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Annotation of OpenXM/src/k097/help.k, Revision 1.12

1.12    ! takayama    1: /* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/k097/help.k,v 1.11 2003/11/20 09:20:36 takayama Exp $ */
1.1       maekawa     2: if (K00_verbose)
1.8       takayama    3:   Println("help.k:  8/6, 1996 --- 8/7, 1996. 3/6, 1997 --- 12/21, 1997.");
1.1       maekawa     4:
                      5: def help(x) {
                      6:   if (Length(Arglist) < 1) {
                      7:      ShowKeyWords(" ");
                      8:   } else {
                      9:      Help(x);
                     10:   }
                     11: }
                     14: def Help(key) {
                     15:   local n,i,item,m,item1,j;
                     16:   if (Length(Arglist) < 1) {
                     17:      ShowKeyWords(" ");
                     18:      return( [ ] );
                     19:   }
                     21:   if (key == "ALL") {
                     22:     ShowKeyWords("ALL"); return(0);
                     23:   }
                     24:   n = Length(Helplist);
                     25:   PSfor (i=0; i<n; i++) {
1.9       takayama   26:     item = Helplist[i,1];
1.1       maekawa    27:     if (item[0] == key) {
                     28:        if (IsArray(item[1])) {
                     29:          item1 = item[1];
                     30:          m = Length(item1);
                     31:          for (j=0; j<m; j++) {
                     32:            Println(item1[j]);
                     33:          }
                     34:        }else{
                     35:          Println(item[1]);
                     36:        }
                     37:        return(item);
                     38:     }
                     39:   }
                     40:   Print("The key word <<"); Print(key); Println(">> could not be found.");
                     41:   return([ ]);
                     42: }
                     45: def ShowKeyWords(ss) {
                     46:   local i,j,n,keys,max,width,m,k,kk,tmp0;
                     47:   Ln();
                     48:   n = Length(Helplist);
                     49:   keys = [" " ];  /* This is a gate keeper for shell. */
                     50:   PSfor (i=0; i< n; i++ ) {
1.9       takayama   51:     keys = Append(keys,Helplist[i,1,0]);
1.1       maekawa    52:   }
                     53:   keys = sm1(keys," shell ");
                     54:   n = Length(keys);
                     55:   if (ss == "ALL") {
                     56:     PSfor (i=1; i<n; i++) {
                     57:       Print("# "); Print(keys[i]); Ln();
                     58:       Help(keys[i]); Ln();
                     59:     }
                     60:     return(0);
                     61:   }
                     62:   max = 0;
                     63:   PSfor (i=1; i<n; i++) {
                     64:      if (Length(keys[i]) > max) {
                     65:         max = Length(keys[i]);
                     66:      }
                     67:   }
                     68:   /* Println(max); */
                     69:   max = max+3;
                     70:   width = 80;
                     71:   m = 0;
                     72:   while ((m*max) < 80) {
                     73:      m = m+1;
                     74:   }
                     75:   if (m > 1) m = m-1;
                     76:   k = 0; kk = 0;
                     77:   PSfor (i=1; i<n; i++) {
                     78:     Print(keys[i]); kk = kk+1;
                     79:     k = k+Length(keys[i]);
                     80:     tmp0 = max-Length(keys[i]);
                     81:     /*for (j=0; j < tmp0 ; j++) {
                     82:        k = k+1;
                     83:        if (kk < m) {Print(" ");}
                     84:     }*/
                     85:     k = k+tmp0;
                     86:     if (kk < m) {
                     87:         sm1(" [ 0 1 ", tmp0, " (integer) dc 1 sub { pop $ $ } for ] aload length cat_n messagen ");
                     88:     }
                     89:     if (kk >= m) {
                     90:       kk = 0; k=0; Ln();
                     91:     }
                     92:   }
                     93:   Ln();
                     94:   Println("Type in Help(keyword);  to see a help message (string keyword).");
1.9       takayama   95:   Println("A new help system can be used as man() or man(keyword).");
1.1       maekawa    96:
                     97:   /* Println(keys); */
                     98: }
                    100: def ShowKeyWordsOfSm1(ss) {
                    101:   local i,j,n,keys,max,width,m,k,kk,tmp0;
                    102:   Ln();
                    103:   sm1(" /help_Sm1Macro @.usages def ");
                    104:   n = Length(help_Sm1Macro);
                    105:   keys = [" " ];
                    106:   for (i=0; i< n; i++ ) {
                    107:     keys = Append(keys,help_Sm1Macro[i,0]);
                    108:   }
                    109:   keys = sm1(keys," shell ");
                    110:   n = Length(keys);
                    111:   if (ss == "ALL") {
                    112:     for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
                    113:       tmp0 = keys[i];
                    114:       Print("# "); Print(tmp0); Ln();
                    115:       sm1(tmp0," usage "); Ln();
                    116:     }
                    117:     return(0);
                    118:   }
                    120:   max = 0;
                    121:   for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
                    122:      if (Length(keys[i]) > max) {
                    123:         max = Length(keys[i]);
                    124:      }
                    125:   }
                    126:   /* Println(max); */
                    127:   max = max+3;
                    128:   width = 80;
                    129:   m = 0;
                    130:   while ((m*max) < 80) {
                    131:      m = m+1;
                    132:   }
                    133:   k = 0; kk = 0;
                    134:   for (i=1; i<n; i++) {
                    135:     Print(keys[i]); kk = kk+1;
                    136:     k = k+Length(keys[i]);
                    137:     tmp0 = max-Length(keys[i]);
                    138:     if (kk >= m) {
                    139:     }else {
                    140:       for (j=0; j < tmp0 ; j++) {
                    141:          k = k+1;
                    142:          Print(" ");
                    143:       }
                    144:     }
                    145:     if (kk >= m) {
                    146:       kk = 0; k=0; Ln();
                    147:     }
                    148:   }
                    149:   Ln();
                    150:   Ln();
                    151:   Println("Type in (keyword) usage ;  to see a help message.");
                    153:   /* Println(keys); */
                    154: }
1.9       takayama  156: /* Start of HelpAdd */
                    157: HelpAdd(
                    158: ["Map",
                    159:  ["Map(<<karg>>,<<func>>) applies the function <<func>> to the <<karg>> (string <<func>>).",
                    160:   " Ex. Map([82,83,85],\"AsciiToString\"):"],
                    161:  ["karg","func"],
                    162:  null,
                    163:  "apply a function to each element of a list."
                    164: ]);
                    165: HelpAdd(["Position",
                    166:  ["Position(<<list>>,<<elem>>) returns the position p of the element <<elem>> in",
                    167:   " the array <<list>>. If <<elem>> is not in <<list>>, it return -1",
                    168:   " (array <<list>>).",
                    169:   "Ex. Position([1,34,2],34): "],
                    170:  ["list","elem"],
                    171:  null,
                    172:  "find a position of an element in a list."
                    173: ]);
                    174: HelpAdd(["StringToAsciiArray",
                    175:  ["StringToAsciiArray(<<s>>) decomposes the string <<s>> into an array of ",
                    176:   "ascii codes of <<s>>.",
                    177:   "cf. AsciiToString."],
                    178:  ["s"],
                    179:  ["AsciiToString"],
                    180:  "translate a string to an array of ascii codes."
                    181: ]);
                    183: HelpAdd(["NewArray",
                    184:  ["NewArray(<<n>>) returns an array of size integer <<n>>."],
                    185:  ["n"],
                    186:  ["NewMatrix"],
                    187:  "it returns an array of a given size."
                    188: ]);
                    189: HelpAdd(["GetEnv",
                    190:  ["GetEnv(<<s>>) returns the value of the environmental variable string <<s>>."],
                    191:  ["s"],
                    192:  null,
                    193:  "value of an environmental variable."
                    194: ]);
                    195: HelpAdd(["Boundp",
                    196:  ["Boundp(<<s>>) checks if the symbol <<s>> is bounded to a value or not (string <<s>>)."],
                    197:  ["s"],
                    198:  null,
                    199:  "check if a symbol is assigned a value or not."
                    200: ]);
                    201: HelpAdd(["Rest",
                    202:  ["Rest(<<a>>) returns the rest (cdr) of  <<a>> (list <<a>>)."],
                    203:  ["a"],
                    204:  ["Append","Join"],
                    205:  "it returns the rest of a given list."
                    206: ]);
                    207: HelpAdd(["GetPathName",
                    208:  ["GetPathName(<<s>>) checks if the file <<s>> exists in the current directory or",
                    209:  "in LOAD_K_PATH. If there exists, it returns the path name (string <<s>>)."],
                    210:  ["s"],
                    211:  ["GetEnv"],
                    212:  "find a file in the search path."
                    213: ]);
                    214: HelpAdd(["Load_sm1",
                    215: ["Load_sm1(<<s>>,<<flag>>) loads a sm1 program from <<s>>[0], <<s>>[1], ....",
                    216:  "If loading is succeeded, the already-loaded <<flag>> is set to true.",
                    217:  "(list <<s>>, string <<flag>>)."],
                    218:  ["s","flag"],
                    219:  ["load"],
                    220:  "load a sm1 program"
                    221: ]);
                    222: HelpAdd(["ReParse",
                    223:  ["Reparse(<<obj>>): ",
                    224:  "It parses the given object <<obj>> in the current ring."],
                    225:  ["obj"],
                    226:  ["Mapto","RingD"],
                    227:  "parses a given object in the current ring."
                    228: ]);
                    229: HelpAdd(["Pmat",
                    230:  ["Pmat(<<m>>): ",
                    231:   "Print the array <<m>> in a pretty way."],
                    232:  ["m"],
                    233:  ["Println"],
                    234:  "print an given array in a pretty way."
                    235: ]);
                    236: HelpAdd(["Tag",
                    237: ["Tag(<<f>>) returns the datatype tag of <<f>> where",
                    238:  "0: null, 5: string,  6: array, 9: polynomial, 15: integer(big-num),  ",
                    239:  "16: rational, 18:double, 257: Error ",
                    240:  "Ex. Tag([Poly(\"0\"), 0]):"],
                    241:  ["f"],
                    242:  ["Is*"],
                    243:  "return the tag of a given object."
                    244: ]);
                    245: HelpAdd(["Error",
                    246:  ["Error(<<s>>) causes an error and outputs a message <<s>>."],
                    247:  ["s"],
                    248:  null,
                    249:  "cause an error."
                    250: ]);
                    252: HelpAdd(["Help",
                    253:  ["Help(<<key>>) or help(<<key>>) shows an explanation on the <<key>> (string <<key>>)."],
                    254:  ["key"],
                    255:  ["HelpAdd","help","man"],
                    256:  "display a help message."
                    257: ]);
1.1       maekawa   258: HelpAdd(["HelpAdd",
1.9       takayama  259:  ["HelpAdd([<<key>>,<<explanation>>]) (string <<key>>, string <<explanation>>)",
                    260:   " or (string <<key>>, array <<explanation>>).",
                    261:   "   ",
                    262:   "HelpAdd([<<key>>,<<explanation>>,<<category>>]) is used to specify ",
                    263:   "the <<category>> of the topics."],
                    264:   ["key","explanation"],
                    265:   ["help","man"],
                    266:   "Add a help message in the system."
                    267: ]);
1.1       maekawa   269: HelpAdd(["load",
1.9       takayama  270:  ["load(<<fname>>) loads the file << fname >>(string <<fname>>).",
                    271:   "load <<fname>>  loads the file << fname >>.",
                    272:   "load[<<fname>>] loads the file << fname >> with the preprocessing by /lib/cpp."
                    273: ],
                    274: ["fname"],
                    275: ["Load_sm1"],
                    276: "load a given file."]);
                    278: HelpAdd(["Ln","Print newline.",
                    279: [ ],
                    280: ["Print","Println"],
                    281: "print newline."]);
                    282: HelpAdd(["Println",
                    283:  ["Println(<<f>>) prints <<f>> and goes to the new line."],
                    284:  ["f"],
                    285:  ["Ln","Print","Stderr."],
                    286:  "display a given object with the newline."
                    287: ]);
                    288: HelpAdd(["Print",
                    289:  ["Print(<<f>>) prints <<f>> without the newline."],
                    290:  ["f"],
                    291:  ["Println"],
                    292:  "display a given object."
                    293: ]);
1.1       maekawa   294: HelpAdd(["Poly",
1.9       takayama  295:  ["Poly(<<name>>) parses a given string <<name>> in the current ring ",
                    296:   "and returns a polynomial."
                    297:  ],
                    298:  ["name"],
                    299:  ["DC","PolyR","ReParse","RingD"],
                    300:  "translate a string to a polynomial."
                    301: ]);
1.1       maekawa   302: HelpAdd(["PolyR",
1.9       takayama  303:  ["PolyR(<<name>>,<<r>>) parses a string <<name>> in the ring <<r>> ",
                    304:  "Ex. r = RingD(\"x,y\"); y = PolyR(\"x+2*y\",r); "],
                    305:  ["name","r"],
                    306:  ["Poly"],
                    307:  "translate a string to a polynomial in a given ring."
                    308: ]);
1.1       maekawa   309: HelpAdd(["RingD",
1.9       takayama  310:  ["RingD(<<names>>) defines a new ring of differential operators (string <<names>>).",
                    311:   "RingD(<<names>>,<<weight_vector>>) defines a new ring with the weight vector",
                    312:   "(string <<names>>, array <<weight_vector>>).",
                    313:   "RingD(<<names>>,<<weight_vector>>,<<characteristic>>)",
                    314:   "Dx is the associated variable to x where Dx*x - x*Dx = 1 holds.",
                    315:   " Ex. RingD(\"x,y\",[[\"x\",2,\"y\",1]]) "],
                    316:   ["names","weight_vector"],
                    317:   ["GetRing","PolyR","ReParse","SetRing"],
                    318:   "define a new ring of differential operators."
                    319: ]);
                    320: HelpAdd(["Reduction",
                    321:  ["Reduction(<<f>>,<<G>>) returns the remainder and sygygies when
                    322:    <<f>> is devided by <<G>> (polynomial <<f>>, array <<G>>)."],
                    323:  ["f","g"],
                    324:  ["Gb"],
                    325:  "get the remainder and the quotients."
                    326: ]);
                    327: HelpAdd(["AddString","AddString(<<list>>) returns the concatnated string (array <<list>>).",
                    328:  ["list"],
                    329:  null,
                    330:  "concatenate strings."
                    331: ]);
                    332: HelpAdd(["AsciiToString",
                    333:  "AsciiToString(<<ascii_code>>) returns the string of which
                    334:   ascii code is <<ascii_code>> (integer <<ascii_code>>).",
                    335:  ["ascii_code"],
                    336:  ["!ReservedNames","AddString","StringToAsciiArray"],
                    337:  "translate from ascii code to a string."
                    338: ]);
                    339: HelpAdd(["ToString",
                    340:  "ToString(<<obj>>) transforms the <<obj>> to a string.",
                    341:  ["obj"],
                    342:  ["DC"],
                    343:  "translate a given object to a string."
                    344: ]);
                    345: HelpAdd(["Numerator",
                    346:  "Numerator(<<f>>) returns the numerator of the rational <<f>>.",
                    347:  ["f"],
                    348:  ["Cancel","Denominator"],
                    349:  "numerator"
                    350: ]);
                    351: HelpAdd(["Denominator",
                    352:  "Denominator(<<f>>) returns the denominator of the rational <<f>>.",
                    353:  ["f"],
                    354:  ["Cancel","Numerator"],
                    355:  "denominator"
                    356: ]);
1.7       takayama  357: HelpAdd(["Replace",
1.9       takayama  358:   ["Replace(<<f>>,<<rule>>) rewrites <<f>> by the <<rule>> (polynomial <<f>>, array <<rule>>).  ",
                    359:    "Ex. RingD(\"x,y\"); Replace( (x+y)^3, [[x,Poly(\"1\")]])"],
                    360:   ["f","rule"],
                    361:   ["replace (sm1)"],
                    362:   "substitute variables by given values"
                    363: ]);
1.1       maekawa   364: HelpAdd(["SetRingVariables",
1.9       takayama  365:  "Set the generators of the current ring as global variables.
                    366:   You do not need explicitly call this function which is called from RingD.
                    367:   cf. RingD(), Poly(), PolyR()",
                    368:   [ ],
                    369:   ["RingD"],
                    370:   "  "
                    371: ]);
                    372: HelpAdd(["Append",
                    373:  "Append([<<f1>>,...,<<fn>>],<<g>>) returns the list [<<f1>>,...,<<fn>>,<<g>>]",
                    374:  ["f1","fn","g"],
                    375:  ["Join","NewArray","Rest"],
                    376:  "append two lists or arrays."
                    377: ]);
1.1       maekawa   378: HelpAdd(["Join",
1.9       takayama  379:  "Join([<<f1>>,...,<<fn>>],[<<g1>>,...,<<gm>>]) returns the list
                    380:   [<<f1>>,...,<<fn>>,<<g1>>,...,<<gm>>]",
                    381:   ["f1","fn","g1","gm"],
                    382:   ["Append","NewArray","Rest"],
                    383:   "join two lists or arrays"
                    384: ]);
1.1       maekawa   385:
1.8       takayama  386: HelpAdd(["!ReservedNames",
1.1       maekawa   387:  ["The names k00*, K00*, sm1* , arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,....," ,
                    388:   "Helplist, Arglist, FunctionValue,",
1.9       takayama  389:   "@@*, db.*, k.*, tmp002*, tmp00* are used for system functions.",
                    390:   "Percent, LeftBracket, RightBracket, Dollar, Newline are constants"],
                    391:   null,
                    392:   null,
                    393:   "reserved symbols."
                    394: ]);
1.1       maekawa   395:
                    396: HelpAdd(["IntegerToSm1Integer",
1.9       takayama  397:  "IntegerToSm1Integer(<<i>>) translates integer <<i>>
                    398:   to sm1 integer (integer <<i>>).",
                    399:  ["i"],
                    400:  null,
                    401:  "translates integer to 32 bit integer (sm1 integer)"
                    402: ]);
                    403: HelpAdd(["true","true returns sm1 integer 1.",null,null," "]);
                    404: HelpAdd(["false","false returns sm1 integer 0.",null,null," "]);
1.1       maekawa   405: HelpAdd(["IsArray",
1.9       takayama  406:  ["If <<f>> is an array (or list) object, then IsArray(<<f>>) returns true,",
                    407:   "else IsArray(<<f>>) returns false."],
                    408:  ["f"],
                    409:  ["Is*","Tag"],
                    410:  "check if an given object is an array."
                    411: ]);
1.1       maekawa   412:
                    413: HelpAdd(["Init_w",
1.9       takayama  414:  ["Init_w(<<f>>,<<vars>>,<<w>>) returns the initial terms with respect to the",
1.1       maekawa   415:   "weight vector <<w>> (array of integer) of the polynomial <<f>>",
                    416:   "(polynomial).  Here, <<f>> is regarded as a polynomial with respect",
                    417:   "to the variables <<vars>> (array of polynomials).",
1.9       takayama  418:   "Ex. RingD(\"x,y\"); Init_w(x^2+y^2+x,[x,y],[1,1]):"],
                    419:   ["f","vars","w"],
                    420:   ["Gb","Init"],
                    421:   "return the initial terms."
                    422: ]);
1.1       maekawa   423:
                    425: HelpAdd(["Groebner",
1.9       takayama  426:  ["Groebner(<<input>>) returns Groebner basis of the left ideal or the submodule",
1.1       maekawa   427:   "defined by <<input>> (array of polynomials)",
                    428:   "The order is that of the ring to which each element of <<input>>",
                    429:   "belongs.",
                    430:   "The input is automatically homogenized.",
1.9       takayama  431:   "Ex. RingD(\"x,y\",[[\"x\", 10, \"y\", 1]]);",
                    432:   "          Groebner([Poly(\" x^2+y^2-4\"),Poly(\" x*y-1 \")]):",
                    433:   "cf. RingD, Homogenize"],
                    434:   ["input"],
                    435:   ["Gb","Init_w","RingD","groebner (sm1)"],
                    436:   "compute the Grobner basis."
                    437: ]);
1.1       maekawa   438:
                    440: HelpAdd(["RingPoly",
1.9       takayama  441:  ["RingPoly(<<names>>) defines a ring of polyomials (string <<names>>).",
1.1       maekawa   442:   "The names of variables of that ring are <<names>>  and ",
                    443:   "the homogenization variable h.",
                    444:   "cf. SetRingVariables, RingD",
1.9       takayama  445:   "Ex. R=RingPoly(\"x,y\");",
1.1       maekawa   446:   "  ",
1.9       takayama  447:   "RingPoly(<<names>>,<<weight_vector>>) defines a ring of polynomials",
                    448:   "with the order defined by the <<weight_vector>>",
                    449:   "(string <<names>>, array of array <<weight_vector>>).",
                    450:   "RingPoly(<<names>>,<<weight_vector>>,<<characteristic>>)",
1.1       maekawa   451:   "Example: R=RingPoly(\"x,y\",[[\"x\",10,\"y\",1]]);",
1.9       takayama  452:   "         (x+y)^10: "],
                    453:   ["names","weight_vector"],
                    454:   ["GetRing","RingD","SetRing"],
                    455:   "define a ring of polynomials."
                    456: ]);
1.1       maekawa   457:
                    459: HelpAdd(["CancelNumber",
1.9       takayama  460: ["CancelNumber(<<rn>>) reduces the rational number <<rn>>",
                    461:  "(rational <<rn>>).",
                    462:  "Ex. CancelNumber( 2/6 ) : "],
                    463:  ["rn"],
                    464:  ["Cancel"],
                    465:  "factor out the greatest common divisor."
                    466: ]);
1.1       maekawa   467:
                    468: HelpAdd(["IsString",
1.9       takayama  469: ["IsString(<<obj>>) returns true if << obj >> is a string (object <<obj>>).",
                    470:  "Ex.  if (IsString(\"abc\")) Println(\"Hello\"); ;"],
                    471:  ["obj"],
                    472:  ["DC","Is*","Tag"],
                    473:  "check if a given object is a string."
                    474: ]);
1.1       maekawa   475:
1.6       takayama  476: HelpAdd(["IsRing",
1.9       takayama  477:  ["IsRing(<<obj>>) returns true if << obj >> is a ring (object <<obj>>)."
                    478:  ],
                    479:  ["obj"],
                    480:  ["DC","Is*","Tag"],
                    481:  "check if a given object is a ring."
                    482: ]);
1.6       takayama  483:
1.1       maekawa   484:
                    485: HelpAdd(["IsSm1Integer",
1.9       takayama  486: ["IsSm1Integer(<<obj>>) returns true if << obj >> is an integer of sm1(object <<obj>>)."],
                    487:  ["obj"],
                    488:  ["DC","Is*","Tag"],
                    489:  "check if a given object is a 32 bit integer."
                    490: ]);
1.1       maekawa   491:
                    492: HelpAdd(["sm1",
1.9       takayama  493: ["sm1(<<arg1>>,<<arg2>>,...) is used to embed sm1 native code in the kxx program.",
                    494:  "Ex. sm1( 2, 2, \" add print \"); ",
                    495:  "Ex. def myadd(a,b) { sm1(\" a b add /FunctionValue set \"); }" ],
                    496:  ["arg1","arg2"],
                    497:  ["usage (sm1)"],
                    498:  "execute sm1 commands"
                    499: ]);
1.1       maekawa   500:
                    501: HelpAdd(["DC",
1.9       takayama  502: ["DC(<<obj>>,<<key>>) converts << obj >> to a new object in the primitive",
                    503:  "class << key >> (object <<obj>>, string <<key>>)",
                    504:  "Ex.  DC(\" (x+1)^10 \", \"polynomial\"): "],
                    505:  ["obj","key"],
                    506:  ["ToString"],
                    507:  "translate data types."
                    508: ]);
1.1       maekawa   509:
                    510: HelpAdd(["Length",
1.9       takayama  511: ["Length(<<vec>>) returns the length of the array << vec >>",
                    512:  "(array <<vec>>)"],
                    513:  ["vec"],
                    514:  null,
                    515:  "length of a given array or a list."
                    516: ]);
1.1       maekawa   517:
                    518: HelpAdd(["Transpose",
1.10      takayama  519:  ["Transpose(<<m>>.) return the transpose of the matrix << m >>",
1.9       takayama  520:   "(array of array <<m>>)."],
                    521:  ["m"],
                    522:  ["NewMatrix"],
                    523:  "transposition"
                    524: ]);
1.1       maekawa   525:
                    526: HelpAdd(["Save",
1.9       takayama  527:  ["Save(<<obj>>) appends << obj >> to the file sm1out.txt (object <<obj>>)."],
                    528:  ["obj"],
                    529:  null,
                    530:  "write a given object to a file."
                    531: ]);
1.1       maekawa   532:
                    533: HelpAdd(["Coefficients",
1.9       takayama  534: ["Coefficients(<<f>>,<<v>>) returns [exponents, coefficients] of << f >>",
1.1       maekawa   535:  "with respect to the variable << v >>",
1.9       takayama  536:  "(polynomial <<f>>,<<v>>).",
                    537:  "Ex.  Coefficients(Poly(\"(x+1)^2\"),Poly(\"x\")): "],
                    538:  ["f","v"],
                    539:  ["Exponent","Init","Init_w"],
                    540:  "get the exponents and coefficients."
                    541: ]);
1.1       maekawa   542:
                    543: HelpAdd(["System",
1.9       takayama  544: ["System(<<comm>>) executes the unix system command << comm >>",
                    545:  "(string <<comm>>)",
                    546:  "Ex. System(\"ls\");"],
                    547:  ["comm"],
                    548:  null,
                    549:  "call the unix shell."
                    550: ]);
1.1       maekawa   551:
                    552: HelpAdd(["Exponent",
1.9       takayama  553:  ["Expoent(<<f>>,<<vars>>) returns the vector of exponents of the polynomial <<f>>",
                    554:   "Ex. Exponent( x^2*y-1,[x,y])"],
                    555:  ["f","vars"],
                    556:  ["Coefficients"],
                    557:  "exponents of a given polynomial."
                    558: ]);
1.1       maekawa   559:
                    560: HelpAdd(["Protect",
1.9       takayama  561:  ["Protect(<<name>>) protects the symbol <<name>> (string)",
                    562:   "Protect(<<name>>,<<level>>) protects the symbol <<name>> (string) with ",
                    563:   "<<level>> "],
                    564:  ["name","level"],
                    565:  ["extension (sm1)"],
                    566:  "add read-only property for a given variable."
                    567: ]);
1.1       maekawa   568:
                    569: HelpAdd(["IsPolynomial",
1.9       takayama  570:  ["IsPolynomial(<<f>>) returns true if <<f>> (object) is a polynomial."],
                    571:  ["obj"],
                    572:  ["DC","Is*","Tag"],
                    573:  "check if a given object is a polynomial."
1.11      takayama  574: ]);
                    576: HelpAdd(["QuoteMode",
                    577:  ["QuoteMode(1) sets the parser in the quotemode; if unknown function symbol",
                    578:   "comes, it automatically translates the expression into a tree.",
1.12    ! takayama  579:   "Example 1: class polymake extends PrimitiveObject {local ; def hogera() { return(1);} } ",
        !           580:   "         QuoteMode(1); polymake.foo(1,2): ",
        !           581:   "Example 2: polymake=\"polymake\"; ",
1.11      takayama  582:   "         QuoteMode(1); polymake.foo(1,2): ",
                    583:   "QuoteMode(0) turns off the quotemode."],
                    584:  ["Tag"],
                    585:  "Change into the quote mode."
1.9       takayama  586: ]);
1.1       maekawa   587:
                    590: /* -----------------------------------------------
                    591:    functions on tests.    */
                    592: /* ------------  Developping functions  --------------------- */
                    594: def RingPoly(vList,weightMatrix,pp) {
                    595:   local new0,tmp,size,n,i,j,newtmp,ringpp,argsize;
                    596:   argsize = Length(Arglist);
                    597:   if (argsize == 1) {
                    598:     sm1("[", vList,
                    599:         "ring_of_polynomials ( ) elimination_order 0 ] define_ring
                    600:          /tmp set ");
1.3       takayama  601:     SetRingVariables();
1.1       maekawa   602:     return(tmp);
                    603:   } else ;
                    604:   if (argsize == 2) {
                    605:     pp = 0;
                    606:   }
                    607:   pp = IntegerToSm1Integer(pp);
                    608:   size = Length(weightMatrix);
                    609:   new0 = NewVector(size);
                    610:   sm1(" /@@@.indexMode.flag.save @@@.indexMode.flag def ");
                    611:   sm1(" 0 @@@.indexMode ");
                    612:   for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
                    613:     tmp = weightMatrix[i];
                    614:     n = Length(tmp);
                    615:     newtmp = NewVector(n);
                    616:     for (j=1; j<n; j = j+2) {
                    617:        newtmp[j-1] = tmp[j-1];
                    618:        newtmp[j] = IntegerToSm1Integer( tmp[j] );
                    619:     }
                    620:     new0[i] = newtmp;
                    621:   }
1.3       takayama  622:   SetRingVariables();
1.1       maekawa   623:   ringpp =
                    624:   sm1("[", vList,
                    625:       "ring_of_polynomials ", new0, " weight_vector", pp, " ] define_ring");
                    626:   sm1(" @@@.indexMode.flag.save @@@.indexMode ");
                    627:   return( ringpp );
                    628: }
                    630: def IsString(ob) {
                    631:   sm1(ob , " isString /FunctionValue set ");
                    632: }
                    634: def IsSm1Integer(ob) {
                    635:   sm1(ob , " isInteger /FunctionValue set ");
1.6       takayama  636: }
                    638: def IsRing(ob) {
                    639:   sm1(ob , " isRing /FunctionValue set ");
1.1       maekawa   640: }
                    643: def CancelNumber(rn) {
                    644:   local tmp;
                    645:   sm1(" [(cancel) ",rn," ] mpzext /tmp set ");
                    646:   if (IsInteger(tmp)) return(tmp);
                    647:   sm1(" tmp (denominator) dc (1).. eq { /FunctionValue tmp (numerator) dc def} { /FunctionValue tmp def } ifelse ");
                    648: }
1.5       takayama  650: def DC_polynomial(obj) {
                    651:   return(DC(obj,"polynomial"));
                    652: }
1.1       maekawa   653: def DC(obj,key) {
1.5       takayama  654:   if (IsArray(obj) && key=="polynomial") {
                    655:     return(Map(obj,"DC_polynomial"));
                    656:   }
1.1       maekawa   657:   if (key == "string") { return(ToString(obj)); }
                    658:   else if (key == "integer") { key = "universalNumber"; }
                    659:   else if (key == "sm1integer") { key = "integer"; }
                    660:   else if (key == "polynomial") { key = "poly"; }
                    661:   else ;
                    662:   sm1( obj , key, " data_conversion /FunctionValue set ");
                    663: }
                    665: def Transpose(m) {
                    666:   sm1(m, " transpose /FunctionValue set ");
                    667: }
                    669: def Save(obj) {
                    670:   sm1(obj, " output ");
                    671: }
                    674: def void System(comm) {
                    675:   sm1(comm, " system ");
                    676: }
                    679: def IsReducible(f,g) {
                    680:   sm1("[ (isReducible) ",f,g," ] gbext /FunctionValue set ");
                    681: }
                    683: def IsPolynomial(f) {
                    684:   sm1(" f isPolynomial /FunctionValue set ");
                    685: }
                    686: sm1(" /k00.toric0.mydegree {2 1 roll degree} def ");
                    687: def Exponent(f,vars) {
                    688:   local n,i,ans;
                    689:   if (f == Poly("0")) return([ ] );
                    690:   sm1(f," /ff.tmp set ", vars ,
                    691:       " {ff.tmp k00.toric0.mydegree (universalNumber) dc }map /FunctionValue set ");
                    692: }
                    693: def void Protect(name,level) {
                    694:   local n,str;
                    695:   n = Length(Arglist);
                    696:   if (n == 1) {
                    697:     level = 1;
                    698:     str = AddString(["[(chattr) ",ToString(level)," /",name," ",
                    699:                      " ] extension pop "]);
                    700:     /* Println(str); */
                    701:     sm1(" [(parse) ",str ," ] extension pop ");
                    702:   } else if (n ==2) {
                    703:     str = AddString(["[(chattr) ",ToString(level)," /",name," ",
                    704:                      " ] extension pop "]);
                    705:     /* Println(str); */
                    706:     sm1(" [(parse) ",str ," ] extension pop ");
                    707:   } else {
                    708:      k00_error("Protect","Arguments must be one or two. ");sm1(" error ");
                    709:   }
                    710: }
                    712: def void k00_error(name,msg) {
                    713:   Print("Error in "); Print(name); Print(". ");
                    714:   Println(msg);
                    715: }
                    717: def Init(f) {
                    718:   if (IsArray(f)) {
                    719:      return(Map(f,"Init"));
                    720:   } else if (IsPolynomial(f)) {
                    721:      sm1(f,"  init  /FunctionValue set ");
                    722:   } else {
                    723:      k00_error("Init","Argment must be polynomial or an array of polynomials");
                    724:      sm1(" error ");
                    725:   }
                    726: }
                    727: HelpAdd(["Init",
1.9       takayama  728:  ["Init(<<f>>) returns the initial term of the polynomial <<f>> (polynomial)",
                    729:   "Init(<<list>>) returns the array of initial terms of the array of polynomials",
                    730:   "<< list >> (array)"],
                    731:   ["f"],
                    732:   ["Init_w"],
                    733:   "return the initial term."
                    734: ]);
1.1       maekawa   735:
                    736: HelpAdd(["NewMatrix",
1.9       takayama  737:  ["NewMatrix(<<m>>,<<n>>) returns the (<<m>>,<<n>>)-matrix (array) with the entries 0."],
                    738:  ["m","n"],
                    739:  ["NewArray"],
                    740:  "generate a matrix of a given size."
                    741: ]);
1.1       maekawa   742:
                    743: def Eliminatev(list,var)  /* [(x-y). (y-z).] [(z) ] */
                    744: {
                    745:    sm1(list, var, " eliminatev /FunctionValue set ");
                    746: }
                    747: HelpAdd(["Eliminatev",
1.9       takayama  748: ["Eliminatev(<<list>>,<<var>>) prunes polynomials in << list >>(array of polynomials)",
1.1       maekawa   749:  "which contains the variables in << var >> ( array of strings )",
1.9       takayama  750:  "Ex. Eliminatev([Poly(\" x+h \"),Poly(\" x \")],[ \"h\" ]): "],
                    751:  ["list","var"],
                    752:  ["eliminatev (sm1)"],
                    753:  "  "
                    754: ]);
1.1       maekawa   755:
                    756: def ReducedBase(base) {
                    757:   sm1( base, " reducedBase /FunctionValue set ");
                    758: }
                    759: HelpAdd(["ReducedBase",
1.9       takayama  760:  ["ReducedBase(<<base>>) prunes redundant elements in the Grobner basis <<base>> (array)."
                    761: ],
                    762:  ["base"],
                    763:  ["Gb","Groebner"],
                    764:  "remove unnecessary elements."
                    765: ]);
1.1       maekawa   766:
                    768: def Coefficients(f,v) {
                    769:   local ans,exp;
                    770:   ans = sm1(f,v, " coefficients ");
                    771:   exp = ans[0];
                    772:   exp = sm1(exp," { (universalNumber) dc } map ");
                    773:   return([exp,ans[1]]);
                    774: }
                    776: def IsInteger(a) {
                    777:   sm1(a , " isUniversalNumber /FunctionValue set ");
                    778: }
                    779: HelpAdd(["IsInteger",
1.9       takayama  780: ["IsInteger(<<a>>) returns true if << a >> is an integer (object <<a>>).",
1.1       maekawa   781:  "It returns false if << a >> is not.",
1.9       takayama  782:  "cf. IsSm1Integer"],
                    783:  ["a"],
                    784:  ["DC","Is*","Tag"],
                    785:  "check if a given object is an integer."
                    786: ]);
1.1       maekawa   787:
                    788: def IsRational(a) {
                    789:   sm1(a , " isRational /FunctionValue set ");
                    790: }
                    791: HelpAdd(["IsRational",
1.9       takayama  792: ["IsRational(<<a>>) returns true if << a >> is a rational (object <<a>>).",
                    793:  "It returns false if << a >> is not."],
                    794:  ["a"],
                    795:  ["DC","Is*","Tag"],
                    796:  "check if a given object is a rational."
                    797: ]);
1.1       maekawa   798:
                    800: def IsDouble(a) {
                    801:   sm1(a , " isDouble /FunctionValue set ");
                    802: }
                    803: HelpAdd(["IsDouble",
1.9       takayama  804: ["IsDouble(<<a>>) returns true if << a >> is a double (object <<a>>).",
                    805:  "It returns false if << a >> is not."],
                    806:  ["a"],
                    807:  ["DC","Is*","Tag"],
                    808:  "check if a given object is double."
                    809: ]);
1.1       maekawa   810:
                    812: sm1(" /cs { this  [ ] Cleards  } def ");
                    815: def Init_w(f,vars,weight) {
                    816:   local w,w2,w3,ans,i,n;
                    817:   if (f == Poly("0")) return( Poly("0") );
                    818:   w = Map(vars,"ToString");
                    819:   w2 = sm1(weight," {$integer$ data_conversion} map ");
                    820:   n = Length(w);
                    821:   w3 = NewArray(n*2);
                    822:   for (i=0; i<n ; i++) {
                    823:     w3[2*i] = w[i]; w3[2*i+1] = w2[i];
                    824:   }
                    825:   ans = sm1(f,w3, " weightv init ");
                    826:   return(ans);
                    827: }
                    829: HelpAdd(["Mapto",
1.9       takayama  830:  ["Mapto(<<obj>>,<<ring>>) parses << obj >> as elements of the << ring >>.",
1.1       maekawa   831:   "(ring << ring >>, polynomial << obj >> or array of polynomial << obj >>).",
                    832:   "Ex. R = RingD(\"x,y\"); SetRingVariables();",
                    833:   "    f = (x+y)^2; R2 = RingD(\"x,y,z\",[[\"y\",1]]); ",
1.9       takayama  834:   "    f2 = Mapto(f,R2); f2: "],
                    835:   ["obj","ring"],
                    836:   ["ReParse"],
                    837:   "parse a polynomial in a given ring."
                    838: ]);
1.1       maekawa   839:
                    840: def Mapto(obj,ring) {
                    841:    local ans,i,n;
                    842:    if (IsArray(obj)) {
                    843:       n = Length(obj);
                    844:       ans = Map(obj,"ToString");
                    845:       for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
                    846:          ans[i] = PolyR(ans[i],ring);
                    847:       }
                    848:    }else{
                    849:       ans = ToString(obj);
                    850:       ans = PolyR(ans,ring);
                    851:    }
                    852:    return(ans);
                    853: }
                    856: HelpAdd(["ToDouble",
1.9       takayama  857:  ["ToDouble(<<f>>) translates << f >> into double when it is possible",
1.1       maekawa   858:   "object << f >>.",
1.9       takayama  859:   "Ex. ToDouble([1,1/2,[5]]): "],
                    860:  ["f"],
                    861:  ["DC","Is*","Tag"],
                    862:  "translate a given object to double."
                    863: ]);
1.1       maekawa   864: def k00_toDouble(f) {   return(DC(f,"double")); }
                    865: def ToDouble(f) {
                    866:   if (IsArray(f)) return(Map(f,"ToDouble"));
                    867:   if (IsDouble(f)) return(f);
                    868:   return(k00_toDouble(f));
                    869: }
                    873: def Mod(f,n) {
                    874:    if (IsPolynomial(f)) {
                    875:      sm1("[(mod) ",f,n,"] gbext  /FunctionValue set ");
                    876:    } else if (IsInteger(f)) { return( Gmp.Mod(f,n) ); }
                    877: }
                    878: HelpAdd(["Mod",
1.9       takayama  879:  ["Mod(<<f>>,<<p>>) returns f modulo <<n>>  where << f >> (polynomial) and",
                    880:   " << p >> (integer). "],
                    881:  ["f","p"],
                    882:  ["gbext (sm1)"],
                    883:  "modulo"
                    884: ]);
1.1       maekawa   885:
                    889: def Characteristic(ringp) {
                    890:   local r,p;
                    891:   r = sm1(" [(CurrentRingp)] system_variable ");
                    892:   sm1("[(CurrentRingp) ",ringp, " ] system_variable ");
                    893:   p = sm1("[(P)] system_variable (universalNumber) dc ");
                    894:   sm1("[(CurrentRingp) ",r, " ] system_variable ");
                    895:   return(p);
                    896: }
                    897: HelpAdd(["Characteristic",
1.9       takayama  898:  ["Characteristic(<<ring>>) returns the characteristic of the << ring >>."],
                    899:  ["ring"],
                    900:  ["GetRing","RingD","RingPoly","SetRing"],
                    901:  "get the characteristic of a given ring."
                    902: ]);
1.1       maekawa   903:
                    904: def IsConstant(f) {
                    905:   if (Length(f) > 1) return(false);
                    906:   sm1("[(isConstant) ", f," ] gbext /FunctionValue set ");
                    907: }
                    908: HelpAdd(["IsConstant",
1.9       takayama  909: ["IsConstant(<<f>>) returns true if the polynomial << f >> is a constant."
                    910: ],
                    911:  ["f"],
                    912:  ["DC","Is*","Tag"],
                    913:  "check if a given object is a constant."
                    914: ]);
1.1       maekawa   915:
                    916: Println("Default ring is Z[x,h]."); x = Poly("x"); h = Poly("h");
                    918: def Substitute(f,xx,g) {
1.7       takayama  919:   local tmp, coeff0,ex,i,n,newex,ans;
1.1       maekawa   920:   if (IsInteger(f)) return(f);
1.7       takayama  921:   if (IsArray(f)) {
                    922:      n = Length(f);
                    923:      ans = NewVector(n);
                    924:      for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
                    925:        ans[i] = Substitute(f[i],xx,g);
                    926:      }
                    927:      return(ans);
                    928:   }
1.1       maekawa   929:   if (! IsPolynomial(f)) {
                    930:     k00_error("Substitute","The first argument must be polynomial.");
                    931:   }
                    932:   tmp = Coefficients(f,xx);
                    933:   coeff0 = tmp[1];
                    934:   ex = tmp[0];   /* [3, 2, 0] */
                    935:   n = Length(ex);
                    936:   newex = NewVector(n);
                    937:   if (n>0) { newex[n-1] = g^ex[n-1]; }
                    938:   for (i=n-2; i>=0; i--) {
                    939:     newex[i] = newex[i+1]*(g^(ex[i]-ex[i+1]));
                    940:   }
                    941:   return(Cancel(coeff0*newex));
                    942: }
                    943: HelpAdd(["Substitute",
1.9       takayama  944: ["Substitute(<<f>>,<<xx>>,<<g>>) replaces << xx >> in << f >> by << g >>.",
1.1       maekawa   945:   "This function takes coeffients of << f >> with respect to << xx >>",
                    946:   "and returns the inner product of the vector of coefficients and the vector",
                    947:   "of which elements are g^(corresponding exponent).",
                    948:   "Note that it may cause an unexpected result in non-commutative rings."
1.9       takayama  949: ],
                    950:  ["f","xx","g"],
                    951:  ["Replace"],
                    952:  "  "
                    953: ]);
                    956: HelpAdd(["OutputPrompt",
                    957:  ["Output the prompt. Files should end with this command."],
                    958:  null,
                    959:  null,
                    960:  "output the prompt."]);
                    962: Protect("Percent");
                    963: Protect("LeftBracket");
                    964: Protect("RightBracket");
                    965: Protect("Dollar");
                    966: Protect("Newline");
1.1       maekawa   967:
                    968: OutputPrompt ;

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