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Annotation of OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/src/taka_diffop.rr, Revision 1.5

1.5     ! takayama    1: /* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/src/taka_diffop.rr,v 1.4 2004/08/02 05:35:07 takayama Exp $ */
        !             2: #define DEBUG
        !             3:
1.1       takayama    4: #define ANK_SIZE 20
1.4       takayama    5:
                      6: #define XX   x
                      7: #define LOG  log(x)
                      8: /* #define LOG  log(-x) */
                     10: module taka_dr1;
                     12: localf diff2 $
                     13: localf mult$
                     14: localf in$
                     15: localf division$
                     16: localf gcd$
                     17: localf act$
                     18: localf initANK$
                     19: localf ank$
                     20: localf thetapower2diff$
                     21: localf euler2diff$
                     22: localf diff2euler$
                     23: localf dp_poch $
                     24: localf int_roots $
                     25: localf root_multiplicity $
                     26: localf indicial $
                     27: localf kcoef0 $
                     28: localf test1 $
1.5     ! takayama   29: localf ord0 $
        !            30: localf  pfq_infty $
1.1       takayama   31:
                     32: extern ANK $
                     33: ANK = newmat(ANK_SIZE+1,ANK_SIZE+1) $
                     35: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------
                     36:    Ring of differential operators with rational functions coefficients
                     37:    in one variables.
                     38:    R_1 = K < x, dx >
                     39:    ---------------------------------------------------------------------
                     40: */
                     42: /* cf. d_gcd.rr */
1.4       takayama   43: def mult(F,G){
1.2       takayama   44:        N=deg(nm(F),dx);
1.1       takayama   45:        A=0;
                     46:        for(K=0;K<=N;K++){
                     47:                A=A+(1/fac(K))*diff2(F,dx,K)*diff2(G,x,K);
                     48:        }
                     49:        return red(A);
                     50: }
                     51: def diff2(F,G,K){
                     52:     for(I=0;I<K;I++){
                     53:       F=diff(F,G);
                     54:        }
                     55:     return F;
                     56: }
1.4       takayama   59: def in(F) {
1.1       takayama   60:   Dn = dn(F); F=nm(F);
                     61:   D = deg(F,dx);
                     62:   C = coef(F,D,dx);
                     63:   return( red(C*dx^D/Dn) );
                     64: }
1.4       takayama   66: def division(F,G) {
1.1       takayama   67:    Q = 0; R = F;
                     68:    while ((R != 0) && (deg(nm(R),dx) >= deg(nm(G),dx))) {
1.4       takayama   69:       D = red(in(R)/in(G));
1.1       takayama   70:       Q = red(Q+D);
1.4       takayama   71:       R = red(R-mult(D,G));
1.1       takayama   72:    }
                     73:    return([Q,R]);
                     74: }
1.4       takayama   77: def gcd(F,G) {
1.1       takayama   78:    S = 1; T = 0; SS=0; TT=1;
1.2       takayama   79:    if (deg(nm(F),dx) > deg(nm(G),dx)) {
1.1       takayama   80:      Changed = 0;
                     81:    }else {
                     82:      T=F; F=G; G=T; Changed = 1;
                     83:    }
                     84:    do {
1.4       takayama   85:      D=division(F,G);
1.1       takayama   86:      Q = D[0]; R = D[1];
                     87:      SSS = S-Q*SS; TTT = T-Q*TT;
                     88:      F = G; G = R;
                     89:      S = SS; T = TT; SS = SSS; TT = TTT;
                     90:    } while ( R != 0);
                     91:    if (Changed) {
                     92:      return [F,T,S];
                     93:    }else {
                     94:      return [F,S,T];
                     95:    }
1.3       takayama   96: }
1.4       takayama   98: def act(L,F) {
1.3       takayama   99:   D = dn(L);
                    100:   L = nm(L);
                    101:   N = deg(L,dx);
                    102:   R = 0;
                    103:   for (I=0; I<=N; I++) {
                    104:    R += coef(L,I,dx)*diff2(F,x,I);
                    105:   }
                    106:   return red(R/D);
1.1       takayama  107: }
                    109: /* --------------------------------------------------------
                    110:    euler operators
                    111:    --------------------------------------------------------
                    112: */
                    114: def initANK() {  /* Note, 2/22, 2003 */
                    115:   extern ANK ;
                    116:   ANK[1][1] = 1;
                    117:   for (NN=2; NN<ANK_SIZE; NN++) {
                    118:     for (KK=1; KK<=NN; KK++) {
                    119:       if ((NN-1 < 1) || (KK > NN-1)) A = 0;
                    120:       else A = (ANK[NN-1][KK])*KK;
                    121:       if (KK-1 < 1) B = 0;
                    122:       else B = ANK[NN-1][KK-1];
                    123:       ANK[NN][KK] = A+B;
                    124:     }
                    125:   }
                    126: }
                    128: def ank(N,K) {
                    129:   extern ANK ;
                    130:   if (!ANK[1][1]) {
                    131:     initANK();
                    132:   }
                    133:   if ( N < 1 ) error("ank() out of index.");
                    134:   if ( K > N ) return 0;
                    135:   if ( K <= 0 ) return 0;
                    136:   if (N < ANK_SIZE) return ANK[N][K];
                    137:   return ank(N-1,K)*K+ank(N-1,K-1);
                    138: }
                    140: /*  Expand (X D)^J in X and D */
                    141: def thetapower2diff(J,X,D) {
                    142:   if (J < 0) error("thetapower2diff() out of index.");
                    143:   if (J == 0) return 1;
                    144:   R = 0;
                    145:   for (I = 1; I <= J; I++) {
                    146:     R += ank(J,I)*X^I*D^I;
                    147:   }
                    148:   return R;
                    149: }
                    151: def euler2diff(F,Xlist,Tlist,Dlist) {
                    152:   DN =dn(F);
                    153:   F = nm(F);
                    154:   for (I=0; I < length(Xlist); I++) {
                    155:     T = Tlist[I]; X = Xlist[I]; D = Dlist[I];
                    156:     Deg = deg(F,T); R = 0;
                    157:     for (J=0; J<=Deg; J++) {
                    158:       C = coef(F,J,T);
                    159:       R += C*thetapower2diff(J,X,D);
                    160:     }
                    161:     F = R;
                    162:   }
                    163:   return red(F/DN);
                    164: }
1.4       takayama  165:
                    166: /* -----------------------------------
                    167:    diff2euler(x*dx+c,t) ==> [t+c,1]
                    168:    diff2euler(dx+c,t) ==> [t+cx,1/x]
                    169:    ----------------------------------
                    170: */
                    171: def diff2euler(F,T) {
                    172:   DN = dn(F);
                    173:   F = nm(F);
                    174:   F = dp_ptod(F,[x,dx]);
                    175:   R = 0;
                    176:   while (F != 0) {
                    177:     P=dp_hm(F);
                    178:     F=dp_rest(F);
                    179:     E = dp_etov(P);
                    180:     R += dp_hc(P)*dp_vtoe(newvect(2,[E[0]-E[1],0]))*dp_poch(E[1]);
                    181:   }
                    182:   R = dp_dtop(R,[x,T]);
                    183:   R = eval_str(rtostr(R));
                    184:   DN2= dn(R);
                    185:   R = nm(R);
                    186:   /* factor out x */
                    187:   M = root_multiplicity(R,x,0);
                    188:   return [red(R/x^M),x^M/(DN*DN2)];
                    189: }
                    191: def dp_poch(K) {
                    192:   One = <<0,0>>;
                    193:   T = <<0,1>>;
                    194:   R = One;
                    195:   for (I=0; I<K; I++) {
                    196:     R = R*(T-I*One);
                    197:   }
                    198:   return R;
                    199: }
                    201: /* int_roots(x^2*(x-1)^3*(x^2+1),x);   --> [[1,3], [0,2]]
                    202:    non-negative integral roots.
                    203: */
                    204: def int_roots(F,S) {
                    205:   Root = [];
                    206:   F = fctr(F);
                    207:   F = cdr(F);
                    208:   N = length(F);
                    209:   for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
                    210:     P  = F[I][0];  /* factor */
                    211:     Pm = F[I][1];  /* Multiplicity */
                    212:     if (deg(P,S) == 1) {
                    213:       P = -subst(P,S,0); /* Find root. */
                    214:       if (type(P) <=1) {
                    215:         if (P >= 0) Root = cons([P,Pm],Root);
                    216:       }
                    217:     }
                    218:   }
                    219:   return Root;
                    220: }
                    222: /*  root_multiplicity(x^2*(x-1),x,0); --> 2
                    223:     multiplicity at x = 0.
                    224: */
                    225: def root_multiplicity(F,S,P) {
                    226:   F = fctr(F);
                    227:   F = cdr(F);
                    228:   N = length(F);
                    229:   for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
                    230:     Pf  = F[I][0];  /* factor */
                    231:     Pm = F[I][1];  /* Multiplicity */
                    232:     if (deg(Pf,S) == 1) {
                    233:       Pf = -subst(Pf,S,P); /* Find root. */
                    234:       if (Pf == 0) {
                    235:         return Pm;
                    236:       }
                    237:     }
                    238:   }
                    239:   return 0;
                    240: }
                    242: /* L is a differential operator in x and dx */
                    243: def indicial(L) {
                    244:   /* indicial polynomial is a polynomial in x and s */
                    245:   L = diff2euler(L,s)[0];
                    246:   L0 = subst(L,x,0);
                    247:   return [L0,-(L-L0)];  /* inidicial and the rest */
                    248: }
                    251: /* ---------------------------------------------------
                    252:   Determine a_{k,i}
                    253:   a_{k,i} x^k (log(x))^i,  i=0, 1,..., m
                    254:   L = [L0,LR] (euler op in s, output of indicial).  L0-LR
                    255:   Prev : series solution in x upto degree k-1
                    256:   0 ==> slow version.
1.5     ! takayama  257:   DONT USE THE VARIABLE atmp_
1.4       takayama  258: ----------------------------------------------------- */
                    259: def kcoef0(K,M,L,Prev) {
                    260:   L0 = L[0];  D_L0 = euler2diff(L0,[x],[s],[dx]);
                    261:   LR = L[1];  D_LR = euler2diff(LR,[x],[s],[dx]);
                    262:   V = [ ];
                    263:   F = 0;
                    264:   M0 = root_multiplicity(L0,s,K);  /* exclude starting terms */
                    265:   for (I=M0; I<=M; I++) {
1.5     ! takayama  266:     V = cons(util_v("atmp",[I]),V);
        !           267:     F = F + util_v("atmp",[I])*(XX)^K*(LOG)^I;
1.4       takayama  268:   }
                    269:   V = reverse(V);
                    270:   /* print([M0,M,V,F]); */
                    271:   P0 = act(D_L0,F);
                    272:   P1 = act(D_LR,Prev);
                    273:   P0=red(subst(P0,LOG,y)/x^K);
1.5     ! takayama  274: /*
1.4       takayama  275:   P1=coef(subst(P1,LOG,y),K,x);
1.5     ! takayama  276: */
        !           277:   Ptmp = subst(P1,LOG,y);
        !           278:   P1=red(coef(nm(Ptmp),K,x)/dn(Ptmp));
        !           279:
        !           280:   #ifdef DEBUG
1.4       takayama  281:   print([P0,P1]);
1.5     ! takayama  282:   #endif
1.4       takayama  283:
                    284:   /* compare coefficients of y=LOG */
                    285:   Eq = [ ];
1.5     ! takayama  286:   PPP = nm(P0-P1);
1.4       takayama  287:   for (I=0; I<=M; I++) {
1.5     ! takayama  288:     /* G = coef(P0,I,y)-coef(P1,I,y); */
        !           289:     G = coef(PPP,I,y);
1.4       takayama  290:     if (G != 0) {
                    291:        Eq = cons(G,Eq);
                    292:     }
                    293:   }
                    294:   EqAns = poly_solve_linear(Eq,V);
1.5     ! takayama  295:   #ifdef DEBUG
        !           296:   print(EqAns);
        !           297:   #endif
1.4       takayama  298:   return base_replace(F,EqAns);
                    299: }
                    301: /* testing  kcoef0 */
                    302: def test1() {
                    303:   L = euler2diff(s^2-x*(s+1/2)^2,[x],[s],[dx]);
                    304:   LL = indicial(L);
                    305:   F0 = 1;
                    306:   print(sprintf("Indicial = %a",LL));
                    307:   for (I=1; I<4; I++) {
                    308:     Fnew = kcoef0(I,1,LL,F0);
                    309:     print(sprintf("I=%a, %a",I,Fnew));
                    310:     F0 = F0 + Fnew;
                    311:   }
                    312:   print("------------------------------");
                    313:   F1 = LOG;
                    314:   for (I=1; I<4; I++) {
                    315:     Fnew = kcoef0(I,1,LL,F1);
                    316:     print(sprintf("I=%a, %a",I,Fnew));
                    317:     F1 = F1 + Fnew;
                    318:   }
                    319:   print("------------------------------");
                    321:   return [F0,F1];
                    322:   /*  cf. SST, p.23
                    323:     [1+(1/4)*x+(9/64)*x,
                    324:      log(x)+(-2*(1/2)^2+1 + 1/4*log(x))*x]
                    325:   */
                    326: }
1.5     ! takayama  328: /* order at X=0 of F*/
        !           329: def ord0(F,X) {
        !           330:   F = nm(F);
        !           331:   N = deg(F,X);
        !           332:   for (I=0; I<=N; I++) {
        !           333:     if (coef(F,I,X) != 0) return I;
        !           334:   }
        !           335:   return -1;
        !           336: }
        !           337:
        !           338: /*
        !           339:    Construct series solutions of p F q (A,B) up to O(1/x^N)
        !           340:   Use "CHECK" to check if a given series is an approximate sol.
        !           341:   order must be equal to the last arg (5 or 3).
        !           342:    taka_dr1.pfq_infty([1/2,1/2],[0],5);
        !           343:    taka_dr1.pfq_infty([a,b],[c],5);
        !           344:    taka_dr1.pfq_infty([a,a],[c],5);
        !           345:    taka_dr1.pfq_infty([a,a,b],[c1,c2],3);
        !           346:    taka_dr1.pfq_infty([a,a,b],[2,3],3);
        !           347:    taka_dr1.pfq_infty([1/2,1/2,-1/3],[2,3],5);
        !           348:    taka_dr1.pfq_infty([1/2,1/2,1/2,-3/2],[2,3,4],5);
        !           349: */
        !           350: /*&usage begin: taka_dr1.pfq_infty(A,B,N)
        !           351:  It computes the set of the canonical series solutions up to degree {N}
        !           352:  at z = infty for the generalized hypergeometric function p F q ({A},{B};z).
        !           353:  The variable 1/z is put x.
        !           354:  example: taka_dr1.pfq_infty([1/2,1/2,-3/2],[2,3],5);
        !           355: */
        !           356: def pfq_infty(A,B,N) {
        !           357:   P = length(A);
        !           358:   Q = length(B);
        !           359:   L0 = -s;
        !           360:   for (I=0; I<Q; I++) {
        !           361:     L0 = (-s+B[I]-1)*L0;
        !           362:   }
        !           363:   L1 = 1;
        !           364:   for (I=0; I<P; I++) {
        !           365:     L1 = (-s+A[I])*L1;
        !           366:   }
        !           367:   L = L1-x*L0;  /* operator at infty */
        !           368:
        !           369:   L1 = cdr(fctr(L1));
        !           370:   M = length(L1);
        !           371:   Roots = [ ];
        !           372:   LogMult = 0;  /* Max exponent of log(x) */
        !           373:   for (I=0; I<M; I++) {
        !           374:     Roots = cons(-subst(L1[I][0],s,0)/coef(L1[I][0],1,s),Roots);
        !           375:     if (L1[I][1]-1 > LogMult) LogMult = L1[I][1];
        !           376:   }
        !           377:   Roots = reverse(Roots);
        !           378:   M = length(Roots);
        !           379:   Ans = [ ];
        !           380:   for (Ri=0; Ri<M; Ri++) {
        !           381:     /* x^E F(x). Le is the operator for F(x) */
        !           382:     E = Roots[Ri];
        !           383:     Le = subst(L,s,s+E);
        !           384:     LL = indicial(Le);
        !           385:     MM = root_multiplicity(LL[0],s,0);
        !           386:
        !           387:     for (K=0; K<MM; K++) {
        !           388:       F0 = (LOG)^K;
        !           389:
        !           390:       #ifdef DEBUG
        !           391:       print(sprintf("Indicial = %a",LL));
        !           392:       #endif
        !           393:
        !           394:       for (I=1; I<N; I++) {
        !           395:         Fnew = kcoef0(I,LogMult,LL,F0);
        !           396:
        !           397:         #ifdef DEBUG
        !           398:         print(sprintf("I=%a, %a",I,Fnew));
        !           399:         #endif
        !           400:
        !           401:         F0 = F0 + Fnew;
        !           402:       }
        !           403:
        !           404:       #ifdef DEBUG
        !           405:       LLL = euler2diff(Le,[x],[s],[dx]);
        !           406:       FFF = act(LLL,F0);
        !           407:       print(sprintf("order in x is %a",ord0(FFF,x)));
        !           408:       #endif
        !           409:
        !           410:       print("------------------------------");
        !           411:
        !           412:       #ifdef DEBUG
        !           413: /*      debug; */
        !           414:       #endif
        !           415:
        !           416:       Ans = cons([x^E,F0],Ans);
        !           417:     }
        !           418:   }
        !           419:   return reverse(Ans);
1.4       takayama  420: }
1.5     ! takayama  421:
1.4       takayama  422:
                    423: endmodule;
1.1       takayama  424:
                    425: end$

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