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Annotation of OpenXM/src/gc/Makefile, Revision 1.12

1.12    ! ohara       1: # $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/gc/Makefile,v 1.11 2004/04/21 11:32:07 takayama Exp $
1.1       takayama    2: OpenXM_HOME=../..
1.7       takayama    3: PREFIX=${OpenXM_HOME}
                      4: DISTDIR=${OpenXM_HOME}/../OpenXM_dist
1.8       ohara       5: RM = /bin/rm
                      6: MASTER_SITE=ftp://ftp.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/pub/OpenXM/misc/
1.12    ! ohara       7: DISTNAME=gc6.3
        !             8: DISTFILES=${DISTNAME}.tar.gz
        !             9: WRKSRC=work/${DISTNAME}
1.8       ohara      10: PATCH_INTERIX = ${OpenXM_HOME}/../OpenXM_contrib2/asir2000/gc_interix.diff
1.7       takayama   11:
1.9       ohara      12: all : build
1.7       takayama   13:
                     14: fetch:
1.9       ohara      15:        -mkdir work
                     16:        @if [ ! -f work/.fetch_done ]; then \
1.8       ohara      17:                ${OpenXM_HOME}/bin/oxfetch.sh ${MASTER_SITE}${DISTFILES} ${DISTDIR}; \
1.9       ohara      18:        fi
                     19:        @touch work/.fetch_done
1.3       takayama   20:
1.8       ohara      21: extract: fetch
1.9       ohara      22:        @if [ ! -f work/.extract_done ]; then \
1.12    ! ohara      23:            cat ${DISTDIR}/${DISTFILES} | (cd work; tar xzvf -) ; \
1.9       ohara      24:        fi
                     25:        @touch work/.extract_done
1.8       ohara      26:
                     27: patch: extract
1.9       ohara      28:        @if [ ! -f work/.patch_done ]; then \
1.12    ! ohara      29:            cat ${PATCH_INTERIX} | (cd ${WRKSRC}; patch -p0) ; \
1.9       ohara      30:        fi
                     31:        @touch work/.patch_done
                     33: configure : patch
                     34:        @if [ ! -f work/.configure_done ]; then \
1.10      ohara      35:                prefix=`cd ${OpenXM_HOME}; pwd` ; \
1.12    ! ohara      36:                (cd ${WRKSRC}; ./configure --disable-threads --prefix="$$prefix" ) ; \
1.8       ohara      37:        fi
1.9       ohara      38:        @touch work/.configure_done
1.1       takayama   39:
1.9       ohara      40: build : configure
                     41:        @if [ ! -f work/.build_done ]; then \
1.12    ! ohara      42:                (cd ${WRKSRC}; ${MAKE}) ; \
1.1       takayama   43:        fi
1.9       ohara      44:        @touch work/.build_done
1.6       ohara      45:
1.8       ohara      46: install: build
1.9       ohara      47:        @if [ ! -f work/.install_done ]; then \
1.12    ! ohara      48:                (cd ${WRKSRC}; ${MAKE} install) ; \
1.6       ohara      49:        fi
1.9       ohara      50:        @touch work/.install_done
1.6       ohara      51:
1.7       takayama   52: clean:
1.8       ohara      53:        -$(RM) -rf work
                     55: distclean: clean

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