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Annotation of OpenXM/src/kan96xx/gmp-2.0.2/gmp.info-2, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! maekawa     1: This is Info file gmp.info, produced by Makeinfo-1.64 from the input
        !             2: file gmp.texi.
        !             3:
        !             4: START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY
        !             5: * gmp: (gmp.info).               GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library.
        !             6: END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY
        !             7:
        !             8:    This file documents GNU MP, a library for arbitrary-precision
        !             9: arithmetic.
        !            10:
        !            11:    Copyright (C) 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation,
        !            12: Inc.
        !            13:
        !            14:    Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
        !            15: manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
        !            16: preserved on all copies.
        !            17:
        !            18:    Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
        !            19: this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
        !            20: the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
        !            21: permission notice identical to this one.
        !            22:
        !            23:    Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
        !            24: manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
        !            25: versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a
        !            26: translation approved by the Foundation.
        !            27:
        !            28: 
        !            29: File: gmp.info,  Node: Floating-point Functions,  Next: Low-level Functions,  Prev: Rational Number Functions,  Up: Top
        !            30:
        !            31: Floating-point Functions
        !            32: ************************
        !            33:
        !            34:    This is a description of the *preliminary* interface for
        !            35: floating-point arithmetic in GNU MP 2.
        !            36:
        !            37:    The floating-point functions expect arguments of type `mpf_t'.
        !            38:
        !            39:    The MP floating-point functions have an interface that is similar to
        !            40: the MP integer functions.  The function prefix for floating-point
        !            41: operations is `mpf_'.
        !            42:
        !            43:    There is one significant characteristic of floating-point numbers
        !            44: that has motivated a difference between this function class and other
        !            45: MP function classes: the inherent inexactness of floating point
        !            46: arithmetic.  The user has to specify the precision of each variable.  A
        !            47: computation that assigns a variable will take place with the precision
        !            48: of the assigned variable; the precision of variables used as input is
        !            49: ignored.
        !            50:
        !            51:    The precision of a calculation is defined as follows: Compute the
        !            52: requested operation exactly (with "infinite precision"), and truncate
        !            53: the result to the destination variable precision.  Even if the user has
        !            54: asked for a very high precision, MP will not calculate with superfluous
        !            55: digits.  For example, if two low-precision numbers of nearly equal
        !            56: magnitude are added, the precision of the result will be limited to
        !            57: what is required to represent the result accurately.
        !            58:
        !            59:    The MP floating-point functions are *not* intended as a smooth
        !            60: extension to the IEEE P754 arithmetic.  Specifically, the results
        !            61: obtained on one computer often differs from the results obtained on a
        !            62: computer with a different word size.
        !            63:
        !            64: * Menu:
        !            65:
        !            66: * Initializing Floats::
        !            67: * Assigning Floats::
        !            68: * Simultaneous Float Init & Assign::
        !            69: * Converting Floats::
        !            70: * Float Arithmetic::
        !            71: * Float Comparison::
        !            72: * I/O of Floats::
        !            73: * Miscellaneous Float Functions::
        !            74:
        !            75: 
        !            76: File: gmp.info,  Node: Initializing Floats,  Next: Assigning Floats,  Up: Floating-point Functions
        !            77:
        !            78: Initialization and Assignment Functions
        !            79: =======================================
        !            80:
        !            81:  - Function: void mpf_set_default_prec (unsigned long int PREC)
        !            82:      Set the default precision to be *at least* PREC bits.  All
        !            83:      subsequent calls to `mpf_init' will use this precision, but
        !            84:      previously initialized variables are unaffected.
        !            85:
        !            86:    An `mpf_t' object must be initialized before storing the first value
        !            87: in it.  The functions `mpf_init' and `mpf_init2' are used for that
        !            88: purpose.
        !            89:
        !            90:  - Function: void mpf_init (mpf_t X)
        !            91:      Initialize X to 0.  Normally, a variable should be initialized
        !            92:      once only or at least be cleared, using `mpf_clear', between
        !            93:      initializations.  The precision of X is undefined unless a default
        !            94:      precision has already been established by a call to
        !            95:      `mpf_set_default_prec'.
        !            96:
        !            97:  - Function: void mpf_init2 (mpf_t X, unsigned long int PREC)
        !            98:      Initialize X to 0 and set its precision to be *at least* PREC
        !            99:      bits.  Normally, a variable should be initialized once only or at
        !           100:      least be cleared, using `mpf_clear', between initializations.
        !           101:
        !           102:  - Function: void mpf_clear (mpf_t X)
        !           103:      Free the space occupied by X.  Make sure to call this function for
        !           104:      all `mpf_t' variables when you are done with them.
        !           105:
        !           106:    Here is an example on how to initialize floating-point variables:
        !           107:      {
        !           108:        mpf_t x, y;
        !           109:        mpf_init (x);                   /* use default precision */
        !           110:        mpf_init2 (y, 256);             /* precision *at least* 256 bits */
        !           111:        ...
        !           112:        /* Unless the program is about to exit, do ... */
        !           113:        mpf_clear (x);
        !           114:        mpf_clear (y);
        !           115:      }
        !           116:
        !           117:    The following three functions are useful for changing the precision
        !           118: during a calculation.  A typical use would be for adjusting the
        !           119: precision gradually in iterative algorithms like Newton-Raphson, making
        !           120: the computation precision closely match the actual accurate part of the
        !           121: numbers.
        !           122:
        !           123:  - Function: void mpf_set_prec (mpf_t ROP, unsigned long int PREC)
        !           124:      Set the precision of ROP to be *at least* PREC bits.  Since
        !           125:      changing the precision involves calls to `realloc', this routine
        !           126:      should not be called in a tight loop.
        !           127:
        !           128:  - Function: unsigned long int mpf_get_prec (mpf_t OP)
        !           129:      Return the precision actually used for assignments of OP.
        !           130:
        !           131:  - Function: void mpf_set_prec_raw (mpf_t ROP, unsigned long int PREC)
        !           132:      Set the precision of ROP to be *at least* PREC bits.  This is a
        !           133:      low-level function that does not change the allocation.  The PREC
        !           134:      argument must not be larger that the precision previously returned
        !           135:      by `mpf_get_prec'.  It is crucial that the precision of ROP is
        !           136:      ultimately reset to exactly the value returned by `mpf_get_prec'.
        !           137:
        !           138: 
        !           139: File: gmp.info,  Node: Assigning Floats,  Next: Simultaneous Float Init & Assign,  Prev: Initializing Floats,  Up: Floating-point Functions
        !           140:
        !           141: Assignment Functions
        !           142: --------------------
        !           143:
        !           144:    These functions assign new values to already initialized floats
        !           145: (*note Initializing Floats::.).
        !           146:
        !           147:  - Function: void mpf_set (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP)
        !           148:  - Function: void mpf_set_ui (mpf_t ROP, unsigned long int OP)
        !           149:  - Function: void mpf_set_si (mpf_t ROP, signed long int OP)
        !           150:  - Function: void mpf_set_d (mpf_t ROP, double OP)
        !           151:  - Function: void mpf_set_z (mpf_t ROP, mpz_t OP)
        !           152:  - Function: void mpf_set_q (mpf_t ROP, mpq_t OP)
        !           153:      Set the value of ROP from OP.
        !           154:
        !           155:  - Function: int mpf_set_str (mpf_t ROP, char *STR, int BASE)
        !           156:      Set the value of ROP from the string in STR.  The string is of the
        !           157:      form `M@N' or, if the base is 10 or less, alternatively `MeN'.
        !           158:      `M' is the mantissa and `N' is the exponent.  The mantissa is
        !           159:      always in the specified base.  The exponent is either in the
        !           160:      specified base or, if BASE is negative, in decimal.
        !           161:
        !           162:      The argument BASE may be in the ranges 2 to 36, or -36 to -2.
        !           163:      Negative values are used to specify that the exponent is in
        !           164:      decimal.
        !           165:
        !           166:      Unlike the corresponding `mpz' function, the base will not be
        !           167:      determined from the leading characters of the string if BASE is 0.
        !           168:      This is so that numbers like `0.23' are not interpreted as octal.
        !           169:
        !           170:      White space is allowed in the string, and is simply ignored.
        !           171:
        !           172:      This function returns 0 if the entire string up to the '\0' is a
        !           173:      valid number in base BASE.  Otherwise it returns -1.
        !           174:
        !           175: 
        !           176: File: gmp.info,  Node: Simultaneous Float Init & Assign,  Next: Converting Floats,  Prev: Assigning Floats,  Up: Floating-point Functions
        !           177:
        !           178: Combined Initialization and Assignment Functions
        !           179: ------------------------------------------------
        !           180:
        !           181:    For convenience, MP provides a parallel series of initialize-and-set
        !           182: functions which initialize the output and then store the value there.
        !           183: These functions' names have the form `mpf_init_set...'
        !           184:
        !           185:    Once the float has been initialized by any of the `mpf_init_set...'
        !           186: functions, it can be used as the source or destination operand for the
        !           187: ordinary float functions.  Don't use an initialize-and-set function on
        !           188: a variable already initialized!
        !           189:
        !           190:  - Function: void mpf_init_set (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP)
        !           191:  - Function: void mpf_init_set_ui (mpf_t ROP, unsigned long int OP)
        !           192:  - Function: void mpf_init_set_si (mpf_t ROP, signed long int OP)
        !           193:  - Function: void mpf_init_set_d (mpf_t ROP, double OP)
        !           194:      Initialize ROP and set its value from OP.
        !           195:
        !           196:      The precision of ROP will be taken from the active default
        !           197:      precision, as set by `mpf_set_default_prec'.
        !           198:
        !           199:  - Function: int mpf_init_set_str (mpf_t ROP, char *STR, int BASE)
        !           200:      Initialize ROP and set its value from the string in STR.  See
        !           201:      `mpf_set_str' above for details on the assignment operation.
        !           202:
        !           203:      Note that ROP is initialized even if an error occurs.  (I.e., you
        !           204:      have to call `mpf_clear' for it.)
        !           205:
        !           206:      The precision of ROP will be taken from the active default
        !           207:      precision, as set by `mpf_set_default_prec'.
        !           208:
        !           209: 
        !           210: File: gmp.info,  Node: Converting Floats,  Next: Float Arithmetic,  Prev: Simultaneous Float Init & Assign,  Up: Floating-point Functions
        !           211:
        !           212: Conversion Functions
        !           213: ====================
        !           214:
        !           215:  - Function: double mpf_get_d (mpf_t OP)
        !           216:      Convert OP to a double.
        !           217:
        !           218:  - Function: char * mpf_get_str (char *STR, mp_exp_t *EXPPTR, int BASE,
        !           219:           size_t N_DIGITS, mpf_t OP)
        !           220:      Convert OP to a string of digits in base BASE.  The base may vary
        !           221:      from 2 to 36.  Generate at most N_DIGITS significant digits, or if
        !           222:      N_DIGITS is 0, the maximum number of digits accurately
        !           223:      representable by OP.
        !           224:
        !           225:      If STR is NULL, space for the mantissa is allocated using the
        !           226:      default allocation function, and a pointer to the string is
        !           227:      returned.
        !           228:
        !           229:      If STR is not NULL, it should point to a block of storage enough
        !           230:      large for the mantissa, i.e., N_DIGITS + 2.  The two extra bytes
        !           231:      are for a possible minus sign, and for the terminating null
        !           232:      character.
        !           233:
        !           234:      The exponent is written through the pointer EXPPTR.
        !           235:
        !           236:      If N_DIGITS is 0, the maximum number of digits meaningfully
        !           237:      achievable from the precision of OP will be generated.  Note that
        !           238:      the space requirements for STR in this case will be impossible for
        !           239:      the user to predetermine.  Therefore, you need to pass NULL for
        !           240:      the string argument whenever N_DIGITS is 0.
        !           241:
        !           242:      The generated string is a fraction, with an implicit radix point
        !           243:      immediately to the left of the first digit.  For example, the
        !           244:      number 3.1416 would be returned as "31416" in the string and 1
        !           245:      written at EXPPTR.
        !           246:
        !           247: 
        !           248: File: gmp.info,  Node: Float Arithmetic,  Next: Float Comparison,  Prev: Converting Floats,  Up: Floating-point Functions
        !           249:
        !           250: Arithmetic Functions
        !           251: ====================
        !           252:
        !           253:  - Function: void mpf_add (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP1, mpf_t OP2)
        !           254:  - Function: void mpf_add_ui (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP1, unsigned long int
        !           255:           OP2)
        !           256:      Set ROP to OP1 + OP2.
        !           257:
        !           258:  - Function: void mpf_sub (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP1, mpf_t OP2)
        !           259:  - Function: void mpf_ui_sub (mpf_t ROP, unsigned long int OP1, mpf_t
        !           260:           OP2)
        !           261:  - Function: void mpf_sub_ui (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP1, unsigned long int
        !           262:           OP2)
        !           263:      Set ROP to OP1 - OP2.
        !           264:
        !           265:  - Function: void mpf_mul (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP1, mpf_t OP2)
        !           266:  - Function: void mpf_mul_ui (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP1, unsigned long int
        !           267:           OP2)
        !           268:      Set ROP to OP1 times OP2.
        !           269:
        !           270:    Division is undefined if the divisor is zero, and passing a zero
        !           271: divisor to the divide functions will make these functions intentionally
        !           272: divide by zero.  This gives the user the possibility to handle
        !           273: arithmetic exceptions in these functions in the same manner as other
        !           274: arithmetic exceptions.
        !           275:
        !           276:  - Function: void mpf_div (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP1, mpf_t OP2)
        !           277:  - Function: void mpf_ui_div (mpf_t ROP, unsigned long int OP1, mpf_t
        !           278:           OP2)
        !           279:  - Function: void mpf_div_ui (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP1, unsigned long int
        !           280:           OP2)
        !           281:      Set ROP to OP1/OP2.
        !           282:
        !           283:  - Function: void mpf_sqrt (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP)
        !           284:  - Function: void mpf_sqrt_ui (mpf_t ROP, unsigned long int OP)
        !           285:      Set ROP to the square root of OP.
        !           286:
        !           287:  - Function: void mpf_neg (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP)
        !           288:      Set ROP to -OP.
        !           289:
        !           290:  - Function: void mpf_abs (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP)
        !           291:      Set ROP to the absolute value of OP.
        !           292:
        !           293:  - Function: void mpf_mul_2exp (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP1, unsigned long int
        !           294:           OP2)
        !           295:      Set ROP to OP1 times 2 raised to OP2.
        !           296:
        !           297:  - Function: void mpf_div_2exp (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP1, unsigned long int
        !           298:           OP2)
        !           299:      Set ROP to OP1 divided by 2 raised to OP2.
        !           300:
        !           301: 
        !           302: File: gmp.info,  Node: Float Comparison,  Next: I/O of Floats,  Prev: Float Arithmetic,  Up: Floating-point Functions
        !           303:
        !           304: Comparison Functions
        !           305: ====================
        !           306:
        !           307:  - Function: int mpf_cmp (mpf_t OP1, mpf_t OP2)
        !           308:  - Function: int mpf_cmp_ui (mpf_t OP1, unsigned long int OP2)
        !           309:  - Function: int mpf_cmp_si (mpf_t OP1, signed long int OP2)
        !           310:      Compare OP1 and OP2.  Return a positive value if OP1 > OP2, zero
        !           311:      if OP1 = OP2, and a negative value if OP1 < OP2.
        !           312:
        !           313:  - Function: int mpf_eq (mpf_t OP1, mpf_t OP2, unsigned long int op3)
        !           314:      Return non-zero if the first OP3 bits of OP1 and OP2 are equal,
        !           315:      zero otherwise.  I.e., test of OP1 and OP2 are approximately equal.
        !           316:
        !           317:  - Function: void mpf_reldiff (mpf_t ROP, mpf_t OP1, mpf_t OP2)
        !           318:      Compute the relative difference between OP1 and OP2 and store the
        !           319:      result in ROP.
        !           320:
        !           321:  - Macro: int mpf_sgn (mpf_t OP)
        !           322:      Return +1 if OP > 0, 0 if OP = 0, and -1 if OP < 0.
        !           323:
        !           324:      This function is actually implemented as a macro.  It evaluates its
        !           325:      arguments multiple times.
        !           326:
        !           327: 
        !           328: File: gmp.info,  Node: I/O of Floats,  Next: Miscellaneous Float Functions,  Prev: Float Comparison,  Up: Floating-point Functions
        !           329:
        !           330: Input and Output Functions
        !           331: ==========================
        !           332:
        !           333:    Functions that perform input from a stdio stream, and functions that
        !           334: output to a stdio stream.  Passing a NULL pointer for a STREAM argument
        !           335: to any of these functions will make them read from `stdin' and write to
        !           336: `stdout', respectively.
        !           337:
        !           338:    When using any of these functions, it is a good idea to include
        !           339: `stdio.h' before `gmp.h', since that will allow `gmp.h' to define
        !           340: prototypes for these functions.
        !           341:
        !           342:  - Function: size_t mpf_out_str (FILE *STREAM, int BASE, size_t
        !           343:           N_DIGITS, mpf_t OP)
        !           344:      Output OP on stdio stream STREAM, as a string of digits in base
        !           345:      BASE.  The base may vary from 2 to 36.  Print at most N_DIGITS
        !           346:      significant digits, or if N_DIGITS is 0, the maximum number of
        !           347:      digits accurately representable by OP.
        !           348:
        !           349:      In addition to the significant digits, a leading `0.' and a
        !           350:      trailing exponent, in the form `eNNN', are printed.  If BASE is
        !           351:      greater than 10, `@' will be used instead of `e' as exponent
        !           352:      delimiter.
        !           353:
        !           354:      Return the number of bytes written, or if an error occurred,
        !           355:      return 0.
        !           356:
        !           357:  - Function: size_t mpf_inp_str (mpf_t ROP, FILE *STREAM, int BASE)
        !           358:      Input a string in base BASE from stdio stream STREAM, and put the
        !           359:      read float in ROP.  The string is of the form `M@N' or, if the
        !           360:      base is 10 or less, alternatively `MeN'.  `M' is the mantissa and
        !           361:      `N' is the exponent.  The mantissa is always in the specified
        !           362:      base.  The exponent is either in the specified base or, if BASE is
        !           363:      negative, in decimal.
        !           364:
        !           365:      The argument BASE may be in the ranges 2 to 36, or -36 to -2.
        !           366:      Negative values are used to specify that the exponent is in
        !           367:      decimal.
        !           368:
        !           369:      Unlike the corresponding `mpz' function, the base will not be
        !           370:      determined from the leading characters of the string if BASE is 0.
        !           371:      This is so that numbers like `0.23' are not interpreted as octal.
        !           372:
        !           373:      Return the number of bytes read, or if an error occurred, return 0.
        !           374:
        !           375: 
        !           376: File: gmp.info,  Node: Miscellaneous Float Functions,  Prev: I/O of Floats,  Up: Floating-point Functions
        !           377:
        !           378: Miscellaneous Functions
        !           379: =======================
        !           380:
        !           381:  - Function: void mpf_random2 (mpf_t ROP, mp_size_t MAX_SIZE, mp_exp_t
        !           382:           MAX_EXP)
        !           383:      Generate a random float of at most MAX_SIZE limbs, with long
        !           384:      strings of zeros and ones in the binary representation.  The
        !           385:      exponent of the number is in the interval -EXP to EXP.  This
        !           386:      function is useful for testing functions and algorithms, since
        !           387:      this kind of random numbers have proven to be more likely to
        !           388:      trigger corner-case bugs.  Negative random numbers are generated
        !           389:      when MAX_SIZE is negative.
        !           390:
        !           391: 
        !           392: File: gmp.info,  Node: Low-level Functions,  Next: BSD Compatible Functions,  Prev: Floating-point Functions,  Up: Top
        !           393:
        !           394: Low-level Functions
        !           395: *******************
        !           396:
        !           397:    This chapter describes low-level MP functions, used to implement the
        !           398: high-level MP functions, but also intended for time-critical user code.
        !           399:
        !           400:    These functions start with the prefix `mpn_'.
        !           401:
        !           402:    The `mpn' functions are designed to be as fast as possible, *not* to
        !           403: provide a coherent calling interface.  The different functions have
        !           404: somewhat similar interfaces, but there are variations that make them
        !           405: hard to use.  These functions do as little as possible apart from the
        !           406: real multiple precision computation, so that no time is spent on things
        !           407: that not all callers need.
        !           408:
        !           409:    A source operand is specified by a pointer to the least significant
        !           410: limb and a limb count.  A destination operand is specified by just a
        !           411: pointer.  It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that the
        !           412: destination has enough space for storing the result.
        !           413:
        !           414:    With this way of specifying operands, it is possible to perform
        !           415: computations on subranges of an argument, and store the result into a
        !           416: subrange of a destination.
        !           417:
        !           418:    A common requirement for all functions is that each source area
        !           419: needs at least one limb.  No size argument may be zero.
        !           420:
        !           421:    The `mpn' functions is the base for the implementation of the `mpz_',
        !           422: `mpf_', and `mpq_' functions.
        !           423:
        !           424:    This example adds the number beginning at SRC1_PTR and the number
        !           425: beginning at SRC2_PTR and writes the sum at DEST_PTR.  All areas have
        !           426: SIZE limbs.
        !           427:
        !           428:      cy = mpn_add_n (dest_ptr, src1_ptr, src2_ptr, size)
        !           429:
        !           430: In the notation used here, a source operand is identified by the
        !           431: pointer to the least significant limb, and the limb count in braces.
        !           432: For example, {s1_ptr, s1_size}.
        !           433:
        !           434:  - Function: mp_limb_t mpn_add_n (mp_limb_t * DEST_PTR, const mp_limb_t
        !           435:           * SRC1_PTR, const mp_limb_t * SRC2_PTR, mp_size_t SIZE)
        !           436:      Add {SRC1_PTR, SIZE} and {SRC2_PTR, SIZE}, and write the SIZE
        !           437:      least significant limbs of the result to DEST_PTR.  Return carry,
        !           438:      either 0 or 1.
        !           439:
        !           440:      This is the lowest-level function for addition.  It is the
        !           441:      preferred function for addition, since it is written in assembly
        !           442:      for most targets.  For addition of a variable to itself (i.e.,
        !           443:      SRC1_PTR equals SRC2_PTR, use `mpn_lshift' with a count of 1 for
        !           444:      optimal speed.
        !           445:
        !           446:  - Function: mp_limb_t mpn_add_1 (mp_limb_t * DEST_PTR, const mp_limb_t
        !           447:           * SRC1_PTR, mp_size_t SIZE, mp_limb_t SRC2_LIMB)
        !           448:      Add {SRC1_PTR, SIZE} and SRC2_LIMB, and write the SIZE least
        !           449:      significant limbs of the result to DEST_PTR.  Return carry, either
        !           450:      0 or 1.
        !           451:
        !           452:  - Function: mp_limb_t mpn_add (mp_limb_t * DEST_PTR, const mp_limb_t *
        !           453:           SRC1_PTR, mp_size_t SRC1_SIZE, const mp_limb_t * SRC2_PTR,
        !           454:           mp_size_t SRC2_SIZE)
        !           455:      Add {SRC1_PTR, SRC1_SIZE} and {SRC2_PTR, SRC2_SIZE}, and write the
        !           456:      SRC1_SIZE least significant limbs of the result to DEST_PTR.
        !           457:      Return carry, either 0 or 1.
        !           458:
        !           459:      This function requires that SRC1_SIZE is greater than or equal to
        !           460:      SRC2_SIZE.
        !           461:
        !           462:  - Function: mp_limb_t mpn_sub_n (mp_limb_t * DEST_PTR, const mp_limb_t
        !           463:           * SRC1_PTR, const mp_limb_t * SRC2_PTR, mp_size_t SIZE)
        !           464:      Subtract {SRC2_PTR, SRC2_SIZE} from {SRC1_PTR, SIZE}, and write
        !           465:      the SIZE least significant limbs of the result to DEST_PTR.
        !           466:      Return borrow, either 0 or 1.
        !           467:
        !           468:      This is the lowest-level function for subtraction.  It is the
        !           469:      preferred function for subtraction, since it is written in
        !           470:      assembly for most targets.
        !           471:
        !           472:  - Function: mp_limb_t mpn_sub_1 (mp_limb_t * DEST_PTR, const mp_limb_t
        !           473:           * SRC1_PTR, mp_size_t SIZE, mp_limb_t SRC2_LIMB)
        !           474:      Subtract SRC2_LIMB from {SRC1_PTR, SIZE}, and write the SIZE least
        !           475:      significant limbs of the result to DEST_PTR.  Return borrow,
        !           476:      either 0 or 1.
        !           477:
        !           478:  - Function: mp_limb_t mpn_sub (mp_limb_t * DEST_PTR, const mp_limb_t *
        !           479:           SRC1_PTR, mp_size_t SRC1_SIZE, const mp_limb_t * SRC2_PTR,
        !           480:           mp_size_t SRC2_SIZE)
        !           481:      Subtract {SRC2_PTR, SRC2_SIZE} from {SRC1_PTR, SRC1_SIZE}, and
        !           482:      write the SRC1_SIZE least significant limbs of the result to
        !           483:      DEST_PTR.  Return borrow, either 0 or 1.
        !           484:
        !           485:      This function requires that SRC1_SIZE is greater than or equal to
        !           486:      SRC2_SIZE.
        !           487:
        !           488:  - Function: void mpn_mul_n (mp_limb_t * DEST_PTR, const mp_limb_t *
        !           489:           SRC1_PTR, const mp_limb_t * SRC2_PTR, mp_size_t SIZE)
        !           490:      Multiply {SRC1_PTR, SIZE} and {SRC2_PTR, SIZE}, and write the
        !           491:      *entire* result to DEST_PTR.
        !           492:
        !           493:      The destination has to have space for 2SIZE limbs, even if the
        !           494:      significant result might be one limb smaller.
        !           495:
        !           496:  - Function: mp_limb_t mpn_mul_1 (mp_limb_t * DEST_PTR, const mp_limb_t
        !           497:           * SRC1_PTR, mp_size_t SIZE, mp_limb_t SRC2_LIMB)
        !           498:      Multiply {SRC1_PTR, SIZE} and SRC2_LIMB, and write the SIZE least
        !           499:      significant limbs of the product to DEST_PTR.  Return the most
        !           500:      significant limb of the product.
        !           501:
        !           502:      This is a low-level function that is a building block for general
        !           503:      multiplication as well as other operations in MP.  It is written
        !           504:      in assembly for most targets.
        !           505:
        !           506:      Don't call this function if SRC2_LIMB is a power of 2; use
        !           507:      `mpn_lshift' with a count equal to the logarithm of SRC2_LIMB
        !           508:      instead, for optimal speed.
        !           509:
        !           510:  - Function: mp_limb_t mpn_addmul_1 (mp_limb_t * DEST_PTR, const
        !           511:           mp_limb_t * SRC1_PTR, mp_size_t SIZE, mp_limb_t SRC2_LIMB)
        !           512:      Multiply {SRC1_PTR, SIZE} and SRC2_LIMB, and add the SIZE least
        !           513:      significant limbs of the product to {DEST_PTR, SIZE} and write the
        !           514:      result to DEST_PTR DEST_PTR.  Return the most significant limb of
        !           515:      the product, plus carry-out from the addition.
        !           516:
        !           517:      This is a low-level function that is a building block for general
        !           518:      multiplication as well as other operations in MP.  It is written
        !           519:      in assembly for most targets.
        !           520:
        !           521:  - Function: mp_limb_t mpn_submul_1 (mp_limb_t * DEST_PTR, const
        !           522:           mp_limb_t * SRC1_PTR, mp_size_t SIZE, mp_limb_t SRC2_LIMB)
        !           523:      Multiply {SRC1_PTR, SIZE} and SRC2_LIMB, and subtract the SIZE
        !           524:      least significant limbs of the product from {DEST_PTR, SIZE} and
        !           525:      write the result to DEST_PTR.  Return the most significant limb of
        !           526:      the product, minus borrow-out from the subtraction.
        !           527:
        !           528:      This is a low-level function that is a building block for general
        !           529:      multiplication and division as well as other operations in MP.  It
        !           530:      is written in assembly for most targets.
        !           531:
        !           532:  - Function: mp_limb_t mpn_mul (mp_limb_t * DEST_PTR, const mp_limb_t *
        !           533:           SRC1_PTR, mp_size_t SRC1_SIZE, const mp_limb_t * SRC2_PTR,
        !           534:           mp_size_t SRC2_SIZE)
        !           535:      Multiply {SRC1_PTR, SRC1_SIZE} and {SRC2_PTR, SRC2_SIZE}, and
        !           536:      write the result to DEST_PTR.  Return the most significant limb of
        !           537:      the result.
        !           538:
        !           539:      The destination has to have space for SRC1_SIZE + SRC1_SIZE limbs,
        !           540:      even if the result might be one limb smaller.
        !           541:
        !           542:      This function requires that SRC1_SIZE is greater than or equal to
        !           543:      SRC2_SIZE.  The destination must be distinct from either input
        !           544:      operands.
        !           545:
        !           546:  - Function: mp_size_t mpn_divrem (mp_limb_t * R1P, mp_size_t XSIZE,
        !           547:           mp_limb_t * RS2P, mp_size_t RS2SIZE, const mp_limb_t * S3P,
        !           548:           mp_size_t S3SIZE)
        !           549:      Divide {RS2P, RS2SIZE} by {S3P, S3SIZE}, and write the quotient at
        !           550:      R1P, with the exception of the most significant limb, which is
        !           551:      returned.  The remainder replaces the dividend at RS2P.
        !           552:
        !           553:      In addition to an integer quotient, XSIZE fraction limbs are
        !           554:      developed, and stored after the integral limbs.  For most usages,
        !           555:      XSIZE will be zero.
        !           556:
        !           557:      It is required that RS2SIZE is greater than or equal to S3SIZE.
        !           558:      It is required that the most significant bit of the divisor is set.
        !           559:
        !           560:      If the quotient is not needed, pass RS2P + S3SIZE as R1P.  Aside
        !           561:      from that special case, no overlap between arguments is permitted.
        !           562:
        !           563:      Return the most significant limb of the quotient, either 0 or 1.
        !           564:
        !           565:      The area at R1P needs to be RS2SIZE - S3SIZE + XSIZE limbs large.
        !           566:
        !           567:  - Function: mp_limb_t mpn_divrem_1 (mp_limb_t * R1P, mp_size_t XSIZE,
        !           568:           mp_limb_t * S2P, mp_size_t S2SIZE, mp_limb_t S3LIMB)
        !           569:      Divide {S2P, S2SIZE} by S3LIMB, and write the quotient at R1P.
        !           570:      Return the remainder.
        !           571:
        !           572:      In addition to an integer quotient, XSIZE fraction limbs are
        !           573:      developed, and stored after the integral limbs.  For most usages,
        !           574:      XSIZE will be zero.
        !           575:
        !           576:      The areas at R1P and S2P have to be identical or completely
        !           577:      separate, not partially overlapping.
        !           578:
        !           579:  - Function: mp_size_t mpn_divmod (mp_limb_t * R1P, mp_limb_t * RS2P,
        !           580:           mp_size_t RS2SIZE, const mp_limb_t * S3P, mp_size_t S3SIZE)
        !           581:      *This interface is obsolete.  It will disappear from future
        !           582:      releases.  Use `mpn_divrem' in its stead.*
        !           583:
        !           584:  - Function: mp_limb_t mpn_divmod_1 (mp_limb_t * R1P, mp_limb_t * S2P,
        !           585:           mp_size_t S2SIZE, mp_limb_t S3LIMB)
        !           586:      *This interface is obsolete.  It will disappear from future
        !           587:      releases.  Use `mpn_divrem_1' in its stead.*
        !           588:
        !           589:  - Function: mp_limb_t mpn_mod_1 (mp_limb_t * S1P, mp_size_t S1SIZE,
        !           590:           mp_limb_t S2LIMB)
        !           591:      Divide {S1P, S1SIZE} by S2LIMB, and return the remainder.
        !           592:
        !           593:  - Function: mp_limb_t mpn_preinv_mod_1 (mp_limb_t * S1P, mp_size_t
        !           594:           S1SIZE, mp_limb_t S2LIMB, mp_limb_t S3LIMB)
        !           595:      *This interface is obsolete.  It will disappear from future
        !           596:      releases.  Use `mpn_mod_1' in its stead.*
        !           597:
        !           598:  - Function: mp_limb_t mpn_bdivmod (mp_limb_t * DEST_PTR, mp_limb_t *
        !           599:           S1P, mp_size_t S1SIZE, const mp_limb_t * S2P, mp_size_t
        !           600:           S2SIZE, unsigned long int D)
        !           601:      The function puts the low [D/BITS_PER_MP_LIMB] limbs of Q = {S1P,
        !           602:      S1SIZE}/{S2P, S2SIZE} mod 2^D at DEST_PTR, and returns the high D
        !           603:      mod BITS_PER_MP_LIMB bits of Q.
        !           604:
        !           605:      {S1P, S1SIZE} - Q * {S2P, S2SIZE} mod 2^(S1SIZE*BITS_PER_MP_LIMB)
        !           606:      is placed at S1P.  Since the low [D/BITS_PER_MP_LIMB] limbs of
        !           607:      this difference are zero, it is possible to overwrite the low
        !           608:      limbs at S1P with this difference, provided DEST_PTR <= S1P.
        !           609:
        !           610:      This function requires that S1SIZE * BITS_PER_MP_LIMB >= D, and
        !           611:      that {S2P, S2SIZE} is odd.
        !           612:
        !           613:      *This interface is preliminary.  It might change incompatibly in
        !           614:      future revisions.*
        !           615:
        !           616:  - Function: mp_limb_t mpn_lshift (mp_limb_t * DEST_PTR, const
        !           617:           mp_limb_t * SRC_PTR, mp_size_t SRC_SIZE, unsigned long int
        !           618:           COUNT)
        !           619:      Shift {SRC_PTR, SRC_SIZE} COUNT bits to the left, and write the
        !           620:      SRC_SIZE least significant limbs of the result to DEST_PTR.  COUNT
        !           621:      might be in the range 1 to n - 1, on an n-bit machine. The bits
        !           622:      shifted out to the left are returned.
        !           623:
        !           624:      Overlapping of the destination space and the source space is
        !           625:      allowed in this function, provided DEST_PTR >= SRC_PTR.
        !           626:
        !           627:      This function is written in assembly for most targets.
        !           628:
        !           629:  - Function: mp_limp_t mpn_rshift (mp_limb_t * DEST_PTR, const
        !           630:           mp_limb_t * SRC_PTR, mp_size_t SRC_SIZE, unsigned long int
        !           631:           COUNT)
        !           632:      Shift {SRC_PTR, SRC_SIZE} COUNT bits to the right, and write the
        !           633:      SRC_SIZE most significant limbs of the result to DEST_PTR.  COUNT
        !           634:      might be in the range 1 to n - 1, on an n-bit machine.  The bits
        !           635:      shifted out to the right are returned.
        !           636:
        !           637:      Overlapping of the destination space and the source space is
        !           638:      allowed in this function, provided DEST_PTR <= SRC_PTR.
        !           639:
        !           640:      This function is written in assembly for most targets.
        !           641:
        !           642:  - Function: int mpn_cmp (const mp_limb_t * SRC1_PTR, const mp_limb_t *
        !           643:           SRC2_PTR, mp_size_t SIZE)
        !           644:      Compare {SRC1_PTR, SIZE} and {SRC2_PTR, SIZE} and return a
        !           645:      positive value if src1 > src2, 0 of they are equal, and a negative
        !           646:      value if src1 < src2.
        !           647:
        !           648:  - Function: mp_size_t mpn_gcd (mp_limb_t * DEST_PTR, mp_limb_t *
        !           649:           SRC1_PTR, mp_size_t SRC1_SIZE, mp_limb_t * SRC2_PTR,
        !           650:           mp_size_t SRC2_SIZE)
        !           651:      Puts at DEST_PTR the greatest common divisor of {SRC1_PTR,
        !           652:      SRC1_SIZE} and {SRC2_PTR, SRC2_SIZE}; both source operands are
        !           653:      destroyed by the operation.  The size in limbs of the greatest
        !           654:      common divisor is returned.
        !           655:
        !           656:      {SRC1_PTR, SRC1_SIZE} must be odd, and {SRC2_PTR, SRC2_SIZE} must
        !           657:      have at least as many bits as {SRC1_PTR, SRC1_SIZE}.
        !           658:
        !           659:      *This interface is preliminary.  It might change incompatibly in
        !           660:      future revisions.*
        !           661:
        !           662:  - Function: mp_limb_t mpn_gcd_1 (const mp_limb_t * SRC1_PTR, mp_size_t
        !           663:           SRC1_SIZE, mp_limb_t SRC2_LIMB)
        !           664:      Return the greatest common divisor of {SRC1_PTR, SRC1_SIZE} and
        !           665:      SRC2_LIMB, where SRC2_LIMB (as well as SRC1_SIZE) must be
        !           666:      different from 0.
        !           667:
        !           668:  - Function: mp_size_t mpn_gcdext (mp_limb_t * R1P, mp_limb_t * R2P,
        !           669:           mp_limb_t * S1P, mp_size_t S1SIZE, mp_limb_t * S2P, mp_size_t
        !           670:           S2SIZE)
        !           671:      Puts at R1P the greatest common divisor of {S1P, S1SIZE} and {S2P,
        !           672:      S2SIZE}.  The first cofactor is written at R2P.  Both source
        !           673:      operands are destroyed by the operation.  The size in limbs of the
        !           674:      greatest common divisor is returned.
        !           675:
        !           676:      *This interface is preliminary.  It might change incompatibly in
        !           677:      future revisions.*
        !           678:
        !           679:  - Function: mp_size_t mpn_sqrtrem (mp_limb_t * R1P, mp_limb_t * R2P,
        !           680:           const mp_limb_t * SP, mp_size_t SIZE)
        !           681:      Compute the square root of {SP, SIZE} and put the result at R1P.
        !           682:      Write the remainder at R2P, unless R2P is NULL.
        !           683:
        !           684:      Return the size of the remainder, whether R2P was NULL or non-NULL.
        !           685:      Iff the operand was a perfect square, the return value will be 0.
        !           686:
        !           687:      The areas at R1P and SP have to be distinct.  The areas at R2P and
        !           688:      SP have to be identical or completely separate, not partially
        !           689:      overlapping.
        !           690:
        !           691:      The area at R1P needs to have space for ceil(SIZE/2) limbs.  The
        !           692:      area at R2P needs to be SIZE limbs large.
        !           693:
        !           694:      *This interface is preliminary.  It might change incompatibly in
        !           695:      future revisions.*
        !           696:
        !           697:  - Function: mp_size_t mpn_get_str (unsigned char *STR, int BASE,
        !           698:           mp_limb_t * S1P, mp_size_t S1SIZE)
        !           699:      Convert {S1P, S1SIZE} to a raw unsigned char array in base BASE.
        !           700:      The string is not in ASCII; to convert it to printable format, add
        !           701:      the ASCII codes for `0' or `A', depending on the base and range.
        !           702:      There may be leading zeros in the string.
        !           703:
        !           704:      The area at S1P is clobbered.
        !           705:
        !           706:      Return the number of characters in STR.
        !           707:
        !           708:      The area at STR has to have space for the largest possible number
        !           709:      represented by a S1SIZE long limb array, plus one extra character.
        !           710:
        !           711:  - Function: mp_size_t mpn_set_str (mp_limb_t * R1P, const char *STR,
        !           712:           size_t strsize, int BASE)
        !           713:      Convert the raw unsigned char array at STR of length STRSIZE to a
        !           714:      limb array {S1P, S1SIZE}.  The base of STR is BASE.
        !           715:
        !           716:      Return the number of limbs stored in R1P.
        !           717:
        !           718:  - Function: unsigned long int mpn_scan0 (const mp_limb_t * S1P,
        !           719:           unsigned long int BIT)
        !           720:      Scan S1P from bit position BIT for the next clear bit.
        !           721:
        !           722:      It is required that there be a clear bit within the area at S1P at
        !           723:      or beyond bit position BIT, so that the function has something to
        !           724:      return.
        !           725:
        !           726:      *This interface is preliminary.  It might change incompatibly in
        !           727:      future revisions.*
        !           728:
        !           729:  - Function: unsigned long int mpn_scan1 (const mp_limb_t * S1P,
        !           730:           unsigned long int BIT)
        !           731:      Scan S1P from bit position BIT for the next set bit.
        !           732:
        !           733:      It is required that there be a set bit within the area at S1P at or
        !           734:      beyond bit position BIT, so that the function has something to
        !           735:      return.
        !           736:
        !           737:      *This interface is preliminary.  It might change incompatibly in
        !           738:      future revisions.*
        !           739:
        !           740:  - Function: void mpn_random2 (mp_limb_t * R1P, mp_size_t R1SIZE)
        !           741:      Generate a random number of length R1SIZE with long strings of
        !           742:      zeros and ones in the binary representation, and store it at R1P.
        !           743:
        !           744:      The generated random numbers are intended for testing the
        !           745:      correctness of the implementation of the `mpn' routines.
        !           746:
        !           747:  - Function: unsigned long int mpn_popcount (const mp_limb_t * S1P,
        !           748:           unsigned long int SIZE)
        !           749:      Count the number of set bits in {S1P, SIZE}.
        !           750:
        !           751:  - Function: unsigned long int mpn_hamdist (const mp_limb_t * S1P,
        !           752:           const mp_limb_t * S2P, unsigned long int SIZE)
        !           753:      Compute the hamming distance between {S1P, SIZE} and {S2P, SIZE}.
        !           754:
        !           755:  - Function: int mpn_perfect_square_p (const mp_limb_t * S1P, mp_size_t
        !           756:           SIZE)
        !           757:      Return non-zero iff {S1P, SIZE} is a perfect square.
        !           758:
        !           759: 
        !           760: File: gmp.info,  Node: BSD Compatible Functions,  Next: Custom Allocation,  Prev: Low-level Functions,  Up: Top
        !           761:
        !           762: Berkeley MP Compatible Functions
        !           763: ********************************
        !           764:
        !           765:    These functions are intended to be fully compatible with the
        !           766: Berkeley MP library which is available on many BSD derived U*ix systems.
        !           767:
        !           768:    The original Berkeley MP library has a usage restriction: you cannot
        !           769: use the same variable as both source and destination in a single
        !           770: function call.  The compatible functions in GNU MP do not share this
        !           771: restriction--inputs and outputs may overlap.
        !           772:
        !           773:    It is not recommended that new programs are written using these
        !           774: functions.  Apart from the incomplete set of functions, the interface
        !           775: for initializing `MINT' objects is more error prone, and the `pow'
        !           776: function collides with `pow' in `libm.a'.
        !           777:
        !           778:    Include the header `mp.h' to get the definition of the necessary
        !           779: types and functions.  If you are on a BSD derived system, make sure to
        !           780: include GNU `mp.h' if you are going to link the GNU `libmp.a' to you
        !           781: program.  This means that you probably need to give the -I<dir> option
        !           782: to the compiler, where <dir> is the directory where you have GNU `mp.h'.
        !           783:
        !           784:  - Function: MINT * itom (signed short int INITIAL_VALUE)
        !           785:      Allocate an integer consisting of a `MINT' object and dynamic limb
        !           786:      space.  Initialize the integer to INITIAL_VALUE.  Return a pointer
        !           787:      to the `MINT' object.
        !           788:
        !           789:  - Function: MINT * xtom (char *INITIAL_VALUE)
        !           790:      Allocate an integer consisting of a `MINT' object and dynamic limb
        !           791:      space.  Initialize the integer from INITIAL_VALUE, a hexadecimal,
        !           792:      '\0'-terminate C string.  Return a pointer to the `MINT' object.
        !           793:
        !           794:  - Function: void move (MINT *SRC, MINT *DEST)
        !           795:      Set DEST to SRC by copying.  Both variables must be previously
        !           796:      initialized.
        !           797:
        !           798:  - Function: void madd (MINT *SRC_1, MINT *SRC_2, MINT *DESTINATION)
        !           799:      Add SRC_1 and SRC_2 and put the sum in DESTINATION.
        !           800:
        !           801:  - Function: void msub (MINT *SRC_1, MINT *SRC_2, MINT *DESTINATION)
        !           802:      Subtract SRC_2 from SRC_1 and put the difference in DESTINATION.
        !           803:
        !           804:  - Function: void mult (MINT *SRC_1, MINT *SRC_2, MINT *DESTINATION)
        !           805:      Multiply SRC_1 and SRC_2 and put the product in DESTINATION.
        !           806:
        !           807:  - Function: void mdiv (MINT *DIVIDEND, MINT *DIVISOR, MINT *QUOTIENT,
        !           808:           MINT *REMAINDER)
        !           809:  - Function: void sdiv (MINT *DIVIDEND, signed short int DIVISOR, MINT
        !           810:           *QUOTIENT, signed short int *REMAINDER)
        !           811:      Set QUOTIENT to DIVIDEND/DIVISOR, and REMAINDER to DIVIDEND mod
        !           812:      DIVISOR.  The quotient is rounded towards zero; the remainder has
        !           813:      the same sign as the dividend unless it is zero.
        !           814:
        !           815:      Some implementations of these functions work differently--or not
        !           816:      at all--for negative arguments.
        !           817:
        !           818:  - Function: void msqrt (MINT *OPERAND, MINT *ROOT, MINT *REMAINDER)
        !           819:      Set ROOT to the truncated integer part of the square root of
        !           820:      OPERAND.  Set REMAINDER to OPERAND-ROOT*ROOT, (i.e., zero if
        !           821:      OPERAND is a perfect square).
        !           822:
        !           823:      If ROOT and REMAINDER are the same variable, the results are
        !           824:      undefined.
        !           825:
        !           826:  - Function: void pow (MINT *BASE, MINT *EXP, MINT *MOD, MINT *DEST)
        !           827:      Set DEST to (BASE raised to EXP) modulo MOD.
        !           828:
        !           829:  - Function: void rpow (MINT *BASE, signed short int EXP, MINT *DEST)
        !           830:      Set DEST to BASE raised to EXP.
        !           831:
        !           832:  - Function: void gcd (MINT *OPERAND1, MINT *OPERAND2, MINT *RES)
        !           833:      Set RES to the greatest common divisor of OPERAND1 and OPERAND2.
        !           834:
        !           835:  - Function: int mcmp (MINT *OPERAND1, MINT *OPERAND2)
        !           836:      Compare OPERAND1 and OPERAND2.  Return a positive value if
        !           837:      OPERAND1 > OPERAND2, zero if OPERAND1 = OPERAND2, and a negative
        !           838:      value if OPERAND1 < OPERAND2.
        !           839:
        !           840:  - Function: void min (MINT *DEST)
        !           841:      Input a decimal string from `stdin', and put the read integer in
        !           842:      DEST.  SPC and TAB are allowed in the number string, and are
        !           843:      ignored.
        !           844:
        !           845:  - Function: void mout (MINT *SRC)
        !           846:      Output SRC to `stdout', as a decimal string.  Also output a
        !           847:      newline.
        !           848:
        !           849:  - Function: char * mtox (MINT *OPERAND)
        !           850:      Convert OPERAND to a hexadecimal string, and return a pointer to
        !           851:      the string.  The returned string is allocated using the default
        !           852:      memory allocation function, `malloc' by default.
        !           853:
        !           854:  - Function: void mfree (MINT *OPERAND)
        !           855:      De-allocate, the space used by OPERAND.  *This function should
        !           856:      only be passed a value returned by `itom' or `xtom'.*
        !           857:
        !           858: 
        !           859: File: gmp.info,  Node: Custom Allocation,  Next: Contributors,  Prev: BSD Compatible Functions,  Up: Top
        !           860:
        !           861: Custom Allocation
        !           862: *****************
        !           863:
        !           864:    By default, the MP functions use `malloc', `realloc', and `free' for
        !           865: memory allocation.  If `malloc' or `realloc' fails, the MP library
        !           866: terminates execution after printing a fatal error message to standard
        !           867: error.
        !           868:
        !           869:    For some applications, you may wish to allocate memory in other
        !           870: ways, or you may not want to have a fatal error when there is no more
        !           871: memory available.  To accomplish this, you can specify alternative
        !           872: memory allocation functions.
        !           873:
        !           874:  - Function: void mp_set_memory_functions (
        !           875:           void *(*ALLOC_FUNC_PTR) (size_t),
        !           876:           void *(*REALLOC_FUNC_PTR) (void *, size_t, size_t),
        !           877:           void (*FREE_FUNC_PTR) (void *, size_t))
        !           878:      Replace the current allocation functions from the arguments.  If
        !           879:      an argument is NULL, the corresponding default function is
        !           880:      retained.
        !           881:
        !           882:      *Make sure to call this function in such a way that there are no
        !           883:      active MP objects that were allocated using the previously active
        !           884:      allocation function!  Usually, that means that you have to call
        !           885:      this function before any other MP function.*
        !           886:
        !           887:    The functions you supply should fit the following declarations:
        !           888:
        !           889:  - Function: void * allocate_function (size_t ALLOC_SIZE)
        !           890:      This function should return a pointer to newly allocated space
        !           891:      with at least ALLOC_SIZE storage units.
        !           892:
        !           893:  - Function: void * reallocate_function (void *PTR, size_t OLD_SIZE,
        !           894:           size_t NEW_SIZE)
        !           895:      This function should return a pointer to newly allocated space of
        !           896:      at least NEW_SIZE storage units, after copying at least the first
        !           897:      OLD_SIZE storage units from PTR.  It should also de-allocate the
        !           898:      space at PTR.
        !           899:
        !           900:      You can assume that the space at PTR was formerly returned from
        !           901:      `allocate_function' or `reallocate_function', for a request for
        !           902:      OLD_SIZE storage units.
        !           903:
        !           904:  - Function: void deallocate_function (void *PTR, size_t SIZE)
        !           905:      De-allocate the space pointed to by PTR.
        !           906:
        !           907:      You can assume that the space at PTR was formerly returned from
        !           908:      `allocate_function' or `reallocate_function', for a request for
        !           909:      SIZE storage units.
        !           910:
        !           911:    (A "storage unit" is the unit in which the `sizeof' operator returns
        !           912: the size of an object, normally an 8 bit byte.)
        !           913:
        !           914: 
        !           915: File: gmp.info,  Node: Contributors,  Next: References,  Prev: Custom Allocation,  Up: Top
        !           916:
        !           917: Contributors
        !           918: ************
        !           919:
        !           920:    I would like to thank Gunnar Sjoedin and Hans Riesel for their help
        !           921: with mathematical problems, Richard Stallman for his help with design
        !           922: issues and for revising the first version of this manual, Brian Beuning
        !           923: and Doug Lea for their testing of early versions of the library.
        !           924:
        !           925:    John Amanatides of York University in Canada contributed the function
        !           926: `mpz_probab_prime_p'.
        !           927:
        !           928:    Paul Zimmermann of Inria sparked the development of GMP 2, with his
        !           929: comparisons between bignum packages.
        !           930:
        !           931:    Ken Weber (Kent State University, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
        !           932: do Sul) contributed `mpz_gcd', `mpz_divexact', `mpn_gcd', and
        !           933: `mpn_bdivmod', partially supported by CNPq (Brazil) grant 301314194-2.
        !           934:
        !           935:    Per Bothner of Cygnus Support helped to set up MP to use Cygnus'
        !           936: configure.  He has also made valuable suggestions and tested numerous
        !           937: intermediary releases.
        !           938:
        !           939:    Joachim Hollman was involved in the design of the `mpf' interface,
        !           940: and in the `mpz' design revisions for version 2.
        !           941:
        !           942:    Bennet Yee contributed the functions `mpz_jacobi' and `mpz_legendre'.
        !           943:
        !           944:    Andreas Schwab contributed the files `mpn/m68k/lshift.S' and
        !           945: `mpn/m68k/rshift.S'.
        !           946:
        !           947:    The development of floating point functions of GNU MP 2, were
        !           948: supported in part by the ESPRIT-BRA (Basic Research Activities) 6846
        !           949: project POSSO (POlynomial System SOlving).
        !           950:
        !           951:    GNU MP 2 was finished and released by TMG Datakonsult,
        !           952: Sodermannagatan 5, 116 23 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, in cooperation with the
        !           953: IDA Center for Computing Sciences, USA.
        !           954:
        !           955: 
        !           956: File: gmp.info,  Node: References,  Prev: Contributors,  Up: Top
        !           957:
        !           958: References
        !           959: **********
        !           960:
        !           961:    * Donald E. Knuth, "The Art of Computer Programming", vol 2,
        !           962:      "Seminumerical Algorithms", 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley, 1981.
        !           963:
        !           964:    * John D. Lipson, "Elements of Algebra and Algebraic Computing", The
        !           965:      Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company Inc, 1981.
        !           966:
        !           967:    * Richard M. Stallman, "Using and Porting GCC", Free Software
        !           968:      Foundation, 1995.
        !           969:
        !           970:    * Peter L. Montgomery, "Modular Multiplication Without Trial
        !           971:      Division", in Mathematics of Computation, volume 44, number 170,
        !           972:      April 1985.
        !           973:
        !           974:    * Torbjorn Granlund and Peter L. Montgomery, "Division by Invariant
        !           975:      Integers using Multiplication", in Proceedings of the SIGPLAN
        !           976:      PLDI'94 Conference, June 1994.
        !           977:
        !           978:    * Tudor Jebelean, "An algorithm for exact division", Journal of
        !           979:      Symbolic Computation, v. 15, 1993, pp. 169-180.
        !           980:
        !           981:    * Kenneth Weber, "The accelerated integer GCD algorithm", ACM
        !           982:      Transactions on Mathematical Software, v. 21 (March), 1995, pp.
        !           983:      111-122.
        !           984:
        !           985: 
        !           986: File: gmp.info,  Node: Concept Index,  Up: Top
        !           987:
        !           988: Concept Index
        !           989: *************
        !           990:
        !           991: * Menu:
        !           992:
        !           993: * gmp.h:                                MP Basics.
        !           994: * mp.h:                                 BSD Compatible Functions.
        !           995: * Arithmetic functions <1>:             Float Arithmetic.
        !           996: * Arithmetic functions:                 Integer Arithmetic.
        !           997: * Bit manipulation functions:           Integer Logic and Bit Fiddling.
        !           998: * BSD MP compatible functions:          BSD Compatible Functions.
        !           999: * Comparison functions:                 Float Comparison.
        !          1000: * Conditions for copying GNU MP:        Copying.
        !          1001: * Conversion functions <1>:             Converting Integers.
        !          1002: * Conversion functions:                 Converting Floats.
        !          1003: * Copying conditions:                   Copying.
        !          1004: * Float arithmetic functions:           Float Arithmetic.
        !          1005: * Float assignment functions:           Assigning Floats.
        !          1006: * Float comparisons functions:          Float Comparison.
        !          1007: * Float functions:                      Floating-point Functions.
        !          1008: * Float input and output functions:     I/O of Floats.
        !          1009: * Floating-point functions:             Floating-point Functions.
        !          1010: * Floating-point number:                MP Basics.
        !          1011: * I/O functions <1>:                    I/O of Floats.
        !          1012: * I/O functions:                        I/O of Integers.
        !          1013: * Initialization and assignment functions <1>: Simultaneous Float Init & Assign.
        !          1014: * Initialization and assignment functions: Simultaneous Integer Init & Assign.
        !          1015: * Input functions <1>:                  I/O of Integers.
        !          1016: * Input functions:                      I/O of Floats.
        !          1017: * Installation:                         Installing MP.
        !          1018: * Integer:                              MP Basics.
        !          1019: * Integer arithmetic functions:         Integer Arithmetic.
        !          1020: * Integer assignment functions:         Assigning Integers.
        !          1021: * Integer conversion functions:         Converting Integers.
        !          1022: * Integer functions:                    Integer Functions.
        !          1023: * Integer input and output functions:   I/O of Integers.
        !          1024: * Limb:                                 MP Basics.
        !          1025: * Logical functions:                    Integer Logic and Bit Fiddling.
        !          1026: * Low-level functions:                  Low-level Functions.
        !          1027: * Miscellaneous float functions:        Miscellaneous Float Functions.
        !          1028: * Miscellaneous integer functions:      Miscellaneous Integer Functions.
        !          1029: * Output functions <1>:                 I/O of Floats.
        !          1030: * Output functions:                     I/O of Integers.
        !          1031: * Rational number:                      MP Basics.
        !          1032: * Rational number functions:            Rational Number Functions.
        !          1033: * Reporting bugs:                       Reporting Bugs.
        !          1034: * User-defined precision:               Floating-point Functions.
        !          1035:

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