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File: [local] / OpenXM / src / kan96xx / Doc / oxmath.sm1 (download)

Revision 1.3, Thu Nov 11 08:23:14 1999 UTC (24 years, 8 months ago) by takayama
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.2: +75 -1 lines

oxmath-testsuits1 is for testing ox_math.

%  oxmath.sm1  : An interface to Open Mathematica Server. (ox_math)
%  $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/kan96xx/Doc/oxmath.sm1,v 1.3 1999/11/11 08:23:14 takayama Exp $
%% This package requires ox.sm1
[(parse) (ox.sm1) pushfile] extension
(oxmathconnectr-ssh ) message
%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Configure path for ox and ox_math on your remote machine.
/oxpath.oxlog.xterm-ssh  (/home/taka/OpenXM/bin/oxlog /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -icon -e ) def
/oxpath.oxmath-ssh (/home/taka/OpenXM/src/ox_math/ox_math) def
/oxpath.ox-ssh    (/home/taka/OpenXM/bin/ox) def
/myhostname-ssh   (dc1.math.kobe-u.ac.jp) def

/oxmathconnectr-ssh {
 /arg1 set
 [/in-oxmathconnectr /pass /peer /data /control /name /machine
  /your-peer /comm
 ] pushVariables
 /machine arg1 0 get def
 /name arg1 1 get def

 /pass [(oxGenPass)] extension def
 /peer [(oxGetPort) myhostname-ssh] extension def
 /data peer 1 get toString def
 /control peer 3 get toString def
 peer message
 [(ssh -f ) machine ( -l ) name ( ")
  oxpath.oxlog.xterm-ssh  oxpath.ox-ssh ( -reverse -ox ) oxpath.oxmath-ssh
  ( -host ) myhostname-ssh
  ( -data ) data ( -control ) control  ( -pass ) pass 
  ( ")
 ] cat /comm set
 (Executing the command : ) messagen comm message message
  comm system
 (sleep 5) system
 [(oxCreateClient2) peer 1 pass] extension /your-peer set
%% /@@@.oxmath your-peer def
%% (ox_math is set to @@@.oxmath) message
 /arg1 your-peer def
 ] pop
} def
[([hostname login-name] oxmathconnectr-ssh client)
 (Starting oxpath.oxmath-ssh by the launcher oxpath.ox-ssh on the "hostname".)
 (Set the following varialbes at the beginning of oxmath.sm1 )
 (to appropriate values:)
 (oxpath.oxlog.xterm-ssh  oxpath.oxmath-ssh  oxpath.ox-ssh myhostname-ssh )
 $Example 1: $
 $  *** Path names on the remote machine tau.math.kobe-u.ac.jp $
 $    /oxpath.oxlog.xterm-ssh (/home/taka/OpenXM/bin/oxlog /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -icon -e ) def $
 $    /oxpath.oxmath-ssh (/home/taka/OpenXM/src/ox_math/ox_math) def $
 $    /oxpath.ox-ssh    (/home/taka/OpenXM/bin/ox) def $
 $  *** The machine name on which you are running sm1. $
 $    /myhostname-ssh   (dc1.math.kobe-u.ac.jp) def $
 $         [(tau.math.kobe-u.ac.jp) (taka)] oxmathconnectr-ssh /@@@.oxmath set  $
]] putUsages

/o_aux {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-t_aux /ob /r /r2] pushVariables
     /ob arg1 def
     (_______________________________________) message
     (tag = ) messagen ob tag messagen (, ) messagen
     (Sending object :) messagen ob message
     @@@.oxmath ob oxpushcmo 
     @@@.oxmath oxpopcmo /r set 
     (Returned expression is:) messagen 
     (tag = ) messagen r tag messagen (, ) messagen
     r message
     (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) message
  ] pop
} def

/o_aux2 {
  /arg1 set
  [/in-t_aux /ob /r /r2] pushVariables
     /ob arg1 def
     (_______________________________________) message
     (Evaluating object :) messagen ob message
     @@@.oxmath ob oxexecutestring
     @@@.oxmath oxpopcmo /r set 
     (Returned cmo expression is:) messagen 
     (tag = ) messagen r tag messagen (, ) messagen
     r message
     (Evaluating object :) messagen ob message
     @@@.oxmath ob oxexecutestring
     @@@.oxmath oxpopstring /r set 
     (popstring of the result is:) messagen 
     (tag = ) messagen r tag messagen (, ) messagen
     r message
     (~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) message
  ] pop
} def

%% Just type in oxmath-testsuits1
/oxmath-testsuits1 {
%% Configure below.
  /oxpath.oxlog.xterm-ssh (/home/taka/OpenXM/bin/oxlog /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm -icon -e ) def 
  /oxpath.oxmath-ssh (/home/taka/OpenXM/src/ox_math/ox_math) def 
  /oxpath.ox-ssh    (/home/taka/OpenXM/bin/ox) def 
%%  *** The machine name on which you are running sm1. 
  /myhostname-ssh   (dc4.math.kobe-u.ac.jp) def 
 [(tau.math.kobe-u.ac.jp) (taka)] oxmathconnectr-ssh /@@@.oxmath set  
%% End of configuration.
%%  @@@.oxmath oxmathcap
%%  (Mathcap is ) messagen @@@.oxmath message

  null o_aux
  123  o_aux
  (Hello World) o_aux 
  [1 2 3] o_aux 
  (123123).. o_aux
%  (-12).. (12345).. div o_aux  %% not supported in sm1.
%  (x^2-1). o_aux  %% It cause a hang of the communication line.

  (------------ test of oxExecuteString and oxpopcmo ----------------)
  (1+2) o_aux2
  (Eigenvalues[{{1,2},{3,4}}]) o_aux2
  (Factor[x^10-1]) o_aux2
  (Eigenvalues[{{1,2},"Hello"}]) o_aux2

  (End) message
} def