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File: [local] / OpenXM / src / kan96xx / Doc / intw.sm1 (download)

Revision 1.3, Thu Oct 16 05:03:13 2003 UTC (20 years, 11 months ago) by takayama
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: R_1_3_1-2, RELEASE_1_3_1_13b, RELEASE_1_2_3_12, RELEASE_1_2_3, RELEASE_1_2_2_KNOPPIX_b, RELEASE_1_2_2_KNOPPIX, KNOPPIX_2006, HEAD, DEB_REL_1_2_3-9
Changes since 1.2: +1 -0 lines

Added OpenXM-tag.

%% $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/kan96xx/Doc/intw.sm1,v 1.3 2003/10/16 05:03:13 takayama Exp $
%%   When you use wIntegration0, you need oxasir.sm1.
%%   Load this package after you have loaded cohom.sm1.
%%   Annihilating ideal,  0-th integral and restriction with weight vector.
%%   1998, 11/6, 11/9, 11/18
%%   1999,  1/25, 6/5.
%% It was at gbhg3/Int/intw.sm1  <-- s linked from lib/intw.sm1  
%% This file is error clean.
/intw.verbose 0 def
/intw.stat 0 def   %% statistics.

%% cf. gbhg3/Demo/ann.sm1
/intw.version (2.981105) def
(lib/intw.sm1, Version 1999, 6/13. Package for integration with a generic weight.) message
oxasir.ccc tag 0 eq {
  (Warning: The functions *wbfRoots, wdeRham0, wIntegration0 does not work without oxasir.) message
  (         This package requires oxasir.sm1 and ox_asir server.) message
} { } ifelse
cohom.sm1.loaded tag 0 eq {
  (Warning: This package requires cohom.sm1 ) message
} { } ifelse
oxasir.sm1.loaded tag 0 eq {
  (Warning: This package requires oxasir.sm1 ) message
} { } ifelse

intw.version [(Version)] system_variable gt
{ [(This package requires the latest version of kan/sm1) nl
   (Please get it from http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/KAN) ] cat
} { } ifelse

 [([[f1 ... fm] [v1 ... vn] [v1 w1 ... vp wp] k1] integral0 )
  (                                              [[g1 ... gq],[e1,...,er]])
  (poly|string f1 ...fm; string v1 ... vn;)
  (string v1 ... vp; integer w1 ... wp;)
  (integer k1;)
  (poly g1 ... gq; poly e1, ..., er;)
  (f1 ... fm are annihilors, v1 ... vn are variables,)
  (w1 is the weight of the variable v1, ...)
  (k1 is the maximal degree of the filtration: maximal integral root)
  (of b-function. cf. intwbf)
  (g1, ..., gq are integral. e1, ..., er are basis of the free module to which)
  (the g1, ..., gq belong.)
  $Example 1: [[(x-y) (Dx+Dy)] [(y) (x)] [(y) -1 (Dy) 1] 1] integral-k1$
  $Example 2: [[(x (x-1)) (x)] annfs 0 get [(x)] [(x) -1 (Dx) 1] 1] integral-k1$
  $Example 3: [[ (Dt- (2 t x1 + x2)) (Dx1 - t^2) (Dx2 - t) ] $
  $            [(t) (x1) (x2)] [(t) -1 (Dt) 1] 0] integral-k1 $
  $           The resulting ideal annihilates f(x1,x2)=int(x1*t^2+x2*t,dt) $
] putUsages (integral-k1 ) messagen
/integral-k1 {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-integral0 /ff /vv /ww /gg1 /gg2 /ord-vec
   /dt-list /nn /ii /dt-ii /mm /jj  /xvars /dvars /ans1 /k1 /kk /ans2
   /vec-input /vec-length
  ] pushVariables
  [(CurrentRingp) (KanGBmessage)] pushEnv
    /ff arg1 0 get def
    /vv arg1 1 get def
    /ww arg1 2 get def
    /k1 arg1 3 get def
    /vec-length 1 def
    { [ff vv ww k1] messagen ( is the input. ) message } { } ifelse
    ff 0 get isArray {
      ff { {toString} map } map /ff set
      /vec-input 1 def
      %% Compute the length of the input vector
      ff { length dup vec-length gt { /vec-length set } {  pop } ifelse } map
      ff {toString} map /ff set
      /vec-input 0 def
    } ifelse
    /vv  vv { (,) 2 cat_n } map aload length cat_n def
    intw.verbose { vv message } {  } ifelse
    [(KanGBmessage) intw.verbose] system_variable
    [vv ring_of_differential_operators
     [ww] weight_vector 0] define_ring
    ww getxvars2 /xvars set
    ww getdvars2 /dvars set
    intw.verbose {
    (xvars = ) messagen xvars message
    (dvars = ) messagen dvars message
    } {  } ifelse
    %% ww = [(x) -1 (Dx) 1 (z) -1 (Dz) 1]
    %% dvars = [[(Dx) (Dz)] [(Dx) 1 (Dz) 1]]
    %% xvars = [(x) (z)]
    /integral0.ff ff def  %% keep variable for debug.

    vec-input {
      ff { { . [[(h). (1).]] replace ww laplace0} map homogenize } map /ff set
    } {
      ff { . [[(h). (1).]] replace ww laplace0 homogenize } map /ff set
      %% recompute the lenth of the vector.  For e input.
      ff { @@@.esymbol . degree 1 add dup vec-length gt 
           { /vec-length set } {  pop } ifelse } map

    } ifelse

    intw.verbose {
      (Computing Groebner basis with the weight vector ) messagen
       ww message
    } { } ifelse
    [ff] groebner 0 get {[[(h). (1).]] replace} map /gg1 set
    intw.verbose {
      gg1 message           %% keep variable for debug.
    } {  } ifelse
    %% gg1 is the (-w,w)-adapted basis.
    /integral0.gg1 gg1 def

   intw.verbose {
     (Computing gr 0-k1 of I  in D v^0 + D v^1 + ... + D v^{k1} : shifting) 
   } {  } ifelse
   /ans1 [ ] def
   0 1 k1 {
     /kk set
    intw.verbose {
      (kk = ) messagen kk message
    } {  } ifelse
    /ord-vec gg1 { ww ord_w kk sub} map def
    intw.verbose {  ord-vec message  } {  } ifelse
    %% ww = [(x) -1 (Dx) 1], kk == 0
    %% gg1 = [ (x Dx).  (y Dx). (x).] 
    %% ord-vec = [ 0    1       -1  ]
    %% dt-list = [ [ 1]   [ 0 ]  [ (Dx^1).] ]
    ord-vec { 0  2 1 roll sub } map 
      dvars 0 get { . } map  %% [(Dx). (Dz).]
      dvars 1 get { dup (type?) dc 5 eq { pop } { } ifelse } map %% [1 1]
      3 -1 roll  ip1
    } map /dt-list set
    %% dt-list [ [ 1 ] [  ] [ (Dx^1).] ]
    dt-list { dup length 0 eq { pop [ (0). ] } {  } ifelse } map /dt-list set
    intw.verbose {
      (dt-list = ) messagen dt-list message
    } { } ifelse
    %%%  t1, -1 ;  t2 , -1;
    %% dt-list = [ [ (Dt1). (Dt2). ] [ (1). ] ]
    %% gg1     = [   (t1+t2).          (t1 Dt2). ]
    /nn gg1 length def
      0 1 nn 1 sub {
        /ii set
        dt-list ii get /dt-ii set  
        /mm dt-ii length def
        0 1 mm 1 sub {
          /jj set
          dt-ii jj get
          gg1 ii get mul
          [[(h). (1).]] replace
           xvars { [ 2 1 roll . (0). ] } map replace ww laplace0
        } for
      } for
    ] ans1 join /ans1 set
  } for
  intw.verbose {
    ( ans1 = [ degree-k1, ..., degree-0] = ) messagen
     ans1 message
  } {  } ifelse

  {  (Eliminating xvars (variable of integration.) ) message }
  {  } ifelse
  ans1 { dup (0). eq { pop } { } ifelse } map /ans1 set
  ans1 [ ] eq 
  {  [ $There is no relation. It means that there are ($ 
        k1 1 add 
       $)*(length-of-the-input-vector) free basis.$ 
     ] {toString messagen} map
     (  ) message
     /ans2 [ ] def /integral-k1.L1 goto
  } {  } ifelse
  [vv ring_of_differential_operators
   %% elimination order.
   [ xvars {  1 } map ] weight_vector 0] define_ring
    [(NN)] system_variable xvars length sub
  ] system_variable
  %%%%  xvars are regarded as vector index by this trick!!
  %%%%  NN should be recovered to the original value or
  %%%%  Each ring should have a flag --- <<the constant might be changed(rw)>>
  %%%%  In a future version of sm1, when setUpRing is called, sm1 looks for
  %%%%  ring data base and if it finds the same ring and the flag of the ring
  %%%%  is (ro), then it does not generate a new ring structure. 1998, 11/19.
  (isSameComponent) (xd) switch_function  %% for test.

  [ ans1 { toString . } map ] groebner_sugar 0 get /ans2 set
  /integral0.ans ans2 def

  { (Size of GB integral0.gg1 is ) messagen integral0.gg1 length message
    (Size of the generators of the submodule integral0.ans is ) messagen
    integral0.ans length message    
  } { } ifelse

  %%%% Compute the vector space basis
  %%% /www2 /vbase /ebase /vbase2 
  %% xvars = [(x) (z)], www2 = [1 1], k1=2, vec-length=2
  %% [1 e] [1, x, z, x^2, x z, z^2]
  /www2 dvars 1 get { dup isString { pop } { } ifelse } map def
  [xvars www2 k1] ip1a /vbase set
  vbase { toString . } map /vbase set
  [0 1 vec-length 1 sub { @@@.esymbol . 2 1 roll npower } for] /ebase set
  /vbase2 [ ] def ebase { vbase mul vbase2 join /vbase2 set} map
  intw.verbose {
    (base is ) messagen vbase2 message
  } {  } ifelse

  /arg1 [ans2 vbase2] def
  ] pop
} def

/homogenize2 {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-homogenize2 /f /ans] pushVariables
     /f arg1 def
     f isArray {
       f { homogenize } map /ans set
     {  /ans f homogenize def
     } ifelse
     /arg1 ans def
  ] pop
} def

%%% aux functions.
%% ww = [(x) -1 (Dx) 1 (z) -1 (Dz) 1]
%% getdvars2 ==> dvars = [[(Dx) (Dz)] [(Dx) 1 (Dz) 1]]
%% getxvars2 ==> xvars = [(x) (z)]
/getxvars2 {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-getxvars2 /ww /vv /ans /ii /nn /ans] pushVariables
  [ /ww arg1 def
    /ans [  ] def
    /nn ww length def
    0 1 nn 1 sub {
      /ii set
      ww ii get (type?) dc 1 eq
      {  }  % skip, may be weight [(x) 2 ] is OK.
         /vv ww ii get (string) dc def
         vv (array) dc 0 get 
         @@@.Dsymbol (array) dc 0 get  
         eq  %% If the first character is D?
         {  } % skip
         { ans [ vv ] join /ans set }
       } ifelse
    } for
    /arg1 ans def
  ] pop
} def
%% ww = [(x) -1 (Dx) 1 (z) -1 (Dz) 1]
%% dvars = [[(Dx) (Dz)] [(Dx) 1 (Dz) 1]]
%% xvars = [(x) (z)]
/getdvars2 {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-getdvars2 /ww /vv /ans /ii /nn /ans1 /ans2] pushVariables
  [ /ww arg1 def
    /ans1 [  ] def /ans2 [ ] def
    /nn ww length def
    0 1 nn 1 sub {
      /ii set
      ww ii get (type?) dc 1 eq
      {  }  % skip, may be weight [(x) 2 ] is OK.
         /vv ww ii get (string) dc def
         vv (array) dc 0 get
         @@@.Dsymbol (array) dc 0 get  
         eq  %% If the first character is D?
         { ans1 [ vv ] join /ans1 set
           ans2 [ vv ww ii 1 add get ] join /ans2 set
         {  } %% skip
       } ifelse
    } for
    /arg1 [ans1 ans2] def
  ] pop
} def

 [([[f1 ... fm] [v1 ... vn] [v1 w1 ... vp wp]] wbf [g1 ... gq])
  (<poly>|<string> f1 ...fm; <string> v1 ... vn;)
  (<string> v1 ... vp; <integer> w1 ... wp;)
  (<poly> g1 ... gq;)
  (f1 ... fm are generators, v1 ... vn are variables,)
  (w1 is the weight of the variable v1, ...)
  (If the weight is not generic, then the function exits with error.)
  (cf. bf-111 for w=(1 1 1 1 ...) )
  $Example 1: [[(x-y) (Dx+Dy)] [(y) (x)] [(y) -1 (Dy) 1]] wbf$
  $            restrict only for y.$
  $Example 2: [[(-3 x^2 Dy-2 y Dx) (2 x Dx+3 y Dy+6)] [(x) (y)]$
  $            [(x) -1 (Dx) 1 (y) -2 (Dy) 2]] wbf$
  $Example 3: [[[(0) (x^2 Dx+x)] [(Dx^2+x Dx^3) (0)]] [(x)]$
  $            [(x) -1 (Dx) 1]] wbf$
] putUsages ( wbf ) messagen
/wbf {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-wbf /aaa] pushVariables
  [ /aaa arg1 def
    aaa [1] join intwbf /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

 [([[f1 ... fm] [v1 ... vn] [v1 w1 ... vp wp]] intwbf [g1 ... gq])
  (<poly>|<string> f1 ...fm; <string> v1 ... vn;)
  (<string> v1 ... vp; <integer> w1 ... wp;)
  (<poly> g1 ... gq;)
  (f1 ... fm are generators, v1 ... vn are variables,)
  (w1 is the weight of the variable v1, ...)
  (If the weight is not generic, then the function exits with error.)
  $Example 1: [[(x-y) (Dx+Dy)] [(y) (x)] [(y) -1 (Dy) 1]] intwbf$
  $            integrate only for y.$
  $Example 2: [[(-3 x^2 Dy-2 y Dx) (2 x Dx+3 y Dy+6)] [(x) (y)]$
  $            [(x) -1 (Dx) 1 (y) -2 (Dy) 2]] intwbf$
  $Example 3: [[[(0) (x^2 Dx+x)] [(Dx^2+x Dx^3) (0)]] [(x)]$
  $            [(x) -1 (Dx) 1]] intwbf$
] putUsages ( intwbf ) messagen

/intwbf {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-integral0 /ff /vv /ww /gg1 /gg2 /ord-vec
   /dt-list /nn /ii /dt-ii /mm /jj  /xvars /dvars /ans1 /k1 /kk /ans2
   /vec-input /gg1.init /gg1.init2 /complementxvars /gg1.init3
  ] pushVariables
  [(CurrentRingp) (KanGBmessage)] pushEnv
    /ff arg1 0 get def
    /vv arg1 1 get def
    /ww arg1 2 get def
    arg1 length 4 eq {
      /rest-bf 1 def
      intw.verbose { (bf for restriction.) message } { } ifelse
    } {
      /rest-bf 0 def
      intw.verbose { (bf for integration.) message } { } ifelse
    } ifelse
    { [ff vv ww ] messagen ( is the input. ) message } { } ifelse
    ff 0 get isArray {
      ff { {toString} map } map /ff set
      /vec-input 1 def
      ff {toString} map /ff set
      /vec-input 0 def
    } ifelse
    /vv  vv { (,) 2 cat_n } map aload length cat_n def
    intw.verbose { vv message } {  } ifelse
    [(KanGBmessage) intw.verbose] system_variable
    [vv ring_of_differential_operators
     [ww] weight_vector 0] define_ring
    ww getxvars2 /xvars set
    ww getdvars2 /dvars set
    intw.verbose {
    (xvars = ) messagen xvars message
    (dvars = ) messagen dvars message
    } {  } ifelse
    %% ww = [(x) -1 (Dx) 1 (z) -1 (Dz) 1]
    %% dvars = [[(Dx) (Dz)] [(Dx) 1 (Dz) 1]]
    %% xvars = [(x) (z)]
    /integral0.ff ff def  %% keep variable for debug.

    rest-bf {
     %% No Laplace transform for the restriction.
     vec-input {
       ff { { . [[(h). (1).]] replace } map homogenize } map /ff set
     } {
       ff { . [[(h). (1).]] replace homogenize } map /ff set
     } ifelse
     vec-input {
       ff { { . [[(h). (1).]] replace ww laplace0} map homogenize } map /ff set
     } {
       ff { . [[(h). (1).]] replace ww laplace0 homogenize } map /ff set
     } ifelse
    } ifelse

    intw.verbose {
      (Computing Groebner basis with the weight vector ) messagen
       ww message
    } { } ifelse
    [ff] groebner 0 get {[[(h). (1).]] replace} map /gg1 set
    intw.verbose {
      gg1 message           %% keep variable for debug.
    } {  } ifelse
    %% gg1 is the (-w,w)-adapted basis.
    /integral0.gg1 gg1 def
    %%% The above code is as same as that of integral-k1

    /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

/intwbf.aux1 {
  [/gg1.init /gg1.init2 /complementxvars /gg1.init3] pushVariables
  [(CurrentRingp)] pushEnv
    %%% It uses local variables in intwbf or integral-k1
    %%%%%%% Let's compute the b-function. It only works for full integration
    %%%%%%% and generic weight vector.
    %% order must be defined by (1) www and (2) [@@@.esymbol  1]
    %%  (x Dx^2 e + Dx e + x e + Dx) -->x Dx^2 e + Dx e + Dx --> (x Dx^2 + Dx)e
    intw.verbose {
     [(-------------- computing the b-ideal for generic initial. ---------)
     $-------- if the output is [(e f_1(x,y)) (e f_2(x,y)) g_1(x,y) g_2(x,y) --$
     $-------- then (f_1,f_2) cap (g_1,g_2) would be the b-ideal. $
     ]{message} map
    } { } ifelse
    /complementxvars xvars [vv to_records pop] complement def
    intw.verbose {
      (vv = ) messagen vv message
      (step1. complementxvars = ) messagen complementxvars message
    } { } ifelse
    complementxvars { dup @@@.Dsymbol 2 1 roll 2 cat_n } map
    /complementxvars set
    intw.verbose {
      (step2. complementxvars = ) messagen complementxvars message
    } { } ifelse
    %% vv = (x,y,z)
    %% xvars = [(x) (z)]
    %% complementxvars = [(y) (Dy)]

    gg1 {ww weightv init [@@@.esymbol  1] weightv init} map /gg1.init set
    intw.verbose {
      gg1.init message 
    } { } ifelse
    gg1.init { xvars {.} map dvars 0 get {.} map xvars {.} map 
               distraction2 } map  /gg1.init2 set
    %% remove 0
    gg1.init2 { dup (0). eq { pop } {  } ifelse } map /gg1.init2 set

    %% Let's eliminate complementxvars
    complementxvars [ ] eq {  }
       [vv ring_of_differential_operators
        [ complementxvars { 1 } map ] weight_vector 0] define_ring
       [gg1.init2 { dehomogenize toString . } map] groebner_sugar
       0 get /gg1.init3 set
       gg1.init3 complementxvars eliminatev /gg1.init2 set 
    } ifelse

    intw.verbose {
      (b-ideal is --------) message
      gg1.init2 message
    } {  } ifelse 

    gg1.init2 /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

%%% see, gbhg3/Int/int1.sm1

 [([vlist wlist k] ip1a slist)
  ( x^i ; i_1 w_1 + ... + i_p w_p <= k )
  (Example 1: [[(x) (y) (z)] [1 1 1] 3] ip1a )
  (Example 2: [[(x)] [1] 4] ip1a )
]] putUsages
/ip1a {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-ip1a /vlist /wlist /kk /ans /i] pushVariables
  [(CurrentRingp)] pushEnv
    /vlist arg1 0 get def
    /wlist arg1 1 get def
    /kk    arg1 2 get def

    [vlist from_records ring_of_polynomials 0] define_ring
    vlist { toString . } map /vlist set
    /ans [ ] def
    0 1 kk {
      /i set
      vlist wlist i ip1 ans join /ans set
    } for
    ans /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

%% [(x1) (x2)] typeL [ [[(Dx1) (Dx1+D_z1)] [(Dx2) (Dx2+D_z2)]]
%%                     [(_z1) (_z2)] ]
/typeL {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-typeL /xvars /n /zlist /i /tmpr] pushVariables
    /xvars arg1 def
    xvars length /n set
    [ 1 1 n { toString } for ] /zlist set
    zlist { (_z) 2 1 roll 2 cat_n } map /zlist set
    %% [(_z1) (_z2) ... ]
    /rule [ 1 1 n { pop 0 } for ] def
    0 1 n 1 sub {
      /i set
      [ @@@.Dsymbol xvars i get 2 cat_n
        [@@@.Dsymbol xvars i get
         @@@.Dsymbol zlist i get
        ] cat
      ] /tmpr set
      rule i tmpr put
    } for
    /arg1 [rule zlist] def
  ] pop
} def

%% [(x1) (x2)] typeR [ [[(x1) (x1-_z1)] [(x2) (x2-_z2)]
%%                     [(Dx1) (-D_z1)] [(Dx2) (-D_z2)]]
%%                     [(_z1) (_z2)] ]
/typeR {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-typeL /xvars /n /zlist /i /tmpr] pushVariables
    /xvars arg1 def
    xvars length /n set
    [ 1 1 n { toString } for ] /zlist set
    zlist { (_z) 2 1 roll 2 cat_n } map /zlist set
    %% [(_z1) (_z2) ... ]
    /rule [ 1 1 n 2 mul { pop 0 } for ] def
    0 1 n 1 sub {
      /i set
      [ @@@.Dsymbol xvars i get 2 cat_n
         @@@.Dsymbol zlist i get
        ] cat
      ] /tmpr set
      rule << i n add >> tmpr put
      [ xvars i get
        [ xvars i get
          zlist i get
        ] cat
      ] /tmpr set
      rule  i  tmpr put
    } for
    /arg1 [rule zlist] def
  ] pop
} def

/tensor0 {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-tensor0  /vlist
   /vlist2 /exteriorTensor /aaa /ans
  ] pushVariables
    arg1 tensor0.aux  /aaa set
    /exteriorTensor aaa 0 get def
    /vlist aaa 1 get def
    /vlist2 aaa 2 get def
    [exteriorTensor vlist2 [ vlist vlist2 join [ ]] 0] message
    [exteriorTensor vlist2 [ vlist vlist2 join [ ]] 0] restriction
    /ans set 
    ans 0 get toVectors2 /arg1 set
} def

/tensor1 {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-tensor0  /vlist
   /vlist2 /exteriorTensor /aaa /ans
  ] pushVariables
    arg1 tensor0.aux  /aaa set
    /exteriorTensor aaa 0 get def
    /vlist aaa 1 get def
    /vlist2 aaa 2 get def
    [exteriorTensor vlist2 [ vlist vlist2 join [ ]]] message
    [exteriorTensor vlist2 [ vlist vlist2 join [ ]]] restriction
    /ans set 
    ans {toVectors2} map /arg1 set
} def

/tensor0.aux {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-tensor0.aux /mLeft /mRight /vlist
   /ruleL /ruleR  /vlist2 /exteriorTensor
  ] pushVariables
  [(CurrentRingp)] pushEnv
     /mLeft arg1 0 get def
     /mRight arg1 1 get def
     /vlist arg1 2 get def
     mLeft {toString} map /mLeft set
     mRight {toString} map /mRight set
     vlist isString {
       [vlist to_records pop ] /vlist set
     } { } ifelse

     /ruleL vlist typeL 0 get def
     /ruleR vlist typeR 0 get def
     /vlist2 vlist typeL 1 get def

     [vlist vlist2 join from_records
      ring_of_differential_operators 0] define_ring
     ruleL { { . } map } map /ruleL set
     ruleR { { . } map } map /ruleR set

     mLeft { . ruleL replace dehomogenize } map /mLeft set
     mRight { . ruleR replace dehomogenize } map /mRight set

     /exteriorTensor mLeft mRight join { toString } map def
     /arg1 [exteriorTensor vlist vlist2] def
  ] pop
} def

 [( [F G vlist] tensor0 )
  (This function requires the package cohom.sm1.)
  (Example 1:)
  ( [[(2 x Dx - 1)] [(2 x Dx - 3)] (x)] tensor0 )
  (Example 2:)
  ( [[(-x*Dx^2+x-Dx+1)] [((x Dx + x +1)(Dx-1))] (x)] tensor0 )
  (Example 3:)
  ( [[(x Dx -1) (y Dy -4)] [(Dx + Dy) (Dx-Dy^2)] (x,y)] tensor0 )
]] putUsages
(tensor0 ) messagen

/wTensor0 {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-wTensor0  /vlist
   /vlist2 /exteriorTensor /aaa /ans /weight /i /wlist
  ] pushVariables
    arg1 /aaa set
    aaa 3 get /wlist set
    [aaa 0 get aaa 1 get aaa 2 get] tensor0.aux  /aaa set
    /exteriorTensor aaa 0 get def
    /vlist aaa 1 get def
    /vlist2 aaa 2 get def

    0 1 wlist length 1 sub {
      /i set
      vlist2 i get
      0 wlist i get sub
      [@@@.Dsymbol vlist2 i get] cat
      wlist i get
    } for
    ] /weight set
    [exteriorTensor vlist vlist2 join weight] message
    [exteriorTensor vlist vlist2 join weight] wRestriction0
    /ans set 
    ans 0 get toVectors2 /arg1 set
} def
(wTensor0 ) messagen
 [([F G v weight] wTensor0)
  (See tensor0)
  (It calls wRestriction0 instead of restriction.)
  (Example 1:)
  ( [[(x Dx -1) (y Dy -4)] [(Dx + Dy) (Dx-Dy^2)] (x,y) [1 2]] wTensor0 )
]] putUsages

%% analyzing a given b-ideal.
/integralRoots001 {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-integralRoots00 /R /ff /n /i /j
   /ans /ans2
  ] pushVariables
  [(CurrentRingp)] pushEnv
     /ff arg1 def
     /R ff 0 get (ring) dc def
     [(CurrentRingp) R] system_variable

     ff toVectors /ff set
     /n 0 def
     0 1 ff length 1 sub {
       /i set
       ff i get length n gt
       { /n ff i get length def }
       {  } ifelse
     } for %% n is the maximal length.

     [ 1 1 n { } for ] /ans set
     1 1 n {
       /i set
       /ans2 [ ] def
       0 1 ff length 1 sub {
         /j set
         ff j get length i eq {
           ans2 [ ff j get i 1 sub get ] join /ans2 set
         } { } ifelse
       } for
       ans << i 1 sub >> ans2 put 
     } for 
     /arg1 ans def     
  ] pop
} def

/intwbfRoots {
   /arg1 set
   [/in-intwbfRoots /aaa /ggg /vvv /www] pushVariables
      /aaa arg1 def
      aaa 2 get getxvars2 { toString } map /vvv set
      aaa 2 get getdvars2 1 get 
         { dup isString { pop } {  } ifelse } map /www set
      (vvv=) messagen vvv message
      (www=) messagen www message
      aaa length 3 {
        %% integration.
        aaa intwbf 
        /intwbf.bideal set  %% global var
      } {
        %% restriction
        aaa wbf
        /intwbf.bideal set  %% global var
      } ifelse
      intwbf.bideal integralRoots001
      /intwbf.bideal2 set  %% global var
      (b-ideal is ) messagen intwbf.bideal2 message
      (It is in the global variable intwbf.bideal2.) message
      { /ggg set
        %% [ggg vvv www] { { (type?) dc } map } map message error
        [ggg vvv www] rationalRoots2
      } map
      /ggg set

      %% Integer 0 is returned as a null by ox_asir.
      ggg {{ dup tag 0 eq { pop 0 } { } ifelse } map} map /ggg set

      (vvv = ) messagen vvv message
      (www = ) messagen www message
      (Roots are ) messagen ggg message

      [-intInfinity] ggg flatten join shell rest /arg1 set
   ] pop
} def

 [(This function needs oxasir  --- rationalRoots2)
   $This function is defined in intw.sm1 and requires oxasir.sm1 and ox_asir server.$
  $Example 1:  [[(-3 x^2 Dy-2 y Dx) (2 x Dx+3 y Dy+6)] [(x) (y)] $
  $             [(x) -1 (Dx) 1 (y) -2 (Dy) 2]] intwbfRoots $
  $Example 2:   [[[(0) (x^2 Dx+x)] [(Dx^2+x Dx^3) (0)]] [(x)] $
  $               [(x) -1 (Dx) 1]] intwbfRoots $
]] putUsages
(intwbfRoots ) messagen

/wbfRoots {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-wbfRoots /aaa ]pushVariables
    /aaa arg1 def
    aaa [1] join intwbfRoots /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def
 [(This function needs oxasir  --- rationalRoots2)
   $This function is defined in intw.sm1 and requires oxasir.sm1 and ox_asir server.$
  $Example 1:  [[(-3 x^2 Dy-2 y Dx) (2 x Dx+3 y Dy+6)] [(x) (y)] $
  $             [(x) -1 (Dx) 1 (y) -2 (Dy) 2]] wbfRoots $
  $Example 2:   [[[(0) (x^2 Dx+x)] [(Dx^2+x Dx^3) (0)]] [(x)] $
  $               [(x) -1 (Dx) 1]] wbfRoots $
]] putUsages
(wbfRoots ) messagen

/wIntegration0 {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-wIntegration /aaa /rrr /k1 /ans]  pushVariables
    /aaa arg1 def
    aaa intwbfRoots /rrr set
    rrr << rrr length 1 sub  >> get /k1 set
    k1 0 lt {
       /ans [ ] def
    } {
       aaa [k1] join integral-k1 /ans set
    } ifelse
    (k1 = ) messagen k1 message
    /arg1 ans def
  ] pop
} def

(wIntegration0 ) message
 [( [gg vlist weight] wIntegration0  [ igg bb] )
  (list of strings gg; list of strings vlist;)
  (list weight;)
  (integer k1;)
  (list of polys igg; list of polys base;)
  (gg are input ideal or submodule.)
  (igg are relations and bb are bases. They give the integral.)
  (This function fails when weight is not generic.)
  (cf. intwbf, intwbfRoots, integral-k1. )
   $This function is defined in intw.sm1 and requires oxasir.sm1 and ox_asir server.$
  $See Grobner Deformations of Hypergeometric Differential Equations, Springer$
  $    Section 5.5 for the algorithm.$
  $Example 1: [ [(Dt - (3 t^2-x)) (Dx + t)] [(t) (x)] [(t) -1 (Dt) 1]] $
  $              wIntegration0 $
  $Example 2: [[(-3 x^2 Dy-2 y Dx) (2 x Dx+3 y Dy+6)] [(x) (y)] $
  $            [(x) -1 (Dx) 1 (y) -2 (Dy) 2]]  wIntegration0 $
  $           The output [[-x, 1] [x,1]] implies the integral is $
  $           (K x + K 1)/(K (-x) + K 1) = 0 where K is the base field and$
  $           x and 1 is the vector space basis.$
  $           Note that the order of weight and the order of the variables$
  $           must be the same.  Note also that the next of (x) must be (Dx)$
  $           and so on.$
]] putUsages

/wRestriction0 {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-wRestriction0 /gg /vlist /v0 /vv /b /aaa /ans] pushVariables
  [(CurrentRingp)] pushEnv
     /aaa arg1 def
     /gg aaa 0 get def
     /vlist aaa 1 get def
     vlist isArray 
     { vlist from_records /v0 set } 
     { /v0 vlist def vlist to_records /vlist set } ifelse
     /vv vlist vlist { /b set [@@@.Dsymbol b] cat } map join def
     [v0 ring_of_differential_operators 0] define_ring pop
     gg 0 get isArray {
       gg { { toString . vv laplace0 toString } map } map /gg set
       gg { toString . vv laplace0 toString }  map /gg set
     } ifelse
     /ans  [gg] aaa rest join wIntegration0 def

     [v0 ring_of_differential_operators 0] define_ring pop
     ans { { toString . vv laplace0 } map } map /ans set
     /arg1 ans def
  ] pop
} def

(wRestriction0 ) messagen
 [( [gg vlist weight] wRestriction0  [ igg bb] )
  (list of strings gg; list of strings vlist;)
  (list weight;)
  (integer k1;)
  (list of polys igg; list of polys base;)
  (gg are input ideal or submodule.)
  (igg are relations and bb are bases. They give the 0-th restriction.)
  (This function fails when weight is not generic.)
  (cf. intwbf, intwbfRoots, integral-k1. )
   $This function is defined in intw.sm1 and requires oxasir.sm1 and ox_asir server.$
  $See Grobner Deformations of Hypergeometric Differential Equations, Springer$
  $    Section 5.5 for the algorithm.$
  $Example 1: [ [(Dt^2) (Dx^2)] [(t) (x)] [(t) -1 (Dt) 1]] $
  $              wRestriction0 $
  $Example 2: [[(Dx^2) (Dy^2)] [(x) (y)] $
  $            [(x) -1 (Dx) 1 (y) -2 (Dy) 2]]  wRestriction0 $
  $           The output [[-Dx, 1] [Dx,1]] implies the restriction is $
  $           (K Dx + K 1)/(K (-Dx) + K 1) = 0 where K is the base field and$
  $           Dx and 1 is the vector space basis.$
  $           Note that the order of weight and the order of the variables$
  $           must be the same.  Note also that the next of (x) must be (Dx)$
  $           and so on.$
]] putUsages

/ann-t-f {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-ann-t-f /f /vlist /s  /vvv /nnn /rrr
   /v1  /ops /ggg /ggg0 
   ] pushVariables
  [(CurrentRingp) (KanGBmessage)] pushEnv
    /f arg1 0 get def  /vlist arg1 1 get def
    f toString /f set
    vlist { toString } map /vlist set
    [(KanGBmessage) fs.verbose] system_variable
    /s vlist 0 get def
    /vvv (_u,_v,_t,) vlist rest { (,) 2 cat_n } map aload length /nnn set
         s nnn 2 add cat_n def
    fs.verbose { vvv message } {  }ifelse
    [vvv ring_of_differential_operators
     [[(_u) 1 (_v) 1]] weight_vector 0] define_ring /rrr set
    [ (_t). f . sub  ]
    vlist rest { /v1 set  
          f . @@@.Dsymbol v1 2 cat_n . 1 diff0 [@@@.Dsymbol (_t)] cat . mul
          @@@.Dsymbol v1 2 cat_n . add } map
    /ops set
    ops {[[(h). (1).]] replace } map /ops set
    fs.verbose { ops message  } {  }ifelse
    ops { [[(_t). s .] [[@@@.Dsymbol (_t)] cat . @@@.Dsymbol s 2 cat_n .]] replace dehomogenize } map
    /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def
 [(ann-t-f returns the annihilating ideal of delta(t-f(x)))
  $Example: [(x^3-y^2) [(t) (x) (y)]] ann-t-f $
]] putUsages
(ann-t-f ) messagen

/bf-111 {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-bf-111 /aa /vlist /rest-vlist] pushVariables
  [(CurrentRingp) (KanGBmessage)] pushEnv
    /aa arg1 def
    aa 1 get /vlist set
    aa 2 get /rest-vlist set
    /vlist [vlist to_records pop] def
    /rest-vlist [rest-vlist to_records pop] def
    /BFvarlist vlist def /BFparlist  [ ] def
    aa 0 get { toString} map
    rest-vlist  bfm 0 get /bf-111.bfunc set
    /arg1 bf-111.bfunc def
  ] pop
} def
 [( [ideal vlist rest-vlist bf-111] bf-111 )
  (Compute the b-function for the weight vector 11111 for the variables)
  (res-vlist.  cf. wbf)
  (Example: [ [((x Dx -1 ) x Dx (x Dx + 2)) (y Dy)] (x,y) (x)] bf-111 )
]] putUsages
(bf-111 ) messagen

/wdeRham0 {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-wdeRham0 /aaa /ff0 /vlist /myweight] pushVariables
    /aaa arg1 def
    /ff0 arg1 0 get def
    /vlist arg1 1 get def
    /myweight arg1 2 get def
    [ff0 vlist] annfs /ff0 set

    /vlist [vlist to_records pop ] def
    [ff0 0 get vlist myweight] wIntegration0
    /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def
(wdeRham0 ) messagen
 [ $It computes the midle dimensional cohomology groups and bases.$
   $A generic weight vector is used for the computation.$
   $This function is defined in intw.sm1 and requires oxasir.sm1 and ox_asir server.$
   $ Example 1 : [(x^3-y^2) (x,y) [(x) -1 (Dx) 1 (y) -2 (Dy) 2]] wdeRham0 $
   $ Example 2 : [(x^3+y^3+z^3) (x,y,z) $
   $      [(x) -1 (Dx) 1 (y) -2 (Dy) 2 (z) -3 (Dz) 3]] wdeRham0 $
   $ Example 3 : [(x^3 -y z^2) (x,y,z) $
   $      [(x) -1 (Dx) 1 (y) -2 (Dy) 2 (z) -3 (Dz) 3]] wdeRham0 $
   $ Example 4 : [(x^3 -y^2 z^2) (x,y,z) $
   $      [(x) -1 (Dx) 1 (y) -2 (Dy) 2 (z) -3 (Dz) 3]] wdeRham0 $
]] putUsages

/intw.sm1.loaded 1 def

( ) message ;