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File: [local] / OpenXM / src / asir-contrib / packages / src / beta.rr (download)

Revision 1.1, Fri Apr 8 06:25:12 2005 UTC (19 years, 1 month ago) by takayama
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: R_1_3_1-2, RELEASE_1_3_1_13b, RELEASE_1_2_3_12, KNOPPIX_2006, HEAD, DEB_REL_1_2_3-9

 bench-1 --> bench-1.rr
 beta    --> beta.rr
 fourier-0 --> edu_fourier_0.rr
 hg21 --> taka_hg21.rr
 igraph --> igraph.rr
 sets --> oh_sets.rr
 uldet --> uldet.rr

/* -*- mode: C -*- */
/* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/src/beta.rr,v 1.1 2005/04/08 06:25:12 takayama Exp $ */
/* Old, beta, see Attic */
/* beta-nbc-asir/beta */

/* This program computes beta nbc bases for twisted cohomology groups
   with given arrangements.

   First, you give an arrangement of hyperplanes as follows:

   [1] Arr = [ [z-t, t, t-s, s, 1-s], [t,s] ];

   The data structure of arrangements is as follows:
   [ (A list of linear forms), (A list of indeterminates) ].

   Second, you can get its incidence graph as follows:

   [2] IG = igraph_getIGraph(Arr);

   Third, give a total order on the hyperplanes and you can get the
   beta nbc for the incidence graph IG.

   [3] Order = [1,2,3,4,5];
   [4] B = beta_getBetaNbcSet(IG, Order);

   Finally, you can get a basis of its twisted cohomology group.

   [5] BF = beta_betaNbcSet2forms(B, IG, Order);

/* These are samples of arrangemnts. */
Arr1 = [ [z-t, t, t-s, s, 1-s], [t,s] ]$
Arr2 = [ [z-u, u-t, t-s, 1-s, u, t, s], [u, t,s] ]$
Arr3 = [ [z-t, z-s, 1-t, 1-s, t-s, t, s], [t,s] ]$
Arr4 = [ [z-u, z-t, z-s, 1-u, 1-t, 1-s, u-t, t-s, u, t, s], [u, t,s] ]$
Arr5 = [ [s, t, s+t-z], [t,s] ]$


#define hpPart(X) ((X)[0])

/* extract the family of intersectable sets with rank=Rank from an
incidence graph */
def beta_igRank(IGraph, Rank) {
  return (--Rank < 0) ? ([]) : reverse(IGraph)[Rank];

def beta_intersectable_p(Set, IGraph) {
  Len = length(IGraph);
  for (I = 0; I < Len; I++) {
    if (sets_subset_of_subset_p(Set, IGraph[I])) {
      return 1;
  return 0;

def beta_getDepSets(IGraph) {
  IGraph = reverse(IGraph);
  ASL = cdr(reverse(sets_getAllSortedLists(length(car(IGraph)))));
  DepSets = [];
  while ((List = car(IGraph)) != [] && (SL = car(ASL)) != []) {
    while ((L = car(SL)) != []) {
      if (sets_subset_of_subset_p(L, List)) {
        DepSets = cons(L, DepSets);
      SL = cdr(SL);
    IGraph = cdr(IGraph);
    ASL = cdr(ASL);
  return DepSets;

def beta_circuit1_p(Set, DepSets) {
  Len = length(DepSets);
  for (I = 0; I < Len; I++) {
    if (sets_properSubSet_p(DepSets[I], Set)) {
      return 0;
  return 1;

def beta_getCircuits(IGraph) {
  DepSets = beta_getDepSets(IGraph);
  Len = length(DepSets);
  Circuits = [];
  for (I = 0; I < Len; I++) {
    if (beta_circuit1_p(DepSets[I], DepSets)) {
      Circuits = cons(DepSets[I], Circuits);
  return Circuits;

/* non-used */
def beta_getIntersectables(Dimension, IGraph) {
  HSize = length(car(reverse(IGraph)));
  X = sets_getSortedLists(Dimension, HSize);
  Len = length(X);
  Intersections = [];
  for (I = 0; I < Len; I++) {
    if (beta_intersectable_p(X[I], IGraph)) {
      Intersections = cons(X[I], Intersections);
  return Intersections;

/* The following functions are used in computations of beta-nbc. */
def beta_howSmallThisInOrder(This, Order) {
  Len = length(Order);
  for (I = 0; I < Len && Order[I] != This; I++)
  return I;

def beta_minimalCounterWithOrder(List, Order) {
  Len = length(List);
  PrevNum = length(Order) + 1; Prev = -1;
  for (I = 0; I < Len; I++) {
    if ((Tmp = beta_howSmallThisInOrder(List[I], Order)) < PrevNum) {
      Prev = I;
      PrevNum = Tmp;
  return Prev;

def beta_listDeleteMinimalWithOrder(List, Order) {
  N = beta_minimalCounterWithOrder(List, Order);
  return sets_listDeleteNth(List, N);

/* the value is 1 when any elements of List are not contained in SupSet. */
def beta_uncontained_p(List, SupSet) {
  while ((Set = car(List)) != []) {
    if (sets_subset_p(Set, SupSet)) {
      return 0;
    List = cdr(List);
  return 1;

def beta_number_of_planes(IGraph) {
  return length(car(reverse(IGraph)));

def beta_rank_of_igraph(IGraph) {
  return length(IGraph);

def beta_getNbcSet(IGraph, Order) {
  Circuits = beta_getCircuits(IGraph);
  /* Len = length(Circuits); */
  BcSet = [];
  while ((Cir = car(Circuits)) != []) {
    BcSet = cons(beta_listDeleteMinimalWithOrder(Cir, Order), BcSet);
    Circuits = cdr(Circuits);

  /* BcSet = getBcSet(IGraph, Order); */
  Family_of_maxrank = car(IGraph);
  SL = sets_getSortedLists(beta_rank_of_igraph(IGraph), beta_number_of_planes(IGraph));
  NbcSet = [];
  while ((L = car(SL)) != []) {
    if (sets_subset_of_subset_p(L, Family_of_maxrank) && beta_uncontained_p(BcSet, L)) {
      NbcSet = cons(L, NbcSet);
    SL = cdr(SL);
  return NbcSet;

def beta_existLowerSetInListAtNth_p(Set, List, Order, N) {
  Ind = Set[N];
  while((Ind2 = car(Order)) != Ind) {
    Set2 = sets_listSetObject(Set, Ind2, N);
    if (sets_elementOfSet_p(sets_sort(Set2), List)) {
      return 1;
    Order = cdr(Order);
  return 0;

def betaNbc_p(Nbc, NbcSet, Order) {
  Len = length(Nbc);
  for (I = 0; I < Len; I++) {
    if (!beta_existLowerSetInListAtNth_p(Nbc, NbcSet, Order, I)) {
      return 0;
  return 1;

/* This is main module!! */
def beta_getBetaNbcSet(IGraph, Order) {
  NbcSet = beta_getNbcSet(IGraph, Order);
  Len = length(NbcSet);
  BetaNbcSet = [];
  for (I = 0; I < Len; I++) {
    if (betaNbc_p(NbcSet[I], NbcSet, Order)) {
      BetaNbcSet = cons(NbcSet[I], BetaNbcSet);
  return sets_sort(BetaNbcSet);

/* get the support for indepence set in the fixed arrangement. */
def beta_getSupport(Independence, IGraph) {
  IG2 = beta_igRank(IGraph, length(Independence));
  Len = length(IG2);
  for (I=0; I<Len; I++) {
    if (sets_subset_p(Independence, IG2[I])) {
      return IG2[I];
  return [];

/* We construct the list which represent a log-form for given beta-nbc. */
/* A ``list'' [[i,j],[k],[l]] means a 3-form (tau_i+tau_j)*tau_l*tau_l. */

def beta_nbc2form(Nbc, IGraph, Order) {
  /* translate a nbc to its log-form */
  PrevSupport = [];
  Snbc = [];
  Form = [];
  Order = reverse(Order);
  Len = length(Order);
  for (I=0; I<Len; I++) {
    if (sets_elementOfSet_p(Order[I], Nbc)) {
      Snbc = cons(Order[I], Snbc);
      /* reduce the log-form */
      Support = beta_getSupport(Snbc, IGraph);
      Form = cons(sets_setMinus(Support, PrevSupport), Form);
      PrevSupport = Support;
  return Form;

def beta_betaNbcSet2forms(BetaNbcSet, IGraph, Order) {
  Forms = [];
  Len = length(BetaNbcSet);
  for (I=0; I<Len; I++) {
    Forms = cons(beta_nbc2form(BetaNbcSet[I], IGraph, Order), Forms);
  return reverse(Forms);

def beta_listupBetaNbcs(Arrangement) {
  IGraph = igraph_getIGraph(Arrangement);
  HSize = length(hpPart(Arrangement));
  Orders = sets_getOrders(HSize);
  MaxNumOrders = length(Orders);
  print(["Incidence Graph:", IGraph, "--- Circuits", beta_getCircuits(IGraph)]);
  for (I = 0; I < MaxNumOrders; I++) {
    Order = Orders[I];
    BetaNbcSet = beta_getBetaNbcSet(IGraph, Order);

    print(["Order:", Order, "---  Beta NBC:", BetaNbcSet]);
