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Annotation of OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/src/cfep-init.rr, Revision 1.5

1.1       takayama    1:
                      2: load("oxrfc103.rr");
                      4: module cfep;
                      5: localf initStatic$
                      6: localf setup$
                      7: localf test0$
                      8: localf test2$
                      9: localf t_encode$
                     10: localf t_encode1$
                     11: localf t_encode_str$
                     12: localf glib_send$
1.4       takayama   13: localf glib_send2$
1.1       takayama   14: localf glib_init_send$
                     16: localf open_canvas$
                     17: localf open_canvas2$
                     18: localf draw_obj$
                     19: localf draw_obj2$
                     20: localf draw_string$
                     21: localf draw_string2$
                     22: localf draw_flush$
1.2       takayama   23: localf getGlib_canvas$
1.1       takayama   24: localf x11toGLx$
                     25: localf x11toGLy$
1.3       takayama   26: localf glib_clear$
                     27: localf glib_remove_last$
                     28: localf glib_set_pixel_size$
1.1       takayama   30:
                     31: static Glib_canvas;
                     32: static Glib_canvas_x;
                     33: static Glib_canvas_y;
                     34: def initStatic() {
1.4       takayama   35:   ctrl("double_output",1);
1.1       takayama   36:   Glib_canvas = 0;  /* gid */
                     37:   Glib_canvas_x = 400;
                     38:   Glib_canvas_y = 400;
                     39: }
                     40: initStatic()$
                     41: def setup() {
                     42:   ctrl("debug_window",0);
                     43: }
1.2       takayama   45: def getGlib_canvas() {
                     46:   return Glib_canvas;
                     47: }
1.1       takayama   48: /* Example */
                     49: def test0() {
                     50:   /* gid; commands */
                     51:   glib_init_send("0; [glColor4f, 1.0,0.0,0.0,0.3]");
                     52:   glib_init_send("0; [glRectf, -0.1,-0.1,0.1,0.1]");
                     53:   glib_init_send("0; [glib_flush]");
                     54:   glib_send("0; [glib_line,0.0,0.0,0.5,0.5,(int)255]");
                     55:   glib_send("0; [glib_flush]");
                     56: }
                     57: def test2() {
                     58:   glib_init_send("0;[glib3_ray_init]");
                     59:   glib_init_send("0;[glib_flush]");
                     60:   glib_send("0;[glib3_ray]");
                     61:   glib_send("0;[glib_flush]");
                     62: }
                     64: def open_canvas(S) {
                     65:   Glib_canvas++;
                     66:   if (S[0] != 0) Glib_canvas_x = S[0];
                     67:  else error("The fisrst argument of cfep.open_canvas is 0.");
                     68:   if (S[1] != 0) Glib_canvas_y = S[1];
                     69:  else error("The first argument of cfep.open_canvas is 0.");
                     70:   return Glib_canvas;
                     71: }
                     72: def open_canvas2(P,S) {
                     73:   return open_canvas(S);
                     74: }
                     76: def draw_obj(P,Canvas,S) {
                     77:    draw_obj2(P,Canvas,S,0);
                     78: }
1.3       takayama   81: def x11toGLx(X) { X=deval(X); return (-1.0+2*X/Glib_canvas_x); }
                     82: def x11toGLy(Y) { Y=deval(Y); return (1.0-2*Y/Glib_canvas_y); }
1.1       takayama   83: def draw_obj2(P,Canvas,S,Color) {
                     84:   if (length(S) == 4) { /* line */
                     85:      X = rtostr(x11toGLx(S[0])); Y = rtostr(x11toGLy(S[1]));
                     86:      X2 = rtostr(x11toGLx(S[2])); Y2 = rtostr(x11toGLy(S[3]));
                     87:     CC="(int)"+rtostr(Color);
                     88:     glib_send(rtostr(Canvas)+"; [glib_line,"+X+","+Y+","+X2+","+Y2+","+CC+"]");
                     89:   }else if (length(S) == 2) { /* point */
                     90:      X = rtostr(x11toGLx(S[0])); Y = rtostr(x11toGLy(S[1]));
                     91:     CC="(int)"+rtostr(Color);
                     92:      glib_send(rtostr(Canvas)+"; [glib_putpixel,"+X+","+Y+","+CC+"]");
                     93:   }
                     94: }  /* cfep.draw_obj2(0,0,[100,100],0xff0000);  cfep.draw_flush(); */
                     96: def draw_string(P,C,Pos,Text) {
                     97:   draw_string2(P,C,Pos,Text,0);
                     98: }
                     99: def draw_string2(P,C,Pos,Test,Color) {
                    100:   print("cfep.draw_string2() has not been implemented.");
                    101: }
                    102: def draw_flush(Canvas) {
                    103:   glib_send(rtostr(Canvas)+"; [glib_flush]");
                    104: }
                    106: def t_encode1(X) {
                    107:   return [
                    108:      ior(0xf8,iand(0x3,ishift(X,6))),
                    109:      ior(0xf0,iand(0x7,ishift(X,3))),
                    110:      ior(0xf0,iand(0x7,X))];
                    111: }
                    112: def t_encode_str(S) {
                    113:   Ans = [ ];
                    114:   Codes = strtoascii(S);
                    115:   N = length(Codes);
                    116:   for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
                    117:      T = t_encode1(Codes[I]);
                    118:      Ans = cons(T[0],Ans);
                    119:      Ans = cons(T[1],Ans);
                    120:      Ans = cons(T[2],Ans);
                    121:   }
                    122:   return reverse(Ans);
                    123: }
                    124: def t_encode(S) {
                    125:   return asciitostr(t_encode_str(S));
                    126: }
1.5     ! takayama  127: def glib_send(S) {
1.1       takayama  128:    S=S+"\n";
                    129:    N=length(strtoascii(S))+1;
                    130:    C=t_encode("{1<"+rtostr(N)+" "+S+" >}");
                    131:    ctrl("hex",1);
                    132:    output(); ctrl("hex",0);
1.5     ! takayama  133:    print(C,0); output(); /* channel 1 is for OpenGL redraw. */
1.1       takayama  134: }
                    135: def glib_init_send(S) {
                    136:    S=S+"\n";
                    137:    N=length(strtoascii(S))+1;
                    138:    C=t_encode("{2<"+rtostr(N)+" "+S+" >}");
                    139:    ctrl("hex",1);
                    140:    output(); ctrl("hex",0);
1.5     ! takayama  141:    print(C,0); output(); /* channel 2 is for OpenGL init. */
1.1       takayama  142: }
1.4       takayama  143: def glib_send2(Channel,S) {
                    144:    S=S+"\n";
                    145:    if (Channel==1) Channel="1"; /* regular */
                    146:   else Channel="2";                         /* init */
                    147:    N=length(strtoascii(S))+1;
                    148:    C=t_encode("{"+Channel+"<"+rtostr(N)+" "+S+" >}");
                    149:    ctrl("hex",1);
                    150:    output(); ctrl("hex",0);
1.5     ! takayama  151:    print(C,0); output(); /* channel 2 is for OpenGL init. */
1.4       takayama  152: }
1.1       takayama  153:
1.3       takayama  154: /*  glib_line(0,0,100,100);  glib_flush();
                    155:     cfep.glib_clear();
                    156: */
                    157: def glib_clear() {
                    158:     Glib_canvas =  cfep.getGlib_canvas();
                    159:     glib_send(rtostr(Glib_canvas)+";meta_removeAllInit");
                    160:     glib_send(rtostr(Glib_canvas)+";meta_removeAll");
                    161:     glib_init_send(rtostr(Glib_canvas)+"; [glClearColor,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0]");
                    162:     /* GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT 0x4000,  = 16384 */
                    163:     glib_init_send(rtostr(Glib_canvas)+"; [glClear,(int)16384]");
                    164:     glib_flush();
                    165: }
                    167: def glib_remove_last() {
                    168:     Glib_canvas =  cfep.getGlib_canvas();
                    169:     glib_send(rtostr(Glib_canvas)+";meta_removeLast");
                    170: }
                    172: def glib_set_pixel_size(P) {
                    173:     Glib_canvas =  cfep.getGlib_canvas();
                    174:    P = deval(P);
                    175:    glib_send(rtostr(Glib_canvas)+"; [glPointSize,"+rtostr(P)+"]");
                    176: }
1.1       takayama  178: endmodule;
                    180: Cfep_loaded = 1$
                    182: cfep.setup()$
                    183: /*
                    184: cfep.draw_obj2(0,0,[0,0,400,400],0x0000ff);
                    185: cfep.draw_obj(0,0,[0,0,200,100]);
                    186: cfep.draw_flush(0);
                    187: */
                    189: /* Initialization file for cfep.
                    190:    This file is loaded after ASIRRC and ./.asirrc is executed from ox_texmacs.
                    191:    cf. ox_texmacs --asirInitFile filename,    MyEnvironment.m of cfep.
                    193:    module_definedp("cfep");
                    194: #define x11toGLx(x) (-1.0+2*x/Glib_canvas_x)
                    195: #define x11toGLy(y) (1.0-2*y/Glib_canvas_y)
                    196: */
1.3       takayama  197:
                    198: /* Should be moved to the buildin function. */
                    199: def radian(D) {
                    200:   return (D/180)*@pi;
                    201: }
1.5     ! takayama  203: /* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/src/cfep-init.rr,v 1.4 2006/03/10 11:48:02 takayama Exp $ */
1.1       takayama  204:
                    206: end$

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