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File: [local] / OpenXM / src / kan96xx / Doc / restall.sm1 (download)

Revision (vendor branch), Fri Oct 8 02:12:02 1999 UTC (24 years, 11 months ago) by maekawa
Branch: OpenXM
CVS Tags: maekawa-ipv6, RELEASE_20000124, RELEASE_1_2_2_KNOPPIX_b, RELEASE_1_2_2_KNOPPIX, RELEASE_1_2_2, RELEASE_1_2_1, RELEASE_1_1_3, RELEASE_1_1_2, ALPHA
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines

o import OpenXM sources

%% changed the following names.
%% complement ---> complement.oaku
%% syz ==> o.syz

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% restall.sm1 (Version 19980415) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
(restall.sm1 ... compute all the cohomology groups of the restriction) message-quiet
(                of a D-module to tt = (t_1,...,t_d) = (0,...,0).) message-quiet
(non-Schreyer Version: 19980415 by T.Oaku) message-quiet
(usage: [(P1)...] [(t1)...] bfm --> the b-function) message-quiet
(       [(P1)...] [(t1)...] k0 k1 deg restall --> cohomologies of restriction)
(       [(P1)...] [(t1)...] intbfm --> the b-function for integration) message-quiet
(       [(P1)...] [(t1)...] k0 k1 deg intall --> cohomologies of integration)
% History: Oct.23, Nov.1, Nov.11: bug fix for m2vec, Nov.13: bug fix for psi1
% Apr.15,1998 bug fix for truncation from below 
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Global variables %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
/BFvarlist %% Set all the variables (except s and the parameters) here.  
 [(x) (y) (z)]
/BFparlist %% Set the parameters here if any.  
 [ ]
/BFs (s) def
/BFth (s) def
/BFu (u) def
%% [(P1) ...] [(t1) ...] bfm --> the b-function along t1 = ... = 0.
%% the variables and parameters are assumed to be given by the global variables
%% BFvarlist and BFparlist

/bfm {
  /arg2 set 
  /arg1 set
  [ /ff /tt ] pushVariables
    arg1 /ff set
    arg2 /tt set
    ff tt bfm1 bfm2 {(string) dc} map /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

/bfm1 {
  /arg2 set
  /arg1 set
    /ff /tt /d /nff /gg /gg0 /xvarlist /n /i /xtvarlist /xtusvarlist
    /sxtusvarlist /allvarlist /gg1 /si /gg1 /j /ui /uu /ss /su1
    /input /ggpsi0 /ggpsi /dxvarlist /sxvarlist /ggpsi1 
    /sxallvarlist /sxpoly_weight /hh /bb /us_weight 
  ] pushVariables
    arg1 /ff set
    arg2 /tt set
    tt length /d set
    ff length /nff set

    ff tt fwd /gg set
    gg {fw_symbol (string) dc} map /gg0 set

    BFvarlist tt setminus /xvarlist set
    xvarlist length /n set

    /uu                       %% uu = [u_1,...,u_d] 
    [  1 1 d {/i set
        BFu i toString 2 cat_n
      } for
    ] def
    /ss                       %% ss = [s_1,...,s_d] 
    [  1 1 d {/i set
        BFth i toString 2 cat_n
      } for
    ] def

    tt xvarlist join /xtvarlist set
    uu ss join xtvarlist join /xtusvarlist set
    [BFth] xtusvarlist join /sxtusvarlist set
    sxtusvarlist BFparlist join /allvarlist set

    sxtusvarlist setupDring

    0 1 d 1 sub { /i set
      gg0 {tt i get fw_homogenize} map /gg1 set
      ss i get expand /si set
      gg1 {expand} map /gg1 set
      gg1 {[[BFs expand si]] replace} map /gg1 set
      gg1 {(string) dc} map /gg1 set         
    } for

    /us_weight [ [
      0 1 d 1 sub { /i set
        uu i get 1  ss i get 1 
      } for ]
        0 1 d 1 sub { /i set tt i get 1 } for
        0 1 n 1 sub { /j set
          xvarlist j get xtoDx 1
          xvarlist j get 1
        } for
      ] ] def

    [ allvarlist listtostring ring_of_differential_operators
      us_weight weight_vector 0 ] define_ring

    gg1 {expand} map /gg1 set

    /su1 [ 0 1 d 1 sub { /i set  %% [(1-s1*u1).,...]
      ss i get expand /si set
      uu i get expand /ui set
      si ui mul (1). sub 
      } for ] def
    su1 gg1 join /input set
    input {[[(h). (1).]] replace homogenize} map /input set
    [input] groebner 0 get {[[(h). (1).]] replace} map /gg set
    gg uu eliminatev /gg set
    gg ss eliminatev /gg set
    gg reducedBase /gg set  

    gg /ggpsi0 set
    0 1 d 1 sub { /i set
      ggpsi0 {tt i get fw_psi} map /ggpsi0 set
      ss i get expand /si set
      ggpsi0 {[[BFth expand si]] replace} map /ggpsi0 set
    } for
    ggpsi0 {(string) dc} map /ggpsi set

    xvarlist {xtoDx} map /dxvarlist set
    ss xvarlist join /sxvarlist set
    sxvarlist setupDring

    ggpsi {expand [[(h). (1).]] replace homogenize} map /ggpsi set
    [ggpsi] groebner 0 get /ggpsi set
    ggpsi dxvarlist eliminatev /ggpsi1 set
    ggpsi1 {(string) dc} map /ggpsi1 set

    /sxpoly_weight [
      [ 0 1 n 1 sub {/i set xvarlist i get 1} for ]
      [ 0 1 d 1 sub {/i set ss i get 1} for ]
    ] def

    sxvarlist BFparlist join /sxallvarlist set
    [ sxallvarlist listtostring ring_of_polynomials
      sxpoly_weight weight_vector 0 ] define_ring
    ggpsi1 {expand} map /ggpsi1 set ;
    [ggpsi1] groebner 0 get {[[(h). (1).]] replace} map /hh set    
    hh xvarlist eliminatev /bb set
    [bb {(string) dc} map ss] /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

/bfm2 {
  /arg1 set
  [ /ff /ss /d /sspoly_weight /ssallvarlist /si /hh ] pushVariables
    arg1 0 get /ff set
    arg1 1 get /ss set
    ss length /d set
    /sspoly_weight [
      [ 0 1 d 1 sub {/i set ss i get 1} for ]
    ] def

    [BFth] ss join BFparlist join /ssallvarlist set
    [ ssallvarlist listtostring ring_of_polynomials
      sspoly_weight weight_vector 0 ] define_ring
    ff {expand homogenize} map /ff set ;
    BFth expand /si set
    1 1 d 1 sub {/i set
      si << ss i get expand >> sub /si set
    } for
    ff {[[ss 0 get expand  si]] replace} map /ff set
    [ff] groebner 0 get {[[(h). (1).]] replace} map /hh set    
    hh ss eliminatev /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

%% V-Groebner basis by V-filtration (using the variable s)
/fwd {
 /arg2 set  %% bftt
 /arg1 set  %% BFequations
 [ /bfs /bftt /bfh /bf1 /ff /n /i /d /GG /gbase /o.syz
   /BFDvarlist /BFs_weight ] pushVariables 
  /ff arg1 def
  /bftt arg2 def
    [ BFs ] BFvarlist join BFparlist join 
  BFvarlist length /n set
  BFvarlist {xtoDx} map /BFDvarlist set
    [ [ BFs 1 ]
      [ 0 1 n 1 sub 
          { /i set BFDvarlist i get 1 } 
        0 1 n 1 sub  
          { /i set BFvarlist i get 1 }
        for ]
    ] def  

  [ BFallvarlist listtostring ring_of_differential_operators
    BFs_weight weight_vector 
  0] define_ring  /BFring set

  /bfh  (h) BFring ,, def
  /bfs  BFs BFring ,, def
  /bf1  (1) BFring ,, def
  ff { bftt fwm_homogenize } map /ff set
  ff {expand} map /ff set
  ff {[[bfh bf1]] replace} map {homogenize} map /ff set
  [ff] groebner 0 get reducedBase /gbase set 
  gbase /arg1 set 
  ] pop
} def

%% The "b-function" w.r.t. (Dt1),...
%% (for integration w.r.t. (t1),...
%% [(P1)...] [(t1)...] intbfm

/intbfm {
  /arg2 set /arg1 set
  [ ] pushVariables
    arg1 /ff set
    arg2 /tt set
    BFvarlist setupDring
    ff {tt fourier} map /gg set
    gg tt bfm /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

/intall {
  /arg5 set %% degmax
  /arg4 set %% k1
  /arg3 set %% k0
  /arg2 set %% [(t1) ... (td)]
  /arg1 set %% BFequations
  [ /ff /bftt /k0 /k1 /degmax /ffdx ] pushVariables
    /ff arg1 def  /bftt arg2 def  /k0 arg3 def  /k1 arg4 def  
    /degmax arg5 def   
    BFvarlist setupDring
    ff {bftt fourier} map /ffdx set
    ffdx bftt k0 k1 degmax restall /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

/intall1 {
  /arg5 set %% degmax
  /arg4 set %% k1
  /arg2 set %% [(t1) ... (td)]
  /arg1 set %% BFequations
  [ /ff /bftt /k0 /k1 /degmax /ffdx ] pushVariables
    /ff arg1 def  /bftt arg2 def  /k1 arg4 def  
    /degmax arg5 def   
    BFvarlist setupDring
    ff {bftt fourier} map /ffdx set
    ffdx bftt k1 degmax restall1 /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

%% (P) [(t_1),...,(t_d)] fourier
/fourier {
  /arg2 set /arg1 set
  [ /P /tt /d /i] pushVariables
     arg1 /P set
     arg2 /tt set
     tt length /d set
     0 1 d 1 sub {/i set
       P << tt i get >> fourier1 /P set
     } for
     P /arg1 set 
  ] pop
} def

%% (P) (t) fourier :  t --> -Dt, Dt --> t  
/fourier1 {
  /arg2 set /arg1 set
  [/P /bft /bfDt /P /bftv /bfDtv /Pcoefs /degs /coefs /m /PP /i /ki /ci
    ] pushVariables
    arg1 /P set
    arg2 /bft set
    bft xtoDx /bfDt set
    P expand /P set
    bft expand /bftv set
    bfDt expand /bfDtv set
    P bfDtv coefficients /Pcoefs set
    Pcoefs 0 get /degs set
    Pcoefs 1 get /coefs set
    coefs length /m set
    (0). /PP set   
    0 1 m 1 sub { /i set
      degs i get /ki set 
      coefs i get /ci set
      ci [[ bftv << (0). bfDtv sub >> ]] replace /ci set
      ci << bftv ki power >> mul /ci set
      PP ci add /PP set
    } for
    PP [[(h). (1).]] replace (string) dc /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

%% The cohomology groups of the restriction
%% [(P1)...] [(t1)...] k0 k1 degmax restall 
%% --> [0-th cohomology -1-th cohomology, ...,-degmax-th cohomology] 

/restall {
  /arg5 set %% degmax
  /arg4 set %% k1
  /arg3 set %% k0
  /arg2 set %% [(t1) ... (td)]
  /arg1 set %% BFequations
    /ff /bftt /k0 /k1 /degmax /syzlist /mveclist /cohomlist
    /ideg /gbase /o.syz /m1vec /m2vec /r1 /r2 
    /i /syzi /j /syzij /maxtmp /max0 /ee /psi1index /zerolist
    /psi1 /psi1ker /psi2image
    /gbase1 /m1i /emonoi /nmono /bfDttmonoi /eei /dtp /k /psi1kervec
    /pn /pn0 /psi1i /psi1keri /m2i /nker /nim /cohm /psiall /psisyz /cohom0 
  ] pushVariables
    /ff arg1 def  /bftt arg2 def  /k0 arg3 def  /k1 arg4 def  
    /degmax arg5 def   
    bftt length /d set    
  degmax 0 gt {
    (Computing a free resolution ... ) message
    ff bftt degmax syzygyV /GG set
    (A free resolution obtained.) message
    [[ff bftt fwd {[[BFs expand (1).]] replace (string) dc} map ] [ [ 0 ] ]] 
    /GG set 
  } ifelse
    GG 0 get /syzlist set
    GG 1 get /mveclist set

    [ ] /cohomlist set

  0 1 degmax {/ideg set    

    ideg 0 eq { 
      [ (0) ] /gbase set 
      [ 0 ] /m0vec set
      1 /r0 set
      syzlist  << ideg 1 sub >> get /gbase set
      m1vec /m0vec set
      r1 /r0 set
    } ifelse 
    syzlist     ideg          get /o.syz   set 
    mveclist    ideg          get /m1vec set

%%                                       o.syz       gbase 
%%                                D^{r2} --> D^{r1} --> D^{r0} 
%% with weight vectors:           m2vec      m1vec      m0vec
%% which will induce a complex
%%                                     psi2              psi1
%%                        D_{Y->X}^{r2} --> D_{Y->X}^{r1} --> D_{Y->X}^{r0} 

    gbase length /r1 set
    o.syz length /r2 set

    ideg 0 eq { 
      /syz1 [ 0 1 r2 1 sub {/i set
        [ o.syz i get ]
      } for ] def
      syz1 /o.syz set
    }{ } ifelse
%% Computing the weight vector m2vec from m1vec and syz
  ideg degmax eq {
    /m2vec [
      0 1 r2 1 sub {/i set
        o.syz i get /syzi set
        0 /nonzero set
        0 1 r1 1 sub {/j set
          syzi j get expand /syzij set
          syzij (0). eq {  }{
            syzij bftt fwh_order  m1vec j get  add /maxtmp set
            nonzero 0 eq { maxtmp /max0 set }{
              maxtmp max0 gt { maxtmp /max0 set }{ } ifelse
            } ifelse
            1 /nonzero set
          } ifelse
        } for
      max0 } for ] def  
    mveclist << ideg 1 add >> get /m2vec set  
  } ifelse

%% ee = [u1,...,ud] corresponds to [Dt1,...,Dtd] (for graduation)
    BFu /estr set
      [ 1 1 d {/i set estr i toString 2 cat_n} for ]
    [@@@.esymbol] ee join /eee set
%% Setting up a ring that represents D_{Y->X}^{r1}
    eee length /neee set
    /eeemvec [ 1 1 neee {pop 1} for ] def 
    eee [ ] BFvarlist eeemvec setupDringVshift
    bftt {xtoDx expand} map /bfDtt set
    [ ] /psi1 set
    [ ] /psi1index set
    [ ] /zerolist set

%% converting gbase to a list of polynomials
%% Be careful to the current ring!
    ideg 2 lt { 
      gbase {expand} map /gbase1 set 
        [ 0 1 r1 1 sub {/i set
            gbase i get {expand} map vector_to_poly 
         } for ] def
      } ifelse
    gbase1 /gbase set

%(ideg =) messagen ideg ::
%(Computing psi1) message
%%                        psi1
%% Computes  D_{Y->X}^{r1} -->  D_{Y->X}^{r0} induced by gbase
%% with weight  k0 - m1vec <= k <= k1 - m1vec 
    0 1 r1 1 sub {/i set
      m1vec i get /m1i set
      ee {expand} map k0 m1i sub k1 m1i sub monomials /emonoi set
      bfDtt k0 m1i sub k1 m1i sub monomials /bfDttmonoi set
      emonoi length /nmono set
      0 1 nmono 1 sub {/j set
        @@@.esymbol expand i npower /eei set           
        emonoi j get eei mul /eei set          
        gbase i get /dtp set
        bfDttmonoi j get dtp mul /dtp set
        0 1 d 1 sub {/k set 
          dtp [[bftt k get expand (0).]] replace /dtp set
          dtp [[bfDtt k get  ee k get expand]] replace /dtp set
        } for
        dtp [[(h). (1).]] replace /dtp set
        dtp << ee {expand} map >> m0vec k0 Vtruncate_below /dtp set 
        dtp (0). eq { 
          zerolist [eei] join /zerolist set
          psi1index [eei] join /psi1index set
          psi1 [dtp] join /psi1 set
        } ifelse 
      } for    
    } for

%(ideg =) messagen ideg ::
%(psi1 obtained.) message
%(Computing psi1ker) message

%% Computing psi1ker := Ker psi1 :
    psi1 length 0 eq { 
      [ ] /psi1ker set 
      psi1 {[[(h). (1).]] replace homogenize} map /psi1 set
      [psi1 [(needSyz)]] groebner 2 get /psi1kervec set
      psi1kervec length /pn set
      psi1index length /pn0 set
      [ ] /psi1ker set 
      0 1 pn 1 sub {/i set
        psi1kervec i get /psi1i set
        (0). /psi1keri set
        0 1 pn0 1 sub {/j set
          psi1index j get psi1i j get mul psi1keri add /psi1keri set 
        } for
        psi1ker [ psi1keri [[(h). (1).]] replace ] join /psi1ker set  
      } for    
    } ifelse 
    zerolist psi1ker join /psi1ker set 
% Is it all right to use reducedBase here?
%    psi1ker length 0 eq { }{
%      psi1ker reducedBase /psi1ker set 
%    } ifelse 
%(ideg =) messagen ideg ::
%(psi1ker obtained.) message
%(Computing psi2image ...) message

%%                                     psi2
%% Computes the image of  D_{Y->X}^{r2} -->  D_{Y->X}^{r1} induced by syz
%% with weight  k0 - m2vec <= k <= k1 - m2vec 
    /psi2image [
      0 1 r2 1 sub {/i set
        o.syz i get {expand} map vector_to_poly /syzi set
        m2vec i get /m2i set
        bfDtt k0 m2i sub k1 m2i sub monomials /bfDttmonoi set
        bfDttmonoi length /nmono set
        0 1 nmono 1 sub {/j set
          bfDttmonoi j get syzi mul /syzij set
          0 1 d 1 sub {/k set
            syzij [[bftt k get expand (0).]] replace /syzij set
            syzij [[bfDtt k get ee k get expand]] replace /syzij set
          } for
          syzij [[(h). (1).]] replace /syzij set
          syzij << ee {expand} map >> m1vec k0 Vtruncate_below /syzij set 
          syzij (0). eq { }{syzij} ifelse
        } for
      } for 
    ] def

%(psi2image obtained.) message
%(ideg = ) messagen ideg ::
%(psi1ker = ) message psi1ker ::
%(psi2image =) message psi2image ::

%% Computes the quotient module  psi1ker/psi2image
    psi1ker length /nker set
    nker 0 eq { 
      [0 [ ]] /cohom set
      psi2image length /nim set
      psi1ker psi2image join /psiall set
      psiall {homogenize} map /psiall set
      [psiall [(needSyz)]] groebner 2 get /psisyz set
      psisyz {nker proj vector_to_poly [[(h). (1).]] replace} map /cohom set
      cohom {remove0} map /cohom set
      cohom length 0 eq { 
        [nker [ ]] /cohom set 
        cohom {homogenize} map /cohom set
        [cohom] groebner 0 get reducedBase /cohom set
        cohom {[[(h). (1).]] replace} map /cohom set
        [nker cohom] trimModule /cohom set
      } ifelse 
    } ifelse 
    cohomlist [cohom] join /cohomlist set 
    0 ideg sub print (-th cohomology:  ) messagen
    cohom ::
  } for

  cohomlist /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

%% The cohomology groups of the restriction without truncation from below
%% [(P1)...] [(t1)...] k1 degmax restall 
%% --> [0-th cohomology -1-th cohomology, ...,-degmax-th cohomology] 

/restall1 {
  /arg5 set %% degmax
  /arg4 set %% k1
  /arg2 set %% [(t1) ... (td)]
  /arg1 set %% BFequations
    /ff /bftt /k1 /degmax /syzlist /mveclist /cohomlist
    /ideg /gbase /o.syz /m1vec /m2vec /r1 /r2 
    /i /syzi /j /syzij /maxtmp /max0 /ee /psi1index /zerolist
    /psi1 /psi1ker /psi2image
    /gbase1 /m1i /emonoi /nmono /bfDttmonoi /eei /dtp /k /psi1kervec
    /pn /pn0 /psi1i /psi1keri /m2i /nker /nim /cohm /psiall /psisyz /cohom0 
  ] pushVariables
    /ff arg1 def  /bftt arg2 def  /k1 arg4 def  /degmax arg5 def   
    bftt length /d set    
  degmax 0 gt {
    (Computing a free resolution ... ) message
    ff bftt degmax syzygyV /GG set
    (A free resolution obtained.) message
    [[ff bftt fwd {[[BFs expand (1).]] replace (string) dc} map ] [ [ 0 ] ]] 
    /GG set 
  } ifelse
    GG 0 get /syzlist set
    GG 1 get /mveclist set

    [ ] /cohomlist set

  0 1 degmax {/ideg set    

    ideg 0 eq { 
      [ (0) ] /gbase set 
      [ 0 ] /m0vec set
      1 /r0 set
      syzlist  << ideg 1 sub >> get /gbase set
      m1vec /m0vec set
      r1 /r0 set
    } ifelse 
    syzlist     ideg          get /o.syz   set 
    mveclist    ideg          get /m1vec set

%%                                       o.syz       gbase 
%%                                D^{r2} --> D^{r1} --> D^{r0} 
%% with weight vectors:           m2vec      m1vec      m0vec
%% which will induce a complex
%%                                     psi2              psi1
%%                        D_{Y->X}^{r2} --> D_{Y->X}^{r1} --> D_{Y->X}^{r0} 

    gbase length /r1 set
    o.syz length /r2 set

    ideg 0 eq { 
      /syz1 [ 0 1 r2 1 sub {/i set
        [ o.syz i get ]
      } for ] def
      syz1 /o.syz set
    }{ } ifelse
%% Computing the weight vector m2vec from m1vec and syz
  ideg degmax eq {
    /m2vec [
      0 1 r2 1 sub {/i set
        o.syz i get /syzi set
        0 /nonzero set
        0 1 r1 1 sub {/j set
          syzi j get expand /syzij set
          syzij (0). eq {  }{
            syzij bftt fwh_order  m1vec j get  add /maxtmp set
            nonzero 0 eq { maxtmp /max0 set }{
              maxtmp max0 gt { maxtmp /max0 set }{ } ifelse
            } ifelse
            1 /nonzero set
          } ifelse
        } for
      max0 } for ] def  
    mveclist << ideg 1 add >> get /m2vec set  
  } ifelse

%% ee = [u1,...,ud] corresponds to [Dt1,...,Dtd] (for graduation)
    BFu /estr set
      [ 1 1 d {/i set estr i toString 2 cat_n} for ]
    [@@@.esymbol] ee join /eee set
%% Setting up a ring that represents D_{Y->X}^{r1}
    eee length /neee set
    /eeemvec [ 1 1 neee {pop 1} for ] def 
    eee [ ] BFvarlist eeemvec setupDringVshift
    bftt {xtoDx expand} map /bfDtt set
    [ ] /psi1 set
    [ ] /psi1index set
    [ ] /zerolist set

%% converting gbase to a list of polynomials
%% Be careful to the current ring!
    ideg 2 lt { 
      gbase {expand} map /gbase1 set 
        [ 0 1 r1 1 sub {/i set
            gbase i get {expand} map vector_to_poly 
         } for ] def
      } ifelse
    gbase1 /gbase set

%(ideg =) messagen ideg ::
%(Computing psi1) message
%%                        psi1
%% Computes  D_{Y->X}^{r1} -->  D_{Y->X}^{r0} induced by gbase
%% with weight  k <= k1 - m1vec 
    0 1 r1 1 sub {/i set
      m1vec i get /m1i set
      ee {expand} map  0  k1 m1i sub monomials /emonoi set
      bfDtt  0  k1 m1i sub monomials /bfDttmonoi set
      emonoi length /nmono set
      0 1 nmono 1 sub {/j set
        @@@.esymbol expand i npower /eei set           
        emonoi j get eei mul /eei set          
        gbase i get /dtp set
        bfDttmonoi j get dtp mul /dtp set
        0 1 d 1 sub {/k set 
          dtp [[bftt k get expand (0).]] replace /dtp set
          dtp [[bfDtt k get  ee k get expand]] replace /dtp set
        } for
        dtp [[(h). (1).]] replace /dtp set
        dtp (0). eq { 
          zerolist [eei] join /zerolist set
          psi1index [eei] join /psi1index set
          psi1 [dtp] join /psi1 set
        } ifelse 
      } for    
    } for

%(ideg =) messagen ideg ::
%(psi1 obtained.) message
%(Computing psi1ker) message

%% Computing psi1ker := Ker psi1 :
    psi1 length 0 eq { 
      [ ] /psi1ker set 
      psi1 {[[(h). (1).]] replace homogenize} map /psi1 set
      [psi1 [(needSyz)]] groebner 2 get /psi1kervec set
      psi1kervec length /pn set
      psi1index length /pn0 set
      [ ] /psi1ker set 
      0 1 pn 1 sub {/i set
        psi1kervec i get /psi1i set
        (0). /psi1keri set
        0 1 pn0 1 sub {/j set
          psi1index j get psi1i j get mul psi1keri add /psi1keri set 
        } for
        psi1ker [ psi1keri [[(h). (1).]] replace ] join /psi1ker set  
      } for    
    } ifelse 
    zerolist psi1ker join /psi1ker set 
% Is it all right to use reducedBase here?
%    psi1ker length 0 eq { }{
%      psi1ker reducedBase /psi1ker set 
%    } ifelse 
%(ideg =) messagen ideg ::
%(psi1ker obtained.) message
%(Computing psi2image ...) message

%%                                     psi2
%% Computes the image of  D_{Y->X}^{r2} -->  D_{Y->X}^{r1} induced by syz
%% with weight  m2vec <= k <= k1 - m2vec 
    /psi2image [
      0 1 r2 1 sub {/i set
        o.syz i get {expand} map vector_to_poly /syzi set
        m2vec i get /m2i set
        bfDtt  0  k1 m2i sub monomials /bfDttmonoi set
        bfDttmonoi length /nmono set
        0 1 nmono 1 sub {/j set
          bfDttmonoi j get syzi mul /syzij set
          0 1 d 1 sub {/k set
            syzij [[bftt k get expand (0).]] replace /syzij set
            syzij [[bfDtt k get ee k get expand]] replace /syzij set
          } for
          syzij [[(h). (1).]] replace /syzij set
          syzij (0). eq { }{syzij} ifelse
        } for
      } for 
    ] def

%(psi2image obtained.) message
%(ideg = ) messagen ideg ::
%(psi1ker = ) message psi1ker ::
%(psi2image =) message psi2image ::

%% Computes the quotient module  psi1ker/psi2image
    psi1ker length /nker set
    nker 0 eq { 
      [0 [ ]] /cohom set
      psi2image length /nim set
      psi1ker psi2image join /psiall set
      psiall {homogenize} map /psiall set
      [psiall [(needSyz)]] groebner 2 get /psisyz set
      psisyz {nker proj vector_to_poly [[(h). (1).]] replace} map /cohom set
      cohom {remove0} map /cohom set
      cohom length 0 eq { 
        [nker [ ]] /cohom set 
        cohom {homogenize} map /cohom set
        [cohom] groebner 0 get reducedBase /cohom set
        cohom {[[(h). (1).]] replace} map /cohom set
        [nker cohom] trimModule /cohom set
      } ifelse 
    } ifelse 
    cohomlist [cohom] join /cohomlist set 
    0 ideg sub print (-th cohomology:  ) messagen
    cohom ::
  } for

  cohomlist /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

% Reduce the module representation  A^r/[P_1,...,P_m]
% by trimming unnecessary higher degree terms
% [r [P1,...,p_m]] reduceModule --> [r1, [Q_1,...,Q_m1]]
% The current ring must have @@@.esymbol as the highest degree variable.
/trimModule {
  /arg1 set
  [ /r /ff /ffins /nff /i /ei /j /fj /fjin /qij /fjdeg ] pushVariables
    arg1 0 get /r set
    arg1 1 get /ff set
    ff {homogenize} map /ff set
    [ff] groebner 0 get reducedBase {[[(h). (1).]] replace} map /ff set
    ff {init [[(h). (1).]] replace} map /ffins set
    ff length /nff set  

    r 1 sub -1 0 {/i set
      @@@.esymbol . i npower /ei set
      0 1 nff 1 sub {/j set
        0 /eifound set 
        ff j get /fj set
        ffins j get /fjin set
        ei [fjin] reduction 0 get /qij set
        qij (0). eq {
          1 /eifound set
          1 break
        }{ } ifelse
      } for    
      eifound 0 eq break
    } for
    << eifound 1 eq >> << i 0 eq >> and { 
      0 /r set 
      i 1 add /r set
    } ifelse
    /gg [ 0 1 nff 1 sub {/j set
      ff j get /fj set
      fj @@@.esymbol . coefficients 0 get 0 get (integer) dc /fjdeg set
      fjdeg r lt {fj}{ } ifelse
    } for ] def  
    [r gg] /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

% syzygyV.sm1 ... free resolution adapted to the V-filtration  
%                 w.r.t. tt = (t_1,...,t_d) using h-homogenization.
% usage:  Equations tt deg syzygyV 
% Oct. 21, 1997 ---  by T.Oaku
% Version 19971021 
%% Computing a free resolution compatible with the V-filtration
%% w.r.t. tt
/syzygyV {
  /arg3 set  %% rdegmax
  /arg2 set  %% tt
  /arg1 set  %% ff
    /ff /tt /rdegmax /ttxx /aa /d /i /syzlist /rdeg
    /nff /mvec /estr /ee /edeg /dffi /r0 /syzpoly 
    /syzi /syzij /syzpolyi /j 
    /gbase /o.syz /syzlist /mvecist
    /r1 /m1vec /gbi /nonzero /gbijc /gbijd /gbij /maxtmp /max0 /gbase1
  ] pushVariables 
    arg1 /ff set
    arg2 /tt set
    arg3 /rdegmax set

    BFvarlist /ttxx set
    BFparlist /aa set
    tt length /d set

    ttxx tt setminus /xx set
    [ ] /syzlist set
    [ ] /mveclist set

%% start the loop (the counter rdeg represents the degree of the resolution)
  0 1 rdegmax {/rdeg set
    ff length /nff set

%%  r is the number of graduation variables;
%%  ff is a list of r0-vectors;
%%  r = r0 from the 2nd step (i.e. for rdeg >= 1);
%%  ee = [(u_1),...,(u_r)] or [@@@.esymbol] (in the 1st step).
%%  From               
%%                     ff
%%  ... <--- D_X^{r0} <--- D_X^{nff},
%%  computes
%%                   gbase          syz
%%  ... <--- D_X^{r0} <--- D_X^{r1} <--- D_X^{r2}.
%%           m0vec         m1vec         m2vec

    rdeg 0 eq {
      1 /r set                
      [@@@.esymbol] /ee set
      [ 0 ] /mvec set
      [ 0 ] /mvec0 set
      r1 /r set
      r1 /r0 set
      m1vec /mvec set
      BFu /estr set
        [ 1 1 r {/i set
          estr i toString 2 cat_n} for ]
    } ifelse

%%  (Set up a ring with mvec = ) messagen mvec ::
    ee tt xx mvec setupDringVshift

    rdeg 0 eq {
      0 /edeg set
      0 1 nff 1 sub {/i set 
        ff i get expand /ffi set
        ffi @@@.esymbol . coefficients 0 get 0 get (integer) dc /dffi set
        dffi edeg gt { dffi /edeg set}{ } ifelse
      } for
      edeg 1 add /r0 set     %% the input ff is a list of r0-vectors 
      /m0vec [ 1 1 r0 {pop 0} for ] def
      o.syz length /nff set
      /syzpoly [ 0 1 nff 1 sub {/i set
        o.syz i get /syzi set
        (0). /syzpolyi set
        0 1 r1 1 sub {/j set
          syzi j get (string) dc expand /syzij set
          syzij << ee j get expand >> mul /syzij set
          syzpolyi syzij add /syzpolyi set
        } for
      } for ] def
      syzpoly {(string) dc} map /ff set
     } ifelse

     mveclist [m0vec] join /mveclist set

    ff {expand [[(h). (1).]] replace homogenize} map /ff set
    [ff] groebner 0 get reducedBase /gbase set 
    [gbase [(needSyz)]] groebner 2 get /o.syz set

    gbase length /r1 set
    o.syz length /nff set

    0 rdeg eq {
      gbase {tt fwh_order} map /m1vec set
       /m1vec [
        0 1 r1 1 sub {/i set
          gbase i get /gbi set 
          0 /nonzero set
          0 1 r0 1 sub {/j set
            gbi << ee j get expand >> coefficients /gbijc set
            gbijc 0 get 0 get (integer) dc /gbijd set
            gbijd 0 eq {  }{
              gbijc 1 get 0 get /gbij set
              gbij tt fwh_order  m0vec j get  add /maxtmp set
              nonzero 0 eq { maxtmp /max0 set }{
                maxtmp max0 gt { maxtmp /max0 set }{ } ifelse
              } ifelse
              1 /nonzero set
            } ifelse
          } for
        max0 } for ] def  
    } ifelse 

    rdeg 0 eq {
      gbase {[[(h). (1).]] replace (string) dc} map /gbase1 set
      /gbase1 [ 0 1 r1 1 sub {/i set    
        gbase i get /gbi set
        [ 0 1 r0 1 sub {/j set
          gbi << ee j get expand >> coefficients /gbijc set
          gbijc 0 get 0 get (integer) dc /gbijd set
          gbijd 0 eq { (0) }{
            gbijc 1 get 0 get [[(h). (1).]] replace (string) dc
          } ifelse 
        } for ]      
      } for ] def
    } ifelse

    syzlist [gbase1] join /syzlist set
    m1vec /m0vec set

    o.syz length 0 eq {
      syzlist [o.syz] join /syzlist set
      mveclist [m1vec] join /mveclist set
      1 break
    }{ } ifelse
  } for  
  [syzlist mveclist] /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Libraries %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% set up a ring for the shifted V-weight given by mvec:
%% ee tt xx mvec setupDringVshift
%% ee = [e_1,...,e_r], tt = [t_1,...,t_d], xx = [x_1,...,x_n]
%% BFparlist = [a_1,...,a_m] (global variable)

/setupDringVshift {
  /arg4 set /arg3 set /arg2 set /arg1 set  
    /ee /xx /tt /aa /mvec /allvarlist /allDvarlist /r /n /m /d /i /j /k
%    /Dee /Dxx /Dtt /Daa /dnm /rdnm /mat1 /mat2 /mat3 /mat4 
  ] pushVariables
    arg1 /ee set 
    arg2 /tt set
    arg3 /xx set
    arg4 /mvec set
    BFparlist /aa set
      ee tt join xx join aa join [(H)] join
    ee length /r set
    tt length /d set
    xx length /n set
    aa length /m set

    d n add m add /dnm set
    r dnm add /rdnm set

    ee {xtoDx} map /Dee set
    tt {xtoDx} map /Dtt set  
    xx {xtoDx} map /Dxx set
    aa {xtoDx} map /Daa set

      Dee Dtt join Dxx join Daa join [(h)] join

    allvarlist reverse  /mat1 set allDvarlist reverse /mat2 set
    [0 1 1 1  rdnm 1 add  1 1 1  dnm 1 add]                /mat3 set
      [ 0 1 r 1 sub {/i set mvec i get} for %%[(e_1) mvec_1...(e_r) mvec_r
        1 1 d {pop -1} for                  %% (t_1) -1 ...   (t_d) -1
        1 1 n {pop 0 } for                  %% (x_1) 0  ...   (x_n) 0
        1 1 m {pop 0 } for                  %% (a_1) 0  ...   (a_m) 0
                   0                        %% (H) 0 
        1 1 r {pop 0 } for                  %% (E_1) 0  ...   (E_d) 0
        1 1 d {pop 1 } for                  %% (Dt_1) 1 ...   (Dt_d) 1
        1 1 n {pop 0 } for                  %% (Dx_1) 0 ...   (Dx_n) 0
        1 1 m {pop 0 } for                  %% (Da_1) 0 ...   (Da_m) 0
                   0                        %% (h) 0 ]
      [ 1 1 r {pop 1 } for                  %%[(e_1) 1  ...   (e_r) 1
        1 1 d {pop 1 } for                  %% (t_1) 1  ...   (t_d) 1
        1 1 n {pop 1 } for                  %% (x_1) 1  ...   (x_n) 1
        1 1 m {pop 0 } for                  %% (a_1) 0  ...   (a_m) 0
                   0                        %% (H) 0 
        1 1 r {pop 0 } for                  %% (E_1) 0  ...   (E_d) 0
        1 1 d {pop 1 } for                  %% (Dt_1) 1 ...   (Dt_d) 1
        1 1 n {pop 1 } for                  %% (Dx_1) 1 ...   (Dx_n) 1
        1 1 m {pop 0 } for                  %% (Da_1) 0 ...   (Da_m) 0
                   0                        %% (h) 0 ]
      [ 1 1 r {pop 0 } for                  %%[(e_1) 0  ...   (e_r) 0
        1 1 d {pop 0 } for                  %% (t_1) 0  ...   (t_d) 0
        1 1 n {pop 0 } for                  %% (x_1) 0  ...   (x_n) 0
        1 1 m {pop 1 } for                  %% (a_1) 1  ...   (a_m) 1
                   0                        %% (H) 0 
        1 1 r {pop 0 } for                  %% (E_1) 0  ...   (E_d) 0
        1 1 d {pop 0 } for                  %% (Dt_1) 0 ...   (Dt_d) 0
        1 1 n {pop 0 } for                  %% (Dx_1) 0 ...   (Dx_n) 0
        1 1 m {pop 0 } for                  %% (Da_1) 0 ...   (Da_m) 0
                   0                        %% (h) 0 ]
      rdnm 1 sub -1 0 {/i set 
          0 1 rdnm {pop 0} for
          0 1 rdnm 1 sub {/j set
            i j eq { -1 }{ 0 } ifelse  
          } for 
      } for
      rdnm 1 sub -1 0 {/i set 
          0 1 rdnm 1 sub {/j set
            i j eq { -1 }{ 0 } ifelse  
          } for 
          0 1 rdnm {pop 0} for
      } for
      [ 0 1 rdnm {pop 0} for
        0 1 rdnm 1 sub {pop 0} for
    ]                                                          /mat4 set
    mat1 mat2 mat3 mat4 [(mpMult) (diff)] set_up_ring@
    (red@) (module1) switch_function 
    (grade) (module1) switch_function
  ] pop
} def

/remove0 {
  /arg1 set
  arg1 (0). eq
  { } {arg1} ifelse
} def

%% return a list of monomials of degree m with m0 <= m <= m1 
%% usage: [(t1) ... (td)] m monomials
/monomials {
  /arg3 set  %% m1 (integer)
  /arg2 set  %% m0 (integer)
  /arg1 set  %% [(t1)., ... ,(td).] (polynonmial list)
  [/bftt /m /m0 /m1 /d /i /mns0 /j /n /Mn /k ] pushVariables
    arg1 /bftt set
    arg2 /m0 set
    arg3 /m1 set

    bftt length /d set
    d 0 eq { /mns [ ] def}{ 
    d 1 eq { 
     /mns [ m0 1 m1 { /i set 
        i -1 gt {bftt 0 get i npower}{ } ifelse 
     } for ] def
     /mns [ 0 1 m1 { /i set            
      bftt rest i i monomials /mns0 set 
      mns0 length /n set
      0 1 n 1 sub { /j set           
        mns0 j get /Mn set           
          m0 i sub /m set
          m 0 lt { 0 /m set }{ } ifelse
          m 1 m1 i sub { /k set      
            << bftt 0 get k npower >> Mn mul 
          } for 
      } for      
     } for ] def
    } ifelse } ifelse
    mns /arg1 set 
  ] pop
} def

%% projection to the first m componets of a vector
%% [P1,...,Pm,...] m proj ---> [P1,...,Pm]
/proj {
  /arg2 set 
  /arg1 set
  [/n /m /vec /projvec] pushVariables
    arg2 /m set
    arg1 /vec set
    vec length /n set

    /projvec [ 
      vec aload  
      0 1 << n m sub >> { pop pop } for  
    ] def
    projvec /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def  

/notidentical {
  /arg2 set
  /arg1 set
  arg1 arg2 eq
  { } {arg1} ifelse
} def

%% [u1,...] [v1,...] setminus --> [u1,...] \setminus [v1,...]
/setminus {
  /arg2 set /arg1 set
  [ /Set1 /Set2 /n2 /i ] pushVariables
    arg1 /Set1 set  arg2 /Set2 set
    Set2 length /n2 set
    0 1 n2 1 sub {/i set
       Set1  Set2 i get  complement.oaku /Set1 set
    } for
    Set1 /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

%% (list arg1) \setminus {(an element arg2)} 
/complement.oaku {
  /arg2 set /arg1 set
  arg1 { arg2 notidentical } map
} def

%% convert a polynomial to one in the current ring 
/reexpand {
  /arg1 set
  arg1 {(string) dc expand} map
} def

%% Op (poly) [(t1) (t2) ...] fwh_order ---> FW-ord(Op) (integer)
%% The current ring must be adapted to the V-filtration!
/fwh_order {
 /arg2 set  %% bftt (string list)
 /arg1 set  %% Op (poly)
 [/Op /bftt /fws /m /fwsDt /k /d /i /tt /dtt] pushVariables
  arg1 /Op set
  arg2 /bftt set
  Op init /fws set
  bftt length /d set 
  0 /k set 
  0 /m set  
  0 1 d 1 sub { /i set
    /tt bftt i get expand def
    /dtt bftt i get xtoDx expand def
    fws dtt coefficients 0 get 0 get (integer) dc m add /m set
    fws tt  coefficients 0 get 0 get (integer) dc k add /k set
  } for
  m k sub (integer) data_conversion /arg1 set
 ] pop
} def

%% FW-homogenization 
%% Op (string) [(t1) (t2) ...] fw_homogenize ---> h(Op) (string)
/fwm_homogenize {
  /arg2 set  %% bft (string list)
  /arg1 set  %% an operator (string)
  [ /bftt /bft /bfDt /bfht /bfhDt /Op /degs /m /mn /d /i ] pushVariables
    /Op arg1 expand def
    /bftt arg2 def               
    bftt length /d set

    0 1 d 1 sub { /i set          
      bftt i get /bft set  
      bft xtoDx /bfDt set                   
      BFs (^(-1)*) bft 3 cat_n /bfht set    
      BFs (*) bfDt 3 cat_n /bfhDt set       
      Op [[bft expand bfht expand][bfDt expand bfhDt expand]] replace 
        /Op set
    } for
    Op BFs expand coefficients 0 get 
        {(integer) data_conversion} map /degs set 
    degs << degs length 1 sub >> get /m set
    0 m sub /mn set  
    << BFs expand mn powerZ >> Op mul /Op set 
    Op (string) data_conversion /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

%% FW-principal part of an operator (FW-homogeneous)
%%  fw_psi  from bfunc.sm1
%%  Op (poly) fw_symbol --->  FW-symbol(Op)  (poly)
/fw_symbol {
  [[(h). (1).]] replace (s). coefficients 1 get 0 get
} def

%% FW-homogenization 
%% Op (string) (t) fw_homogenize ---> h(Op) (string)
/fw_homogenize {
  /arg2 set  %% bft (string)
  /arg1 set  %% an operator (string)
  [ /bft /bfDt /bfht /bfhDt /Op /degs /m /mn ] pushVariables
    /Op arg1 expand def
    /bft arg2 def                         
    bft xtoDx /bfDt set                   
    BFs (^(-1)*) bft 3 cat_n /bfht set    
    BFs (*) bfDt 3 cat_n /bfhDt set       
    Op [[bft expand bfht expand][bfDt expand bfhDt expand]] replace 
      /Op set
    Op BFs expand coefficients 0 get 
      {(integer) data_conversion} map /degs set 
    degs << degs length 1 sub >> get /m set
    0 m sub /mn set  
    << BFs expand mn powerZ >> Op mul /Op set 
    Op (string) data_conversion /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

%% get the FW-order
%% Op (poly) (t) fw_order ---> FW-ord(Op) (integer)
%% Op should be FW-homogenized. 
/fw_order {
 /arg2 set  %% bft (string)
 /arg1 set  %% Op (poly)
 [/Op /bft /fws /m /fwsDt /k /tt /dtt] pushVariables
  arg1 /Op set
  arg2 /bft set
  Op fw_symbol /fws set
  /tt bft expand def
  /dtt bft xtoDx  expand def
  fws [[BFs expand  (1).]] replace /fws set
  fws dtt coefficients 0 get 0 get /m set
  fws dtt coefficients 1 get 0 get /fwsDt set
  fwsDt tt coefficients 0 get 0 get /k set
  m k sub (integer) data_conversion /arg1 set
 ] pop
} def

%% psi(P)(s) 
%% Op (poly) (t) (string) fw_psi ---> psi(P) (poly)
%% Op should be FW-homogeneous. 
/fw_psi {
 /arg2 set  %% bft (string)
 /arg1 set  %% Op  (polynomial)
 [/bft /bfDt /P /tt /dtt /k /Q /i /m /kk /PPt /PPC /kk /Ss] pushVariables
  arg2 /bft set 
  arg1 fw_symbol /P set 
  /bfDt bft xtoDx def
  /tt bft expand def  /dtt bfDt expand def               
  P bft fw_order /k set    
    << 1 1 k >> 
    {pop tt P mul /P set }
    << -1 -1 k >>
    {pop dtt P mul /P set }
  (0) expand /Q set
  P dtt coefficients 0 get length /m set
  0 1 << m 1 sub >>  
    /i set 
    P dtt coefficients 0 get i get /kk set 
    kk (integer) data_conversion /kk set
    P dtt coefficients 1 get i get /PPt set
    PPt tt coefficients 1 get 0 get /PPC set
    BFth expand /Ss set
    0 1 << kk 1 sub >> { 
      PPC Ss mul /PPC set
      Ss (1) expand sub /Ss set
    } for
    Q PPC add /Q set
  } for
  Q  /arg1 set
 ] pop
} def

%% get the FW-order
%% Op (poly) [(t1) (t2) ...] fwm_order ---> FW-ord(Op) (integer)
%% Op should be FW-homogenized. 
/fwm_order {
 /arg2 set  %% bftt (string list)
 /arg1 set  %% Op (poly)
 [/Op /bftt /fws /m /fwsDt /k /d /i /tt /dtt] pushVariables
  arg1 /Op set
  arg2 /bftt set
  Op fw_symbol /fws set
  fws init /fws set
  fws [[BFs expand  (1).]] replace /fws set
  bftt length /d set 
  0 /k set 
  0 /m set  
  0 1 d 1 sub { /i set
    /tt bftt i get expand def
    /dtt bftt i get xtoDx expand def
    fws dtt coefficients 0 get 0 get (integer) dc m add /m set
    fws tt  coefficients 0 get 0 get (integer) dc k add /k set
  } for
  m k sub (integer) data_conversion /arg1 set
 ] pop
} def

%% (x1) --> (Dx1)
/xtoDx {
  /arg1 set
  @@@.Dsymbol arg1 2 cat_n
} def

%% [(x1) (x2) (x3)] ---> (x1,x2,x3)
/listtostring {
  /arg1 set
  [/n /j /ary /str] pushVariables 
    /ary arg1 def
    /n ary length def
    arg1 0 get /str set
    n 1 gt  
      { str (,) 2 cat_n /str set }{ }
    1 1 n 1 sub {
      /j set
      j n 1 sub eq 
        {str << ary j get >>  2 cat_n /str set}      
        {str << ary j get >>  (,) 3 cat_n /str set}
    } for
    /arg1 str def
  ] pop
} def

%% converting a vector of polynomials [P1 P2 ...] to P1 + P2*e +...  
/vector_to_poly {
  /arg1 set
  [/aVec /nVec /eForm /j /aVecj ] pushVariables
    arg1 /aVec set
    aVec length /nVec set
    (0). /eForm  set
    0 1 nVec 1 sub {
      /j set
      aVec j get /aVecj set 
      @@@.esymbol . j npower aVecj mul eForm add /eForm set 
    } for
  eForm /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

%% setup the ring of differential operators with the variables varlist 
%% and parameters BFparlist
%% varlist setupBFring
/setupDring {
  /arg1 set  
  [ /varlist /bft /allvarlist /n /dvarlist /D_weight /i
  ] pushVariables
    arg1 /varlist set
      varlist BFparlist join 
    varlist length /n set
    varlist {xtoDx} map /dvarlist set
    [ [ 0 1 n 1 sub 
          { /i set dvarlist i get 1 } 
        for ]
        0 1 n 1 sub  
          { /i set varlist i get 1 }
        for ]
    ] def  

    [ allvarlist listtostring ring_of_differential_operators
      D_weight weight_vector 
    0] define_ring 
  ] pop
} def

%% var (poly) m (integer) ---> var^m (poly)
/powerZ {
  /arg2 set %% m
  /arg1 set %% Var
  [ /m /var /varstr /pow /nvar] pushVariables
    arg1 /var set
    arg2 /m set
    var (string) data_conversion /varstr set
    m -1 gt
      { var m npower /pow set}
      { varstr (^(-1)) 2 cat_n expand /nvar set
        nvar << 0 m sub >> npower /pow set 
    pow /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

%% added on April 14, 1998:
%% P [(Dt1). (Dt2). ...] mvec k Vtruncate_below
%% --> the part of P of degree >= mvec - k w.r.t. [(Dt1). ..]

/Vtruncate_below {
  /arg4 set /arg3 set /arg2 set /arg1 set
  [/P /bftt /k /Q /InP /DegP /edegP /mvec /i] pushVariables
    arg1 /P set
    arg2 /bftt set
    arg3 /mvec set
    arg4 /k set
    (0). /Q set
      P (0). eq {exit} {  } ifelse
      P init /InP set
      InP bftt total_degree /DegP set
      InP @@@.esymbol . coefficients 0 get 0 get (integer) dc /i set
      DegP << k mvec i get sub >> lt {  } {InP Q add /Q set } ifelse
      P InP sub /P set
    } loop
    Q /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def

%% P (monomial) [(t1). ,...] total_deg
%% --> the total degree (integer) of P w.r.t. [(t1).,..]
/total_degree {
  /arg2 set /arg1 set
  [/P /bftt /d /j /PC /tdeg ] pushVariables
    arg1 /P set
    arg2 /bftt set
    bftt length /d set
    0 /tdeg set
    0 1 d 1 sub {/j set
      P << bftt j get >> coefficients /PC set
      PC 0 get 0 get (integer) dc  tdeg add /tdeg set
      PC 1 get 0 get /P set
    } for
    tdeg /arg1 set
  ] pop
} def