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Revision 1.5, Mon Sep 25 05:12:51 2000 UTC (24 years ago) by noro
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: maekawa-ipv6, RELEASE_1_1_3
Changes since 1.4: +26 -1 lines

Added description about 'ASIR_RSH'.

@comment $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir-doc/parts/process.texi,v 1.5 2000/09/25 05:12:51 noro Exp $
@node $BJ,;67W;;(B,,, Top
@chapter $BJ,;67W;;(B
@node Distributed computation,,, Top
@chapter Distributed computation

* OpenXM::
* Mathcap::
* $B%9%?%C%/%^%7%s%3%^%s%I(B::
* $B%G%P%C%0(B::
* $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B::
* Stackmachine commands::
* Debugging::
* Functions for distributed computation::
@end menu

\JP @node OpenXM,,, $BJ,;67W;;(B
\EG @node OpenXM,,, Distributed computation
@section OpenXM

@b{Asir} $B$O(B, $BJ,;67W;;$K$*$1$kDL?.%W%m%H%3%k$H$7$F(B, @b{OpenXM} 
(Open message eXchange protocol for Mathematics) $B$r:NMQ$7$F$$$k(B. 
@b{OpenXM} $B$O(B, $B<g$H$7$F?t3X%*%V%8%'%/%H$r%W%m%;%94V$G$d$j$H$j$9$k(B
$B$?$a$N5,Ls$G$"$k(B. @b{OpenXM} $B$K$*$$$F$O(B
On @b{Asir} distributed computations are done under @b{OpenXM}
(Open message eXchange protocol for Mathematics), which
is a protocol for exchanging mainly mathematical objects
between processes.
In @b{OpenXM} a distributed computation is done as follows:

@item client $B$,(B server $B$KBP$7$F7W;;<B9T0MMj$N%a%C%;!<%8$rAw$k(B. 
@item server $B$,7W;;$r<B9T$9$k(B. 
@item client $B$,(B server $B$K7k2LAwIU0MMj$N%a%C%;!<%8$rAw$k(B. 
@item server $B$O7k2L$rJV$7(B, client $B$O7k2L$r<u$1<h$k(B
@item A client requests something to a server.
@item The server does works according to the request.
@item The client requests to send data to the server.
@item The server sends the data to the client and the client gets the data.
@end enumerate

$B$H$$$&7A$GJ,;67W;;$,9T$o$l$k(B. server $B$O%9%?%C%/%^%7%s$G$"$k(B. $B$9$J$o$A(B,
client $B$+$iAw$i$l$?%G!<%?%*%V%8%'%/%H$O(B, $B;XDj$,$J$$8B$j(B server $B$N%9%?%C(B
$B%/$K@Q$^$l(B, $B%3%^%s%I$,Aw$i$l$?;~$K(B, $BI,MW$J$@$1%9%?%C%/$+$i%G!<%?$r<h$j=P(B
$B$7$F(B, $B4X?t8F$S=P$7$N0z?t$H$9$k(B. 
The server is a stack machine. That is data objects sent by the client
are pushed to the stack of the server. 
If the server gets a command, then the data are
popped form the stack and they are used as arguments of a function call.

@b{OpenXM} $B$K$*$$$FFCD'E*$J$3$H$O(B, $B7W;;7k2L$OC1$K(B server $B$N%9%?%C%/$K(B
$B@Q$^$l$k$@$1$G(B, client $B$+$i$N0MMj$,$J$$8B$j(B, $BDL?.O)$K%G!<%?$ON.$l$J$$(B

In @b{OpenXM}, the result of a computation done in the server
is simply pushed to the stack and the data is not written to
the communication stream without requests from the client.

$B%W%m%H%3%k$K$O(B, $B%*%V%8%'%/%H$N6&DL%U%)!<%^%C%H$r5,Dj(B
$B$9$k(B @b{CMO} (Common Mathematical Object format), $B%W%m%;%9$KBP$9$k(B
$BF0:n$r;XDj$9$k(B @b{SM} (Stack Machine command) $B$,4^$^$l$k(B. 
$B$3$l$i$O(B, $B%G!<%?$rAw$k:]$K(B, $B%G!<%?$N<oN`$r;XDj$9$k(B
$B$?$a$N(B @b{OX} expression $B$H$7$F%i%C%T%s%0$5$l$k(B. 

@b{OpenXM} $B$K$h$kJ,;67W;;$r9T$&>l9g$K$O(B, 
$B$^$:(B, server $B$rN)$A>e$2$F(B, $BDL?.$r@.N)$5$;$kI,MW$,$"$k(B. $B$3$N$?$a$K(B, 
@code{ox_launch()}, @code{ox_launch_nox()}, @code{ox_launch_generic()}
$B$J$I$N4X?t$,MQ0U$5$l$F$$$k(B. $B$5$i$K(B, $BDL?.$N@.N)$7$?(B server $B$KBP$7$F(B

@b{OpenXM} protocol consists of two components:
@b{CMO} (Common Mathematical Object format) which determines
a common format of data representations and
@b{SM} (StackMachine command) which specifies actions on servers.
These are wrapped as @b{OX} expressions to indicate the sort of
data when they are sent.

To execute a distributed computation by @b{OpenXM},
one has to invoke @b{OpenXM} servers and to establish communications
between the client and the servers. 
@code{ox_launch()}, @code{ox_launch_nox()}, @code{ox_launch_generic()}
are preprared for such purposes. Furthermore the following functions
are available.

@table @code
@item @code{ox_push_cmo()}

\JP $B%G!<%?$r(B server $B$N%9%?%C%/$K@Q$`(B
\EG It requests a server to push an object to the stack of a server.

@item @code{ox_pop_cmo()}
\JP $B%G!<%?$r(B server $B$N%9%?%C%/$+$i<h$j=P$9(B. 
\EG It request a server to pop an object from the stack of a server.

@item @code{ox_cmo_rpc()}

\JP server $B$N4X?t$r8F$S=P$7(B, $B7k2L$r%9%?%C%/$K@Q$`(B. 
It requests to execute a function on a server.
The result is pushed to the stack of the server.

@item @code{ox_execute_string()}

server $B8GM-$N%f!<%68@8l(B (@b{Asir} $B$J$i(B Asir $B8@8l(B) $B$G=q$+$l$?J8;zNs$r(B
server $B$,<B9T$7(B, $B7k2L$r%9%?%C%/$K@Q$`(B. 
It requests a server to parse and execute a string 
by the parser and the evaluater of the server.
The result is pushed to the stack of the server.

@item @code{ox_push_cmd()}

\JP @b{SM} $B%3%^%s%I$NAw?.(B. 
\EG It requests a server to execute a command.

@item @code{ox_get()}

\JP $B4{$KDL?.O)$K$"$k%G!<%?$N<h$j=P$7(B. 
\EG It gets an object from a data stream.
@end table

\JP @node Mathcap,,, $BJ,;67W;;(B
\EG @node Mathcap,,, Distributed computation
@section Mathcap

server, client $B$H$b$K(B, @b{OpenXM} $B$G5,Dj$5$l$F$$$kA4$F$N(B@b{CMO} $B%U%)!<(B
$B%^%C%H(B, @b{SM} $B%3%^%s%I$r<BAu$7$F$$$k$H$O8B$i$J$$(B. $BAj<j$NCN$i$J$$%G!<%?(B, 
$B%3%^%s%I$rAw$C$?>l9g(B, $B8=>u$G$O7k2L$OM=A[$G$-$J$$(B. $B$3$N$?$a(B, @b{OpenXM} 
$B$G$O(B, $B$"$i$+$8$a8_$$$N%5%]!<%H$9$k(B @b{CMO}, @b{SM} $B$N%j%9%H$r8r49$7$"$C$F(B, 
$BAj<j$NCN$i$J$$%G!<%?$rAw$i$J$$$h$&$K$9$k;EAH$_$rDs>'$7$F$$$k(B. $B$3$N$?$a$N(B
$B%G!<%?$,(B Mathcap $B$G$"$k(B. Mathcap $B$O(B @b{CMO} $B$H$7$F$O%j%9%H$G$"$j(B, $B$=$N(B
$BMWAG$O(B 32 bit $B@0?t$^$?$OJ8;zNs$G$"$k(B. $B8=:_$N5,Dj$G$O(B, Mathcap $B$O(B
$BD9$5$,(B 3 $B$N%j%9%H$G(B, 

[[version $BHV9f(B, server $BL>(B],@b{SM}taglist,[[@b{OX}tag,@b{CMO}taglist],

$B$H$$$&7A$r$7$F$$$k(B. [@b{OX}tag,@b{CMO}taglist] $B$O(B, 
@b{OX}tag $B$G<($5$l$k%+%F%4%j$N%G!<%?$KBP$7$F(B, $B$I$N$h$&$J(B @b{CMO} $B$,;HMQ2D(B
$BG=$+$r<($9$b$N$G$"$k(B. $B$3$N;XDj$rJ#?t5v$9$3$H$K$h$j(B, $BNc$($P(B 
@samp{ox_asir} $B$N$h$&$K(B, @b{CMO} $B%G!<%?0J30$K(B, @b{Asir} $B8GM-$N%G!<%?7A<0(B
$B$K$h$j(B, @b{CMO}$B$h$jB?$/$N<oN`$N%G!<%?Aw<u?.$r9T$($k$3$H$r<($;$k(B. 

$B%G!<%?Aw?.$N:]$K(B, $BAj<j%W%m%;%9$N(B Mathcap $B$,4{$KEPO?$5$l$F$$$k>l9g(B, 
Mathcap $B$K$h$k%A%'%C%/$r9T$&$+H]$+$O(B, 
@code{ctrl} $B%3%^%s%I$N(B @code{"ox_check"} $B%9%$%C%A$K$h$j7h$^$k(B. 
$B$3$N%9%$%C%A$N=i4|CM$O(B 1 $B$G(B, $B%A%'%C%/$r9T$&$3$H$r0UL#$9$k(B. 
@code{ctrl("ox_check",0)} $B$K$h$j%A%'%C%/$r9T$o$J$$$h$&$K$G$-$k(B. 
A server or a client does not necessarily implement full specifications
of @b{OpenXM}. If a program sends data unknown to its peer, an unrecoverable
error may occur. To avoid such a case @b{OpenXM} provides a scheme not
to send data unknown to peers. It is realized by exchanging the list of
supported @b{CMO} and @b{SM}. The list is called mathcap.
Mathcap is also defined as a @b{CMO} and the elements are 32bit integers
or strings.
The format of mathcap is as follows.

[[version number, server name],@b{SM}taglist,

[@b{OX}tag,@b{CMO}taglist] indicates that available object tags for
a category of data specified by @b{OX}tag.
For example @samp{ox_asir} accepts the local object format used by @b{Asir}
and the mathcap from @samp{ox_asir} reflects the fact.

If @code{"ox_check"} switch of @code{ctrl} is set to 1,
the check by a mathcap is done before data is sent.
If @code{"ox_check"} switch of @code{ctrl} is set to 0,
the check is not done.
By default it is set to 1.

@node $B%9%?%C%/%^%7%s%3%^%s%I(B,,, $BJ,;67W;;(B
@section $B%9%?%C%/%^%7%s%3%^%s%I(B
@node Stackmachine commands,,, Distributed computation
@section Stackmachine commands

$B%9%?%C%/%^%7%s%3%^%s%I$O(B, $B%9%?%C%/%^%7%s$G$"$k(B server $B$K2?$i$+$NA`:n$r9T(B
$B$o$;$k$?$a$KMQ0U$5$l$F$$$k(B. $B$$$/$D$+$N%3%^%s%I$O(B, $B$h$/MQ$$$i$l$k7A$G(B, $BB>(B
$B$N%3%^%s%I(B, $B%G!<%?$H$H$b$K(B, @b{Asir} $B$NAH$_9~$_4X?t$K$h$jAw$i$l$k$,(B, $B%f!<(B
$B%6$,L@<(E*$K$"$k%3%^%s%I$rAw$kI,MW$,$7$P$7$P@8$:$k(B. $B%9%?%C%/%^%7%s%3%^%s(B
$B%I$O(B 32 bit $B0J2<$N@0?t$G$"$j(B, @code{ox_push_cmd()} $B%3%^%s%I$GAw?.$G$-$k(B. 
$B0J2<$G(B, $BBeI=E*$J%9%?%C%/%^%7%s%3%^%s%I$K$D$$$F2r@b$9$k(B. @b{SM_xxx=yyy}
$B$G(B, @b{SM_xxx} $B$,(B mnemonic, @b{yyy} $B$,CM$G$"$k(B. 

$B0J2<$G(B, $B%9%?%C%/$+$i%G!<%?$r<h$j=P$9$H$O(B, $B%9%?%C%/$N0lHV>e$+$i%G!<%?$r(B

The stackmachine commands are provided to request a server to execute
various operations.
They are automatically sent by built-in functions of @b{Asir},
but one often has to send them manually. They are represented by
32bit integers. One can send them by calling @code{ox_push_cmd()}.
Typical stackmachine commands are as follows.
@b{SM_xxx=yyy} means that @b{SM_xxx} is a mnemonic and that
@b{yyy} is its value.

@table @b
@item SM_popSerializedLocalObject=258

server $B$,(B @samp{ox_asir} $B$N>l9g$K(B, $BI,$:$7$b(B @b{CMO} $B$GDj5A$5$l$F$$$J$$(B
$B%*%V%8%'%/%H$r%9%?%C%/$+$i<h$j=P$7(B, $BDL?.O)$KN.$9(B. 
An object not necessarily defined as @b{CMO} is popped from the stack
and is sent to the client. This is available only on @samp{ox_asir}.

@item SM_popCMO=262

\JP @b{CMO} $B%*%V%8%'%/%H$r%9%?%C%/$+$i<h$j=P$7(B, $BDL?.O)$KN.$9(B. 
\EG A @b{CMO} object is popped from the stack and is sent to the client.

@item SM_popString=263

\JP $B%9%?%C%/$+$i%G!<%?$r<h$j=P$7(B, $B2DFI7A<0$NJ8;zNs$KJQ49$7$FDL?.O)$KN.$9(B. 
\EG An object is popped from the stack and is sent to the client as a readable string.

@item SM_mathcap=264

\JP server $B$N(B mathcap $B$r%9%?%C%/$K@Q$`(B. 
\EG The server's mathcap is pushed to the stack.

@item SM_pops=265

$B%9%?%C%/$+$i<h$j=P$7$?%G!<%?$r8D?t$H$7$F(B, $B$=$N8D?tJ,%9%?%C%/$+$i(B
Objects are removed from the stack. The number of object to be removed
is specified by the object at the top of the stack.

@item SM_setName=266

$B%9%?%C%/$+$i%G!<%?$rJQ?tL>$H$7$F<h$j=P$7(B, $B<!$K<h$j=P$7$?%G!<%?$r$=$N(B
$BJQ?t$K3d$jEv$F$k(B. $B$3$N3d$jEv$F$O(B, server $B8GM-$N=hM}$H$7$F9T$o$l$k(B. 
A variable name is popped form the stack. Then an object is
popped and it is assigned to the variable. This assignment is done
by the local language of the server.

@item SM_evalName=267

\JP $B%9%?%C%/$+$i<h$j=P$7$?%G!<%?$rJQ?tL>$H$7$F(B, $B$=$NCM$r%9%?%C%/$K:\$;$k(B. 
A variable name is popped from the stack. 
Then the value of the variable is pushed to the stack.

@item SM_executeStringByLocalParser=268

$B%9%?%C%/$+$i<h$j=P$7$?%G!<%?$r(B, server $B8GM-$N(B parser, evaluator $B$G(B
$B=hM}$7(B, $B7k2L$r%9%?%C%/$K:\$;$k(B. 
A string popped from the stack is parsed and evaluated.
The result is pushed to the stack.

@item SM_executeFunction=269

$B%9%?%C%/$+$i(B, $B4X?tL>(B, $B0z?t$N8D?t(B, $B8D?tJ,$N0z?t$r<h$j=P$7(B, $B4X?t$r8F$S=P$7(B
A function name, the number of arguments and the arguments are
popped from the stack. Then the function is executed and the result
is pushed to the stack.

@item SM_beginBlock=270 
\JP $B%G!<%?%V%m%C%/$N$O$8$^$j(B. 
\EG It indicates the beginning of a block.

@item SM_endBlock=271
\JP $B%G!<%?%V%m%C%/$N=*$j(B. 
\EG It indicates the end of a block.

@item SM_shutdown=272

\JP server $B$H$N8r?.$r@ZCG$7(B, server $B$r=*N;$5$;$k(B. 
\EG It shuts down communications and terminates servers.

@item SM_setMathcap=273

\JP $B%9%?%C%/$N%G!<%?$r(B client $B$N(B mathcap $B$H$7$F(B, server $B$KEPO?$rMW5a$9$k(B. 
It requests a server to register the data at the top of the stack
as the client's mathcap.

@item SM_getsp=275

\JP $B8=:_%9%?%C%/$K@Q$^$l$F$$$k%G!<%?$N?t$r%9%?%C%/$K:\$;$k(B. 
\EG The number of objects in the current stack is pushed to the stack.

@item SM_dupErrors=276

$B8=:_%9%?%C%/$K@Q$^$l$F$$$k%*%V%8%'%/%H$NFb(B, $B%(%i!<%*%V%8%'%/%H$N$_(B
$B$r%j%9%H$K$7$F(B, $B%9%?%C%/$K:\$;$k(B. 
The list of all the error objects in the current stack is pushed to
the stack.

@item SM_nop=300

\JP $B$J$K$b$7$J$$(B. 
\EG Nothing is done.
@end table

@node $B%G%P%C%0(B,,, $BJ,;67W;;(B
@section $B%G%P%C%0(B
@node Debugging,,, Distributed computation
@section Debugging

$BJ,;67W;;$K$*$$$F$O(B, $B0lHL$K%G%P%C%0$,:$Fq$H$J$k(B. @samp{ox_asir} $B$K(B
$B$*$$$F$O(B, $B%G%P%C%0$N$?$a$N$$$/$D$+$N5!G=$rDs6!$7$F$$$k(B. 
In general, it is difficult to debug distributed computations.
@samp{ox_asir} provides several functions for debugging.

* $B%(%i!<%*%V%8%'%/%H(B::
* $B%j%;%C%H(B::
* $B%G%P%C%0MQ%]%C%W%"%C%W%&%#%s%I%&(B::
* Error object::
* Resetting a server::
* Pop-up command window for debugging::
@end menu

@node $B%(%i!<%*%V%8%'%/%H(B,,, $B%G%P%C%0(B
@subsection $B%(%i!<%*%V%8%'%/%H(B
@node Error object,,, Debugging
@subsection Error object

@b{OpenXM} server $B$,<B9TCf$K%(%i!<$r5/$3$7$?>l9g(B, $B7k2L$N$+$o$j$K(B
@b{CMO} $B%(%i!<%*%V%8%'%/%H$r%9%?%C%/$K@Q$`(B. $B%(%i!<%*%V%8%'%/%H$O(B, $BBP1~$9$k(B
@b{SM} $B%3%^%s%I$N%7%j%"%kHV9f$H(B, $B%(%i!<%a%C%;!<%8$+$i$J$j(B, $B$=$l$K$h$C$F(B
$B$I$N(B @b{SM} $B%3%^%s%I$,$I$N$h$&$J%(%i!<$r5/$3$7$?$,$"$kDxEYH=L@$9$k(B. 
When an error has occurred on an @b{OpenXM} server,
an error object is pushed to the stack instead of a result of the computation.
The error object consists of the serial number of the @b{SM} command
which caused the error, and an error message.

[340] ox_launch();
[341] ox_rpc(0,"fctr",1.2*x);
[342] ox_pop_cmo(0);
error([8,fctrp : invalid argument])
@end example

@node $B%j%;%C%H(B,,, $B%G%P%C%0(B
@subsection $B%j%;%C%H(B
@node Resetting a server,,, Debugging
@subsection Resetting a server

@code{ox_reset()} $B$O8=:_<B9TCf$N(B server $B$r%j%;%C%H$7$F(B, $B%3%^%s%I<u$1IU$1(B
$B>uBV$KLa$9(B. $B$3$N5!G=$O(B, $BDL>o$N(B @b{Asir} $B%;%C%7%g%s$K$*$1$k%-!<%\!<%I3d$j9~$_(B
$B$H$[$\F1MM$K(B, @b{OpenXM} server $B$r%j%;%C%H$G$-$k(B. $B$^$?(B, $B2?$i$+$N860x$G(B, 
$BDL?.O)$N%G!<%?$,:\$C$?$^$^$N>uBV$G(B @code{ox_rpc()} $B$J$I$r<B9T$9$k$H(B, 
@code{ox_pop_cmo()} $B$J$I(B, $B%9%?%C%/$+$i$N<h$j=P$7$H(B, $B<B:]$KFI$^$l$k%G!<%?(B
$B$NBP1~$,IT@5$K$J$k(B. $B$=$N$h$&$J>l9g$K$bM-8z$G$"$k(B. 

@code{ox_reset()} resets a process whose identifier is @var{number}.
After its execution the process is ready for receiving data.
This function corresponds to the keyboard interrupt on an usual @b{Asir}
session. It often happens that a request of a client does not correspond
correctly to the result from a server. It is caused by remaining data
on data streams. @code{ox_reset} is effective for such cases.

@node $B%G%P%C%0MQ%]%C%W%"%C%W%&%#%s%I%&(B,,, $B%G%P%C%0(B
@subsection $B%G%P%C%0MQ%]%C%W%"%C%W%&%#%s%I%&(B
@node Pop-up command window for debugging,,, Debugging
@subsection Pop-up command window for debugging

server $B$K$O(B, client $B$K$*$1$k%-!<%\!<%I$KAjEv$9$kF~NO5!G=$,$J$$$?$a(B,
server $BB&$GF0:n$7$F$$$k%f!<%68@8l%W%m%0%i%`$N%G%P%C%0$,:$Fq$K$J$k(B. $B$3$N(B
$B$?$a(B, server $BB&$G$N%f!<%68@8l%W%m%0%i%`<B9TCf$N%(%i!<$*$h$S(B, client $B$+$i(B
$B$N(B @code{ox_rpc(@var{id},"debug")} $B<B9T$K$h$j(B, server $B$K%G%P%C%0%3%^%s%I(B
$B$rF~NO$9$k$?$a$N>.$5$J%&%#%s%I%&$,%]%C%W%"%C%W$9$k(B. $B$3$N%&%#%s%I%&$+$i$N(B
$BF~NO$KBP$9$k=PNO$O(B, log $BMQ$N(B @samp{xterm} $B$KI=<($5$l$k(B. $B$3$N%&%#%s%I%&$r(B
$BJD$8$k$K$O(B, @code{quit} $B$rF~NO$9$l$P$h$$(B. 
As a server does not have any standard input device such as a keyboard,
it is difficult to debug user programs running on the server.
@samp{ox_asir} pops up a small command window to input debug commands
when an error has occurred during user a program execution or
@code{ox_rpc(@var{id},"debug")} has been executed.
The responses to commands are shown in @samp{xterm} to display
standard outputs from the server. To close the small window,
input @code{quit}.

@node $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B,,, $BJ,;67W;;(B
@section $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B
@node Functions for distributed computation,,, Distributed computation
@section Functions for distributed computation

* ox_launch ox_launch_nox ox_shutdown::
* ox_launch_generic::
* ox_asir::
* ox_rpc ox_cmo_rpc ox_execute_string::
* ox_push_cmo ox_push_local::
* ox_pop_cmo ox_pop_local::
* ox_push_cmd ox_sync::
* ox_get::
* ox_pops::
* ox_reset ox_intr register_handler::
* ox_select::
* ox_flush::
* ox_get_serverinfo::
* generate_port try_bind_listen try_connect try_accept register_server::
* ifplot conplot plot plotover::
@end menu

\JP @node ox_launch ox_launch_nox ox_shutdown,,, $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B
\EG @node ox_launch ox_launch_nox ox_shutdown,,, Functions for distributed computation
@subsection @code{ox_launch}, @code{ox_launch_nox}, @code{ox_shutdown}
@findex ox_launch
@findex ox_launch_nox
@findex ox_shutdown

@table @t
@item ox_launch([@var{host}[,@var{dir}],@var{command}])
@itemx ox_launch_nox([@var{host}[,@var{dir}],@var{command}])
\JP :: $B1s3V%W%m%;%9$N5/F0$*$h$SDL?.$r3+;O$9$k(B. 
\EG :: Initialize OpenXM servers.
@item ox_shutdown(@var{id})
\JP :: $B1s3V%W%m%;%9$r=*N;$5$;(B, $BDL?.$r=*N;$9$k(B. 
\EG :: Terminates OpenXM servers.
@end table

@table @var
@item return
\JP $B@0?t(B
\EG integer
@item host
\JP $BJ8;zNs$^$?$O(B 0
\EG string or 0
@item dir, command
\JP $BJ8;zNs(B
\EG string
@item id
\JP $B@0?t(B
\EG integer
@end table

@itemize @bullet
@code{ox_launch()} $B$O(B, $B%[%9%H(B @var{host} $B>e$G%3%^%s%I(B @var{command} $B$r5/F0$7(B, 
$B0z?t$,(B 3 $B$D$N>l9g(B, @var{host} $B>e$G(B, 
@var{dir} $B$K$"$k(B @samp{ox_launch} $B$H$$$&%5!<%P5/F0MQ%W%m%0%i%`$rN)$A>e$2$k(B.
@samp{ox_launch} $B$O(B @var{command} $B$r5/F0$9$k(B. 
@var{host} $B$,(B 0 $B$N;~(B, @b{Asir} $B$,F0:n$7$F$$$k(B
$BL50z?t$N>l9g(B, @var{host} $B$O(B 0, @var{dir} $B$O(B @code{get_rootdir()} 
$B$GJV$5$l$k%G%#%l%/%H%j(B, @var{command} $B$OF1$8%G%#%l%/%H%j$N(B @samp{ox_asir}

@var{host} $B$,(B 0, $B$9$J$o$A%5!<%P$r(B local $B$K5/F0$9$k>l9g$K$O(B, @var{dir}
$B$r>JN,$G$-$k(B. $B$3$N>l9g(B, @var{dir} $B$O(B @code{get_rootdir()} $B$GJV$5$l$k(B

@var{command} $B$,(B @samp{/} $B$G;O$^$kJ8;zNs$N>l9g(B, $B@dBP%Q%9$H2r<a$5$l$k(B. 
$B$=$l0J30$N>l9g(B, @var{dir} $B$+$i$NAjBP%Q%9$H2r<a$5$l$k(B. 

UNIX $BHG$K$*$$$F$O(B, @code{ox_launch()} $B$O(B, @var{command} $B$NI8=`=PNO(B, $BI8=`(B
$B%(%i!<=PNO$rI=<($9$k$?$a$N(B @samp{xterm} $B$r5/F0$9$k(B. 
@code{ox_launch_nox()} $B$O(B, @code{X} $B$J$7$N4D6-$N>l9g(B, $B$"$k$$$O(B @samp{xterm}
$B$r5/F0$;$:$K%5!<%P$rN)$A>e$2$k>l9g$KMQ$$$k(B. $B$3$N>l9g(B, 
@var{command} $B$N=PNO$O(B @samp{/dev/null} $B$K@\B3$5$l$k(B. 
@code{ox_launch()} $B$N>l9g$G$b(B, $B4D6-JQ?t(B @code{DISPLAY} $B$,@_Dj$5$l$F$$$J$$(B
$B>l9g$K$O(B, @code{ox_launch_nox()} $B$HF1$8F0:n$r$9$k(B. 


@b{Asir} $B$HDL?.$9$k%W%m%;%9$OF10l$N%^%7%s>e$GF0:n$7$F$$$kI,MW$O$J$$(B. $B$^(B
$B$?(B, $BDL?.$K$*$1$k%P%$%H%*!<%@$O(B server, client $B4V$G$N:G=i$N(B negotiation 
$B$G7h$^$k$?$a(B, $BAj<j@h$N%^%7%s$H%P%$%H%*!<%@$,0[$J$C$F$$$F$b9=$o$J$$(B.

@var{host} $B$K%^%7%sL>$r;XDj$9$k>l9g(B, $B0J2<$N=`Hw$,I,MW$G$"$k(B. 
$B$3$3$G(B, @b{Asir} $B$NF0$$$F$$$k%[%9%H$r(B @code{A}, $BDL?.Aj<j$N%W%m%;%9(B
$B$,5/F0$5$l$k%[%9%H$r(B @code{B} $B$H$9$k(B. 

$B%[%9%H(B @code{B} $B$N(B @samp{~/.rhosts} $B$K(B, $B%[%9%H(B @code{A} $B$N%[%9%H(B

@samp{ox_plot} $B$J$I(B, @code{X} $B$H$N%3%M%/%7%g%s$bMQ$$$i$l$k>l9g(B, 
@code{Xserver} $B$KBP$7(B, $BI,MW$J%[%9%H$r(B authorize $B$5$;$k(B. 
@code{xhost} $B$GI,MW$J%[%9%HL>$rDI2C$9$l$P$h$$(B. 

@var{command} $B$K$h$C$F$O(B, $B%9%?%C%/$rBgNL$K;HMQ$9$k(B
$B$b$N$b$"$k$?$a(B, @samp{.cshrc} $B$G%9%?%C%/%5%$%:$rBg$-$a(B (16MB $BDxEY(B) $B$K(B
$B;XDj$7$F$*$/$N$,0BA4$G$"$k(B. $B%9%?%C%/%5%$%:$O(B @code{limit stacksize 16m}
@end enumerate

@var{command} $B$,(B, X $B>e$K%&%$%s%I%&$r3+$1$k>l9g(B, 
@var{display}$B$,;XDj$5$l$l$P$=$NJ8;zNs$r(B, $B>JN,;~$K$O4D6-JQ?t(B 
@code{DISPLAY} $B$NCM$rMQ$$$k(B. 

$B4D6-JQ?t(B @code{ASIR_RSH} $B$,%;%C%H$5$l$F$$$k>l9g(B, $B%5!<%P$NN)$A>e$2%W%m%0%i%`(B
$B$H$7$F(B@samp{rsh} $B$NBe$o$j$K$3$NJQ?t$NCM$,MQ$$$i$l$k(B. $BNc$($P(B, 

% setenv ASIR_RSH "ssh -f -X -A "
@end example

$B$K$h$j(B, $B%5!<%P$NN)$A>e$2$K(B @samp{ssh} $B$,MQ$$$i$l(B, 
X11 $B$NDL?.$,(B forwarding $B$5$l$k(B. $B>\$7$/$O(B @samp{ssh} $B$N%^%K%e%"%k$r(B

@code{ox_shutdown()} $B$O<1JL;R(B @var{id} $B$KBP1~$9$k1s3V%W%m%;%9(B

@b{Asir} $B$,@5>o$7$?>l9g$K$OA4$F$NF~=PNO%9%H%j!<%`$O<+F0E*$KJD$8$i$l(B, 
$B5/F0$5$l$F$$$k%W%m%;%9$OA4$F=*N;$9$k$,(B, $B0[>o=*N;$7$?>l9g(B, $B1s3V%W%m%;%9(B
$B$,=*N;$7$J$$>l9g$b$"$k(B. @b{Asir} $B$,0[>o=*N;$7$?>l9g(B, $B1s3V%W%m%;%9$r(B
$B5/F0$7$?%^%7%s>e$G(B @code{ps} $B$J$I$r5/F0$7$F(B, $B$b$7(B @b{Asir} $B$+$i5/F0(B
$B$7$?%W%m%;%9$,;D$C$F$$$k>l9g(B, @code{kill} $B$9$kI,MW$,$"$k(B. 

log $BI=<(MQ(B @samp{xterm} $B$O(B @samp{-name ox_term} $B%*%W%7%g%s$G5/F0$5$l$k(B. 
$B$h$C$F(B, @samp{ox_term} $B$J$k%j%=!<%9L>$KBP$7$F(B @samp{xterm} $B$N%j%=!<%9@_Dj(B
$B$r9T$($P(B, log $BMQ(B @samp{xterm} $B$N5sF0$N$_$rJQ$($k$3$H$,$G$-$k(B. 

@end example

$B$K$h$j(B, icon $B$G5/F0(B, scrollbar $B$D$-(B, scrollbar $B$G;2>H$G$-$k9T?t(B
$B$,:GBg(B 1000 $B9T(B, $B$H$$$&;XDj$,$G$-$k(B. 


Function @code{ox_launch()} invokes a process to execute @var{command}
on a host @var{host} and enables @b{Asir} to communicate with that
If the number of arguments is 3, @samp{ox_launch} in @var{dir} 
is invoked on @var{host}. Then @samp{ox_launch} invokes @var{command}.
If @var{host} is equal to 0, all the commands are invoked
on the same machine as the @b{Asir} is running.
If no arguments are specified, @var{host}, @var{dir} and @var{command}
are regarded as 0, the value of @code{get_rootdir()} and @samp{ox_asir} in 
the same directory respectively.

If @var{host} is equal to 0, then @var{dir} can be omitted.
In such a case @var{dir} is regarded as the value of @code{get_rootdir()}.

If @var{command} begins with @samp{/}, it is regarded as an absolute
pathname. Otherwise it is regarded as a relative pathname from

On UNIX, @code{ox_launch()} invokes @samp{xterm} to display
standard outputs from @var{command}.
If @code{X11} is not available or one wants to invoke servers without
@samp{xterm}, use @code{ox_launch_nox()}, where the outputs of
@var{command} are redirected to @samp{/dev/null}.
If the environment variable @code{DISPLAY} is not set,
@code{ox_launch()} and @code{ox_launch_nox()} behave identically.

The returned value is used as the identifier for communication.

The peers communicating with @b{Asir} are not necessarily processes
running on the same machine.
The communication will be successful even if
the byte order is different from those of the peer processes,
because the byte order for the communication is determined
by a negotiation between a client and a server.

The following preparations are necessary.
Here, Let @code{A} be the host on which @b{Asir} is running, and
@code{B} the host on which the peer process will run.

Register the hostname of the host @code{A} to the @samp{~/.rhosts} of
the host @code{B}.
That is, you should be allowed to access the host @code{B} from @code{A}
without supplying a password.

For cases where connection to @code{X} is also used,
let @code{Xserver} authorize the relevant hosts.
Adding the hosts can be done by command @code{xhost}.

If an environment variable @code{ASIR_RSH} is set,
the content of this variable is used as a promgram to invoke 
remote servers instead of @var{rsh}. For example,

% setenv ASIR_RSH "ssh -f -X -A "
@end example

implies that remote servers are invoked by @samp{ssh} and that
X11 forwarding is enabled. See the manual of @samp{ssh} for the detail.

Some @var{command}'s consume much stack space.  You are recommended
to set the stack size to about 16MB large in @samp{.cshrc} for safe.
To specify the size, put @code{limit stacksize 16m} for an example.
@end enumerate

When @var{command} opens a window on @code{X},
it uses the string specified for @var{display};
if the specification is omitted, it uses the value set for the
environment variable @code{DISPLAY}.

@code{ox_shutdown()} terminates OpenXM servers whose identifier
is @var{id}.

When @b{Asir} is terminated successfully, all I/O streams are
automatically closed, and all the processes invoked are also terminated.
However, some remote processes may not terminated when @b{Asir}
is terminated abnormally.
If ever @b{Asir} is terminated abnormally, you have to kill all the
unterminated process invoked by @b{Asir} on every remote host.
Check by @code{ps} command on the remote hosts to see if such processed
are alive.

@samp{xterm} for displaying the outputs from @var{command} is
invoked with @samp{-name ox_term} option. Thus, by
specifying resources for the resource name @samp{ox_term},
only the behaviour of the @samp{xterm} can be customized.

/* iconify on start */
/* activate the scroll bar */
/* 1000 lines can be shown by the scrollbar */
@end example
@end itemize

[219] ox_launch();
[220] ox_rpc(0,"fctr",x^10-y^10);      
[221] ox_pop_local(0);
[222] ox_shutdown(0);    
@end example

@table @t
\JP @item $B;2>H(B
\EG @item References
@fref{ox_rpc ox_cmo_rpc ox_execute_string},
@fref{ox_pop_cmo ox_pop_local},
@fref{ifplot conplot plot plotover}
@end table

\JP @node ox_launch_generic,,, $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B
\EG @node ox_launch_generic,,, Functions for distributed computation
@subsection @code{ox_launch_generic}
@findex ox_launch_generic

@table @t
@item ox_launch_generic(@var{host},@var{launch},@var{server},@var{use_unix},@var{use_ssh},@var{use_x},@var{conn_to_serv})
\JP :: $B1s3V%W%m%;%9$N5/F0$*$h$SDL?.$r3+;O$9$k(B. 
\EG :: Initialize OpenXM servers.
@end table

@table @var
@item return
\JP $B@0?t(B
\EG integer
@item host
\JP $BJ8;zNs$^$?$O(B 0
\EG string or 0
@item launcher, server
\JP $BJ8;zNs(B
\EG string
@item use_unix, use_ssh, use_x, conn_to_serv
\JP $B@0?t(B
\EG integer
@end table

@itemize @bullet
@code{ox_launch_generic()} $B$O(B, 
$B%[%9%H(B @var{host} $B>e$G(B, $B%3%s%H%m!<%k%W%m%;%9(B @var{launch} $B$*$h$S(B
$B%5!<%P%W%m%;%9(B @var{server} $B$r5/F0$9$k(B. $B$=$NB>$N0z?t$O(B, $B;HMQ$9$k(B
protocol $B$N<oN`(B, X $B$N;HMQ(B/$BIT;HMQ(B, rsh/ssh $B$K$h$k%W%m%;%95/F0(B, connect

@var{host} $B$,(B 0 $B$N>l9g(B, @b{Asir} $B$,F0:n$7$F$$$k%^%7%s>e$K(B, @var{launch},
@var{server} $B$rN)$A>e$2$k(B. $B$3$N>l9g(B, @var{use_unix} $B$NCM$K$+$+$o$i$:(B, 
UNIX internal protocol $B$,MQ$$$i$l$k(B. 

@var{use_unix} $B$,(B 1 $B$N>l9g(B, UNIX internal protocol $B$rMQ$$$k(B. 0 $B$N>l9g(B, 
Internet protocol $B$rMQ$$$k(B. 

@var{use_ssh} $B$,(B 1 $B$N>l9g(B, @samp{ssh} (Secure Shell) $B$K$h$j%3%s%H%m!<%k(B, 
$B%5!<%P%W%m%;%9$rN)$A>e$2$k(B. @samp{ssh-agent} $B$J$I$rMxMQ$7$F$$$J>l9g(B, 
$BAj<j@h$G(B @samp{sshd} $B$,F0$$$F$$$J$$>l9g(B, $B<+F0E*$K(B @samp{rsh} $B$,MQ$$$i$l$k$,(B, 
$B%Q%9%o!<%I$,I,MW$H$J$k>l9g$K$O(B, $B$=$N>l$G5/F0$K<:GT$9$k(B. 

@var{use_x} $B$,(B 1 $B$N>l9g(B, X $B>e$G$NF0:n$r2>Dj$7(B, $B@_Dj$5$l$F$$$k(B DISPLAY$BJQ(B
$B?t$rMQ$$$F(B, log $BI=<(MQ(B @samp{xterm} $B$N$b$H$G(B @var{server} $B$,5/F0$5$l(B
$B$k(B. DISPLAY $BJQ?t$,%;%C%H$5$l$F$$$J$$>l9g$K$O(B, $B<+F0E*$K(B X $B$J$7$N@_Dj$H$J(B
$B$k(B. DISPLAY $B$,ITE,@Z$K%;%C%H$5$l$F$$$k>l9g$K$O(B, $B%3%s%H%m!<%k(B, $B%5!<%P$,%O(B

@var{conn_to_serv} $B$,(B 1 $B$N>l9g(B, @b{Asir} (client) $B$,@8@.$7$?%]!<%H$K(B
$BBP$7(B, client $B$,(B bind,listen $B$7(B, $B5/F0$5$l$?%W%m%;%9$,(B connect $B$9$k(B. 
@var{conn_to_serv} $B$,(B 0 $B$N>l9g(B, $B5/F0$5$l$?%W%m%;%9$,(B bind, listen $B$7(B, 
client $B$,(B connect $B$9$k(B. 

@code{ox_launch_generic()} invokes a control process @var{launch}
and a server process @var{server} on @var{host}. The other arguments
are switches for protocol family selection, on/off of the X environment,
method of process invocation and selection of connection type.

If @var{host} is equal to 0, processes
are invoked on the same machine as the @b{Asir} is running.
In this case UNIX internal protocol is always used.

If @var{use_unix} is equal to 1, UNIX internal protocol is used.
If @var{use_unix} is equal to 0, Internet protocol is used.

If @var{use_ssh} is equal to 1,@samp{ssh} (Secure Shell) 
is used to invoke processes. If one does not use @samp{ssh-agent},
a password (passphrase) is required.
If @samp{sshd} is not running on the target machine,
@samp{rsh} is used instead. But it will immediately fail
if a password is required.

If @var{use_x} is equal to 1, it is assumed that X environment
is available. In such a case @var{server} is invoked under 
@samp{xterm} by using the current @code{DISPLAY} variable.
If @code{DISPLAY} is not set, it is invoked without X.
Note that the processes will hang up if @code{DISPLAY} is incorrectly set.

If @var{conn_to_serv} is equal to 1, @b{Asir} (client)
executes @code{bind} and @code{listen}, and the invoked processes execute
If @var{conn_to_serv} is equal to 0, @b{Asir} (client)
the invoked processes execute @code{bind} and @code{listen}, and
the client executes @code{connect}.
@end itemize

[342] LIB=get_rootdir();
[343] ox_launch_generic(0,LIB+"/ox_launch",LIB+"/ox_asir",0,0,0,0);
[344] ox_launch_generic(0,LIB+"/ox_launch",LIB+"/ox_asir",1,0,0,0);
[345] ox_launch_generic(0,LIB+"/ox_launch",LIB+"/ox_asir",1,1,0,0);
[346] ox_launch_generic(0,LIB+"/ox_launch",LIB+"/ox_asir",1,1,1,0);
[347] ox_launch_generic(0,LIB+"/ox_launch",LIB+"/ox_asir",1,1,1,1);
[348] ox_launch_generic(0,LIB+"/ox_launch",LIB+"/ox_asir",1,1,0,1);
@end example

@table @t
\JP @item $B;2>H(B
\EG @item References
@fref{ox_launch ox_launch_nox ox_shutdown}, @fref{ox_launch_generic}
@end table

\JP @node generate_port try_bind_listen try_connect try_accept register_server,,, $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B
\EG @node generate_port try_bind_listen try_connect try_accept register_server,,, Functions for distributed computation
@subsection @code{generate_port}, @code{try_bind_listen}, @code{try_connect}, @code{try_accept}, @code{register_server}
@findex generate_port
@findex try_bind_listen
@findex try_connect
@findex try_accept
@findex register_server

@table @t
@item generate_port([@var{use_unix}])
\JP :: port $B$N@8@.(B
\EG :: Generates a port number.
@itemx try_bind_listen(@var{port})
\JP :: port $B$KBP$7$F(B bind, listen
\EG :: Binds and listens on a port.
@itemx try_connect(@var{host},@var{port})
\JP :: port $B$KBP$7$F(B connect
\EG :: Connects to a port.
@itemx try_accept(@var{socket},@var{port})
\JP :: connect $BMW5a$r(B accept
\EG :: Accepts a connection request.
@itemx register_server(@var{control_socket},@var{control_port},@var{server_socket},@var{server_port})
\JP :: connection $B$N@.N)$7$?(B control socket, server socket $B$NEPO?(B
\EG :: Registers the sockets for which connections are established.
@end table

@table @var
@item return
\JP @code{generate_port()} $B$N$_@0?t$^$?$OJ8;zNs(B. $B$=$NB>$O@0?t(B. 
\EG integer or string for @code{generate_port()}, integer for the others
@item use_unix
\JP 0 $B$^$?$O(B 1
\EG 0 or 1
@item host
\JP $BJ8;zNs(B
\EG string
@item port,control_port,server_port
\JP $B@0?t$^$?$OJ8;zNs(B
\EG integer or string
@item socket,control_socket,server_socket
\JP $B@0?t(B
\EG integer
@end table

@itemize @bullet
$B$3$l$i$N4X?t$O(B, $B1s3V%W%m%;%9$HDL?.$r@.N)$5$;$k$?$a$N%W%j%_%F%#%V$G$"$k(B. 

@code{generate_port()} $B$ODL?.$N$?$a$N(B port $B$r@8@.$9$k(B. $BL50z?t$"$k$$$O(B
$B0z?t$,(B 0 $B$N>l9g(B, Internet domain $B$N(B socket $B$N$?$a$N(B port $BHV9f(B, $B$=$l(B
$B0J30$N>l9g$K$O(B, UNIX domain (host-internal protocol) $B$N$?$a$N(B, $B%U%!%$%kL>(B
$B$r@8@.$9$k(B. port $BHV9f$O(B random $B$K@8@.$5$l$k$,(B, $B$=$N(B port $B$,;HMQCf$G$J$$(B

@code{try_bind_listen()} $B$O(B, $BM?$($i$l$?(B port $B$KBP$7(B, $B$=$N(B protocol $B$K(B
$BBP1~$7$?(B socket $B$r@8@.$7(B, bind, listen $B$9$k(B. $B@.8y$7$?>l9g(B, 
socket $B<1JL;R$rJV$9(B. $B<:GT$7$?>l9g(B, -1 $B$,JV$k(B. 

@code{try_connect()} $B$O(B, $B%[%9%H(B @var{host} $B$N(B port @var{port} $B$KBP$7(B
connect $B$r;n$_$k(B. $B@.8y$7$?>l9g(B, socket $B<1JL;R$rJV$9(B. $B<:GT$7$?>l9g(B -1 $B$,JV$k(B. 

@code{try_accept()} $B$O(B, @var{socket} $B$KBP$9$k(B connect $BMW5a$r(B accept
$B$7(B, $B?7$?$K@8@.$5$l$?(B socket $B$rJV$9(B. $B<:GT$7$?>l9g(B -1 $B$,JV$k(B. 
$B$$$:$l$N>l9g$K$b(B, @var{socket} $B$O<+F0E*$K(B close $B$5$l$k(B.
$B0z?t(B @var{port} $B$O(B, @var{socket} $B$N(B protocol $B$rH=JL$9$k$?$a$KM?$($k(B. 

@code{register_server()} $B$O(B, control, server $B$=$l$>$l$N(B socket $B$r(B
$B0lAH$K$7$F(B, server list $B$KEPO?$7(B, @code{ox_push_cmo()} $B$J$I$GMQ$$$k(B

$B1s3V%W%m%;%9$N5/F0$O(B, @code{shell()} $B$^$?$O<jF0$G9T$&(B. 
These functions are primitives to establish communications between
a client and servers.

@code{generate_port()} generates a port name for communication.
If the argument is not specified or equal to 0, a port number
for Internet domain socket is generated randomly. Otherwise
a file name for UNIX domain (host-internal protocol) is generated.
Note that it is not assured that the generated port is not in use.

@code{try_bind_listen()} creates a socket according to the protocol
family indicated by the given port and executes @code{bind} and @code{listen}.
It returns a socket identifier if it is successful. -1 indicates an error.

@code{try_connect()} tries to connect to a port @var{port} on 
a host @var{host}.
It returns a socket identifier if it is successful. -1 indicates an error.

@code{try_accept()} accepts a connection request to a socket @var{socket}.
It returns a new socket identifier if it is successful. -1 indicates an error.
In any case @var{socket} is automatically closed.
@var{port} is specified to distinguish the protocol family of @var{socket}.

@code{register_server()} registers a pair of a control socket and a server
socket. A process identifier indicating the pair is returned. 
The process identifier is used as an argument
of @code{ox} functions such as @code{ox_push_cmo()}.

Servers are invoked by using @code{shell()}, or manually.
@end itemize

[340] CPort=generate_port();
[341] SPort=generate_port();
[342] CSocket=try_bind_listen(CPort);
[343] SSocket=try_bind_listen(SPort);

\JP $B$3$3$G(B, ox_launch $B$r5/F0(B :
\EG ox_launch is invoked here :
%  ox_launch "127.1" 0 39716 37043 ox_asir "shio:0"

[344] CSocket=try_accept(CSocket,CPort);
[345] SSocket=try_accept(SSocket,SPort);  
[346] register_server(CSocket,CPort,SSocket,SPort);
@end example

@table @t
\JP @item $B;2>H(B
\EG @item References
@fref{ox_launch ox_launch_nox ox_shutdown},
@fref{ox_launch_generic}, @fref{shell}, @fref{ox_push_cmo ox_push_local}
@end table

\JP @node ox_asir,,, $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B
\EG @node ox_asir,,, Functions for distributed computation
@subsection @samp{ox_asir}

@samp{ox_asir} $B$O(B, @b{Asir} $B$N$[$\A4$F$N5!G=$r(B @b{OpenXM} $B%5!<%P(B
@samp{ox_asir} $B$O(B, @code{ox_launch} $B$^$?$O(B @code{ox_launch_nox} $B$G(B
$B5/F0$9$k(B. $B8e<T$O(B X $B4D6-$rMQ$$$J$$>l9g$N$?$a$KMQ0U$5$l$F$$$k(B. 
@samp{ox_asir} provides almost all the functionalities of @b{Asir} as
an @b{OpenXM} server.
@samp{ox_asir} is invoked by @code{ox_launch} or @code{ox_launch_nox}.
If X environment is not available or is not necessary, one can use

[5] ox_launch();
@end example

[5] ox_launch_nox("","/usr/local/lib/asir","/usr/local/lib/asir/ox_asir");
@end example

[7] RemoteLibDir = "/usr/local/lib/asir/"$
[8] Machines = ["sumire","rokkaku","genkotsu","shinpuku"];
[9] Servers = map(ox_launch,Machines,RemoteLibDir,RemoteLibDir+"ox_asir");
@end example

@table @t
\JP @item $B;2>H(B
\EG @item References
@fref{ox_launch ox_launch_nox ox_shutdown}
@end table

\JP @node ox_rpc ox_cmo_rpc ox_execute_string,,, $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B
\EG @node ox_rpc ox_cmo_rpc ox_execute_string,,, Functions for distributed computation
@subsection @code{ox_rpc}, @code{ox_cmo_rpc}, @code{ox_execute_string}
@findex ox_rpc
@findex ox_cmo_rpc
@findex ox_execute_string

@table @t
@item ox_rpc(@var{number},@code{"@var{func}"},@var{arg0},...)
@itemx ox_cmo_rpc(@var{number},@code{"@var{func}"},@var{arg0},...)
@itemx ox_execute_string(@var{number},@code{"@var{command}"},...)
\JP :: $B%W%m%;%9$NH!?t8F$S=P$7(B
\EG :: Calls a function on an OpenXM server
@end table

@table @var
@item return
@item number
\JP $B?t(B ($B%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B)
\EG integer (process identifier)
@item func
\JP $BH!?tL>(B
\EG function name
@item command
\JP $BJ8;zNs(B
\EG string
@item arg0, arg1, ...
\JP $BG$0U(B ($B0z?t(B)
\EG arbitrary (arguments)
@end table

@itemize @bullet
$B<1JL;R(B @var{number} $B$N%W%m%;%9$NH!?t$r8F$S=P$9(B. 

$BH!?t$N7W;;=*N;$rBT$?$:(B, $BD>$A$K(B 0 $B$rJV$9(B. 

@code{ox_rpc()} $B$O(B, $B%5!<%P$,(B @samp{ox_asir} $B$N>l9g$N$_MQ$$$k$3$H$,$G$-$k(B. 
$B$=$l0J30$N>l9g$O(B, @code{ox_cmo_rpc()} $B$rMQ$$$k(B. 

$BH!?t$,JV$9CM$O(B @code{ox_pop_local()}, @code{ox_pop_cmo()} $B$K$h$j<h$j=P$9(B. 

$B%5!<%P$,(B @samp{ox_asir} $B0J30$N$b$N(B ($BNc$($P(B Kan $B%5!<%P(B @samp{ox_sm1}$B$J$I(B)
$B$N>l9g$K$O(B, @b{Open_XM} $B%W%m%H%3%k$G%5%]!<%H$5$l$F$$$k%G!<%?$N$_$r(B

@code{ox_execute_string} $B$O(B, $BAw$C$?J8;zNs(B @var{command} $B$r%5!<%P$,<+$i$N(B
$B%f!<%68@8l%Q!<%6$G2r@O$7(B, $BI>2A$7$?7k2L$r%5!<%P$N%9%?%C%/$KCV$/$h$&$K(B

Calls a function on an @b{OpenXM} server whose identifier is @var{number}.

It returns 0 immediately. It does not wait the termination of the function

@code{ox_rpc()} can be used when the server is @samp{ox_asir}.
Otherwise @code{ox_cmo_rpc()} should be used.

The result of the function call is put on the stack of the server.
It can be received by @code{ox_pop_local()} or @code{ox_pop_cmo()}.

If the server is not @samp{ox_asir}, only data defined in
@b{OpenXM} can be sent.

@code{ox_execute_string} requests the server to parse and execute 
@var{command} by the parser and the evaluater of the server.
The result is pushed to the stack.
@end itemize

[234] ox_cmo_rpc(0,"dp_ht",dp_ptod((x+y)^10,[x,y]));
[235] ox_pop_cmo(0);
[236] ox_execute_string(0,"12345 % 678;");
[237] ox_pop_cmo(0);
@end example

@table @t
\JP @item $B;2>H(B
\EG @item References
@fref{ox_pop_cmo ox_pop_local}
@end table

\JP @node ox_reset ox_intr register_handler,,, $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B
\EG @node ox_reset ox_intr register_handler,,, Functions for distributed computation
@subsection @code{ox_reset},@code{ox_intr},@code{register_handler}
@findex ox_reset
@findex register_handler

@table @t
@item ox_reset(@var{number})
\JP :: $B%W%m%;%9$N%j%;%C%H(B
\EG :: Resets an OpenXM server
@item ox_intr(@var{number})
\JP :: $B%W%m%;%9$N$K(B @code{SIGINT} $BAwIU(B
\EG :: Sends @code{SIGINT} to an OpenXM server
@item register_handler(@var{func})
\JP :: $B%W%m%;%9$N%j%;%C%H$N$?$a$N4X?tEPO?(B
\EG :: Registers a function callable on a keyboard interrupt.
@end table

@table @var
@item return
@item number
\JP $B?t(B ($B%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B)
\EG integer(process identifier)
@item func
\JP $B4X?t;R$^$?$O(B 0
\EG functor or 0
@end table

@itemize @bullet
@code{ox_reset()} $B$O(B, $B<1JL;R(B @var{number} $B$N%W%m%;%9$r%j%;%C%H$7(B, $B%3%^%s(B

$B$=$N%W%m%;%9$,4{$K=q$-=P$7$?(B, $B$"$k$$$O8=:_=q$-=P$7Cf$N%G!<%?$,$"$k>l9g(B, 
$B$=$l$rA4ItFI$_=P$7(B, $B=PNO%P%C%U%!$r6u$K$7$?;~E@$GLa$k(B. 

$B;R%W%m%;%9$,(B RUN $B>uBV$N>l9g$G$b(B, $B3d$j9~$_$K$h$j6/@)E*$K7W;;$r=*N;$5$;$k(B. 

$BJ,;67W;;$r9T$&H!?t$N@hF,$G(B, $B;HMQ$9$k%W%m%;%9$KBP$7$F<B9T$9$k(B. $B$"$k$$$O(B

@code{ox_intr()} $B$O(B, $B<1JL;R(B @var{number} $B$N%W%m%;%9$r$KBP$7$F(B 
@code{SIGINT} $B$rAwIU$9$k(B. @code{SIGINT} $B$KBP$9$k%W%m%;%9$NF0:n$O(B
$B5,Dj$5$l$F$$$J$$$,(B, @samp{ox_asir} $B$N>l9g(B, $B$?$@$A$K(B debug mode $B$K(B
$BF~$k(B. X $B>e$GF0:n$7$F$$$k>l9g(B, $B%G%P%C%0%3%^%s%IF~NOMQ$N%&%#%s%I%&$,(B

@code{register_handler()} $B$O(B, @kbd{C-c} $B$J$I$K$h$k3d$j9~$_$N:]$K(B, 
@kbd{u} $B$r;XDj$9$k$3$H$G(B, $BL50z?t%f!<%6Dj5A4X?t(B @var{func()} $B$,8F$S=P$5$l$k(B
$B$h$&$K@_Dj$9$k(B. $B$3$N4X?t$K(B, @code{ox_reset()} $B$r8F$S=P$5$;$k$3$H$G(B, 
$B3d$j9~$_$N:]$K<+F0E*$K(B @b{OpenXM} server $B$N%j%;%C%H$r9T$&$3$H$,$G$-$k(B. 

@var{func} $B$K(B 0 $B$r;XDj$9$k$3$H$G(B, $B@_Dj$r2r=|$G$-$k(B. 

@code{ox_reset()} resets a process whose identifier is @var{number}.
After its execution the process is ready for receiving data.

After executing @code{ox_reset()}, sending/receiving buffers and
stream buffers are assured to be empty.

Even if a process is running, the execution is safely stopped.

@code{ox_reset()} may be used prior to a distirbuted computation.
It can be also used to interrupt a distributed computation.

@code{ox_intr()} sends @code{SIGINT} to a process whose identifier is
@var{number}. The action of a server against @code{SIGINT} is not
specified in @b{OpenXM}. @samp{ox_asir} immediately enters the debug
mode and pops up an window to input debug commands on X window system.

@code{register_handler()} registers a function @var{func()}.
If @kbd{u} is specified on a keybord interrupt, @var{func()}
is executed before returning the toplevel.
If @code{ox_reset()} calls are included in @var{func()},
one can automatically reset @b{OpenXM} servers on a keyboard interrupt.

If @var{func} is equal to 0, the setting is reset.
@end itemize

[10] ox_launch();
[11] ox_rpc(0,"fctr",x^100-y^100);
[12] ox_reset(0); /* xterm $B$N%&%#%s%I%&$K$O(B                             */
1                 /* usr1 : return to toplevel by SIGUSR1 $B$,I=<($5$l$k(B. */
[12] ox_reset(0); /* usr1 : return to toplevel by SIGUSR1 */
1                 /* is displayed on the xterm.           */
@end example

[340] Procs=[ox_launch(),ox_launch()];
[341] def reset() @{ extern Procs; map(ox_reset,Procs);@}
[342] map(ox_rpc,Procs,"fctr",x^100-y^100);
[343] register_handler(reset);
[344] interrupt ?(q/t/c/d/u/w/?) u
Abort this computation? (y or n) y
Calling the registered exception handler...done.
return to toplevel
@end example
@table @t
\JP @item $B;2>H(B
\EG @item References
@fref{ox_rpc ox_cmo_rpc ox_execute_string}
@end table

\JP @node ox_push_cmo ox_push_local,,, $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B
\EG @node ox_push_cmo ox_push_local,,, Functions for distributed computation
@subsection @code{ox_push_cmo}, @code{ox_push_local}
@findex ox_push_cmo
@findex ox_push_local

@table @t
@item ox_push_cmo(@var{number},@var{obj}) 
@itemx ox_push_local(@var{number},@var{obj}) 
\JP :: @var{obj} $B$r<1JL;R(B @var{number} $B$N%W%m%;%9$KAw?.(B
\EG :: Sends @var{obj} to a process whose identifier is @var{number}.
@end table

@table @var
@item return
@item number
\JP $B?t(B($B%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B)
\EG integer(process identifier)
@item obj
\JP $B%*%V%8%'%/%H(B
\EG object
@end table

@itemize @bullet
@item $B<1JL;R(B @var{number} $B$N%W%m%;%9$K(B @var{obj} $B$rAw?.$9$k(B. 
@item @code{ox_push_cmo} $B$O(B, Asir $B0J30$N(B @b{Open_XM} $B%5!<%P$KAw?.(B
@item @code{ox_push_local} $B$O(B, @samp{ox_asir}, @samp{ox_plot} $B$K(B
@item $B%P%C%U%!$,$$$C$Q$$$K$J$i$J$$8B$j(B, $B$?$@$A$KI|5"$9$k(B. 
Sends @var{obj} to a process whose identifier is @var{number}.

@code{ox_push_cmo} is used to send data to an @b{Open_XM} other
than @samp{ox_asir} and @samp{ox_plot}.

@code{ox_push_local} is used to send data to @samp{ox_asir} and @samp{ox_plot}.

The call immediately returns unless the stream buffer is full.
@end itemize

@table @t
\JP @item $B;2>H(B
\EG @item References
@fref{ox_rpc ox_cmo_rpc ox_execute_string},
@fref{ox_pop_cmo ox_pop_local}
@end table

\JP @node ox_pop_cmo ox_pop_local,,, $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B
\EG @node ox_pop_cmo ox_pop_local,,, Functions for distributed computation
@subsection @code{ox_pop_cmo}, @code{ox_pop_local}
@findex ox_pop_local
@findex ox_pop_cmo

@table @t
@item ox_pop_local(@var{number}) 
\JP :: $B%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B @var{number} $B$+$i%G!<%?$r<u?.$9$k(B. 
\EG :: Receives data from a process whose identifier is @var{number}.
@end table

@table @var
@item return
\JP $B<u?.%G!<%?(B
\EG received data
@item number
\JP $B?t(B ($B%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B)
\EG integer(process identifier)
@end table

@itemize @bullet
$B%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B @var{number} $B$N%W%m%;%9$+$i%G!<%?$r<u?.$9$k(B. 
@item @code{ox_pop_cmo} $B$O(B, Asir $B0J30$N(B @b{Open_XM} $B%5!<%P$+$i<u?.(B
@item @code{ox_pop_local} $B$O(B, @samp{ox_asir}, @samp{ox_plot} $B$+$i(B
@item $B%5!<%P$,7W;;Cf$N>l9g%V%m%C%/$9$k(B. $B$3$l$rHr$1$k$?$a$K$O(B, 
@code{ox_push_cmd} $B$G(B @code{SM_popCMO} (262) $B$^$?$O(B @code{SM_popSerializedLocalObject} (258) $B$rAw$C$F$*$-(B, @code{ox_select} $B$G%W%m%;%9$,(B ready 
$B$K$J$C$F$$$k$3$H$r3N$+$a$F$+$i(B @code{ox_get} $B$9$l$P$h$$(B. 
Receives data from a process whose identifier is @var{number}.
@code{ox_pop_cmo} can be used to receive data form an @b{OpenXM} server
other than @samp{ox_asir} and @samp{ox_plot}.
@code{ox_pop_local} can be used to receive data from 
@samp{ox_asir}, @samp{ox_plot}.
If no data is available, these functions block.
To avoid it, send @code{SM_popCMO} (262) or 
@code{SM_popSerializedLocalObject} (258).
Then check the process status by @code{ox_select}.
Finally call @code{ox_get} for a ready process.
@end itemize

[3] ox_rpc(0,"fctr",x^100-y^100);
[4] ox_push_cmd(0,258);
[5] ox_select([0]);
[6] ox_get(0);
@end example

@table @t
\JP @item $B;2>H(B
\EG @item References
@fref{ox_rpc ox_cmo_rpc ox_execute_string},
@fref{ox_push_cmd ox_sync}, @fref{ox_select}, @fref{ox_get}
@end table

\JP @node ox_push_cmd ox_sync,,, $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B
\EG @node ox_push_cmd ox_sync,,, Functions for distributed computation
@subsection @code{ox_push_cmd}, @code{ox_sync}
@findex ox_push_cmd
@findex ox_sync

@table @t
@item ox_push_cmd(@var{number},@var{command}) 
\JP :: $B%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B @var{number} $B$N%W%m%;%9$K%3%^%s%I(B @var{command} $B$rAw?.$9$k(B. 
\EG :: Sends a command @var{command} to a process whose identifier is @var{number}.
@item ox_sync(@var{number}) 
\JP :: $B%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B @var{number} $B$N%W%m%;%9$K(B @b{OX_SYNC_BALL} $B$rAw?.$9$k(B. 
\EG :: Sends @b{OX_SYNC_BALL} to a process whose identifier is @var{number}.
@end table

@table @var
@item return
@item number
\JP $B?t(B ($B%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B)
\EG integer(process identifier)
@item command
\JP $B?t(B ($B%3%^%s%I<1JL;R(B)
\EG integer(command identifier)
@end table

@itemize @bullet
$B<1JL;R(B @var{number} $B$N%W%m%;%9$K%3%^%s%I$^$?$O(B @b{OX_SYNC_BALL} $B$rAw?.$9$k(B. 

@b{Open_XM} $B$K$*$$$FAw<u?.%G!<%?$O(B @b{OX_DATA}, @b{OX_COMMAND},
@b{OX_SYNC_BALL}$B$N(B 3 $B<oN`$KJ,$+$l$k(B. $BDL>o(B, $B%3%^%s%I$O2?$i$+$NA`:n$K(B
$BIU?o$7$F0EL[$N$&$A$KAw?.$5$l$k$,(B, $B$3$l$r%f!<%6$,8DJL$KAw$j$?$$>l9g$K(B

@b{OX_SYNC_BALL} $B$O(B @code{ox_reset} $B$K$h$k7W;;CfCG(B, $BI|5"$N:]$KAw<u?.$5$l$k(B
$B$,(B, $B$3$l$r8DJL$KAw$j$?$$>l9g$KMQ$$$k(B. $B$J$*(B, $BDL>o>uBV$G$O(B @b{OX_SYNC_BALL}

Sends a command or @b{OX_SYNC_BALL} to a process whose identifier is 

Data in @b{OpenXM} are categorized into three types:
Usually @b{OX_COMMAND} and @b{OX_SYNC_BALL} are
sent implicitly with high level operations, but
these functions are prepared to send these data explicitly.

@b{OX_SYNC_BALL} is used on the reseting operation by @code{ox_reset}.
Usually @b{OX_SYNC_BALL} will be ignored by the peer.
@end itemize

@table @t
\JP @item $B;2>H(B
\EG @item References
@fref{ox_rpc ox_cmo_rpc ox_execute_string}, @fref{ox_reset ox_intr register_handler}
@end table

\JP @node ox_get,,, $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B
\EG @node ox_get,,, Functions for distributed computation
@subsection @code{ox_get}
@findex ox_get

@table @t
@item ox_get(@var{number}) 
\JP :: $B%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B @var{number} $B$N%W%m%;%9$+$i%G!<%?$r<u?.$9$k(B. 
\EG :: Receives data form a process whose identifer is @var{number}.
@end table

@table @var
@item return
\JP $B<u?.%G!<%?(B
@item number
\JP $B?t(B($B%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B)
\EG integer(process identifier)
@end table

@itemize @bullet
$B%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B @var{number} $B$N%W%m%;%9$+$i%G!<%?$r<u?.$9$k(B. $B4{$K(B

@code{ox_push_cmd} $B$HAH$_9g$o$;$FMQ$$$k(B. 

@code{ox_pop_cmo}, @code{ox_pop_local} $B$O(B, @code{ox_push_cmd} $B$H(B
@code{ox_get} $B$NAH$_9g$o$;$G<B8=$5$l$F$$$k(B. 
Receives data form a process whose identifer is @var{number}.

One may use this function with @code{ox_push_cmd}.

@code{ox_pop_cmo} and @code{ox_pop_local} 
is realized as combinations of @code{ox_push_cmd} and @code{ox_get}.
@end itemize

[11] ox_push_cmo(0,123);
[12] ox_push_cmd(0,262); /* 262=OX_popCMO */
[13] ox_get(0);
@end example

@table @t
\JP @item $B;2>H(B
\EG @item References
@fref{ox_pop_cmo ox_pop_local}, @fref{ox_push_cmd ox_sync}
@end table

\JP @node ox_pops,,, $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B
\EG @node ox_pops,,, Functions for distributed computation
@subsection @code{ox_pops}
@findex ox_pops

@table @t
@item ox_pops(@var{number}[,@var{nitem}) 
\JP :: $B%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B @var{number} $B$N%W%m%;%9$N%9%?%C%/$+$i%G!<%?$r<h$j=|$/(B. 
\EG :: Removes data form the stack of a process whose identifier is @var{number}.
@end table

@table @var
@item return
@item number
\JP $B?t(B ($B%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B)
\EG integer(process identifier)
@item nitem
\JP $B<+A3?t(B
\EG non-negative integer
@end table

@itemize @bullet
$B%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B @var{number} $B$N%W%m%;%9$N%9%?%C%/$+$i%G!<%?$r<h$j=|$/(B. 
@var{nitem} $B$,;XDj$5$l$F$$$k>l9g$O(B @var{nitem} $B8D(B, $B;XDj$N$J$$>l9g$O(B
1 $B8D<h$j=|$/(B. 
Removes data form the stack of a process whose identifier is @var{number}.
If @var{nitem} is specified, @var{nitem} items are removed.
If @var{nitem} is not specified, 1 item is removed.
@end itemize

[69] for(I=1;I<=10;I++)ox_push_cmo(0,I);
[70] ox_pops(0,4);  
[71] ox_pop_cmo(0);
@end example

@table @t
\JP @item $B;2>H(B
\EG @item References
@fref{ox_pop_cmo ox_pop_local}
@end table

\JP @node ox_select,,, $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B
\EG @node ox_select,,, Functions for distributed computation
@subsection @code{ox_select}
@findex ox_select

@table @t
@item ox_select(@var{nlist}[,@var{timeout}])
\JP :: $BFI$_=P$72DG=$J%W%m%;%9$N<1JL;R$rJV$9(B. 
\EG :: Returns the list of process identifiers on which data is available.
@end table

@table @var
@item return
\JP $B%j%9%H(B
\EG list
@item nlist
\JP $B?t(B ($B;R%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B) $B$N%j%9%H(B
\EG list of integers (process identifier)
@item timeout
\JP $B?t(B
\EG number
@end table

@itemize @bullet
$B<1JL;R%j%9%H(B @var{nlist} $B$N%W%m%;%9$N$&$A4{$K=PNO$rJV$7$F$$$k(B

$BA4$F$N%W%m%;%9$,(B RUN $B>uBV$N$H$-(B, $B$$$:$l$+$N%W%m%;%9$N=*N;$rBT$D(B. 
$BC"$7(B, @var{timeout} $B$,;XDj$5$l$F$$$k>l9g(B, @var{timeout} $BIC$@$1BT$D(B. 

@code{ox_push_cmd()} $B$G(B @code{SM_popCMO} $B$"$k$$$O(B 
@code{SM_popSerializedLocalObject} $B$rAw$C$F$*$-(B, @code{ox_select()} $B$G(B 
ready $B>uBV$N%W%m%;%9$rD4$Y$F(B@code{ox_get()} $B$9$k$3$H$G(B,
@code{ox_pop_local()}, @code{ox_pop_cmo()}$B$GBT$A>uBV$KF~$k$N$rKI$0$3$H$,(B
Returns the list of process identifiers on which data is available.

If all the processes in @var{nlist} are running, it blocks until
one of the processes returns data. If @var{timeout} is specified,
it waits for only @var{timeout} seconds.

By sending @code{SM_popCMO} or @code{SM_popSerializedLocalObject} with
@code{ox_push_cmd()} in advance and by examining the process status with
@code{ox_select()}, one can avoid a hanging up caused by @code{ox_pop_local()}
or @code{ox_pop_cmo()}. In such a case, data can be received by
@end itemize

[220] ox_launch();
[221] ox_launch();
[222] ox_rpc(2,"fctr",x^500-y^500);
[223] ox_rpc(1,"fctr",x^100-y^100);
[224] ox_rpc(0,"fctr",x^10-y^10);  
[225] P=[0,1,2];
[226] map(ox_push_cmd,P,258);
[227] ox_select(P);
[228] ox_get(0);   
@end example

@table @t
\JP @item $B;2>H(B
\EG @item References
@fref{ox_pop_cmo ox_pop_local}, @fref{ox_push_cmd ox_sync}, @fref{ox_get}
@end table

\JP @node ox_flush ,,, $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B
\EG @node ox_flush ,,, Functions for distributed computation
@subsection @code{ox_flush}
@findex ox_flush

@table @t
@item ox_flush(@var{id})
\JP :: $BAw?.%P%C%U%!$N6/@)(B flush
\EG :: Flushes the sending buffer.
@end table

@table @var
@item return
@item id
\JP $B;R%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B
\EG process identifier
@end table

@itemize @bullet
@item $BDL>o$O%P%C%A%b!<%I$O(B off $B$G$"$j(B, $B%G!<%?(B, $B%3%^%s%IAw?.$4$H$K(B
$BAw?.%P%C%U%!$O(B flush $B$5$l$k(B. 

@item $B%P%C%A%b!<%I$O(B @code{"ctrl"} $B%3%^%s%I$N(B @code{"ox_batch"} $B%9%$%C%A(B
$B$G(B on/off $B$G$-$k(B. 

@item $B:Y$+$$%G!<%?$rB??tAw$k>l9g$K(B, @code{ctrl("ox_batch",1)}
$B$G%P%C%A%b!<%I$r(B on $B$K$9$k$H(B, $B%P%C%U%!$,$$$C$Q$$$K$J$C$?>l9g$K$N$_(B flush 
$B$5$l$k$?$a(B, overhead $B$,>.$5$/$J$k>l9g$,$"$k(B. $B$?$@$7$3$N>l9g$K$O(B, $B:G8e$K(B 
@code{ox_flush(@var{id})} $B$r<B9T$7$F(B, $B%P%C%U%!$r6/@)E*$K(B flush $B$9$kI,MW$,(B

@item @code{ox_pop_cmo}, @code{ox_pop_local} $B$N$h$&$K(B, $B%3%^%s%IAw?.8e(B
$B$?$@$A$K%G!<%?BT$A$KF~$k4X?t$,%O%s%0$7$J$$$h$&(B, $B$3$l$i$N4X?t$NFbIt$G$O(B
$B6/@)(B flush $B$,<B9T$5$l$F$$$k(B. 

By default the batch mode is off and the sending buffer is flushed
at every sending operation of data and command.

The batch mode is set by @code{"ox_batch"} switch of @code{"ctrl"}.

If one wants to send many pieces of small data,
@code{ctrl("ox_batch",1)} may decrease the overhead of flush operations.
Of course, one has to call @code{ox_flush(@var{id})} at the end of
the sending operations.

Functions such as @code{ox_pop_cmo} and @code{ox_pop_local}
enter a waiting mode immediately after sending a command.
These functions always flush the sending buffer.
@end itemize

[340] ox_launch_nox();
[341] cputime(1);
7e-05sec + gc : 4.8e-05sec(0.000119sec)
[342] for(I=0;I<10000;I++)ox_push_cmo(0,I);
0.232sec + gc : 0.006821sec(0.6878sec)
[343] ctrl("ox_batch",1);
[344] for(I=0;I<10000;I++)ox_push_cmo(0,I); ox_flush(0);
0.08063sec + gc : 0.06388sec(0.4408sec)
[345] 1
@end example

@table @t
\JP @item $B;2>H(B
\EG @item References
@fref{ox_pop_cmo ox_pop_local}, @fref{ctrl}
@end table

\JP @node ox_get_serverinfo ,,, $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B
\EG @node ox_get_serverinfo ,,, Functions for distributed computation
@subsection @code{ox_get_serverinfo}
@findex ox_get_serverinfo

@table @t
@item ox_get_serverinfo([@var{id}])
\JP :: server $B$N(B Mathcap, $BF0:nCf$N%W%m%;%9<1JL;R$N<hF@(B
\EG :: Gets server's mathcap and proess id.
@end table

@table @var
@item return
\JP $B%j%9%H(B
\EG list
@item id
\JP $B;R%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B
\EG process identifier
@end table

@itemize @bullet
@item $B0z?t(B @var{id} $B$,$"$k$H$-(B, $B%W%m%;%9<1JL;R(B @var{id} $B$N%W%m%;%9$N(B
Mathcap $B$r%j%9%H$H$7$FJV$9(B. 
@item $B0z?t$J$7$N$H$-(B, $B8=:_F0:nCf$N%W%m%;%9<1JL;R$*$h$S$=$N(B Mathcap $B$+$i(B
$B$J$k%Z%"$r(B, $B%j%9%H$H$7$FJV$9(B. 
@item If @var{id} is specified, the mathcap of the process whose
identifier is @var{id} is returned.
@item If @var{id} is not specified, the list of @var{[id,Mathcap]}
is returned, where @var{id} is the identifier of a currently active process,
and @var{Mathcap} is the mathcap of the process.
identifier @var{id} is returned.
@end itemize

[343] ox_get_serverinfo(0);
[344] ox_get_serverinfo(); 
@end example

@table @t
\JP @item $B;2>H(B
\EG @item References
@end table

\JP @node ifplot conplot plot plotover,,, $BJ,;67W;;$K4X$9$k4X?t(B
\EG @node ifplot conplot plot plotover,,, Functions for distributed computation
@subsection @code{ifplot}, @code{conplot}, @code{plot}, @code{plotover}
@findex ifplot
@findex conplot
@findex plot
@findex plotover

@table @t
@item ifplot(@var{func} [,@var{geometry}] [,@var{xrange}] [,@var{yrange}] [,@var{id}] [,@var{name}])
\JP :: 2 $BJQ?t4X?t$N<B?t>e$G$NNmE@$rI=<($9$k(B. 
\EG :: Displays real zeros of a bi-variate function.
@item conplot(@var{func} [,@var{geometry}] [,@var{xrange}] [,@var{yrange}] [,@var{zrange}] [,@var{id}] [,@var{name}])
\JP :: 2 $BJQ?t4X?t$N<B?t>e$G$NEy9b@~$rI=<($9$k(B. 
\EG :: Displays real contour lines of a bi-variate function.
@item plot(@var{func} [,@var{geometry}] [,@var{xrange}] [,@var{id}] [,@var{name}])
\JP :: 1 $BJQ?t4X?t$N%0%i%U$rI=<($9$k(B. 
\EG :: Displays the graph of a univariate function.
@item plotover(@var{func},@var{id},@var{number})
\JP :: $B$9$G$KB8:_$7$F$$$k%&%#%s%I%&$XIA2h$9$k(B. 
\EG Plots on the existing window real zeros of a bivariate function.
@end table

@table @var
@item return
\JP $B@0?t(B
\EG integer
@item func
\JP $BB?9`<0(B
\EG polynomial
@item geometry, xrange, yrange, zrange
\JP $B%j%9%H(B
\EG list
@item id, number
\JP $B@0?t(B
\EG integer
@item name
\JP $BJ8;zNs(B
\EG string
@end table

@itemize @bullet
@code{ifplot()} $B$O(B, 2 $BJQ?t4X?t(B @var{func} $B$N<B?t>e$G$NNmE@$N(B
$B%0%i%U$NI=<($r9T$&(B. @code{conplot()} $B$O(B, $BF1MM$N0z?t$KBP$7(B, 
$BEy9b@~$NI=<($r9T$&(B. @code{plot()} $B$O(B 1 $BJQ?t4X?t$N(B
$B%0%i%U$NI=<($r9T$&(B. Windows $BHG$O8=>u$G$OL$%5%]!<%H$G$"$k(B. 

UNIX $BHG$O(B, $B1s3V%W%m%;%9$K$h$j<B8=$5$l$F$$$k(B. $B%3%^%s%I$O(B @samp{ox_plot}
$B$G(B, @code{ox_launch()} $B$K$h$j5/F0$7$F$*$/I,MW$,$"$k(B. @samp{ox_plot}
$B$O(B, @b{Asir} $B$NI8=`%i%$%V%i%j%G%#%l%/%H%j$K$"$k(B. 

$B0z?t$NFb(B, @var{func} $B$OI,?\$G$"$k(B. $B$=$NB>$N0z?t$O%*%W%7%g%s$G$"$k(B. 
$B%*%W%7%g%s$N7A<0$*$h$S$=$N%G%U%)%k%HCM(B ($B%+%C%3Fb(B) $B$O<!$NDL$j(B. 

@table @var
@item geometry
$B%&%#%s%I%&$N%5%$%:$r%I%C%HC10L$G(B @var{[x,y]} $B$G;XDj$9$k(B. 
(UNIX $BHG$G$O(B @var{[}@code{300},@code{300}@var{]}. )

@item xrange, yrange
$BJQ?t$NHO0O$N;XDj$G(B, @var{[v,vmin,vmax]} $B$G;XDj$9$k(B. 
($B$$$:$l$NJQ?t$b(B @var{[v},@code{-2},@code{2}@var{]}.)
$B$3$N;XDj$,$J$$>l9g(B, @var{func} $B$K4^$^$l$kJQ?t$NFbJQ?t=g=x$N>e$NJQ?t(B
$B$,(B @samp{x}, $B2<$NJQ?t$,(B @samp{y} $B$H$7$F07$o$l$k(B. $B$3$l$rHr$1$k$?$a$K$O(B
@var{xrange}, @var{yrange} $B$r;XDj$9$k(B. $B$^$?(B, @var{func} $B$,(B 1 $BJQ?t$N(B
$B>l9g(B, $B$3$l$i$N;XDj$OI,?\$H$J$k(B. 

@item zrange
@code{conplot()} $B$N>l9g$N$_;XDj$G$-$k(B. $B7A<0$O(B 
@var{[v,vmin,vmax} @code{[},@var{step} @code{]}@var{]} $B$G(B, @var{step} $B$,;XDj$5$l(B
$B$?>l9g$K$O(B, $BEy9b@~$N4V3V$,(B @var{(vmax-vmin)/step} $B$H$J$k(B. 

@item id
$B1s3V%W%m%;%9$NHV9f(B, $B$9$J$o$A(B @code{ox_launch()} $B$,JV$7$?HV9f$r;XDj$9$k(B. 
($B0lHV:G6a$K:n$i$l(B, $B$+$D%"%/%F%#%V$J%W%m%;%9$KBP1~$9$kHV9f(B.)

@item name
$B%&%#%s%I%&$NL>A0(B. (@code{Plot}.) 
$B@8@.$5$l$?%&%#%s%I%&$N%?%$%H%k$O(B @var{name:n/m} $B$H$J$k(B.
$B$3$l$O(B, $B%W%m%;%9HV9f(B @var{n} $B$N%W%m%;%9$N(B, @var{m} $BHV$N%&%#%s%I%&$r0UL#$9$k(B. 
$B$3$NHV9f$O(B, @code{plotover()} $B$GMQ$$$i$l$k(B. 
@end table

$B0l$D$N%W%m%;%9>e$GIA2h$G$-$k%&%#%s%I%&$N?t$O:GBg(B 128 $B8D$G$"$k(B. 

@code{plotover()} $B$O(B, $B;XDj$7$?%&%#%s%I%&>e$K(B, $B0z?t$G$"$k(B 2 $BJQ?tB?9`<0$N(B

$BIA2h=*N;8e$N%&%#%s%I%&>e$G(B, $B%^%&%9$N:8%\%?%s$r2!$7$J$,$i$N%I%i%C%0(B
$B$GHO0O$r;XDj$7%\%?%s$rN%$9$H?7$?$J%&%#%s%I%&$,@8@.$5$l(B, $B;XDj$7$?(B
$BHO0O$,3HBg$7$FI=<($5$l$k(B. $B%I%i%C%0$O:8>e$+$i1&2<$X$H9T$&(B. 
$B%I%i%C%0$r;O$a$?8e%-%c%s%;%k$9$k>l9g$O(B, $B%^%&%9%]%$%s%?$r;OE@$N>e$+(B
$B:8$K;}$C$F$$$C$F%\%?%s$rN%$;$P$h$$(B. $B?7$7$$%&%$%s%I%&$N7A$O(B, $B;XDj(B
$BNN0h$HAj;w$G(B, $B:GBgJU$,(B, $B85$N%&%#%s%I%&$N:GBgJU$H0lCW$9$k$h$&$K(B
$BDj$a$i$l$k(B. $B0J2<$G@bL@$9$k(B @code{precise} $B$,(B on $B$N>l9g(B, 
$BA*Br$7$?NN0h$,F10l(B window $B>e$G=q$-D>$5$l$k(B. 

$B%&%#%s%I%&Fb$G1&%\%?%s$r2!$9$H(B, $B$=$NE@$N:BI8$,%&%#%s%I%&$N2<It$KI=<($5$l$k(B. 

@code{conplot()} $B$G@8@.$7$?%&%#%s%I%&$K$*$$$F(B, $B%&%#%s%I%&$N1&B&$N%^!<%+$r(B
$BCf%\%?%s$G%I%i%C%0$9$k$H(B, $BBP1~$9$kEy9b@~$N?'$,JQ$o$j(B, $B1&>e$N(B

UNIX $BHG$G$O$$$/$D$+$N%\%?%s$K$h$j(B
$B$$$/$D$+$N@_DjJQ99(B, $BA`:n$,$G$-$k(B. UNIX $BHG$G$O<!$N%\%?%s$,$"$k(B. 

@table @code
@item quit
window $B$rGK2u$9$k(B. $B7W;;$rCfCG$9$k>l9g(B, @code{ox_reset()} $B$rMQ$$$k(B. 

@item wide ($B%H%0%k(B)
$B8=:_$NI=<(ItJ,$r=D2#3F(B 10 $BG\$7$?NN0h$rI=<($9$k(B. $B8=:_I=<($5$l$F$$$kHO0O$O(B
$B$3$NI=<($K$*$$$FCf1{It$KD9J}7A$G<($5$l$k(B. $B$3$NI=<($GHO0O;XDj$r9T$&$H(B, 

@item precise ($B%H%0%k(B)
$BA*BrNN0h$r(B, $B@0?t1i;;$K$h$j(B, $B$h$j@53N$K:FIA2h$9$k(B. $B$3$l$O(B, @var{func} $B$,(B
$BM-M}?t78?t$N(B 2 $BJQ?tB?9`<0$N>l9g$K$N$_M-8z$G$"$k(B. $B$3$N%b!<%I$G$O(B Sturm $BNs(B
$B$HFsJ,K!$K$h$j(B, $B6h4VFb$NNmE@$N8D?t$r@53N$K5a$a$F$$$/$b$N$G(B, $B%G%U%)%k%H$N(B
$B7W;;K!$h$j$b@53N$JIA2h$,4|BT$G$-$k(B. $B$?$@$7(B, $BIA2h;~4V$OM>7W$K$+$+$k>l9g$,(B
$BB?$$(B. $B$3$N@bL@$+$iL@$i$+$J$h$&$K(B, $B$3$N5!G=$OM-M}?t78?t$NB?9`<0$NIA2h$KBP(B
$B$7$F$N$_M-8z$G$"$k(B. ((x^2+y^2-1)^2 $B$NIA2h$G;n$7$F$_$h(B.)

@item formula

@item noaxis ($B%H%0%k(B)
@end table

@samp{ox_plot} $B$,5/F0$5$l$k%^%7%s$K$h$C$F$O(B, $B%9%?%C%/$rBgNL$K;HMQ$9$k(B
$B$b$N$b$"$k$?$a(B, @samp{.cshrc} $B$G%9%?%C%/%5%$%:$rBg$-$a(B (16MB $BDxEY(B) $B$K(B
$B;XDj$7$F$*$/$N$,0BA4$G$"$k(B. $B%9%?%C%/%5%$%:$O(B @code{limit stacksize 16m}

@code{X} $B$G$O!"%&%$%s%I%&$N3FItJ,$K$D$$$F(B resource $B$K$h$j(B
resource $B$N;XDj$N;EJ}$O0J2<$NDL$j!#!J%G%U%)%k%H$r<($7$F$*$/!K(B
@code{plot*form*shapeStyle} $B$O!"(B@t{rectangle, oval, ellipse, roundedRectangle}
Function @code{ifplot()} draws a graph of real zeros of a bi-variate 
Function @code{conplot()} plots the contour lines for a same argument. 
Function @code{plot()} draws the graph of a uninivariate function.
These functions are available on UNIX version (on @code{X11}).

The plotting functions for UNIX version are realized on remote process 
facilities described previously. 
The command for this is  @samp{ox_plot} in @b{Asir} root directory.
Of course, it must be activated by @code{ox_launch()}. 

Argument @var{func} is indispensable. Other arguments are optional. 
The format of optional arguments and their default values (parenthesized) 
are listed below. 

@table @var
@item geometry
Window size is specified by @var{[x,y]} in unit `dot.' 
(@var{[}@code{300},@code{300}@var{]} for UNIX version; 

@item xrange, yrange 
Value ranges of the variables are specified by @var{[v,vmin,vmax]}. 
(@var{[v},@code{-2},@code{2}@var{]} for each variable.)
If this specification is omitted, the indeterminate having the higher
order in @var{func} is taken for @samp{x} and the one with lower order 
is taken for @samp{y}.  To change this selection, specify explicitly 
by @var{xrange} and/or @var{yrange}.  
For an uni-variate function, the specification is mandatory.   

@item zrange
This specification applies only to @code{conplot()}.  The format is 
@var{[v,vmin,vmax} @code{[},@var{step} @code{]}@var{]}.  
If @var{step} is specified, the height difference of contours is set to 

@item id
This specifies the number of the remote process by which you wish 
to draw a graph. 
(The number for the newest active process.)

@item name 
The name of the window. 
The created window is titled @var{name:n/m} which means the @var{m}-th 
window of the process with process number @var{n}. 
These numbers are used for @code{plotover()}. 
@end table

The maximum number of the windows that can be created on a process is 

Function @code{plotover()} superposes reals zeros of its argument 
bi-variate function onto the specified window. 

Enlarged plot can be obtained for rectangular area which is specified, 
on an already existing window with a graph, 
by dragging cursor with the left button of mouse
from the upper-left corner to lower-right corner 
and then releasing it. 
Then, a new window is created whose shape is similar to the specified 
area and whose size is determined so that the largest 
side of the new window has the same size of the largest side of 
the original window.  
If you wish to cancel the action, drag the cursor to any point 
above or left of the starting point. 

This facility is effective when @code{precise} button switch is 
inactive.  If @code{precise} is selected and active, the area specified 
by the cursor dragging will be rewritten on the same window. This 
will be explained later. 
A click of the right button will display the current coordinates of 
the cursor at the bottom area of the window. 

Place the cursor at any point in the right marker area on 
a window created by @code{conplot()}, 
and drag the cursor with the middle mutton.  Then you will find the contour lines changing 
their colors depending on the movement of the cursor and the 
corresponding height level displayed on the upper right corner of 
the window. 

Several operations are available on the window: by button operations 
for UNIX version, and pull-down menus for Macintosh version. 

@table @code
@item quit
Destroys (kills) the window.  While computing, quit the current 
If one wants to interrupt the computation, use @code{ox_reset()}.

@item wide (toggle) 
Will display, on the same window, a new area enlarged by 10 times 
as large as the current area for both width-direction and 
height-direction.  The current area will be indicated by a rectangle 
placed at the center.  Area specification by dragging the cursor will 
create a new window with a plot of the graph in the specified area. 
@item precise (toggle) 
When selected and active, 
@code{ox_plot} redraws the specified area more precisely by integer 
This mode uses bisection method based on Sturm sequence computation to 
locate real zeros precisely.  More precise plotting can be expected 
by this technique than by the default plotting technique, at the expense 
of significant increase of computing time.  As you see by above 
explanation, this function is only effective to polynomials with 
rational coefficients. 
(Check how they differ for (x^2+y^2-1)^2.) 

@item formula 
Displays the expression for the graph. 

@item noaxis (toggle)
Erase the coordinates. 
@end table

Program @samp{ox_plot} may consume much stack space depending on 
which machine it is running.  
You are recommended to set the stack size to about 16MB as large 
in @samp{.cshrc} for safe.
To specify the size, put @code{limit stacksize 16m} for an example.

You can customize various resources of a window on @code{X}, e.g., 
coloring, shape of buttons etc. 
The default setting of resources is shown below. 
For @code{plot*form*shapeStyle} you can select among 
@t{rectangle}, @t{oval}, @t{ellipse}, and @t{roundedRectangle}.

@end example
@end itemize

@end example

@table @t
\JP @item $B;2>H(B
\EG @item References
@fref{ox_launch ox_launch_nox ox_shutdown}, @fref{ox_reset ox_intr register_handler}
@end table