -l takayama $*
1.4 takayama 53: # $B%Q%9@_Dj(B:
1.1 takayama 54: set path=(/usr/local/jdk1.1.8/bin $path) $B$H$7$F(B, java, javac $B$r%5!<%A(B
55: $B%Q%9$K$$$l$k$3$H(B. [build-on-pear $B$G$O<+F0(B]
1.4 takayama 57:
58: ### Linux $BMQ$N%P%$%J%jG[I[%U%!%$%k(B
59: OpenXM-binary-Linux-cpu.tgz
60: openxm-binary-1.1.2-test.cpu.tgz
61: $B$r:n@.$9$k$K$O<!$N$h$&$K$7$^$9(B. Redhat $B7O$N(B OS $B$G(B rpm $B$,I,MW$G$9(B.
62: (Debian $B$G$O$@$a(B.) Redhat $BF|K\8lHG(B 6.1 $B2~(B $B$G%F%9%H$:$_(B.
63: (a) make TAG=RELEASE_1_1_2 generate-tar-balls-without-update-plist
64: (b) make TAG=RELEASE_1_1_2 build-on-redhat
1.8 ! takayama 65:
! 66: RedHat 6.1 $B$G$N(B make $B$G$O(B,
! 67: OpenXM/doc/OpenXM-spec/contro.tex $B$N(B
! 68: \epsfxsize=10cm
! 69: $B$G(B, tex $B$,%(%i!<$r5/$3$9(B. ===> $B$^$@2r7h$7$F$J$$(B.
1.4 takayama 70:
72: $B?@8M$K$*$1$k%^%7%s9=@.(B:
1.1 takayama 73: $B$9$Y$F$N%^%7%s$G(B home $B$O(B NFS $B$G6&M-$5$l$F$$$k(B.
74: orange : FreeBSD
75: pear : FreeBSD root $B$K$J$j(B, FreeBSD $BMQ$N(B package $B$r$D$/$k(B.
76: ${TAR_WORK} $B$K(B root $B8"8B$G(B access $B$G$-$J$$$H$$$1$J$$(B.
77: unkei : Solaris
79: $B<j=g(B:
80: @echo "1. generate-tar-balls" FreeBSD machine $B$G<B9T$9$k$3$H(B.
81: @echo " (update-plist)"
82: @echo "2. build-on-orange (do not forget to set .rpmrc. See Linux/RPM/Makefile)"
83: @echo "3. build-on-pear (do it as a super user)"
84: @echo "4. build-on-redhat (do not forget to set .rpmrc)"
85: @echo "5. build-on-unkei"
86: @echo "6. copy-to-ftp-area "
88: 2 $B$H(B 3 $B$OJBNs$G$*$3$J$($k$,(B, NFS $B$G6&M-$5$l$F$k8B$j(B, $BJBNs$K(B build $B$7$F$O$$(B
89: $B$1$J$$(B.
91: generate-tar-ball $B$OJ#;($J$N$G(B, $B2r@b(B:
92: make clean
93: $B$9$Y$F$N(B work $B$r>C5n(B.
94: (cd Generic/openxm ; make TAG=${TAG} VERSION=${VERSION} tar-ball)
95: ${TAR_WORK} $B$X(B openxm-${VERSION}.tar.gz $B$r$D$/$k(B.
96: (cd Generic/openxm ; make TAG=${TAG} VERSION=${VERSION} tar-ball-01)
97: ${TAR_WORK} $B$X(B openxm01-${VERSION}.tar.gz $B$r$D$/$k(B.
98: [ OpenXM_contrib2 $B$r$D$/$i$J$$(B. ]
99: make update-plist
100: $B$3$l$,J#;((B.
101: FreeBSD/openxm-ports/openxm $B$X(B cd $B$7$F(B,
102: ${TAR_WORK}/openxm-${VERSION}.tar.gz $B$h$j(B,
103: FreeBSD port $B$rMQ$$$F(B, make $B$9$k(B. ( $B$3$3$O;~4V$,$+$+$k(B)
104: $B$3$N$H$-(B, port $B$N0MB84X78$G(B, make $B$K<:GT$9$k>l9g$O(B,
105: $B$H$j$"$($:(B, port $B$N(B Makefile $B$rJT=8$7$F$+$i(B, [ $B$"$H$G@bL@(B ]
106: root $B$K$J$j(B make $B$9$k$H<+F0$GI,MW$J(B tool $B$r(B install $B$9$k(B.
107: make clean $B$7$F(B, root $B$G$N:n6H$r>C$7(B,
108: $B$=$l$+$i(B, $B0lHL%f!<%6$KLa$j(B generate-tar-balls $B$KLa$k(B.
109: $B$J$*(B /usr/local/share/texmf/texmf.cnf $BEy$NJT=8$,I,MW$+$b(B.
111: make $B$7$?$i(B, work/openxm-${VERSION}/OpenXM/bin $BEy$r(B
112: $B$_$J$,$i(B, PLIST $B$r99?7$7$F(B, $B<+F0E*$K(B commit $B$9$k(B.
113: (cd FreeBSD ; make TAG=${TAG} VERSION=${VERSION} make-tar-ball-for-openxm-port)
114: CVS server $B$h$j(B PLIST $B$r4^$`(B FreeBSD port $B$r$H$j$@$7(B,
115: tar $B2=(B. build-on-pear $B$G;H$&(B.
116: (cd Linux/RPM ; make make-directory)
117: (cd Linux/RPM ; make link-for-real-openxm)
118: $B$3$l$O(B, rpm $BMQ$N=i4|$+(B. $B$9$0$*$o$k(B.
1.2 takayama 119:
121: # $B?7$7$/(B, /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/man/man1 $B$J$I(B /usr/local/OpenXM
122: $B0J30$K%$%s%9%H!<%k$9$k%U%!%$%k$,$G$-$?$P$"$$(B $B0J2<$N%U%!%$%k$N=$@5(B
123: $B$NI,MW$,$"$k$+$b$7$l$J$$(B.
124: Generic/openxm/Makefile
125: FreeBSD/openxm-ports/openxm-1.1.2/files/gen-plist.c $B$*$h$S(B
126: $B<+F0@8@.$5$l$?(B plist. cf. cd FreeBSD ; make update-plist ($B;~4V$+$+$k(B)
127: Linux/RPM/*
129: Generic/openxm/Makefile $B$N(B SHARED_FILES, BINARY_FILES $B$bCm0U?<$/(B
130: $BJQ99$N$3$H(B.
1.3 takayama 131:
132: # build-on-unkei $B$KBP$9$k%N!<%H(B.
133: set path=(/usr/ccs/bin /usr/local/bin $path); rehash
134: setenv OpenXM_HOME xxx-yyy
135: (Note for taka). On unkei, cd Solaris/OpenXM/misc/packages,
136: and make OpenXM_HOME=$OpenXM_HOME build-on-unkei
1.1 takayama 137:
1.5 takayama 138: */
140: /*&common
1.6 takayama 141: FAQ:
142: TopDir parameter is not accepted by RPM 3.0
144: Answer: use %_topdir
145: Or, see below.
1.5 takayama 146:
147: Re: RPM no longer accepting topdir parameter ?
148: Reply
151: Next in thread: RH6.0 + BJ-200 printer ?
152: Previous in thread: RPM no longer accepting topdir parameter ?
155: Posted: 06/18/1999 04:02:21 PM
157: From: <>
161: > I discovered that with RedHat 6.0, rpm no longer accepts the topdir
162: > parameter inside a configuration file. What has replaced it ?
163: > Where could I find an updated documentation of RPM ?
164: Hi,
166: I've had the same problem.
168: copy /usr/lib/rpm/macros to ~/.rpmmacros
169: and edit %_topdir
171: Greetings, Eric.
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179: ---------------------------------------------------------------------
182: */
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