Annotation of OpenXM/src/R/r-packages/hgm/man/hgm.Rhgm.demo1.Rd, Revision 1.1
1.1 ! takayama 1: % $OpenXM$
! 2: \name{hgm.Rhgm.demo1}
! 3: \alias{hgm.Rhgm.demo1}
! 4: %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
! 5: \title{
! 6: The function hgm.Rhgm.demo1 performs a demonstration of the function
! 7: hgm.Rhgm.
! 8: }
! 9: \description{
! 10: The function hgm.Rhgm.demo1 performs a demonstration of the function
! 11: hgm.Rhgm.
! 12: }
! 13: \usage{
! 14: hgm.Rhgm.demo1()
! 15: }
! 16: %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
! 17: \arguments{
! 18: }
! 19: \details{
! 20: The function hgm.Rhgm.demo1 evaluates the normalizing constant
! 21: of the Von-Mises distribution by the HGM.
! 22: }
! 23: \value{
! 24: The returned value is a dataframe.
! 25: The column exact of the dataframe is the exact value of the normalizing
! 26: constant. The column byHGM is the value obtained by the HGM.
! 27: The column start is the initial value for the HGM.
! 28: }
! 29: \references{
! 30: }
! 31: \author{
! 32: Tomonari Sei
! 33: }
! 34: \note{
! 35: %% ~~further notes~~
! 36: }
! 37:
! 38: %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
! 39:
! 40: \seealso{
! 41: \code{\link{hgm.Rhgm}}
! 42: }
! 43: \examples{
! 44: }
! 45: % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
! 46: % R documentation directory.
! 47: \keyword{ Normalization constant }
! 48: \keyword{ Holonomic gradient method }
! 49: \keyword{ HGM }
! 50:
! 51:
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