Annotation of OpenXM/src/cfep/MyOpenGLCommand.m, Revision 1.1
1.1 ! takayama 1: //
! 2: // MyOpenGLCommand.m
! 3: // cfep
! 4: //
! 5: // Created by Nobuki Takayama on 06/02/18.
! 6: // Copyright 2006 All rights reserved.
! 7: //
! 8:
! 9: #import "MyOpenGLCommand.h"
! 10: #define min(a,b) (a>b?b:a)
! 11:
! 12:
! 13: @implementation MyOpenGLCommand
! 14: -(id)init {
! 15: int i;
! 16: command = nil;
! 17: opCode = -1;
! 18: endGroup = NO;
! 19: for (i=0; i<4; i++) f4[i] = 0.0;
! 20: for (i=0; i<4; i++) i4[i] = 0;
! 21: return self;
! 22: }
! 23: -(void) dealloc {
! 24: if (argv) [argv autorelease];
! 25: }
! 26: -(void)print {
! 27: int i;
! 28: NSLog(@"command=%s, opCode=%d, [",command,opCode);
! 29: for (i=0; i<4; i++) NSLog(@"%f,",f4[i]);
! 30: NSLog(@"; ");
! 31: for (i=0; i<4; i++) NSLog(@"%d,",i4[i]);
! 32: NSLog(@"]\n");
! 33: }
! 34: +(MyOpenGLCommand *)allocAndCompile: (NSString *)cmd by: (id) sender {
! 35: MyOpenGLCommand *c;
! 36: c=[[MyOpenGLCommand alloc] init];
! 37: [c autorelease];
! 38: return [c compile: cmd by: sender];
! 39: }
! 40: -(BOOL) isEndGroup {
! 41: return endGroup;
! 42: }
! 43: -(MyOpenGLCommand *) compile: (NSString *)cmd by: (id) sender {
! 44: // parse cmd and set opCode and f4[]. opCode starts with CFEPgl.
! 45: // Interpreter code is in MyOpenGLView.m with the name execute:
! 46: NSArray *a;
! 47: NSString *s;
! 48: NSString *errmsg;
! 49: id x;
! 50: int fargc, iargc;
! 51: int i,n,ii;
! 52: double f;
! 53:
! 54: a = [MyUtil arrayOfStringFrom: cmd]; //"[glColor4f,1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0]" -> array of [NSString, MyFloat, MyFloat,..]
! 55: [a retain]; argv = a;
! 56: n = [a count];
! 57: fargc = 0; iargc = 0;
! 58: // for (i=0; i<n; i++) { NSLog(@"%@,",[a objectAtIndex: i]); }
! 59: if (n == 0) return nil;
! 60: x = [a objectAtIndex: 0];
! 61: if ([x isKindOfClass: [NSString class]] == YES) s = x; // isMemberOfClass does not work. ??
! 62: else {
! 63: NSLog(@"NSString is exected.\n");
! 64: s = @"";
! 65: }
! 66: if ([s compare: @"glBegin"] == NSOrderedSame) {
! 67: opCode = CFEPglBegin; fargc = 0; iargc = 1; endGroup = NO;
! 68:
! 69: }else if ([s compare: @"glColor4f"] == NSOrderedSame) {
! 70: opCode = CFEPglColor4f; fargc = 4; iargc = 0; endGroup = NO;
! 71:
! 72: }else if ([s compare: @"glEnd"] == NSOrderedSame) {
! 73: opCode = CFEPglEnd; fargc = 0; iargc = 0; endGroup = YES;
! 74:
! 75: }else if ([s compare: @"glRectf"] == NSOrderedSame) {
! 76: opCode = CFEPglRectf; fargc = 4; iargc = 0; endGroup = YES;
! 77:
! 78: }else if ([s compare: @"glVertex3f"] == NSOrderedSame) {
! 79: opCode = CFEPglVertex3f; fargc = 3; iargc = 0; endGroup = NO;
! 80:
! 81: }else if ([s compare: @"glib_line"] == NSOrderedSame) {
! 82: opCode = CFEPglib_line; fargc = 4; iargc = 1; endGroup = YES;
! 83:
! 84: }else if ([s compare: @"glib_putpixel"] == NSOrderedSame) {
! 85: opCode = CFEPglib_putpixel; fargc = 2; iargc = 1; endGroup = YES;
! 86:
! 87: }else if ([s compare: @"glib_flush"] == NSOrderedSame) {
! 88: opCode = CFEPglib_flush; fargc = 0; iargc = 0; endGroup = YES;
! 89:
! 90: }else if ([s compare: @"glib3_bounding_box"] == NSOrderedSame) {
! 91: opCode = CFEPglib3_bounding_box; fargc = 1; iargc = 0; endGroup = YES;
! 92:
! 93: }else if ([s compare: @"glib3_ray_init"] == NSOrderedSame) {
! 94: opCode = CFEPglib3_ray_init; fargc = 0; iargc = 0; endGroup = YES;
! 95:
! 96: }else if ([s compare: @"glib3_ray_reshape"] == NSOrderedSame) {
! 97: opCode = CFEPglib3_ray_reshape; fargc = 0; iargc = 0; endGroup = YES;
! 98:
! 99: }else if ([s compare: @"glib3_ray"] == NSOrderedSame) {
! 100: opCode = CFEPglib3_ray; fargc = 0; iargc = 0; endGroup = YES;
! 101: [sender output: @"Ray by David Bucciarelli. (MesaDemo, GPL)"];
! 102:
! 103: }else if ([s compare: @"glib3_std_scene0"] == NSOrderedSame) {
! 104: opCode = CFEPglib3_std_scene0; fargc = 0; iargc = 0; endGroup = YES;
! 105: [sender output: @"glib3_std_scene0(0,0,2) using glFrustum"];
! 106:
! 107: }else if ([s compare: @"glib3_icosahedron"] == NSOrderedSame) {
! 108: opCode = CFEPglib3_icosahedron; fargc = 0; iargc = 0; endGroup = YES;
! 109: [sender output: @"Icosahedron"];
! 110:
! 111: }else {
! 112: NSLog(@"Undefined command=<%@>\n",s);
! 113: errmsg = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Undefined command=<%@>",s];
! 114: [sender output: errmsg];
! 115: return nil;
! 116: }
! 117: // Format glxxxpfqi fargc=p, iargc=q. Example: glxxx4f1i, 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,34
! 118: if (fargc > 0) {
! 119: for (i=1; i< min(n,fargc+1); i++) {
! 120: x = [a objectAtIndex: i];
! 121: if ([x isMemberOfClass: [MyFloat class]] == YES) f = [x getFValue];
! 122: else {
! 123: NSLog(@"float is exected.\n");
! 124: f = 0.0;
! 125: }
! 126: if (i-1 < 4) f4[i-1] = f;
! 127: }
! 128: }
! 129: if (iargc > 0) {
! 130: for (i=1+fargc; i< min(n,fargc+iargc+1); i++) {
! 131: x = [a objectAtIndex: i];
! 132: if ([x isMemberOfClass: [MyInt class]] == YES) ii = [x getIValue];
! 133: else {
! 134: ii = 0;
! 135: NSLog(@"int is exected.\n");
! 136: }
! 137: if (i-1-fargc < 4) i4[i-1-fargc] = ii;
! 138: }
! 139: }
! 140: return self;
! 141: }
! 142:
! 143: -(int) getOpCode { return opCode; }
! 144: -(double *)getF4 { return f4; }
! 145: -(int *) getI4 { return i4; }
! 146: -(NSArray *)getArgv { return argv; }
! 147:
! 148:
! 149: @end
! 150:
! 151: /* Code to test MyFloat put in compile:
! 152: MyFloat *x;
! 153: NSLog(@"member test.\n"
! 154: x = [MyFloat allocWith: 1.0];
! 155: if ([x isMemberOfClass: [MyFloat class]] == YES) NSLog(@"[x class] is MyFloat\n");
! 156: if ([x isMemberOfClass: [MyInt class]] == YES) NSLog(@"[x class] is MyInt\n");
! 157: */
! 158: @implementation MyFloat
! 159: +(MyFloat *)allocWith: (float) f {
! 160: MyFloat *ff;
! 161: ff=[MyFloat alloc];
! 162: [ff setFValue: f];
! 163: return ff;
! 164: }
! 165: -(void) setFValue: (float) f { fValue = f; }
! 166: -(float) getFValue { return fValue; }
! 167: -(NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"(float)%f",fValue]; }
! 168: @end
! 169:
! 170: @implementation MyInt
! 171: +(MyInt *)allocWith: (int) i {
! 172: MyInt *ii;
! 173: ii=[MyInt alloc];
! 174: [ii setIValue: i];
! 175: return ii;
! 176: }
! 177: -(void) setIValue: (int) i { iValue = i; }
! 178: -(int) getIValue { return iValue; }
! 179: -(NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"(int)%d",iValue]; }
! 180: @end
! 181:
! 182: #define SMAX 0x1000 //4096*16
! 183: @implementation MyUtil
! 184: static int debugMyUtil = 0;
! 185: +(void) setDebugMyUtil {
! 186: if (debugMyUtil) debugMyUtil = 0;
! 187: else debugMyUtil = 1;
! 188: }
! 189: +(NSMutableArray *) arrayOfStringFrom: (NSString *) args {
! 190: int n,i,k,type;
! 191: unichar c;
! 192: unichar s[SMAX];
! 193: NSMutableArray *a; // for debug
! 194: NSMutableArray *aa;
! 195: NSString *ss;
! 196: int status,level;
! 197: status = -1; level = 0; type = 0;
! 198: n = [args length];
! 199: if (n >= SMAX-1) {
! 200: NSLog(@"Too big string for stringToArrayOfString.\n");
! 201: return nil;
! 202: }
! 203: a = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 1];
! 204: aa = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 1];
! 205: for (i=0, k=0; i<n; i++) {
! 206: c = [args characterAtIndex: i];
! 207: if (level == 0) {
! 208: switch (status) { // See my note on 2006-02-20.
! 209: case -1:
! 210: if ( c == '[') { k=0; status=0;}
! 211: break;
! 212: case 0:
! 213: if ( c == '[') {
! 214: k = 0; s[k] = c; k++; status = 1; type = 1; // type 1 : list
! 215: } else if (c == ',') {
! 216: } else if (c == '(') {
! 217: k=0; status = 21; type=0; //ex. (int)
! 218: } else if ((('A' <= c) && (c <= 'Z')) || (('a' <= c) && (c <= 'z'))) {
! 219: k=0; status = 2; type=3; s[k] = c; k++; // type -1 : string.
! 220: } else if (c > ' ') {
! 221: k=0; status = 2; type=0; s[k] = c; k++; // type 0 : float
! 222: } else if (c == ']') status = -1;
! 223: break;
! 224: case 2:
! 225: if ((c == ',') || (c == ']')) {
! 226: if (c == ',') status = 0; else status = -1;
! 227: if (k > 0) ss = [NSString stringWithCharacters: s length: k];
! 228: else ss = @"";
! 229: [a addObject: ss];
! 230: if (type == 2) [aa addObject: [MyInt allocWith: [ss intValue]]];
! 231: else if (type == 0) [aa addObject: [MyFloat allocWith: [ss floatValue]]];
! 232: else [aa addObject: ss];
! 233: }else{
! 234: s[k] = c; k++;
! 235: }
! 236: break;
! 237: case 1:
! 238: if (c == '[') {
! 239: s[k] = c; k++;
! 240: level++;
! 241: }else if (c == ']') {
! 242: s[k] = ']'; k++;
! 243: if (k > 0) ss = [NSString stringWithCharacters: s length: k];
! 244: else ss = @"";
! 245: [a addObject: ss];
! 246: [aa addObject: [MyUtil arrayOfStringFrom: ss]];
! 247: status = 0;
! 248: }else {
! 249: s[k] = c; k++;
! 250: }
! 251: break;
! 252: case 21:
! 253: if (c == ')') {
! 254: if ((s[0] == 'i') && (s[1] == 'n') && (s[2] == 't')) type=2;
! 255: else type = 0;
! 256: status = 2; k = 0; // starting to read data.
! 257: }else if (c > ' ') {
! 258: s[k] = c; k++;
! 259: }
! 260: break;
! 261: }
! 262: }else if (level > 0) {
! 263: s[k] = c; k++;
! 264: if (c == '[') level++;
! 265: else if (c == ']') level--;
! 266: }
! 267: }
! 268: if (debugMyUtil) {
! 269: NSLog(@"a=%@\n",a);
! 270: NSLog(@"aa=%@\n",aa);
! 271: }
! 272: return aa;
! 273: }
! 274:
! 275: /*
! 276: NSLog(@"mytest=%@\n",[MyUtil arrayOfStringFrom: @"[]"]);
! 277: NSLog(@"mytest=%@\n",[MyUtil arrayOfStringFrom: @"[1,[]]"]);
! 278: NSLog(@"mytest=%@\n",[MyUtil arrayOfStringFrom: @"[1,2,[3,4],5]"]);
! 279: NSLog(@"mytest=%@\n",[MyUtil arrayOfStringFrom: @" [1, 2,3, 4,5]"]);
! 280: NSLog(@"mytest=%@\n",[MyUtil arrayOfStringFrom: @"[[1],2,[[3,[4]]],5]"]); // There is a bug. Output is 1,2,...
! 281: */
! 282:
! 283: @end
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