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Annotation of OpenXM/src/R/r-packages/hgm/man/hgm.se.hgm.Bingham.Rd, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! sei         1: \name{hgm.se.hgm.Bingham}
        !             2: \alias{hgm.se.hgm.Bingham}
        !             3: %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
        !             4: \title{
        !             5:     The function hgm.se.hgm.Bingham performs the holonomic gradient method (HGM)
        !             6:    for Bingham distributions.
        !             7: }
        !             8: \description{
        !             9:    The function hgm.se.hgm.Bingham performs the holonomic gradient method (HGM)
        !            10:    for Bingham distributions with the deSolve package in R.
        !            11: }
        !            12: \usage{
        !            13:  hgm.se.hgm.Bingham(th, d=rep(1,length(th)+1), logarithm=FALSE, ini.method="power", times=NULL, withvol=FALSE, ...)
        !            14: }
        !            15: %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
        !            16: \arguments{
        !            17:   \item{th}{ A (p-1)-dimensional vector which specifies the first (p-1) components of the parameter vector of the Bingham distribution on the (p-1)-dim sphere. The p-th parameter is assumed to be zero.}
        !            18:   \item{d}{
        !            19:      A p-dimensional vector which specifies the multiplicity of the parameter. The default is all-one vector.
        !            20:   }
        !            21:   \item{logarithm}{
        !            22:      If 'logarithm' is TRUE, then the result is log of the normalizing constant.
        !            23:   }
        !            24:   \item{ini.method}{
        !            25:      The method for computing the initial value. Only "power" is implemented now.
        !            26:   }
        !            27:   \item{times}{
        !            28:      a vector; times in [0,1] at which explicit estimates for G are desired.
        !            29:      If time = NULL, the set {0,1} is used, and only the final value is returned.
        !            30:   }
        !            31:   \item{withvol}{
        !            32:      If 'withvol' is TRUE, then the normalizing constant with volume of sphere is returned.
        !            33:      Otherwise that without volume is returned.
        !            34:      Therefore, if 'withvol' is FALSE and the parameter is zero, then the normalizing constant becomes 1.
        !            35:   }
        !            36:   \item{...}{
        !            37:      Additional parameters for computing initial values. Details are omitted.
        !            38:   }
        !            39: }
        !            40: \details{
        !            41:   The function hgm.se.hgm.Bingham computes the normalizing constant
        !            42:   of the Bingham distribution and its derivatives at any specified point.
        !            43:   The initial value is computed by the power series expansion.
        !            44: %  \code{\link[RCurl]{postForm}}.
        !            45: }
        !            46: \value{
        !            47: The output is p-dimensional vector G.
        !            48: The first element of G is the normalizing constant
        !            49: and the following (p-1)-elements are partial derivative
        !            50: of the normalizing constant with respect to the first
        !            51: (p-1) components of the parameter 'th'.
        !            52: }
        !            53: \references{
        !            54: \url{http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/OpenXM/Math/hgm/ref-hgm.html}
        !            55: }
        !            56: \author{
        !            57: Tomonari Sei
        !            58: }
        !            59: \note{
        !            60: %%  ~~further notes~~
        !            61: }
        !            62:
        !            63: %% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
        !            64:
        !            65: \seealso{
        !            66: %%\code{\link{oxm.matrix_r2tfb}}
        !            67: }
        !            68: \examples{
        !            69: # Example 1.
        !            70: library(deSolve)
        !            71: hgm.se.hgm.Bingham(c(1,3,5))
        !            72: }
        !            73: % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
        !            74: % R documentation directory.
        !            75: \keyword{ Normalization constant }
        !            76: \keyword{ Holonomic gradient method }
        !            77: \keyword{ HGM }
        !            78:
        !            79:

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