Annotation of OpenXM/src/cfep/MyOpenGLController.m, Revision
1.1 takayama 1: //
2: // MyOpenGLController.m
3: // cfep
4: //
5: // Created by Nobuki Takayama on 06/02/18.
6: // Copyright 2006 All rights reserved.
7: //
9: #import "MyOpenGLController.h"
11: // MyOpenGL window id (gid) is an indeger.
12: static MyOpenGLController *oglWindow[GID_MAX]; // gid --> MyOpenGLController instance.
13: static MyDocument *oglParent[GID_MAX]; // gid --> parent MyDocument.
14: static int MyOpenGLControllerInitialized = 0;
15: static int Gid=0;
18: @implementation MyOpenGLController
19: +(void) initMyOpenGLController {
20: int i;
21: if (MyOpenGLControllerInitialized) return;
22: for (i=0; i<GID_MAX; i++) { oglWindow[i] = nil; oglParent[i] = nil; }
23: MyOpenGLControllerInitialized = 1;
24: }
25: +(MyOpenGLController *)getOglWindow: (int) tid {
26: return oglWindow[tid];
27: }
28: +(MyDocument *)getOglParent: (int) tid {
29: return oglParent[tid];
30: }
32: +(int) myOpenGLControllerOwnedBy: (MyDocument *) owner with: (int) tid {
33: MyOpenGLController *ogl;
34: if ((tid >= 0) && (tid <GID_MAX)) {
35: if (oglWindow[tid]) return tid;
36: else {
37: ogl = [[MyOpenGLController allocWithZone:[MyOpenGLController zone]] init];
38: [ogl setGid: tid];
39: [ogl retain];
40: [ogl showWindow: nil];
41: oglWindow[tid] = ogl;
42: oglParent[tid] = owner;
43: return tid;
44: }
45: }
46: return -1;
47: }
48: +(int) myOpenGLControllerOwnedBy: (MyDocument *) owner {
49: int tid;
51: [MyOpenGLController initMyOpenGLController];
52: tid = Gid;
53: if (tid < GID_MAX) {
54: Gid++;
55: return [MyOpenGLController myOpenGLControllerOwnedBy: owner with: tid];
56: }else{
57: return -1;
58: }
59: }
60: +(void) removeMyOpenGLControllerOwnedBy: (MyDocument *) owner {
61: int i;
62: [MyOpenGLController initMyOpenGLController];
63: for (i=0; i<GID_MAX; i++) {
64: if (oglParent[i] == owner) {
65: [MyOpenGLController removeMyOpenGLControllerWithGid: i];
66: }
67: }
68: }
69: +(MyOpenGLController *) removeMyOpenGLControllerWithGid: (int) tid {
70: MyOpenGLController *oglC;
71: [MyOpenGLController initMyOpenGLController];
72: oglC = oglWindow[tid];
73: if (oglWindow[tid]) [oglWindow[tid] closeMyOpenGL: oglParent[tid]];
74: oglWindow[tid] = nil;
75: oglParent[tid] = nil;
76: [oglC autorelease]; // it is OK?
77: return oglC;
78: }
80: /* They are put at oxEvaluateSelected in MyDocument.m to test the system. --> gtest.rr
81: [MyOpenGLController addOglComm: @"[glColor4f,1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0]" to: 0 from: self];
82: [MyOpenGLController addOglComm: @"[glRectf,-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5]" to: 0 from: self];
83: [MyOpenGLController addOglComm: @"[glib_flush0]" to: 0 from: self];
84: */
86: +(void) addOglComm: (NSString *)comm to: (int) tid from: (MyDocument *) owner {
87: if ((0<=tid) && (tid<GID_MAX)) {
88: if (oglWindow[tid] == nil) {
89: tid = [MyOpenGLController myOpenGLControllerOwnedBy: owner with: tid];
90: }
91: if (tid >= 0) [oglWindow[tid] addOglComm: comm];
92: }else ;
93: }
94: +(void) addOglInitComm: (NSString *)comm to: (int) tid from: (MyDocument *) owner {
95: if ((0<=tid) && (tid<GID_MAX)) {
96: if (oglWindow[tid] == nil) {
97: tid = [MyOpenGLController myOpenGLControllerOwnedBy: owner with: tid];
98: }
99: if (tid >= 0) [oglWindow[tid] addOglInitComm: comm];
100: }else ;
101: }
104: -(id) init {
105: self = [self initWithWindowNibName: @"MyOpenGL"];
106: if (self) [self setWindowFrameAutosaveName: @"cfep OpenGLView"];
107: return self;
108: }
109: -(void) setGid: (int) mygid {
110: gid = mygid;
111: }
112: -(int)getGid {
113: return gid;
114: }
116: -(void) windowDidLoad {
117: [super windowDidLoad];
118: }
120: -(void) dealloc {
121: NSLog(@"dealloc of MyOpenGL instance.\n");
122: // [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self];
123: [super dealloc];
124: }
126: -(void) closeMyOpenGL: (MyDocument *) md {
127: NSLog(@"closeMyOpenGL. \n");
128: [self close];
129: }
131: -(BOOL) windowShouldClose: (NSWindow *)sender {
132: // p.299 of O'reilly book. Connect "Window --> file's owner" to connect the delegate outlet of the window
133: // to MyOpenGLController.
134: NSLog(@"x is clicked.\n");
135: [MyOpenGLController removeMyOpenGLControllerWithGid: [self getGid]];
136: return YES;
137: }
138: -(void) addOglComm: (NSString *)comm {
139: [myogl addOglComm: comm by: self];
140: }
141: -(void) addOglInitComm: (NSString *)comm {
142: [myogl addOglInitComm: comm by: self];
143: }
144: -(void) output: (NSString *)msg {
145: [mymessage setStringValue: msg];
146: }
148: @end
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