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Revision 1.23, Sat May 14 06:37:43 2016 UTC (8 years ago) by nakayama
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.22: +4 -3 lines

nk_module_gr2.rr : compute module integration, restriction.
nk_restriction.rr : import nk_module_gr2.rr


import("noro_module_syz.rr")$	/* for newsyz.module_syz() */
import("nk_module_gr2.rr")$     /* module_integration, module_restriction */

module nk_restriction;


localf version;
localf generic_bfct_and_gr;
localf initial_ideal;
localf initial_w, initial_part_w;
localf restriction;
localf max_int_root;
localf test_max_int_root;
localf gen;
localf cons_rev;
localf test_gen;
localf ord_w;
localf weyl_mul;
localf test_restriction;
localf test_restriction2;
localf test_restriction3;
localf restriction_ideal;
localf test_restriction_ideal;
localf restriction_ideal_internal;
localf test_restriction_ideal_internal;
localf test_nd_weyl_gr;
localf fourier_trans;
localf test_fourier_trans;
localf inv_fourier_trans;
localf test_inv_fourier_trans;
localf integration;
localf test_integration;
localf test_integration2;
localf test_integration3;
localf test_integration4;
localf test_integration5;
localf integration_ideal;
localf integration_ideal_internal;
localf integration_ideal_;
localf integration_ideal_internal_;
localf test_integration_ideal;
localf test_integration_ideal2;
localf test_integration_ideal5;
localf test_integration_ideal5_;
localf test_integration_ideal6;
localf test_integration_ideal7;
localf test_integration_ideal8;
localf coord_conv;
localf check_coord_conv, check_coord_conv2;
localf dummy_var;
localf ann_mul;
localf test_ann_mul, test_ann_mul2, test_ann_mul3;
localf subst_vect;
localf fano2;
localf fano3;
localf p_to_mat;
localf test_p_to_mat;
localf fano_polytope_a;
localf test_fano_polytope_a;
localf fano_polytope;
localf a_to_poly;
localf test_a_to_poly;
localf var_list;
localf test_var_list;
localf d_var;
localf int_fano;

/* inhomogeneous */
localf inhomo_part;
localf trans_inhomo, trans_inhomo_sub, pick_gen_relation, is_nonzero_const;
localf separate_var, make_elim_order_mat, make_weight_mat;
localf action_exp, action_exp_1;
localf subset, zero_inhomo;
localf integration_exp;
localf test_integration_exp;
localf time_print, time_round;
localf ost_integration_ideal, ost_integration_ideal2;
localf test_ost_integration_ideal;
localf ost_integration_exp, ost_integration_exp2;
localf ann_heaviside;

/* difference */
localf mellin_trans, mellin_trans2, inv_mellin_trans, inv_mellin_trans2;
localf mellin1, dsubst, theta, normal;
localf integration_ideal_shift;
localf inhomo_inv_mellin, inhomo_inv_mellin_sub;
localf car_func;
localf test_integration_ideal_shift, test_integration_ideal_shift2;
localf test_integration_ideal_shift3, test_integration_ideal_shift4;
localf ost_sum, test_ost_sum, test_ost_sum2;

/* parameter  */
localf weyl_minipoly_by_elim, weyl_minipoly_by_elim2, weyl_minipoly_by_elim3;

def version()
	T = "$Revision: 1.23 $";
	S = str_chr(T,0," ")+1;
	return sub_str(T,S,str_chr(T,S," ")-1);

/* source from lib/bfct generic_bfct */
/* generic b-fucntion に加えて F の <_(-W,W) についての GB を返す */ 
/* F : ideal, V : var list(x), DV : var list(dx), W : weight vect */
def generic_bfct_and_gr(F,V,DV,W)
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0; 
	if ( type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1 ) S0 = -1;

	if ( member(s,append(vars(F),vars(Param))) )
		error("generic_bfct_and_gr : the variable 's' is reserved.");

	N = length(V);
	N2 = N*2;

	/* If W is a list, convert it to a vector */
	if ( type(W) == 4 )
		W = newvect(length(W),W);

	/* dp_weyl_set_weight とは...? */

	/* create a term order M in D<x,d> (DRL) */
	M = newmat(N2,N2);
	for ( J = 0; J < N2; J++ )
		M[0][J] = 1;
	for ( I = 1; I < N2; I++ )
		M[I][N2-I] = -1;
	VDV = append(V,DV);

	/* create a non-term order MW in D<x,d> */
	MW = newmat(N2+1,N2);
	for ( J = 0; J < N; J++ )
		MW[0][J] = -W[J];
	for ( ; J < N2; J++ )
		MW[0][J] = W[J-N];
	for ( I = 1; I <= N2; I++ )
		for ( J = 0; J < N2; J++ )
			MW[I][J] = M[I-1][J];

	/* create a homogenized term order MWH in D<x,d,h> */
	MWH = newmat(N2+2,N2+1);
	for ( J = 0; J <= N2; J++ )
		MWH[0][J] = 1;
	for ( I = 1; I <= N2+1; I++ )
		for ( J = 0; J < N2; J++ )
			MWH[I][J] = MW[I-1][J];

	/* homogenize F */
	VDVH = append(VDV,[h]);
	FH = map(dp_dtop,map(dp_homo,map(dp_ptod,F,VDV)),VDVH);
	/* compute a groebner basis of FH w.r.t. MWH */
	if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) T0 = time(); /*tstart();*/
	if ( Param && Param != [] && ::version() < 20100206 ) {
		/* これ以前の nd_weyl_gr は係数体が有理関数体では動かない */
		if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) print("-- dp_weyl_gr_main :", 2);
		GH = dp_weyl_gr_main(FH,VDVH,0,1,11);
	} else {
		if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) print("-- nd_weyl_gr :", 2);
		GH = nd_weyl_gr(FH,VDVH,0,11);
	if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) time_print(T0); /*tstop();*/

	/* dehomigenize GH */
	G = map(subst,GH,h,1);

	/* G is a groebner basis w.r.t. a non term order MW */
	/* take the initial part w.r.t. (-W,W) */
	GIN = map(initial_part,G,VDV,MW,W);

	/* GIN is a groebner basis w.r.t. a term order M */
	/* As -W+W=0, gr_(-W,W)(D<x,d>) = D<x,d> */
	/* find b(W1*x1*d1+...+WN*xN*dN) in Id(GIN) */
	for ( I = 0, T = 0; I < N; I++ )
		T += W[I]*V[I]*DV[I];

	if ( S0 >= 0 ) {
		if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) print("skip the computation of generic b-function");
		return [s-S0, G];
	if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) T0 = time(); /*tstart();*/
	if ( Param ) {
	/* パラメータ付きは消去法で計算  */
		B = weyl_minipoly_by_elim2(GIN,V,DV,Param,T);
		if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) print("-- weyl_minipoly_by_elim :", 2);
	} else {
		B = weyl_minipoly(GIN,VDV,0,T); /* M represents DRL order */
		if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) print("-- weyl_minipoly :", 2);
	if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) time_print(T0); /*tstop();*/
	return [B, G];

/* source from lib/bfct generic_bfct */
/* F の <_(-W,W) についての GB とその initial part を返す */ 
/* F : ideal, V : var list(x), DV : var list(dx), W : weight vect */
def initial_ideal(F,V,DV,W)
	N = length(V);
	N2 = N*2;

	/* If W is a list, convert it to a vector */
	if ( type(W) == 4 )
		W = newvect(length(W),W);

	/* dp_weyl_set_weight とは...? */

	/* create a term order M in D<x,d> (DRL) */
	M = newmat(N2,N2);
	for ( J = 0; J < N2; J++ )
		M[0][J] = 1;
	for ( I = 1; I < N2; I++ )
		M[I][N2-I] = -1;
	VDV = append(V,DV);

	/* create a non-term order MW in D<x,d> */
	MW = newmat(N2+1,N2);
	for ( J = 0; J < N; J++ )
		MW[0][J] = -W[J];
	for ( ; J < N2; J++ )
		MW[0][J] = W[J-N];
	for ( I = 1; I <= N2; I++ )
		for ( J = 0; J < N2; J++ )
			MW[I][J] = M[I-1][J];

	/* create a homogenized term order MWH in D<x,d,h> */
	MWH = newmat(N2+2,N2+1);
	for ( J = 0; J <= N2; J++ )
		MWH[0][J] = 1;
	for ( I = 1; I <= N2+1; I++ )
		for ( J = 0; J < N2; J++ )
			MWH[I][J] = MW[I-1][J];

	/* homogenize F */
	VDVH = append(VDV,[h]);
	FH = map(dp_dtop,map(dp_homo,map(dp_ptod,F,VDV)),VDVH);
	/* compute a groebner basis of FH w.r.t. MWH */
	GH = dp_weyl_gr_main(FH,VDVH,0,1,11);

	/* dehomigenize GH */
	G = map(subst,GH,h,1);

	/* G is a groebner basis w.r.t. a non term order MW */
	/* take the initial part w.r.t. (-W,W) */
	GIN = map(initial_part,G,VDV,MW,W);

	/* GIN is a groebner basis w.r.t. a term order M */
	/* As -W+W=0, gr_(-W,W)(D<x,d>) = D<x,d> */
	return [G, GIN];

def initial_w(B,V,W)
	MW = make_weight_mat(W);
	GB = nd_weyl_gr(B,V,0,MW);
	return map(initial_part_w,GB,V,MW,W);

def initial_part_w(F,V,MW,W)
	N2 = length(V);
	N = N2/2;
	DF = dp_ptod(F,V);
	R = dp_hm(DF);
	DF = dp_rest(DF);

	E = dp_etov(R);
	for ( I = 0, TW = 0; I < N2; I++ )
		TW += W[I]*E[I];
	RW = TW;		

	for ( ; DF; DF = dp_rest(DF) ) {
		E = dp_etov(DF);
		for ( I = 0, TW = 0; I < N2; I++ )
			TW += W[I]*E[I];
		if ( TW == RW )
			R += dp_hm(DF);
		else if ( TW < RW )
			error("initial_part : cannot happen");
	return dp_dtop(R,V);

/* 消去法による最小多項式計算 (パラメータを含む場合) */
def weyl_minipoly_by_elim(GIN,V,DV,Param,T)
	TMP_S = s; TMP_DS = ds;
	SV = cons(TMP_S,V); DSV = cons(TMP_DS,DV);
	DParam = map(d_var,Param);
	VV = append(append(SV,Param),append(DSV,DParam));

	NP = length(Param);
	NV = length(V);
	N = NP+NV+1;
	M = make_elim_order_mat(0,N);

	G = cons(TMP_S-T,GIN);
	for ( K = 0; K < 2; K++ ) {
		for ( I = 0; I < NV; I++ ) {
			IND = 2*NV+NP+1-I-K*(NV+NP+1);
			M[0][IND] = 1;
			GB = nd_weyl_gr(G,VV,0,M);
			G = [];
			while ( GB != [] ) {
				if ( member(VV[IND],vars(car(GB))) )
				G = cons(car(GB),G);
				GB = cdr(GB);
			G = reverse(G);
	if ( !subset(vars(G),cons(TMP_S,Param)) )
		error("weyl_minipoly_by_elim : invalid elimination");
	if ( G == [] )
		error("weyl_minipoly_by_elim : b-function does not exist");
	if ( length(G) != 1 ) {
		if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) print(G);
		G = nd_gr(G,[TMP_S],0,0);
		if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) print(G);
	if ( length(G) != 1 )
		error("weyl_minipoly_by_elim : invalid b-function");
	return car(G);

/* 消去法による最小多項式計算 (パラメータを含む場合) */
def weyl_minipoly_by_elim2(GIN,V,DV,Param,T)
	TMP_S = s; TMP_DS = ds;
	SV = cons(TMP_S,V); DSV = cons(TMP_DS,DV);
	DParam = map(d_var,Param);
	VV = append(SV,DSV);

	NP = length(Param);
	NV = length(V);
	N = NV+1;
	M = make_elim_order_mat(0,N);

	G = cons(TMP_S-T,GIN);
	for ( K = 0; K < 2; K++ ) {
		for ( I = 0; I < NV; I++ ) {
			IND = 2*NV+1-I-K*(NV+1);
			M[0][IND] = 1;
			if ( Param != [] && ::version() < 20100206 )
				GB = dp_weyl_gr_main(G,VV,0,0,M);
				GB = nd_weyl_gr(G,VV,0,M);
			G = [];
			while ( GB != [] ) {
				if ( member(VV[IND],vars(car(GB))) )
				G = cons(car(GB),G);
				GB = cdr(GB);
			G = reverse(G);
	if ( !subset(vars(G),cons(TMP_S,Param)) )
		error("weyl_minipoly_by_elim : invalid elimination");
	if ( G == [] )
		error("weyl_minipoly_by_elim : b-function does not exist");
	if ( length(G) != 1 )
		error("weyl_minipoly_by_elim : invalid b-function");
	return car(G);

/* 消去法による最小多項式計算 (パラメータを含む場合) */
def weyl_minipoly_by_elim3(GIN,V,DV,Param,T)
	TMP_S = s; TMP_DS = ds;
	SV = cons(TMP_S,V); DSV = cons(TMP_DS,DV);
	DParam = map(d_var,Param);
	VV = append(append(SV,Param),append(DSV,DParam));

	NP = length(Param);
	NV = length(V);
	N = NP+NV+1;
	M = make_elim_order_mat(0,N);

	G = cons(TMP_S-T,GIN);
	for ( K = 0; K < 2; K++ ) {
		for ( I = 0; I < NV; I++ ) {
			IND = 2*NV+NP+1-I-K*(NV+NP+1);
			M[0][IND] = 1;
			GB = dp_weyl_gr_main(G,VV,0,0,M);
			G = [];
			while ( GB != [] ) {
				if ( member(VV[IND],vars(car(GB))) )
				G = cons(car(GB),G);
				GB = cdr(GB);
			G = reverse(G);
	if ( !subset(vars(G),cons(TMP_S,Param)) )
		error("weyl_minipoly_by_elim : invalid elimination");
	if ( G == [] )
		error("weyl_minipoly_by_elim : b-function does not exist");
	if ( length(G) != 1 ) {
		if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) print(G);
		G = nd_gr(G,[TMP_S],0,0);
		if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) print(G);
	if ( length(G) != 1 )
		error("weyl_minipoly_by_elim : invalid b-function");
	return car(G);

 * restriction module の計算([SST, Alg5.2.8])
 * Id : ideal
 * VL : var list (x)
 * DVL: var list (dx)
 * W  : weight vector
 *      VL と長さは同じ
 *      W[0], ..., W[M] が正で、それ以降の要素は 0 としておく
 * Option
 * param : パラメータとみなす変数のリスト
 * s0    : s0 >= 0 のとき generic b-function の計算を行わず
 *         s-s0 を generic b-function として計算する
def restriction(Id, VL, DVL, W)
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0; 
	if ( type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1 ) S0 = -1;

	if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) tstart();
	Result = generic_bfct_and_gr(Id, VL, DVL, W|param=Param, s0=S0);
	if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) print("-- generic_bfct_and_gr :",2);
	if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) tstop();
	BF = Result[0];
	GB = Result[1];

	if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) tstart();
	/* BF の最大整数根 S0 を取り出す */
	L = fctr(BF);
	BFF = L;
	/* L の最初の要素は係数なので捨てる */
	L = cdr(L);
	N = length(L);
	S0 = [];
	for (I = 0; I < N; I++) {
		T = L[I][0];
		if ( vars(T) == [s] ) { /* パラメータは generic とする */
			Root = -coef(T, 0, s) / coef(T, 1, s);
			if (dn(Root) == 1) {
				if (S0 == []) {
					S0 = Root;
				} else if (Root > S0) {
					S0 = Root;
		print("generic bfct : " + rtostr(BFF), 1);
		print("S0 : " + rtostr(S0), 1);
	/* b-function が非負整数根を持たない場合([SST, Cor5.2.7]) */
	if (S0 == [] || S0 < 0) {
		if ( IH )
			S0 = 0;
			return 0;
	for (M = 0; M < length(W); M++) 
		if (W[M] <= 0)

	/* W の正の要素の部分だけとりだしたもの WW */
	WW = newvect(M);
	for (I = 0; I < M; I++)
		WW[I] = W[I];
	WW = vtol(WW);
	/* B_{S0} の生成 */
	Base = gen(WW, S0);
	if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) print("B_{S0} length : " + rtostr(length(Base)),1); 

	V = newvect(length(W), W); 
	MinusW = vtol(-V);
	WVect = append(MinusW, W);
	VarL  = append(VL, DVL);
	NN = length(GB);
	OrderGB = newvect(NN);	
	for (I = 0; I < NN; I++) 
		OrderGB[I] = ord_w(GB[I], VarL, WVect); 
	Generator = [];
	RGen = [];
	for (I = 0; I < NN; I++) {
		 * B_{S0 - OrderGB[I]} 
		 * i.e. WW[0]*I[0]+...+WW[M-1]*I[M-1] <= 
                 * S0 - OrderGB[I] なる (I[0],...,I[M-1]) の生成 
		B = gen(WW, S0 - OrderGB[I]);
		while (B != []) {
			Index = car(B);
			D = 1;
			for (J = 0; J < M; J++) 
				D *= DVL[J]^Index[J];
			P = weyl_mul(D, GB[I], VarL);
			Q = P;
			for (J = 0; J < M; J++)
				P = subst(P, VL[J], 0);
			if (P != 0) {
				Generator = cons(P, Generator);
				/* inhomogeneous part の保持 */
				if ( IH ) RGen = cons(P-Q, RGen);
			B = cdr(B);
		print("-- fctr(BF) + base :", 2);
	if ( !IH ) return [Generator, Base];
	return [Generator, Base, RGen];

/* F は s の多項式 */
/* ただし F は Q 上 1 次式に因数分解できるものとする */
def max_int_root(F)
	L = fctr(F);
	/* L の最初の要素は係数なので捨てる */
	L = cdr(L);
	N = length(L);
	S0 = [];
	for (I = 0; I < N; I++) {
		T = L[I][0];
		Root = -coef(T, 0, s) / coef(T, 1, s);
		if (dn(Root) == 1) {
			if (S0 == []) {
				S0 = Root;
			} else if (Root > S0) {
				S0 = Root;
	return S0;

def test_max_int_root()

 * I[0]*W[0] + ... + I[M-1]*W[M-1] <= S0 なる 
 * [I[0], ..., I[M-1]] を返す
def gen(W, S0)
	if (W == []) 
		return [[]];
	Weight = car(W);
	LL = [];
	for (I = 0; I <= S0 / Weight; I++) {
		L = gen(cdr(W), S0 - Weight * I);
		L = map(cons_rev, L, I); 
		LL = append(L, LL);
	return LL;

/* map 適用のため */
def cons_rev(L, I)
	return cons(I, L);

def test_gen()

/* from localb.rr */
def ord_w(P, VL, W)
	if (P == 0) {

	N = length(VL);
	DP = dp_ptod(P, VL);

	V = dp_etov(DP);
	DP = dp_rest(DP);
	for (Max = 0, I = 0; I < N; I++)
		Max += V[I] * W[I];
	while (DP != 0) {
		V = dp_etov(DP);
		DP = dp_rest(DP);
		for (Weight = 0, I = 0; I < N; I++)
			Weight += V[I] * W[I];
		if (Max < Weight)
			Max = Weight;
	return Max;

/* from localb.rr */
def weyl_mul(P, Q, VL)
	DP = dp_ptod(P, VL);
	DQ = dp_ptod(Q, VL);
	return dp_dtop(dp_weyl_mul(DP, DQ), VL);

/* restriction のよい計算例はないか... */
def test_restriction()
	L = [x*dx-1, y*dy-1];
	R1 = restriction(L, [x,y], [dx,dy], [1,0]);
	R2 = sm1.restriction(L, [x,y], [x]);

def test_restriction2()
	/* from [SST, p202] */
	L = [dx^2, dy^2];
	R1 = restriction(L, [x,y], [dx,dy], [1,0]);
	R2 = sm1.restriction(L, [x,y], [x]);

def test_restriction3()
	/* Appell F_1 */
	if ( type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1 ) S0 = -1;

	L = [x*(1-x)*dx^2+y*(1-x)*dx*dy+(c-(a+b+1)*x)*dx-b*y*dy-a*b,
	return restriction(L,[x,y],[dx,dy],[1,0]|param=[a,b,aa,bb,c],s0=S0);

 * restriction ideal の計算 [SST, Alg5.2.12] 
 * Id : D-ideal
 * VL : var list (x)
 * DVL: var list (dx)
 * W  : weight vector
 *      VL と長さは同じ
 *      W[0], ..., W[M] が正で、それ以降の要素は 0 としておく
 * Option
 * param : パラメータとみなす変数のリスト
 * s0    : s0 >= 0 のとき generic b-function の計算を行わず
 *         s-s0 を generic b-function として計算する
 * ht    : homo, trace-lifting のフラグ
 *	     ht
 *	 0 = 00(2) 以下 : homo なし, trace なし
 *	 1 = 01(2)      : homo なし, trace あり
 *	 2 = 10(2)      : homo あり, trace なし default (::version() >= 20100415)
 *	 3 = 11(2) 以上 : homo あり, trace あり
def restriction_ideal(Id, VL, DVL, W)
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0; 
	if ( type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1 ) S0 = -1;
	if ( type(HTrace=getopt(ht)) == -1 ) HTrace = 2;
	if ( type(ORD=getopt(ord)) == -1 ) ORD = 0;

	if ( ORD && Param )
		error("The options `param' and `ord' must be used exclusively.");

	L = restriction(Id, VL, DVL, W|inhomo=IH,param=Param,s0=S0);
	if ( !L ) return [1];
	if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) tstart();
	GG = restriction_ideal_internal(L, VL, DVL, W|inhomo=IH,param=Param,ht=HTrace,ord=ORD);
		print("-- restriction_ideal_internal :", 2);
	return GG;

def test_restriction_ideal()
	/* Appell F_1 */
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0; 
	if ( type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1 ) S0 = -1;

	L = [x*(1-x)*dx^2+y*(1-x)*dx*dy+(c-(a+b+1)*x)*dx-b*y*dy-a*b,
	return restriction_ideal(L,[x,y],[dx,dy],[1,0]|inhomo=IH,param=[a,b,aa,bb,c],s0=S0);

/* L : result of restriction */
def restriction_ideal_internal(L, VL, DVL, W)
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0; 
	if ( type(HTrace=getopt(ht)) == -1 ) HTrace = 2;
	if ( type(ORD=getopt(ord)) == -1 ) ORD = 0;

	 * restriction module の結果をベクトル表示に直す       
	 * Base と同じ順に dx^Base[I] の係数を I 成分に格納   
	 * restriction の結果の Base は最後の要素が [0,...,0]  
	 * だからベクトル表示した場合、最後の成分が 1 の係数  
	Gen = L[0];
	Base = L[1];
	if ( IH ) RGen = L[2];

	M = 0;
	for (M = 0; M < length(W); M++)
		if (W[M] <= 0)

	N = length(Base);
	P = length(Gen);
	GenV = newvect(P);
	for (I = 0; I < P; I++) {
		T = Gen[I];
		V = newvect(N);
		for (J = 0; J < N; J++) {
			Exp = Base[J];
			/* T の dx_1^Exp[0] .. dx_M-1^Exp[M-1] の係数 を求める */
			C = T;
			for (K = 0; K < M; K++) {
				C = coef(C, Exp[K], DVL[K]);	
			V[J] = C;	
		GenV[I] = vtol(V);
	print("Generators :");

	TMP = separate_var(VL,DVL,W|param=Param,ord=ORD);
	VY = TMP[0]; DVY = TMP[1]; VLY = append(VY,DVY);
	VZ = TMP[2]; DVZ = TMP[3];
	OrdM = TMP[4];

	GenV = vtol(GenV);

	if ( !IH ) {
		if ( HTrace <= 0 )
			G = nd_weyl_gr(GenV, VLY, 0, [1,OrdM]);
		else if ( HTrace == 1 )
			G = nd_weyl_gr_trace(GenV, VLY, 0, 0, [1,OrdM]);
		else if ( HTrace == 2 )
			G = nd_weyl_gr(GenV, VLY, 0, [1,OrdM]|homo=1);
			G = nd_weyl_gr_trace(GenV, VLY, 1, 0, [1,OrdM]);
		if ( G == []) G = [vtol(newvect(N))];
	} else {
		/* 生成関係式を得るために sygyzy を計算 */
		/* OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/testing/noro/module_syz.rr が必要 */
		VDVL = append(VL,DVL);
		if ( GenV == [] ) GenV = [[0]];
		SYZ = newsyz.module_syz(GenV, VLY, 1, OrdM|weyl=1);
		G = SYZ[1];
		QUO = SYZ[2];
		DRGen = map(dp_ptod,RGen,VDVL);
		RL = [];

	/* G の元の中で、最後の成分(i.e. 1 の係数) のみ 0 でないものを取り出す */
	Len = length(G);
	GG = [];
	for (I = 0; I < Len; I++) {
		T = G[I];
		for (J = 0; J < N - 1; J++) 
			if (T[J] != 0) 
		if (J == N - 1 && T[N - 1] != 0) {
			if ( !IH ) 
				GG = cons(T[N - 1], GG);
			else {
				R = inhomo_part(T[N-1],QUO[I],DRGen,VZ,DVZ,VDVL|rest=1);
				GG = cons(R[0],GG);
				RL = cons(R[1],RL);

	if ( GG == [] )
		GG = [0];

	print("GG :");
	if ( !IH )
		return GG;
	if ( RL == [] )
		RL = [zero_inhomo(VZ)];
	return [GG,RL];

def test_restriction_ideal_internal()
	L = restriction([x*dx-1,y*dy-1],VL=[x,y],DVL=[dx,dy],W=[1,0]);
	restriction_ideal_internal(L, VL, DVL, W);

def test_nd_weyl_gr()
	/* internal error 
	nd_weyl_gr([newvect(2,[1,x]),newvect(2,[x,y])], [x,y,dx,dy],0,[1,0]);

	/* invarid argument 
	nd_weyl_gr(newvect(2,[[1,x],[x,y]]), [x,y,dx,dy], 0, [1,0]);
	/* correct */

/* 微分作用素 P(x,dx) を Fourier 変換したものを返す */ 
/* i.e. x_i -> - dx_i, dx_i -> x_i                  */
def fourier_trans(P, VL, DVL)
	N = length(VL);
	VLL = append(VL, DVL);
	DP = dp_ptod(P, VLL);
	S = 0;
	VE = newvect(2 * N);
	while (DP != 0) {
		C = dp_hc(DP);
		V = dp_etov(DP);

		/* x^a -> (-1)^|a| dx^a に変換(dp で) */
		M = 0;	
		for (I = 0; I < N; I++) 
			VE[I] = 0;
		for (I = 0; I < N; I++) {
			VE[N + I] = V[I];
			M += V[I];	
		DPD = dp_vtoe(VE);
		if (M % 2 == 1) 
			DPD = -DPD;

		/* dx^a -> x^a に変換 */
		for (I = 0; I < N; I++) 
			VE[I] = V[N + I];
		for (I = 0; I < N; I++) 
			VE[N + I] = 0;
		DPX = dp_vtoe(VE);

		T = C * dp_weyl_mul(DPD, DPX);
		S += T;
		DP = dp_rest(DP);
	return dp_dtop(S, VLL);

def test_fourier_trans()
	print(fourier_trans(x*dx, [x], [dx]));
	print(fourier_trans(x^2*dx^2, [x], [dx]));
	print(fourier_trans(x*dx*y+1, [x], [dx]));

/* 微分作用素 P(x,dx) を Fourier 変換したものを返す */ 
/* i.e. x_i -> dx_i, dx_i -> - x_i                  */
def inv_fourier_trans(P, VL, DVL)
	N = length(VL);
	VLL = append(VL, DVL);
	DP = dp_ptod(P, VLL);
	S = 0;
	VE = newvect(2 * N);
	while (DP != 0) {
		C = dp_hc(DP);
		V = dp_etov(DP);

		/* x^a -> dx^a に変換(dp で) */
		M = 0;	
		for (I = 0; I < N; I++) 
			VE[I] = 0;
		for (I = 0; I < N; I++) 
			VE[N + I] = V[I];
		DPD = dp_vtoe(VE);

		/* dx^a -> (-1)^|a| x^a に変換 */
		for (I = 0; I < N; I++) {
			VE[I] = V[N + I];
			M += V[N + I];	
		for (I = 0; I < N; I++) 
			VE[N + I] = 0;
		DPX = dp_vtoe(VE);
		if (M % 2 == 1) 
			DPX = -DPX;

		T = C * dp_weyl_mul(DPD, DPX);
		S += T;
		DP = dp_rest(DP);
	return dp_dtop(S, VLL);

def test_inv_fourier_trans()
	print(inv_fourier_trans(fourier_trans(x^2*dx^2*y+x*dx*dy+y, [x], [dx]),[x],[dx]));

 * integration module の計算([SST, Alg5.5.4])
 * Id : ideal
 * VL : var list (x)
 * DVL: var list (dx)
 * W  : weight vector
 *      VL と長さは同じ
 *      W[0], ..., W[M] が正で、それ以降の要素は 0 としておく
 * Option
 * param : パラメータとみなす変数のリスト
 * s0    : s0 >= 0 のとき generic b-function の計算を行わず
 *         s-s0 を generic b-function として計算する
def integration(Id, VL, DVL, W)
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0; 
	if ( type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1 ) S0 = -1;

	for (M = 0; M < length(W); M++) 
		if (W[M] <= 0)
	VLM = newvect(M);
	DVLM = newvect(M);
	for (I = 0; I < M; I++) {
		VLM[I]  = VL[I];
		DVLM[I] = DVL[I];	
	VLM = vtol(VLM);
	DVLM = vtol(DVLM);
	FId = map(fourier_trans, Id, VLM, DVLM);
	R = restriction(FId, VL, DVL, W|inhomo=IH,param=Param, s0=S0);
	if ( !R ) return 0;
	print("restriction of FId :");
	Generator = map(inv_fourier_trans, R[0], VLM, DVLM);
	if ( !IH ) return [Generator, R[1]];
	return [Generator, R[1], R[2]];

def test_integration()
	/* [SST, Ex5.5.2, 5.5.6] */
	/* integration of the annihilating ideal of 1/(t^2-x) w.r.t. t */
	Id = [2*t*dx+dt, t*dt+2*x*dx+2];
	return integration(Id, [t,x],[dt,dx],[1,0]);

def test_integration2()
	/* [SST, Ex5.6.13] */
	/* integration of the annihilating ideal of e^(t^3-x*t) w.r.t. t */
	Id = [dt - (3*t^2-x), dx + t];
	return integration(Id, [t,x],[dt,dx],[1,0]);

def test_integration3()
	/* [SST, Ex5.5.9]     */
	/* 計算が合わない??   */
	F = x^3+t1^3+t2^3;
	Ann = ann(F);
	Ann0 = map(subst, Ann, s, -2);
	Int = integration(Ann0, [t1,t2,x],[dt1,dt2,dx],[1,1,0]);
	return Int;

def test_integration4()
	/* [SST, Ex5.5.16]     */
	/* test_integration3 と同じイデアルだが、重みベクトルが異なる */
	F = x1^3+x2^3+x3^3;
	Ann = ann(F);
	Ann0 = map(subst, Ann, s, -2);
	Int = integration(Ann0, [x1,x2,x3],[dx1,dx2,dx3],[1,2,3]);
	return Int;

def test_integration5()
	/* [SST, Ex5.6.4] */
	G = x1*t1^2*t2+x2*t1^2*t2^2+x3*t1*t2^2+x4+x5*t1*t2;
	Ann = ann(G);
	/* G の bfct は s + 1 */
	Ann0 = map(subst, Ann, s, -1);	
	Int = integration(Ann0, [t1,t2,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5],[dt1,dt2,dx1,dx2,dx3,dx4,dx5],[1,1,0,0,0,0,0]);
	return Int;

 * integration ideal の計算 [SST, Alg5.5.4] 
 * Id : D-ideal
 * VL : var list (x)
 * DVL: var list (dx)
 * W  : weight vector
 *      VL と長さは同じ
 *      W[0], ..., W[M] が正で、それ以降の要素は 0 としておく
 * Option
 * param : パラメータとみなす変数のリスト
 * s0    : s0 >= 0 のとき generic b-function の計算を行わず
 *         s-s0 を generic b-function として計算する
 * inhomo: 0 でないとき inhomogeneous part の情報もあわせて返す
 * ht    : homo, trace-lifting のフラグ
 *	     ht
 *	 0 = 00(2) 以下 : homo なし, trace なし
 *	 1 = 01(2)      : homo なし, trace あり
 *	 2 = 10(2)      : homo あり, trace なし default (::version() >= 20100415)
 *	 3 = 11(2) 以上 : homo あり, trace あり
def integration_ideal(Id, VL, DVL, W)
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0; 
	if ( type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1 ) S0 = -1;
	if ( type(HTrace=getopt(ht)) == -1 ) HTrace = 2;
	if ( type(ORD=getopt(ord)) == -1 ) ORD = 0;

	if ( ORD && Param )
		error("The options `param' and `ord' must be used exclusively.");

	L = integration(Id, VL, DVL, W|inhomo=IH,param=Param, s0=S0);
	if ( !L ) return [1];
	print("integration :");
	if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) tstart();
	GG = integration_ideal_internal(L, VL, DVL, W|inhomo=IH,param=Param,ht=HTrace, ord=ORD);
		print("-- integration_ideal_internal :", 2);
	return GG;

/* L : result of integration */
def integration_ideal_internal(L, VL, DVL, W)
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1) IH = 0;
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0;
	if ( type(HTrace=getopt(ht)) == -1 ) HTrace = 2;
	if ( type(ORD=getopt(ord)) == -1 ) ORD = 0;

	 * integration module の結果をベクトル表示に直す       
	 * Base と同じ順に x^Base[I] の係数を I 成分に格納   
	 * restriction の結果の Base は最後の要素が [0,...,0]  
	 * だからベクトル表示した場合、最後の成分が 1 の係数  
	Gen = L[0];
	Base = L[1];
	if ( IH ) RGen = L[2];

	M = 0;
	for (M = 0; M < length(W); M++)
		if (W[M] <= 0)

	N = length(Base);
	P = length(Gen);
	GenV = newvect(P);
	for (I = 0; I < P; I++) {
		T = Gen[I];
		V = newvect(N);
		for (J = 0; J < N; J++) {
			Exp = Base[J];
			/* T の x_1^Exp[0] .. x_M-1^Exp[M-1] の係数 を求める */
			C = T;
			for (K = 0; K < M; K++) {
				C = coef(C, Exp[K], VL[K]);	
			V[J] = C;	
		GenV[I] = vtol(V);
	print("Generators :");

	TMP = separate_var(VL,DVL,W|param=Param,ord=ORD);
	VY = TMP[0]; DVY = TMP[1]; VLY = append(VY,DVY);
	VZ = TMP[2]; DVZ = TMP[3];
	OrdM = TMP[4];

	GenV = vtol(GenV);

	if ( !IH ) {
		if ( HTrace <= 0 )
			G = nd_weyl_gr(GenV, VLY, 0, [1,OrdM]);
		else if ( HTrace == 1 )
			G = nd_weyl_gr_trace(GenV, VLY, 0, 0, [1,OrdM]);
		else if ( HTrace == 2 )
			G = nd_weyl_gr(GenV, VLY, 0, [1,OrdM]|homo=1);
			G = nd_weyl_gr_trace(GenV, VLY, 1, 0, [1,OrdM]);
		if ( G == []) G = [vtol(newvect(N))];
	} else {
		/* 生成関係式を得るために sygyzy を計算 */
		/* OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/testing/noro/module_syz.rr が必要 */
		VDVL = append(VL,DVL);
		if ( GenV == [] ) GenV = [[0]];
		SYZ = newsyz.module_syz(GenV, VLY, 1, OrdM|weyl=1);
		G = SYZ[1];
		QUO = SYZ[2];
		DRGen = map(dp_ptod,RGen,VDVL);
		RL = [];

#if 0
	if (ParamType != 4) { 
		NN = length(VL) - M;
		VLY = newvect(NN * 2);
		for (I = 0; I < NN; I++) {
			VLY[I] = VL[I + M];
			VLY[I + NN] = DVL[I + M];
		VLY = vtol(VLY);
		GenV = vtol(GenV);
		G = nd_weyl_gr(GenV, VLY, 0, [1,0]);	
	} else {
		 * VLY
		 * [x, param, dx, dparam] 
		NN = length(VL) - M + length(Param);
		VLY = newvect(NN * 2);
		for (I = 0; I < length(VL) - M; I++) {
			VLY[I] = VL[I + M];
			VLY[I + NN] = DVL[I + M];
		for (;I < NN; I++) {
			VLY[I] = Param[I - length(VL) + M]; 
			VLY[I + NN] = strtov("d" + rtostr(Param[I - length(VL) + M]));
		VLY = vtol(VLY);
		GenV = vtol(GenV);

		 * OrdM 
		 * x,param,dx,dparam
		 * [1, 0, 1, 0]
		 * [  grevlex ] 
		OrdM = newmat(2 * NN + 2, 2 * NN);
		for (I = 0; I < length(VL) - M; I++) {
			OrdM[0][I] = 1;
			OrdM[0][I + NN] = 1;
		for (I = 0; I < 2 * NN; I++) 
			OrdM[1][I] = 1;
		for (I = 0; I < 2 * NN; I++) 
			OrdM[I][2 * NN - 1 - I] = -1; 

		G = nd_weyl_gr(GenV, VLY, 0, [1,OrdM]);	

	/* G の元の中で、最後の成分(i.e. 1 の係数) のみ 0 でないものを取り出す */
	Len = length(G);
	GG = [];
	for (I = 0; I < Len; I++) {
		T = G[I];
		for (J = 0; J < N - 1; J++) 
			if (T[J] != 0) 
		if (J == N - 1 && T[N - 1] != 0) {
			if ( !IH ) 
				GG = cons(T[N - 1], GG);
			else {
				R = inhomo_part(T[N-1],QUO[I],DRGen,VZ,DVZ,VDVL);
				GG = cons(R[0],GG);
				RL = cons(R[1],RL);

	if ( GG == [] )
		GG = [0];
	print("GG :");
	if ( !IH )
		return GG;
	if ( RL == [] )
		RL = [zero_inhomo(DVZ)];
	return [GG,RL];

/* nd_weyl_gr を実行せず、加群の生成元を返す */
/* 計算は完了していない                      */
def integration_ideal_(Id, VL, DVL, W)
	L = integration(Id, VL, DVL, W);
	LL = integration_ideal_internal_(L, VL, DVL, W);
	return LL;

/* nd_weyl_gr を実行せず、加群の生成元を返す */
def integration_ideal_internal_(L, VL, DVL, W)
	 * integration module の結果をベクトル表示に直す       
	 * Base と同じ順に x^Base[I] の係数を I 成分に格納   
	 * restriction の結果の Base は最後の要素が [0,...,0]  
	 * だからベクトル表示した場合、最後の成分が 1 の係数  
	Gen = L[0];
	Base = L[1];

	M = 0;
	for (M = 0; M < length(W); M++)
		if (W[M] <= 0)

	N = length(Base);
	P = length(Gen);
	GenV = newvect(P);
	for (I = 0; I < P; I++) {
		T = Gen[I];
		V = newvect(N);
		for (J = 0; J < N; J++) {
			Exp = Base[J];
			/* T の x_1^Exp[0] .. x_M-1^Exp[M-1] の係数 を求める */
			C = T;
			for (K = 0; K < M; K++) {
				C = coef(C, Exp[K], VL[K]);	
			V[J] = C;	
		GenV[I] = vtol(V);
	print("Generators :");
	NN = length(VL) - M;
	VLY = newvect(NN * 2);
	for (I = 0; I < NN; I++) {
		VLY[I] = VL[I + M];
		VLY[I + NN] = DVL[I + M];
	VLY = vtol(VLY);
	GenV = vtol(GenV);

	return [GenV, VLY];

def test_integration_ideal()
	/* [SST, Ex5.5.2, 5.5.6] */
	/* integration of the annihilating ideal of 1/(t^2-x) w.r.t. t */
	Id = [2*t*dx+dt, t*dt+2*x*dx+2];
	L = integration(Id, VL=[t,x],DVL=[dt,dx],W=[1,0]);
	print("integration module :");
	R = integration_ideal_internal(L, VL, DVL, W);
	print("integration ideal :");

def test_integration_ideal2()
	/* [SST, Ex5.5.7] */
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;

	F = (x1+x2*t+x3*t^2+x4*t^3)*t^2;
	BF = bfct(F);
	print("BF :");
	Ann = ann(F);
	Ann0 = map(subst, Ann, s, -1/5);
	print("Ann(F^s)|s=(-1/5) :");
	print("integration ideal :");
	Int = integration_ideal(Ann0, [t,x1,x2,x3,x4],[dt,dx1,dx2,dx3,dx4],[1,0,0,0,0]|inhomo=IH);

def test_integration_ideal5()
	/* [SST, Ex5.6.4] */
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;

	G = x1*t1^2*t2+x2*t1^2*t2^2+x3*t1*t2^2+x4+x5*t1*t2;
	Ann = ann(G);
	/* G の bfct は s + 1 */
	Ann0 = map(subst, Ann, s, -1);	
	Int = integration_ideal(Ann0, [t1,t2,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5],[dt1,dt2,dx1,dx2,dx3,dx4,dx5],[1,1,0,0,0,0,0]|inhomo=IH);
	return Int;

def test_integration_ideal5_()
	/* [SST, Ex5.6.4] */
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;

	G = x1*t1^2*t2+x2*t1^2*t2^2+x3*t1*t2^2+x4+x5*t1*t2;
	Ann = ann(G);
	/* G の bfct は s + 1 */
	Ann0 = map(subst, Ann, s, -1);	
	Int = integration_ideal_(Ann0, [t1,t2,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5],[dt1,dt2,dx1,dx2,dx3,dx4,dx5],[1,1,0,0,0,0,0]|inhomo=IH);
	return Int;

def test_integration_ideal6()
	 * Gauss hypergeometric integration 
	 * L = ndbf.ann_n([t,1-t,1-x*t]);
	 * L = map(subst, L, s0, b-1, s1, c-b-1, s2, -a); 
	if (type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1) IH = 0;
	if (type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1) S0 = -1;

	L = [(-x^2+x)*dx^2+((-t+1)*dt+(-a-b-1)*x+c-1)*dx-b*a,(-t+1)*x*dx+(t^2-t)*dt+(-c+2)*t+b-1,(t*x-1)*dx+a*t];
	Int = integration_ideal(L,[t,x],[dt,dx],[1,0]|param=[a,b,c],s0=S0,inhomo=IH);
	return Int;

def test_integration_ideal7()
	/* A-hypergeometric */
	/* \int (x11+x21*t)^a1 (x12+x22*t)^a2 t^c dt */
	if (type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1) IH = 0;
	if (type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1) S0 = -1;

	L = [-x11*dx11-dx21*x21+a1,-x12*dx12-dx22*x22+a2,-t*dt+c+dx21*x21+dx22*x22,t*dx12-dx22,t*dx11-dx21,dx21*dx12-dx22*dx11];
	Int = integration_ideal(L,[t,x11,x12,x21,x22],[dt,dx11,dx12,dx21,dx22],[1,0,0,0,0]|param=[a1,a2,c],s0=S0,inhomo=IH);
	return Int;

def test_integration_ideal8()
	ORD = getopt(ord);

	F = a*x^2-2*b*x+c;
	A = ann(F);
	AN = map(subst,A,s,-(-p*dp-1));
	MB = cons(p*F-1,AN);
	V = [x,p,a,b,c];
	DV = [dx,dp,da,db,dc];
	W = [1,0,0,0,0];
	if ( type(ORD) == -1 ) {
		ORD = newmat(9,8,[[0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1],[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]]);
		for ( I = 0; I < 7; I++ )
			ORD[2+I][7-I] = -1;
	INT = integration_ideal(MB,V,DV,W|inhomo=1,ord=ORD);
	return INT;

/* ann_mul */

 * x_i --> x_i 
 * y_i --> x_i - y_i
 * dx_i --> dx_i + dy_i
 * dy_i -->      - dy_i
def coord_conv(P, VL1, DVL1, VL2, DVL2)
	N = length(VL1);
	for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
		P = subst(P, VL2[I], VL1[I] - VL2[I]); 	
	for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
		P = subst(P, DVL2[I], -DVL2[I]); 	
	for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
		P = subst(P, DVL1[I], DVL1[I] + DVL2[I]); 	
	return P;

def check_coord_conv()
	return coord_conv((1-tt)*dtt,[t],[dt],[tt],[dtt]);

def check_coord_conv2()
	return coord_conv(t*dt,[t],[dt],[tt],[dtt]);

/* variable a --> a_ */
def dummy_var(A)
	return strtov(rtostr(A) + "_");

def ann_mul(Id1, Id2, VL, DVL)
	if (type(Param = getopt(param)) == -1) 
		Param = 0;
	if (type(S0 = getopt(s0)) == -1)
		S0 = -1;	

	VLL = map(dummy_var, VL);
	DVLL = map(dummy_var, DVL);	
	Id2 = map(subst_vect, Id2, VL, VLL);
	Id2 = map(subst_vect, Id2, DVL, DVLL);
	Id1 = map(coord_conv, Id1, VL, DVL, VLL, DVLL);
	Id2 = map(coord_conv, Id2, VL, DVL, VLL, DVLL);
	Id = append(Id1, Id2);
	V = append(VLL, VL);
	DV = append(DVLL, DVL);
	W = newvect(length(V));
	for (I = 0; I < length(V)/2; I++)
		W[I] = 1; 
	W = vtol(W);
		print([Id, V, DV, W]);
		print("option:" + rtostr([Param, S0]));
	return restriction_ideal(Id, V, DV, W|param = Param, s0 = S0);

def test_ann_mul()
	return ann_mul([t*dt], [(1-t)*dt],[t],[dt]);

def test_ann_mul2()
	F = x^3+y^2;
	G = x+y^2;
	Ann1 = map(subst, ann(F), s, -1);
	Ann2 = map(subst, ann(G), s, -1);
	Ann = map(subst, ann(F*G), s, -1);
	AnnMul = ann_mul(Ann1, Ann2, [x,y],[dx,dy]);
	return [AnnMul,Ann];

def test_ann_mul3()
	/* t^{a-1} (1-t)^{c-a-1} の ann */
	I12 = ndbf.ann_n([t,1-t]);
	I12 = map(subst, I12, s0, a-1, s1, c-a-1);
	/* I12 は C<t,z,dt,dz> のイデアルとみなすので dz も追加 */
	I12 = cons(dz, I12);
	print("I12 :"); print(I12);

	/* e^{tz} の ann */
	I3 = [dt-z,dz-t];
	I123 = ann_mul(I12, I3, [t,z], [dt,dz]|param=[a,c],s0=0);
	print("I12 :"); print(I12);
	return integration_ideal(I123, [t,z], [dt,dz], [1,0]|param=[a,c],s0=0);

/* F の VL[0] に V[0], ... を代入 */
def subst_vect(F, VL, V)
	N = length(VL);
	for (I = 0; I < N; I++) 
		F = subst(F, VL[I], V[I]);
	return F;

/*----------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*-------------- test data for integration ideal ------------------ */
/*----------------------------------------------------------------- */

#define DEBUG_FANO

/* 2 次元 Fano 多面体で頂点の座標が 0,1,-1 のいづれかのもの + 原点 */
def fano2(I)
	Fano2 = [
	return Fano2[I];

/* 3 次元 Fano 多面体で頂点の座標が 0,1,-1 のいづれかのもの + 原点 */
def fano3(I)
	Fano3 = [
	return Fano3[I];

/* L : 点データのリスト ex. fano2, fano3 の返り値 */
def p_to_mat(L)
	N = length(L);
	M = length(L[0]);
	A = newmat(M + 1, N);
	for (J = 0; J < N; J++)
		A[0][J] = 1;
	for (J = 0; J < N; J++) 
		for (I = 0; I < M; I++) 
			A[I + 1][J] = L[J][I];
	return A;

def test_p_to_mat()
	L = fano2(0);

	L = fano3(10);

/* fano polytope に付随する GKZ 系の行列 A を返す                 */
/* D : dimension (2 or 3), I : data index (0--4(D=2), 0--17(D=3)) */
def fano_polytope_a(D, I)
	if (D == 2) {
		L = fano2(I);
	} else if (D == 3) {
		L = fano3(I);
	} else {
		print("D is 2 or 3");
	return p_to_mat(L);

def test_fano_polytope_a()
	print(fano_polytope_a(2, 0));
	print(fano_polytope_a(3, 11));

def fano_polytope(D, I)
	A = fano_polytope_a(D, I);
	P = a_to_poly(A);
	return append([A], P);

 * 行列 A から多項式を生成               
 * p_to_mat(fano*(I)) が A 
 * ex. A = [[1,1,1],[-1,0,1],[0,1,-1]]
 *     F = x1*t1^-1 + x2*t2 + x3*t1*t2^-1 
 *     t1*t2*F = x1*t2  x2*t1*t2^2 + x3*t1^2 <-- これを返す
def a_to_poly(A)
	M = size(A)[0];
	N = size(A)[1];
	XV = var_list("x", 1, N);
	TV = var_list("t", 1, M-1);	
	S = 0;
	V = newvect(M - 1);
	for (J = 0; J < N; J++) {
		for (I = 0; I < M - 1; I++) {
			V[I] = A[I + 1][J];
		DPE = dp_vtoe(V);	
		E = dp_dtop(DPE, TV);
		S += E * XV[J];
	VL = append(TV, XV);
	DXV = map(d_var, XV);
	DTV = map(d_var, TV);
	DVL = append(DTV, DXV);
	return [S, VL, DVL];

def test_a_to_poly()
	A = newmat(3,3,[[1,1,1],[-1,0,1],[0,1,-1]]);
	A = p_to_mat(fano3(10));

def var_list(Str, From, To)
	L = [];
	for (I = From; I <= To; I++) 
		L = cons(strtov(Str + rtostr(I)), L);
	return reverse(L);

def test_var_list()
	print(var_list("a", 1, 11));
	print(var_list("tt", 0, 5));

/* 不定元 Var に "d" を追加した不定元を生成 */
def d_var(Var)
	return strtov("d" + rtostr(Var));

def int_fano(D, I)
	L = fano_polytope(D, I);
	F = L[1];
	VL = L[2];
	DVL = L[3];
	W = newvect(length(VL));
	for (I = 0; I < D; I++)
		W[I] = 1;
	W = vtol(W);

	print("F :", 2);
	print(F, 2);
	Id = ann(F);
print("-- ann :", 2);
	print("Ann F^s : ", 2);

	/* b-関数の計算が重たいので skip */
	BF = bfunction(F);
print("-- bfunction :", 2);
	print("bfct : ");
	Id0 = map(subst, Id, s, -1);
	print("Ann F^(-1) : ", 2);
	print(Id0, 2);
	J = integration_ideal(Id0, VL, DVL, W);
	return J;

/**** added functions for inhomogeneous ****/

 * J = (I + dt_1 D + dt_2 D + ... + dt_m D) \cap D_Y
 * Input 
 * TT    : 積分イデアル J の生成元 (content が取れる可能性あり)
 * QI    : 生成関係式の係数 i.e TT = \sum QI[I]*(GenV[I]の最後の成分)
 * DRGen : Rest part
 * VZ    : [ t_1,  t_2, ...,  t_m]
 * DVZ   : [dt_1, dt_2, ..., dt_m]
 * Output [G,R]
 * G[K] : 積分イデアル J の生成元 (content = 1)
 * R[K] : [[[dt_1, ***],[dt_2, ***],...,[dt_m, ***]], 分母]
 * i.e.
 * G[K]-(dt_1 R[K][0][0][1] + dt_2 R[K][0][1][1] 
 *				+ ... + dt_m R[K][0][m][1])/R[K][1] \in I

def inhomo_part(TT,QI,DRGen,VZ,DVZ,VDVL)
	if ( type(REST=getopt(rest)) == -1 ) REST = 0;
#if 0
	TMP = cont(TT);
	CT = dp_hc(dp_ptod(TMP,vars(TMP)));
	G = TT/CT;
	G = ptozp(TT);
	CT = tdiv(TT,G);
	DQI = map(dp_ptod,QI,VDVL);
	for ( DP = 0, K = 0; K < length(DQI); K++ )
		DP += dp_weyl_mul(DQI[K],DRGen[K]);
	P = dp_dtop(DP,VDVL);
	GCD = 1;
	if ( P ) {
#if 0
		TMP = cont(P);
		CP = dp_hc(dp_ptod(TMP,vars(TMP)));
		CP = tdiv(P,ptozp(P));

		GCD = igcd(CT,CP);
		P /= GCD;
	R = [];
	for ( I = 0; I < length(VZ); I++ ) {
		Q = subst(P,VZ[I],0);
		S = sdiv(P-Q,VZ[I]);
		if ( REST )
			R = cons([VZ[I],S],R);
			R = cons([DVZ[I],inv_fourier_trans(S,VZ,DVZ)],R);
		P = Q;
	if ( P )
		error("inhomo_part : invalid inhomogeneous operator");
	R = [reverse(R),CT/GCD];
	return [G,R];

def trans_inhomo(P,INT,V,DV,W)
	if ( type(ORD=getopt(ord)) == -1 ) ORD = 0;

	TMP = separate_var(V,DV,W);
	VX = TMP[0]; DVX = TMP[1]; VDVX = append(VX,DVX);
	VY = TMP[2]; DVY = TMP[3]; VDVY = append(VY,DVY);
	VDV = append(V,DV);
	J = INT[0]; IH = INT[1];
	IND = car(car(IH));
	for ( CJ = [], CIH = []; J != []; J = cdr(J), IH =cdr(IH) ) {
		A = car(IH);
		CJ = cons(A[1]*car(J),CJ);
		CIH = cons(A[0],CIH);
	SYZ = newsyz.module_syz(cons(P,CJ),VDVX,1,ORD|weyl=1);

	GR = pick_gen_relation(SYZ[0],VDVX);
	DR = vtol(newvect(length(IND)));
	CONST = car(GR);
	for ( GR = cdr(GR); GR != []; GR = cdr(GR), CIH = cdr(CIH) ) {
		if ( HGR = car(GR) ) {
			DH = dp_ptod(HGR,VDV);
			DR = trans_inhomo_sub(DH,DR,car(CIH),VDV);
	RR = map(dp_dtop,DR,VDV);
	for ( GCD = CONST, TR = RR; TR != []; TR =cdr(TR) ) {
		if ( TT = car(TR) ) {
			CC = tdiv(TT,ptozp(TT));
			GCD = igcd(GCD,CC);
	for ( R = []; RR != []; RR = cdr(RR), IND = cdr(IND) )
		R = cons([car(car(IND)),car(RR)/GCD],R);
	return [reverse(R),-CONST/GCD];

def trans_inhomo_sub(DH,DR,IH,VDV)
	for ( L = []; IH != []; IH = cdr(IH), DR = cdr(DR) )
		L = cons(dp_weyl_mul(DH,dp_ptod(car(IH)[1],VDV)) + car(DR),L);
	return reverse(L);

def pick_gen_relation(GR,V)
	for ( ; GR != []; GR = cdr(GR) )
		if ( is_nonzero_const(car(GR)[0],V) )
			return car(GR);
	error("The input is not in integration/restriction ideal.");

def is_nonzero_const(A,V)
	if ( !A )
		return 0;
	for ( VA = vars(A); VA != []; VA = cdr(VA) )
		if ( member(car(VA),V) )
			return 0;
	return 1;

def separate_var(VL,DVL,W)
	DUMMY = dummy_var;
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0;
	if ( type(ORD=getopt(ord)) == -1 ) ORD = 0;
	if ( type(Weight=getopt(weight)) == -1 ) Weight = 0;

	VY = []; DVY = [];
	VZ = []; DVZ = [];
	W1 = []; W2 = [];
	for ( I = 0; I < length(VL); I++ ) {
		if ( W[I] ) {
			VZ = cons(VL[I],VZ);
			DVZ = cons(DVL[I],DVZ);
			W1 = cons(W[I],W1);
		} else {
			VY = cons(VL[I],VY);
			DVY = cons(DVL[I],DVY);
			W2 = cons(W[I],W2);
	OrdM = ORD;
	if ( !Weight )
		if ( VY == [] ) {
			VY = [DUMMY];
			DVY = [strtov("d"+rtostr(DUMMY))];
	if ( Param ) {
		DParam =[];
		for ( I = 0; I < length(Param); I++ )
			DParam = cons(strtov("d"+rtostr(Param[I])),DParam);
		OrdM = make_elim_order_mat(length(VY),length(Param));
		DVY = append(DParam,DVY);
		VY = append(reverse(Param),VY);
	R = append(map(reverse,[VY,DVY,VZ,DVZ]),[OrdM]);
	if ( Weight )
		return append(R,map(reverse,[W2,W1]));
	return R;

/*  1 行目の左から順に 1 が M 個, 0 が N 個, 1が M 個, 0 が N 個 並び,
 *  下は grevlex 順を表す行列を返す
def make_elim_order_mat(M,N)
	NN = M+N;
	OrdM = newmat(2*NN+1,2*NN);
	for ( I = 0; I < M; I++ ) {
		OrdM[0][I] = 1;
		OrdM[0][I+NN] = 1;
	for ( I = 0; I < 2*NN; I++ )
		OrdM[1][I] = 1;
	for ( I = 2; I < 2*NN+1 ; I++ )
		OrdM[I][2*NN-I+1] = -1;
	return OrdM;

def make_weight_mat(W)
	N = length(W);
	M = newmat(N+1,N,[W]);
	for ( I = 0; I < N; I++)
		M[1][I] = 1;
	for ( I = 0; I < N-1; I++)
		M[I+2][N-I-1] = -1;
	return M;

/* P  : a operator in D<V,DV>
 * CE : C*exp(E) を表すリスト [C,E]
 * C*exp(E) に P を左から作用させた結果を返す
def action_exp(P,V,DV,CE)
	VDV = append(V,DV);
	DP = dp_ptod(P,VDV);
	N = length(V);
	R = 0;
	for ( T = DP; T; T = dp_rest(T) )
		R += action_exp_1(dp_hm(T),N,V,CE);
	return [R,CE[1]];

def action_exp_1(M,N,V,CE)
	C = CE[0];
	E = CE[1];
	CO = dp_hc(M);
	EX = dp_etov(M);
	for ( I = 0; I < N; I++ ) {
		VI = V[I];
		CO *= VI^EX[I];
		DEVI = diff(E,VI);
		for ( J = 0, EXI = EX[I+N]; J < EXI; J++ )
			C = diff(C,VI)+C*DEVI;
	return CO*C;

/* A \subset B ?  */
def subset(A,B)
	while ( A != [] ) {
		if ( !member(car(A),B) )
			return 0;
		A = cdr(A);
	return 1;

def zero_inhomo(VL)
	R = [];
	for ( I = 0; I < length(VL); I++ )
		R = cons([VL[I],0],R);
	R = reverse(R);
	RL = [R,1];
	return RL;

/* \int C*exp(E) dt */
def integration_exp(C,E,V,DV,W)
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0; 
	if ( type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1 ) S0 = -1;
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	if ( type(HTrace=getopt(ht)) == -1 ) HTrace = 2;
	Id = [];
	for ( I = 0; I < length(V); I++ ) {
		T = red(diff(C,V[I])/C);
		NT = nm(T); DT = dn(T);
		Id = cons(DT*DV[I]-NT-DT*diff(E,V[I]),Id);
	G = integration_ideal(Id,V,DV,W|param=Param,s0=S0,inhomo=IH,ht=HTrace);
	return G;

def test_integration_exp()
	/* CREST GB School 演習問題 2-(c) */
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	return integration_exp(1,-t-x*t^3,[t,x],[dt,dx],[1,0]|inhomo=IH);

def time_print(T)
	T1 = time();
	CPU = time_round(T1[0] - T[0],4);
	GC  = time_round(T1[1] - T[1],4);
	ESP = time_round(T1[3] - T[3],4);
	P = rtostr(CPU)+"sec";
	if ( GC )
		P = P + " + gc : " + rtostr(GC)+ "sec";
	P = P + "(" + rtostr(ESP) + "sec)";
	if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) print(P);
	return 1;

def time_round(Z,N)
	if ( Z == 0 ) return 0;
	B = 10^N;
	if ( Z >= B ) {
		for ( I = 0; Z > B; I++, Z = deval(Z/10) );
		Z = rint(Z);
		Z = deval(Z*10^I);
		Z = deval(rint(Z));
	} else {
		B /= 10;
		for ( I = 0; Z < B; I++, Z *= 10 );
		Z = rint(Z);
		Z = deval(Z/10^I);
	return Z;

 * Input
 * Id : an ideal of D<t,dt,x,dx> which annihilates u(x,t)
 * V  : var list (t,x)   : [ t_1,..., t_m, x_1,..., x_n]
 * DV : var list (dt,dx) : [dt_1,...,dt_m,dx_1,...,dx_n]
 * W  : weight : W[I] > 0 ( I < m ), W[I] = 0 ( I >= m )
 * LB : list of lower bounds [a_1,...,a_m]
 * UB : list of upper bounds [b_1,...,b_m]
 * a_i, b_i : number, strings "inf" or "-inf", parameter
 * Output
 * ideal J \subset D<x,dx> s.t.
 * J \bullet \int_{a_1}^{b_1} ... \int_{a_m}^{b_m} u(x,t) dt = 0
def ost_integration_ideal(Id,V,DV,W,LB,UB)
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0; 
	if ( type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1 ) S0 = -1;
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	if ( type(HTrace=getopt(ht)) == -1 ) HTrace = 2;
	if ( type(OL=getopt(ol)) == -1 ) OL = 0;
	if ( (VB = vars(append(LB,UB))) != [] )
		if ( Param == 0 )
			Param = VB;
			Param = append(Param,VB);
	TMP = separate_var(V,DV,W);
	VX = TMP[0]; DVX = TMP[1];
	VY = TMP[2]; DVY = TMP[3]; VYDVY = append(VY,DVY);
	M = length(VY);
	WW = newvect(M);
	TI = [];
	DT = 1; OLL = newvect(length(VY)); /* for option ol */
	while ( Id != [] ) {
		T = 1;
		MIN = 0; J = 0; /* for  #else */
		P = car(Id);
		if ( OL ) {
			OLL = car(OL); OL = cdr(OL);
			DT = car(OLL); OLL = cdr(OLL);
		for ( I = 0; I < M; I++ ) {
			WW[I] = W[I];
			MWW = -WW;
			WT = append(vtol(MWW),vtol(WW));
			O = ord_w(P,VYDVY,WT)-OLL[I];
			WW[I] = 0;
#if 0
			if ( O > 0 ) {
				if ( LB[I] != "-inf" && subst(DT,VY[J],LB[J]) )
					T *= (VY[I]-LB[I])^O;
				if ( UB[I] != "inf" && UB[I] != "+inf" && subst(DT,VY[J],UB[J]) )
					T *= (UB[I]-VY[I])^O;
			if ( O > 0 ) {
				if ( MIN ) {
					if ( O < MIN ) {
						MIN = O;
						J = I;
				} else {
					MIN = O;
					J = I;

		if ( LB[J] != "-inf" && subst(DT,VY[J],LB[J]) )
			T *= (VY[J]-LB[J])^MIN;
		if ( UB[J] != "inf" && UB[J] != "+inf" && subst(DT,VY[J],UB[J]) )
			T *= (UB[J]-VY[J])^MIN;
		TI = cons(T*P,TI);
		Id = cdr(Id);
	return integration_ideal(TI,V,DV,W|param=Param,s0=S0,inhomo=IH,ht=HTrace);

def test_ost_integration_ideal()
	B = [dt+(3*t^2-1)*x,dx+t^3-t];
	return ost_integration_ideal(B,[t,x],[dt,dx],[1,0],[0],["inf"]);

def ost_integration_exp(C,E,V,DV,W,LB,UB)
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0; 
	if ( type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1 ) S0 = -1;
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	if ( type(HTrace=getopt(ht)) == -1 ) HTrace = 2;
	Id = []; OL = [];
	TMP = separate_var(V,DV,W); VY = TMP[2]; DVY = TMP[3];
	for ( I = 0; I < length(V); I++ ) {
		T = red(diff(C,V[I])/C);
		NT = nm(T); DT = dn(T);
		Id = cons(DT*DV[I]-NT-DT*diff(E,V[I]),Id);
		for ( OLL = [], J = 0; J < length(VY); J++ )
			OLL = cons(ord_w(DT,[VY[J],DVY[J]],[-1,1]),OLL);
		OL = cons(cons(DT,reverse(OLL)),OL);
	G = ost_integration_ideal(Id,V,DV,W,LB,UB|param=Param,s0=S0,inhomo=IH,ht=HTrace,ol=OL);
	return G;

def ost_integration_ideal2(Id,V,DV,W,LB,UB)
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0; 
	if ( type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1 ) S0 = -1;
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	if ( type(HTrace=getopt(ht)) == -1 ) HTrace = 2;

	if ( !NK_RESTRICTION_NOLOG ) T = time();
	L = ann_heaviside(V,DV,LB,UB);
	TI = ann_mul(L,Id,V,DV); /* ann_mul.rr が必要  */
		print("-- ann_mul :",2);
		T = time();
	INT = integration_ideal(TI,V,DV,W|param=Param,s0=S0,inhomo=IH,ht=HTrace);
		print("-- integration_ideal :",2);
	return INT;

def ann_heaviside(V,DV,LB,UB)
	L = [];
	for ( I = 0; I < length(LB); I++ ) {
		T = 1;
		if ( type(LB[I]) > 1 ) {
			if ( LB[I] != "-inf" )
				error("ann_heaviside: invalid lower bound.");
		} else
			T *= V[I]-LB[I];
		if ( type(UB[I]) > 1 ) { 
			if ( UB[I] != "inf" && UB[I] != "+inf" )
				error("ann_heaviside: invalid upper bound.");
		} else
			T *= V[I]-UB[I];
		L = cons(T*DV[I],L);
	for ( ; I < length(V); I++ )
		L = cons(DV[I],L);
	return L;

def ost_integration_exp2(C,E,V,DV,W,LB,UB)
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0;
	if ( type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1 ) S0 = -1;
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	if ( type(HTrace=getopt(ht)) == -1 ) HTrace = 2;
	Id = [];
	for ( I = 0; I < length(V); I++ ) {
		T = red(diff(C,V[I])/C);
		NT = nm(T); DT = dn(T);
		Id = cons(DT*DV[I]-NT-DT*diff(E,V[I]),Id);
	G = ost_integration_ideal2(Id,V,DV,W,LB,UB|param=Param,s0=S0,inhomo=IH,ht=HTrace);
	return G;

/**** added functions for difference operators ****/

/* Mellin transform */
/* es <=> x, s+1 <=> -x*dx */
/* mellin_trans((s+1)*es,[s],[es],[x],[dx]) = -dx*x^2-x */
/* 差分作用素は常に右側にあるものとする */

def mellin_trans(F,E,EV,V,DV)
	if ( type(Form=getopt(form)) == -1 ) Form = 0;

	if ( Form )
		for ( I = 0; I < length(E); I++ )
			F = subst(F,E[I],E[I]+1);

	F = normal(F,E,EV|right=1);
	for ( I = 0; I < length(E); I ++ )
		F = mellin1(F,E[I],EV[I],V[I],DV[I]);
	return F;

def mellin_trans2(F,E,EV,V,DV)
	return mellin_trans(F,E,EV,V,DV|form=1);

def mellin1(F,E,EV,V,DV)
	R = dsubst(F,E,-V*DV-1,[V,DV]);
	RR = subst(R,EV,V);
	return RR;

def dsubst(P,X,L,XL)
	R = 0;
	LL = dp_ptod(1,XL);
	DL = dp_ptod(L,XL);
	for ( I = 0; I <= deg(P,X); I++ ){
		C = coef(P,I,X);
		SC = C*dp_dtop(LL,XL);
		R += SC;
		LL = dp_weyl_mul(LL,DL);
	return R;

/* output: [nm,dn] dn*nm (dn は nm の左からかかる) */
def inv_mellin_trans(F,V,DV,E,EV)
	if ( type(Form=getopt(form)) == -1 ) Form = 0;

	VDV = append(V,DV);
	DF = dp_ptod(F,VDV);
	N = length(V);
	R = 0;
	while ( DF ) {
		H = dp_etov(DF);
		for ( C = 1, I = 0; I < N; I++ ) {
			S = H[I] - H[I+N];
			C *= EV[I]^S;
			C *= theta(E[I],H[I+N]);
		R += dp_hc(DF)*C;
		DF = dp_rest(DF);
	R = red(R); NM = nm(R); DN = dn(R);
	if ( Form )
		for ( I = 0; I < length(E); I++ )
			NM = subst(NM,E[I],E[I]-1);
	return [normal(NM,E,EV),dn(R)];

def inv_mellin_trans2(F,V,DV,E,EV)
	return inv_mellin_trans(F,V,DV,E,EV|form=1);

def theta(S,N)
	for ( R=1, I = 0; I < N; I++ )
		R *= -S-1-I;
	return R;

/* right=0: 右にある変数を差分作用素の"左"に */
/* right=1: 左にある変数を差分作用素の"右"に */
def normal(P,E,EV)
	if ( type(Right=getopt(right)) == -1 ) Right = 0;
	DP = dp_ptod(P,EV);
	N = length(EV);
	R = 0;
	while ( DP ) {
		H = dp_etov(DP);
		C = dp_hc(DP);
		for ( I = 0; I < N; I++ )
			if ( Right )
				C = subst(C,E[I],E[I]-H[I]);
				C = subst(C,E[I],E[I]+H[I]);
		R += C*dp_vtoe(H);
		DP = dp_rest(DP);
	return dp_dtop(R,EV);

def integration_ideal_shift(Id,V,DV,W1,E,EV,W2)
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0; 
	if ( type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1 ) S0 = -1;
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	if ( type(HTrace=getopt(ht)) == -1 ) HTrace = 2;

	MV = pppppppp;
	for ( P = DP = [], I = 0; I < length(E); I++ ) {
		P = cons(strtov(rtostr(MV)+rtostr(I+1)),P);
		DP = cons(strtov("d"+rtostr(MV)+rtostr(I+1)),DP);
	P = reverse(P); DP = reverse(DP);
	MId = map(mellin_trans,Id,E,EV,P,DP);
	TMP1 = separate_var(V,DV,W1|weight=1);
	TMP2 = separate_var(P,DP,W2|weight=1);
	NV = append(append(TMP1[2],TMP2[2]),append(TMP1[0],TMP2[0]));
	NDV = append(append(TMP1[3],TMP2[3]),append(TMP1[1],TMP2[1]));
	NW = append(append(TMP1[6],TMP2[6]),append(TMP1[5],TMP2[5]));
	J = integration_ideal(MId,NV,NDV,NW|param=Param,s0=S0,inhomo=IH,ht=HTrace);
	if ( IH ) {
		IMJ = map(inv_mellin_trans,J[0],P,DP,E,EV);
		return [map(car_func,IMJ),inhomo_inv_mellin(J[1],P,DP,E,EV,IMJ)];
	} else
		return map(car_func,map(inv_mellin_trans,J,P,DP,E,EV));

def inhomo_inv_mellin(IH,P,DP,E,EV,DN)
	if ( type(Sum=getopt(sum)) == -1 ) Sum = 0;
	if ( type(Form=getopt(form)) == -1 ) Form = 0;

	R = [];
	while ( IH != [] ) {
		H = car(IH);
		R = cons([map(inhomo_inv_mellin_sub,H[0],P,DP,E,EV,Sum,Form),H[1]/car(DN)[1]],R);
		IH = cdr(IH);
		DN = cdr(DN);
	return reverse(R);

def inhomo_inv_mellin_sub(IH,P,DP,E,EV,Sum,Form)
	F = IH[0]; L = IH[1];
	if ( Sum ) {
		F = car(inv_mellin_trans(F,P,DP,E,EV|form=Form))-1;
		for ( I = 0; I < length(Sum) && Sum[I] > 0; I++ )
			L = subst(L,P[I],P[I]-1);
	return [F,inv_mellin_trans(L,P,DP,E,EV|form=Form)];

def car_func(L)
	return car(L);

/* グレブナー道場 例題7.4.29 */
def test_integration_ideal_shift()
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;

	F = t*(1-t);
	A = ann(F);
	I = cons(es-F,A);
	V = [t]; DV = [dt];
	E = [s]; EV = [es];
	W1 = [1];
	W2 = [0];
	return integration_ideal_shift(I,V,DV,W1,E,EV,W2|inhomo=IH);

/* グレブナー道場 問題7.4.29 */
def test_integration_ideal_shift2()
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;

	F = t1*t2*(1-t1-t2);
	A = ann(F);
	I = cons(es-F,A);
	V = [t1,t2]; DV = [dt1,dt2];
	E = [s]; EV = [es];
	W1 = [1,1];
	W2 = [0];
	return integration_ideal_shift(I,V,DV,W1,E,EV,W2|inhomo=IH);

/* グレブナー道場 例題7.4.30 */
def test_integration_ideal_shift3()
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;

	/* A = ndbf.ann_n([t,1-t,1+2*t]); */
	A = [2*dt*t^3+(-dt-2*s0-2*s1-2*s2)*t^2+(-dt+s0-s1+2*s2)*t+s0];
	AN = map(ptozp,map(subst,A,s0,1/2,s1,1/2+n,s2,1/2));
	I = cons(en-(1-t),AN);
	J = integration_ideal_shift(I,[t],[dt],[1],[n],[en],[0]|inhomo=IH);
	return J;

def test_integration_ideal_shift4()
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	/* A = ndbf.ann_n([t,1-t,1+2*t]); */
	A = [2*dt*t^3+(-dt-2*s0-2*s1-2*s2)*t^2+(-dt+s0-s1+2*s2)*t+s0];
	AN = map(ptozp,map(subst,A,s0,1/2+m,s1,1/2+n,s2,1/2));
	I = append([en-(1-t),em-(t)],AN);
	J = integration_ideal_shift(I,[t],[dt],[1],[n,m],[en,em],[0,0]|inhomo=IH);
	return J;

def ost_sum(Id,E,EV,W)
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0; 
	if ( type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1 ) S0 = -1;
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	if ( type(HTrace=getopt(ht)) == -1 ) HTrace = 2;
	MV = pppppppp;
	for ( P = DP = [], I = 0; I < length(E); I++ ) {
		P = cons(strtov(rtostr(MV)+rtostr(I+1)),P);
		DP = cons(strtov("d"+rtostr(MV)+rtostr(I+1)),DP);
	P = reverse(P); DP = reverse(DP);
	MId = map(mellin_trans2,Id,E,EV,P,DP);
	for ( I = 0; I < length(W) && W[I] > 0; I++ )
		MId = subst(MId,P[I],P[I]+1);
	J = restriction_ideal(MId,P,DP,W|param=Param,s0=S0,inhomo=IH,ht=HTrace);
	if ( IH ) {
		IMJ = map(inv_mellin_trans2,J[0],P,DP,E,EV);
		return [map(car_func,IMJ),inhomo_inv_mellin(J[1],P,DP,E,EV,IMJ|sum=W,form=1)];
	} else
		return map(car_func,map(inv_mellin_trans2,J,P,DP,E,EV));

def test_ost_sum()
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0; 
	if ( type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1 ) S0 = -1;
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	if ( type(HTrace=getopt(ht)) == -1 ) HTrace = 2;
	IN = [(m1+1-n1)*em1-(m1+1),(m2+1-n+n1)*em2-(m2+1),(n1+1)*(m2-n+n1+1)*en1-(m1-n1)*(n-n1)];
	I = subst(IN,n,10);
	E = [n1,m1,m2];
	EV = [en1,em1,em2];
	W = [1,0,0];
	R = ost_sum(I,E,EV,W|param=Param,s0=S0,inhomo=IH,ht=HTrace);
	return R;

/* ost ex. 6.2 */
def test_ost_sum2()
	if ( type(Param=getopt(param)) == -1 ) Param = 0; 
	if ( type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1 ) S0 = -1;
	if ( type(IH=getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	if ( type(HTrace=getopt(ht)) == -1 ) HTrace = 2;
	I = [(n-k+1)*en-(n+1),(k+1)*ek-(n-k)];
	E = [k,n];
	EV = [ek,en];
	W = [1,0];
	R = ost_sum(I,E,EV,W|param=Param,s0=S0,inhomo=IH,ht=HTrace);
	return R;
