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Annotation of OpenXM/src/kan96xx/gc-4.14/cord/de_win.c, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! maekawa     1: /*
        !             2:  * Copyright (c) 1994 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.
        !             3:  *
        !             5:  * OR IMPLIED.  ANY USE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK.
        !             6:  *
        !             7:  * Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program
        !             8:  * for any purpose,  provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
        !             9:  * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
        !            10:  * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
        !            11:  * modified is included with the above copyright notice.
        !            12:  */
        !            13: /* Boehm, February 6, 1995 12:29 pm PST */
        !            14:
        !            15: /*
        !            16:  * The MS Windows specific part of de.
        !            17:  * This started as the generic Windows application template
        !            18:  * made available by Rob Haack (rhaack@polaris.unm.edu), but
        !            19:  * significant parts didn't survive to the final version.
        !            20:  *
        !            21:  * This was written by a nonexpert windows programmer.
        !            22:  */
        !            23:
        !            24:
        !            25: #include "windows.h"
        !            26: #include "gc.h"
        !            27: #include "cord.h"
        !            28: #include "de_cmds.h"
        !            29: #include "de_win.h"
        !            30:
        !            31: int LINES = 0;
        !            32: int COLS = 0;
        !            33:
        !            34: char       szAppName[]     = "DE";
        !            35: char       FullAppName[]   = "Demonstration Editor";
        !            36:
        !            37: HWND        hwnd;
        !            38:
        !            39: void de_error(char *s)
        !            40: {
        !            41:     MessageBox( hwnd, (LPSTR) s,
        !            42:                 (LPSTR) FullAppName,
        !            43:                 MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK );
        !            44:     InvalidateRect(hwnd, NULL, TRUE);
        !            45: }
        !            46:
        !            47: int APIENTRY WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
        !            48:                       LPSTR command_line, int nCmdShow)
        !            49: {
        !            50:    MSG         msg;
        !            51:    WNDCLASS    wndclass;
        !            52:    HANDLE      hAccel;
        !            53:
        !            54:    if (!hPrevInstance)
        !            55:    {
        !            56:       wndclass.style          = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
        !            57:       wndclass.lpfnWndProc    = WndProc;
        !            58:       wndclass.cbClsExtra     = 0;
        !            59:       wndclass.cbWndExtra     = DLGWINDOWEXTRA;
        !            60:       wndclass.hInstance      = hInstance;
        !            61:       wndclass.hIcon          = LoadIcon (hInstance, szAppName);
        !            62:       wndclass.hCursor        = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW);
        !            63:       wndclass.hbrBackground  = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
        !            64:       wndclass.lpszMenuName   = "DE";
        !            65:       wndclass.lpszClassName  = szAppName;
        !            66:
        !            67:       if (RegisterClass (&wndclass) == 0) {
        !            68:           char buf[50];
        !            69:
        !            70:          sprintf(buf, "RegisterClass: error code: 0x%X", GetLastError());
        !            71:          de_error(buf);
        !            72:          return(0);
        !            73:       }
        !            74:    }
        !            75:
        !            76:    /* Empirically, the command line does not include the command name ...
        !            77:    if (command_line != 0) {
        !            78:        while (isspace(*command_line)) command_line++;
        !            79:        while (*command_line != 0 && !isspace(*command_line)) command_line++;
        !            80:        while (isspace(*command_line)) command_line++;
        !            81:    } */
        !            82:
        !            83:    if (command_line == 0 || *command_line == 0) {
        !            84:         de_error("File name argument required");
        !            85:         return( 0 );
        !            86:    } else {
        !            87:         char *p = command_line;
        !            88:
        !            89:         while (*p != 0 && !isspace(*p)) p++;
        !            90:        arg_file_name = CORD_to_char_star(
        !            91:                            CORD_substr(command_line, 0, p - command_line));
        !            92:    }
        !            93:
        !            94:    hwnd = CreateWindow (szAppName,
        !            95:                        FullAppName,
        !            96:                        WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CAPTION, /* Window style */
        !            97:                        CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, /* default pos. */
        !            98:                        CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, /* default width, height */
        !            99:                        NULL,   /* No parent */
        !           100:                        NULL,   /* Window class menu */
        !           101:                        hInstance, NULL);
        !           102:    if (hwnd == NULL) {
        !           103:        char buf[50];
        !           104:
        !           105:        sprintf(buf, "CreateWindow: error code: 0x%X", GetLastError());
        !           106:        de_error(buf);
        !           107:        return(0);
        !           108:    }
        !           109:
        !           110:    ShowWindow (hwnd, nCmdShow);
        !           111:
        !           112:    hAccel = LoadAccelerators( hInstance, szAppName );
        !           113:
        !           114:    while (GetMessage (&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
        !           115:    {
        !           116:       if( !TranslateAccelerator( hwnd, hAccel, &msg ) )
        !           117:       {
        !           118:          TranslateMessage (&msg);
        !           119:          DispatchMessage (&msg);
        !           120:       }
        !           121:    }
        !           122:    return msg.wParam;
        !           123: }
        !           124:
        !           125: /* Return the argument with all control characters replaced by blanks. */
        !           126: char * plain_chars(char * text, size_t len)
        !           127: {
        !           128:     char * result = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(len + 1);
        !           129:     register size_t i;
        !           130:
        !           131:     for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        !           132:        if (iscntrl(text[i])) {
        !           133:            result[i] = ' ';
        !           134:        } else {
        !           135:            result[i] = text[i];
        !           136:        }
        !           137:     }
        !           138:     result[len] = '\0';
        !           139:     return(result);
        !           140: }
        !           141:
        !           142: /* Return the argument with all non-control-characters replaced by     */
        !           143: /* blank, and all control characters c replaced by c + 32.             */
        !           144: char * control_chars(char * text, size_t len)
        !           145: {
        !           146:     char * result = GC_MALLOC_ATOMIC(len + 1);
        !           147:     register size_t i;
        !           148:
        !           149:     for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        !           150:        if (iscntrl(text[i])) {
        !           151:            result[i] = text[i] + 0x40;
        !           152:        } else {
        !           153:            result[i] = ' ';
        !           154:        }
        !           155:     }
        !           156:     result[len] = '\0';
        !           157:     return(result);
        !           158: }
        !           159:
        !           160: int char_width;
        !           161: int char_height;
        !           162:
        !           163: void get_line_rect(int line, int win_width, RECT * rectp)
        !           164: {
        !           165:     rectp -> top = line * char_height;
        !           166:     rectp -> bottom = rectp->top + char_height;
        !           167:     rectp -> left = 0;
        !           168:     rectp -> right = win_width;
        !           169: }
        !           170:
        !           171: int caret_visible = 0; /* Caret is currently visible.  */
        !           172:
        !           173: int screen_was_painted = 0;/* Screen has been painted at least once.   */
        !           174:
        !           175: void update_cursor(void);
        !           176:
        !           177: LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message,
        !           178:                           WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
        !           179: {
        !           180:    static FARPROC lpfnAboutBox;
        !           181:    static HANDLE  hInstance;
        !           182:    HDC dc;
        !           183:    PAINTSTRUCT ps;
        !           184:    RECT client_area;
        !           185:    RECT this_line;
        !           186:    RECT dummy;
        !           187:    TEXTMETRIC tm;
        !           188:    register int i;
        !           189:    int id;
        !           190:
        !           191:    switch (message)
        !           192:    {
        !           193:       case WM_CREATE:
        !           194:            hInstance = ( (LPCREATESTRUCT) lParam)->hInstance;
        !           195:            lpfnAboutBox = MakeProcInstance( (FARPROC) AboutBox, hInstance );
        !           196:            dc = GetDC(hwnd);
        !           197:            SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT));
        !           198:            GetTextMetrics(dc, &tm);
        !           199:            ReleaseDC(hwnd, dc);
        !           200:            char_width = tm.tmAveCharWidth;
        !           201:            char_height = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading;
        !           202:            GetClientRect(hwnd, &client_area);
        !           203:           COLS = (client_area.right - client_area.left)/char_width;
        !           204:           LINES = (client_area.bottom - client_area.top)/char_height;
        !           205:           generic_init();
        !           206:            return(0);
        !           207:
        !           208:       case WM_CHAR:
        !           209:           if (wParam == QUIT) {
        !           210:               SendMessage( hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0L );
        !           211:           } else {
        !           212:               do_command(wParam);
        !           213:           }
        !           214:           return(0);
        !           215:
        !           216:       case WM_SETFOCUS:
        !           217:           CreateCaret(hwnd, NULL, char_width, char_height);
        !           218:           ShowCaret(hwnd);
        !           219:           caret_visible = 1;
        !           220:           update_cursor();
        !           221:           return(0);
        !           222:
        !           223:       case WM_KILLFOCUS:
        !           224:           HideCaret(hwnd);
        !           225:           DestroyCaret();
        !           226:           caret_visible = 0;
        !           227:           return(0);
        !           228:
        !           229:       case WM_LBUTTONUP:
        !           230:           {
        !           231:               unsigned xpos = LOWORD(lParam);  /* From left    */
        !           232:               unsigned ypos = HIWORD(lParam);  /* from top */
        !           233:
        !           234:               set_position( xpos/char_width, ypos/char_height );
        !           235:               return(0);
        !           236:           }
        !           237:
        !           238:       case WM_COMMAND:
        !           239:           id = LOWORD(wParam);
        !           240:           if (id & EDIT_CMD_FLAG) {
        !           241:                if (id & REPEAT_FLAG) do_command(REPEAT);
        !           242:                do_command(CHAR_CMD(id));
        !           243:                return( 0 );
        !           244:            } else {
        !           245:              switch(id) {
        !           246:                case IDM_FILEEXIT:
        !           247:                   SendMessage( hwnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0L );
        !           248:                   return( 0 );
        !           249:
        !           250:                case IDM_HELPABOUT:
        !           251:                   if( DialogBox( hInstance, "ABOUTBOX",
        !           252:                                  hwnd, lpfnAboutBox ) );
        !           253:                      InvalidateRect( hwnd, NULL, TRUE );
        !           254:                   return( 0 );
        !           255:               case IDM_HELPCONTENTS:
        !           256:                  de_error(
        !           257:                       "Cursor keys: ^B(left) ^F(right) ^P(up) ^N(down)\n"
        !           258:                       "Undo: ^U    Write: ^W   Quit:^D  Repeat count: ^R[n]\n"
        !           259:                       "Top: ^T   Locate (search, find): ^L text ^L\n");
        !           260:                  return( 0 );
        !           261:             }
        !           262:           }
        !           263:            break;
        !           264:
        !           265:       case WM_CLOSE:
        !           266:            DestroyWindow( hwnd );
        !           267:            return 0;
        !           268:
        !           269:       case WM_DESTROY:
        !           270:            PostQuitMessage (0);
        !           271:           GC_win32_free_heap();
        !           272:            return 0;
        !           273:
        !           274:       case WM_PAINT:
        !           275:           dc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
        !           276:           GetClientRect(hwnd, &client_area);
        !           277:           COLS = (client_area.right - client_area.left)/char_width;
        !           278:           LINES = (client_area.bottom - client_area.top)/char_height;
        !           279:           SelectObject(dc, GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT));
        !           280:           for (i = 0; i < LINES; i++) {
        !           281:               get_line_rect(i, client_area.right, &this_line);
        !           282:               if (IntersectRect(&dummy, &this_line, &ps.rcPaint)) {
        !           283:                   CORD raw_line = retrieve_screen_line(i);
        !           284:                   size_t len = CORD_len(raw_line);
        !           285:                   char * text = CORD_to_char_star(raw_line);
        !           286:                                /* May contain embedded NULLs   */
        !           287:                   char * plain = plain_chars(text, len);
        !           288:                   char * blanks = CORD_to_char_star(CORD_chars(' ',
        !           289:                                                                COLS - len));
        !           290:                   char * control = control_chars(text, len);
        !           291: #                 define RED RGB(255,0,0)
        !           292:
        !           293:                   SetBkMode(dc, OPAQUE);
        !           294:                   SetTextColor(dc, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT));
        !           295:
        !           296:                   TextOut(dc, this_line.left, this_line.top,
        !           297:                           plain, len);
        !           298:                   TextOut(dc, this_line.left + len * char_width, this_line.top,
        !           299:                           blanks, COLS - len);
        !           300:                   SetBkMode(dc, TRANSPARENT);
        !           301:                   SetTextColor(dc, RED);
        !           302:                   TextOut(dc, this_line.left, this_line.top,
        !           303:                           control, strlen(control));
        !           304:               }
        !           305:           }
        !           306:           EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
        !           307:           screen_was_painted = 1;
        !           308:           return 0;
        !           309:    }
        !           310:    return DefWindowProc (hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
        !           311: }
        !           312:
        !           313: int last_col;
        !           314: int last_line;
        !           315:
        !           316: void move_cursor(int c, int l)
        !           317: {
        !           318:     last_col = c;
        !           319:     last_line = l;
        !           320:
        !           321:     if (caret_visible) update_cursor();
        !           322: }
        !           323:
        !           324: void update_cursor(void)
        !           325: {
        !           326:     SetCaretPos(last_col * char_width, last_line * char_height);
        !           327:     ShowCaret(hwnd);
        !           328: }
        !           329:
        !           330: void invalidate_line(int i)
        !           331: {
        !           332:     RECT line;
        !           333:
        !           334:     if (!screen_was_painted) return;
        !           335:        /* Invalidating a rectangle before painting seems result in a   */
        !           336:        /* major performance problem.                                   */
        !           337:     get_line_rect(i, COLS*char_width, &line);
        !           338:     InvalidateRect(hwnd, &line, FALSE);
        !           339: }
        !           340:
        !           341: LRESULT CALLBACK AboutBox( HWND hDlg, UINT message,
        !           342:                            WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
        !           343: {
        !           344:    switch( message )
        !           345:    {
        !           346:       case WM_INITDIALOG:
        !           347:            SetFocus( GetDlgItem( hDlg, IDOK ) );
        !           348:            break;
        !           349:
        !           350:       case WM_COMMAND:
        !           351:            switch( wParam )
        !           352:            {
        !           353:               case IDOK:
        !           354:                    EndDialog( hDlg, TRUE );
        !           355:                    break;
        !           356:            }
        !           357:            break;
        !           358:
        !           359:       case WM_CLOSE:
        !           360:            EndDialog( hDlg, TRUE );
        !           361:            return TRUE;
        !           362:
        !           363:    }
        !           364:    return FALSE;
        !           365: }
        !           366:

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