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File: [local] / OpenXM / src / kan96xx / Doc / httpd-rpc.sm1 (download)

Revision 1.1, Wed Oct 23 13:38:50 2002 UTC (21 years, 7 months ago) by takayama
Branch: MAIN

A sample OpenXM server program to provide a rpc service on the web.

%% $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/kan96xx/Doc/httpd-rpc.sm1,v 1.1 2002/10/23 13:38:50 takayama Exp $
%% http server by sm1. Used for RPC.  Generic example.

[(parse) (httpd.sm1) pushfile] extension pop
/httpd.textarea.name (rpc) def
  [(GET /?) httpd.textarea.name] cat (array) dc
/httpd.port 8090 def
/httpd.serial 0 def

/httpd.image.name (kobeuniv2.jpg) def

[(parse) (oxasir.sm1) pushfile] extension 
(oxasir.started) boundp { 
} {
  %% Initialize oxasir.
  [(x^2-1) (x)] fctr pop
  oxasir.ccc oxmathcap
  oxasir.ccc oxsetmathcap
} ifelse

/webrpc  {
 [/rrr ] pushVariables
  [(oxGenPass)] extension . (integer) dc  /rrr set

  [(ostype)] extension 0 get
   (windows) eq {
     %% On windows.
         ox.win.start.0 aload pop
         (iexplore)   %% Starting internet explorer (TM).
         [(http://localhost:) httpd.port toString] cat
       [  ]
      3] extension
      %% On unix.
      [(sleep 3 ; netscape http://localhost:) httpd.port toString ( & ) ] cat
   } ifelse

   httpd ;
  ] pop
} def

/httpd_action {
  [/in-httpd /ff /httpd.com /httpd.result /sss
   /sss.engine /sss.web /err
  ] pushVariables
       [(sm1.socket) (select) [httpd.server.fd 0 get -1]] extension 
       %%     wait for ever
        [(sm1.socket) (readHTTP) [httpd.server.fd 0 get ]] extension /ff set
        ff length 0 eq {
           (connection is closed.) message
          (------------  start ----------------------) message
             ff message
          (-----------------------------------------) message
             ff removeGET webstringToAscii /httpd.com set
             [(httpd.com=) httpd.com] cat message
          (------------  end ----------------------) message
          (   ) message
          httpd.serial 0 eq {
            /httpd.com  httpd.initialization def 
          } { } ifelse
          httpd.com metaCommand {
            httpd.textarea.valid {

              %%%  Executing command, here.
              httpd.com cookedCommand 
              oxexecutestring ;

              send-page-usage  exit
            } ifelse

            [(oxReq) oxasir.ccc SM_dupErrors ] extension pop

            [(oxReq) oxasir.ccc SM_popCMO ] extension pop
            [(oxReq) oxasir.ccc SM_popString ] extension pop

            [(flush)] extension pop
            %% Select inputs for interruption.
            %% Wait by the spin lock.
              [(oxMultiSelect) [oxasir.ccc] 1] extension 1 get 0 get
              /sss.engine set
              [(sm1.socket) (mselect)
                [[httpd.server.fd 0 get] 1]
              ] extension 0 get /sss.web set
              /sss [sss.engine sss.web] def
              sss.engine { exit } { } ifelse
              sss.web    { exit } { } ifelse
            } loop
            sss message

            sss 0 get {
                [(oxGet) oxasir.ccc] extension  /err          set
                [(oxGet) oxasir.ccc] extension  /httpd.result set
            } {
                oxasir.ccc oxreset
                oxasir.ccc ("computation is interrupted.";) oxexecutestring ;
                oxasir.ccc oxpopstring
                /httpd.result set 
            } ifelse
            (------------- result -------------) message
            httpd.result message
            (----------------------------------) message
            (  ) message

            err message
            err [ ] eq  { 
            } {
              oxasir.ccc cleanErrors
              [httpd.result 10 (string) dc err toString] cat
              /httpd.result set
            } ifelse

            httpd.result send-page-result  exit  %% exit the loop LOOP-A
          } { exit } ifelse  %% metaCommand
        } ifelse
  } loop  %% LOOP-A
  ] pop
} def

/metaCommand {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-metaCommand /msg /result /msg2 /nn
   /err /fn
  ] pushVariables
    /msg arg1 def
    /result 1 def
    msg (httpdAsirMeta quit) eq {
       oxasir.ccc oxshutdown
       /result 0 def
    } { } ifelse
    msg (httpdAsirMeta interrupt) eq {
       oxasir.ccc oxreset
       (Interrupted! <br>) send-page-3
       /result 0 def
    } { } ifelse
    /arg1 result def
  ] pop
} def

/send-page-usage {
  [/in-send-page-usage ] pushVariables
   (HTTP/0.9 200 OK) sendln
   (Connection: close) sendln
   (Content-Type: text/html) sendln
   0 sendln

  (<H1> Usage </H2> <br> ) sendln
  [(Ask by GET /?) httpd.textarea.name (=) ( encoded_codes  HTTP/1.0)] cat 
  (<br>) sendln
  [(getenv) (OXWEB_POST)] extension tag 0 eq {
    (<FORM NAME="myFORM">) sendln  % use get
    (<FORM NAME="myFORM" METHOD="POST">) sendln
  } ifelse
   (<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="submit">) sendln
   [(<textarea name=) httpd.textarea.name 
    ( rows=10 cols="80" wrap="soft"></textarea>)] cat sendln
   (</FORM>) sendln
   [$<a href="http://localhost:$ httpd.port toString
    $/?msg=httpdAsirMeta+quit"> Shutdown the server. </a>, $
   ] cat sendln

   0 sendln
   [(flush)] extension
  ] pop
} def

/send-page-result {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-send-page-result /result] pushVariables
   /result arg1 def
   (HTTP/0.9 200 OK) sendln
   (Connection: close) sendln
   (Content-Type: text/html) sendln
   0 sendln

   result sendln
   0 sendln
   [(flush)] extension
  ] pop
} def

%%******* Put initialization codes for ox_asir here. 
  (XM_debug=0; ctrl("debug_window",0); Xm_noX=1;)
  ("Asirweb version 0.80. "+
   " Risa/Asir oxasir version "+rtostr(version());)
 ] cat

%% ******* sample of cooked command
/cookedCommand {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-cookedCommand /httpd.com] pushVariables
    /httpd.com arg1 def
    [(if (1) {)  httpd.com  (; };)] cat
    /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def