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Annotation of OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/src/ok_dmodule.rr, Revision 1.2

1.2     ! takayama    1: /* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/src/ok_dmodule.rr,v 1.1 2005/04/08 05:29:37 takayama Exp $ */
1.1       takayama    2: /* Old: Dmodule */
                      4: /*----------------------*/
                      5: /* package for D-module */
                      6: /*----------------------*/
                      8: #define _DEBUG_Dmodule_ 0
                     10: Odmodule_sm1_PID = -1$
                     11: Odmodule_Euler2D = [[1],[0,1],[0,1,1]]$
                     13: def odmodule_sm1_start() {
                     14:   extern Odmodule_sm1_PID;
                     15:   if (Odmodule_sm1_PID < 0) {
                     16: #if _DEBUG_Dmodule_
                     17:     print("starting ox_sm1_forAsir ...");
                     18: #endif
                     19:     Odmodule_sm1_PID = sm1.start();
                     20: #if _DEBUG_Dmodule_
                     21:     print("sm1 process number: ", 0); print(Odmodule_sm1_PID);
                     22: #endif
                     23:   }
                     24:   return Odmodule_sm1_PID;
                     25: }
                     27: def odmodule_sm1_restart() {
                     28:   extern Odmodule_sm1_PID;
                     29:   Odmodule_sm1_PID = sm1.start();
                     30:   return Odmodule_sm1_PID;
                     31: }
                     33: /* [x1,x2,...] -> [dx1,dx2,...] */
                     34: def odmodule_make_dv(V) {
                     35:   return odiff_make_dv(V);
                     36: }
                     38: /* [x1,x2,...] -> [tx1,tx2,...] */
                     39: /* I'm going to use this variable t* as euler operator. */
                     40: def odmodule_make_tv(V) {
                     41:   if (type(V) != 4) {
                     42:     error("parameter type error.");
                     43:   }
                     44:   Tv = [];
                     45:   for (I = 0; I < length(V); I++) {
                     46:     Tv = append(Tv, [strtov("t" + rtostr(V[I]))]);
                     47:   }
                     48:   return Tv;
                     49: }
                     51: /* [x1,x2,...] -> "x1,x2,..." */
                     52: def odmodule_var_tosm1(V) {
                     53:   if (type(V) != 4) {
                     54:     error("parameter type error.");
                     55:   }
                     56:   if (V == []) {
                     57:     return "";
                     58:   }
                     59:   V_str = rtostr(V[0]);
                     60:   for (I = 1; I < length(V); I++) {
                     61:     V_str += "," + rtostr(V[I]);
                     62:   }
                     63: #if _DEBUG_Dmodule_
                     64:   print("variables (sm1 format): ", 0); print(V_str);
                     65: #endif
                     66:   return V_str;
                     67: }
                     69: /* differential operators with polynomial coefficients -> sm1 string */
                     70: /* L_list: [ [[fa(V),[a1,...,an]],...], ... ], coefficient must be polynomial. */
                     71: def odmodule_d_op_tosm1(L_list, V) {
                     72:   return odiff_op_tosm1(L_list, V);
                     73: }
                     75: /* list form -> asir form */
                     76: def odmodule_d_op_toasir(L_list, V) {
                     77:   return odiff_op_toasir(L_list, V);
                     78: }
                     80: /* asir form -> list form */
                     81: def odmodule_d_op_fromasir(D_list, V) {
                     82:   return odiff_op_fromasir(D_list, V);
                     83: }
                     85: def odmodule_filt(V, W) {
                     86:   if (type(V) != 4 || type(W) != 4) {
                     87:     error("parameter type error.");
                     88:   }
                     89:   if (2*length(V) != length(W)) {
                     90:     error("a length of list is no match.");
                     91:   }
                     92:   V = append(V, odmodule_make_dv(V));
                     93:   Filt = [];
                     94:   for (I = 0; I < length(V); I++) {
                     95:     Filt = append(Filt, [V[I], W[I]]);
                     96:   }
                     97:   return Filt;
                     98: }
                    100: /* weight (0,...,0,1,...,1) */
                    101: def odmodule_order_filt(V) {
                    102:   OrderX = []; OrderD = [];
                    103:   for (I = 0; I < length(V); I++) {
                    104:     OrderX = append(OrderX, [V[I], 0]);
                    105:     OrderD = append(OrderD, [strtov("d" + rtostr(V[I])), 1]);
                    106:   }
                    107:   Order = append(OrderX, OrderD);
                    108: #if _DEBUG_Dmodule_
                    109:   print("order filtration: ", 0); print(Order);
                    110: #endif
                    111:   return Order;
                    112: }
                    114: /* weight (1,...,1,1,...,1) */
                    115: def odmodule_bernstein_filt(V) {
                    116:   OrderX = []; OrderD = [];
                    117:   for (I = 0; I < length(V); I++) {
                    118:     OrderX = append(OrderX, [V[I], 1]);
                    119:     OrderD = append(OrderD, [strtov("d" + rtostr(V[I])), 1]);
                    120:   }
                    121:   Order = append(OrderX, OrderD);
                    122: #if _DEBUG_Dmodule_
                    123:   print("bernstein filtration: ", 0); print(Order);
                    124: #endif
                    125: }
                    127: def odmodule_calc_w(E, W) {
                    128:   if (type(E) == 5) {
                    129:     E = vtol(E);
                    130:   }
                    131:   if (type(W) == 5) {
                    132:     W = vtol(W);
                    133:   }
                    134:   for (M = 0, I = 0; I < length(E); I++) {
                    135:     M += E[I]*W[I];
                    136:   }
                    137:   return M;
                    138: }
                    140: /* this function returns initial form of Poly with respect to weight W */
                    141: def odmodule_initial_form(Poly, W, V) {
                    142:   if (Poly == 0) {
                    143:     return 0;
                    144:   }
                    145:   Dpoly = dp_ptod(Poly, V);
                    146:   MaxW = odmodule_calc_w(dp_etov(dp_ht(Dpoly)), W);
                    147:   In = dp_dtop(dp_hm(Dpoly), V);
                    148:   Dpoly -= dp_hm(Dpoly);
                    149:   while (Dpoly != 0) {
                    150:     M = odmodule_calc_w(dp_etov(dp_ht(Dpoly)), W);
                    151:     if (MaxW < M) {
                    152:       MaxW = M;
                    153:       In = dp_dtop(dp_hm(Dpoly), V);
                    154:     }
                    155:     else if (MaxW == M) {
                    156:       In += dp_dtop(dp_hm(Dpoly), V);
                    157:     }
                    158:     Dpoly -= dp_hm(Dpoly);
                    159:   }
                    160:   return In;
                    161: }
                    163: def odmodule_min_form(Poly, W, V) {
                    164:   return odmodule_initial_form(Poly, -matrix_ltov(W), V);
                    165: }
                    167: /* a21*x^2*y+a11*x*y+a20*x^2+a01*y
                    168:    -> [a21*x^2, a11*x*y+a20*x^2, a01*y] */
                    169: def odmodule_ptogp(Poly, W, V) {
                    170:   GPoly = [];
                    171:   do {
                    172:     In = odmodule_initial_form(Poly, W, V);
                    173:     GPoly = append(GPoly, [In]);
                    174:     Poly -= In;
                    175:   } while (Poly != 0);
                    176:   return GPoly;
                    177: }
                    179: /* D_ideal: asir form, list form */
                    180: /* V: [x1,x2,...] */
                    181: def odmodule_ch_ideal(D_ideal, V) {
                    182:   Param = odiff_get_param(D_ideal, V);
                    183: #if _DEBUG_Dmodule_
                    184:   print("generic parameter: ", 0); print(Param);
                    185: #endif
                    186:   D_ideal = odiff_op_tosm1(D_ideal, V);
                    187:   Gb = sm1.gb([ D_ideal, odmodule_var_tosm1(append(V,Param)),
                    188:                 [odmodule_order_filt(append(V,Param))] ]);
                    189: #if _DEBUG_Dmodule_
                    190:   print("sm1.gb: ", 0); print(Gb);
                    191: #endif
                    192:   return Gb[1];
                    193: }
                    195: def odmodule_ch_ideal_appell1(A, B1, B2, C, V) {
                    196:   return odmodule_ch_ideal(odiff_op_appell1(A, B1, B2, C, V), V);
                    197: }
                    199: def odmodule_ch_ideal_appell2(A, B1, B2, C1, C2, V) {
                    200:   return odmodule_ch_ideal(odiff_op_appell2(A, B1, B2, C1, C2, V), V);
                    201: }
                    203: def odmodule_ch_ideal_appell3(A1, A2, B1, B2, C, V) {
                    204:   return odmodule_ch_ideal(odiff_op_appell3(A1, A2, B1, B2, C, V), V);
                    205: }
                    207: def odmodule_ch_ideal_appell4(A, B, C1, C2, V) {
                    208:   return odmodule_ch_ideal(odiff_op_appell4(A, B, C1, C2, V), V);
                    209: }
                    211: def odmodule_ch_ideal_selberg2(A, B, C, S, V) {
                    212:   return odmodule_ch_ideal(odiff_op_selberg2(A, B, C, S, V), V);
                    213: }
                    215: def odmodule_ch_ideal_selberg2_1(A, B, K1, K2, V) {
                    216:   return odmodule_ch_ideal(odiff_op_selberg2_1(A, B, K1, K2, V), V);
                    217: }
                    219: def odmodule_ch_ideal_gkz(A, B, V) {
                    220:   return odmodule_ch_ideal(odiff_op_gkz(A, B, V), V);
                    221: }
                    223: /* elimination in polynomial ring */
                    224: def odmodule_poly_elimination(Ideal, V, Elim) {
                    225:   for (Var = [], I = 0; I < length(V); I++) {
                    226:     if (!odmodule_lookup(V[I], Elim)) {
                    227:       Var = append(Var, [V[I]]);
                    228:     }
                    229:   }
                    230:   GG = gr(Ideal, append(Elim, Var), 2);
                    231:   for (E_Ideal = [], I = 0; I < length(GG); I++) {
                    232:     Vars = vars(GG[I]);
                    233:     Flag = 1;
                    234:     for (J = 0; J < length(Elim); J++) {
                    235:       if (odmodule_lookup(Elim[J], Vars)) {
                    236:        Flag = 0;
                    237:        break;
                    238:       }
                    239:     }
                    240:     if (Flag == 1) {
                    241:       E_Ideal = append(E_Ideal, [GG[I]]);
                    242:     }
                    243:   }
                    244:   return E_Ideal;
                    245: }
                    247: /* this function returns singular locus of D-ideal. */
                    248: /* L_list: asir form, list form */
                    249: def odmodule_singular_locus(D_ideal, V) {
                    250:   Ch_ideal = odmodule_ch_ideal(D_ideal, V);
                    251: #if _DEBUG_Dmodule_
                    252:   print("characteristic ideal:",0);print(Ch_ideal);
                    253: #endif
                    254:   Dv = odiff_make_dv(V);
                    255:   UC_y = uc();
                    256:   for (F = 0, I = 0; I < length(Dv); I++) {
                    257:     F += UC_y^I*Dv[I];
                    258:   }
                    259:   UC_z = uc(); UC_w = uc();
                    260:   Elim = append([UC_w,UC_y,UC_z], Dv);
                    261:   Sing = odmodule_poly_elimination(append(Ch_ideal,[UC_z-F,1-UC_w*UC_z]),
                    262:                                   append(V, Elim), Elim);
                    263:   return Sing;
                    264: }
                    266: def odmodule_krull_dim(Poly_ideal, V) {
                    267: }
                    269: /* restriction to {t1=0,t2=0,...} */
                    270: /* D_ideal: asir form, list form */
                    271: /* Rest: [t1,t2,...] */
                    272: /* V: [x1,x2,...] */
                    273: def odmodule_restriction(D_ideal, V, Rest) {
                    274:   /* check if D_ideal have generic parameter. */
                    275:   Param = odiff_get_param(D_ideal, V);
                    276: #if _DEBUG_Dmodule_
                    277:   print("generic parameter: ", 0); print(Param);
                    278: #endif
                    279:   if (Param == []) {
                    280:     return odmodule_restriction_no_generic(D_ideal, V, Rest);
                    281:   }
                    282:   else {
                    283:     return odmodule_restriction_generic(D_ideal, Param, V, Rest);
                    284:   }
                    285: }
                    287: def odmodule_restriction_no_generic(D_ideal, V, Rest) {
                    288:   D_ideal = odiff_op_tosm1(D_ideal, V);
                    289:   D_ideal_str = "";
                    290:   for (I = 0; I < length(D_ideal); I++) {
                    291:     D_ideal_str += " (" + D_ideal[I] + ") ";
                    292:   }
                    293:   Rest_str = "";
                    294:   for (I = 0; I < length(Rest); I++) {
                    295:     Rest_str += " (" + rtostr(Rest[I]) + ") ";
                    296:   }
                    297:   V_str = "";
                    298:   for (I = 0; I < length(V); I++) {
                    299:     V_str += " (" + rtostr(V[I]) + ") ";
                    300:   }
                    301:   Cmd_str = "[ [" + D_ideal_str + "] [" + Rest_str + "] [[" + V_str + "] [ ]] 0 ] restriction";
                    302: #if _DEBUG_Dmodule_
                    303:   print("sm1 command string: ", 0); print(Cmd_str);
                    304: #endif
1.2     ! takayama  305:   sm1.sm1(odmodule_sm1_start(), Cmd_str);
1.1       takayama  306:   return sm1.pop(odmodule_sm1_start());
                    307: }
                    309: def odmodule_restriction_generic(D_ideal, Param, V, Rest) {
                    310:   D_ideal = odiff_op_tosm1(D_ideal, V);
                    311:   D_ideal_str = "";
                    312:   for (I = 0; I < length(D_ideal); I++) {
                    313:     D_ideal_str += " (" + D_ideal[I] + ") ";
                    314:   }
                    315:   Rest_str = "";
                    316:   for (I = 0; I < length(Rest); I++) {
                    317:     Rest_str += " (" + rtostr(Rest[I]) + ") ";
                    318:   }
                    319:   V_str = "";
                    320:   for (I = 0; I < length(V); I++) {
                    321:     V_str += " (" + rtostr(V[I]) + ") ";
                    322:   }
                    323:   for (I = 0; I < length(Param); I++) {
                    324:     V_str += " (" + rtostr(Param[I]) + ") ";
                    325:   }
                    326:   Cmd_str = "[ [" + D_ideal_str + "] [" + Rest_str + "] [[" + V_str + "] [ ]] 0 ] restriction";
                    327: #if _DEBUG_Dmodule_
                    328:   print("sm1 command string: ", 0); print(Cmd_str);
                    329: #endif
1.2     ! takayama  330:   sm1.sm1(odmodule_sm1_start(), Cmd_str);
1.1       takayama  331:   return sm1.pop(odmodule_sm1_start());
                    332: }
                    334: def odmodule_restriction_appell1(A, B1, B2, C, V, Rest) {
                    335:   return odmodule_restriction(odiff_op_appell1(A, B1, B2, C, V), V, Rest);
                    336: }
                    338: def odmodule_restriction_appell2(A, B1, B2, C1, C2, V, Rest) {
                    339:   return odmodule_restriction(odiff_op_appell2(A, B1, B2, C1, C2, V), V, Rest);
                    340: }
                    342: def odmodule_restriction_appell3(A1, A2, B1, B2, C, V, Rest) {
                    343:   return odmodule_restriction(odiff_op_appell3(A1, A2, B1, B2, C, V), V, Rest);
                    344: }
                    346: def odmodule_restriction_appell4(A, B, C1, C2, V, Rest) {
                    347:   return odmodule_restriction(odiff_op_appell4(A, B, C1, C2, V), V, Rest);
                    348: }
                    350: def odmodule_restriction_selberg2(A, B, C, S, V, Rest) {
                    351:   return odmodule_restriction(odiff_op_selberg2(A, B, C, S, V), V, Rest);
                    352: }
                    354: def odmodule_restriction_selberg2_1(A, B, K1, K2, V, Rest) {
                    355:   return odmodule_restriction(odiff_op_selberg2_1(A, B, K1, K2, V), V, Rest);
                    356: }
                    358: def odmodule_restriction_gkz(A, B, V, Rest) {
                    359:   return odmodule_restriction(odiff_op_gkz(A, B, V), V, Rest);
                    360: }
                    362: def odmodule_lookup(X, List) {
                    363:   return odiff_lookup(X, List);
                    364: }
                    366: /* odmodule_assign0(Rat, [x,y,z]); -> x=0,y=0,z=0 */
                    367: def odmodule_assign0(Rat, V) {
                    368:   if (type(Rat) > 3 || type(V) != 4) {
                    369:     error("parameter type error.");
                    370:   }
                    371:   for (I = 0; I < length(V); I++) {
                    372:     Rat = subst(Rat, V[I], 0);
                    373:   }
                    374:   return Rat;
                    375: }
                    377: /* odmodule_assign(Rat, [x,y,z], [1,2]); <-> x=1,y=2,z=0 */
                    378: def odmodule_assign(Rat, V, Value) {
                    379:   if (type(Rat) > 3 || type(V) != 4 || type(Value) != 4) {
                    380:     error("parameter type error.");
                    381:   }
                    382:   for (I = 0; I < length(V); I++) {
                    383:     if (I < length(Value)) {
                    384:       Rat = subst(Rat, V[I], Value[I]);
                    385:     }
                    386:     else {
                    387:       Rat = subst(Rat, V[I], 0);
                    388:     }
                    389:   }
                    390:   return Rat;
                    391: }
                    393: /* odmodule_elimination_order([x,y,z], [y,z])
                    394:    -> [ [dy,1,dz,0,dx,0,y,0,z,0,x,0],
                    395:         [dy,0,dz,1,dx,0,y,0,z,0,x,0],
                    396:         [dy,0,dz,0,dx,1,y,0,z,0,x,0],
                    397:         [dy,0,dz,0,dx,0,y,1,z,0,x,0],
                    398:         [dy,0,dz,0,dx,0,y,0,z,1,x,0],
                    399:         [dy,0,dz,0,dx,0,y,0,z,0,x,1] ] */
                    400: def odmodule_elimination_order(V, Elim) {
                    401:   if (type(V) != 4 || type(Elim) != 4) {
                    402:     error("parameter type error.");
                    403:   }
                    404:   Dv = odmodule_make_dv(V);
                    405:   VarOrderX = Elim;
                    406:   VarOrderD = odmodule_make_dv(Elim);
                    407:   for (I = 0; I < length(V); I++) {
                    408:     if (!odmodule_lookup(V[I], Elim)) {
                    409:       VarOrderX = append(VarOrderX, [V[I]]);
                    410:       VarOrderD = append(VarOrderD, [Dv[I]]);
                    411:     }
                    412:   }
                    413:   VarOrder = append(VarOrderD, VarOrderX);
                    414:   ElimOrder = [];
                    415:   for (I = 0; I < length(VarOrder); I++) {
                    416:     Filt = [];
                    417:     for (J = 0; J < length(VarOrder); J++) {
                    418:       if (J == I) {
                    419:        Filt = append(Filt, [VarOrder[J], 1]);
                    420:       }
                    421:       else {
                    422:        Filt = append(Filt, [VarOrder[J], 0]);
                    423:       }
                    424:     }
                    425:     ElimOrder = append(ElimOrder, [Filt]);
                    426:   }
                    427: #if _DEBUG_Dmodule_
                    428:   print("elimination order :", 0); print(ElimOrder);
                    429: #endif
                    430:   return ElimOrder;
                    431: }
                    433: /* D_ideal: asir form, list form */
                    434: /* Elim: eliminated variables and values */
                    435: /* Elim: [[x1,...,xt],[a1,...,at]] -> restrict to {x1=a1,...,xt=at} */
                    436: def odmodule_elimination(D_ideal, V, Elim) {
                    437:   /* check if D_ideal have generic parameter. */
                    438:   Param = odiff_get_param(D_ideal, V);
                    439: #if _DEBUG_Dmodule_
                    440:   print("generic parameter: ", 0); print(Param);
                    441: #endif
                    442:   D_ideal = odiff_op_tosm1(D_ideal, V);
                    443: #if _DEBUG_Dmodule_
                    444:   print("D-ideal: ", 0); print(D_ideal);
                    445: #endif
                    446:   Gb1 = sm1.gb([ D_ideal, odmodule_var_tosm1(append(V, Param)),
                    447:                 odmodule_elimination_order(append(V, Param), Elim[0]) ]);
                    448: #if _DEBUG_Dmodule_
                    449:   print("Gb1: ", 0); print(Gb1);
                    450: #endif
                    451:   Gb2 = [];
                    452:   D_Elim = odmodule_make_dv(Elim[0]);
                    453:   for (I = 0; I < length(Gb1[0]); I++) {
                    454:     Vars = vars(Gb1[0][I]);
                    455:     Flag = 0;
                    456:     for (J = 0; J < length(D_Elim); J++) {
                    457:       if (odmodule_lookup(D_Elim[J], Vars)) {
                    458:        Flag = 1;
                    459:        break;
                    460:       }
                    461:     }
                    462:     if (Flag == 0) {
                    463:       Gb2 = append(Gb2, [Gb1[0][I]]);
                    464:     }
                    465:   }
                    466: #if _DEBUG_Dmodule_
                    467:   print("Gb2: ", 0); print(Gb2);
                    468: #endif
                    469:   R_Gb = [];
                    470:   for (I = 0; I < length(Gb2); I++) {
                    471:     if ((Poly = odmodule_assign(Gb2[I], Elim[0], Elim[1])) != 0) {
                    472:       R_Gb = append(R_Gb, [Poly]);
                    473:     }
                    474:   }
                    475: #if _DEBUG_Dmodule_
                    476:   print("elimination D-ideal: ", 0); print(R_Gb);
                    477: #endif
                    478:   if (R_GB == []) {
                    479:     return [0];
                    480:   }
                    481:   else {
                    482:     return R_Gb;
                    483:   }
                    484: }
                    486: def odmodule_elimination_appell1(A, B1, B2, C, V, Elim) {
                    487:   return odmodule_elimination(odiff_op_appell1(A, B1, B2, C, V), V, Elim);
                    488: }
                    490: def odmodule_elimination_appell2(A, B1, B2, C1, C2, V, Elim) {
                    491:   return odmodule_elimination(odiff_op_appell2(A, B1, B2, C1, C2, V), V, Elim);
                    492: }
                    494: def odmodule_elimination_appell3(A1, A2, B1, B2, C, V, Elim) {
                    495:   return odmodule_elimination(odiff_op_appell3(A1, A2, B1, B2, C, V), V, Elim);
                    496: }
                    498: def odmodule_elimination_appell4(A, B, C1, C2, V, Elim) {
                    499:   return odmodule_elimination(odiff_op_appell4(A, B, C1, C2, V), V, Elim);
                    500: }
                    502: def odmodule_elimination_appell4s(R_A, R_B, R_C1, R_C2, V, Elim, Flag) {
                    503:   Res_list = [];
                    504:   for (A = R_A[0]; A <= R_A[1]; A += R_A[2]) {
                    505:     for (B = R_B[0]; B <= R_B[1]; B += R_B[2]) {
                    506:       for (C1= R_C1[0]; C1 <= R_C1[1]; C1 += R_C1[2]) {
                    507:        for (C2= R_C2[0]; C2 <= R_C2[1]; C2 += R_C2[2]) {
                    508:          Res = odmodule_elimination_appell4(A, B, C1, C2, V, Elim);
                    509:          print([[A,B,C1,C2],[Res]]);
                    510:          if (Flag) {
                    511:            Res_list = append(Res_list, [ [[A, B, C1, C2],[Res]] ]);
                    512:          }
                    513:        }
                    514:       }
                    515:     }
                    516:   }
                    517:   return Res_list;
                    518: }
                    520: def odmodule_elimination_selberg2(A, B, C, S, V, Elim) {
                    521:   return odmodule_elimination(odiff_op_selberg2(A, B, C, S, V), V, Elim);
                    522: }
                    524: def odmodule_elimination_selberg2_1(A, B, K1, K2, V, Elim) {
                    525:   return odmodule_elimination(odiff_op_selberg2_1(A, B, K1, K2, V), V, Elim);
                    526: }
                    528: def odmodule_elimination_gkz(A, B, V, Elim) {
                    529:   return odmodule_elimination(odiff_op_gkz(A, B, V), V, Elim);
                    530: }
                    532: /* (V[0] dV[0])^N -> V[0]^N dV[0]^N + ... */
                    533: def odmodule_euler2d(N, V) {
                    534:   extern Odmodule_Euler2D;
                    535:   if (N < 0) {
                    536:     error("parameter range error.");
                    537:   }
                    538:   /* extent a table */
                    539:   if (N >= length(Odmodule_Euler2D)) {
                    540:     for (I = length(Odmodule_Euler2D); I <= N; I++) {
                    541:       List = [0];
                    542:       for (J = 1; J < I; J++) {
                    543:        List = append(List, [Odmodule_Euler2D[I-1][J-1]+J*Odmodule_Euler2D[I-1][J]]);
                    544:       }
                    545:       List = append(List, [Odmodule_Euler2D[I-1][I-1]]);
                    546:       Odmodule_Euler2D = append(Odmodule_Euler2D, [List]);
                    547:     }
                    548:   }
                    549:   /* calculate by using a table */
                    550:   Coef = Odmodule_Euler2D[N];
                    551:   Dv = odmodule_make_dv(V);
                    552:   D = 0;
                    553:   for (I = 0; I < length(Coef); I++) {
                    554:     D += Coef[I]*V[0]^I*Dv[0]^I;
                    555:   }
                    556:   return D;
                    557: }
                    559: /* Param: List, [a,b,c] */
                    560: /* Return: [[a->a+1,a->a-1],[b->b+1,b->b-1],[c->c+1,c->c-1]] */
                    561: def odmodule_contiguity_hg1(Param, V) {
                    562:   if (length(V) != 1) {
                    563:     error("a length of List V is wrong.");
                    564:   }
                    565:   A = Param[0]; B = Param[1]; C = Param[2];
                    566:   return [ [ [[V[0],[1]],[A,[0]]],[[V[0]*(1-V[0]),[1]],[C-A-B*V[0],[0]]] ],
                    567:            [ [[V[0],[1]],[B,[0]]],[[V[0]*(1-V[0]),[1]],[C-B-A*V[0],[0]]] ],
                    568:            [ [[1-V[0],[1]],[C-A-B,[0]]],[[V[0],[1]],[C-1,[0]]] ] ];
                    569: }
                    571: def odmodule_contiguity_sol_hg1(Sol, Param, V) {
                    572:   C = odmodule_contiguity_hg1(Param, V);
                    573:   C_Sol = [ odiff_acts(C[0], Sol, V),
                    574:             odiff_acts(C[1], Sol, V),
                    575:            odiff_acts(C[2], Sol, V) ];
                    576:   return C_Sol;
                    577: }
                    579: def odmodule_contiguity_param_only(F,V) {
                    580:   Dv = odmodule_make_dv(V);
                    581:   if (deg(F,V[0]) != 0) return(0);
                    582:   if (deg(F,V[1]) != 0) return(0);
                    583:   if (deg(F,Dv[0]) != 0) return(0);
                    584:   if (deg(F,Dv[1]) != 0) return(0);
                    585:   return(F);
                    586: }
                    588: def odmodule_contiguity_generic_appell4(Param, V) {
                    589:   Dv = odmodule_make_dv(V);
                    590:   Var = append(V, vars(Param));
                    591:   Weight = [[Dv[0],1,Dv[1],1,V[0],1,V[1],1]];
                    592:   D_list = odiff_op_toasir(odiff_op_appell4(Param[0],Param[1],Param[2],Param[3],V),V);
                    593:   Cont_list = [];
                    594:   D = [V[0]*Dv[0]+V[1]*Dv[1]+Param[0],
                    595:        V[0]*Dv[0]+V[1]*Dv[1]+Param[1],
                    596:        V[0]*Dv[0]+Param[2]-1,
                    597:        V[1]*Dv[1]+Param[3]-1];
                    599:   for (II = 0; II < length(D); II++) {
                    600:     F = append([D[II]],D_list);
                    601:     G = sm1.syz([F,Var,Weight]);
                    602:     Gb = map(first,G[1][0]);
                    603:     Cont  = G[1][1];
                    604:     Ans = [ ];
                    605:     for (I=0; I<length(Gb); I++) {
                    606:       if (odmodule_contiguity_param_only(Gb[I],V) != 0) {
                    607:        Ans = append(Ans,[ [Gb[I],Cont[I][0]] ]);
                    608:        /* print(sm1.mul(C[I],F,[x,y,a,b,c,cp])); */ /* check ! */
                    609:       }
                    610:     }
                    611:     Cont_list = append(Cont_list, [[D[II],Ans[0]]]);
                    612:   }
                    613:   return Cont_list;
                    614: }
                    616: def odmodule_contiguity_appell4(Param, V) {
                    617:   if (length(V) != 2) {
                    618:     error("a length of List V is wrong.");
                    619:   }
                    620:   A = Param[0]; B = Param[1]; C1 = Param[2]; C2 = Param[3];
                    621:   /* if (A == 0 || A == C1 || A == C2 || A == C1+C2-1) {
                    622:     print("contiguity of A is not isomorphism.");
                    623:   }
                    624:   if (B == 0 || B == C1 || B == C2 || B == C1+C2-1) {
                    625:     print("contiguity of B is not isomorphism.");
                    626:   }
                    627:   if (A == C1 || B == C1 || A == C1+C2-1 || B == C1+C2-1) {
                    628:     print("contiguity of C1 is not isomorphism.");
                    629:   }
                    630:   if (A == C1 || B == C1 || A == C1+C2-1 || B == C1+C2-1) {
                    631:     print("contiguity of C2 is not isomorphism.");
                    632:   } */
                    633:   Dv = odiff_make_dv(V);
                    634:   D_A = [ /* A -> A+1 */ V[0]*Dv[0]+V[1]*Dv[1]+A,
                    635:           /* A -> A-1 */ 4*V[1]*V[0]^2*Dv[0]^2+(((-8*(A-1)+4*C1+4*C2-8)*V[1]*V[0]^2+((8*(A-1)-4*C1-4*C2+16)*V[1]^2+(8*(A-1)-4*C1-4*C2+8)*V[1])*V[0])*Dv[1]+(4*(A-1)^2+(-4*C1-8*C2+12)*(A-1)+(4*C2-4)*C1+4*C2^2-12*C2+8)*V[0]^2+((12*(A-1)^2+(-12*C1-8*C2+32)*(A-1)+4*B+4*C1^2+(4*C2-16)*C1-8*C2+24)*V[1]-4*(A-1)^2+(4*C1+8*C2-12)*(A-1)+(-4*C2+4)*C1-4*C2^2+12*C2-8)*V[0])*Dv[0]+((-8*(A-1)+4*C1+4*C2-8)*V[1]^2*V[0]+(8*(A-1)-4*C1-4*C2+12)*V[1]^3+(-8*(A-1)+4*C1+4*C2-12)*V[1]^2)*Dv[1]^2+((4*(A-1)^2+(-8*B-4*C1-8*C2+4)*(A-1)+(4*C1+4*C2-8)*B+4*C2*C1+4*C2^2-8*C2)*V[1]*V[0]+(12*(A-1)^2+(8*B-12*C1-8*C2+40)*(A-1)+(-4*C1-4*C2+12)*B+4*C1^2+(4*C2-20)*C1-12*C2+32)*V[1]^2+(-4*(A-1)^2+(8*C1-4*C2-12)*(A-1)-4*C1^2+12*C1+4*C2^2-8*C2-8)*V[1])*Dv[1]+(4*B*(A-1)^2+(-4*C1-8*C2+12)*B*(A-1)+((4*C2-4)*C1+4*C2^2-12*C2+8)*B)*V[0]+(12*B*(A-1)^2+(-12*C1-8*C2+32)*B*(A-1)+(4*C1^2+(4*C2-16)*C1-8*C2+20)*B)*V[1]+4*(A-1)^3+(-8*C1-8*C2+16)*(A-1)^2+(4*C1^2+(12*C2-20)*C1+4*C2^2-20*C2+20)*(A-1)+(-4*C2+4)*C1^2+(-4*C2^2+16*C2-12)*C1+4*C2^2-12*C2+8 ];
                    636:   D_B = [ /* B -> B+1 */ V[0]*Dv[0]+V[1]*Dv[1]+B,
                    637:           /* B -> B-1 */ 4*V[1]*V[0]^2*Dv[0]^2+(((-8*(B-1)+4*C1+4*C2-8)*V[1]*V[0]^2+((8*(B-1)-4*C1-4*C2+16)*V[1]^2+(8*(B-1)-4*C1-4*C2+8)*V[1])*V[0])*Dv[1]+(4*(B-1)^2+(-4*C1-8*C2+12)*(B-1)+(4*C2-4)*C1+4*C2^2-12*C2+8)*V[0]^2+((4*A+12*(B-1)^2+(-12*C1-8*C2+32)*(B-1)+4*C1^2+(4*C2-16)*C1-8*C2+24)*V[1]-4*(B-1)^2+(4*C1+8*C2-12)*(B-1)+(-4*C2+4)*C1-4*C2^2+12*C2-8)*V[0])*Dv[0]+((-8*(B-1)+4*C1+4*C2-8)*V[1]^2*V[0]+(8*(B-1)-4*C1-4*C2+12)*V[1]^3+(-8*(B-1)+4*C1+4*C2-12)*V[1]^2)*Dv[1]^2+(((-8*(B-1)+4*C1+4*C2-8)*A+4*(B-1)^2+(-4*C1-8*C2+4)*(B-1)+4*C2*C1+4*C2^2-8*C2)*V[1]*V[0]+((8*(B-1)-4*C1-4*C2+12)*A+12*(B-1)^2+(-12*C1-8*C2+40)*(B-1)+4*C1^2+(4*C2-20)*C1-12*C2+32)*V[1]^2+(-4*(B-1)^2+(8*C1-4*C2-12)*(B-1)-4*C1^2+12*C1+4*C2^2-8*C2-8)*V[1])*Dv[1]+(4*(B-1)^2+(-4*C1-8*C2+12)*(B-1)+(4*C2-4)*C1+4*C2^2-12*C2+8)*A*V[0]+(12*(B-1)^2+(-12*C1-8*C2+32)*(B-1)+4*C1^2+(4*C2-16)*C1-8*C2+20)*A*V[1]+4*(B-1)^3+(-8*C1-8*C2+16)*(B-1)^2+(4*C1^2+(12*C2-20)*C1+4*C2^2-20*C2+20)*(B-1)+(-4*C2+4)*C1^2+(-4*C2^2+16*C2-12)*C1+4*C2^2-12*C2+8 ];
                    638:   D_C1 = [ /* C1 -> C1+1 */ (((-A-B+2*(C1+1)+C2-3)*V[1]*V[0]+(-A-B+2*(C1+1)+C2-3)*V[1]^2+(A+B-2*(C1+1)-C2+3)*V[1])*Dv[1]+((B-(C1+1)-C2+2)*A+(-(C1+1)-C2+2)*B+(C1+1)^2+(2*C2-4)*(C1+1)+C2^2-4*C2+4)*V[0]+(-A^2+(-B+3*(C1+1)+C2-5)*A-B^2+(3*(C1+1)+C2-5)*B-3*(C1+1)^2+(-2*C2+10)*(C1+1)+3*C2-8)*V[1]+(-B+(C1+1)+C2-2)*A+((C1+1)+C2-2)*B-(C1+1)^2+(-2*C2+4)*(C1+1)-C2^2+4*C2-4)*Dv[0]+(-2*A-2*B+4*(C1+1)+2*C2-6)*V[1]^2*Dv[1]^2+(-A^2+((C1+1)-C2-2)*A-B^2+((C1+1)-C2-2)*B+(3*C2+1)*(C1+1)+2*C2^2-5*C2-1)*V[1]*Dv[1]+(B-(C1+1)-C2+2)*A^2+(B^2+(-3*(C1+1)-2*C2+5)*B+2*(C1+1)^2+(3*C2-7)*(C1+1)+C2^2-5*C2+6)*A+(-(C1+1)-C2+2)*B^2+(2*(C1+1)^2+(3*C2-7)*(C1+1)+C2^2-5*C2+6)*B-(C1+1)^3+(-2*C2+5)*(C1+1)^2+(-C2^2+6*C2-8)*(C1+1)+C2^2-4*C2+4,
                    639:            /* C1 -> C1-1 */ V[0]*Dv[0]+C1-1 ];
                    640:   D_C2 = [ /* C2 -> C2+1 */ (-2*A-2*B+2*C1+4*(C2+1)-6)*V[0]^2*Dv[0]^2+(((-A-B+C1+2*(C2+1)-3)*V[0]^2+((-A-B+C1+2*(C2+1)-3)*V[1]+A+B-C1-2*(C2+1)+3)*V[0])*Dv[1]+(-A^2+(-C1+(C2+1)-2)*A-B^2+(-C1+(C2+1)-2)*B+2*C1^2+(3*(C2+1)-5)*C1+(C2+1)-1)*V[0])*Dv[0]+((-A^2+(-B+C1+3*(C2+1)-5)*A-B^2+(C1+3*(C2+1)-5)*B+(-2*(C2+1)+3)*C1-3*(C2+1)^2+10*(C2+1)-8)*V[0]+((B-C1-(C2+1)+2)*A+(-C1-(C2+1)+2)*B+C1^2+(2*(C2+1)-4)*C1+(C2+1)^2-4*(C2+1)+4)*V[1]+(-B+C1+(C2+1)-2)*A+(C1+(C2+1)-2)*B-C1^2+(-2*(C2+1)+4)*C1-(C2+1)^2+4*(C2+1)-4)*Dv[1]+(B-C1-(C2+1)+2)*A^2+(B^2+(-2*C1-3*(C2+1)+5)*B+C1^2+(3*(C2+1)-5)*C1+2*(C2+1)^2-7*(C2+1)+6)*A+(-C1-(C2+1)+2)*B^2+(C1^2+(3*(C2+1)-5)*C1+2*(C2+1)^2-7*(C2+1)+6)*B+(-(C2+1)+1)*C1^2+(-2*(C2+1)^2+6*(C2+1)-4)*C1-(C2+1)^3+5*(C2+1)^2-8*(C2+1)+4,
                    641:            /* C2 -> C2-1 */ V[1]*Dv[1]+C2-1 ];
                    642:   return [ odiff_op_fromasir(D_A, V),
                    643:            odiff_op_fromasir(D_B, V),
                    644:            odiff_op_fromasir(D_C1, V),
                    645:            odiff_op_fromasir(D_C2, V) ];
                    646: }
                    648: /* Sol(a,b,c1,c2)->[ [Sol(a+1,b,c1,c2),Sol(a-1,b,c1,c2)],
                    649:                      [Sol(a,b+1,c1,c2),Sol(a,b-1,c1,c2)],
                    650:                      [Sol(a,b,c1+1,c2),Sol(a,b,c1-1,c2)],
                    651:                      [Sol(a,b,c1,c2+1),Sol(a,b,c1,c2-1)] ] */
                    652: def odmodule_contiguity_sol_appell4(Sol, Param, V) {
                    653:   C = odmodule_contiguity_appell4(Param, V);
                    654:   C_Sol = [ odiff_acts(C[0], Sol, V),
                    655:             odiff_acts(C[1], Sol, V),
                    656:             odiff_acts(C[2], Sol, V),
                    657:             odiff_acts(C[3], Sol, V) ];
                    658:   return C_Sol;
                    659: }
                    661: def odmodule_contiguity_selberg2(Param, V) {
                    662:   if (length(V) != 2) {
                    663:     error("a length of List V is wrong.");
                    664:   }
                    665:   A = Param[0]; B = Param[1]; C = Param[2]; S = Param[3];
                    666: }
                    668: end$

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