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Annotation of OpenXM/src/cfep/mygl.h, Revision

1.1       takayama    1: void glib_line(float x,float y, float x2,float y2, int color);
                      2: //  glicosa.c
                      3: void glib3_std_scene0(float xnear, float ynear, float znear);
                      4: void glib3_std_scene0_ortho(float xnear, float ynear, float znear,float size);
                      5: void glib3_icosahedron(float x,float y,float z,float size);
                      6: void glib3_bounding_box(float box);
                      7: void glib3_test_depth(void);
                      9: // glray3.c
                     10: void glib3_ray_change_alpha(float e);
                     11: void glib3_ray_change_beta(float e);
                     12: void glib3_ray_init();
                     13: void glib3_ray();
                     14: void glib3_ray_reshape(float w,float h);

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