Annotation of OpenXM/src/cfep/MyOutputWindowController.m, Revision 1.2
1.1 takayama 1: //
2: // MyOutputWindowController.m
3: // cfep
4: //
5: // Created by nobuki on 06/01/25.
6: // Copyright 2006 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
7: //
9: #import "MyOutputWindowController.h"
10: #import "MyDocument.h"
12: @implementation MyOutputWindowController
14: +(MyOutputWindowController *) sharedMyOutputWindowController: (MyDocument *) sender action: (enum actionType) act {
15: static NSMutableDictionary * sharedMOWC; // class variable.
16: MyOutputWindowController *owin;
17: if (sharedMOWC == nil) {
18: sharedMOWC = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: 1024]; //BUG. finite number.
19: [sharedMOWC retain];
20: }
21: if (act == FIND) {
22: owin = [sharedMOWC objectForKey: [sender getMyDocumentKey]];
23: if (owin != nil) return owin;
24: owin = [[MyOutputWindowController allocWithZone:[MyOutputWindowController zone]] init];
25: [owin retain];
26: NSLog(@"MyOutputWindowController. new owc is created.\n");
27: [sharedMOWC setObject: owin forKey: [sender getMyDocumentKey]];
28: return owin;
29: }else{ // REMOVE
30: owin = [sharedMOWC objectForKey: [sender getMyDocumentKey]];
31: if (!owin) [sharedMOWC removeObjectForKey: [sender getMyDocumentKey]];
32: // [owin autorelease];
33: return owin;
34: }
35: }
37: +(MyOutputWindowController *) sharedMyOutputWindowController: (MyDocument *)sender {
38: return [self sharedMyOutputWindowController: sender action: FIND];
39: }
42: -(id) init {
43: static int serial;
44: self = [self initWithWindowNibName: @"MyOutputWindow"];
45: if (self) [self setWindowFrameAutosaveName: @"cfep Output View"];
46: winNo = serial++;
47: return self;
48: }
50: -(void) windowDidLoad {
51: [super windowDidLoad];
52: // [textViewOut retain]; ?
53: }
55: -(void) dealloc {
56: NSLog(@"dealloc of MyOutputWindowController instance.\n");
57: [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self];
58: [super dealloc];
59: }
61: -(void) closeMyOutputWindow: (MyDocument *) md {
62: NSLog(@"closeMyOutputWindow. \n");
63: [MyOutputWindowController sharedMyOutputWindowController: md action: REMOVE];
64: removable = 1;
65: [self close];
66: }
68: -(BOOL) windowShouldClose: (NSWindow *)sender { // book. p.149 Delegate outlet of Window should me File's owner.
69: if (removable) return [super windowShouldClose: sender];
70: return NO;
71: }
73: -(void)outputStringToOutputWindow:(NSString *)msg {
74: NSRange myRange = NSMakeRange([[textViewOut textStorage] length],0);
75: // NSLog(@"<MyOutputWindowController> outputStringToOutputWindow\n");
76: [textViewOut replaceCharactersInRange: myRange withString: msg];
77: [textViewOut scrollRangeToVisible: NSMakeRange([[textViewOut textStorage] length],0)];
78: }
1.2 ! takayama 79: -(void)insertText: (id) text {
! 80: [textViewOut insertText: text];
! 81: [textViewOut scrollRangeToVisible: NSMakeRange([[textViewOut textStorage] length],0)];
! 82: }
1.1 takayama 83:
84: -(void)printErrorMessageToOutputWindow:(NSString *)msg {
85: int oldEnd;
86: int newEnd;
87: oldEnd = [[textViewOut textStorage] length];
88: NSRange myRange = NSMakeRange(oldEnd,0);
89: [textViewOut replaceCharactersInRange: myRange withString: msg];
90: newEnd = [[textViewOut textStorage] length];
91: [textViewOut setTextColor: [NSColor redColor] range: NSMakeRange(oldEnd,newEnd-oldEnd)];
92: [textViewOut scrollRangeToVisible: NSMakeRange(newEnd,0)];
93: }
95: -(void)clearOutputWindow {
96: NSRange myRange = NSMakeRange(0,[[textViewOut textStorage] length]);
97: [textViewOut replaceCharactersInRange: myRange withString: @""];
98: }
99: -(void)changeWindowTitle: (NSString *)msg {
100: NSLog(@"title=%@\n",[window title]);
101: // [window setTitle: msg]; it does not work. Why?
102: }
103: -(void)showUp {
104: if (displayed == 0) {
105: [self showWindow: nil];
106: displayed = 1;
107: [self changeWindowTitle: [[NSString stringWithFormat: @"OutputView %d",winNo] retain]];
108: }
109: }
111: -(void) printDocument: (id) sender {
112: [textViewOut print: sender];
113: }
116: @end
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