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Annotation of OpenXM/src/k097/startup.k, Revision

1.1       maekawa     1: /*  startup.k */
                      2: Println("Loading startup files (startup.k)   1997, 3/11.");
                      3: sm1("(sm1 version = ) messagen"); sm1("[(Version)] system_variable message ");
                      4: load("help.k");  if (K00_verbose)   Println(".... Help module.");
                      5: load("debug/db.k"); if (K00_verbose) Println(".... Debugger module.");
                      6: load("debug/asir0.k"); if (K00_verbose) Println(".... Factor and Cancel.");
                      7: load("object.kk");
                      8: sm1(" [(KanGBmessage) 0] system_variable ");

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