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File: [local] / OpenXM / src / k097 / slib.sm1 (download)

Revision 1.1, Fri Oct 8 02:12:15 1999 UTC (24 years, 11 months ago) by maekawa
Branch: MAIN

Initial revision

K00_verbose  %% if-condition
  { %%ifbody
  ( slib.k (slib.ccc): 8/17,1996, 3/4 -- 3/10,1997 ) message    }%%end if if body
  { %%if- else part
  } ifelse
[   ] /Helplist  set
/HelpAdd {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : HelpAdd of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /s  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
this [ %% function args 
Helplist s ] {Append} sendmsg2 
/Helplist  set
/ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
} def
%%end of function

/Print {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Print of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /a  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 a   messagen /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/Println {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Println of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /a  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 a   message /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/Ln {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Ln of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis]  ArgNames mapset
  ( ) message /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/Poly {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Poly of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /f  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 f   (poly) data_conversion /FunctionValue set /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/PolyR {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : PolyR of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /f /r  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 f  r   ,, /FunctionValue set /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/Degree {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Degree of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /f /v  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 f  v   degree (universalNumber) dc /FunctionValue set /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/Append {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Append of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /f /g  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
this [ %% function args 
f [ g   ] ] {Join} sendmsg2 
 /FunctionValue set  {/ExitPoint goto} exec %%return
/ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/Length {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Length of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /f  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 f   length (universalNumber) dc /FunctionValue set /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/Indexed {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Indexed of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /name /i  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 name  i   s.Indexed /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/Indexed2 {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Indexed2 of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /name /i /j  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 name  i  j   s.Indexed2 /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/Transpose {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Transpose of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /mat  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 mat   transpose /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/s.Indexed {
  (integer) dc /arg2 set
  /arg1 set
  arg1 ([) arg2 (dollar) dc (]) 4 cat_n
} def

/s.Indexed2 {
  (integer) dc /arg3 set
  (integer) dc /arg2 set
  /arg1 set
  arg1 ([) arg2 (dollar) dc (,) arg3 (dollar) dc (]) 6 cat_n
} def
 /Groebner {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Groebner of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /F  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 F   {[[(h). (1).]] replace homogenize} map /arg1 set
                            [arg1] groebner 0 get 
                            /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/GroebnerTime {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : GroebnerTime of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /F  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 F   {[[(h). (1).]] replace homogenize} map /arg1 set
                            { [arg1] groebner 0 get } timer
                            /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/LiftStd {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : LiftStd of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /F  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 F   {[[(h). (1).]] replace homogenize} map /arg1 set
                            [arg1 [(needBack)]] groebner 
                            /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/Reduction {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Reduction of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /f /G  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 f  G   reduction /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/IntegerToSm1Integer {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : IntegerToSm1Integer of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /f  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 f   (integer) dc /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/RingD {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : RingD of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /vList /weightMatrix /pp  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
[ %%start of local variables
/new0 /tmp /size /n /i /j /newtmp /ringpp /argsize ] pushVariables [ %%local variables
this [ %% function args 
Arglist ] {Length} sendmsg2 
/argsize  set
argsize (1)..  eq
 %% if-condition
  { %%ifbody
 [  vList  ring_of_differential_operators ( ) elimination_order 0 ] define_ring
         /tmp set  tmp  /FunctionValue set  {/ExitPoint goto} exec %%return
  }%%end if if body
  { %%if- else part
  } ifelse
argsize (2)..  eq
 %% if-condition
  { %%ifbody
(0).. /pp  set
  }%%end if if body
  { %%if- else part
  } ifelse
this [ %% function args 
pp ] {IntegerToSm1Integer} sendmsg2 
/pp  set
this [ %% function args 
weightMatrix ] {Length} sendmsg2 
/size  set
this [ %% function args 
size ] {NewVector} sendmsg2 
/new0  set
  /@@@.indexMode.flag.save @@@.indexMode.flag def    0 @@@.indexMode  (0).. %%PSfor initvalue.
 (integer) data_conversion 
size  (1).. sub  (integer) data_conversion  1  2 -1 roll 
{ %% for body
 (universalNumber) data_conversion /i  set 
weightMatrix [i  ]  Get
/tmp  set
this [ %% function args 
tmp ] {Length} sendmsg2 
/n  set
this [ %% function args 
n ] {NewVector} sendmsg2 
/newtmp  set
(1).. /j  set
%%for init.
{ j n  lt
 {  } {exit} ifelse
[ {%%increment
j (2)..  {add} sendmsg2 
/j  set
} %%end of increment{A}
{%%start of B part{B}
newtmp [j (1)..  {sub} sendmsg2 
 ] tmp [j (1)..  {sub} sendmsg2 
 ]  Get
newtmp [j  ] this [ %% function args 
tmp [j  ]  Get
] {IntegerToSm1Integer} sendmsg2 
} %% end of B part. {B}
 2 1 roll] {exec} map pop
} loop %%end of for
new0 [i  ] newtmp  Put
  } for 
 [  vList  ring_of_differential_operators   new0   weight_vector  pp   ] define_ring /ringpp  set
  @@@.indexMode.flag.save @@@.indexMode  ringpp  /FunctionValue set  {/ExitPoint goto} exec %%return
/ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop the local variables
/ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/getxvar {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : getxvar of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /i  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 [(x) (var)   i   ..int ] system_variable /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/getdvar {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : getdvar of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /i  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 [(D) (var)   i   ..int ] system_variable /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/getvarn {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : getvarn of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis]  ArgNames mapset
 [(N)] system_variable (universalNumber) dc /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

true /SetRingVariables_Verbose  set
/SetRingVariables {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : SetRingVariables of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis]  ArgNames mapset
SetRingVariables_Verbose  %% if-condition
  { %%ifbody
this [ %% function args 
(SetRingVariables() Setting the global variables : ) ] {Print} sendmsg2 
  }%%end if if body
  { %%if- else part
  } ifelse
this [ %% function args 
(0)..  [(CC)] system_variable (universalNumber) dc  ] {k00setRingVariables} sendmsg2 
this [ %% function args 
 [(C)] system_variable (universalNumber) dc   [(LL)] system_variable (universalNumber) dc  ] {k00setRingVariables} sendmsg2 
this [ %% function args 
 [(L)] system_variable (universalNumber) dc   [(MM)] system_variable (universalNumber) dc  ] {k00setRingVariables} sendmsg2 
this [ %% function args 
 [(M)] system_variable (universalNumber) dc   [(NN)] system_variable (universalNumber) dc  ] {k00setRingVariables} sendmsg2 
SetRingVariables_Verbose  %% if-condition
  { %%ifbody
this [ %% function args 
] {Ln} sendmsg2 
  }%%end if if body
  { %%if- else part
  } ifelse
/ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/k00AreThereLeftBrace {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : k00AreThereLeftBrace of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /s  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
[ %%start of local variables
/leftBrace /jj /slist ] pushVariables [ %%local variables
  $[$ (array) dc 0 get (universalNumber) dc  /leftBrace  set
this [ %% function args 
this [ %% function args 
s ] {StringToIntegerArray} sendmsg2 
leftBrace ] {Position} sendmsg2 
/jj  set
jj (1)..  (0)..  2 1 roll {sub} sendmsg 
 eq not
 %% if-condition
  { %%ifbody
true  /FunctionValue set  {/ExitPoint goto} exec %%return
  }%%end if if body
  { %%if- else part
false  /FunctionValue set  {/ExitPoint goto} exec %%return
  } ifelse
/ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop the local variables
/ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/k00setRingVariables {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : k00setRingVariables of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /tmp002_p /tmp002_q  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
[ %%start of local variables
/tmp002_i /tmp002_v /tmp002_str ] pushVariables [ %%local variables
tmp002_p %%PSfor initvalue.
 (integer) data_conversion 
tmp002_q  (1).. sub  (integer) data_conversion  1  2 -1 roll 
{ %% for body
 (universalNumber) data_conversion /tmp002_i  set 
this [ %% function args 
tmp002_i ] {getxvar} sendmsg2 
/tmp002_v  set
this [ %% function args 
tmp002_v ] {k00AreThereLeftBrace} sendmsg2 
 %% if-condition
  { %%ifbody
  }%%end if if body
  { %%if- else part
SetRingVariables_Verbose  %% if-condition
  { %%ifbody
this [ %% function args 
tmp002_v ] {Print} sendmsg2 
this [ %% function args 
( ) ] {Print} sendmsg2 
  }%%end if if body
  { %%if- else part
  } ifelse
this [ %% function args 
[ (/) tmp002_v ( $) tmp002_v ($ (poly) data_conversion def )   ] ] {AddString} sendmsg2 
/str  set
 [(parse)   str   ] extension    } ifelse
this [ %% function args 
tmp002_i ] {getdvar} sendmsg2 
/tmp002_v  set
this [ %% function args 
tmp002_v ] {k00AreThereLeftBrace} sendmsg2 
 %% if-condition
  { %%ifbody
  }%%end if if body
  { %%if- else part
SetRingVariables_Verbose  %% if-condition
  { %%ifbody
this [ %% function args 
tmp002_v ] {Print} sendmsg2 
this [ %% function args 
( ) ] {Print} sendmsg2 
  }%%end if if body
  { %%if- else part
  } ifelse
this [ %% function args 
[ (/) tmp002_v ( $) tmp002_v ($ (poly) data_conversion def )   ] ] {AddString} sendmsg2 
/str  set
 [(parse)   str   ] extension    } ifelse
  } for 
/ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop the local variables
/ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
} def
%%end of function

/AddString {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : AddString of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /f  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 f    aload length cat_n /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/IntegerToString {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : IntegerToString of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /f  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 f   (string) dc /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/Replace {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Replace of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /f /rule  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 f  rule   replace /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/AsciiToString {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : AsciiToString of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /c  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 c   (integer) dc (string) dc /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/ToString {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : ToString of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /p  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
[ %%start of local variables
/n /ans /i ] pushVariables [ %%local variables
[   ] /ans  set
this [ %% function args 
p ] {IsArray} sendmsg2 
 %% if-condition
  { %%ifbody
this [ %% function args 
p ] {Length} sendmsg2 
/n  set
this [ %% function args 
ans ([ ) ] {Append} sendmsg2 
/ans  set
(0).. /i  set
%%for init.
{ i n  lt
 {  } {exit} ifelse
[ {%%increment
/i i (1).. {add} sendmsg2 def
} %%end of increment{A}
{%%start of B part{B}
this [ %% function args 
ans this [ %% function args 
p [i  ]  Get
] {ToString} sendmsg2 
] {Append} sendmsg2 
/ans  set
i n (1)..  {sub} sendmsg2 
 eq not
 %% if-condition
  { %%ifbody
this [ %% function args 
ans ( , ) ] {Append} sendmsg2 
/ans  set
  }%%end if if body
  { %%if- else part
  } ifelse
} %% end of B part. {B}
 2 1 roll] {exec} map pop
} loop %%end of for
this [ %% function args 
ans ( ] ) ] {Append} sendmsg2 
/ans  set
  }%%end if if body
  { %%if- else part
[  p   (dollar) dc    ] /ans  set
  } ifelse
this [ %% function args 
ans ] {AddString} sendmsg2 
 /FunctionValue set  {/ExitPoint goto} exec %%return
/ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop the local variables
/ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/IsArray {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : IsArray of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /p  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 p   isArray /FunctionValue set   /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/Denominator {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Denominator of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /f  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 f   (denominator) dc /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/Numerator {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Numerator of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /f  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 f   (numerator) dc /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/Replace {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Replace of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /f /rule  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
[ %%start of local variables
/ans /n /tmp /i /num /den ] pushVariables [ %%local variables
this [ %% function args 
f ] {IsArray} sendmsg2 
 %% if-condition
  { %%ifbody
this [ %% function args 
f ] {Length} sendmsg2 
/n  set
[   ] /ans  set
(0).. /i  set
%%for init.
{ i n  lt
 {  } {exit} ifelse
[ {%%increment
/i i (1).. {add} sendmsg2 def
} %%end of increment{A}
{%%start of B part{B}
this [ %% function args 
ans this [ %% function args 
f [i  ]  Get
rule ] {Replace} sendmsg2 
] {Append} sendmsg2 
/ans  set
} %% end of B part. {B}
 2 1 roll] {exec} map pop
} loop %%end of for
ans  /FunctionValue set  {/ExitPoint goto} exec %%return
  }%%end if if body
  { %%if- else part
  } ifelse
 f   tag RationalFunctionP eq   %% if-condition
  { %%ifbody
this [ %% function args 
f ] {Numerator} sendmsg2 
/num  set
this [ %% function args 
f ] {Denominator} sendmsg2 
/den  set
 num  rule   replace  /num  set
 den  rule   replace  /den  set
num den  {div} sendmsg2 
 /FunctionValue set  {/ExitPoint goto} exec %%return
  }%%end if if body
  { %%if- else part
  } ifelse
 f  rule   replace /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop the local variables
/ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

/Map {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Map of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /karg /func  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 karg   { [ 2 -1 roll ] this 2 -1 roll [(parse)   func   ] extension pop } map /FunctionValue set /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

this [ %% function args 
[ (Map) [ (Map(karg,func) applies the function <<func>> to the <<karg>>(string func).) ( Ex. Map([82,83,85],"AsciiToString"):)   ]   ] ] {HelpAdd} sendmsg2 
/Position {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : Position of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /list /elem  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
[ %%start of local variables
/n /pos /i ] pushVariables [ %%local variables
this [ %% function args 
list ] {Length} sendmsg2 
/n  set
(1)..  (0)..  2 1 roll {sub} sendmsg 
/pos  set
(0).. /i  set
%%for init.
{ i n  lt
 {  } {exit} ifelse
[ {%%increment
/i i (1).. {add} sendmsg2 def
} %%end of increment{A}
{%%start of B part{B}
elem list [i  ]  Get
 %% if-condition
  { %%ifbody
i /pos  set
  /k00.label0 goto    }%%end if if body
  { %%if- else part
  } ifelse
} %% end of B part. {B}
 2 1 roll] {exec} map pop
} loop %%end of for
  /k00.label0  pos  /FunctionValue set  {/ExitPoint goto} exec %%return
/ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop the local variables
/ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

this [ %% function args 
[ (Position) [ (Position(list,elem) returns the position p of the element <<elem>> in) ( the array <<list>>. If <<elem>> is not in <<list>>, it return -1) ( (array list).) (Ex. Position([1,34,2],34): )   ]   ] ] {HelpAdd} sendmsg2 
/StringToIntegerArray {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : StringToIntegerArray of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /s  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
 s   (array) dc { (universalNumber) dc } map /FunctionValue set  /ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

this [ %% function args 
[ (StringToIntegerArray) [ (StringToIntegerArray(s) decomposes the string <<s>> into an array of) (ascii codes of <<s>>  (string s).) (cf. AsciiToString.)   ]   ] ] {HelpAdd} sendmsg2 
/StringToAsciiArray {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : StringToAsciiArray of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /s  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
this [ %% function args 
s ] {StringToIntegerArray} sendmsg2 
 /FunctionValue set  {/ExitPoint goto} exec %%return
/ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

this [ %% function args 
[ (StringToAsciiArray) [ (StringToAsciiArray(s) is StringToIntegerArray(s).)   ]   ] ] {HelpAdd} sendmsg2 
/NewArray {
 db.DebugStack setstack $In function : NewArray of class PrimitiveObject$  stdstack 
 /Arglist set /Argthis set /FunctionValue [ ] def
 [/this /n  ] /ArgNames set ArgNames pushVariables [ %%function body
 [Argthis] Arglist join ArgNames mapset
this [ %% function args 
n ] {NewVector} sendmsg2 
 /FunctionValue set  {/ExitPoint goto} exec %%return
/ExitPoint ]pop popVariables %%pop argValues
 db.DebugStack setstack pop stdstack 
FunctionValue } def
%%end of function

this [ %% function args 
[ (NewArray) [ (NewArray(n) returns an array of size n (integer n).)   ]   ] ] {HelpAdd} sendmsg2