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File: [local] / OpenXM / src / asir-doc / parts / debug.texi (download)

Revision 1.2, Tue Dec 21 02:47:31 1999 UTC (24 years, 9 months ago) by noro
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: maekawa-ipv6, RELEASE_20000124, RELEASE_1_2_1, RELEASE_1_1_3, RELEASE_1_1_2
Changes since 1.1: +259 -18 lines

Now 'asir-doc' can produce both English and Japanese versions of
manuals, help files and HTML files. See README for detail.
Though Takayama-san's effort to enhance 'oxweave', it is still
difficult to use it as is for 'asir-doc', so currently 'extract_man.c'
is used to extract manual sources for a specific language.

@comment $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir-doc/parts/debug.texi,v 1.2 1999/12/21 02:47:31 noro Exp $
@node $B%G%P%C%,(B,,, Top
@chapter $B%G%P%C%,(B
@node Debugger,,, Top
@chapter Debugger

* $B%G%P%C%,$H$O(B::
* $B%3%^%s%I$N2r@b(B::
* $B%G%P%C%,$N;HMQNc(B::
* $B%G%P%C%,$N=i4|2=%U%!%$%k$NNc(B::
* What is Debugger::
* Debugger commands::
* Execution example of debugger::
* Sample file of initialization file for Debugger::
@end menu

@node $B%G%P%C%,$H$O(B,,, $B%G%P%C%,(B
@section $B%G%P%C%,$H$O(B
@node What is Debugger,,, Debugger
@section What is Debugger

C $B8@8l$G=q$+$l$?%W%m%0%i%`$N$?$a$N%G%P%C%,(B @code{dbx} 
$B$O(B, $B%=!<%9%l%Y%k$G$N%V%l!<%/%]%$%s%H$N@_Dj(B, $B%9%F%C(B
$B%W<B9T(B, $BJQ?t$N;2>H$J$I$,2DG=$J6/NO$J%G%P%C%,$G$"$k(B. @b{Asir} $B$G$O(B, 
@code{dbx} $BIw$N%G%P%C%,$rMQ0U$7$F$$$k(B. $B%G%P%C%0%b!<%I$KF~$k$K$O(B, $B%H%C(B
$B%W%l%Y%k$G(B @code{debug;} $B$HF~NO$9$k(B. 
A debugger @code{dbx} is available for C programs on @code{Sun},
@code{VAX} etc.
In @code{dbx}, one can use commands such as setting break-point on
a source line, stepwise execution, inspecting a variable's value etc.
@b{Asir} provides such a @code{dbx}-like debugger.
In addition to such commands, we adopted several useful commands
from @code{gdb}.
In order to enter the debug-mode, type @code{debug;} at the top level
of @b{Asir}.

[10] debug;
@end example

\JP $B$=$NB>(B, $B<!$NJ}K!(B, $B$"$k$$$O>u67$G%G%P%C%0%b!<%I$KF~$k(B. 
@code{Asir} also enters the debug-mode by the following means or in the
following situations.

@itemize @bullet
\JP $B<B9TCf%V%l!<%/%]%$%s%H$KC#$7$?>l9g(B
\EG When it reaches a break point while executing a program.

\JP $B3d$j9~$_$G(B @samp{d} $B$rA*Br$7$?>l9g(B
\EG When the @samp{d} option is selected at an interruption.

\JP $B<B9TCf%(%i!<$r5/$3$7$?>l9g(B
\EG When it detects errors while executing a program.

$B$3$N>l9g(B, $B<B9T$N7QB3$OIT2DG=$G$"$k$,(B, $BD>@\$N%(%i!<$N860x$H$J$C$?(B
$B%f!<%6Dj5AH!?t$NJ8$rI=<($7$F%G%P%C%0%b!<%I$KF~$k$?$a(B, $B%(%i!<;~(B
$B$K$*$1$kJQ?t$NCM$r;2>H$G$-(B, $B%G%P%C%0$KLrN)$?$;$k$3$H$,$G$-$k(B. 
In this case, to continue the execution of the program is impossible.
But because it reports the statement in the user defined function
that caused the error, then enters the debug-mode, user can inspect
the values of variables at the error state.  This helps to analyze
the error and debug the program.

\JP @code{error()} $B$,8F$S=P$5$l$?>l9g(B
\EG When built-in function @code{error()} is called.
@end itemize

@node $B%3%^%s%I$N2r@b(B,,, $B%G%P%C%,(B
@section $B%3%^%s%I$N2r@b(B
@node Debugger commands,,, Debugger
@section Debugger commands

$B%3%^%s%I$O(B @code{dbx} $B$N%3%^%s%I$NFbI,MW:G>.8B$N$b$N$r:NMQ$7$?(B. 
$B99$K(B, @code{gdb} $B$N%3%^%s%I$+$i$b$$$/$D$+JXMx$J$b$N$r:NMQ$7$?(B. 
$B<B:]$N5!G=$O(B @code{dbx} $B$H$[$\F1MM$G$"$k$,(B, @code{step}, @code{next} $B$O(B,
$B=>$C$F(B, 1$B9T$KJ#?t$NJ8$,$"$k>l9g$O(B, $B$=$NJ8$N?t$@$1(B @code{next} 
$B$r<B9T$7$J$1$l$P<!$N9T$K?J$a$J$$(B. $B$^$?(B, @code{dbx} $B$HF1MM(B 
@file{.dbxinit} $B$rFI$_9~$`$N$G(B, @code{dbx} $B$HF1$8(B alias $B$r;H$&$3$H$,$G(B
Only indispensable commands of @code{dbx} are supported
in the current version.
Generally, the effect of a command is the same as that of @code{dbx}.
There are, however, slight differences:
Commands @code{step} and @code{next} execute the next statement, but not
the next line; therefore, if there are multiple statements in one line,
one should issue such commands several times to proceed the next line.
The debugger reads in @file{.dbxinit}, which allows the same aliases
as is used in @code{dbx}.

@table @code
@item step
\JP $B<!$NJ8$r<B9T$9$k(B. $B<!$NJ8$,H!?t$r4^$`$H$-(B, $B$=$NH!?t$KF~$k(B. 
Executes the next statement; if the next statement contains a
function call, then enters the function.
@item next
\JP $B<!$NJ8$r<B9T$9$k(B. 
\EG Executes the next statement.
@item finish
$B8m$C$F(B @code{step} $B$r<B9T$7$?>l9g$KM-8z$G$"$k(B. 
Enter the debug-mode again after finishing
the execuction of the current function.
This is useful when an unnecessary @code{step} has been executed.
@item cont
@itemx quit
\JP $B%G%P%C%0%b!<%I$+$iH4$1(B, $B<B9T$r7QB3$9$k(B. 
\EG Exits from the debug-mode and continues execution.
@item up [@var{n}]
$B%9%?%C%/%U%l!<%`$r(B 1 $BCJ(B ($B0z?t(B @var{n} $B$,$"$k;~$O(B @var{n} $BCJ(B) $B>e$,$k(B. 
$B$3$l$K$h$j(B, $B$=$N%9%?%C%/%U%l!<%`$KB0$9$kJQ?t$NCM$N;2>H(B, $BJQ99$,$G$-$k(B. 
Move up the call stack one level.
Move up the call stack @var{n} levels if @var{n} is specified.
@item down [@var{n}]
\JP $B%9%?%C%/%U%l!<%`$r(B 1 $BCJ(B ($B0z?t(B @var{n} $B$,$"$k;~$O(B @var{n} $BCJ(B) $B2<$,$k(B. 
Move down the call stack one level.
Move down the call stack @var{n} levels if @var{n} is specified.
@item frame [@var{n}]
$B0z?t$,$J$$$H$-(B, $B8=:_<B9TCf$NH!?t$rI=<($9$k(B. 
$B0z?t$,$"$k$H$-(B, $B%9%?%C%/%U%l!<%`$rHV9f(B @var{n} $B$N$b$N$K@_Dj$9$k(B. $B$3$3$G(B
@code{where} $B$K$h$jI=<($5$l$k8F$S=P$7Ns$K$*$$$F(B, $B@hF,$KI=<($5$l$kHV9f$N(B
Print the current stack frame with no argument. @var{n}
specifies the stack frame number to be selected. Here the
stack frame number is a number at the top of lines displayed
by executing @code{where}.
@item list [@var{startline}]
@itemx list @var{function}
$B8=:_9T(B, $B$^$?$O(B @var{startline}, $B$^$?$O(B @var{function}$B$N@hF,$+$i(B 10 $B9T%=!<(B
Displays ten lines in a source file from @var{startline},
the current line if the @var{startline} is not specified,
or from the top line of current target @var{function}.
@item print @var{expr}
\JP @var{expr} $B$rI=<($9$k(B. 
\EG Displays @var{expr}.
@item func @var{function}
\JP $BBP>]H!?t$r(B @var{function} $B$K@_Dj$9$k(B. 
\EG Set the target function to @var{function}.
@item stop at @var{sourceline} [if @var{cond}]
@itemx stop in @var{function}
@var{sourceline}$B9TL\(B, $B$^$?$O(B @var{function} $B$N@hF,$K%V%l!<%/%]%$%s%H$r(B
$B@_Dj$9$k(B. $B%V%l!<%/%]%$%s%H$O(B, $BH!?t$,:FDj5A$5$l$?>l9g<+F0E*$K<h$j>C$5$l(B
$B$k(B. @code{if} $B$,B3$/>l9g(B, @var{cond} $B$,I>2A$5$l(B, $B$=$l$,(B 0 $B$G$J$$>l9g$K(B
$B<B9T$,CfCG$7(B, $B%G%P%C%0%b!<%I$KF~$k(B. 
Set a break-point at the @var{sourceline}-th line of the source file,
or at the top of the target function.
Break-points are removed whenever the relevant function is redefined.
When @code{if} statements are repeatedly encountered,
@b{Asir} enters debug-mode only when the corresponding
@var{cond} parts are evaluated to a non-zero value.
@item trace @var{expr} at @var{sourceline} [if @var{cond}]
@item trace @var{expr} in @var{function}
@code{stop} $B$HF1MM$G$"$k$,(B, @code{trace} $B$G$OC1$K(B @var{expr} $B$rI=<($9$k(B
$B$N$_$G(B, $B%G%P%C%0%b!<%I$K$OF~$i$J$$(B. 
These are similar to @code{stop}. @code{trace} simply displays the value
of @var{expr} and without entering the debug-mode.
@item delete @var{n}
\JP $B%V%l!<%/%]%$%s%H(B @var{n} $B$r<h$j>C$9(B. 
Remove the break point specified by a number @var{n}, which can be
known by the @code{status} command.
@item status
\JP $B%V%l!<%/%]%$%s%H$N0lMw$rI=<($9$k(B. 
\EG Displays a list of the break-points.
@item where
\JP $B8=:_$NDd;_E@$^$G$N8F$S=P$7Ns$rI=<($9$k(B. 
Displays the calling sequence of functions from the top level
through the current level.
@item alias @var{alias} @var{command}
\JP @var{command} $B$K(B @var{alias} $B$NJLL>$rM?$($k(B. 
\EG Create an alias @var{alias} for @var{command}
@end table

@code{print} $B$N0z?t$H$7$F(B, $B%H%C%W%l%Y%k$K$*$1$k$[$H$s$I$9$Y$F$N<0(B
$B$,$H$l$k(B. $BDL>o$O(B, $BJQ?t$NFbMF$NI=<($,<g$G$"$k$,(B, $BI,MW$K1~$8$F<!$N(B
The debugger command @code{print} can take almost all expressions
as its argument.  The ordinary usage is to print the values of
(programming) variables.  However, the following usage is worth to

@itemize @bullet
\JP @b{$BJQ?t$N=q$-49$((B}
\EG @b{overwriting the variable}

$B<B9TCf$N%V%l!<%/%]%$%s%H$K$*$$$F(B, $BJQ?t$NCM$rJQ99$7$F<B9T$r7QB3$5$;$?$$(B
$B>l9g(B, $B<!$N$h$&$JA`:n$r9T$($P$h$$(B. 
One might sometimes wish to continue the execution with several values of
variables modified.  For such an purpose, take the following procedure.

(debug) print A
A = 2
(debug) print A=1
A=1 = 1
(debug) print A
A = 1
@end example

\JP @b{$BH!?t$N8F$S=P$7(B}
\EG @b{function call}

\JP $BH!?t8F$S=P$7$b<0$G$"$k$+$i(B, @code{print} $B$N0z?t$H$7$F$H$l$k(B. 
A function call is also an expression, therefore, it can appear at
the argument place of @code{print}.

(debug) print length(List)
length(List) = 14
@end example

$B$3$NNc$G$O(B, $BJQ?t(B @code{List} $B$K3JG<$5$l$F$$$k%j%9%H$ND9$5$r(B @code{length()}
In this example, the length of the list assigned to the variable
@code{List} is examined by a function @code{length()}.

(debug) print ctrl("cputime",1)
ctrl("cputime",1) = 1
@end example

$B$3$NNc$O(B, $B7W;;3+;O;~$K(B CPU $B;~4V$NI=<($N;XDj$r$7K:$l$?>l9g$J$I$K(B, $B7W;;(B

$B$^$?(B, $B;_$`$rF@$:7W;;$rCfCG$7$J$1$l$P$J$i$J$$>l9g(B, $B%G%P%C%0%b!<%I$+$i(B
@code{bsave()} $B$J$I$N%3%^%s%I$K$h$jESCf7k2L$r%U%!%$%k$KJ]B8$9$k$3$H$b(B
This example shows such a usage where measuring CPU time is activated
from within the debug-mode, even if one might have forgotten to specify
the activation of CPU time measurement.
It is also useful to save intermediate results to files from within
the debug-mode by the built-in function @code{bsave()} when one is
forced to quit the computation by any reason.

(debug) print bsave(A,"savefile")
bsave(A,"savefile") = 1
@end example

@code{print} $B$N0z?t$,%f!<%6Dj5AH!?t$N8F$S=P$7$r4^$`>l9g(B, 
Note that continuation of the parent function will be impossible if
an error will occur in the function call from within the debug-mode.
@end itemize

@node $B%G%P%C%,$N;HMQNc(B,,, $B%G%P%C%,(B
@section $B%G%P%C%,$N;HMQNc(B
@node Execution example of debugger,,, Debugger
@section Execution example of debugger

$B$3$3$G$O(B, $B3,>h$r:F5"E*$K7W;;$5$;$k%f!<%6Dj5AH!?t$rNc$H$7$F(B, $B%G%P%C%,$N(B
Here, the usage of the Debugger is explained by showing an example
for debugging a program which computes the integer factorial by a
recursive definition.

% asir
[0] load("fac")$
[3] debug$
(debug) list factorial
1   def factorial(X) @{
2       if ( !X )
3           return 1;
4       else 
5           return X * factorial(X - 1);
6   @}
7   end$
(debug) stop at 5                     <-- $B%V%l!<%/%]%$%s%H$N@_Dj(B
(0) stop at "./fac":5
(debug) quit                          <-- $B%G%P%C%0%b!<%I$rH4$1$k(B
[4] factorial(6);                     <-- factorial(6) $B$N8F$S=P$7(B
stopped in factorial at line 5 in file "./fac"
5           return X * factorial(X - 1);
(debug) where                         <-- $B%V%l!<%/%]%$%s%H$^$G$N8F$S=P$7Ns$NI=<((B
factorial(), line 5 in "./fac"
(debug) print X                       <-- X $B$NCM$NI=<((B
X = 6
(debug) step                          <-- $B%9%F%C%W<B9T(B ($BH!?t$KF~$k(B)
stopped in factorial at line 2 in file "./fac"
2		if ( !X )
(debug) where
factorial(), line 2 in "./fac"
factorial(), line 5 in "./fac"
(debug) print X
X = 5
(debug) delete 0                      <-- $B%V%l!<%/%]%$%s%H(B 0 $B$N>C5n(B
(debug) cont                          <-- $B<B9T7QB3(B
720                                   <-- $B7k2L(B = 6!
[5] quit;
(debug) stop at 5                     <-- setting a break point
(0) stop at "./fac":5
(debug) quit                          <-- leaving the debug-mode
[4] factorial(6);                     <-- call for factorial(6)
stopped in factorial at line 5 in file "./fac"
5           return X * factorial(X - 1);
(debug) where                         <-- display the calling sequence up to
factorial(), line 5 in "./fac"            this break point
(debug) print X                       <-- Display the value of X
X = 6 
(debug) step                          <-- step execution (enters function)
stopped in factorial at line 2 in file "./fac"
2       if ( !X )
(debug) where
factorial(), line 2 in "./fac"
factorial(), line 5 in "./fac"
(debug) print X
X = 5 
(debug) delete 0                      <-- delete the break point 0
(debug) cont                          <-- continue execution
720                                   <-- result = 6!
[5] quit;
@end example

@node $B%G%P%C%,$N=i4|2=%U%!%$%k$NNc(B,,, $B%G%P%C%,(B
@section $B%G%P%C%,$N=i4|2=%U%!%$%k$NNc(B
@node Sample file of initialization file for Debugger,,, Debugger
@section Sample file of initialization file for Debugger

$BA0$K=R$Y$?DL$j(B, @b{Asir} $B$O(B, $B5/F0;~$K(B @samp{$HOME/.dbxinit} $B$rFI$_9~$`(B. 
$B$3$N%U%!%$%k$O(B, @code{dbx} $B$N$5$^$6$^$J=i4|@_DjMQ$N%3%^%s%I$r5-=R$7$F$*$/(B
$B%U%!%$%k$G$"$k$,(B, @b{Asir} $B$O(B, @code{alias} $B9T$N$_$rG'<1$9$k(B. $BNc$($P(B, 
As is previously mentioned, @b{Asir} reads in the file
@samp{$HOME/.dbxinit} at its invocation.
This file is originally used to define various initializing commands
for @code{dbx} debugger, but @b{Asir} recognizes only @code{alias}
lines. For example, by the setting

% cat ~/.dbxinit
alias n next
alias c cont
alias p print
alias s step
alias d delete
alias r run
alias l list
alias q quit
@end example

$B$J$k@_Dj$K$h$j(B, @code{print}, @code{cont} $B$J$I(B, $B%G%P%C%0%b!<%I$K$*$$$F(B
$BIQHK$KMQ$$$i$l$k%3%^%s%I$,(B, $B$=$l$>$l(B @code{p}, @code{c} $B$J$I(B, $BC;$$(B
$BJ8;zNs$GBeMQ$G$-$k(B. $B$^$?(B, $B%G%P%C%0%b!<%I$K$*$$$F(B, @code{alias} $B%3%^%s%I(B
$B$K$h$j(B alias $B$NDI2C$,$G$-$k(B. 
one can use short aliases, e.g., @code{p}, @code{c} etc., for frequently
used commands such as @code{print}, @code{cont} etc. One can create
new aliases in the debug-mode during an execution.

stopped in gennf at line 226 in file "/home/usr3/noro/asir/gr"
226             N = length(V); Len = length(G); dp_ord(O); PS = newvect(Len);
(debug) p V
V = [a,b,c]
(debug) c
@end example