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Annotation of OpenXM/src/hgm/mh/src/usage-jack-n.txt, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! takayama    1: $OpenXM$
        !             2:
        !             3: hgm_jack-n
        !             4:  [--idata input_data_file] [--x0 x0] [--degree approxm] [--help]
        !             5:  [--automatic n] [--assigned_series_error e] [--x0value_min e2]
        !             6:
        !             7: The command hgm_jack-n [options] evaluates the matrix hypergeometric function pFq by
        !             8: the Koev-Edelman algorithm and generates an input for hgm_w-n.
        !             9:
        !            10: Parameters are specified by the input_data_file. Otherwise, default values are used.
        !            11: By executing ./hgm_jack-n without argument, a sample input file is output.
        !            12: The format of the input_data_file specified by --idata:
        !            13: # or %% are used for a comment line.
        !            14: The value of a parameter xyz is specified by %xyz=value
        !            15: !oxprintfe("Input data file should start with the line for the latest input data format: %s\n");
        !            16:
        !            17:   p_pFq : p of pFq, a_1, ..., a_p
        !            18:   q_pFq : q of pFq, b_1, ..., b_q
        !            19:   Mg: m (the number of variables).
        !            20:   Beta: vector of length m. Evaluation is done on the line Beta*x
        !            21:   X0g:  evaluation point of x (when --x0 option is used after --idata, this value is used).
        !            22:   ef_type: exponential or scalar factor type.
        !            23:     case 0: rare pFq  (Todo, not tested)
        !            24:     case 1: It is for the case of evaluating
        !            25:         Pr({y | y<xmax}), which is the cumulative distribution function of the largest root
        !            26:         of the m by m Wishart matrices with n degrees of freedom and the covariantce matrix
        !            27:         sigma where
        !            28:         Beta=sigma^(-1)/2 (diagonized) and  n must be given by Ng.
        !            29:         p_pFq, q_pFq are automatically set for 1F1.
        !            30:     case 2:
        !            31:         Pr({y | y<xmax}), which is the cumulative distribution function of the largest root
        !            32:         of P Q^(-1) where P and Q are Wishart matrices. It uses 2F1 and Beta, p_pFq, q_pFq
        !            33:         should be properly given.
        !            34:
        !            35: The following parameters may be given in the input data file to pass to hgm_w-n.
        !            36:   Hg: h (step size) for hgm_w-n.
        !            37:   Dp: output data is stored in every Dp steps when output_data_file is specified.
        !            38:   Xng: terminating value of x for hgm_w-n.
        !            39:
        !            40: The output data contains the following parameters.
        !            41:   Iv: initial values at X0g*Beta evaluated by this program.
        !            42:   Ef: a scalar factor to the initial value evaluated by this program.
        !            43:
        !            44: --notable : It does not use the Lemma 3.2 of Koev-Edelman (there is a typo: kappa'_r = mu'_r for 1<=r<=mu_k).
        !            45: When there is no --idata file, all options are ignored.
        !            46: --automatic : X0g and degree are automatically determined from assigend_series_error. The current strategy is described in mh_t in jack-n.c.
        !            47: !  oxprintfe("Default values for the papameters of the automatic mode: automatic=%d, assigned_series_error=%lg, x0value_min=%lg\n",M_automatic,M_assigned_series_error,M_x0value_min);
        !            48: The degree of the approximation (Mapprox) is given by the --degree option.
        !            49:
        !            50: Todo: automatic mode throws away the table of Jack polynomials of the previous degrees and reevaluate them. They should be kept.
        !            51: Examples:
        !            52:   [1] ./hgm_jack-n
        !            53:   [2] ./hgm_jack-n --idata Testdata/tmp-idata3.txt --degree 15  --automatic 0
        !            54:   [3] ./hgm_jack-n --idata Testdata/tmp-idata2.txt --degree 15 >test2.txt
        !            55:       ./hgm_w-n --idata test2.txt --gnuplotf test-g
        !            56:       gnuplot -persist <test-g-gp.txt
        !            57:   [4] ./hgm_jack-n --idata Testdata/tmp-idata3.txt --automatic 1 --assigned_series_error=1e-12
        !            58:   [5] ./hgm_jack-n --idata Testdata/tmp-idata4.txt
        !            59:   [6] ./hgm_jack-n --idata Testdata/new-2016-02-04-4-in.txt

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