Annotation of OpenXM/src/cfep/MyOpenGLView.m, Revision
1.1 takayama 1: //
2: // MyOpenGLView.m
3: // cfep
4: //
5: // Created by Nobuki Takayama on 06/02/18.
6: // Copyright 2006 All rights reserved.
7: //
9: #import "MyOpenGLView.h"
10: #include "mygl.h"
12: @implementation MyOpenGLView
13: -(id) initWithFrame: (NSRect) frame {
14: NSLog(@"initWithFrame\n");
15: oglComm = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 100];
16: [oglComm retain];
17: oglInitComm = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: 1];
18: [oglInitComm retain];
19: xeye = 0.0;
20: yeye = 0.0;
21: zeye = 2.0;
22: initGl = 1;
24: [super initWithFrame: frame];
25: if (self) {
26: NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attributes[]={
27: NSOpenGLPFAAccelerated,
28: NSOpenGLPFADepthSize,16, // We need this, otherwise depth buffer will no be enabled.
29: NSOpenGLPFAMinimumPolicy,
30: NSOpenGLPFAClosestPolicy,
31: 0};
32: NSOpenGLPixelFormat *format;
33: format = [[[NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc] initWithAttributes: attributes] autorelease];
34: [self initWithFrame: frame pixelFormat: format];
35: }
36: return self;
37: }
39: -(IBAction) setXeye: (id) sender {
40: xeye=([sender floatValue]-50)*0.1; initGl = 1;
41: NSLog(@"xeye=%f\n",xeye);
42: [self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
43: }
44: -(IBAction) setYeye: (id) sender {
45: float y;
46: y=([sender floatValue]-50)*0.1; initGl = 1;
47: yeye=y;
48: //NSLog(@"yeye=%f\n",yeye);
49: [self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
50: }
51: -(IBAction) setZeye: (id) sender {
52: float z;
53: z=([sender floatValue]-50)*0.1+2.0; initGl = 1;
54: zeye=z;
55: //NSLog(@"zeye=%f\n",zeye);
56: [self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
57: }
58: -(void) drawRect: (NSRect) rect {
59: if (initGl) { [self initGL]; initGl = 0;}
60: [self drawOglComm];
61: //For testing. [self drawRectSimple: rect withColor: 0.0];
62: }
63: -(void) setFrameSize: (NSSize) newSize {
64: [super setFrameSize: newSize];
65: //[[self openGLContext] makeCurrentContext];
66: glViewport(0,0,(GLsizei)newSize.width,(GLsizei) newSize.height);
67: initGl=1;
68: [self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
69: }
70: -(void) initGL {
71: // Initialization codes are here.
72: glClearColor(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);
74: [self drawOglInitComm];
75: }
76: // It was for a test.
77: -(void) drawRectSimple: (NSRect) rect withColor: (double) c {
78: glClearColor(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);
80: glColor4f(1.0,1.0,c,1.0);
81: glRectf(-0.6,-0.6,0.6,0.6);
83: glFlush();
84: [[self openGLContext] flushBuffer];
85: }
87: -(void) drawOglComm {
88: int i,n;
89: MyOpenGLCommand *gc;
90: // Execute oglComm.
91: n = [oglComm count];
92: NSLog(@"drawRect is called with n=%d, oglComSize=%d\n",n,oglCommSize);
93: for (i=0; i<oglCommSize; i++) {
94: gc = [oglComm objectAtIndex: i];
95: [self execute: gc];
96: }
97: glFlush();
98: [[self openGLContext] flushBuffer];
99: }
100: -(void) addOglComm: (NSString *) comm by: (id) sender {
101: MyOpenGLCommand *oc;
102: oc = [MyOpenGLCommand allocAndCompile: comm by: sender];
103: if (oc != nil) {
104: [oglComm addObject: oc]; // retain is automatically done. // dealloc should be implemented.
105: @synchronized(self) {
106: if ([oc isEndGroup] == YES) oglCommSize=[oglComm count];
107: }
108: if ([oc getOpCode] == CFEPglib_flush) [self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
109: // If oc is glib_flush, then call drawRect. (Generate an event.)
110: // Calling [self drawOglComm] directly is not safe, because the window might not be ready.
111: }
112: }
114: -(void) drawOglInitComm {
115: int i,n;
116: MyOpenGLCommand *gc;
117: // Execute oglComm.
118: n = [oglInitComm count];
119: NSLog(@"drawOglInitComm is called with n=%d, oglInitComSize=%d\n",n,oglInitCommSize);
120: for (i=0; i<oglInitCommSize; i++) {
121: gc = [oglInitComm objectAtIndex: i];
122: [self execute: gc];
123: }
124: }
125: -(void) addOglInitComm: (NSString *) comm by: (id) sender {
126: MyOpenGLCommand *oc;
127: oc = [MyOpenGLCommand allocAndCompile: comm by: sender];
128: if (oc != nil) {
129: [oglInitComm addObject: oc]; // retain is automatically done. // dealloc should be implemented.
130: @synchronized(self) {
131: if ([oc isEndGroup] == YES) oglInitCommSize=[oglInitComm count];
132: }
133: if ([oc getOpCode] == CFEPglib_flush) { initGl = 1; [self setNeedsDisplay: YES]; }
134: }
135: }
137: // Byte compile is done by comple: in MyOpenGLCommand.m
138: -(void) execute: (MyOpenGLCommand *)gc {
139: int op;
140: float x,y,z,c;
141: int p,q,r,s;
142: double *v;
143: int *ii;
144: op = [gc getOpCode];
145: v = [gc getF4];
146: ii = [gc getI4];
147: x = v[0]; y = v[1]; z = v[2]; c = v[3];
148: p = ii[0]; q=ii[1]; r=ii[2]; s=ii[3];
149: // NSLog(@"opCode=%d, (x,y,z,c)=(%f,%f,%f,%f), (p,q,r,s)=(%d,%d,%d,%d)\n",op,x,y,z,c,p,q,r,s);
150: switch(op) {
151: case CFEPglBegin:
152: glBegin(p);
153: break;
154: case CFEPglColor4f:
155: glColor4f(x,y,z,c); break;
156: case CFEPglEnd:
157: glEnd(); break;
158: case CFEPglRectf:
159: glRectf(x,y,z,c); break;
160: case CFEPglVertex3f:
161: glVertex3f(x,y,z); break;
163: case CFEPglib_line:
164: glib_line(x,y,z,c,p); break;
165: case CFEPglib_putpixel:
166: glib_putpixel(x,y,p); break;
167: case CFEPglib_flush:
168: [self setNeedsDisplay: YES]; break;
170: case CFEPglib3_bounding_box:
171: glib3_bounding_box(x); break;
172: case CFEPglib3_icosahedron:
173: glib3_icosahedron(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f); break;
174: case CFEPglib3_ray:
175: [self glib3_ray]; break;
176: case CFEPglib3_ray_init:
177: glib3_ray_init(); break;
178: case CFEPglib3_ray_reshape:
179: glib3_ray_reshape(x,y); break;
180: case CFEPglib3_std_scene0:
181: [self glib3_std_scene0]; break;
182: default:
183: NSLog(@"Unknown opCode %d\n",op);
184: break;
185: }
186: }
188: -(void) glib3_ray {
189: glib3_ray_change_alpha(-90.0+xeye*5);
190: glib3_ray_change_beta(90.0+yeye*3);
191: glib3_ray();
192: }
193: -(void) glib3_std_scene0 {
194: glib3_std_scene0(xeye,yeye,zeye);
195: }
197: @end
199: // Original glib functions
200: void glib_line(float x,float y, float x2,float y2, int color) {
201: glColor4f((color/0x10000)/256.0,((color/0x100)& 0xff)/256.0,(color % 0x100)/256.0,0.0);
202: // NSLog(@"color=%f,%f,%f\n",(color/0x10000)/256.0,((color/0x100)& 0xff)/256.0,(color % 0x100)/256.0);
203: glBegin(GL_LINES);
204: glVertex2f(x,y);
205: glVertex2f(x2,y2);
206: glEnd();
207: }
208: void glib_putpixel(float x,float y,int color) {
209: // NSLog(@"color=%f,%f,%f\n",(color/0x10000)/256.0,((color/0x100)& 0xff)/256.0,(color % 0x100)/256.0);
210: glBegin(GL_POINTS);
211: glColor4f((color/0x10000)/256.0,((color/0x100)& 0xff)/256.0,(color % 0x100)/256.0,0.0);
212: glVertex2f(x,y);
213: glEnd();
214: }
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