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File: [local] / OpenXM / src / asir-contrib / packages / src / tk_polymake.rr (download)

Revision 1.6, Thu Feb 18 07:29:21 2021 UTC (3 years, 3 months ago) by takayama
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.5: +7 -3 lines

workaround of a bug of + and rtostr.

/* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/src/tk_polymake.rr,v 1.6 2021/02/18 07:29:21 takayama Exp $ */
module polymake;
localf start$
localf callp$
localf get_data$
localf  log$
localf hint$
localf polymake$
localf facets$
localf gale_transform$
localf volume$
localf cone_dim_for_v200$
localf cone_dim_for_v212$
localf cone_dim$

static Polymake_log$
static Polymake_version$

def start() 
"Examples. polymake.start(|oohg_curl=1); or polymake.start(|uselocal=1);"
  Polymake_version = 212; /* default */
  Local = 1;
  OoHG_curl=0; /* local mode is the default */


  if (type(getopt(uselocal)) >0) Local = 1;
  if (type(getopt(oohg_native)) >0) { OoHG_native=1; Local=0;}
  if (type(getopt(oohg_curl)) >0) { OoHG_curl=1; Local=0;}
  if (OoHG_native || OoHG_curl) {
    Polymake_version=200; /* default on the net */
    printf("oohg_native=%a, oohg_curl=%a\n",OoHG_native, OoHG_curl);
  } else {
     printf("Use local polymake via sm1 and ox_k0.\n");
     if ((shell("which polymake") != 0)) {
       error("Error: The polymake does not seem to be installed. Use oohg_curl option.");
  oxshell.sm1(P," [(parse) (cgi.sm1) pushfile] extension ");
  if (Local) oxshell.sm1(P," usePolymake.local ");
  if (OoHG_native) oxshell.sm1(P," usePolymake.OoHG.native ");
  if (OoHG_curl) oxshell.sm1(P," usePolymake.OoHG.curl ");

  if (type(getopt(version)) >0) Polymake_version=eval_str(rtostr(getopt(version)));

  /* not tested. cf. cgi.sm1 */
  if (type(getopt(oohg_hostname)) >0) OoHG_hostname=getopt(oohg_hostname);
  if (type(getopt(oohg_cginame)) > 0) OoHG_cginame=getopt(oohg_cginame);
  if (OoHG_hostname) {
    if (Local) printf("oohg_hostname is ignored.");
    else {
      oxshell.sm1(P," /cgiQueryPolymake.hostname set ");
  if (OoHG_cginame) {
    if (Local) printf("oohg_cginame is ignored.");
    else {
      oxshell.sm1(P," /cgiQueryPolymake.cginame set ");
  return [["version",Polymake_version],

def callp(S) {
  oxshell.sm1(P," doPolymake ");
  R = ox_pop_cmo(P);
  oxshell.sm1(P," @@@doPolymake.vars ");
  Polymake_log = ox_pop_cmo(P);
  if (type(R) != 4) {
    hint(0);error("Output format error for R in polymake.callp.");
  if (length(R) != 3) {
    hint(0); error("Output format error for R polymake.callp.");
  return R;
def get_data(T,Key) {
  if (type(T) != 4) {hint(0); error("polymake.get_data: the return value T is 0."); }
  N = length(T);
  for (I=2; I<N; I++) {
    D = T[I];
    if (D[1] == Key) {
      TT = D[2]; 
  if (TT == 0) {hint(Key); error("polymake.get_data: no Key in the data T");}
  return TT;
def log() {
  return Polymake_log;
def hint(Key) {
  print("Hint for debug: the source code is tk_polymake.rr.");
  print("   Use polymake.log() to see the output of polymake; Ignore last ,0,0] in the log. Check also the argument S (in the upper level).");
  if (Key != 0) {
    printf("\nThis error happens when you cannot obtain the property %a by your input.\n\n",Key);

/* Example
def polymake(Prop,Htype,H) 
"Example: polymake.polymake(\"FACETS\",\"POINTS\",[[1,0,0],[1,2,0],[1,0,3],[1,1,1/2]]);" 
  if (type(H) != 4) error("H must be a list.");
  if (type(Htype) != 7) error("Htype must be a string.");
  if (type(Prop) != 7) error("Prop must be a string.");
  Com = sprintf("polymake.data(polymake.%a(%a))",Htype,H);
//  S = [Prop,"polymake.data(polymake."+Htype+"("+rtostr(H)+"))"];
// 2021.02.18 polymake.polymake("FACETS","INEQUALITIES",Ineq=[[0,-1,3,-1,1,-2],[0,0,2,-2,2,-2],[0,1,0,-2,2,-1]]); 
//  generates a broken S. BUG?
  S = [Prop,Com];
  /* print(S); */
  R = callp(S);
  T = R[1];
/* bug, it does not work. */
def gale_transform(A) {
  if (type(A) != 4) error("polymake.gale_transform: argument must be a list.");
  N = length(A);
  for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
   if (type(A[I]) != 4) error("polymake.facts: argument must be a list of lists.");
   if (A[I][0] != 1) error("polymake.gale_transform: the first element must be 1. Example: [[1,0,0],[1,1,0],[1,0,1]]");
  return polymake("GALE_TRANSFORM","POINTS",A);

def volume(A) {
  if (type(A) != 4) error("polymake.volume: argument must be a list.");
  N = length(A);
  for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
   if (type(A[I]) != 4) error("polymake.facts: argument must be a list of lists.");
   if (A[I][0] != 1) error("polymake.volume: the first element must be 1. Example: [[1,0,0],[1,1,0],[1,0,1]]");
  return polymake("VOLUME","POINTS",A);

def facets(A) {
  if (type(A) != 4) error("oxshell.facets: argument must be a list.");
  N = length(A);
  for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
   if (type(A[I]) != 4) error("oxshell.facts: argument must be a list of lists.");
   if (A[I][0] != 1) error("oxshell.facets: the first element must be 1. Example: [[1,0,0],[1,1,0],[1,0,1]]");
  return polymake("FACETS","POINTS",A);

def cone_dim(Htype,H) {
  if (Polymake_version == 200) 
    return cone_dim_for_v200(Htype,H);
    return cone_dim_for_v212(Htype,H);

def cone_dim_for_v212(Htype,H) {
  return polymake.polymake("CONE_DIM",Htype,H);

def cone_dim_for_v200(Htype,H) {
  if (type(H) != 4) error("H must be a list.");
  S = [Prop,"polymake.data(polymake."+Htype+"("+rtostr(H)+"))"];
  /* print(S); */
  R = callp(S);
  T = R[1];

  TT=0; N = length(T); Key=Prop;
  for (I=2; I<N; I++) {
    D = T[I];
    if (D[1] == Key) {
      TT = D[2]; 
  if (TT == 0) { return [[0]]; }


