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File: [local] / OpenXM / src / asir-contrib / packages / src / ns_twistedlog.rr (download)

Revision 1.3, Sun Feb 19 03:43:02 2012 UTC (12 years, 3 months ago) by nisitani
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: RELEASE_1_3_1_13b, HEAD
Changes since 1.2: +36 -6 lines

Fix a bug with respect to a option excp.


module ns_twistedlog;

localf mkd,mkd_,mke,mke_;
localf dp_dtol,dp_etop,ltop;
localf gauss,excp_gauss,leadInd;
localf t_in,m_in,c_in,reducible;
localf normal_form_weyl,w_normal_form_weyl,sp_weyl,buchberger_weyl;
localf normal_form,w_normal_form,sp,buchberger;
localf v_homo,v_order;

localf adjoint;
localf twisted_log_cohomology,twisted_deRham;
localf difference_equation;
localf differential_equation;

localf monomial_sum,monomial_quotient;
localf combination,homogeneous;
localf monomial_hilbert_poly,hilbelt_function,hilbelt_poly,affine_hilbelt_poly;
localf holonomic;

localf mkt,mky,mkx;

localf example6_5;
localf example6_6;
localf example6_9;
localf example6_10;
localf example7_1;
localf example7_2;
localf example7_4;
localf example7_5;
localf example7_6;

localf time_f1,time_f1_a;
localf time_f2,time_f2_a;
localf time_f3,time_f3_a;
localf time_f4,time_f4_a;
localf time_g;
localf time_h,time_h_a;

def mkd(L){
	return strtov("d" + rtostr(L));

def mkd_(L,N){
	return strtov("d" + rtostr(L) + "_" + rtostr(N));

def mke(L){
	return strtov("e" + rtostr(L));

def mke_(L,N){
	return strtov("e" + rtostr(L) + "_" + rtostr(N));

def dp_dtol(F,V){
	N = length(V);
	VF = 0;
	while (F != 0) {
		E = dp_etov(dp_ht(F));
		M = 0;
		for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
			M += rtostr(V[I]) + rtostr(E[I]);
		VF += dp_hc(F) * strtov(M);
		F = dp_rest(F);
	return VF;

def dp_etop(F,V,M){
	N = length(V);
	NM = N*M;
	P = 0;
	while (F != 0) {
		E = dp_etov(dp_ht(F));
		if (E[NM] != 0) {
			P += dp_hc(F);
			F = dp_rest(F);
		} else {
			for (I = 0; I < NM; I++)
				if (E[I] != 0)
			CN = idiv(I,M);
			CM = I % M;
			P += dp_hc(F) * V[CN]^(CM + 1);
			F = dp_rest(F);
	return P;

def ltop(P,V,M){
	N = length(V);
	W = newvect(N);
	for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
		W[I] = 1;
	W = vtol(W);
	B = nk_restriction.gen(W,M);
	B = map(dp_vtoe,map(ltov,B));
	NB = length(B);
	BX = map(dp_dtop,B,V);
	BXX = map(dp_dtol,B,V);
	DP = dp_ptod(P,BXX);
	PP = 0;
	while (DP != 0) {
		EP = dp_etov(dp_ht(DP));
		for (I = 0; I < NB; I++)
			if (EP[I] != 0)
		PP += dp_hc(DP) * BX[I];
		DP = dp_rest(DP);
	return PP;

def gauss(A)
	MN = size(A);
	M = MN[0];
	N = MN[1];
	LeadInd = newvect(M);
	for( I = 0; I < M; I++ )
		LeadInd[I] = leadInd(A[I],N);
	for( J = 0; J < N; J++ ){
		I0 = -1;
		for( I = 0; I < M && I0 == -1; I++ ){
			if( LeadInd[I] == J ){
				C = A[I][J];
				I0 = I;
				for( K = J; K < N; K++ )
					A[I][K] = red(A[I][K]/C);
		if( I0 >= 0 ){
			for( I = 0; I < M; I++ ){
				C = A[I][J];
				if( I != I0 && C != 0 ){
					for( K = J; K < N; K++ )
						A[I][K] = red(A[I][K]-C*A[I0][K]);
					LeadInd[I] = leadInd(A[I],N);
	return ([A,LeadInd]);

def excp_gauss(A)
	ExcpList = [];
	MN = size(A);
	M = MN[0];
	N = MN[1];
	LeadInd = newvect(M);
	for( I = 0; I < M; I++ )
		LeadInd[I] = leadInd(A[I],N);
	for( J = 0; J < N; J++ ){
		I0 = -1;
		for( I = 0; I < M && I0 == -1; I++ ){
			if( LeadInd[I] == J ){
				C = A[I][J];
				ExcpList = cons(C,ExcpList);
				I0 = I;
				for( K = J; K < N; K++ )
					A[I][K] = red(A[I][K]/C);
		if( I0 >= 0 ){
			for( I = 0; I < M; I++ ){
				C = A[I][J];
				if( I != I0 && C != 0 ){
					for( K = J; K < N; K++ )
						A[I][K] = red(A[I][K]-C*A[I0][K]);
					LeadInd[I] = leadInd(A[I],N);
	return ([A,LeadInd,ExcpList]);

def t_in(F, VL, Order)
	OldOrder = dp_ord();
	NM = nm(F);
	DNM = dp_ptod(NM,VL);
	DIN = dp_hm(DNM);
	IN = dp_dtop(DIN,VL);
	IN = IN / dn(F);
	IN = red(IN);
	return IN;
def m_in(F, VL, Order)
	OldOrder = dp_ord();
	NM = nm(F);
	DNM = dp_ptod(NM,VL);
	DIN = dp_ht(DNM);
	IN = dp_dtop(DIN,VL);
	return IN;

def c_in(F, VL, Order)
	OldOrder = dp_ord();
	NM = nm(F);
	DNM = dp_ptod(NM,VL);	
	LC = dp_hc(DNM);
	LC = LC / dn(F);
	LC = red(LC);
	return LC;

def reducible(R, G, VL, Order)
	M = length(G);
	InR = m_in(R, VL, Order);
	for (I = 0; I < M; I++) {
		InG = m_in(G[I], VL, Order);
		T = tdiv(InR, InG);
		if (T != 0)
			return I;
	return -1;

def normal_form(F, G, VL, Order)
	M = length(G);
	Q = newvect(M);
	R = 0;
	LC = [c_in(F, VL, Order)];
	while (F != 0) {
		L = w_normal_form(F, G, VL, Order);
		RR = L[0];
		QQ = L[1];
		LC = append(LC, L[2]);
		F = RR - t_in(RR, VL, Order);
		LC = cons(c_in(F, VL, Order), LC);
		R += t_in(RR, VL, Order);
		Q += QQ;
		R = red(R);
		Q = map(red, Q);
	return [R, Q, LC];

def w_normal_form(F, G, VL, Order)
	M = length(G);
	Q = newvect(M);
	R = F;
	LC = [c_in(F, VL, Order)];
	while ((Index = reducible(R, G, VL, Order)) != -1) {
		S = G[Index];
		D = tdiv(m_in(R, VL, Order), m_in(S, VL, Order));
		X = c_in(R, VL, Order) / c_in(S, VL, Order);
		T = X*D*S;
		Q[Index] += X*D;
		R -= T;
		Q[Index] = red(Q[Index]);
		R = red(R);
		LC = cons(c_in(F, VL, Order),LC);
	return [R, Q, LC];

def sp(F, G, VL, Order)
	InF = m_in(F, VL, Order);
	InG = m_in(G, VL, Order);
	LCF = c_in(F, VL, Order);
	LCG = c_in(G, VL, Order);
	LCM = lcm(InF, InG);
	MF = tdiv(LCM, InF);
	MG = tdiv(LCM, InG);
	Sp = MF * F - red(LCF/LCG) * MG * G;
	return red(Sp);

def buchberger(L, VL, Order)
	LC = [];
	N = length(L);
	for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
		LC = cons(c_in(L[I], VL, Order), LC);
	Jlist = [];
	for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
		Jlist = append(Jlist,[[I, J]]);
	while (Jlist != []) {
		Index = car(Jlist);
		Jlist = cdr(Jlist);
		Sp = sp(L[Index[0]], L[Index[1]], VL, Order);
		LC = cons(c_in(SP, VL, Order), LC);
		Result = normal_form(Sp, L, VL, Order);
		R = Result[0];
		LC = append(LC, Result[2]);
		if (R != 0) {
			L = append(L, [R]);
			N = length(L);
			for (I = 0; I < N-1; I++)
				Jlist = append(Jlist, [[I, N-1]]);
	return [L,LC];

def normal_form_weyl(F, G, VL, Order)
	M = length(G);
	Q = newvect(M);
	R = 0;
	LC = [c_in(F, VL, Order)];
	while (F != 0) {
		L = w_normal_form_weyl(F, G, VL, Order);
		RR = L[0];
		QQ = L[1];
		LC = append(LC, L[2]);
		F = RR - t_in(RR, VL, Order);
		LC = cons(c_in(F, VL, Order), LC);
		R += t_in(RR, VL, Order);
		Q += QQ;
		R = red(R);
		Q = map(red, Q);
	return [R, Q, LC];

def w_normal_form_weyl(F, G, VL, Order)
	M = length(G);
	Q = newvect(M);
	R = F;
	LC = [c_in(F, VL, Order)];
	while ((Index = reducible(R, G, VL, Order)) != -1) {
		S = G[Index];
		D = tdiv(m_in(R, VL, Order), m_in(S, VL, Order));
		X = c_in(R, VL, Order) / c_in(S, VL, Order);
		T = X * nk_restriction.weyl_mul(D, nm(S), VL) / dn(S);
		Q[Index] += X*D;
		R -= T;
		Q[Index] = red(Q[Index]);
		R = red(R);
		LC = cons(c_in(F, VL, Order),LC);
	return [R, Q, LC];

def sp_weyl(F, G, VL, Order)
	InF = m_in(F, VL, Order);
	InG = m_in(G, VL, Order);
	LCF = c_in(F, VL, Order);
	LCG = c_in(G, VL, Order);
	LCM = lcm(InF, InG);
	MF = tdiv(LCM, InF);
	MG = tdiv(LCM, InG);
	Sp = nk_restriction.weyl_mul(MF, nm(F), VL) / dn(F) - red(LCF/LCG) * nk_restriction.weyl_mul(MG, nm(G), VL) / dn(G);
	return red(Sp);

def buchberger_weyl(L, VL, Order)
	LC = [];
	N = length(L);
	for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
		LC = cons(c_in(L[I], VL, Order), LC);
	Jlist = [];
	for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
		Jlist = append(Jlist,[[I, J]]);
	while (Jlist != []) {
		Index = car(Jlist);
		Jlist = cdr(Jlist);
		Sp = sp_weyl(L[Index[0]], L[Index[1]], VL, Order);
		LC = cons(c_in(SP, VL, Order), LC);
		Result = normal_form_weyl(Sp, L, VL, Order);
		R = Result[0];
		LC = append(LC, Result[2]);
		if (R != 0) {
			L = append(L, [R]);
			N = length(L);
			for (I = 0; I < N-1; I++)
				Jlist = append(Jlist, [[I, N-1]]);
	return [L,LC];

def v_homo(F,V,DV,W)
	N = length(V);
	VDV = append(V,DV);
	VDVH = append(VDV,[h]);
	DF = dp_ptod(F,VDV);
	F = dp_ptod(F,VDVH);	
	WL = [];
	MIN = [];
	while (DF != 0) {
		Index = dp_etov(dp_ht(DF));
		WW = 0;
		for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
			WW += W[I] * Index[I];
		for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
			WW -= W[I] * Index[I+N];
		if (MIN == []) {
			MIN = WW;
		} else if (WW < MIN) {
			MIN = WW;
		WL = cons(WW,WL);
		DF = dp_rest(DF);
	WL = ltov(reverse(WL));
	NL = length(WL);
	for (I = 0; I < NL; I++)
		WL[I] -= MIN;
	HF = 0;
	for (I = 0; I < NL; I++) {
		LM = dp_etov(dp_ht(F));
		LC = dp_hc(F);
		LM[2*N] = WL[I];
		HF += LC * dp_vtoe(LM);
		F = dp_rest(F);
	return dp_dtop(HF,VDVH);

def v_order(N)
	M = newmat(2*N+3,2*N+2);
	M[0][N] = 1;
	for (I = 0; I < 2*(N+1); I++)
		M[1][I] = 1;
	for (I = 0; I < 2*N+1; I++)
		M[I+2][2*N+1-I] = -1;
	return M;

def leadInd(V,M){
	Index = -1;
	for( I = 0; I < M && Index == -1; I++ )
		if( V[I] != 0 )
		    Index = I;

def adjoint(P,VL,DVL)
	N = length(VL);
	VLL = append(VL,DVL);
	DP = dp_ptod(P,VLL);
	S = 0;
	EX = newvect(2*N);
	EDX = newvect(2*N);
	while(DP != 0) {
		M = dp_etov(dp_ht(DP));
		C = dp_hc(DP);
		Sum = 0;
		for( I = 0; I < N; I++ )
			EX[I] = M[I];
		for( I = 0; I < N; I++ ){
			EDX[N+I] = M[N+I];
			Sum += M[N+I];
		S += C * (-1)^Sum * dp_weyl_mul(dp_vtoe(EDX),dp_vtoe(EX));
		DP = dp_rest(DP);
	return dp_dtop(S,VLL);

def twisted_log_cohomology(F,P,V)
	if ( type(Exp=getopt(exp)) == 2) ; else Exp = 0;
	if ( type(Check=getopt(check)) == -1 ) Check = 0;
	if ( type(S0=getopt(s0)) == -1 ) S0 = -1;
	if ( type(Excp=getopt(excp)) == -1 ) Excp = -1;
	N = length(F);
	if( length(P) != N ){
		print("error : number of parameters is not equal length of factorization");
	Vnum = length(V);
	DV = map(mkd,V);
	FF = 1;
	for( I = 0; I < N; I++ )
		FF *= F[I];
	L = newvect(Vnum + 1);
	for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
		L[I] = (-1)^(I+1) * diff(FF,V[I]);
	L[Vnum] = FF;
	L = vtol(L);
	L = newsyz.module_syz(L,V,1,0);
	L = L[0];
	NL = length(L);
	DL = [];
	for( I = 0; I < NL; I++ ){
		M = 0;
		for (K = 0; K < Vnum; K++)
			M += (-1)^(K+1) * L[I][K] * DV[K];
		M -= L[I][Vnum];
		for (J = 0; J < N; J++) { 
			MJ = 0;
			for (K = 0; K < Vnum; K++)
				MJ += (-1)^K * L[I][K] * diff(F[J],V[K]);
			MJ = P[J] * sdiv(MJ,F[J]);
			M += MJ;
		if ( Exp ) {
			ME = 0;
			for (K = 0; K < Vnum; K++)
				ME += (-1)^K * L[I][K] * diff(Exp,V[K]);
			M += ME;
		DL = cons(M,DL);
	if (Check)
	FDL = map(nk_restriction.fourier_trans,DL,V,DV);
	Param = vars(P);
	W = newvect(Vnum);
	for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
		W[I] = 1;
	W = vtol(W);
	if (Excp == -1) {
		if (S0 == -1) {
			if (Param == [])
				Result = nk_restriction.restriction(FDL,V,DV,W);
				Result = nk_restriction.restriction(FDL,V,DV,W | param = Param);
			if( Result == 0 )
				return 0;
			Generator = Result[0];
			Gen = Result[1];
		} else {
				WW = newvect(2 *Vnum);
			for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
				WW[I] = -1;
			for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
				WW[Vnum + I] = 1;
			WW = vtol(WW);
			VDV = append(V,DV);
			VDVH = append(VDV,[h]);
			FDLH = map(dp_dtop,map(dp_homo,map(dp_ptod,FDL,VDV)),VDVH);
			GBH = nd_weyl_gr(FDLH,VDVH,0,11);
			GB = map(subst,GBH,h,1);
			NN = length(GB);
			VarV  = append(V, DV);
			OrderGB = newvect(NN);
			for (I = 0; I < NN; I++) 
				OrderGB[I] = nk_restriction.ord_w(GB[I], VarV, WW); 
			Generator = [];
			for (I = 0; I < NN; I++ ) {
				B = nk_restriction.gen(W, S0 - OrderGB[I]);
				while (B != []) {
					Index = car(B);
					D = 1;
					for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++) {
						D *= DV[J]^Index[J];
					P = nk_restriction.weyl_mul(D, GB[I], VarV);
					for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++)
						P = subst(P, V[J], 0);
					if (P != 0)
						Generator = cons(P, Generator);
					B = cdr(B);
			Gen = nk_restriction.gen(W,S0);
		Mat = newmat(Vnum,Vnum);
		for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
			Mat[I][I] = 1;
		OldOrder = dp_ord();
		Gen = map(dp_vtoe,map(ltov,Gen));
		Gennum = length(Gen);
		M = [];
		while( Generator != [] ){
			DP = dp_ptod(car(Generator),DV);
			LP = newvect(Gennum);
			for( I = 0; I < Gennum; I++ ){
				if( DP == 0 )
				if( dp_ht(DP) == Gen[I] ){
					LP[I] = dp_hc(DP);
					DP = dp_rest(DP);
			M = cons(vtol(LP),M);
			Generator = cdr(Generator);
		M = newmat(length(M),Gennum,M);
		Index = (gauss(M))[1];
		Crt = newvect(Gennum);
		for( I = 0; I < length(Index); I++ )
			if(Index[I] > -1)
				Crt[Index[I]] = 1;
		Base = [];
		for( I = 0; I < Gennum; I++ ){
			if( Crt[I] == 0 )
				Base = append(Base,[Gen[I]]);
		print("dimension : " + rtostr(length(Base)));
		return map(dp_dtop,Base,V);
	} else {
		NotInt = [];
		while (P != []) {
			A = car(P);
			P = cdr(P);
			if (vars(A) != [])
				NotInt = cons(A,NotInt);
		NotInt = reverse(NotInt);
		HFDL = map(v_homo,FDL,V,DV,W);
		VDV = append(V,DV);
		VH = append(V,[h]);
		DVH = append(DV,[dh]);
		VDVH = append(VH, DVH);
		BB = buchberger_weyl(HFDL, VDVH, v_order(Vnum));
		GB = map(nm,map(subst,BB[0],h,1));
		ExcpList = BB[1];
		Vnum2 = 2*Vnum;
		M = newmat(Vnum2,Vnum2);
		for ( J = 0; J < Vnum2; J++ )
			M[0][J] = 1;
		for ( I = 1; I < Vnum2; I++ )
			M[I][Vnum2-I] = -1;
		MW = newmat(Vnum2+1,Vnum2);
		for ( J = 0; J < Vnum; J++ )
			MW[0][J] = -W[J];
		for ( ; J < Vnum2; J++ )
			MW[0][J] = W[J-Vnum];
		for ( I = 1; I <= Vnum2; I++ )
			for ( J = 0; J < Vnum2; J++ )
				MW[I][J] = M[I-1][J];

		GIN = map(initial_part,GB,VDV,MW,W);
		for ( I = 0, T = 0; I < Vnum; I++ )
			T += W[I]*V[I]*DV[I];
		BF = nk_restriction.weyl_minipoly_by_elim2(GIN,V,DV,Param,T);
		L = fctr(BF);
		BFF = L;
		L = cdr(L);
		NL = length(L);
		S0 = [];
		NonPosInt = [];
		for (I = 0; I < NL; I++) {
			T = L[I][0];
			if ( vars(T) == [s] ) {
				Root = -coef(T, 0, s) / coef(T, 1, s);
				if (dn(Root) == 1) {
					if (S0 == []) {
						S0 = Root;
					} else if (Root > S0) {
						S0 = Root;
			} else {
				NonPosInt = cons(-coef(T, 0, s) / coef(T, 1, s), NonPosInt);
		print("generic bfct : " + rtostr(BFF), 1);
		print("S0 : " + rtostr(S0), 1);	
		WW = newvect(Vnum2);
		for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
			WW[I] = -1;
		for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
			WW[Vnum + I] = 1;
		WW = vtol(WW);
		NN = length(GB);
		OrderGB = newvect(NN);
		for (I = 0; I < NN; I++) 
			OrderGB[I] = nk_restriction.ord_w(GB[I], VDV, WW); 
		Generator = [];
		for (I = 0; I < NN; I++ ) {
			B = nk_restriction.gen(W, S0 - OrderGB[I]);
			while (B != []) {
				Index = car(B);
				D = 1;
				for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++) {
					D *= DV[J]^Index[J];
				P = nk_restriction.weyl_mul(D, GB[I], VDV);
				for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++)
					P = subst(P, V[J], 0);
				if (P != 0)
					Generator = cons(P, Generator);
				B = cdr(B);
		Gen = nk_restriction.gen(W,S0);
		print("B_{S0} length : " + rtostr(length(Gen)),1);
		Mat = newmat(Vnum,Vnum);
		for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
			Mat[I][I] = 1;
		OldOrder = dp_ord();
		Gen = map(dp_vtoe,map(ltov,Gen));
		Gennum = length(Gen);
		M = [];
		while( Generator != [] ){
			DP = dp_ptod(car(Generator),DV);
			LP = newvect(Gennum);
			for( I = 0; I < Gennum; I++ ){
				if( DP == 0 )
				if( dp_ht(DP) == Gen[I] ){
					LP[I] = dp_hc(DP);
					DP = dp_rest(DP);
			M = cons(vtol(LP),M);
			Generator = cdr(Generator);
		M = newmat(length(M),Gennum,M);
		M = excp_gauss(M);
		Index = M[1];
		ExcpList = append(M[2],ExcpList);
		Crt = newvect(Gennum);
		for( I = 0; I < length(Index); I++ )
			if(Index[I] > -1)
				Crt[Index[I]] = 1;
		Base = [];
		for( I = 0; I < Gennum; I++ ){
			if( Crt[I] == 0 )
				Base = append(Base,[Gen[I]]);
		print("dimension : " + rtostr(length(Base)));
		ExcpSet = [];
		while (ExcpList != []) {
			M = car(ExcpList);
			ExcpList = cdr(ExcpList);
			if (type(NM = nm(M)) == 2 && !member(NM,ExcpSet) && !member(-NM,ExcpSet))
			ExcpSet = cons(nm(M),ExcpSet);
			if (type(DN = dn(M)) == 2 && !member(DN,ExcpSet) && !member(-DN,ExcpSet))
				ExcpSet = cons(dn(M),ExcpSet);
		FExcpSet = [];
		while (ExcpSet != []) {
			ES = car(ExcpSet);
			ExcpSet = cdr(ExcpSet);
			FExcpSet = append(FExcpSet,fctr(ES));
		while (FExcpSet != []) {
			M = car(FExcpSet)[0];
			FExcpSet = cdr(FExcpSet);
			if (type(M) == 2 && !member(M,ExcpSet))
				ExcpSet = cons(M,ExcpSet);
		return ["Basis",map(dp_dtop,Base,V),"Not integer",NotInt,"Not non-negative integer",NonPosInt, "Not zero",ExcpSet];

def twisted_deRham(F,A,V)
	DV = map(mkd,V);
	Vnum = length(V);
	L = ann(F);
	BF = bfct(F);
	BFF = cdr(fctr(BF));
	N = length(BFF);
	R = newvect(N);
	R0 = newvect(N);
	for (I = 0; I < N; I++) {
		R[I] = -subst(BFF[I][0],s,0)/coef(BFF[I][0],1,s);
		R0[I] = 1;
	R1 = A * R0 - R;
	Crt = -1;
	for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
		if (R1[I] > 0 && dn(R1[I]) == 1) {
			Crt = I;
	if (Crt == -1)
		L = map(subst,L,s,A);
	else {
		LL = map(subst,L,s,V[I]);
		LL = cons(F^R1[I],LL);
		LL = newsyz.module_syz(LL,append(V,DV),1,0 | weyl = 1);
		LL = LL[0];
		L = [];
		for (; LL != []; LL = cdr(LL))
			L = cons((car(LL))[0],L);
	FL = map(nk_restriction.fourier_trans,L,V,DV);
	W = newvect(Vnum);
	for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
		W[I] = 1;
	W = vtol(W);
	Result = nk_restriction.restriction(FL,V,DV,W);
	if( Result == 0 )
		return 0;
	Generator = Result[0];
	Gen = Result[1];
	Mat = newmat(Vnum,Vnum);
	for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
		Mat[I][I] = 1;
	OrdOrder = dp_ord();
	Gen = map(dp_vtoe,map(ltov,Gen));
	Gennum = length(Gen);
	M = [];
	while( Generator != [] ){
		DP = dp_ptod(car(Generator),DV);
		LP = newvect(Gennum);
		for( I = 0; I < Gennum; I++ ){
			if( DP == 0 )
			if( dp_ht(DP) == Gen[I] ){
				LP[I] = dp_hc(DP);
				DP = dp_rest(DP);
		M = cons(vtol(LP),M);
		Generator = cdr(Generator);
	M = newmat(length(M),Gennum,M);
	Index = (gauss(M))[1];
	Crt = newvect(Gennum);
	for( I = 0; I < length(Index); I++ )
		if(Index[I] > -1)
			Crt[Index[I]] = 1;
	Base = [];
	for( I = 0; I < Gennum; I++ ){
		if( Crt[I] == 0 )
			Base = append(Base,[Gen[I]]);
	print("dimension : " + rtostr(length(Base)));
	return map(dp_dtop,Base,V);	

def difference_equation(F,P,V)
	if ( type(IH = getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	if ( type(Exp = getopt(exp)) == 2 ) ; else Exp = 0;
	Shift = getopt(shift);
	if (nk_restriction.subset([Shift],P)) ; else Shift = 0;
	if ( type(Order = getopt(order)) == 1 ) ; else Order = -1;
	if ( type(Check = getopt(check)) == -1 ) Check = 0;
	if ( type(Excp = getopt(excp)) == -1 ) Excp = 0;
	if ( Excp && ( IH || Shift || (Order != -1)) ) {
		print("error : we can not use excp with inhomo and shift and order");
		return ;
	N = length(F);
	Vnum = length(V);
	if( length(P) != N ){
		print("error : number of parameters is not equal number of factors");
	DV = map(mkd,V);
	FF = 1;
	for( I = 0; I < N; I++ )
		FF *= F[I];
	L = newvect(Vnum + 1);
	for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
		L[I] = (-1)^(I+1) * diff(FF,V[I]);
	L[Vnum] = FF;
	L = vtol(L);
	L = newsyz.module_syz(L,V,1,0);
	L = L[0];
	NL = length(L);
	DL = [];
	for( I = 0; I < NL; I++ ){
		M = 0;
		for (K = 0; K < Vnum; K++)
			M += (-1)^(K+1) * L[I][K] * DV[K];
		M -= L[I][Vnum];
		for (J = 0; J < N; J++) { 
			MJ = 0;
			for (K = 0; K < Vnum; K++)
				MJ += (-1)^K * L[I][K] * diff(F[J],V[K]);
			MJ = P[J] * sdiv(MJ,F[J]);
			M += MJ;
		if ( Exp ) {
			ME = 0;
			for (K = 0; K < Vnum; K++)
				ME += (-1)^K * L[I][K] * diff(Exp,V[K]);
			M += ME;
		DL = cons(M,DL);
	if (Check)
	FDL = map(nk_restriction.fourier_trans,DL,V,DV);
	PV = newvect(N);
	PL = [];
	for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
		if (type(P[I]) == 2) {
			PV[I] = var(P[I]);
			PL = append(PL,[PV[I]]);
	W = newvect(Vnum);
	for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
		W[I] = 1;
	W = vtol(W);
	WW = newvect(2 *Vnum);
	for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
		WW[I] = -1;
	for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
		WW[Vnum + I] = 1;
	WW = vtol(WW);
	if ( !Excp ) {
		if (Order == -1) {
			Result = nk_restriction.generic_bfct_and_gr(FDL, V, DV, W | param = PL);
			BF = Result[0];
			GB = Result[1];
		} else {
			VDV = append(V,DV);
			VDVH = append(VDV,[h]);
			FDLH = map(dp_dtop,map(dp_homo,map(dp_ptod,FDL,VDV)),VDVH);
			GBH = nd_weyl_gr(FDLH,VDVH,0,11);
			GB = map(subst,GBH,h,1);
		NN = length(GB);
		VarV  = append(V, DV);
		OrderGB = newvect(NN);
		for (I = 0; I < NN; I++) 
			OrderGB[I] = nk_restriction.ord_w(GB[I], VarV, WW); 
		if (Order == -1) {
			L = fctr(BF);
			BFF = L;
			L = cdr(L);
			S0 = [];
			for (I = 0; I < length(L); I++) {
				T = L[I][0];
				if ( vars(T) == [s] ) {
					Root = -coef(T, 0, s) / coef(T, 1, s);
					if (dn(Root) == 1) {
						if (S0 == []) {
							S0 = Root;
						} else if (Root > S0) {
							S0 = Root;
			if (S0 == [] || S0 < 0)
				return 0;
			Generator = [];
			for (I = 0; I < NN; I++ ) {
				B = nk_restriction.gen(W, S0 - OrderGB[I]);
				while (B != []) {
					Index = car(B);
					D = 1;
					for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++) {
						D *= DV[J]^Index[J];
					P = nk_restriction.weyl_mul(D, GB[I], VarV);
					for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++)
						P = subst(P, V[J], 0);
					if (P != 0)
						Generator = cons(P, Generator);
					B = cdr(B);
			Mat = newmat(Vnum,Vnum);
			for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
				Mat[I][I] = 1;
			OldOrder = dp_ord();
			Gen = nk_restriction.gen(W,S0);
			Gen = map(dp_vtoe,map(ltov,Gen));
			Gennum = length(Gen);
			M = [];
			while( Generator != [] ){
				DP = dp_ptod(car(Generator),DV);
				LP = newvect(Gennum);
				for( I = 0; I < Gennum; I++ ){
					if( DP == 0 )
					if( dp_ht(DP) == Gen[I] ){
						LP[I] = dp_hc(DP);
						DP = dp_rest(DP);
				M = cons(vtol(LP),M);
				Generator = cdr(Generator);
			M = newmat(length(M),Gennum,M);
			Index = (gauss(M))[1];
			Crt = newvect(Gennum);
			for( I = 0; I < length(Index); I++ )
				if(Index[I] > -1)
				Crt[Index[I]] = 1;
			Base = [];
			for( I = 0; I < Gennum; I++ ){
				if( Crt[I] == 0 )
					Base = append(Base,[Gen[I]]);
			Order = length(Base);
		print("Order : " + rtostr(Order));
		if ( Shift ) {
			for (S = 0; S < N; S++)
				if (var(PV[S]) == Shift)
			Max = dp_td(dp_ptod(F[S], V)) * Order;
		} else {
			Max = 0;
			for (I = 0; I < N; I++) 
			if (Max < dp_td(dp_ptod(F[I], V)))
					Max = dp_td(dp_ptod(F[I], V));
			Max = Max * Order;
		Generator = [];
		GB = map(nk_restriction.inv_fourier_trans, GB, V, DV);
		GB = map(adjoint, GB, V, DV);
		for (I = 0; I < NN; I++ ) {
			B = nk_restriction.gen(W, Max - OrderGB[I]);
			while (B != []) {
				Index = car(B);
				X = 1;
				for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++) {
					X *= V[J]^Index[J];
				P = nk_restriction.weyl_mul(GB[I], X, VarV);
				for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++)
					P = subst(P, DV[J], 0);
				if (P != 0) {
					P = dp_dtol(dp_ptod(P,V),V);
					if ( IH ) {
						XX = dp_dtol(dp_ptod(X,V),V);
						Generator = cons([P,I,XX], Generator);
					} else
						Generator = cons(P,Generator);
				B = cdr(B);
		if ( IH ) {
			GenVect = [];
			while (Generator != []){
				Vect = newvect(NN + 1);
				Init = car(Generator);
				Vect[0] = Init[0];
				Vect[Init[1] + 1] = Init[2];
				GenVect = cons(vtol(Vect),GenVect);
				Generator = cdr(Generator);
		Elim = map(ltov,nk_restriction.gen(W, Max));
		Elim = map(dp_dtol,map(dp_vtoe,Elim),V);
		EV = [];
		if ( Shift ) {
			for (J = 1; J <= Order; J++)
				EV = append(EV,[mke_(PV[S],J)]);
		} else {
			for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
				if (PV[I] != 0) 
					for (J = 1; J <= Order; J++)
						EV = append(EV,[mke_(PV[I],J)]);
		EV = append(EV,[mke_(0,0)]);
		Vars = append(Elim, EV);
		if ( IH ){
			Vect = newvect(NN + 1);
			Vect[0] = mke_(0,0) - dp_dtol(dp_ptod(1,V),V);
			R = [vtol(Vect)];
			if( Shift ) {
				for (J = 1; J <= Order; J++) {
					Vect = newvect(NN + 1);
					Vect[0] = mke_(PV[S],J) - dp_dtol(dp_ptod(F[S]^J,V),V);
					R = cons(vtol(Vect),R);
			} else {
				for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
					if (PV[I] != 0) {
						for (J = 1; J <= Order; J++) {
							Vect = newvect(NN + 1);
							Vect[0] = mke_(PV[I],J) - dp_dtol(dp_ptod(F[I]^J,V),V);
							R = cons(vtol(Vect),R);
			G = append(R,GenVect);
			G = nd_gr(G,Vars,0,[1,2]);
		} else { 
			R = [mke_(0,0) - dp_dtol(dp_ptod(1,V),V)];
			if( Shift ) {
				for (J = 1; J <= Order; J++)
					R = cons(mke_(PV[S],J) - dp_dtol(dp_ptod(F[S]^J,V),V),R);
			} else {
				for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
					if (PV[I] != 0) {
						for (J = 1; J <= Order; J++)
							R = cons(mke_(PV[I],J) - dp_dtol(dp_ptod(F[I]^J,V),V),R);	
			G = append(R,Generator);
			G = nd_gr(G,Vars,0,2);
		EVP = append(EV,PL);
		Eq = [];
		if( Shift )
			EP = [mke(Shift)];
			EP = map(mke,PL);
		while (G != []) {
			Init = car(G);
			if ( IH ) {
				List = [];
				if (nk_restriction.subset(vars(Init[0]), EVP) && Init[0] != 0) {
					PP = dp_etop(dp_ptod(Init[0],EV),EP,Order);
					List = cons(PP,List);
					Crt = 0;
					for (I = 0; I < NN; I ++)
						if(Init[I + 1] != 0) {
						Crt = 1;
						List = append(List, [[GB[I],ltop(Init[I + 1],V,Max)]]);
					if (Crt == 0)
						List = append(List, [[]]);
					Eq = cons(List,Eq);
			} else {
				if (nk_restriction.subset(vars(Init), EVP)){
					Init = dp_etop(dp_ptod(Init,EV),EP,Order);
					Eq = cons(Init,Eq);
			G = cdr(G);
		return Eq;
	} else {
		NotInt = [];
		while (P != []) {
			A = car(P);
			P = cdr(P);
			if (vars(A) != [])
				NotInt = cons(A,NotInt);
		NotInt = reverse(NotInt);
		HFDL = map(v_homo,FDL,V,DV,W);
		VDV = append(V,DV);
		VH = append(V,[h]);
		DVH = append(DV,[dh]);
		VDVH = append(VH, DVH);
		BB = buchberger_weyl(HFDL, VDVH, v_order(Vnum));
		GB = map(nm,map(subst,BB[0],h,1));
		ExcpList = BB[1];
		Vnum2 = 2*Vnum;
		M = newmat(Vnum2,Vnum2);
		for ( J = 0; J < Vnum2; J++ )
			M[0][J] = 1;
		for ( I = 1; I < Vnum2; I++ )
			M[I][Vnum2-I] = -1;
		MW = newmat(Vnum2+1,Vnum2);
		for ( J = 0; J < Vnum; J++ )
			MW[0][J] = -W[J];
		for ( ; J < Vnum2; J++ )
			MW[0][J] = W[J-Vnum];
		for ( I = 1; I <= Vnum2; I++ )
			for ( J = 0; J < Vnum2; J++ )
				MW[I][J] = M[I-1][J];

		GIN = map(initial_part,GB,VDV,MW,W);
		for ( I = 0, T = 0; I < Vnum; I++ )
			T += W[I]*V[I]*DV[I];
		BF = nk_restriction.weyl_minipoly_by_elim2(GIN,V,DV,PL,T);
		L = fctr(BF);
		BFF = L;
		L = cdr(L);
		NL = length(L);
		S0 = [];
		NotPosInt = [];
		for (I = 0; I < NL; I++) {
			T = L[I][0];
			if ( vars(T) == [s] ) {
				Root = -coef(T, 0, s) / coef(T, 1, s);
				if (dn(Root) == 1) {
					if (S0 == []) {
						S0 = Root;
					} else if (Root > S0) {
						S0 = Root;
			} else {
				NotPosInt = cons(-coef(T, 0, s) / coef(T, 1, s), NotPosInt);
		WW = newvect(Vnum2);
		for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
			WW[I] = -1;
		for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
			WW[Vnum + I] = 1;
		WW = vtol(WW);
		NN = length(GB);
		OrderGB = newvect(NN);
		for (I = 0; I < NN; I++) 
			OrderGB[I] = nk_restriction.ord_w(GB[I], VDV, WW); 
		Generator = [];
		for (I = 0; I < NN; I++ ) {
			B = nk_restriction.gen(W, S0 - OrderGB[I]);
			while (B != []) {
				Index = car(B);
				D = 1;
				for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++) {
					D *= DV[J]^Index[J];
				P = nk_restriction.weyl_mul(D, GB[I], VDV);
				for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++)
					P = subst(P, V[J], 0);
				if (P != 0)
					Generator = cons(P, Generator);
				B = cdr(B);
		Gen = nk_restriction.gen(W,S0);
		Mat = newmat(Vnum,Vnum);
		for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
			Mat[I][I] = 1;
		OldOrder = dp_ord();
		Gen = map(dp_vtoe,map(ltov,Gen));
		Gennum = length(Gen);
		M = [];
		while( Generator != [] ){
			DP = dp_ptod(car(Generator),DV);
			LP = newvect(Gennum);
			for( I = 0; I < Gennum; I++ ){
				if( DP == 0 )
				if( dp_ht(DP) == Gen[I] ){
					LP[I] = dp_hc(DP);
					DP = dp_rest(DP);
			M = cons(vtol(LP),M);
			Generator = cdr(Generator);
		M = newmat(length(M),Gennum,M);
		M = excp_gauss(M);
		Index = M[1];
		ExcpList = append(M[2],ExcpList);
		Crt = newvect(Gennum);
		for( I = 0; I < length(Index); I++ )
			if(Index[I] > -1)
				Crt[Index[I]] = 1;
		Base = [];
		for( I = 0; I < Gennum; I++ ){
			if( Crt[I] == 0 )
				Base = append(Base,[Gen[I]]);
		Order = length(Base);
		print("Order : " + rtostr(Order));
		Max = 0;
		for (I = 0; I < N; I++) 
			if (Max < dp_td(dp_ptod(F[I], V)))
				Max = dp_td(dp_ptod(F[I], V));
		Max = Max * Order;
		VarV = append(V,DV);
		Generator = [];
		GB = map(nk_restriction.inv_fourier_trans, GB, V, DV);
		GB = map(adjoint, GB, V, DV);
		for (I = 0; I < NN; I++ ) {
			B = nk_restriction.gen(W, Max - OrderGB[I]);
			while (B != []) {
				Index = car(B);
				X = 1;
				for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++) {
					X *= V[J]^Index[J];
				P = nk_restriction.weyl_mul(GB[I], X, VarV);
				for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++)
					P = subst(P, DV[J], 0);
				if (P != 0) {
					P = dp_dtol(dp_ptod(P,V),V);
					Generator = cons(P,Generator);
				B = cdr(B);
		Elim = map(ltov,nk_restriction.gen(W, Max));
		Elim = map(dp_dtol,map(dp_vtoe,Elim),V);
		EV = [];
		for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
			if (PV[I] != 0) 
				for (J = 1; J <= Order; J++)
					EV = append(EV,[mke_(PV[I],J)]);
		EV = append(EV,[mke_(0,0)]);
		Vars = append(Elim, EV);
		R = [mke_(0,0) - dp_dtol(dp_ptod(1,V),V)];
		for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
			if (PV[I] != 0) {
				for (J = 1; J <= Order; J++)
					R = cons(mke_(PV[I],J) - dp_dtol(dp_ptod(F[I]^J,V),V),R);	
		G = append(R,Generator);
		G = buchberger(G,Vars,2);
		ExcpList = append(ExcpList,G[1]);
		G = map(nm,G[0]);	
		EVP = append(EV,PL);
		Eq = [];
		EP = map(mke,PL);
		while (G != []) {
			Init = car(G);
			if (nk_restriction.subset(vars(Init), EVP)){
				Init = dp_etop(dp_ptod(Init,EV),EP,Order);
				Eq = cons(Init,Eq);
		G = cdr(G);

		ExcpSet = [];
		while (ExcpList != []) {
			M = car(ExcpList);
			ExcpList = cdr(ExcpList);
			if (type(NM = nm(M)) == 2 && !member(NM,ExcpSet) && !member(-NM,ExcpSet))
			ExcpSet = cons(nm(M),ExcpSet);
			if (type(DN = dn(M)) == 2 && !member(DN,ExcpSet) && !member(-DN,ExcpSet))
				ExcpSet = cons(dn(M),ExcpSet);
		FExcpSet = [];
		while (ExcpSet != []) {
			ES = car(ExcpSet);
			ExcpSet = cdr(ExcpSet);
			FExcpSet = append(FExcpSet,fctr(ES));
		while (FExcpSet != []) {
			M = car(FExcpSet)[0];
			FExcpSet = cdr(FExcpSet);
			if (type(M) == 2 && !member(M,ExcpSet))
				ExcpSet = cons(M,ExcpSet);
		return ["Operator",Eq,"Not integer",NotInt,"Not non-negative integer",NotPosInt,"Not zero",ExcpSet];

def differential_equation(Exp,F,P,V,X)
	if ( type(IH = getopt(inhomo)) == -1 ) IH = 0;
	Diff = getopt(diff);
	if (nk_restriction.subset([Diff],X)) ; else Diff = 0;
	if ( type(Order = getopt(order)) == 1 ) ; else Order = -1;
	if ( type(Check = getopt(check)) == -1) Check = 0;
	if ( type(Excp = getopt(excp)) == -1 ) Excp = 0;
	if ( Excp && ( IH || Shift || (Order != -1)) ) {
		print("error : we can not use option excp with inhomo and shift and order");
		return ;
	Param = P;
	N = length(F);
	Vnum = length(V);
	Xnum = length(X);
	if( length(P) != N ){
		print("error : number of parameter is not equal number of factors");
	DV = map(mkd,V);
	FF = 1;
	for( I = 0; I < N; I++ )
		FF *= F[I];
	L = newvect(Vnum + 1);
	for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
		L[I] = (-1)^(I+1) * diff(FF,V[I]);
	L[Vnum] = FF;
	L = vtol(L);
	L = newsyz.module_syz(L,V,1,0);
	L = L[0];
	NL = length(L);
	DL = [];
	for( I = 0; I < NL; I++ ){
		M = 0;
		for (K = 0; K < Vnum; K++)
			M += (-1)^(K+1) * L[I][K] * DV[K];
		M -= L[I][Vnum];
		for (J = 0; J < N; J++) { 
			MJ = 0;
			for (K = 0; K < Vnum; K++)
				MJ += (-1)^K * L[I][K] * diff(F[J],V[K]);
			MJ = P[J] * sdiv(MJ,F[J]);
			M += MJ;
		ME = 0;
		for (K = 0; K < Vnum; K++)
			ME += (-1)^K * L[I][K] * diff(Exp,V[K]);
		M += ME;
		DL = cons(M,DL);
	if (Check)
	FDL = map(nk_restriction.fourier_trans,DL,V,DV);
	W = newvect(Vnum);
	for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
		W[I] = 1;
	W = vtol(W);
	PV = newvect(N);
	PL = [];
	for (I = 0; I < N; I++)
		if (type(P[I]) == 2) {
			PV[I] = var(P[I]);
			PL = append(PL,[PV[I]]);
	WW = newvect(2 * Vnum);
	for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
		WW[I] = -1;
	for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
		WW[Vnum + I] = 1;
	WW = vtol(WW);
	if ( !Excp ) {
		if (Order == -1) {
			Result = nk_restriction.generic_bfct_and_gr(FDL, V, DV, W | param = PL);
			BF = Result[0];
			GB = Result[1];
		} else {
			VDV = append(V,DV);
			VDVH = append(VDV,[h]);
			FDLH = map(dp_dtop,map(dp_homo,map(dp_ptod,FDL,VDV)),VDVH);
			GBH = nd_weyl_gr(FDLH,VDVH,0,11);
			GB = map(subst,GBH,h,1);
		NN = length(GB);
		VarV  = append(V, DV);
		OrderGB = newvect(NN);
		for (I = 0; I < NN; I++) 
			OrderGB[I] = nk_restriction.ord_w(GB[I], VarV, WW); 	
		if (Order == -1) {
			L = fctr(BF);
			BFF = L;
			L = cdr(L);
			S0 = [];
			for (I = 0; I < length(L); I++) {
				T = L[I][0];
				if ( vars(T) == [s] ) {
					Root = -coef(T, 0, s) / coef(T, 1, s);
					if (dn(Root) == 1) {
						if (S0 == []) {
							S0 = Root;
						} else if (Root > S0) {
							S0 = Root;
			if (S0 == [] || S0 < 0)
				return 0;
			Generator = [];
			for (I = 0; I < NN; I++ ) {
				B = nk_restriction.gen(W, S0 - OrderGB[I]);
				while (B != []) {
					Index = car(B);
					D = 1;
					for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++) {
						D *= DV[J]^Index[J];
					P = nk_restriction.weyl_mul(D, GB[I], VarV);
					for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++)
						P = subst(P, V[J], 0);
					if (P != 0)
						Generator = cons(P, Generator);
					B = cdr(B);
			Mat = newmat(Vnum,Vnum);
			for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
				Mat[I][I] = 1;
			OldOrder = dp_ord();
			Gen = nk_restriction.gen(W,S0);
			Gen = map(dp_vtoe,map(ltov,Gen));
			Gennum = length(Gen);
			M = [];
			while( Generator != [] ){
				DP = dp_ptod(car(Generator),DV);
				LP = newvect(Gennum);
				for( I = 0; I < Gennum; I++ ){
					if( DP == 0 )
					if( dp_ht(DP) == Gen[I] ){
						LP[I] = dp_hc(DP);
						DP = dp_rest(DP);
				M = cons(vtol(LP),M);
				Generator = cdr(Generator);
			M = newmat(length(M),Gennum,M);
			Index = (gauss(M))[1];
			Crt = newvect(Gennum);
			for( I = 0; I < length(Index); I++ )
				if(Index[I] > -1)
					Crt[Index[I]] = 1;
			Base = [];
			for( I = 0; I < Gennum; I++ ){
				if( Crt[I] == 0 )
					Base = append(Base,[Gen[I]]);
			Order = length(Base);
		print("Order : " + rtostr(Order));
		if ( Diff ) {
			for (S = 0; S < Xnum; S++)
				if (var(X[S]) == Diff)
			Max = dp_td(dp_ptod(diff(Exp,X[S]), V)) * Order;
		} else {
			Max = 0;
			for (I = 0; I < Xnum; I++) 
				if (Max < dp_td(dp_ptod(diff(Exp,X[I]), V)))
					Max = dp_td(dp_ptod(diff(Exp,X[I]), V));
			Max = Max * Order;
		Generator = [];
		GB = map(nk_restriction.inv_fourier_trans, GB, V, DV);
		GB = map(adjoint, GB, V, DV);
		for (I = 0; I < NN; I++ ) {
			B = nk_restriction.gen(W, Max - OrderGB[I]);
			while (B != []) {
				Index = car(B);
				T = 1;
				for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++) {
					T *= V[J]^Index[J];
				P = nk_restriction.weyl_mul(GB[I], T, VarV);
				for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++)
					P = subst(P, DV[J], 0);
				if (P != 0) {
					P = dp_dtol(dp_ptod(P,V),V);
					if ( IH ) {
						TT = dp_dtol(dp_ptod(T,V),V);
						Generator = cons([P,I,TT], Generator);
					} else
						Generator = cons(P,Generator);
				B = cdr(B);
		if ( IH ) {
			GenVect = [];
			while (Generator != []){
				Vect = newvect(NN + 1);
				Init = car(Generator);
				Vect[0] = Init[0];
				Vect[Init[1] + 1] = Init[2];
				GenVect = cons(vtol(Vect),GenVect);
				Generator = cdr(Generator);
		Elim = map(ltov,nk_restriction.gen(W,Max));
		Elim = map(dp_dtol,map(dp_vtoe,Elim),V);
		DX = [];
		if ( Diff ) {
			for (J = 1; J <= Order; J++)
			DX = append(DX,[mkd_(X[S],J)]);
		} else {
			for (I = 0; I < Xnum; I++) 
				for (J = 1; J <= Order; J++)
					DX = append(DX,[mkd_(X[I],J)]);
		DX = append(DX,[mkd_(0,0)]);
		Vars = append(Elim, DX);
		if ( IH ){
			Vect = newvect(NN + 1);
			Vect[0] = mkd_(0,0) - dp_dtol(dp_ptod(1,V),V);
			R = [vtol(Vect)];
			if( Diff ) {
				H = diff(Exp,X[S]);
				for (J = 1; J <= Order; J++) {
					Vect = newvect(NN + 1);
					Vect[0] = mkd_(X[S],J) - dp_dtol(dp_ptod(H,V),V);
					R = cons(vtol(Vect),R);
				H = diff(Exp,X[S]) * H + diff(H,X[S]);
			} else {
				for (I = 0; I < Xnum; I++) {
					H = diff(Exp,X[I]);
					for (J = 1; J <= Order; J++) {
						Vect = newvect(NN + 1);
						Vect[0] = mkd_(X[I],J) - dp_dtol(dp_ptod(H,V),V);
						R = cons(vtol(Vect),R);
						H = diff(Exp,X[I]) * H + diff(H,X[I]);
			G = append(R,GenVect);
			G = nd_gr(G,Vars,0,[1,2]);
		} else {
			R = [mkd_(0,0) - dp_dtol(dp_ptod(1,V),V)];
			if( Diff ) {
				H = diff(Exp,X[S]);
				for (J = 1; J <= Order; J++) {
					R = cons(mkd_(X[S],J) - dp_dtol(dp_ptod(H,V),V),R);
					H = diff(Exp,X[S]) * H + diff(H,X[S]);
			} else {
				for (I = 0; I < Xnum; I++) {
					H = diff(Exp,X[I]);
					for (J = 1; J <= Order; J++) {
						R = cons(mkd_(X[I],J) - dp_dtol(dp_ptod(H,V),V),R);
						H = diff(Exp,X[I]) * H + diff(H,X[I]);
			G = append(R,Generator);
			G = nd_gr(G,Vars,0,2);
		DXXP = append(append(DX,X),vars(Param));
		Eq = [];
		if( Diff )
			DDX = [mkd(Diff)];
			DDX = map(mkd,X);
		while (G != []) {
			Init = car(G);
			if ( IH ) {
				List = [];
				if (nk_restriction.subset(vars(Init[0]), DXXP) && Init[0] != 0) {
					PP = dp_etop(dp_ptod(Init[0],DX),DDX,Order);
					List = cons(PP,List);
					Crt = 0;
					for (I = 0; I < NN; I ++)
						if(Init[I + 1] != 0) {
							Crt = 1;
							List = append(List, [[GB[I],ltop(Init[I + 1],V,Max)]]);
						if (Crt == 0)
						List = append(List, [[]]);
					Eq = cons(List,Eq);
			} else {
				if (nk_restriction.subset(vars(Init), DXXP)){
					Init = dp_etop(dp_ptod(Init,DX),DDX,Order);
					Eq = cons(Init,Eq);
			G = cdr(G);
		return Eq;
	} else {
		NotInt = [];
		while (P != []) {
			A = car(P);
			P = cdr(P);
			if (vars(A) != [])
				NotInt = cons(A,NotInt);
		NotInt = reverse(NotInt);
		HFDL = map(v_homo,FDL,V,DV,W);
		VDV = append(V,DV);
		VH = append(V,[h]);
		DVH = append(DV,[dh]);
		VDVH = append(VH, DVH);
		BB = buchberger_weyl(HFDL, VDVH, v_order(Vnum));
		GB = map(nm,map(subst,BB[0],h,1));
		ExcpList = BB[1];
		Vnum2 = 2*Vnum;
		M = newmat(Vnum2,Vnum2);
		for ( J = 0; J < Vnum2; J++ )
			M[0][J] = 1;
		for ( I = 1; I < Vnum2; I++ )
			M[I][Vnum2-I] = -1;
		MW = newmat(Vnum2+1,Vnum2);
		for ( J = 0; J < Vnum; J++ )
			MW[0][J] = -W[J];
		for ( ; J < Vnum2; J++ )
			MW[0][J] = W[J-Vnum];
		for ( I = 1; I <= Vnum2; I++ )
			for ( J = 0; J < Vnum2; J++ )
				MW[I][J] = M[I-1][J];

		GIN = map(initial_part,GB,VDV,MW,W);
		for ( I = 0, T = 0; I < Vnum; I++ )
			T += W[I]*V[I]*DV[I];
		BF = nk_restriction.weyl_minipoly_by_elim2(GIN,V,DV,PL,T);
		L = fctr(BF);
		BFF = L;
		L = cdr(L);
		NL = length(L);
		S0 = [];
		NotPosInt = [];
		for (I = 0; I < NL; I++) {
			T = L[I][0];
			if ( vars(T) == [s] ) {
				Root = -coef(T, 0, s) / coef(T, 1, s);
				if (dn(Root) == 1) {
					if (S0 == []) {
						S0 = Root;
					} else if (Root > S0) {
						S0 = Root;
			} else {
				NotPosInt = cons(-coef(T, 0, s) / coef(T, 1, s), NotPosInt);
		WW = newvect(Vnum2);
		for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
			WW[I] = -1;
		for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
			WW[Vnum + I] = 1;
		WW = vtol(WW);
		NN = length(GB);
		OrderGB = newvect(NN);
		for (I = 0; I < NN; I++) 
			OrderGB[I] = nk_restriction.ord_w(GB[I], VDV, WW); 
		Generator = [];
		for (I = 0; I < NN; I++ ) {
			B = nk_restriction.gen(W, S0 - OrderGB[I]);
			while (B != []) {
				Index = car(B);
				D = 1;
				for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++) {
					D *= DV[J]^Index[J];
				P = nk_restriction.weyl_mul(D, GB[I], VDV);
				for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++)
					P = subst(P, V[J], 0);
				if (P != 0)
					Generator = cons(P, Generator);
				B = cdr(B);
		Gen = nk_restriction.gen(W,S0);
		Mat = newmat(Vnum,Vnum);
		for (I = 0; I < Vnum; I++)
			Mat[I][I] = 1;
		OldOrder = dp_ord();
		Gen = map(dp_vtoe,map(ltov,Gen));
		Gennum = length(Gen);
		M = [];
		while( Generator != [] ){
			DP = dp_ptod(car(Generator),DV);
			LP = newvect(Gennum);
			for( I = 0; I < Gennum; I++ ){
				if( DP == 0 )
				if( dp_ht(DP) == Gen[I] ){
					LP[I] = dp_hc(DP);
					DP = dp_rest(DP);
			M = cons(vtol(LP),M);
			Generator = cdr(Generator);
		M = newmat(length(M),Gennum,M);
		M = excp_gauss(M);
		Index = M[1];
		ExcpList = append(M[2],ExcpList);
		Crt = newvect(Gennum);
		for( I = 0; I < length(Index); I++ )
			if(Index[I] > -1)
				Crt[Index[I]] = 1;
		Base = [];
		for( I = 0; I < Gennum; I++ ){
			if( Crt[I] == 0 )
				Base = append(Base,[Gen[I]]);
		Order = length(Base);
		print("Order : " + rtostr(Order));
		Max = 0;
		for (I = 0; I < N; I++) 
			if (Max < dp_td(dp_ptod(F[I], V)))
				Max = dp_td(dp_ptod(F[I], V));
		Max = Max * Order;
		VarV = append(V,DV);
		Generator = [];
		GB = map(nk_restriction.inv_fourier_trans, GB, V, DV);
		GB = map(adjoint, GB, V, DV);
		for (I = 0; I < NN; I++ ) {
			B = nk_restriction.gen(W, Max - OrderGB[I]);
			while (B != []) {
				Index = car(B);
				T = 1;
				for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++) {
					T *= V[J]^Index[J];
				P = nk_restriction.weyl_mul(GB[I], T, VarV);
				for (J = 0; J < Vnum; J++)
					P = subst(P, DV[J], 0);
				if (P != 0) {
					P = dp_dtol(dp_ptod(P,V),V);
					Generator = cons(P,Generator);
				B = cdr(B);
		Elim = map(ltov,nk_restriction.gen(W, Max));
		Elim = map(dp_dtol,map(dp_vtoe,Elim),V);
		DX = [];
		for (I = 0; I < Xnum; I++)
				for (J = 1; J <= Order; J++)
					DX = append(DX,[mkd_(X[I],J)]);
		DX = append(DX,[mkd_(0,0)]);
		Vars = append(Elim, DX);
		R = [mkd_(0,0) - dp_dtol(dp_ptod(1,V),V)];
		for (I = 0; I < Xnum; I++) {
			H = diff(Exp,X[I]);
			for (J = 1; J <= Order; J++) {
				R = cons(mkd_(X[I],J) - dp_dtol(dp_ptod(H,V),V),R);
				H = diff(Exp,X[I]) * H + diff(H,X[I]);
		G = append(R,Generator);
		G = buchberger(G,Vars,2);
		ExcpList = append(ExcpList,G[1]);
		G = map(nm,G[0]);	
		DXXP = append(append(DX,X),vars(Param));
		Eq = [];
		DDX = map(mkd,X);
		while (G != []) {
			Init = car(G);
			if (nk_restriction.subset(vars(Init), DXXP)){
				Init = dp_etop(dp_ptod(Init,DX),DDX,Order);
				Eq = cons(Init,Eq);
		G = cdr(G);

		ExcpSet = [];
		while (ExcpList != []) {
			M = car(ExcpList);
			ExcpList = cdr(ExcpList);
			if (type(NM = nm(M)) == 2 && !member(NM,ExcpSet) && !member(-NM,ExcpSet))
			ExcpSet = cons(nm(M),ExcpSet);
			if (type(DN = dn(M)) == 2 && !member(DN,ExcpSet) && !member(-DN,ExcpSet))
				ExcpSet = cons(dn(M),ExcpSet);
		FExcpSet = [];
		while (ExcpSet != []) {
			ES = car(ExcpSet);
			ExcpSet = cdr(ExcpSet);
			FExcpSet = append(FExcpSet,fctr(ES));
		while (FExcpSet != []) {
			M = car(FExcpSet)[0];
			FExcpSet = cdr(FExcpSet);
			if (type(M) == 2 && !member(M,ExcpSet))
				ExcpSet = cons(M,ExcpSet);
		return ["Operator",Eq,"Not integer",NotInt,"Not non-negative integer",NotPosInt,"Not zero",ExcpSet];

def monomial_sum(I,M)
	J = [M];
	while(I != []){
		if(srem(car(I),M) != 0)
			J = cons(I[0],J);
		I = cdr(I);
	J = reverse(J);
	return J;

def monomial_quotient(I,M)
	L = length(I);
	I = newvect(L,I);
	for( N = 0; N < L; N++ ){
		if(deg(I[N],M) > 0)
			I[N] = sdiv(I[N],M);
		if(I[N] == 1)
			return [1];
	I = vtol(I);
	return I;

def combination(F,N){
	G = 1;
	if(N == -1){
		if(F == -1)
			return 1;
			return 0;
	}else if(N == 0)
		return 1;
		while(N > 0){
			G *= F/N;
	return G;

def homogeneous(I,Order){


def monomial_hilbert_poly(I,Order)
	I = nd_gr(I,Order,0,0);
	S = length(I);
	T = length(Order);
	if(I == [0])
		return 1;
	if(I == [1])
		return 0;
	for( M = 0; M < S; M++ ){
		if(dp_td(dp_ptod(I[M],Order)) > 1)
	if( M == S ){
		F = (1-t)^S;
		return F;
	Crt = 0;
	for( N = 0; N < T; N++ ){
		for( M = 0; M < S; M++ ){
			if((dp_td(dp_ptod(I[M],Order)) > 1) && (deg(I[M],Order[N]) >= 1)){
				Crt = 1;
		if(Crt == 1)
	I1 = monomial_sum(I,Order[N]);
	I2 = monomial_quotient(I,Order[N]);
	F1 = monomial_hilbert_poly(I1,Order);
	F2 = monomial_hilbert_poly(I2,Order);
	F = F1+t*F2;
	return F;

def hilbelt_function(I,Order){
	List = [];
	Plist = [];
	I = nd_gr(I,Order,0,0);
	L = length(I);
	I = newvect(L,I);
	for( I0 = 0; I0 < L; I0++ ){
		I[I0] = dp_hm(dp_ptod(I[I0],Order));
		I[I0] = dp_dtop(I[I0],Order);
	I = vtol(I);
	return monomial_hilbert_poly(I,Order);

def hilbelt_poly(I,Order){
	F = hilbelt_function(I,Order);
	N = length(Order);
	G = F;
	while((F = tdiv(G,1-t)) != 0){
		G = F;
	G = dp_ptod(G,[t]);
	P = 0;
	D = dp_td(G);
	for( I0 = D; I0 >= 0; I0-- ){
		P += dp_hc(G) * combination(N-1+x-I0,N-1);
		G = dp_rest(G);
	return P;

def affine_hilbelt_poly(I,Order){
	I = homogeneous(I,Order);
	Order = append(Order,[h]);
	return hilbelt_poly(I,Order);

def holonomic(I,V,DV){
	L = length(V);
	VDV = append(V,DV);
	M = newmat(2*L+1,2*L);
	for( J0 = L; J0 < 2*L ;J0++ )
		M[0][J0] = 1;
	for( J0 = 0; J0 < 2*L; J0++ )
		M[1][J0] = 1;
	for( I0 = 2; I0 < 2*L+1; I0++)
		M[I0][2*L-I0+1] = -1;
	G = nd_weyl_gr(I,VDV,0,M);
	N = length(G);
	OldOrder = dp_ord();
	G = map(dp_ptod,G,VDV);
	DIN = map(dp_ht,G);	
	IN = map(dp_dtop,DIN,VDV);
	P = affine_hilbelt_poly(IN,VDV);
	print("Hilbert polynomial : ",0);
	D = deg(P,x);
	if(D == L){
		print("holonomic : Yes");
		IN = ltov(IN);
		for( I0 = 0; I0 < N; I0++ ){
			for( K = 0; K < L; K++ )
				IN[I0] = subst(IN[I0],V[K],1);
		IN = vtol(IN);
		if(dp_td(dp_ptod(IN[0],DV)) == 0){
			R = 0;
			SM = dp_mbase(map(dp_ptod,IN,DV));
			R = length(SM);
		print("holonomic rank : ",0);
		return map(dp_dtop,SM,DV);
		print("holonomic : No");
		return -1;

def mkt(L){
	return strtov("t" + rtostr(L));

def mkx(I,J){
	return strtov("x" + rtostr(I) + rtostr(J));

def mky(L){
	return strtov("y" + rtostr(L));

def example6_5()
	return difference_equation([x,y,1-x-y],[a,b,c],[x,y]|inhomo=1);

def example6_6()

	print("Equation with respect to E_a:");
	print(difference_equation([x,y,1-x-y,1-2*x],[a,b,c,d],[x,y]|shift = a));
	print("Equation with respect to E_b:");
	print(difference_equation([x,y,1-x-y,1-2*x],[a,b,c,d],[x,y]|shift = b));
	print("Equation with respect to E_c:");
	print(difference_equation([x,y,1-x-y,1-2*x],[a,b,c,d],[x,y]|shift = c));
	print("Equation with respect to E_d:");
	print(difference_equation([x,y,1-x-y,1-2*x],[a,b,c,d],[x,y]|shift = d));

def example6_9()
	return difference_equation([x+y*z,y+z*x,z+x*y],[a,b,c],[x,y]);

/* (1,,1,1,-1,-1,-1)-filteration に関する graded module M_S の次元を計算 */
def example6_10(S)
	return twisted_log_cohomology([x*z+y,x^4+y^5+x*y^4],[a,b],[x,y]|S0 = S);

def example7_1()
	return differential_equation(t1*x+t2*y,[x^2+y^2-1],[-1],[x,y],[t1,t2]);

def example7_2()
	return differential_equation(t1*x^2+t2*y^2,[x+y],[a],[x,y],[t1,t2]);

def example7_4()
	print("Equation with respect to x1");
	print(differential_equation(x1*t^2+x2*t^3,[t],[a],[t],[x1,x2]|diff = x1));
	print("Equation with respect to x2");
	print(differential_equation(x1*t^2+x2*t^3,[t],[a],[t],[x1,x2]|diff = x2));

def example7_5()
	return differential_equation(x1*t2*t3+x2*t1^2*t3+x3*t3,[t1,t2,t3],[b1,b2,b3],[t1,t2,t3],[x1,x2,x3]);

/* S^N 上の Fisher-Bingham integral に付随する twisted log cohomology を計算*/
def example7_6(N)
	H = -1;
	for (I = 1; I <= N+1; I++)
		H += mkt(I)^2;
	Exp = 0;
	for (I = 1; I <= N+1; I++)
		Exp += mkx(I,I)*mkt(I)^2 + mky(I)*mkt(I);
	for (J = 1; J <= N+1; J++)
		for (I = 1; I < J; I++)
			Exp += 2*mkx(I,J)*mkt(I)*mkt(J);
	T = [];
	Y = [];
	X = [];
	for (I = 1; I <= N+1; I++){
		T = cons(mkt(I),T);
		Y = cons(mky(I),Y);
	T = reverse(T);
	Y = reverse(Y);
	for (J = 1; J <= N+1; J++)
		for (I = 1; I < J; I++)
			X = cons(mkx(I,J),X);
	X = reverse(X);
	for (I = 0; I <= N ;I++)
		X = cons(mkx(N+1-I,N+1-I),X);
	for (I = 0; I <= N; I++)
		Exp = subst(Exp,X[I],1/(I+1));
	for (I = N+1; I < length(X); I++)
		Exp = subst(Exp,X[I],1/2);
	for (I = 0; I <= N; I++)
		Exp = subst(Exp,Y[I],1/2);
	T0 = time();
	Base = twisted_log_cohomology([H],[0],T | exp = Exp);
	T1 = time();
	return ["Dimension",length(Base),"Time",T1[0]-T0[0]];

/*以下は timing data 用の関数*/

def time_f1()
	F = [x,y,1-x-y,1-2*x];
	P = [a,b,c,d];
	V = [x,y];
	T0 = time();
	T1 = time();
	return ["Integrand",[F,P],"Time",T1[0]-T0[0]];

def time_f2()
	F = [x,y,1-x-y,1-2*x-3*y];
	P = [a,b,c,d];
	V = [x,y];
	T0 = time();
	T1 = time();
	return ["Integrand",[F,P],"Time",T1[0]-T0[0]];

def time_f3()
	F = [x,y,1-x-y,1-2*x-3*y,1-x];
	P = [a,b,c,d,e];
	V = [x,y];
	T0 = time();
	T1 = time();
	return ["Integrand",[F,P],"Time",T1[0]-T0[0]];
def time_f4()
	F = [x,y,1-x-y,1-2*x-3*y,1-2*y];
	P = [a,b,c,d,e];
	V = [x,y];
	T0 = time();
	T1 = time();
	return ["Integrand",[F,P],"Time",T1[0]-T0[0]];

def time_g(P,Q)
	F = x^P+y^Q+x*y^(Q-1);
	T0 = time();
	E = ns_twistedlog.difference_equation([F],[a],[x,y]);
	T1 = time();
	return ["Integrand",[F,a],"Time",T1[0]-T0[0]];

def time_h(P,Q)
	F = x^P+y^Q+x*y^(Q-1);
	G = x+y;
	T0 = time();
	E = ns_twistedlog.difference_equation([F,G],[a,b],[x,y]);
	T1 = time();
	return ["Integrand",[[F,G],[a,b]],"Time",T1[0]-T0[0]];

def time_f1_a()
	F = [x,y,1-x-y,1-2*x];
	P = [a,b,c,d];
	V = [x,y];
	T0 = time();
	difference_equation(F,P,V|shift = P[0]);
	T1 = time();
	return ["Integrand",[F,P],"Time",T1[0]-T0[0]];

def time_f2_a()
	F = [x,y,1-x-y,1-2*x-3*y];
	P = [a,b,c,d];
	V = [x,y];
	T0 = time();
	difference_equation(F,P,V|shift = P[0]);
	T1 = time();
	return ["Integrand",[F,P],"Time",T1[0]-T0[0]];

def time_f3_a()
	F = [x,y,1-x-y,1-2*x-3*y,1-x];
	P = [a,b,c,d,e];
	V = [x,y];
	T0 = time();
	difference_equation(F,P,V|shift = P[0]);
	T1 = time();
	return ["Integrand",[F,P],"Time",T1[0]-T0[0]];
def time_f4_a()
	F = [x,y,1-x-y,1-2*x-3*y,1-2*y];
	P = [a,b,c,d,e];
	V = [x,y];
	T0 = time();
	difference_equation(F,P,V|shift = P[0]);
	T1 = time();
	return ["Integrand",[F,P],"Time",T1[0]-T0[0]];

def time_h_a(P,Q)
	F = x^P+y^Q+x*y^(Q-1);
	G = x+y;
	T0 = time();
	E = ns_twistedlog.difference_equation([F,G],[a,b],[x,y]|shift = a);
	T1 = time();
	return ["Integrand",[[F,G],[a,b]],"Time",T1[0]-T0[0]];
