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File: [local] / OpenXM / src / kan96xx / Doc / oxasir.sm1 (download)

Revision 1.4, Sun Jan 6 08:47:36 2002 UTC (22 years, 6 months ago) by takayama
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.3: +29 -2 lines

"Oxpp" is a utility  to build an asir source code from multiple source codes which are
included by the load command each other.
The new source code does not contain "load".

The asirinit command in oxasir.sm1 loads "oxasir-win.rr" instead of
"oxasir.asir" when it is executed on Windows.
oxasir-win.rr should be built by the Makefile in misc/packages/Windows.

% $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/kan96xx/Doc/oxasir.sm1,v 1.4 2002/01/06 08:47:36 takayama Exp $
%% kxx/oxasir.sm1   1998, 2/12 (this version is at Old/oxasir.sm1.19980212
%%   3/1, 1995, 11/5, 11/21
%% This file is error clean.
%%%%%%% How to install.
%%%  Set ASIR_LIBDIR if necessary. Ex. /u/nobuki/lib/asir
%%%  write  ~/.asirrc  :    load("gr")$ load("primdec")$ end$
%%%  oxasir.asir  must be in 
%%%  LOAD_SM1_PATH or oxasirpath.asirlib
%%%  Edit below
%%% /usr/local/lib/sm1, SM1_LOAD_PATH, /usr/local/lib/asir, ASIR_LOAD_PATH
/oxasirpath.oxasir (ox_asir) def     %% loadmethod is 1
/oxasirpath.asirlib (oxasir.asir) def

/ox_asirConnectMethod { asirconnectr /oxasir.ccc set } def
%/ox_asirConnectMethod { asirconnect2  } def

%% Old path
%/oxasirpath.oxasir (/home/nobuki/kxx/ox_asir) def     %% loadmethod is 1
%/oxasirpath.asirlib (/home/nobuki/kxx/oxasir.asir) def
/oxasir.loadmethod 1 def   %% "..." oxsendcmo (load) ox...
%/oxasir.loadmethod 0 def  %% load("...");  %% at MSRI
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end of configuration.
/initializePathNamesForOxAsir  {
   [oxasirpath.oxasir] getPathNameAsir /oxasirpath.oxasir set
   [oxasirpath.asirlib] getPathNameSm1 /oxasirpath.asirlib set
} def

/oxasir.verbose 0   def
/oxasir.version (2.981105) def
oxasir.version [(Version)] system_variable gt 
{ [(This package requires the latest version of kan/sm1) nl
   (Please get it from http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/KAN) ] cat
} { } ifelse
(oxasir.sm1, --- open asir protocol module 3/1 1998, 6/5 1999) message-quiet
(   asirconnect, asir, fctr, primadec, (C) M.Noro, N.Takayama ) message-quiet

/oxasir.ccc load isArray 
{ }
{ /oxasir.ccc [ ] def } ifelse

[(parse) (ox.sm1) pushfile] extension pop
oxasir.verbose {
  (type in  asirconnect to connect,  asir is used to execute asir command. ) 
  (type in  asirconnect2 to open a new window for ox_asir, connect,  asir is used to execute asir command [you need to edit asirconnect2 to tell the path to load ox_asir] ) 
} { } ifelse

/loadAsirFile {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-loadAsirFile /peer /fname] pushVariables
    /peer arg1 0 get def
    /fname arg1 1 get def
    oxasir.loadmethod  {
      peer  fname oxsendcmo peer 1 oxsendcmo
      peer (load) oxexec
      peer  [$load("$ fname $");$] cat oxsubmit
  ] pop
} def
[$[client fname] loadAsirFile   (ox_asir function)$
 $Load a file into the client$
]] putUsages

/asirinit {
 %% gr and primdec are loaded by .asirrc
 /asirinit.peer set
 [(ostype)] extension  0 get (windows) eq {
   [asirinit.peer  (oxasir-win.rr)] oxasirParseFile
   [asirinit.peer  oxasirpath.asirlib] loadAsirFile
 } ifelse 
} def
/asirconnect {
 [(localhost) 1300 1200] oxconnect /oxasir.ccc set
 /ccc oxasir.ccc def   %% for compatibility.
 oxasir.ccc asirinit
} def
/asirconnect2 {
[oxpath.oxlog.xterm oxpath.ox ( -ox ) oxasirpath.oxasir
 ( & )] cat system-csh
% (xterm -e /home/nobuki/kxx/ox -ox /home/nobuki/kxx/ox_asir &) system-csh
% (kterm -iconic -e /home/nobuki/kxx/ox -ox /home/nobuki/kxx/ox_asir &) system-csh
% For MSRI
% Eterm is also nice (including kanji). rxvt is also nice.
%(xterm -icon -e /u/nobuki/tmp/kxx/ox -ox /u/nobuki/tmp/Ox/ox_asir2 &) system-csh
%(kterm2 -e /u/nobuki/tmp/kxx/ox -ox /u/nobuki/tmp/Ox/ox_asir2 &) system-csh
% (If you start the server automatically, you may have a trouble to) message
% (oxreset. In order to avoid this trouble, start the server by hand.) message
 (sleep 5) system-csh
 [(localhost) 1300 1200] oxconnect /oxasir.ccc set
 /ccc oxasir.ccc def   %% for compatibility.
 oxasir.ccc asirinit
} def

 [(asirconnect2 starts ox_asir server.  (ox_asir function))
  (Open xxx protocol is used for the communication between sm1 and ox_asir.)
  (cf. oxhelp,  asir.)
  (You need to install ox_asir server to use this function. cf. oxasir)
]] putUsages

/asirconnect3 {
[oxpath.oxlog.xterm oxpath.ox ( -ox ) oxasirpath.oxasir
 ( -data 2300 -control 2200) oxpath.null
 ( & )] cat system-csh
% (If you start the server automatically, you may have a trouble to) message
% (oxreset. In order to avoid this trouble, start the server by hand.) message
 (sleep 5) system-csh
 [(localhost) 2300 2200] oxconnect /oxasir.ccc2 set
 /ccc2 oxasir.ccc2 def   %% for compatibility.
 oxasir.ccc2  asirinit
 (The client is stored in oxasir.ccc2.) message
} def

 [(pid [asir-command, asir-arg1, asir-arg2, ...] asir result  (ox_asir function)) 
  (Call open asir server. You need to install ox_asir on your system)
  (to use this function. cf. primadec, fctr, asirconnect2, asirconnectr.)
  (If you interrupted the computation by typing ctrl-C, type in )
  (   oxasir.ccc oxreset  ; )
  (to interrupt the ox_asir server.)
  (Example: oxasir.ccc [(fctr) (x^10-1).] asir )
  (  )
  (This function requires plugins cmo, socket and ox_asir server. cf. oxasir)
  (See, ftp://endeavor.fujitsu.co.jp/pub/isis/asir on asir)
] putUsages

/asir {
  /arg2 set
  /arg1 set
  [/pid  /asir-comm /comm /n /i /rr] pushVariables
  [(CurrentRingp)] pushEnv
     /pid arg1 def
     /asir-comm arg2 def
     pid tag 6 eq {  } { (Invalid pid. See asir.) error } ifelse
     pid 0 get (client) eq { } { (Invalid pid. See asir.) error } ifelse
     asir-comm tag 6 eq {  } { (Invalid argument asir-comm. See asir) error } ifelse

    [ %% Change the current ring if necessary to send a correct OxVlist.
      asir-comm oxasir.changeRing
    ] pop
    %%% Setting OxVlist to tell asir a way to change dist-poly <==> poly.
    (OxVlist=) getVlist2 toString (;) 3 cat_n /comm set
     %% comm message
     pid comm oxsubmit 
     pid (print(OxVlist);) oxsubmit

     /n asir-comm length def
     n 1 sub -1 1 {
       /i set
       pid asir-comm i get oxsendcmo
       pid 1 oxsendcmo pid (ox_dtop) oxexec
     } for
     pid n 1 sub oxsendcmo
     pid asir-comm 0 get oxexec

     pid 1 oxsendcmo pid (ox_ptod) oxexec
     pid oxpopcmo /arg1 set

  ] pop
} def

/oxasir.changeRing {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-oxasir.changeRing /f /rr] pushVariables
     /f arg1 def
     f isArray {
       f {oxasir.changeRing} map 
       f isPolynomial {
         f (0). eq { } 
         { f (ring) dc /rr set [(CurrentRingp) rr] system_variable } ifelse
       } {  } ifelse
     } ifelse
  ] pop
} def

/fctr {
  /arg1 set
  [/f /comm /vv] pushVariables
  [(CurrentRingp)] pushEnv
    /f arg1 def
    oxasir.ccc [ ] eq {
       (Starting ox_asir server.) message
    } {  } ifelse

    f isPolynomial not {
      /vv f 1 get def
      vv isArray { /vv vv from_records  def } {  } ifelse
      /f f 0 get def
      [vv ring_of_polynomials 0] define_ring
      f . /f set
    }{ } ifelse
    oxasir.ccc [(fctr) f] asir /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

 [(You need to install ox_asir server to use this function. (ox_asir function))
  (f fctr g)
  (poly f; array g;)
  ([f v] fctr g ;  string f, string or array of string v)
  (This function factors the polynomial f over Q.)
  ( )
  (Example 1:  [(x^10-y^10) (x,y)] fctr ::)
  (Example 2:  (x^10-1). fctr ::)
  ( )
  (If you interrupted the computation by typing ctrl-C, type in )
  (   oxasir.ccc oxreset  ; )
  (to interrupt the ox_asir server.)
  (  )
  (This function requires plugins cmo, socket and ox_asir server. cf.oxasir)
]] putUsages

 [(You need to install ox_asir server to use this function. (ox_asir function))
  ([ ii ] primadec [[q1 p1] [q2 p2] ... ] )
  ( array of poly ii; array of poly q1, p1, q2, p2 ...;)
  ( q1, q2, ... are primary components of the primary ideal decomposition)
  ( of the ideal generated by << ii >>.)
  (  )
  ([ ii v ] primadec [[q1 p1] [q2 p2] ... ] )
  ( array of poly or string ii; array of string v; array of poly q1, p1, q2, p2 ...;)
  (<< v >> is an array of independent variables.)
  (  )
  ([ ii v ] primadec [[q1 p1] [q2 p2] ... ] )
  ( array of poly or string ii; array of string v; array of poly q1, p1, q2, p2 ...;)
  ( v  is a string of variables separated by , )
  (  )
  (Example:  [(x,y) ring_of_polynomials 0] define_ring)
  (          [ [(x^2-1). (x y).] ] primadec pmat ;)
  (  )
  (Example:  [ [(x^2-1) (x y)] [(x) (y)]] primadec pmat ;)
  (  )
  (If you interrupted the computation by typing ctrl-C, type in )
  (   oxasir.ccc oxreset  ; )
  (to interrupt the ox_asir server.)
  (  )
  (This function requires plugins cmo, socket and ox_asir server. cf.oxasir)
]] putUsages

/primadec {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-primadec /aa /f  /comm /vvv /r /setarg] pushVariables
  [(CurrentRingp)] pushEnv
    /aa arg1 def
    aa isArray { } { (<<array>> primadec) error } ifelse
    /setarg 0 def
    oxasir.ccc [ ] eq {
       (Starting ox_asir server.) message
    } {  } ifelse
    aa { tag } map /typev set
    typev [ ArrayP ] eq
    {  /f aa 0 get def
       f 0 get (ring) dc /r set
       [(CurrentRingp) r] system_variable
       /vvv getVariableNames def
       /setarg 1 def
    } { } ifelse
    typev [ArrayP StringP] eq
    {  /f aa 0 get def
       /vvv [ aa 1 get to_records pop ] def
       /setarg 1 def
    } { } ifelse
    typev [ArrayP ArrayP] eq
    {  /f aa 0 get def
       /vvv aa 1 get {toString} map def
       /setarg 1 def
    } { } ifelse
    setarg { } { (primadec : Argument mismatch) error } ifelse

    f 0 get isPolynomial {
      /r f 0 get (ring) dc def
      /vvv vvv { r ,, } map def
      [vvv from_records ring_of_polynomials 0] define_ring
      f { toString . } map /f set
      vvv { . } map /vvv set
    } ifelse
    oxasir.ccc [(primadec) f vvv] asir /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

/getVlist2 {
  [/n  /i ] pushVariables
    /n [(N)] system_variable def
      0 1 n 1 sub { /i set (x) i (dollar) dc 2 cat_n } for
      0 1 n 1 sub { /i set (d) i (dollar) dc 2 cat_n } for
    ] /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

/getVlist {
  [/n  /i ] pushVariables
    /n [(N)] system_variable def
      0 1 n 1 sub { /i set [(x) (var) i] system_variable } for
      0 1 n 1 sub { /i set [(D) (var) i] system_variable } for
    ] /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

[(chattr) 0 /findIntegralRoots] extension pop
oxasir.verbose {
  (Overloaded on findIntegralRoots.) message
} { } ifelse
/findIntegralRoots {
  /arg1 set 
  [/in-findIntegralRoots /pp ] pushVariables
    /pp arg1 def
    oxasir.ccc [ ] eq {
      (Starting ox_asir server.) message
    } {  } ifelse
    oxasir.ccc oxIsServerReady
    { pp findIntegralRoots.oxasir /arg1 set}
    { pp findIntegralRoots.slow /arg1 set} ifelse
  ] pop
} def

/findIntegralRoots.oxasir {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-findIntegralRoots /f /r /g /aa /rlist] pushVariables
  [(CurrentRingp) (KanGBmessage)] pushEnv
    /f arg1 def
    [(s) ring_of_polynomials 0] define_ring
    f toString . /f set
    f fctr rest /g set
    g { 
         0 get /aa set 
         aa (s). degree 1 eq {
           aa (s). coeff 1 get /aa set
           aa length 1 eq { 0 }
           {  aa 0 get (1). eq {
                 0 << aa 1 get (integer) dc >> sub
              } { } ifelse
           } ifelse
         }{ } ifelse
     } map
    /rlist set
    %% rlist ::
    [-1000000] rlist join shell rest /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def


/asirconnectr {
 [/in-asirconnectr /pass /peer /data /control /oxasir] pushVariables
 /pass [(oxGenPass)] extension def
 /peer [(oxGetPort) (localhost)] extension def
 /data peer 1 get toString def
 /control peer 3 get toString def
 peer message
 [oxpath.oxlog.xterm  oxpath.ox ( -reverse -ox ) oxasirpath.oxasir
  ( -data ) data ( -control ) control  ( -pass ) pass 
  ( &)] cat system-csh
 [(oxCreateClient2) peer 0 pass] extension /oxasir set
                     %% 0 means connect from only localhost. 
 oxasir asirinit
 /arg1 oxasir def
 ] pop
} def
 [(asirconnectr server  (ox_asir function))
  (array server;)
  (Example: asirconnectr /oxasir.ccc set)
]] putUsages

%%%%%%%%%%%%%   From gbhg3/Int/intw.sm1
%% This function needs solv1.asir and ox_asir.
%% See solv1.asir for the usage of this function.
/rationalRoots2 {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-rationalRoots2 /aa /f  /comm /vvv /r /setarg
   /w /ans
  ] pushVariables
  [(CurrentRingp) (KanGBmessage)] pushEnv
    /aa arg1 def
    aa isArray { } { (<<array>> rationalRoots2) error } ifelse
    /setarg 0 def
    oxasir.ccc [ ] eq {
       (Starting ox_asir server.) message
    } {  } ifelse
    aa { tag } map /typev set
    typev [ArrayP StringP ArrayP] eq
    {  /f aa 0 get def
       /vvv [ aa 1 get to_records pop ] def
       /w aa 2 get def
       /setarg 1 def
    } { } ifelse
    typev [ArrayP ArrayP ArrayP] eq
    {  /f aa 0 get def
       /vvv aa 1 get {toString} map def
       /setarg 1 def
       /w aa 2 get def
    } { } ifelse
    setarg { } { (rationalRoots2 : Argument mismatch) error } ifelse

    [vvv from_records ring_of_polynomials 0] define_ring
    f { toString . } map /f set
    vvv { . } map /vvv set
    w { toString . } map /w set
    (rationalRoots2 -- f = ) messagen f messagen 
    ( , vvv= ) messagen vvv messagen ( , w = ) messagen w message

    vvv length 1 eq w 0 get (1). eq and
       [(KanGBmessage) 0] system_variable
       [f] groebner_sugar 0 get /f set
       vvv 0 get toString (s) eq {
       }{ [[vvv 0 get toString (s)] from_records ring_of_polynomials 0] define_ring}
       f 0 get toString . [[vvv 0 get toString . (s).]] replace
       findIntegralRoots /ans set
      oxasir.ccc [(sm1_rationalRoots2) f vvv w] asir 
      {(integer) dc} map
      /ans set
    } ifelse

    /arg1 ans def
  ] pop
} def
[(rationalRoots2  (ox_asir function) called from intw.sm1 to analyze integral)
]] putUsages

/ptozp_subst  {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-ptozp_subst /aaa /fff /xxx /vvv /vlist] pushVariables
  [(CurrentRingp)] pushEnv
     /aaa arg1 def
     /fff aaa 0 get def
     /xxx aaa 1 get toString def
     /vvv aaa 2 get {toString ..} map def
     aaa length 4 eq {
       /vlist aaa 3 get def
     } {  
       /vlist 0 def
     } ifelse
     oxasir.ccc [ ] eq {
        (Starting ox_asir server.) message
     } {  } ifelse
     fff isPolynomial {
       fff (ring) dc ring_def
       fff toString /fff set
     { vlist isInteger { (ptozp_subst: need variable names.) error } {  } ifelse
       [vlist ring_of_differential_operators 0] define_ring
     } ifelse
     oxasir.ccc [(sm1_ptozp_subst) fff . xxx .  vvv] asir
     /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

 [$[f  s  [p q] v] ptozp_subst g   (ox_asir function)$
  $It returns ptozp(subst(f,s,p/q))$
  $Example 1:  [ (x Dx - s) (s) [2 3] (x,s)] ptozp_subst $
  $   ===>     3 x Dx - 2 $
]] putUsages

/reduceByAsir  {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-reduceByAsir /aaa /fff /fff0 /fff1 /vlist] pushVariables
  [(CurrentRingp)] pushEnv
     /aaa arg1 def
     /fff aaa 0 get def
     aaa length 2 eq {
       /vlist aaa 1 get def
     } {  
       /vlist 0 def
     } ifelse
     oxasir.ccc [ ] eq {
        (Starting ox_asir server.) message
     } {  } ifelse
     fff isArray {
       fff length 2 eq {
         /fff0 fff 0 get def
         /fff1 fff 1 get def
       } {
         ([ << [f g] >> vlist ] reduceByAsir ) error
       } ifelse
     } {
       ([ << [f g] >> vlist ] reduceByAsir ) error
     } ifelse
     fff0 isPolynomial fff1 isPolynomial and {
       fff0 (ring) dc ring_def
       fff0 toString . /fff0 set
       fff1 (ring) dc ring_def
       fff1 toString . /fff1 set
     { vlist isInteger { (reduceByAsir: need variable names.) error } {  } ifelse
       [vlist ring_of_differential_operators 0] define_ring
       fff0 toString . /fff0 set
       fff1 toString . /fff1 set
     } ifelse
     oxasir.ccc [(sm1_rat2plist2) [fff0 fff1]] asir
     /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

[$ [[f g] v] reduceByAsir [ff gg]   (ox_asir function)$
 $ [[f g]] reduceByAsir [ff gg]  $
 $Example 1: [[(2 x -2) (4 x - 8)] (x)] reduceByAsir $
 (Note that there may be a gcd that is more than 1 among the coefficients.)
]] putUsages

%% File should be preprocessed by OpenXM/misc/packages/Windows/oxpp 
%% and ./oxapp --removeSharp 
[$[peer filename] oxasirParseFile $
 $File should be preprocessed by OpenXM/misc/packages/Windows/oxpp$ 
 $and ./oxapp --removeSharp $
]] putUsages

/oxasirParseFile {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-oxasirParseFile /fname /sss] pushVariables
    /fname arg1 1 get def
    /peer  arg1 0 get def 
    fname pushfile /sss set
    [$if (1) { ; $ sss (}$)] cat
  ] pop
} def

/oxasir.sm1.loaded 1 def
[(ostype)] extension  0 get (windows) eq {
  [(parse) (oxasir-win.sm1) pushfile ] extension 
  initializePathNamesForOxAsir   %% This should be the last.
} ifelse