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Revision 1.4, Thu Jan 20 03:00:34 2000 UTC (24 years, 8 months ago) by noro
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: RELEASE_20000124
Changes since 1.3: +3 -2 lines

Updated according to the change of abort message.

@comment $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir-doc/parts/type.texi,v 1.4 2000/01/20 03:00:34 noro Exp $
@node $B7?(B,,, Top
@chapter $B7?(B
@node Data types,,, Top
@chapter Data types

* Asir $B$G;HMQ2DG=$J7?(B::
* $B?t$N7?(B::
* $BITDj85$N7?(B::
* Types in Asir::
* Types of numbers::
* Types of indeterminates::
@end menu

@node Asir $B$G;HMQ2DG=$J7?(B,,, $B7?(B
@section @b{Asir} $B$G;HMQ2DG=$J7?(B
@node Types in Asir,,, Data types
@section Types in @b{Asir}

@b{Asir} $B$K$*$$$F$O(B, $B2DFI$J7A<0$GF~NO$5$l$?$5$^$6$^$JBP>]$O(B, $B%Q!<%6$K$h$j(B
$BCf4V8@8l$KJQ49$5$l(B, $B%$%s%?%W%j%?$K$h$j(B @b{Risa} $B$N7W;;%(%s%8%s$r8F$S=P$7(B
$B$J$,$iFbIt7A<0$KJQ49$5$l$k(B. $BJQ49$5$l$?BP>]$O(B, $B<!$N$$$:$l$+$N7?$r;}$D(B. 
$B3FHV9f$O(B, $BAH$_9~$_H!?t(B @code{type()} $B$K$h$jJV$5$l$kCM$KBP1~$7$F$$$k(B. 
$B3FNc$O(B, @b{Asir} $B$N%W%m%s%W%H$KBP$9$kF~NO$,2DG=$J7A<0$N$$$/$D$+$r(B
In @b{Asir}, various objects described according to the syntax of
@b{Asir} are translated to intermediate forms and by @b{Asir}
interpreter further translated into internal forms with the help of
basic algebraic engine.  Such an object in an internal form has one of
the following types listed below.
In the list, the number coincides with the value returned by the
built-in function @code{type()}.
Each example shows possible forms of inputs for @b{Asir}'s prompt.

@table @code
@item 0 @b{0}

$B<B:]$K$O(B 0 $B$r<1JL;R$K$b$DBP>]$OB8:_$7$J$$(B. 0 $B$O(B, C $B$K$*$1$k(B 0 $B%]%$%s%?$K(B
$B$h$jI=8=$5$l$F$$$k(B. $B$7$+$7(B, $BJX59>e(B @b{Asir} $B$N(B @code{type(0)} $B$O(B
$BCM(B 0 $B$rJV$9(B. 
As a matter of fact, no object exists that has 0 as its identification
number.  The number 0 is implemented as a null (0) pointer of C language.
For convenience's sake,  a 0 is returned for the input @code{type(0)}.

\JP @item 1 @b{$B?t(B}
\EG @item 1 @b{number}

1 2/3  14.5  3+2*@@i 
@end example

\JP $B?t$O(B, $B$5$i$K$$$/$D$+$N7?$KJ,$1$i$l$k(B. $B$3$l$K$D$$$F$O2<$G=R$Y$k(B. 
\EG Numbers have sub-types. @xref{Types of numbers}.

\JP @item 2 @b{$BB?9`<0(B} ($B?t$G$J$$(B)
\EG @item 2 @b{polynomial} (but not a number)

x  afo  (2.3*x+y)^10
@end example

$BB?9`<0$O(B, $BA4$FE83+$5$l(B, $B$=$N;~E@$K$*$1$kJQ?t=g=x$K=>$C$F(B, $B:F5"E*$K(B
1 $BJQ?tB?9`<0$H$7$F9_QQ$N=g$K@0M}$5$l$k(B (@xref{$BJ,;6I=8=B?9`<0(B}). 
$B$3$N;~(B, $B$=$NB?9`<0$K8=$l$k=g=x:GBg$NJQ?t$r(B @b{$B<gJQ?t(B} $B$H8F$V(B. 
Every polynomial is maintained internally in its full expanded form,
represented as a nested univariate polynomial, according to the current
variable ordering, arranged by the descending order of exponents.
(@xref{Distributed polynomial}).
In the representation, the indeterminate (or variable), appearing in
the polynomial, with maximum ordering is called the @b{main variable}.
Moreover, we call the coefficient of the maximum degree term of
the polynomial with respect to the main variable the @b{leading coefficient}.

\JP @item 3 @b{$BM-M}<0(B} ($BB?9`<0$G$J$$(B)
\EG @item 3 @b{rational expression} (not a polynomial)

(x+1)/(y^2-y-x)  x/x
@end example

$BM-M}<0$O(B, $BJ,JlJ,;R$,LsJ,2DG=$G$b(B, $BL@<(E*$K(B @code{red()} $B$,8F$P$l$J$$(B
$B8B$jLsJ,$O9T$o$l$J$$(B. $B$3$l$O(B, $BB?9`<0$N(B GCD $B1i;;$,6K$a$F=E$$1i;;$G$"$k(B
$B$?$a$G(B, $BM-M}<0$N1i;;$OCm0U$,I,MW$G$"$k(B. 
Note that in @b{Risa/Asir} a rational expression is not simplified
by reducing the common divisors unless @code{red()} is called
explicitly, even if it is possible.  This is because the GCD computation
of polynomials is a considerably heavy operation.  You have to be careful
enough in operating rational expressions.

\JP @item 4 @b{$B%j%9%H(B}
\EG @item 4 @b{list}

[]  [1,2,[3,4],[x,y]]
@end example

$B%j%9%H$OFI$_=P$7@lMQ$G$"$k(B. @code{[]} $B$O6u%j%9%H$r0UL#$9$k(B. $B%j%9%H$KBP$9$k(B
$BA`:n$H$7$F$O(B, @code{car()}, @code{cdr()}, @code{cons()} $B$J$I$K$h$kA`:n$NB>$K(B, 
$BFI$_=P$7@lMQ$NG[Ns$H$_$J$7$F(B, @code{[@var{index}]} $B$rI,MW$J$@$1$D$1$k$3$H$K$h$j(B
$BMWAG$N<h$j=P$7$r9T$&$3$H$,$G$-$k(B. $BNc$($P(B
Lists are all read-only object. A null list is specified by @code{[]}.
There are operations for lists: @code{car()}, @code{cdr()},
@code{cons()} etc.  And further more, element referencing by indexing is
available.  Indexing is done by putting @code{[@var{index}]}'s after a
program variable as many as are required.
For example,

[0] L = [[1,2,3],[4,[5,6]],7]$
[1] L[1][1];
@end example

$BCm0U$9$Y$-$3$H$O(B, $B%j%9%H(B, $BG[Ns(B ($B9TNs(B, $B%Y%/%H%k(B) $B6&$K(B, $B%$%s%G%C%/%9$O(B
0 $B$+$i;O$^$k$3$H$H(B, $B%j%9%H$NMWAG$N<h$j=P$7$r%$%s%G%C%/%9$G9T$&$3$H$O(B, 
$B7k6I$O@hF,$+$i%]%$%s%?$r$?$I$k$3$H$KAjEv$9$k$?$a(B, $BG[Ns$KBP$9$kA`:n$K(B
Notice that for lists, matrices and vectors, the index begins with
number 0.  Also notice that referencing list elements is done by
following pointers from the first element.  Therefore, it sometimes takes
much more time to perform referencing operations on a large list than
on a vectors or a matrices with the same size.

\JP @item 5 @b{$B%Y%/%H%k(B}
\EG @item 5 @b{vector}

newvect(3)  newvect(2,[a,1])
@end example

$B%Y%/%H%k$O(B, @code{newvect()} $B$GL@<(E*$K@8@.$9$kI,MW$,$"$k(B. $BA0<T$NNc$G(B
$B$O(B2 $B@.J,$N(B 0 $B%Y%/%H%k$,@8@.$5$l(B, $B8e<T$G$O(B, $BBh(B 0 $B@.J,$,(B @code{a}, $BBh(B 1 
$B@.J,$,(B @code{1} $B$N%Y%/%H%k$,@8@.$5$l$k(B. $B=i4|2=$N$?$a$N(B $BBh(B 2 $B0z?t$O(B, $BBh(B
1 $B0z?t0J2<$ND9$5$N%j%9%H$r<u$1IU$1$k(B. $B%j%9%H$NMWAG$O:8$+$iMQ$$$i$l(B, $BB-(B
$B$j$J$$J,$O(B 0 $B$,Jd$o$l$k(B. $B@.J,$O(B @code{[@var{index}]} $B$K$h$j<h$j=P$;$k(B. $B<B:](B
$B$K$O(B, $B3F@.J,$K(B, $B%Y%/%H%k(B, $B9TNs(B, $B%j%9%H$r4^$`G$0U$N7?$NBP>]$rBeF~$G$-$k(B
$B$N$G(B, $BB?<!85G[Ns$r%Y%/%H%k$GI=8=$9$k$3$H$,$G$-$k(B. 
Vector objects are created only by explicit execution of @code{newvect()}
command.  The first example above creates a null vector object with
3 elements.  The other example creates a vector object
with 2 elements which is initialized such that its 0-th element
is @code{a} and 1st element is @code{1}.
The second argument for @code{newvect} is used to initialize
elements of the newly created vector.  A list with size smaller or equal
to the first argument will be accepted.  Elements of the initializing
list is used from the left to the right.  If the list is too short to
specify all the vector elements,
the unspecified elements are filled with as many 0's as are required.
Any vector element is designated by indexing, e.g.,
@code{Asir} allows any type, including vector, matrix and list,
for each respective element of a vector.
As a matter of course, arrays with arbitrary dimensions can be
represented by vectors, because each element of a vector can be a vector
or matrix itself.
An element designator of a vector can be a left value of assignment
statement.  This implies that an element designator is treated just like
a simple program variable.
Note that an assignment to the element designator of a vector has effect
on the whole value of that vector.

[0] A3 = newvect(3);
[ 0 0 0 ]
[1] for (I=0;I<3;I++)A3[I] = newvect(3);
[2] for (I=0;I<3;I++)for(J=0;J<3;J++)A3[I][J]=newvect(3);
[3] A3;
[ [ [ 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 0 ] ] [ [ 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 0 ] ]
[ [ 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 0 ] ] ]
[4] A3[0];
[ [ 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 0 ] [ 0 0 0 ] ]
[5] A3[0][0];
[ 0 0 0 ]
@end example

\JP @item 6 @b{$B9TNs(B}
\EG @item 6 @b{matrix}

newmat(2,2)  newmat(2,3,[[x,y],[z]])
@end example

$B9TNs$N@8@.$b(B @code{newmat()} $B$K$h$jL@<(E*$K9T$o$l$k(B. $B=i4|2=$b(B, $B0z?t(B
$B$,%j%9%H$N%j%9%H$H$J$k$3$H$r=|$$$F$O%Y%/%H%k$HF1MM$G(B, $B%j%9%H$N3FMWAG(B
($B$3$l$O$^$?%j%9%H$G$"$k(B) $B$O(B, $B3F9T$N=i4|2=$K;H$o$l(B, $BB-$j$J$$ItJ,$K$O(B
0 $B$,Kd$a$i$l$k(B. $B9TNs$b(B, $B3FMWAG$K$OG$0U$NBP>]$rBeF~$G$-$k(B. $B9TNs$N3F(B
$B9T$O(B, $B%Y%/%H%k$H$7$F<h$j=P$9$3$H$,$G$-$k(B. 
Like vector objects, matrix objects are also created only by explicit
execution of @code{newmat()} command. Initialization of the matrix
elements are done in a similar manner with that of the vector elements
except that the elements are specified by a list of lists.  Each element,
again a list, is used to initialize each row; if the list is too short
to specify all the row elements, unspecified elements are filled with
as many 0's as are required.
Like vectors, any matrix element is designated by indexing, e.g.,
@code{Asir} also allows any type, including vector, matrix and list,
for each respective element of a matrix.
An element designator of a matrix can also be a left value of assignment
statement.  This implies that an element designator is treated just like
a simple program variable.
Note that an assignment to the element designator of a matrix has effect
on the whole value of that matrix.
Note also that every row, (not column,) of a matrix can be extracted
and referred to as a vector.

[0] M=newmat(2,3);
[ 0 0 0 ]
[ 0 0 0 ]
[1] M[1];
[ 0 0 0 ]
[2] type(@@@@);
@end example

\JP @item 7 @b{$BJ8;zNs(B}
\EG @item 7 @b{string}

""  "afo"
@end example

$BJ8;zNs$O(B, $B<g$K%U%!%$%kL>$J$I$KMQ$$$i$l$k(B. $BJ8;zNs$KBP$7$F$O2C;;$N$_$,(B
$BDj5A$5$l$F$$$F(B, $B7k2L$O(B 2 $B$D$NJ8;zNs$N7k9g$G$"$k(B. 
Strings are used mainly for naming files.  It is also used for giving
comments of the results.  Operator symbol @code{+} denote the
concatenation  operation of two strings.

[0] "afo"+"take";
@end example

\JP @item 8 @b{$B9=B$BN(B}
\EG @item 8 @b{structure}

@end example

\JP $B9=B$BN$K4X$7$F$O(B, $B>O$r2~$a$F2r@b$9$kM=Dj$G$"$k(B. 
\EG For type @b{structure}, we shall describe it in a later chapter.
(Not written yet.)

\JP @item 9 @b{$BJ,;6I=8=B?9`<0(B}
\EG @item 9 @b{distributed polynomial}

@end example

$B$3$l$O(B, $B$[$H$s$I%0%l%V%J4pDl@lMQ$N7?$G(B, $BDL>o$N7W;;$G$3$N7?$,I,MW$H(B
$B$J$k$3$H$O$^$:$J$$$,(B, $B%0%l%V%J4pDl7W;;%Q%C%1!<%8<+BN$,%f!<%68@8l(B
$B$G=q$+$l$F$$$k$?$a(B, $B%f!<%6$,A`:n$G$-$k$h$&FHN)$7$?7?$H$7$F(B  @b{Asir}
$B$G;HMQ$G$-$k$h$&$K$7$F$"$k(B. $B$3$l$K$D$$$F$O(B @xref{$B%0%l%V%J4pDl$N7W;;(B}.
This is the short for `Distributed representation of polynomials.'
This type is specially devised for computation of Groebner bases.
Though for ordinary users this type may never be needed, it is provided
as a distinguished type that user can operate by @code{Asir}.
This is because the Groebner basis package provided with
@code{Risa/Asir} is written in the @code{Asir} user language.
For details @xref{Groebner basis computation}.

\JP @item 10 @b{$BId9f$J$7%^%7%s(B 32bit $B@0?t(B}
\EG @item 10 @b{32bit unsigned integer}

\JP @item 11 @b{$B%(%i!<%*%V%8%'%/%H(B}
\EG @item 11 @b{error object}

\JP $B0J>eFs$D$O(B, Open XM $B$K$*$$$FMQ$$$i$l$kFC<l%*%V%8%'%/%H$G$"$k(B. 
\EG These are special objects used for OpenXM.

\JP @item 12 @b{GF(2) $B>e$N9TNs(B}
\EG @item 12 @b{matrix over GF(2)}

$B8=:_(B, $BI8?t(B 2 $B$NM-8BBN$K$*$1$k4pDlJQ49$N$?$a$N%*%V%8%'%/%H$H$7$FMQ$$$i$l(B
This is used for basis conversion in finite fields of characteristic 2.

\JP @item 13 @b{MATHCAP $B%*%V%8%'%/%H(B}
\EG @item 13 @b{MATHCAP object}

\JP Open XM $B$K$*$$$F(B, $B<BAu$5$l$F$$$k5!G=$rAw<u?.$9$k$?$a$N%*%V%8%'%/%H$G$"$k(B. 
\EG This object is used to express available funcionalities for Open XM.

@item 14 @b{first order formula}

\JP quantifier elimination $B$GMQ$$$i$l$k0l3,=R8lO@M}<0(B. 
\EG This expresses a first order formula used in quantifier elimination.

\JP @item -1 @b{VOID $B%*%V%8%'%/%H(B}
\EG @item -1 @b{VOID object}

\JP $B7?<1JL;R(B -1 $B$r$b$D%*%V%8%'%/%H$O4X?t$NLa$jCM$J$I$,L58z$G$"$k$3$H$r<($9(B.
The object with the object identifier -1 indicates that a return value
of a function is void.
@end table

@node $B?t$N7?(B,,, $B7?(B
@section $B?t$N7?(B
@node Types of numbers,,, Data types
@section Types of numbers

@table @code
@item 0
\JP @b{$BM-M}?t(B}
\EG @b{rational number}

$BM-M}?t$O(B, $BG$0UB?G\D9@0?t(B (@b{bignum}) $B$K$h$j<B8=$5$l$F$$$k(B. $BM-M}?t$O>o$K(B
Rational numbers are implemented by arbitrary precision integers
(@b{bignum}).  A rational number is always expressed by a fraction of
lowest terms.

@item 1
\JP @b{$BG\@:EYIbF0>.?t(B}
\EG @b{double precision floating point number (double float)}

$B%^%7%s$NDs6!$9$kG\@:EYIbF0>.?t$G$"$k(B. @b{Asir} $B$N5/F0;~$K$O(B, 
$BDL>o$N7A<0$GF~NO$5$l$?IbF0>.?t$O$3$N7?$KJQ49$5$l$k(B. $B$?$@$7(B, 
@code{ctrl()} $B$K$h$j(B @b{bigfloat} $B$,A*Br$5$l$F$$$k>l9g$K$O(B
@b{bigfloat} $B$KJQ49$5$l$k(B. 
The numbers of this type are numbers provided by the computer hardware.
By default, when @b{Asir} is started, floating point numbers in a
ordinary form are transformed into numbers of this type.  However,
they will be transformed into @b{bigfloat} numbers
when the switch @b{bigfloat} is turned on (enabled) by @code{ctrl()}

[0] 1.2;
[1] 1.2e-1000; 
[2] ctrl("bigfloat",1);
[3] 1.2e-1000;         
1.20000000000000000513 E-1000
@end example

$BG\@:EYIbF0>.?t$HM-M}?t$N1i;;$O(B, $BM-M}?t$,IbF0>.?t$KJQ49$5$l$F(B, 
A rational number shall be converted automatically into a double float
number before the operation with another double float number and the
result shall be computed as a double float number.

@item 2
\JP @b{$BBe?tE*?t(B}
\EG @b{algebraic number}

\JP @xref{$BBe?tE*?t$K4X$9$k1i;;(B}.
\EG @xref{Algebraic numbers}.

@item 3

@b{bigfloat} $B$O(B, @b{Asir} $B$G$O(B @b{PARI} $B%i%$%V%i%j$K$h$j(B
$B<B8=$5$l$F$$$k(B. @b{PARI} $B$K$*$$$F$O(B, @b{bigfloat} $B$O(B, $B2>?tIt(B
$B$N$_G$0UB?G\D9$G(B, $B;X?tIt$O(B 1 $B%o!<%I0JFb$N@0?t$K8B$i$l$F$$$k(B. 
@code{ctrl()} $B$G(B @b{bigfloat} $B$rA*Br$9$k$3$H$K$h$j(B, $B0J8e$NIbF0>.?t(B
$B$NF~NO$O(B @b{bigfloat} $B$H$7$F07$o$l$k(B. $B@:EY$O%G%U%)%k%H$G$O(B
10 $B?J(B 9 $B7eDxEY$G$"$k$,(B, @code{setprec()} $B$K$h$j;XDj2DG=$G$"$k(B. 
The @b{bigfloat} numbers of @b{Asir} is realized by @b{PARI} library.
A @b{bigfloat} number of @b{PARI} has an arbitrary precision mantissa
part.  However, its exponent part admits only an integer with a single
word precision.
Floating point operations will be performed all in @b{bigfloat} after
activating the @b{bigfloat} switch by @code{ctrl()} command.
The default precision is about 9 digits, which can be specified by
@code{setprec()} command.

[0] ctrl("bigfloat",1);
[1] eval(2^(1/2));
[2] setprec(100);      
[3] eval(2^(1/2));
@end example

@code{eval()} $B$O(B, $B0z?t$K4^$^$l$kH!?tCM$r2DG=$J8B$j?tCM2=$9$kH!?t$G$"$k(B. 
@code{setprec()} $B$G;XDj$5$l$?7e?t$O(B, $B7k2L$N@:EY$rJ]>Z$9$k$b$N$G$O$J$/(B, 
@b{PARI} $BFbIt$GMQ$$$i$l$kI=8=$N%5%$%:$r<($9$3$H$KCm0U$9$Y$-$G$"$k(B. 
Function @code{eval()} evaluates numerically its argument as far as
Notice that the integer given for the argument of @code{setprec()} does
not guarantee the accuracy of the result,
but it indicates the representation size of numbers with which internal
operations of @b{PARI} are performed.
(@ref{eval}, @xref{pari})

@item 4
\JP @b{$BJ#AG?t(B}
\EG @b{complex number}

$BJ#AG?t$O(B, $BM-M}?t(B, $BG\@:EYIbF0>.?t(B, @b{bigfloat} $B$r<BIt(B, $B5uIt$H$7$F(B
@code{a+b*@@i} (@@i $B$O5u?tC10L(B) $B$H$7$FM?$($i$l$k?t$G$"$k(B. $B<BIt(B, $B5uIt$O(B
$B$=$l$>$l(B @code{real()}, @code{imag()} $B$G<h$j=P$;$k(B. 
A @b{complex} number of @b{Risa/Asir} is a number with the form
@code{a+b*@@i}, where @@i is the unit of imaginary number, and @code{a}
and @code{b}
are either a @b{rational} number, @b{double float} number or
@b{bigfloat} number, respectively.
The real part and the imaginary part of a @b{complex} number can be
taken out by @code{real()} and @code{imag()} respectively.

@item 5
\JP @b{$B>.I8?t$NM-8BAGBN$N85(B}
\EG @b{element of a small finite prime field}

$B$3$3$G8@$&>.I8?t$H$O(B, $BI8?t$,(B 2^27 $BL$K~$N$b$N$N$3$H$G$"$k(B. $B$3$N$h$&$JM-8B(B
$BBN$O(B, $B8=:_$N$H$3$m%0%l%V%J4pDl7W;;$K$*$$$FFbItE*$KMQ$$$i$l(B, $BM-8BBN78?t$N(B
$BJ,;6I=8=B?9`<0$N78?t$r<h$j=P$9$3$H$GF@$i$l$k(B. $B$=$l<+?H$OB0$9$kM-8BBN$K4X(B
$B$9$k>pJs$O;}$?$:(B, @code{setmod()} $B$G@_Dj$5$l$F$$$kAG?t(B @var{p} $B$rMQ$$$F(B 
GF(@var{p}) $B>e$G$N1i;;$,E,MQ$5$l$k(B.
Here a small finite fieid means that its characteristic is less than
At present small finite fields are used mainly
for groebner basis computation, and elements in such finite fields
can be extracted by taking coefficients of distributed polynomials
whose coefficients are in finite fields. Such an element itself does not
have any information about the field to which the element belongs, and
field operations are executed by using a prime @var{p} which is set by

@item 6
\JP @b{$BBgI8?t$NM-8BAGBN$N85(B}
\EG @b{element of large finite prime field}

$B$3$N7?$N?t$O(B, $B@0?t$KBP$7(B@code{simp_ff} $B$rE,MQ$9$k$3$H$K$h$jF@$i$l$k(B. 
This type expresses an element of a finite prime field whose characteristic
is an arbitrary prime. An object of this type is obtained by applying
@code{simp_ff} to an integer.

@item 7
\JP @b{$BI8?t(B 2 $B$NM-8BBN$N85(B}
\EG @b{element of a finite field of characteristic 2}

$BI8?t(B 2 $B$NG$0U$NM-8BBN$N85$rI=8=$9$k(B. $BI8?t(B 2 $B$NM-8BBN(B F $B$O(B, $B3HBg<!?t(B 
[F:GF(2)] $B$r(B n $B$H$9$l$P(B, GF(2) $B>e4{Ls$J(B n $B<!B?9`<0(B f(t) $B$K$h$j(B
F=GF(2)[t]/(f(t)) $B$H$"$i$o$5$l$k(B. $B$5$i$K(B, GF(2)[t] $B$N85(B g $B$O(B, f(t) 
$B$b4^$a$F<+A3$J;EJ}$G%S%C%HNs$H$_$J$5$l$k$?$a(B, $B7A<0>e$O(B, F $B$N85(B
g mod f $B$O(B, g, f  $B$r$"$i$o$9(B 2 $B$D$N%S%C%HNs$GI=8=$9$k$3$H$,$G$-$k(B. 
This type expresses an element of a finite field of characteristic 2.
Let @var{F} be a finite field of characteristic 2. If @var{[F:GF(2)]}
is equal to @var{n}, then @var{F} is expressed as @var{F=GF(2)[t]/(f(t))},
where @var{f(t)} is an irreducible polynomial over @var{GF(2)} 
of degree @var{n}.
As an element @var{g} of @var{GF(2)[t]} can be expressed by a bit string,
An element @var{g mod f} in @var{F} can be expressed by two bit strings
representing @var{g} and @var{f} respectively.

\JP F $B$N85$rF~NO$9$k$$$/$D$+$NJ}K!$,MQ0U$5$l$F$$$k(B. 
\EG Several methods to input an element of @var{F} are provided.

@itemize @bullet

@code{@@} $B$O$=$N8e$m$K?t;z(B, $BJ8;z$rH<$C$F(B, $B%R%9%H%j$dFC<l$J?t$r$"$i$o$9$,(B, 
$BC1FH$G8=$l$?>l9g$K$O(B, F=GF(2)[t]/(f(t)) $B$K$*$1$k(B t mod f $B$r$"$i$o$9(B. 
$B$h$C$F(B, @@ $B$NB?9`<0$H$7$F(B F $B$N85$rF~NO$G$-$k(B. (@@^10+@@+1 $B$J$I(B)
@code{@@} represents @var{t mod f} in @var{F=GF(2)[t](f(t))}.
By using @code{@@} one can input an element of @var{F}. For example
@code{@@^10+@@+1} represents an element of @var{F}.


\JP $BG$0UJQ?t$N(B 1 $BJQ?tB?9`<0$r(B, @code{ptogf2n} $B$K$h$jBP1~$9$k(B F $B$N85$KJQ49$9$k(B. 
@code{ptogf2n} converts a univariate polynomial into an element of @var{F}.


$BG$0U$N<+A3?t$r(B, $B<+A3$J;EJ}$G(B F $B$N85$H$_$J$9(B. $B<+A3?t$H$7$F$O(B, 10 $B?J(B, 
16 $B?J(B (0x $B$G;O$^$k(B), 2 $B?J(B (0b $B$G;O$^$k(B) $B$GF~NO$,2DG=$G$"$k(B. 
As a bit string, a non-negative integer can be regarded as an element
of @var{F}. Note that one can input a non-negative integer in decimal,
hexadecimal (@code{0x} prefix) and binary (@code{0b} prefix) formats.

\JP @code{$B$=$NB>(B}
\EG @code{micellaneous}

$BB?9`<0$N78?t$r4]$4$H(B F $B$N85$KJQ49$9$k$h$&$J>l9g(B, @code{simp_ff}
@code{simp_ff} is available if one wants to convert the whole
coefficients of a polynomial.

@end itemize
@end table

$BBgI8?tAGBN$NI8?t(B, $BI8?t(B 2 $B$NM-8BBN$NDj5AB?9`<0$O(B, @code{setmod_ff}
$BM-8BBN$N85$I$&$7$N1i;;$G$O(B, @code{setmod_ff} $B$K$h$j@_Dj$5$l$F$$$k(B
modulus $B$G(B, $BB0$9$kBN$,J,$+$j(B, $B$=$NCf$G1i;;$,9T$o$l$k(B. 
$B0lJ}$,M-M}?t$N>l9g$K$O(B, $B$=$NM-M}?t$O<+F0E*$K8=:_@_Dj$5$l$F$$$k(B
$BM-8BBN$N85$KJQ49$5$l(B, $B1i;;$,9T$o$l$k(B. 
The characteristic of a large finite prime field and the defining
polynomial of a finite field of characteristic 2 are set by @code{setmod_ff}.
Elements of finite fields do not have informations about the modulus.
Upon an arithmetic operation, the modulus set by @code{setmod_ff} is
used. If one of the operands is a rational number, it is automatically
converted into an element of the finite field currently set and
the operation is done in the finite field.

@node $BITDj85$N7?(B,,, $B7?(B
@section $BITDj85$N7?(B
@node Types of indeterminates,,, Data types
@section Types of indeterminates

$BB?9`<0$NJQ?t$H$J$jF@$kBP>]$r(B@b{$BITDj85(B}$B$H$h$V(B. @b{Asir} $B$G$O(B, 
$B1Q>.J8;z$G;O$^$j(B, $BG$0U8D$N%"%k%U%!%Y%C%H(B, $B?t;z(B, @samp{_} $B$+$i$J$kJ8;zNs(B
$B$rITDj85$H$7$F07$&$,(B, $B$=$NB>$K$b%7%9%F%`$K$h$jITDj85$H$7$F07$o$l$k$b$N(B
$B$,$$$/$D$+$"$k(B. @b{Asir} $B$NFbIt7A<0$H$7$F$O(B, $B$3$l$i$OA4$FB?9`<0$H$7$F$N(B
$B7?$r;}$D$,(B, $B?t$HF1MM(B, $BITDj85$N7?$K$h$j6hJL$5$l$k(B.
An algebraic object is recognized as an indeterminate when it can be
a (so-called) variable in polynomials.
An ordinary indeterminate is usually denoted by a string that start with
a small alphabetical letter followed by an arbitrary number of
alphabetical letters, digits or @samp{_}.
In addition to such ordinary indeterminates,
there are other kinds of indeterminates in a wider sense in @b{Asir}.
Such indeterminates in the wider sense have type @b{polynomial},
and further are classified into sub-types of the type @b{indeterminate}.

@table @code
@item 0
\JP @b{$B0lHLITDj85(B}
\EG @b{ordinary indeterminate}

\JP $B1Q>.J8;z$G;O$^$kJ8;zNs(B. $BB?9`<0$NJQ?t$H$7$F:G$bIaDL$KMQ$$$i$l$k(B. 
An object of this sub-type is denoted by a string that start with
a small alphabetical letter followed by an arbitrary number of
alphabetical letters, digits or @samp{_}.
This kind of indeterminates are most commonly used for variables of

[0] [vtype(a),vtype(aA_12)];
@end example

@item 1
\JP @b{$BL$Dj78?t(B}
\EG @b{undetermined coefficient}

@code{uc()} $B$O(B, @samp{_} $B$G;O$^$kJ8;zNs$rL>A0$H$9$kITDj85$r@8@.$9$k(B. 
$B$3$l$i$O(B, $B%f!<%6$,F~NO$G$-$J$$$H$$$&$@$1$G(B, $B0lHLITDj85$HJQ$o$i$J$$$,(B, 
The function @code{uc()} creates an indeterminate which is denoted by
a string that begins with @samp{_}.  Such an indeterminate cannot be
directly input by its name.  Other properties are the same as those of
@b{ordinary indeterminate}.  Therefore, it has a property that it cannot
cause collision with the name of ordinary indeterminates input by the
user.  And this property is conveniently used to create undetermined
coefficients dynamically by programs.

[1] U=uc();                 
[2] vtype(U);
@end example

@item 2
\JP @b{$BH!?t7A<0(B}
\EG @b{function form}

$BAH$_9~$_H!?t(B, $B%f!<%6H!?t$N8F$S=P$7$O(B, $BI>2A$5$l$F2?$i$+$N(B @b{Asir} $B$N(B
$BFbIt7A<0$KJQ49$5$l$k$,(B, @code{sin(x)}, @code{cos(x+1)} $B$J$I$O(B, $BI>2A8e(B
$B$b$=$N$^$^$N7A$GB8:_$9$k(B. $B$3$l$OH!?t7A<0$H8F$P$l(B, $B$=$l<+?H$,(B 1 $B$D$N(B
$BITDj85$H$7$F07$o$l$k(B. $B$^$?$d$dFC<l$JNc$H$7$F(B, $B1_<~N((B @code{@@pi} $B$d(B
$B<+A3BP?t$NDl(B @code{@@e} $B$bH!?t7A<0$H$7$F07$o$l$k(B. 
A function call to a built-in function or to an user defined function
is usually evaluated by @b{Asir} and retained in a proper internal form.
Some expressions, however, will remain in the same form after evaluation.
For example, @code{sin(x)} and @code{cos(x+1)} will remain as if they
were not evaluated.  These (unevaluated) forms are called
`function forms' and are treated as if they are indeterminates in a
wider sense.  Also, special forms such as @code{@@pi} the ratio of
circumference and diameter, and @code{@@e} Napier's number, will be
treated as `function forms.'

[3] V=sin(x);         
[4] vtype(V);
[5] vars(V^2+V+1);
@end example

@item 3
\JP @b{$BH!?t;R(B}
\EG @b{functor}

$BH!?t8F$S=P$7$O(B, @var{fname(args)} $B$H$$$&7A$G9T$J$o$l$k$,(B, @var{fname} $B$N(B
$BItJ,$rH!?t;R$H8F$V(B. $BH!?t;R$K$O(B, $BH!?t$N<oN`$K$h$jAH$_9~$_H!?t;R(B,
$B%f!<%6Dj5AH!?t;R(B, $B=iEyH!?t;R$J$I$,$"$k$,(B, $BH!?t;R$OC1FH$GITDj85$H$7$F(B
A function call (or a function form) has a form @var{fname(args)}.
Here, @var{fname} alone is called a @b{functor}.
There are several kinds of @b{functor}s: built-in functor, user defined
functor and functor for the elementary functions.  A functor alone is
treated as an indeterminate in a wider sense.

[6] vtype(sin);
@end example
@end table