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Annotation of OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/testing/test1-tr.rr, Revision 1.6

1.6     ! takayama    1: /* $Id: test1-tr.rr,v 1.16 2005/04/21 08:16:26 taka Exp $ */
        !             2: /* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/testing/test1-tr.rr,v 1.5 2005/04/15 12:47:14 takayama Exp $ */
1.2       takayama    3:
                      4: load("tr.rr")$
                      9: def test0() {
                     10:   A = quotetolist(quote(1+sin(x)+sin(3*@pi)*sin(0)));
                     11:   P = quotetolist(quote(sin(pn("x")*@pi)));
                     12:   Q = ["qt_sin_int","x"];
                     13:   print(A);
                     14:   print(P);
                     15:   print(Q);
                     16:   print("----------------");
                     17:   print(tr_match0(A,P));
                     18:   A2 = quotetolist(quote(sin(2*@pi)));
                     19:   print(tr_match0(A2,P));
                     20:   print("----------------");
                     21:   print("---- tr_make_binding --------");
                     22:   print(tr_make_binding(A2,P));
                     23:   print("-----tr_rp -------------");
                     24:   R=tr_rp(A,P,Q);
                     25:   print("--------------------");
                     26:   print(R);
                     27:   print("--------------------");
                     28:   return quote_input_form_quote_list(R);
                     29: }
                     31: def test1()  {
                     32:   Rule1=[quote(sin(pn("x")*@pi)),["qt_sin_int","x"]]; /* sin($B@0?t(B*@pi) --> 0 */
                     33:   Rule2=[quote(0*pn("y")),       ["qt_zero"]];       /* 0*any --> 0 */
                     34:   Rule3=[quote(pn("y")*0),       ["qt_zero"]];       /* any*0 --> 0 */
                     35:   Rule4=[quote(pn("y")+0),       ["qt_id","y"]];       /* any+0 --> any */
                     36:   Rule5=[quote(0+pn("y")),       ["qt_id","y"]];       /* 0+any --> any */
                     37:   Rule6=[quote(sin(0)),          ["qt_zero"]];       /* sin(0) --> 0 */
                     38:   R0 = quote(1+sin(sin(2*@pi)*sin(@pi/2))+sin(5*@pi));
                     39:   print(print_input_form(R0));
                     40:   R=tr_apply_rule1(R0,Rule1[0],Rule1[1]);
                     41:   print(print_input_form(R));
                     42:   R=tr_apply_rule1(R,Rule2[0],Rule2[1]);
                     43:   print(print_input_form(R));
                     44:   R=tr_apply_rule1(R,Rule4[0],Rule4[1]);
                     45:   print(print_input_form(R));
                     46:   R=tr_apply_rule1(R,Rule6[0],Rule6[1]);
                     47:   print(print_input_form(R));
                     48:   R=tr_apply_rule1(R,Rule4[0],Rule4[1]);
                     49:   print(print_input_form(R));
                     50:   return R;
                     51: }
                     54: /* $BITDj@QJ,7W;;$NNc(B
                     55:     c x^n $B$NOB$NITDj@QJ,(B (c $B$O(B x $B$K0MB8$;$:(B)
                     56:    $B$$$m$$$m(B $BLdBjE@$"$j(B:  $B$?$H$($P(B c $B$,(B $BL5$$$H$-$N=hM}$G$-$:(B.
                     57: */
                     59: /* $B1&JU4X?t(B.  c x^n $B$NITDj@QJ,(B (c $B$O(B x $B$K0MB8$;$:(B)
                     60:    Todo: $B1&JU4X?t$rMF0W$K=q$/J}K!(B.
                     61: */
                     62: def r_integral0(C,N) {
                     63:   NN = eval_str(quote_input_form_quote_list(quotetolist(N)));
                     64:   CC = quote_input_form_quote_list(quotetolist(C));
                     65:   if (NN == -1) {
                     66:      R = "quote("+CC+"*log(x))";
                     67:   }else{
                     68:      R = "quote("+CC+"/"+rtostr(NN+1)+"*x^"+rtostr(NN+1)+")";
                     69:   }
                     70:   print("r_integral0:",0);print(R);
                     71:   R = eval_str(R);
                     72:   return quotetolist(R);
                     73: }
                     74: /* $B1&JU4X?t(B $B@QJ,$N@~7?@-(B */
                     75: def r_int_linear(F,G) {
                     76:   FF = quote_input_form_quote_list(quotetolist(F));
                     77:   GG = quote_input_form_quote_list(quotetolist(G));
                     78:   R = "quote(integral("+FF+")+integral("+GG+"))";
                     79:   print("r_int_linear:",0);print(R);
                     80:   R = eval_str(R);
                     81:   return quotetolist(R);
                     82: }
                     83: def test3() {
                     84:   R0 = quote(1+integral(2*x^(-1)+2*x^2));
                     85:   return test3a(R0);
                     86: }
                     87: def test3a(R0)  {
                     88:   Rules=[
                     89:      /* c*x^n --> (c/(n+1))*x^(n+1) or c*log(x) */
                     90:      [quote(integral(pn("c")*x^pn("n"))),["r_integral0","c","n"]],
                     91:      [quote(integral(pn("f")+pn("g"))),  ["r_int_linear","f","g"]]
                     92:   ];
                     93:   print("Input=",0); print(print_input_form(R0));
                     94:   N = length(Rules);
                     95:   R = R0;
                     96:   for (J=0; J<3; J++) {  /* Todo: $B%U%i%0$,$J$$$N$G(B, $B$H$j$"$($:(B 3 $B2s(B */
                     97:     for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
                     98:       print(print_input_form(R));
                     99:       R=tr_apply_rule1(R,Rules[I][0],Rules[I][1]);
                    100:     }
                    101:   }
1.3       takayama  102:   return R;
                    103: }
                    106: /* $B4X?t$N%^%C%A(B.  N[] $BAjEv(B.  test4(). */
                    107: /*  quote(nn(pn(f),qt_is_function(f))); $B$OITMW(B. qt_map_arg $B$,=hM}(B */
                    108: def test4() {
                    109:   Rule=[quote(nn(pn(f))),[qt_map_arg,nn,f]];
                    110:   R0 = quote(nn(sin(1/2)*cos(1/3)));
                    111:   print(print_input_form(R0));
                    112:   R=tr_apply_rule1(R0,Rule[0],Rule[1]);
                    113:   return R;
                    114: }
                    116: /* tr_apply_or_rule $B$N;n:n(B */
                    118: /* Flag $BIU$-(B $B$N(B tr_rp. $BB0@-$,$J$$$N$G$3$l$G$d$k(B. */
                    119: def tr_rp_flag(F,P,Q) {
                    120:   Flag = 0;
                    121:   dprint0("tr_rp, F="); dprint(F);
                    122:   dprint0("tr_rp, P="); dprint(P);
                    123:   dprint0("tr_rp, Q="); dprint(Q);
                    124:   if (tr_match0(F,P)) {
                    125:      BindTable = tr_make_binding(F,P);
                    126:      dprint0("BindTable="); dprint(BindTable);
                    127:      return [1,tr_apply_function0(Q,BindTable)];
                    128:   }
                    129:   if (type(F) != 4) return F;
                    130:   Node = qt_node(F);
                    131:   N = qt_nchild(F);
                    132:   Ans = Node;
                    133:   for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
                    134:     T = tr_rp_flag(qt_child(F,I),P,Q);
                    135:     if (T[0] == 1) Flag = 1;
                    136:     Ans = append(Ans,[T[1]]);
                    137:   }
                    138:   return [Flag,Ans];
                    139: }
1.5       takayama  141: extern Debug2$
                    142: Debug2=0$
1.3       takayama  143: /* $B=q$-49$((B flag $BIU$-$N(B tr_apply_rule_flag */
                    144: def tr_apply_rule1_flag(Obj,L,R) {
                    145:   Flag = 0;
1.5       takayama  146:   if (Debug2)
                    147:    print("--------  start of tr_apply_rule1_flag ------------ ");
                    148:   if (Debug2) print(print_input_form(Obj));
1.3       takayama  149:   Obj = quotetolist(Obj);
                    150:   L = quotetolist(L);
                    151:   R = tr_rp_flag(Obj,L,R);
                    152:   Flag=R[0]; R=R[1];
                    153:   if (type(R) == 17) R=quotetolist(R);
                    154:   RR = "quote("+listtoquote_str(R)+")";
1.5       takayama  155:   if (Debug2) {print("==> "+RR+"  by  "); print(listtoquote_str(L));}
                    156:   if (Debug2) print("--------  end of tr_apply_rule1_flag ------------ ");
1.3       takayama  157:   return [Flag,eval_str(RR)];
                    158: }
                    160: def tr_apply_or_rules(Q,R) {
                    161:   Flag = 1;
                    162:   N = length(R);
                    163:   while (Flag) {
                    164:    Flag = 0;
                    165:    for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
                    166:      Q = tr_apply_rule1_flag(Q,R[I][0],R[I][1]);
                    167:      if (Q[0]) {
                    168:        Flag = 1;
                    169:        dprint("Applied the rule "+rtostr(I));
                    170:      }
                    171:      Q = Q[1];
                    172:    }
                    173:   }
                    174:   return Q;
                    175: }
                    176: def test5() {
                    177:   Rule1=[quote(sin(pn(x)*@pi)),[qt_sin_int,x]]; /* sin($B@0?t(B*@pi) --> 0 */
                    178:   Rule2=[quote(0*pn(y)),       [qt_zero]];       /* 0*any --> 0 */
                    179:   Rule3=[quote(pn(y)*0),       [qt_zero]];       /* any*0 --> 0 */
                    180:   Rule4=[quote(pn(y)+0),       [qt_id,y]];       /* any+0 --> any */
                    181:   Rule5=[quote(0+pn(y)),       [qt_id,y]];       /* 0+any --> any */
                    182:   Rule6=[quote(sin(0)),          [qt_zero]];       /* sin(0) --> 0 */
                    183:   R0 = quote(1+sin(sin(2*@pi)*sin(@pi/2))+sin(5*@pi));
                    184:   print(print_input_form(R0));
                    185:   R=tr_apply_rule1_flag(R0,Rule1[0],Rule1[1]);
                    186:   print([R[0],print_input_form(R[1])]);
                    187:   R=tr_apply_or_rules(R0,[Rule1,Rule2,Rule3,Rule4,Rule5,Rule6]);
1.6     ! takayama  188:   return R;
        !           189: }
        !           190:
        !           191: def qt_one() {
        !           192:   return quote(1);
        !           193: }
        !           194: def tr_simp_sin(R0) {
        !           195:   Rule1=[quote(sin(pn(x)*@pi)),[qt_sin_int,x]]; /* sin($B@0?t(B*@pi) --> 0 */
        !           196:   Rule2=[quote(0*pn(y)),       [qt_zero]];       /* 0*any --> 0 */
        !           197:   Rule3=[quote(pn(y)*0),       [qt_zero]];       /* any*0 --> 0 */
        !           198:   Rule4=[quote(pn(y)+0),       [qt_id,y]];       /* any+0 --> any */
        !           199:   Rule5=[quote(0+pn(y)),       [qt_id,y]];       /* 0+any --> any */
        !           200:   Rule6=[quote(sin(0)),        [qt_zero]];       /* sin(0) --> 0 */
        !           201:   Rule7=[quote(cos(0)),        [qt_one]];         /* cos(0) --> 1 */
        !           202:   /* print(print_input_form(R0)); */
        !           203:   R=tr_apply_rule1_flag(R0,Rule1[0],Rule1[1]);
        !           204:   /* print([R[0],print_input_form(R[1])]); */
        !           205:   R=tr_apply_or_rules(R0,[Rule1,Rule2,Rule3,Rule4,Rule5,Rule6,Rule7]);
        !           206:   return R;
        !           207: }
        !           208:
        !           209: /* 0+any, 0*any $B$K$J$k(B quote $B$r(B 0 $B$K$9$k(B. $BI,?\(B. cf. taka_series.expand1 */
        !           210: def tr_simp_zero(R0) {
        !           211:   Rule1=[quote(0*pn(y)),       [qt_zero]];       /* 0*any --> 0 */
        !           212:   Rule2=[quote(pn(y)*0),       [qt_zero]];       /* any*0 --> 0 */
        !           213:   Rule3=[quote(0/pn(y)),       [qt_zero]];       /* 0/any --> 0 */
        !           214:   Rule4=[quote(pn(y)+0),       [qt_id,y]];       /* any+0 --> any */
        !           215:   Rule5=[quote(0+pn(y)),       [qt_id,y]];       /* 0+any --> any */
        !           216:   Rule6=[quote(-0),            [qt_zero,y]];       /* -0 --> 0 */
        !           217:   R=tr_apply_or_rules(R0,[Rule1,Rule2,Rule3,Rule4,Rule5, Rule6]);
1.2       takayama  218:   return R;
                    219: }
1.5       takayama  221: /* $BHyJ,4D$N7W;;(B */
                    222: /* x $B$K0MB8$7$F$k$+(B?  u, u_0, u_1, u_2, ... $B$O(B x $B$K0MB8$7$F$k(B.*/
                    223: def to_quote(L) {
                    224:   return eval_str("quote("+listtoquote_str(L)+")");
                    225: }
                    226: def dep6(Q) {
                    227:   if (type(Q) == 4) {
                    228:     Q = to_quote(Q);
                    229:   }
                    230:   if (qt_is_dependent(Q,x)) return 1;
                    231:   if (qt_is_dependent(Q,u)) return 1;
                    232:   /* $B$H$j$"$($:(B 10 $B<!$^$G$N(B f. --> $B$J$s$H$+$;$h(B. */
                    233:   for (I=0; I<10; I++) {
                    234:     if (qt_is_dependent(Q,idxtov(u,I))) return 1;
                    235:   }
                    236:   return 0;
                    237: }
                    238: def diff_lin(F,G) {
                    239:   if (type(F) == 4) F=to_quote(F);
                    240:   if (type(G) == 4) G=to_quote(G);
                    241:   return qt_replace(quote(diff(f)+diff(g)),[[f,F],[g,G]]);
                    242: }
                    243: def diff_mul(F,G) {
                    244:   F1 = dep6(F); G1 = dep6(G);
                    245:   if (type(F) == 4) F=to_quote(F);
                    246:   if (type(G) == 4) G=to_quote(G);
                    247:   if (F1 && G1)
                    248:     return qt_replace(quote(diff(f)*g+f*diff(g)),[[f,F],[g,G]]);
                    249:   if ((F1 == 1) &&  (G1 == 0))
                    250:     return qt_replace(quote(diff(f)*g),[[f,F],[g,G]]);
                    251:   if ((F1 == 0) &&  (G1 == 1))
                    252:     return qt_replace(quote(f*diff(g)),[[f,F],[g,G]]);
                    253:   if ((F1 == 0) && (G1 == 0))
                    254:     return qt_zero();
                    255: }
                    256: def qt_one() {
                    257:   return quote(1);
                    258: }
                    259: def diff_x_n(N) {
                    260:   N = eval_quote(N);
                    261:   N1=N-1;
                    262:   if (N1 == 0)  return qt_one();
                    263:   if (N1 == 1)  return quote(2*x);
                    264:   if (N1 > 1) return eval_str("quote("+rtostr(N)+"*x^"+rtostr(N1)+")");
                    265: }
                    266: /* F $B$,(B u $B$H$+(B u_0, u_1, ... $B$J$i(B 1 $B$rLa$9(B. */
                    267: /* debug $BMQ$NF~NO(B.
                    268:   tr_check_pn(quote(u_1),quote(pn(x,is_u_variable(x))));
                    269: */
                    270: def is_u_variable(F) {
                    271:   /* $B=R8l$NA0$N(B check point $B$b(B debugger $B$KM_$7$$(B. */
                    272:   /* print("is_u_variable: ",0); print(print_input_form(F)); */
                    273:   if (type(F) == 17) F=quotetolist(F);
                    274:   if (rtostr(F[0]) == "internal") {
                    275:     V = eval_str(rtostr(F[1]));
                    276:     if (vtoidx(V)[0] == "u") return 1;
                    277:   }
                    278:   return 0;
                    279: }
                    280: /*  u_i^n $B$NHyJ,$r$9$k(B.  n*u_{i+1}*u_i^{n-1}
                    281:    Todo: $B$b$C$H4J7i$K(B quote $B$r=q$1$J$$$+(B?
                    282: */
                    283: def diff_u_n(F,N) {
                    284:   F = eval_quote(F);
                    285:   I = vtoidx(F);
                    286:   if (length(I) == 1) I = 0; else I=I[1];
                    287:   N = eval_quote(N);
                    288:   N1=N-1;
                    289:   NextU = "u_"+rtostr(I+1);
                    290:   if (I == 0) U = "u"; else U = "u_"+rtostr(I);
                    292:   NN = objtoquote(N);
                    293:   NN1 = objtoquote(N1);
                    294:   NextU = objtoquote(eval_str(NextU));
                    295:   U = objtoquote(eval_str(U));
                    297:   if (N1 == 0)  return NextU;
                    298:   if (N1 == 1)  return qt_replace(quote(2*up*uu),[[up,NextU],[uu,U]]);
                    299:   if (N1 > 1) return qt_replace(quote(n*up*uu^m),[[up,NextU],[uu,U],
                    300:      [n,NN],[m,NN1]]);
                    301: }
                    303: def test6b() {
                    304:   T1=[quote(diff(x)),[qt_one]];
                    305:   T2=[quote(diff(x^pn(n))),[diff_x_n,n]];  /* is_poly? $B$,M_$7$$(B. */
                    306:   R1=[quote(diff(pn(f)+pn(g))),[diff_lin,f,g]];
                    307:   R2=[quote(diff(pn(f)*pn(g))),[diff_mul,f,g]];
                    309:   A = quote(diff(2*4*x^3+x));
                    310:   print(print_input_form(A));
                    311:   R=tr_apply_or_rules(A,[R1,R2,T1,T2]);
                    312:   return R;
                    313: }
                    315: /* Use Debug2=1; $B$O(B debug $B$K$H$F$bM-1W(B. */
                    316: def test6() {
                    317:   T1=[quote(diff(x)),[qt_one]];
                    318:   T2=[quote(diff(x^pn(n))),[diff_x_n,n]];  /* is_poly? $B$,M_$7$$(B. */
                    319:   T3=[quote(diff(pn(f,is_u_variable(f))^pn(n))),[diff_u_n,f,n]];
                    320:   R1=[quote(diff(pn(f)+pn(g))),[diff_lin,f,g]];
                    321:   R2=[quote(diff(pn(f)*pn(g))),[diff_mul,f,g]];
                    323:   /* A = quote(diff(2*x^3+x));*/
                    324:   A = quote(diff(2*u^3+x));
                    325:   print(print_input_form(A));
                    326:   R=tr_apply_or_rules(A,[R1,R2,T1,T2,T3]);
                    327:   return R;
                    328: }
1.2       takayama  329: end$

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