Annotation of OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/testing/tr.rr, Revision 1.4
1.4 ! takayama 1: /* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/testing/tr.rr,v 1.3 2005/04/03 11:05:21 takayama Exp $ */
! 2: /* $Id: tr.rr,v 1.7 2005/04/03 11:05:46 taka Exp $ */
1.2 takayama 3:
4: /*
5: OpenXM$BHG$N(B Risa/Asir $B$G<B9T$N$3$H(B. OpenXM $BHG$N4X?t$rMQ$$$k$?$a(B.
6: */
1.4 ! takayama 7: /* $Id: tr.rr,v 1.7 2005/04/03 11:05:46 taka Exp $
1.2 takayama 8: $B$3$N%U%!%$%k$O(B quotetolist $B$G%j%9%H$KJQ49$7$?%G!<%?$KBP$7$F(B
9: $B%Q%?!<%s%^%C%A$*$h$S$=$l$r1~MQ$7$?JQ7A$r9T$&(B.
10: tr.oxt $B$N;EMM$H$3$H$J$j(B quotetolist $B$GJQ49$7$?$b$N$r07$&(B.
11: $B%F%9%H%W%m%0%i%`$N$?$a8zN($OL5;k(B. (append $B$NB?MQ(B, $BL5BL$J(B2$B=E8F$S=P$7(B, $B$J$I(B))
12: */
14: extern Debug$
15: Debug=0$
16: def dprint(X) {
17: if (Debug) print(X);
18: }
19: def dprint0(X) {
20: if (Debug) print(X,0);
21: }
1.3 takayama 23: /* quotetolist $B$N5U4X?t(B. $B$?$@$7J8;zNs$G(B */
24: def listtoquote_str(L) {
25: return quote_input_form_quote_list(L);
26: }
1.2 takayama 27:
28: def qt_node(F) {
1.3 takayama 29: if (type(F) == 17) F=quotetolist(F);
30: return [rtostr(F[0]),rtostr(F[1])];
1.2 takayama 31: }
32: /* Number of child */
33: def qt_nchild(F) {
1.3 takayama 34: if (type(F) == 17) F=quotetolist(F);
1.2 takayama 35: return length(F)-2;
36: }
37: def qt_child(F,K) {
1.3 takayama 38: if (type(F) == 17) F=quotetolist(F);
1.2 takayama 39: return F[K+2];
40: }
42: /*
43: $B%j%9%H(B F $B$,(B $B%j%9%H(B P $B$K(B($B@hF,$+$i$NHf3S$G(B)$B%^%C%A$7$?$i(B 1.
44: $B$=$&$G$J$$$+$i(B 0. $BI}M%@hC5:w(B.
45: Todo: P $B$KG$0U4X?t$r4^$`;EAH$_$O$^$@<BAu$7$F$J$$(B.
46: */
47: def tr_match0(F,P) {
48: dprint0("tr_match0: F="); dprint(F);
49: dprint0("tr_match0: P="); dprint(P);
51: if (type(F) != type(P)) return 0;
52: if (type(F) != 4) {
53: if (F == P) return 1;
54: else return 0;
55: }
56: Node = qt_node(F);
57: Node2 = qt_node(P);
1.3 takayama 58: /* pn $B$K2?$N@)Ls$b$J$1$l$P(B 2 $B$rLa$9(B. */
59: if (Node2 == ["function","pn"]) return tr_check_pn(F,P);
1.2 takayama 60: if (Node != Node2) return 0;
61: N = qt_nchild(F);
62: if (N != qt_nchild(P)) return 0;
63: for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
64: C = qt_child(F,I);
65: C2 = qt_child(P,I);
66: if (!tr_match0(C,C2)) return 0;
67: }
68: return 1;
69: }
1.3 takayama 71: /*
72: P $B$NNc(B: P = pn("x"); P=pn("x",qt_is_integer(x));
73: P $B$O(B [function,pn,[internal,x],[function,is_int,[internal,x]]]
74: FF $B$O(B ["is_int","x"]
75: $B%F%9%H%G!<%?(B.
76: tr_check_pn(quote(1/2),quote(pn("x",qt_is_integer(x))));
77: */
78: def tr_check_pn(F,P) {
79: if (type(F) ==17) F=quotetolist(F);
80: if (type(P) == 17) P=quotetolist(P);
81: N=qt_nchild(P);
82: if (N == 1) return 2;
83: X = rtostr(qt_child(P,0)[1]);
84: BindingTable = [[X,F]];
85: FF = [rtostr(qt_child(P,1)[1]),rtostr(qt_child(P,1)[2][1])];
86: R = tr_apply_function0(FF,BindingTable);
87: return R;
88: }
1.2 takayama 90: /* F $B$H(B P $B$,(B tr_match0 $B$9$k$H$-(B bindingTable $B$r$b$I$9(B.
91: [[$BJQ?t$NL>A0(B($BJ8;zNs(B), $BCM(B(list)], ...]
92: */
93: def tr_make_binding(F,P) {
94: Ans = [ ];
95: if (F == P) return Ans;
97: Node = qt_node(F);
98: Node2 = qt_node(P);
100: if (Node2 == ["function", "pn"]) {
1.3 takayama 101: Ans = append(Ans,[[rtostr(P[2][1]),F]]);
1.2 takayama 102: return Ans;
103: }
104: N = qt_nchild(F);
105: for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
106: C = qt_child(F,I);
107: C2 = qt_child(P,I);
108: Ans = append(Ans,tr_make_binding(C,C2));
109: }
110: return Ans;
111: }
113: /*
114: Tree $B$NCf$rI}M%@hC5:w$G8!:w$7$F(B $BCV$-49$($k(B.
115: $BI}M%@hC5:w$J$N$G(B, $BF1$8(B rule $B$K%^%C%A$9$k$b$N$,F~$l;R$K$J$C$?>l9g(B,
116: $BFbB&$OCV$-49$($i$l$J$$(B.
117: $B?<$5M%@hC5:w$K$7$?(B --> action $B4X?t$NCf$G:F5"E*$K8F$Y$P?<$5M%@h$H$J$k(B.
118: Todo: $B=q$-49$($,$*$3$C$?$+$N%U%i%0(B.
119: */
120: def tr_rp(F,P,Q) {
121: dprint0("tr_rp, F="); dprint(F);
122: dprint0("tr_rp, P="); dprint(P);
123: dprint0("tr_rp, Q="); dprint(Q);
124: if (tr_match0(F,P)) {
125: BindTable = tr_make_binding(F,P);
126: dprint0("BindTable="); dprint(BindTable);
127: return tr_apply_function0(Q,BindTable);
128: }
129: if (type(F) != 4) return F;
130: Node = qt_node(F);
131: N = qt_nchild(F);
132: Ans = Node;
133: for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
134: T = tr_rp(qt_child(F,I),P,Q);
135: Ans = append(Ans,[T]);
136: }
137: return Ans;
138: }
140: /* ["f","x"],[["x",[internal,3]]] $B$N;~$O(B
141: f(3) $B$r7W;;$9$k(B.
142: */
143: def tr_apply_function0(Q,BindTable) {
144: B = [ ];
145: N = length(BindTable);
146: /* BindTable $B$N1&JUCM$r(B quote(...) $B$J$kJ8;zNs$K(B */
147: for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
1.3 takayama 148: B = append(B,[[BindTable[I][0],"quote("+listtoquote_str(BindTable[I][1])+")"]]);
1.2 takayama 149: }
150: dprint0("tr_apply_function0: "); dprint(B);
151: N = length(Q)-1; /* $B0z?t$N?t(B */
152: M = length(B); /* binding table $B$N%5%$%:(B */
1.3 takayama 153: R = rtostr(Q[0])+"(";
1.2 takayama 154: for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
155: X = rtostr(Q[I+1]); /* $BJQ?t(B */
156: /* binding Table $B$r%5!<%A(B */
157: for (J=0; J<M; J++) {
158: Y = rtostr(B[J][0]);
159: if (X == Y) {
160: R = R+B[J][1];
161: if (I != N-1) R = R+",";
162: break;
163: }
1.3 takayama 164: if (J == M-1) {
165: dprint0("No binding data. Use the X itself. X="); dprint(X);
166: R = R+X;
167: if (I != N-1) R = R+",";
168: }
1.2 takayama 169: }
170: }
171: R = R+")";
172: dprint0("R="); dprint(R);
173: return eval_str(R);
174: }
177: /* L $B$,:85,B'(B. R $B$,1&5,B'(B. $BI}M%@hC5:w(B.
178: $B=q$-49$($r$9$k$?$a$N%H%C%W%l%Y%k$N4X?t(B ($B$N$R$H$D(B).
179: $BNc(B:
180: tr_apply_rule1(quote(1+sin(3*@pi)*sin(@pi/2)),
181: quote(sin(pn("x")*@pi)),
182: ["qt_sin_int","x"]);
183: */
184: def tr_apply_rule1(Obj,L,R) {
185: dprint("-------- start of tr_apply_rule1 ------------ ");
186: Obj = quotetolist(Obj);
187: L = quotetolist(L);
188: R = tr_rp(Obj,L,R);
1.3 takayama 189: if (type(R) == 17) R=quotetolist(R);
190: RR = "quote("+listtoquote_str(R)+")";
1.2 takayama 191: dprint("-------- end of tr_apply_rule1 ------------ ");
192: return eval_str(RR);
193: }
195: /* quote $B$KBP$9$k(B $B=R8l(B */
196: def qt_is_integer(Qlist) {
1.3 takayama 197: if (type(Qlist) == 17) Qlist=quotetolist(Qlist);
198: if ((rtostr(Qlist[0]) == "u_op") && (rtostr(Qlist[1]) == "-")) {
199: return qt_is_integer(cdr(cdr(Qlist))[0]);
200: }
1.2 takayama 201: if (Qlist[0] == "internal") {
202: Z = eval_str(rtostr(Qlist[1]));
203: }else{
204: return 0;
205: }
206: if (type(Z) == 0) return 1;
207: if ((type(Z) == 1) && (ntype(Z) == 0)) return 1;
208: return 0;
209: }
211: /* quote $B$N@8@.(B */
212: /* $B1&5,B'4X?t(B. 0 $B$rLa$9(B. */
213: def qt_zero() {
214: return quotetolist(quote(0));
215: }
217: /* $B1&5,B'4X?t(B. $B91Ey<0(B */
218: def qt_id(X) {
1.3 takayama 219: if (type(X) == 17) return quotetolist(X);
220: else return X;
1.2 takayama 221: }
223: /* ------------ test --------------------------- */
224: extern Rule_test2$
1.3 takayama 225: /* " " $B$HIU$1$F$b$D$1$J$/$F$b$h$$(B. $BFbIt$G(B rtostr $B$7$F$k(B. */
226: /* Rule_test2=[quote(sin(pn("x")*@pi)),["qt_sin_int2","x"]]$ */
227: Rule_test2=[quote(sin(pn(x)*@pi)),[qt_sin_int2,x]]$
1.2 takayama 229:
230: def test2() {
231: /* $BI}M%@hC5:w$N>l9g(B, R0 $B$O(B simplify $B$G$-$:(B. */
232: Rule1=[quote(sin(pn("x")*@pi)),["qt_sin_int","x"]];
233: R0 = quote(1+sin(sin(2*@pi)*@pi)*sin(@pi/2));
234: print(print_input_form(R0));
235: R=tr_apply_rule1(R0,Rule1[0],Rule1[1]);
236: print(print_input_form(R));
237: print("-----------------------");
238: /* $B<!$N$h$&$K=q$/$H?<$5M%@h$G=q$1$k(B */
239: R0 = quote(1+sin(sin(2*@pi)*@pi)*sin(@pi/2));
240: print(print_input_form(R0));
241: R=tr_apply_rule1(R0,Rule_test2[0],Rule_test2[1]);
242: print(print_input_form(R));
243: }
245: /* $B1&5,B'4X?t(B. sin($B@0?t(B*@pi) $B$r(B 0 $B$K(B */
246: def qt_sin_int(X) {
247: /* $B$$$^(B X $B$O(B quote $B7?(B */
248: Y = quotetolist(X);
249: /* Todo: $B$3$N$h$&$J$b$N$r:n$k5!G=$OAH$_9~$_$GM_$7$$(B. */
1.3 takayama 250: R = "quote(sin("+listtoquote_str(Y)+"*@pi))";
1.2 takayama 251: print(R);
252: R = eval_str(R);
253: /* Todo: X $B$,(B $B?t;z$+$I$&$+D4$Y$k5!G=$bAH$_9~$_$GM_$7$$(B.
254: */
255: if (Y[0] == "internal") {
256: Z = eval_str(rtostr(Y[1]));
257: }else{
258: return quotetolist(R);
259: }
260: if (type(Z) == 0) return quotetolist(quote(0));
261: if ((type(Z) == 1) && (ntype(Z) == 0)) return quotetolist(quote(0));
262: return quotetolist(R);
263: }
265: /* $B1&5,B'4X?t(B. sin($B@0?t(B*@pi) $B$r(B 0 $B$K(B. $B?<$5M%@hMQ(B */
266: def qt_sin_int2(X) {
267: /* tr_apply_rule1 $B$r:F5"E*$K$h$V(B. $B$3$NJ}K!$G9=J82r@O$b$+$1$k(B. */
268: X = tr_apply_rule1(X,Rule_test2[0],Rule_test2[1]);
269: Y = quotetolist(X);
1.3 takayama 270: R = "quote(sin("+listtoquote_str(Y)+"*@pi))";
1.2 takayama 271: print(R);
272: R = eval_str(R);
273: if (qt_is_integer(Y)) return quotetolist(quote(0));
274: else return quotetolist(R);
275: }
1.3 takayama 277: /* --------------- end test -----------------------*/
278: def qt_replace(F,Rule) {
279: return base_replace(F,Rule);
280: }
282: /* F $B$NCf$KITDj85(B X $B$,4^$^$l$F$$$k$+(B?
283: qt_dependent(quotetolist(quote(1+1/x)),x)
284: */
285: def qt_dependent(F,X) {
286: if (type(F) == 17) F = quotetolist(F);
287: Node = qt_node(F);
288: if ((F[0] == "internal") && (rtostr(F[1]) == rtostr(X))) {
289: return 1;
290: }else{
291: N = qt_nchild(F);
292: for (I=0; I<N;I++) {
293: C = qt_child(F,I);
294: if (qt_dependent(C,X)) return 1;
295: }
296: return 0;
297: }
298: }
300: /* tr_check_pn $B$NF0:n%F%9%H(B */
301: def test2b() {
302: Rule=[quote(sin(pn(x,qt_is_integer(x))*@pi)),[qt_zero]]$
303: R0 = quote(1+sin(2*@pi)*sin(a*@pi));;
304: print(print_input_form(R0));
305: R=tr_apply_rule1(R0,Rule[0],Rule[1]);
306: return R;
307: }
309: /* $BCm0U(B: @pi $B$b4X?t07$$(B. */
310: def qt_is_function(X) {
311: if (type(X) == 17) X=quotetolist(X);
312: if (rtostr(X[0]) == "function") return 1;
313: else return 0;
314: }
316: /* qt_map_arg(nn,quote(f(x,y))) --> nn(f(nn(x),nn(y)))
317: qt_map_arg(nn,quote(1/4+f(x))) -->
318: $B%F%9%H$O(B test4().
319: */
320: def qt_map_arg(F,Q) {
321: F = rtostr(F);
322: if (type(Q) == 17) Q=quotetolist(Q);
323: if (rtostr(Q[0]) == "internal") {
324: T = listtoquote_str(Q);
325: return eval_str( "quote("+F+"("+T+"))" );
326: }
327: /* node $B$N;R6!$r(B F $B$GI>2A$9$k(B. */
328: N = qt_nchild(Q);
329: L = [];
330: for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
331: L = append(L,[quotetolist(qt_map_arg(F,qt_child(Q,I)))]);
332: }
333: dprint0("qt_map_arg:L="); dprint(L);
334: T = [Q[0],Q[1]];
335: for (I=0; I<N; I++) {
336: T = append(T,[L[I]]);
337: }
338: /* $B:G8e$K;R6!$r?F(B Q[0],Q[1] $B$GI>2A$7$F$+$i(B F $B$GI>2A(B */
339: T = ["function",F,T];
340: dprint0("qt_map_arg:T="); dprint(T);
341: T = listtoquote_str(T);
342: return eval_str("quote("+T+")");
343: }
1.2 takayama 344:
345: /* $B$3$l$i0J30$N%F%9%H%W%m%0%i%`$O(B test1-tr.rr $B$r(B
346: */
348: end$
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