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Annotation of OpenXM/src/R/r-packages/Makefile, Revision 1.12

1.4       takayama    1: RSYNC=rsync -Cavz --safe-links
1.1       takayama    2:
                      3: usage:
1.2       takayama    4:        @echo "check-hgm, build-hgm"
                      5:        @echo "rsync, copy-web"
1.5       takayama    7: check-hgm: rsync
1.2       takayama    8:        R CMD check hgm
1.5       takayama    9: build-hgm: rsync
1.12    ! takayama   10:        rm -f hgm/src/@dont-edit-files
1.2       takayama   11:        R CMD build hgm
1.12    ! takayama   12:        touch hgm/src/@dont-edit-files
1.1       takayama   13:
1.6       takayama   14: rsync: rsync-gsl-t-1 rsync-so3 rsync-mh rsync-orthant
1.1       takayama   15: rsync-gsl-t-1:
                     16:        ${RSYNC} ../../hgm/gsl-t-1/src/*.c hgm/src/
                     17:        ${RSYNC} ../../hgm/gsl-t-1/src/*.h hgm/src/
                     18: rsync-so3:
                     19:        ${RSYNC} ../../hgm/so3/src/*.c hgm/src/
1.3       takayama   20: rsync-mh:
                     21:        ${RSYNC} --exclude test1.c --exclude test2.c ../../hgm/mh/src/*.c hgm/src/
                     22:        ${RSYNC} ../../hgm/mh/src/*.h hgm/src/
1.6       takayama   23: rsync-orthant:
1.10      takayama   24:        ${RSYNC} ../../hgm/orthant/src/hgm_ko_orthant*.c  hgm/src/
1.1       takayama   25:
1.2       takayama   26: copy-web: build-hgm
1.7       takayama   27:        ${RSYNC} hgm*gz ${USER}@lemon.math.kobe-u.ac.jp:/home/web/OpenXM/Math/hgm
1.11      takayama   28:        ${RSYNC} hgm.Rcheck/hgm-manual.pdf ${USER}@lemon.math.kobe-u.ac.jp:/home/web/OpenXM/Math/hgm
1.2       takayama   29:

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