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File: [local] / OpenXM / src / kan96xx / Doc / httpd-asir.sm1 (download)

Revision 1.2, Sat Apr 21 06:38:37 2001 UTC (23 years, 5 months ago) by takayama
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.1: +27 -14 lines

Cleaning the codes to add new functions.

%% $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/kan96xx/Doc/httpd-asir.sm1,v 1.2 2001/04/21 06:38:37 takayama Exp $
%% http server by sm1

/httpd.port 1200 def
[(parse) (oxasir.sm1) pushfile] extension 
(oxasir.started) boundp { 
} {
  [(x^2-1) (x)] fctr pop
} ifelse

/httpd_startserver {
   [(sm1.socket) (open) [httpd.port (localhost)]] extension 
   /server.fdAndPort set
   (sm1.socket.open returns  ) messagen server.fdAndPort message
   [(sm1.socket) (accept) [server.fdAndPort 0 get]] extension
   /server.fd set
   (connected.) message
   (sm1.socket.accept returns  ) messagen server.fd message
} def

/httpd_stopserver {
   [(sm1.socket) (close) server.fd ] extension message
} def

/send {
  /arg1 set
  [(sm1.socket) (write) [server.fd 0 get arg1]] extension message
} def

/sendln {
 /arg1 set
 [/in-sendln /mmm] pushVariables
 [ arg1 /mmm set
  mmm tag 5 eq {
    [mmm 10 (string) dc] cat /mmm set
    10 (string) dc /mmm set
  } ifelse
  [(sm1.socket) (write) [server.fd 0 get mmm]] extension message
 ] pop
} def

/httpd {
    httpd_startserver ;
    httpd_action ;
    httpd_stopserver ;
    (5 sleep) system 
  } loop    
} def

/httpd_action {
  [/in-httpd /httpd.com.old /ff /httpd.com /httpd.result] pushVariables
  (httpd:sm1 is ready) message
   /httpd.com.old ( ) def
   [(sm1.socket) (select) [server.fd 0 get -1]] extension 
%%                                          wait for ever
        [(sm1.socket) (read) [server.fd 0 get ]] extension /ff set
        ff length 0 eq {
           (connection is closed.) message
        ff (quit) eq
        { (We exit the function httpd) message exit }
        { %% [(SigIgn) 0] system_variable
          (------------  start ----------------------) message
             ff message
          (-----------------------------------------) message
             ff removeGET webstringToAscii /httpd.com set 
             httpd.com message
          (------------  end ----------------------) message
          (   ) message
            [(if (1) {)  httpd.com  (};)] cat
          oxexecutestring ;
          oxasir.ccc oxpopstring /httpd.result set
          /httpd.com.old httpd.com def
          (------------- result -------------) message
          httpd.result message
          (----------------------------------) message
          (  ) message
          [(<title> asirweb </title> )
           (<font color="blue"> Input: </font> )  
           (<pre> ) httpd.com (</pre>) (<br>)
           (<font color="green"> Output: </font> ) 
           (<pre>) httpd.result (</pre>) 
          ] cat
          send-page-3  exit
          %% [(SigIgn) 1] system_variable
        } ifelse
   {  } ifelse
  } loop
  ] pop
} def

/send-page-1 {
   (HTTP/0.9 200 OK) sendln
%%   (Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 02:54:50 GMT) sendln
%%   (Server: sm1/0.1 (Unix)) sendln
%%   (Last-Modified: Wed, 23 Aug 2000 11:19:27 GMT) sendln
%%   (ETag: "1f8f-5df-39a3b33f") sendln
%%   (Accept-Ranges: bytes) sendln
%%   (Content-Length: 10) sendln
   (Connection: close) sendln
   (Content-Type: text/plain) sendln
   0 sendln
   (HOGE HOGE!) sendln
   0 sendln
   [(flush)] extension
} def

/send-page-2 {
   (HTTP/0.9 200 OK) sendln
%%   (Content-Length: 10) sendln
   (Connection: close) sendln
   (Content-Type: text/html) sendln
   0 sendln
   (<FORM NAME="myFORM">) sendln
   (<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Num">) sendln
   (</FORM>) sendln
   0 sendln
   [(flush)] extension
} def

/send-page-3 {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-send-page-3 /result] pushVariables
   /result arg1 def
   (HTTP/0.9 200 OK) sendln
   (Connection: close) sendln
   (Content-Type: text/html) sendln
   0 sendln
%%   (<FORM NAME="myFORM" METHOD="POST">) sendln
   result sendln
   (<FORM NAME="myFORM">) sendln
   (<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="submit">) sendln
   (<textarea name=msg rows=10 cols="80" wrap="soft"></textarea>) sendln
   (</FORM>) sendln
   0 sendln
   [(flush)] extension
  ] pop
} def

/stopclient {
  [(sm1.socket) (close) [client.fdAndPort 0 get] ] extension message
} def

/fromHex {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-fromHex /s1 /s2 /c /c2] pushVariables
    arg1 0 get /s1 set
    arg1 1 get /s2 set

    48 s1 le  s1 57 le and {  % 0, ..., 9
      s1 48 sub /c set
    }{ } ifelse
    65 s1 le  s1 70 le and {  % A, ..., F
      s1 65 sub 10 add /c set
    }{ } ifelse
    97 s1 le  s1 102 le and {  % a, ..., f
      s1 97 sub 10 add /c set
    }{ } ifelse
    c 16 mul /c set
    48 s2 le  s2 57 le and {  % 0, ..., 9
      s2 48 sub /c2 set
    }{ } ifelse
    65 s2 le  s2 70 le and {  % A, ..., F
      s2 65 sub 10 add /c2 set
    }{ } ifelse
    97 s2 le  s2 102 le and {  % a, ..., f
      s2 97 sub 10 add /c2 set
    }{ } ifelse
    c c2 add /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

/removeGET {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-removeGET /s /s2 /i /j] pushVariables
     /s arg1 def
     s 1 copy /s2 set
     s (array) dc /s set
     /j 0 def
     10 1 s length 1 sub {
       /i set
       s2 j << s i get (string) dc >> put
       j 1 add /j set
     } for
     /arg1 s2 def
  ] pop
} def

/webstringToAscii {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-webstringToAscii /s /i /j /c /n] pushVariables
     /s arg1 def
     s (array) dc /s set
     /j 0 def /n s length def
     /i 0 def
       s i get /c set
       c 32 eq { exit } { } ifelse
       c 37 eq {  % c == %
         [s i 1 add get s i 2 add get] fromHex /c set
         s j c put 
         j 1 add /j set
         i 3 add /i set
       } { 
         c 43 eq { % c == +
           s j 32 put
           j 1 add /j set
           i 1 add /i set
          } {
            c 13 eq { % c == 0xd
              i 1 add /i set
            } {
              s j c put
              j 1 add /j set
              i 1 add /i set
            } ifelse
         } ifelse
       } ifelse
       i n ge { exit } {  } ifelse
     } loop
     s j carN /s set
     s { (string) dc } map cat /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def